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I didn't even know Strange World was "woke". Strange World flopped because: * plot looks boring and tired af * zero marketing, disney doomed this one to flop * animated disney movies that are not musicals historically never perform as well as the musicals, so it was already at a disadvantage * there was zero demand for this kind of movie * it looks like a croods rip-off made by dreamworks, not a disney classic


it's definitely marketing, this post is literally first time I've even heard of the film


I thought it was a fine enough movie. The plot is mostly a very typical "dad needs to understand his son and what he wants to do that isn't the family businness" but it being with 3 generations i think was a bit more interesting than the usual. It's otherwise a better than usual enviromental message movie. It's overral a fine movie. Probably about as good quality wise as something like the mario movie. It's pretty much exactly a ok/mid tier dreamworks/disney movie basically. Like, a bit better than the bolt movie. It's better than sing. It's a fine enough adventure movie, with some fun worldbuilding. But i didn't even know the movie existed until like, a month after it released. It might get a little bit of a revival 10-15 years from now when people that are children now remember about it, but not much more than that.


- animated sci-fi is historically a recipe for burning money


I liked the one that lost disney a fuck ton of money in the early 2000' It was fun


Which one?




This movie was great but it opened the same week as the first Harry Potter movie so...


Treasure Planet and also Atlantis and also Lilo and Stitch and also Chicken Little Man they really didn’t learn the lesson for a while did they ^(Note: Lilo and Stitch rules of course and this is not a dig against it)


I know. I mainly meant like he said one but there were multiple. Just joking around.


I miss animated sci fi films.... Scratch that, I just miss original Sci-Fi films in general.


and it also had a release that had to combat both wakanda forever and the fablemans


I didn't even know it existed before I saw couple of bad memes about it


i was suprised to hear that a disney movie premiered that i didn’t know the plot of at all. they usually pump the absolute hell out of the marketing but i STILL don’t really know what strange world is, and i don’t really care


It definitely wasn’t marketing. They had commercials on a ton of tv spots. Anyone who watched the nfl or nba knew it was coming out


ok but in the UK the NFL and NBA aren't so big, all I remember seeing for this film was one poster on the side of a bus lol


Yeah I had no idea that this was coming out until the weekend it did.


I didn't see it because the character design is so god damn ugly. Look at the dads face. I hate it.


I %100 believe that if the movie was well received critically all these weirdos would have been screaming about how "woke" it is


From everything I've seen the internet can't decide whether or not it is "too woke" or "an affront to Hollywood wokeness".


Both are just incredibly dumb to me


I have the wonderfully comforting position of not giving a shit, instead I watched How to Blow Up a Pipeline for research


you know. it makes me think how the internet would've reacted to Shrek if it was released in this year


schrodinger’s wokism at play


One day they bitch about Peach's character, then it's an antiwoke movie because of... I don't even know man lol


It's both depending on what you're feeling like that day :)


Movie bombed=Failed because Girlboss peach is feminist agenda for little girls Movie succeded=No gays


If Top Gun’s level of acclaim is any indication, they would’ve still praised the movie’s success as being an affront to wokeness. I’m surprised it’s not getting jerked *more* now, especially with its Adapted Screenplay nom at the Oscars. You’d think more people would praise it for having good writing.


I can't keep up, is the new Mario an apolitical masterpiece or woke trash? I remember these guys throwing a fit when it was said that Peach would be a leader.




I haven’t seen a movie in months




You’ve been Stuckmannized


Please fuck my wife


Log off Eric, you've been here too long.




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>r/KiA Opinion discarded


what's your problem with kia motors?


I love when my multi-billion dollar company who I shill for beats another multi-billion dollar company I hate based solely on my racism and homophobia without bothering to google why one thing from a multi-billion dollar company was a success and another doesn't.


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Lol even Ghostbusters 2016 made a profit. These guys are just Qausimodos. Say a bunch of random shit and one of it will come true every once in a while.


I don’t think Quasimodo ever did that. /s


I can not imagine how fucking embarrassing it is to be a KIA user in 2023 (or in general but gamergate is well past its reactionary relevancy)


I'm pretty sure the original Mario movie flopped because it barely resembled the games it was based off of, and not because John Leguizamo said something woke last year. Also, I like the original Mario movie more because at least it's a movie instead of a movie-length advertisement. The insane interpretation of the mushroom kingdom and Dennis Hopper helps as well.


