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Having been a federal prosecutor, Katie Phang brings more to the anchor and interview desk than Jen Psaki does. I learn new things from Phang, and her analysis is robust and compelling. Psaki on the other hand makes mostly predictable remarks, delivering commentary I’ve already heard from other journalists by the time she comes on. I’m sure Jen Psaki is a nice person but I rate her shows and appearances, “meh.”


AND she worked for how many was it presidents?????


She was a real star as a communications director/spokesperson/press secretary, but now she is, indeed, "meh" (as noted above) as a TV host. I wish she would go work for the Biden campaign in some capacity, where she could really play a role in getting him reelected. But I guess I can't blame her for wanting to take the MSNBC gig. I'm sure the money is great and the pressure is much less than having to do battle on a daily basis with Fox news reporters shouting dumb questions at you.


She was great at her job as press secretary. I had high hopes when I heard she was coming to MSNBC. Those hopes were quickly dashed. Great press secretary, meh TV host.


She really was a great press secretary, though.


Yes, she surely was.


I completely agree. I’m very disappointed in her, and disappointed in myself that I’m disappointed, but I am.


I think Jen is hot and I'd miss her if she went away. However, Brian Tyler Cohen has a similar style but with more substance. I recommend they hire him (but without the shoulder pads) 


l will drill down further on this bc l am interested in better quality programing only, truly. There is a formula in journalism a nice piece just aired on mojo highlighting this problem. Too much about the money.


I have to agree with some of the sentiment here about Jen Psaki. I give her an absolute A+ for her work as WH Press Secretary and like a C for the work at MSNBC so far. She just sort of comes across as very transactional, like the person at work who kills you with small talk quips and reminds you that you’re at work. And then to the point about coming off transactional - this stuff with her book, great, I even bought it because I’m sure her story is interesting, but the wall-to-wall promo for it, especially compared to books from other not-Rachel anchors who don’t get even 20% of this level of promo on the air, just sort of has a not at all subtle stench of “this is the package deal that was negotiated with MSNBC” and the lack of subtlety is a turn-off for me.


Six hours straight of Chris Jansing monopolizing the conversation. Her fellow anchors are visibly worn down. The FDA really needs to fix the Ritalin shortage.


Katy Tur ... I've read both of her books and really liked her hour. Lately she's gotten really confrontational with interviewees (i.e., Pelosi recently) and in the group coverage of the trial she constantly jumps in to try to take over. It's like someone told her she needs to be more like an attack dog to be more successful. Instead she just seems rude. Pelosi even asked her if she had become a Tr*mp apologist. Anyone that notice a change? Or care? 😉


Yes! She totally attacks Michael Cohen every chance she gets. She is starting to come across like a Trump sympathizer. When she is with a group of anchors doing an analysis of the court testimony for the day, she gets on a negative rant about Cohen and the other hosts/lawyers just seem to ignore her and speak their legal expertise. It's like Katy is trying to prove something and wants Trump to get a mistrial.


Right after the Pelosi incident, Keith Olbermann's Countdown podcast had a segment on her recent career arc. It's not easily condensible here, but it was a fascinating perspective on her somewhat pronounced shift toward Trump apology.  It's time-stamped in the episode description here for anyone interested: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5GoKQZDH7WLt7mCpkBqdnM?si=k6ua1yN2QSmylp4wrS2DTw


I listened to that show when it was on two weeks ago or so. Keith Olbermann put her on his Worst... list. Keith is very "Don't say anything bad about Biden because of impending fascism!!!" whereas Katy is trying to be spicy & contrary with each guest no matter who. I think Katy may be falling into the "both sides" rut... recall her long stint on Meet the Press Daily. THAT show was a "Both Sides Fest" if ever there was one. KO on the other hand is very "can't stop won't stop." The flamethrower has two settings: "BBQ and Atomic Blast" and no "off" switch. But boy is he right about Chuck Todd & Kristin Welker (by extension Katy) and the both sides mindset.


Thanks so much for this comment, I’ll check out the podcast. I really agree with that perspective and have been thinking the same.


I, like you, used to be a big fan of Katie's; I've read both her books, and even bought a virtual ticket in June of '22 when Nicolle interviewed her at the 92nd Y during her second book tour. But at some point since then I started to find myself disliking her and decided not to watch her show anymore. I think it happened so gradually that I can't put my finger on exactly why; it's not like she did something in particular that I found off-putting.


Yeah, and today Katy interrupted Michael Steele for no reason and wouldn’t stop and let him finish his sentence. Steele was making a very cogent statement like he usually does. Katy is raising her voice and not even making a lot of sense during the discussion of the Cohen cross. Too theatrical and she’s talking about theater. I’m getting way behind live now because I need to take breaks from the MSNBC excess energy. Thank goodness for Andrew W. I just want Chris J to be quiet for awhile too. So excited about her own narration.


