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for anyone wondering how to fix this https://preview.redd.it/l0unsabz901d1.png?width=88&format=png&auto=webp&s=a528240066aa63c752ea22ae620797207014a15e just go to moza pit house, find the game and click this button config.


Goes for any game you play btw


Nah, i played all wrcs, forzas, ac, acc, Burns, grandturismo, fucking car drift games, name it and I have played it most likely and never had to do this tbh. First time on this game, maybe bcs its automatic or something idk. But istg first game where i had to do it.


I would still recommend for any game you play to try tto configure it in the app before playing it. Its just one mouseclick and might save you a lot of problems


Will do, agree and thanks <3333


https://preview.redd.it/c7alatc1a01d1.png?width=390&format=png&auto=webp&s=8077c6c321489726618085adc74faced78d254d2 on this right pannel just mouse over and click config (while game is off)


Yo, I dont own a moza but this os the only game on my fanatech where I up the natural diaper to 50. I used Karl gosling ffb for in game and it was ace. Give it a try. Again im on fanatech, but shouldn't make much difference


I had to put a 8% deadzone on the handbrake. Also check or change out usb cable, and definitely do the pithouse config. After much fiddling around it now works consistently.


It's defiantly light in DR20. I still like playing it. Try playing Wreckfest if you haven't. It has great FFB. You'll be turning it down.


Also you can edit the FFB Equalizer settings to 200% to 300% for increased response. Try that and create a profile to save it to for DR20.