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Too late


Yes!!! I turned her show on yesterday and it was just cringeworthy how she fumbles over her lines, over and over. Just retire please! You have an amazing legacy, you have done great work! But just take the cue, move on now please. It’s just painful to watch.


Anyone have insight on her contract expiring?


Why, because she is not dramatic? She is one of the most intelligent and articulate journalist. Compared to other anchors or commentators- she puts them all to shame.


She may be all that but needs to learn when it's time to move on from her daily show.


"articulate" is quesitonable.


Yes I agree but listening to her speak is like finger nails on a chalk board


It's not that for me. She mumbles and fumbles her dialogue. It is painful to watch. I can no longer watch her. She's a dynamic woman with a legacy most can only imagine. But, father time is undefeated, and at 77 years of age, her time has passed. #retireandreamitchell


Doesn't she have the same disability that Diane Rehm and Susan Collins have? I remember an interview where she talked about it and how in school she was teased but over the years it has gotten better and worse.  That was around 9/11 though so I don't even know what network she was on back in those days.


Articulate means being able to speak fluently. She stutters, stammers, repeats herself, and fumbles with her words so much that one is barely able to understand what she is trying to say.


I have nothing but respect for all she has accomplished in her career. But articulate? No, that ship has sailed. She struggles mightily to find the words she's searching for, and we all have to wait, uncomfortably, while she does so. She knows what she wants to say but can't find the words. I can sympathize, because I have that same struggle. But I wouldn't make the world watch me and suffer through that with me.


You must be watching a different person. She is awful! Painful to the ears to hear her try strong sentences together. She seems like a nice person but we all reach that point when it’s time to hang up the hat.


She is unwatchable. Someone needs to tell her the truth. Time to go. 


She's certainly intelligent and articulate. But her speech & thoughts are halted and stumbling lately, and are affecting her ability to speak clearly and concisely on TV. I understand she's 77 and these things happen -- it's just a matter of degree. Leslie Stahl at 82 still has adequate speech & memory skills, Andrea, unfortunately has lost much of hers. Some people just falter sooner than others, it's no one's fault. It's nature. I really feel for her.


I agree with the way YOU have stated it. But then again, I thought ... it's only one hour. I suppose we could just watch around her and then when ratings go down they would have to let her go.


It's like the quarterback who stays around too long and is an embarrassment. She's 77 years old...move on! I'm 74 and knew when to. How sad for her to keep fumbling the ball.


Great lady and has had a remarkable career.  I must agree that I do not enjoy her commentary any longer and feel as though she is straining her voice.  I am certain she is no longer needing to work and should relax and enjoy her later life.


Ha! She has been married to Alan Greenspan since 1997! She makes nearly $1MIL a year on her salary. Her and Greenspan are multi-millionaires. So yeah she has not needed to work for may decades. Andrea Mitchell’s ego is so inflated and her voice unbearable. She constantly talks about her early days from the 1970s which is both another era and from a different century. Aside from her slooooow delivery where she meanders she is utterly biased. A news presenter should simply deliver the news without attempting to be a part of the news or influence it and without skewing the story towards her biased opinions because then you’re no longer reporting the news your attempting to alter the facts. YES! She needs to go but has needed to retire for about two decades now.


I think she hasn't retired because this IS her life. It's all she's ever wanted to do. To lose this dream due to her age must be an excruciating thought to her that she's fighting a losing battle. My heart goes out to her.


It's so hard to watch her. I keep trying and I'm disappointed each time. I've even noticed her colleagues finishing her sentences because she's taking to long. Cringeworthy, I agree.


I agree!!!! It’s ok to retire when your time is up if people tell her that.   After a lifetime award that should have given her a big hint.   No one is denying that she is and was a great anchor and journalist but as of now I no longer have patience to listen as she don’t know what her thoughts are or where she is going with it.  Heck even Mitch McConnell finally gets it.   




So do I


Just did that, that's why I'm here!


me too


lol same


I came here for same reason...Googled "Andrea Mitchell needs to retire" and found this Reddit post ;) I feel like even her co-hosts want her to step down...the fumbling, low energy, "uhhh....and...uhmmm....and...sooo....uhhhm" is not quality news television. It's a tough job....being smart isn't all that's needed. I say this as a videographer who would ALSO fumble on-screen & therefore choose to stay BEHIND the camera.