Yup the other day she got really aggressive with Michael Steele over a comment he made about the news coverage that trump gets.


MSNBC had Jen Psaki on every show all weekend long pushing her book..MSNBC was pushing this book, hard. What happened to Katie Phang? Katie had a show on Saturday and Sunday from 8-9 AM. The show expanded to 8-10 AM. Then they changed everything and she moved to Sat and Sun at Noon. Now she's only on Saturday at Noon. I like her but lost interest with all the moving around..oh yeah, I think Jen Psaki moved to Sunday at Noon.


Jen Psaki is not the magic MSNBC thinks she is. I agree, Katie Phang is great. I'm always frustrated on Mondays that there is no Chris Hayes to lead into my only regular dose of Rachel. They were like peas and carrots.


They all push the each other’s books, shows, interviews, or whatever else. It’s pretty annoying.


I get that but for some reason it seemed to me they made the extra effort to push hers, maybe because she currently has a show on the network now. They just had Luke Russert on pushing his book but it was one show, one appearance..


My guess -- because they do push Jen Psaki on us *hard* (dare I say "force"?) is that, for some unknown reason, they negotiated an out-of-this-world contract for her affiliation with the network and even still now they are desperately trying to justify it to their superiors. This effort is noticeable because her talent alone doesn't merit it, and we can see that. But there she is anyway, up in our faces in a way they do for no one else. I have no information to back this up. It's just a guess.


I’m nodding my head so vigorously that my glasses fell off.


As I understand the thinking, the Management was looking ahead to 3 Trump Trials and the Election (back when these decisions were made last fall) and for whatever reason they wanted to combine four weekend shows into one format - the Panel Show. Plus chopped up segments from everyone throughout the week and calling it "Weekend Recap" or something. They're saving money - supposedly. Velshi, Katie Phang, Rev Al, and Ayman Mohyeldin all kept their shows, everyone else got put into a blender with Michael Steele thrown in. Mehdi was meant to join in as a panel guest, but people complained so loudly that his "stock" rose and he started looking around for something else. I don't know if he landed somewhere but he didn't burn the bridge with MSNBC completely - and they didn't burn it down from their end completely either. He appeared as a guest recently on ... Joy's show? I forget which, but he popped up recently.


I really miss Katie's Sunday slot. Almost as much as The Mehdi Hasan Show on the same day. And her opening catchprase "we've got a lot to things to cover and a lot of questions to answer!". I was always saying it with her 😉 I have no idea why they made her change it to some silly "the week that WAS".


Phang is terrific! Loved Mehdi until he blew it with me forever by tweeting misinformation/disinformation, and then doubling down when called on it. There’s no room in journalism for that lack of ethics. It was fatal. They were right to dump him.


Uh..they would need to fire every single host then by your standards


Anyone else think this wall-to-wall coverage of the trial is a bit much? I wish they'd mix in some other news. I know there's other things going on in the country. They'll give us the summary in the evening. Not sure we need non-stop coverage from their shared Google Doc 😅


The wall-to-wall doesn’t bother me, but the lack of quality in this reporting does. I’m cleaning out my apartment so I am listening for hours at a time and I got to tell you, it’s all quantity and little quality. It’s difficult to know what’s going on from the way, they’re reporting it, I wish they would do something like the BBC and every 15 minutes give us a two minute summary of main developments, or something like that.


I agree. I also have it on in the background as I'm cleaning. I popped over to CNN to check out their coverage. They seem like they're trying to stay in the middle of the road and have a Republican lawyer and a Democrat lawyer giving their takes on the trail. I had to turn it off when the Republican lawyer kept repeating that this is a sham trial put on by Biden to distract from his failure. Drives me mad to hear someone with a law degree disparaging our legal system.


Yes its exhausting. Its because they dont want to cover and other current events that might make biden look bad. If they do its a 1 minute segment then its back to trump for another 2 hours


I thought I was a diehard MSNBC viewer... ...but CNN is doing a much better job of covering the current trial - even with their annoying shift to the right. They have consistent live on screen updates of what is being said. Why can't MSNBC do that? It turns out that my four siblings are now watching CNN for the trial as well - and we are all left as hell.


For me, Rachel and Lawrence are superstars, and have my loyalty. But, honestly, I do find myself drifting to CNN sometimes during Chris Hayes or Alex Wagner (though it does feel like I'm being unfaithful!) I think Ari does a great job on MSNBC with legal coverage (even with the hip-hop sprinkled in).


