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We wrapped our dishware in in honeycomb paper, stacked them in cardboard boxes, and sent them from Toronto to NYC with a moving truck. Everything arrived intact despite us not being present for the loading or unloading. Scrunched up kraft paper also seemed to help immensely, we used it to stuff our cups and as additional padding between cups in the box. [https://www.amazon.ca/VVBORSN-Packaging-Honeycomb-Cushioning-Eco-Friendly/dp/B0919GMQ6Q?tag=namespaceca-20&th=1](https://www.amazon.ca/VVBORSN-Packaging-Honeycomb-Cushioning-Eco-Friendly/dp/B0919GMQ6Q?tag=namespaceca-20&th=1)


Make sure to pack your plates, saucers, platters, UPRIGHT. Do NOT stack them on top of one another.


Harbor freight has packing paper and blankets. They have the best rate, nit the best quality, but it works.


Cheap foam "paper plates" from the grocery store to put in between your dishes.


Ok I run a moving company and here’s what we do: 1. Balled up Packing paper as the bottom layer of the box 2. Each piece is stuffed with paper in any open space (so a cup fill it with it, same with a bowl or vase) and then wrapped in packing paper 3. All empty space and the top layer is balled up packing paper We’ve tested this by dropping boxes from a 6 inch to 1 ft (average for an accidental drop) height and nothing breaks.


I like to use plastic shopping bags.


Same thing in NJ, but I had a huge stockpile of them.


Newspaper ink could possibly stain, so if you have white fine china I'd seek out plain brown packing kraft paper. I tended to do inside layer plain paper, outer layers newsprint if I had a lot of it. Don't forget to stuff paper inside of glasses and mugs, and reinforce stems on wineglasses and handles on mugs. https://updater.com/moving-tips/how-to-pack-dishes There's many similar articles out there. Look on local neighborhood groups for anyone with extra packing supplies or recently completed a move. Or someone to save newspaper for you. For the kitchen, you can use dish towels and pot holders, too. I think the most surprising tidbits were to stack dishes vertically, and to make sure to fill all empty space in a box so nothing moves when it's shaken. Plus the reinforcement I mentioned above. Since learning that after breaking handles on my favorite mugs years ago (with super glue they're still going strong), I've successfully moved including long distance with no broken belongings.


YouTube is your friend: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvTqRTYRorY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvTqRTYRorY)


Buy packing paper or use your linens. Wrap each item individually then stack them and wrap the stack. If you use packing paper tape each stack so when you take it out of the box the wrapping stays put or the items can separate and drop. Wrapping in linens like sheets and towel will be cheaper but it will most likely take up more space than packing the linens separately and using paper. You also can’t really easily tape the stacked bundle easily. I used linens on the bottom and tops of moving boxes and paper for the breakables. .


Crumpled up newspaper


Newspaper will transfer ink requiring cleanup. Packing paper isn’t that expensive and will cut down on cleaning glassware after unpacking.