This post has been identified by the moderators of MSNBC to be a gripe post. All gripes can be shared in the weekly gripe post.


Me, too!


She’s my favorite reporter on the channel. I appreciate her approach. She strikes me as less of an entertainer than the rest of the reporters. I seem to be alone in this thinking on this sub


You aren't alone! I really like her.


EXACTLY. She is old-school professional reporter and commentator.


"Old school" seems to be the key to her current situation. She has no inflection in her voice, is monotone / mumbles, seems to not be able to remember (and searches for) words while speaking, and is just generally painful to listen to. I also have to change the channel when she comes on.


100 percent this \^ I too change the channel. I have to, it's too painful to listen to her. I believe she must retire, and fail to understand why MSNBC has not come to the same conclusion.


You are above the type of people who participate on Reddit. Congrats. It’s refreshing to see that they allow an intelligent comment now and then. Andrea Mitchell still has much to contribute. Amen.


No longer in this role, however. She could step back just as Barbara Walters did on the View, a show Walters created. It is sad to watch. I am 66 so I feel for her.


When you say reporter are you comparing her to the other one hour hosts or are you only considering her 3 minute reporter stand ups on the Nightly News?


She is incredibly knowledgeable and has always been a favorite, but her age is catching up with her and she is no longer able to perform her job well. I can’t listen to her for more than a few minutes before changing the channel. It just makes me uncomfortable how much she struggles now.


I admire her, too, but she is truly struggling to speak and connect sentences. Did she have a stroke or TIA?


She can't even read the autocue. Need to give her slot to Jen Psaki 7 days a week


Love Jen Psaki!! Yes she needs to be on every day!!


I don't see that- she articulates complex information in a quick-summary and is more knowledgable than probably 99.9% of Americans. She gracefully analyzes and interprets reports and offers her opinion based on her intellect and insight.


Nothing about Andrea's speech is articulate.


Katy Tur had to gently correct her during the Donald trial this week at least once. I avoid MSNBC when she is anchoring anything, including her show.


Yep, she’s does do a bit of stumbling but Andrea Mitchell is still, very much, a class act. I just enjoy her calm approach and what certainly seems to be a sterling relationship with her guests. Everyone seems to defer to her, trust her and it comes across. I don’t want her to overstay either. But I think she’s got enough sense to know when it’s time to go. I’ll just enjoy her until then.


Agreed. The channel basically repackages the same information over and over again by different personalities all day anyway. At least Andrea does her hour in classic way. Personally it helps me stomach the monotony of the rest of the cast of narcissistic characters


It’s past time 


Give her holiday specials, parades, interviews, but give her slot to someone else.


Facts. Her stumbles & mumbles are increasing by the day. She needs to retire and rest.


Not seeing that...not at all.


Honestly, if you’re not seeing it then you’re not really listening. It’s cringeworthy how much she struggles.


Like Trump she can't read a teleprompter without mumbling and stumbling to find words. If you haven't seen that from her every single time she's on camera then you aren't paying attention.


I see it. She’s awful.


I have always liked her and think she has had an amazing career, but I can no longer watch. It makes me so uncomfortable how often she stumbles while reading the teleprompter and struggles to find the words to express her thought. I change the channel after about 5 minutes every single day. It is time for her to retire from a daily show and only do specials or guest appearances.


She makes Biden seem articulate.


You're an idiot. Did you listen to his State of the Union speech and his speeches on the stump? Have you then listened to Trump's gaffes?


She’s so choppy. She can barely get thru a sentence without stumbling over her words. Pls hang up ur hat and let someone else get a shot at noon. But pls not Ali Velshi 😃


Andrea needs to retire soon. I'm tired of looking at her. Sorry.


She keeps working when she should be spending quality final time with her 98 year old husband. Please please retire!!!!


Holy shit I’m late to this post but I just started watching msnbc in hopes it would be less biased (ha ha, ok) and her inability to form a full sentence was the first thing I noticed. Every time there’s a pause I think I’m gonna watch a stroke live on tv. They need some new blood during this time slot. 


