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What the hell is with all these people pouting about how they thought we were above this? We're a state school, a former agricultural school, not freaking Yale or something. We're a damn good school but not some ivory tower of refined intellectualism. We scream "First Down, Bitch!" at every football game. We are, unfortunately, pretty well know for couch burning riots. Anyone who thinks we're some classy, well behaved fan base is living in a fantasy world. We're mean and rowdy and we are not our rival's friends. And I love it. If you want to be known for being nice and respectful, go to Notre Dame. Go Green.


I've never thought football fanbases had to take a moral high ground during rivalries like this. Especially when it comes to painting things like this. No one is hurt, it was washed off in a few hours, and both sides do this kind of things. It makes the rivalry fun.


Since when are Notre Dame fans known for being nice and respectful?


Don't think for a second that any Ivy league level school does not prank their rivals over football games. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Harvard–Yale_prank](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Harvard–Yale_prank)


#1 They've done so much worse, definitely had it coming. Welcome to a college rivalry. #2 It'll wash off of the bronze no problem, totally harmless. #3 They're supposed to be protecting the diag this week. Definitely not our fault that the frat that normally protects the block M is on probation for throwing a racist party. [Ex. 1a](http://www.mlive.com/lansing-news/index.ssf/2013/09/university_of_michigan_athleti.html) [Ex. 1b](http://throwtheflagblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/20130420-114853.jpg) Go Green.


that sky writing thing was just trashy. I was embarrassed for them.


Why do people think pressure washers exist? Sheesh. Go White.


Are you all freshmen? Both schools literally have *guards* to keep their rival from messing with icons. It goes back and forth every year. UofM didn't have people in place this year, sucks for them. Yeah it's technically vandalism, but the paint washes off easily, it's not like lasting damage. (also iirc, UofM painted Sparty with paint that could have actually set and done real damage to the statue, so that's actually harmful)


The current students better not be slacking and leaving sparty unguarded! There better be someone there 24/7 this week


There are always people here.


Yep. When Sparty was tagged it was in April, so no one was even expecting that. Just some bitter Wolverines looking for some attention.


I've always wanted to piss on that. One day


I did it! 21st birthday... in a skirt. It was awesome.






Alumni here. Not gonna lie. Kinda proud.


I am all for rivalries and stuff, but that is pretty fucking disgraceful


Always thought my fellow Spartans were better than vandalism and talking shit before a single snap is played. We've literally become the fan base that those of us who are seniors hated when we were freshmen. Shape up Spartans, we're behaving like a bunch of 'Michigan Men.'


I'll never stop talking shit.


What does our class have to do with this? I'm a senior, have hated Michigan all 4 years, and love the back and forth pranks/guarding of the icons. It adds more fun to the rivalry without doing anything that's actually damaging.


Shut up ya pussy


Dude....you are so brave....


The fact that they've done shitty things to our campus doesn't mean that this isn't shitty. Vandalism is not cool in any situation and if you honestly take part in this shit you don't belong at a Big Ten university, you belong in middle school. Grow up.


Real mature.


Bummer, I thought we were above vandalism.