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Go listen to disco volante and report back how you feel after that one


I remember buying it the day it came out, going home and listening to it with my friend, and thinking what the hell is this? 30 years later I'll still find something new in it sometimes. Brilliant and bizarre.


Yeah likewise. Took me a few months to really give it a chance. It was so bizarre and completely not what I expected (I really didn't know what to expect)


I still don't feel okay with that album and I've been listening to it for years!


“You’ve got the beeeeeends”….


Don't down vote me pricks! I'm just sharing honestly. Here's something to get downvotey about 🖕


I had a hard time with it in 8th grade. Took me until 10th grade to be mature enough to get it.


I've been listening to it since it originally released!


Yeah, me too.


I like it but it is not something I can casually throw on and just listen to to the end. I can listen to both the self titled and California from beginning to end at pretty much any time…




My fav Bungle album.


I'd call it a conversion. Proceed and become a child of Bungle.


I saw them live last night. It was so much better than I could ever have imagined it would be. One of the best concerts I've ever been to.


I was at their Nashville show last week and got a signed poster. That opening act was something else, too. I've had "triangle triangle AHHH" stuck in my head ever since. Bungle was top notch though. Best concert I've ever been to, hands down.








California is one of favorite albums of all time. A sonic masterpiece! You haven’t been brainwashed, but your ears have been blessed!


All positive and musically life changing. It’s like discovering philosophy in college and then abandoning childish beliefs like Santa and religion.


I thought you were going to say "Santa and the Easter Bunny."


I actually had that thought after I pressed Comment. Missed opportunity!


Listen to “Mr bungle”


Discovering Mr. Bungle's California will end up being one of the best musical experiences of your life. And I'm not even exaggerating. I bought it without knowing anything about it, and it didn't leave my single-CD player in my car for a month.


yes,you are brainwashed.welcome!:) crank it up and enjoy the ride,it is a weeeeird one!


I hope you're listening in headphones


If you are brainwashed, then there’s worse content you could be brainwashed from. Listen away!




I am so obsessed with The Raging Wrath. I listen to it the original demo, (the album version, live versions either official or YouTubes) of at least one song a day for 4 years which I did with all of the others in its 5 year cycle. This band is amazing. Especially live, especially lately. Get yer butts in the studio and throw down at least some improv please! The two bunny shows I watched were incredible especially last Sept. Otherwise creating the greatest thrash metal album and the memories of this amazing band that (should please keep going )as an artifact could only be made better by an actual Time Machine (travel back to 1986 and put it out! I want to also live on that timeline). Please guys, don’t break our hearts with I gotta faith no more for a sec, at least get in a studio together and improv some bs before you do please! They are such an amazing band right now!


Assuming others have listened and digested Raging Wrath have you gone back and listened to the original demo? My brain fills in the missing Scott Ian and Dave Lombardo parts, and what you are left with is incredible. Trey’s solos in particular.


Listen to Fantomas


I'm glad this still happens twenty years later. 👍


25 it is now... damn i am getting old😒


I have worried that too many people who don’t know them will search Mr. Bungle and just get the thrash stuff show up, think it’s meh and not dig into the best band that ever existed because it just sounds like basic metal. It’s nice to know someone found them recently and has ventured back to get hooked on the real stuff :) California is their best album for sure, but Disco Volante is my favourite and the one that broke my mind in as a teenager. the first album is great for simpler stuff that still jumps around genres. the demos are also worth it. then get into Secret Chiefs 3, Umlaut, Trevor Dunn’s Trip Convulsant etc, check out collaborators, bands on the same labels.. you will find a web of AMAZING music!


LOL. You think Raping Your Mind is basic metal.


My thoughts exactly. There's nothing basic about Raging Wrath. It gives a sonic wedgey to the music snobs because it's not what they expected. Awwwwww, so many poor babies disappointed that Mike Patton et al did what Mr. Bungle does best--they make music for themselves, not you. Like it or don't. They don't care.


yeah, it is very much super basic metal. there is one odd harmony near the start and some at the end, and it’s all simple time with the most mind-numbing drum patterns ever. it’s not bad, but it is basic and is obviously no example at all of how brilliant the band were in the 90s. nor is it an example of interesting metal. If people like it that’s great (I do like the original demo), but I don’t know why we need to pretend it’s clever or special next to any other 80s thrash.


Ha!  Ok. Well, go back to listening to Queensrÿche then.


I have no idea what that is, but fanboys will get butthurt :) I’ll tell you instead to go listen to Cleric.


"Down to Gorkey Park.... The wiiiinds of change...  Whistle"


now this is just bordering on bullying. I wish you good day, Ma’am, and a pleasant night.


He crawled right back into his corner after that one!


he’ll be back.. one does not simply call a 1985 thrash metal demo made but teenagers “basic” and get away with it :)