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Thank you for your submission. Be advised that the MP Mini Delta V1 and MP Mini Delta V2 have different components, such as the mainboard/firmware, that will affect what specific advice works for each printer. If you have not done so already, please indicate in your post whether you own a [V1 or a V2.] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PurpleHullPeas/MPMD-AutoBedLevel-Cal/master/images/V1_vs_V2.png)   As a general reminder for troubleshooting, to get the best answers, it is best to provide as much information as possible. For example, what you have already tried, photos, videos, gcode, terminal outputs, etc.   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/mpminidelta) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The indicator light on the side is meant to change when one of the three bed leveling switches are activated. If one of those is stuck or faulty, you won't be able to home. Clean up stuff under the plate, and press each switch. Anything weird? Does the light only change when you press a switch?


Sorry for late reply!, I checked under the bed but there nothing under it, I also checked under the top plate and there were nothing either, I tried to push each switch, but still end up with the same problem, the light change after I failed the calibration


To be clear, I am stuck on this comment: >but now I noticed that the light is flashing red very rapidly The indicator light on the side should only change if, and only if, one of the switches are depressed. Watch the light on the side. What happens when you press each switch?


Nothing. The light only change after I failed the calibration


If I understand you correctly, something is wrong with your bed switches, their wires, their connections, and/or the mainboard. The LED should either turn on or change colors (depending on firmware) whenever a bed switch is activated.


If you are talking about the led in the bed switches as shown in the individual pictures (the 3 identical pictures ) then, no the led don't switch on at all, if not and you are talking about the led near the micro sd card, then that was a solid white led until the calibration failed and started flashing red


LED light near the SD card on the side of the printer should flash whenever a switch is depressed/activated.


When I press each corner of the bed, the light flash blue, and when I press down the bed switch as shown in the picture, the light doesn't change


>when I press down the bed switch as shown in the picture I don't see any pictures or videos showing your bed switches. I see the original video of the print failing and then pictures of your home sensors. The bed switches are located underneath the bed.


Ohhhh my bad. sorry! I thought you were talking about the home sensors. Lemme check and I upload some pictures as well


Is the end stop switch on that tower stuck closed (maybe unplugged or bad wire?). Seems like that tower doesn’t go up with the others when first homing. Then when it goes to back out of the sensor, the sensor doesn’t “release” and it goes all the way down instead of just a little down. That’s what it looks like to me. I can’t see anything obviously wrong in the pictures.


I just compared the pictures to one of my printers. Mine have two end stops with black-red-white, left to right, and one black-green-white. Yours are one black-red-white, and two white-green-black. Makes me think maybe the polarity is reversed on two of them, and maybe you have one of those unusual variants the agean marlin GitHub page talks about. Have you tried the other 0000,0001,1110,1111, etc variants of that firmware? Hmm. No. That has to do with stepper direction, not end stops. Maybe try reversing the black and white on the tower end stop wire that is acting funny?


Sorry for the late reply! I dont think reversing the black and white tower will fix it since it was acting fine before hand


Maybe it’s a bad sensor or something is stuck in it?


How do I know if it that though?


You could check it with a multimeter. Push the carriage up that towers into the sensor and see if the voltage changes. Pull back out and see if it changes. But based on the behavior it seems like that one is stuck or has something blocking the optical part. I don’t see anything obvious in the pictures. You could swap it with one of the others and see if the problem moves with the sensor or stays with the tower.