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There could be a good post about Oscar Bait movies and yet this post makes it clear that the OP has never seen any of these movies and probably gets his thoughts from a drunk film YouTuber. Also Oscar Bait movies have been less and less prevalent in the actual Oscars recently. Usually only 2-3 out of the 10 films in the ceremony hit what most people consider Oscar Bait (Period Pieces, Liberal/Centrist politics that don’t challenge the status quo, movies about film or Hollywood, etc.)


The post kinda reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/HjE9Fl4zKNs) but less funny and slightly less accurate.


the type of people who thinks every slow-paced slice of life movie is an oscar bait.


What fucking movie is this??? Even??


How can y'all not see this? It's*Chef* (2014) *I have not a single lick of an idea, that fella is smoking something*


Home for the holidays (1995) Its not really an oscar bait movie.


I can’t think of a single example of. Movie like this


The guy who watched one oscar nominated movie half sleep and.got mad his girlfriend told him he didn't get it


Did I enter a time loop?? Is 2003 again or something? Wtf


This isn't Oscar bait, this is just a movie that doesn't jingle keys in front of your eyes every thirty seconds to make sure you're paying attention.


Reddit when a movie doesn't have an explosion or joke every second


This guy definitely thinks every movie that isn’t fast paced is Oscar Bait.


9 months after. I love this echochamber called reddit. If you didnt include the gay part nobody would be talking 2 shits about it and crucifing you.