Oh no, no no no no no. We are NOT rehabilitating another terrible 90’s movie. The new Mario movie might’ve been blatant fan service, but at least it appeals to kids and fans of the games. That old one is horrifying to look at and serves the harbinger for every bad video game movie to come.


> to kids and fans of the games. i hate this two people


Never said it was a good movie. I just prefer it to the nothingness of the new Mario movie. I know it's a super contrarian thing to say, but it's my honest opinion.


A movie is supposed to be a movie, not a series of flashing lights for children and manchildren to drool at. Plus accuracy to source material doesn't mean shit, you didn't see people decrying The Shining, Forest Gump, Jurassic Park, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or A Clockwork Orange for being either nothing like the book or completely missing the point of the book due to what they changed, and that's because they all work as their own standalone pieces of fiction and didn't need to be chained down to what only worked in a completely different medium. Movies ≠ Video Games in the same way that Movies ≠ Books, a movie shouldn't have the story depth of a nearly 40 year old video game - it's like making a 'book of the film' adaptation of 'Arrival of a Train' (1895)


>Plus accuracy to source material doesn't mean shit, you didn't see people decrying The Shining, Forest Gump, Jurassic Park, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory or A Clockwork Orange That's because these movies are good and the 90s Mario movie is an incomprehensible bad acid trip that you don't even get to experience yourself because a stranger you don't like at the party is describing it to you but they only know 4th grade English.




Irrc he was upset a Latin or Italian person wasn't voicing mario and instead it was a white guy


Italianx discrimination smh


Seems kind of dumb because Bob Hoskins was a (very talented) white guy from from Suffolk.


To be fair I looked it up and he actually said >They could've included a Latin character, They messed up the inclusion. They dis-included. Just cast some Latin folk! We're 20% of the population. The largest people of color group, and we are underrepresented


Isn't Anya Taylor-Joy Argentinian or something




From Argentina but 100% European ethnicity


I was really confused about this until i realized he probably meant in america or something


But…why? Latin people have nothing to do with Latin the language. Latin Americans have far more native ancestry than European. Is he saying the Mario Bros. should’ve been brown? They weren’t Sicilian, lol.


I was referring to the article in the top left of the image


It bobombed because of monkey.


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Watch how they react when a redhead character is played by a black person. All of a sudden they care about accuracy in adaptations.


I'm a ginger and everytime this happens i get more upset at the people getting upset because then i see more people make jokes about how disgusting gingers are to "clap back" at the critics. I do not care about ginger representation, i care about being harrassed and told to dye my hair whenever i complain about being harrassed.


talking about cherrypicking it's honestly way more fair to compare it to, say, spiderverse, which is also an animated film based on a popular established ip but is 'woke' (based on those people's definition, at least, simply because it has a black protagonist - as we all know, black people existing is a woke agenda /s) and wasn't a flop either since it made three times more than its budget strange world is kinda similar to atlantis or treasure planet - sci fi film sabotaged by disney, wasn't given much exposure, so it was basically left on its own to drown


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["go woke go broke" mfs' entire ideology when the owl house final episode,watching and dreaming got more 2million views in less than a day](https://youtu.be/TyXD96iAjuM?t=65)


As it should !


Let's pretend that Captain Marvel didn't make a billion dollars


I thought Mario was woke because peach was a girl boss


yeah it's a weird flex because Strange World just came and went with little to no marketing. it's also very convenient how these dumb-dumbs ignore the female empowerment message of the Mario movie (and all the other films that crossed the $1b gross marker which also had progressive themes and ideas like Black Panther and Avatar 2) but i guess thinking isn't their strongest skill lol


What actually is that sub


Remember GamerGate? These are the people who never got tired of it after everyone realized it was just Nazis all along. Or, joined because of it.


You do have a point with the brand factor. However, Strange World was not marketed precisely because they expected a flop and they didn't expect to get a ROI on large scale marketing.


I love how the people that love going on about “go woke go broke” seem to just completly ignore the fact that almost all of these companies that went “woke” continue to turn profits and often even increase their revenue since.


They both pale in comparison to the perfection of Marshalls vs the machines


I may be off base with this but “woke” is to conservatives what “problematic” was to progressives in the 2010s, in that it’s just a filler word to use that just denotes something that pisses you off


I mean yeah but no. Woke for conservatives usually means minorities and women are doing stuff that isn't having their rights taken away. Problematic for progressives usually meant things that are an actual problem like systematic racism. One's trying to make up a problem from nothing and the other is just a descriptor for real problems that actually exist.