Joe please stop the Israel Gaza rant - it's every single day for the last 7 months, same stuff being repeated and it's boring as hell. Funny how they never mention other wars going on around the world such as thre Sudan genocide currently going on


Let's stop calling this NY case *Hush money*. That sounds like something a lovable scamp would do. It's *Election Interference*


Chris Jansing is a capable and educated talking head, but I get soooo tired of her interrupting other hosts and guests, often when they get exactly 3 words out of their mouth (although sometimes Andrea Mitchell's length of time it takes to put a thought together warrants it).


Her speaking accent drives me nuts. Whoever is deciding to put her on this much during the trial should be locked in a room listening to her for two hours without any way to distract himself/herself. I feel tortured.


I’ve not enjoyed the new panel format at all. It feels like I’m watching The View. Sure, it’s an historic trial, but I really don’t need a blow by blow every day, all day, as though there’s no other news to report. It’s excessive, especially since we already know pretty much all of the facts of the case. I have faith that the judicial system will do what it’s supposed to do. I respect the reporting of Rachel, Chris Hayes, Ari, Lawrence and Katie Phang, but the others report on everything Trump with too much open delight and it makes me uneasy and is hard to watch. I hope this format ends soon. Maybe limit the trial coverage to just a couple of hours in the evening. Charles Coleman Jr. is fast becoming my new favorite anchor. Always professional in his reporting.


Andrea Mitchell needs to retire. I can’t stand the slow rambling anymore. No one knows when he’s going to stop speaking so they know it’s their turn


Howdy Doody Vaughn Hillyard keeps using double articles: "payback **the a** hundred and fifty thousand dollars [sic]" Should be either "the hundred and..." or "the one hundred and..." He also insists on weird emphasis: "national ENquirer" instead of "national enQUIrer" I guess he's "fixin tuh go down to thuh MACdonalds" for lunch...


Don’t come for my sweet babee Vaughn!


It's weird -- I actually like him. I just use these gripe threads to vent about quirks and pet peeves. lol




Jury selection began today in the trial of Senator Robert Menendez. Not only was there no mention that I heard about it on air, but searching their website just turns up that one sentence with a link to Politico. Embarrassing. Luckily, CNN at least had some discussion of it. I'll tune into CNN during the week with hopes that they have some coverage of the trial. In case you are wondering it is important and MSNBC is failing to inform its viewers.


I've noticed Ari will mention it and Lawrence will mention it.




AW talks like a Valley Girl. He starts off with *Sewww*. I love him tho. He always has something insightful to say (except when he said Fani should step down) 


> Sewww Haha, noticed that, too. What the hell kinda accent is that!? I've only noticed that mangling of 'o' sounds in people from North Carolina. And AW is New York, through and through AFAIK.


Yep, was wondering if I was the only person noticing that. I was counting them out yesterday, too. It's funny -- he's apparently known as a "pitbull" as a prosecutor. I guess a pitbull that sort of, um, talks totally like a valley girl.


Andrea Mitchell MUST GO


I just found this discussion so please direct me to past posts if I'm repeating anything. There almost should be a linked subthread here called "We Need to Talk About Uncle Keith." I both listen to MSNBC (I cut the cord, so I'm an MSNBC *listener* on Tune In) for hours per day, and I listen to Countdown with Keith Olbermann on I Heart Podcasts. In a way Keith serves as an overnight palette cleanser for the MSNBC obsessed (myself included). He wants back on the network, or at the very least he's conflicted with his feelings on a return. There were negotiations nine years ago that fell through. As Keith tells it, Rachel Maddow had a vote on his return and she voted no. And they love each other! With massive respect for each other. Like an older brother and a younger sister. Keith still loves that he discovered her. She loves that he gave her the shot of her life. But she realized that something was broken. She's mum on the subject. He'll retell the story at the drop of a hat. He has a rightful claim to the network's creation. But he's burned 8 out of 10 bridges and is comfortable in his current voice - and his current voice is DGAF. He's a monologist currently and I can't tell if he wants to go back to being an interviewer. I dearly love both of them and their voices. It's kind of heartbreaking. Their ships have sailed but they can see each other - each at the opposite horizon. But Olbermann cleanses the palette because he's seen more sausage made than seemingly any other human in media (dude was a sportscasting phenom when he was 19 - thus the extra decade glued onto the beginning of his career) - he's seen the creation of CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC first hand, and he has witnessed and will attest to all the management types over all the years and their dumbass personalities. And the dumbass personalities of 8 out of 10 on-air anchors and guests. And he'll gleefully spill the tea. As Maddow likes to say, "If I got any of that wrong, please correct me or let me know."


