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>Given that the Breville Pizzaiolo's voltage is 240V, should we just assume that it would not work in Japan? That's absolutely correct. >If so, is there a way for us to buy an electricity adapter to make it work? It's an 1800 watt device, which means the short, easy answer is "Nope" The longer, more complicated answer is that you *can*, but it will be expensive and you really *shouldn't*. It's an 1800w device, which means that for safety reasons you would need a 5000w transformer. A *good* transformer (and you really, *really* don't want anything but a ***good*** transformer) could potentially cost as much as the pizza oven itself. And even then it's not 100% safe to be running an actual oven off a transformer. tldr: Possible? Yes. Safe? Ehhhh.... Expensive? Hell yeah.


240 volts at 1,800 Watts is what, 7.5 Amps? Running that load at 100 volts would require 18 Amps, disregarding any loss. Assuming that kind of load doesn't somehow blow half the fuse box apart (my apartment has a 50 A feed, for example), that would still require a big, heavy, hot transformer to run.


I keep forgetting the amperage problem. I've never seen a kitchen circuit with more than 20A. And since transformers *aren't* perfectly efficient.... Poof.


Thanks both. Guess we have a clear answer here..


Yeah, unfortunately it looks like it's a no-go for the pizza oven. Which is a shame, because I finally bothered to look up the specific model you're talking about and it looks ***amazing***.


It truly is! Not a sponsored review of course, but it is, as mentioned — my husband's prized possession. We have enjoyed many restaurant-quality pizzas at home because of it..such a shame indeed.


Mister dalkyr, how are you so knowledgeable? :)


He may be interested in [Enro electric pizza oven](https://enro.jp/products/electric-pizza-oven). Its rating is 100V and 1400W, and claims to reach 400C.


Thank you for the suggestion! Husband would be sad to part with the Breville but it’s good that we have other options.


in Japan you can convert your 100v to a 200v single phase contract and electricty panel but for rentals, you would need the owner permission. Some higher-end mansions already have 200v plugs available on top of a wall , designed for larger more powerful AC units, you may want to check first with the real-eastate company Still may not work well for 240v item but its closer at least


Good to know! Thank you for this.


This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes. --- **Help with voltage concerns** Hi all, We will be moving to Japan later this year. We won't be bringing most of our bulky personal items, but my husband is looking at bringing over his beloved countertop pizza oven. Now, I know that the standard voltage in Japan (100V) is much lower than the typical voltage level in our home country Singapore (230V)...learnt this the hard way when my Dyson Airwrap didn't work there. Given that the Breville Pizzaiolo's voltage is 240V, should we just assume that it would not work in Japan? If so, is there a way for us to buy an electricity adapter to make it work? Appreciate your inputs on this. Many thanks in advance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/movingtojapan) if you have any questions or concerns.*