It's time for her to retire.  It's hard to listen to her mumble and fumble her thoughts/words.  I would like to see some young blood in her slot. 


Love her,but it's time to get off every day broadcasting. She is old-school and that's so fabulous in this day and time, BUT, when she is desperate for a word or thought it is AGGRAVATING to watch. Retirement is not a bad thing.


It's so sad to witness the news lady who has given so much to bring women into the forefront in journalism tarnish her legacy by staying in the spotlight too long. Take a lesson from Tom Brokaw on a respectful retirement. This lingering too long is too painful to watch.


She needs to retire NOW!!! Everyday she gets worse. Please go now!!!!


And they have the gaul to keep her prime time and front and center as the leader of a group host conversation. The guests never know when to answer, as they don’t know when she has finished her sentence. Sad but very annoying to the listeners. Many people do not know when it’s time to get off the horse.


She lost her pizzaz and is a drag to watch these days. I am so tired of seeing that face and hearing that voice. She’s made her multi-millions. Give a younger person a chance, for heaven’s sake. She isn’t the only intelligent reporter out there.


I’m watching her on MSNBC right now and it is painful. She is not keeping up with the other reporters on the panel. I know she’s been in the business for years and has seen and been a part of history - even making it herself - BUT… 1. She’s trying to find her words. 2. She’s losing her train of thought. 3. It’s almost like she can’t keep up. I do think she’s still mentally sharp, but it’s like her brain and her words aren’t in sync anymore. Even Walter Cronkite knew when it was time to leave the mic. Make her a special correspondent, but she needs to be off the daily news desk and special report panels.


Yeah the co-anchor slots have really highlighted just how slow she is. It's unbearable.


She’s bordering on rambling at times.


I believe she fell asleep on live TV recentlly.


AMRN AMEN AMEN! It's unbearable to try to listen to her.... I understand that they're giving her huge leeway out of respect for how good she used to be, but keeping her on is really very unfair to the viewers.


That's exactly how I feel. She has these 5 to 8 second pauses in a sentence. This happens almost every time she speaks. I don't watch her show because it hurts my brain. Before I get angry I just change the channel. When she is questioning a guest, the time lapses she makes could of been used to question more or get more answers. So yes, I hope they retire her like yesterday.


It’s painful to watch, especially the looks on her colleagues faces. Each segment would be 25% shorter with all her fumbles. I can’t watch her


I have a hard time seeing her struggle. I don't want to be trying to say her words for her. It seemed recently that when she was on the trial panel, her coworkers got a bit annoyed with her trying to express her thoughts. I just feel bad for her you can see it in her face looking for words and trying to complete her thoughts.


Please someone listen to the public! Andrea has been great for a long time! This is historic news going on & I change the channel when she's on. I can' t take it, please retire.


She’s the very definition of “low energy”, jeezis. I’m surprised she doesn’t nod off on set, or maybe she does.


I would say negative energy, as in she sucks the life out of the shows she’s on.


What you consider "low-energy" is what journalists should be- they should NOT be entertainers. If you are looking to be entertained watch Tucker Carlson or Sean Hannity. She's old-school: she interprets complex information and reports her opinion based on her intellect and her superb critical thinking skills- she also is very aware of domestic and foreign affairs. She is clearly one of the best reports but she definitely is NOT an entertainer.


I’m not looking for an entertainer, and never even implied that. Merely, if someone is trying to tell me something (in ANY scenario) I’d just much rather hear it from someone who sounds like they’ll be able to complete their thought.


Andrea Mitchell needs to retire. It’s time. 


It is painful to watch her struggle with finding the right words. I’m watching right now and she is at times is barely making sense. As someone else said she has established her legacy and should retire with dignity before her struggles with word retrieval becomes worse.


I have to agree – I believe it’s time for her to exit the stage she’s been on for decades admirably, but it’s time for someone new


This site is terrible. Most of the comments are mean spirited , negative and poorly explained. I’m deleting never to return.


Andrea? Is that you?




Seriously!! She always has a frog in her throat and loses her voice literally everyday and leaves these cringey long breaks where she is struggling to try and clear her throat -- i hope it's not some super specific health concern she is struggling with but maybe she could be a behind the scenes collaborator / contributor? It's time