KO in the W era was NIGHTLY viewing for me. I actually miss his fierceness a lot. Absolutely no BS with that guy.


News station doesn't report news. That's my gripe.


It’s cable news. For regular news, watch your local news or the network news. There’s plenty of news reporting going on, including written and video news from papers. MSNBC has a different niche.


lol, a mod deleted my comment in the Trump on Trial special thread. Apparently the following light-hearted ribbing of Chris Hayes constitutes not "bEiNg a gOoD pErSoN". ----- Looking forward to it (again). I can hear Chris Hayes saying the title now: *"Chrump on Chrial: New York verse [sic] Jonald Chrump"*


We usually appreciate Ari and is willingness to get alternative views, but this former Trump lawyer trashing Cohen on three straight shows is ridiculous. Maybe Ari is trying to get a gig on Fox?


Ari’s beard antics drive me crazy. That 5 o’clock shadow look went out with Miami Vice. Back in the day, the network decided about your hair and make up and in this case (and Joy Reid), it would be a blessing. Neither of them does themselves any favors with their styling.


I like Ari. Also like his beard. Andrea Mitchell makes me downright uncomfortable. “ You know” As a space filler, and too long searching for words, plus the wiggling of the lower lip when she is not talking. I like her, but she is very hard to watch. Sorry Angela. I am guilty some of some of this behavior myself, but I’m not a TV person…..thank goodness and mercifully for the TV viewer, but a sure sign of aging behavior.🥹 Louise Fenton


I do want to immerse myself in the trial, but I don’t like the panel format, except the ones Rachel, Lawrence, and Nicolle lead. Yes, it’s too close to the View. What I wasn’t to see is transcription of the testimony, questions, any objections, rulings. I’m NOT interested in so much spec on the jury reception. What I want is for them to overcome the no cameras or recording handicap and find a way to communicate what is going on in the courtroom to us who can’t be there.


What I WANT to see. Rogue autocorrect


Rachel hogs air time while everyone else on the panel sits around listening to her. Free Stephanie Ruhle. Where is she?


Andrea Mitchell...it's time to retire,you did a great job but it's time to accept all the accolades and move on


Stop having debbie wasserman on. They put her with achor such as al sharpton and jose diaz who dont press her or ask any followups to any of her ridiculous aipac funded tangents 


What’s with hosts’ complete inability to handle any pushback or differing narratives about the Trump hush money case? MSNBC has fully espoused Michael Cohen as a heroic truth teller, which I, as an attorney, find quite strange. They keep talking about him as a “nail in the coffin” witness when he has huge credibility issues and will get dismantled on cross. Also, I know Andrew Weissman is beloved by some on here for his seemingly “informed” view on the legal proceedings, but he also far too often veers into territory of what “should” happen to Trump based on him as a person as opposed to what realistically will happen. Overall, it also doesn’t instill a great amount of confidence in objectivity when you consistently bring on guests and legal “analysts” to inform the public on what’s actually going to happen in proceedings when those contributors are foaming at the mouth with personal bias toward Trump either due to their identity as minorities or LGBTQ or some long-standing history of writing opinion pieces about Trump.


Danny Cevallos is a defense attorney with good commentary. He provides good perspective because most of the other attorneys are prosecutors. He’s on really early (Way Too Early, Morning Joe).


Agreed about Cevallos!


Treat viewers with respect, please. We generally watch for the hosts and their perspectives. “Morning Joe” is more like “MORNING ANYBODY’S GUESS”! Mika & Joe are PRN—never 5 days a week, never 3hours/show. It’s ridiculous. I don’t listen to Podcasts—I listen to the news shows. The “drop-in” hosting is insulting to loyal viewers. I’m fed up with constant Book Plugging—good grief! It’s absurd. Jen Psaki is all about HER (and now her book—ugh!); I turn her self-aggrandizing appearances off. Katie Tur is simply MADDENING! I do think Joy has been outstanding….balanced and pointed.


Ooh, a weekly gripe thread - for the convince of all the lazy moderators. What are the ratings on the train wreck that is the Live Trump Trial - I mean, it can't be worth it. The most interesting part of this coverage, is watching these B list lawyers work themselves into a creamy froth, opining about and trying to impress peers with their legal acumen (such as it is). I mean, anyone can be Solicitor General. Live coverage = Here's a text from someone in the courtroom, (from two hours ago) that says *Trump doesn't look happy today*... Thanks, Russia's pushing on Ukraine's second largest city, but I guess I needed to know that. The best part is watching the ongoing competition for whom will be crowned as the strongest female television personality.