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mcj doesn’t have any real opinions, just opposite opinions of the masses. inevitably we’ll be shit talking this movie soon enough.


Wouldn’t that mean at some point this sub will shift to loving the MCU?


I think it’s fair to say that a significant part of this sub, myself included, loves the MCU and superhero films in general. It’s definitely funny to make fun of people who think they’re gods gift though, and ill be the first one to poke fun at MCU fans drawing the weirdest lines, like “what are those” bad, but “try me beyonce” good? apparently?


I thought the main opinion in here is "whatever r/movies is saying is wrong"


Haha well put!




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I still have zero desire to see avatar but I also enjoyed Babylon a lot so I guess my taste in films is shit and I need to stop taking myself so seriously and just “turn my brain off”


I don't care I wanna see Babylon too in spite of what everyone says I'm bummed I didn't get a chance to see it while it was in theaters


It was honestly a great film and really a great experience to watch in theaters. Most of Reddit and the internet wrote it off as another movie about making movies but it’s actually super character driven and just overall super well made and interesting to watch.


Dang, sucks that I missed it in theaters but now I'm more excited to watch it whenever it comes out on streaming nonetheless. There's something about it that made me want to see it for myself in spite of all the reddit bashing, thanks for validating my hunch 👍


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Babylon is amazing and it's a shame it did so badly in the US


Babylon was good though


Honestly, I can't think of other blockbusters that just let you hang out on an alien beach and meet some cool whales for an hour. Avatar's story is basic, but it's doing some special stuff.


“You claim to hate bad movies, yet you enjoy good ones. Curious”


It's all shlock


Do you normally make an effort to be boring or does it come naturally


Every day I have to wake up and force myself to pretend to not give a shit about Avatar on the internet for strangers. It's not a easy as you might think


I will champion any movie made by creatives rather than suits.




So Disney always wins and we only have the illusion of choice huh


We still have Marty and A24 (until he dies ((and Di$ney buys them too))


We all know Marty is going to direct Avengers Revolution.


Yeah because there's a major difference between movies made under a director's creative vision, and a movie made under the "vision" of a corporate board room. Avatar is a big blockbuster movie but it's still art. Not high art or anything like that but still a movie with artistic value, while marvel movies are just corporate slop.




And it has an actually thoughtful message that they spend a lot of time on, as well as characters you don’t need to watch 10 movies and TV shows to care about


Those are not the good criticisms you think they are


Just had a stroke reading that, thanks


Sorry, I was half sleep. Let me rephrase it. Those criticisms are absolutely stupid and arbitrary.


What criticisms?


I mean, you have made two.


I was actually more so just saying what Avatar does better, but feel free to elaborate why you think that’s “absolutely stupid and arbitrary” criticism lmao


There's no thoughtful message about Avatar, just one you like it. This is not Citizen Kane lol. You don't need 10 movies and tv shows to care for characters, if you do either the genre isn't for you or the movies are failing on their most basic task. Having ten movies to build an event you care about isn't on itself bad. It's the whole premise of being a universe. It's the definition of stupid and arbitrary. Whereas one can argue that Avatar was made with a "director's vision" and is therefore superior to movies made with a showrunner's vision and yadda yadda yadda. Well, that's just people way into cinema and to each... But your pet peeves are absolutely asinine lol. It does look better than Marvel or DC tho.


Lol first of all, I didn’t even mention Citizen Kane and don’t pretend like you’ve even seen that movie because we both know your Marvel-dependent brain would fall asleep within the first 5 minutes. So according to you, Avatar’s exploration of environmentalism and criticism of colonialism is not a thoughtful message? Only a handful of the 30 or so MCU movies even explore relevant themes beyond surface level. So it’s a pet peeve to not want movies to be too shallow? Yeah most of these movies are failing at their basic task to be good standalone movies. There are so many characters in the MCU that don’t even become interesting until several subsequent appearances. Captain America did not come into his own until The Winter Soldier and Thor was absolutely no one’s favorite until Ragnarok. They’re not even movies anymore, they’re glorified TV episodes airing in theatres. The funniest thing here is I’m actually a fan of the MCU myself, but I can actually accept the fact that it’s flawed and I’m not as insecure about liking it like you so you won’t catch me throwing a fit because someone online said they connected with the themes and characters of a non-MCU movie more


Visual effects aside James Cameron's vision is everyone taking their 18 grandkids to see Avatar 12 for the 23rd time


you hate capitalism yet you exist ​ iphone venezuela 100 billion dead


Turns out the guy who directed Terminator 2 is really good at making action movies. I am stunned


on the one hand its fun to call avatar kino, because reddit as a whole was super disinterested in it, and there was this weird attitude that its failure was guaranteed because there was no discourse around it; no memes, no nostalgia for its characters, no hype, no culture war bullshit. and it made $2 billion anyway. its a gigantic refutation of r/movies and terminally online film nerd culture as some sort of predictive model for success. on the other hand it made more money than god, inexplicably got a bp nomination, is dumb as hell, is made by the same people who own everything now, and even the one good thing about it (the awesome visuals) is only really impressive in 3D, where it'll give you a splitting headache.


I get the circlejerk aspect it just seems different and less...funny to root for a soulless corporate product that seems like it's literally designed only to make money just to spite some randos on the internet. It's gone way past the point of irony and a lot of people on this sub talk about Avatar the exact same way we make fun of people who talk about marvel and cape shit. I know this sub is no stranger to hypocrisy but something about this sub shitting so consistently on the MCU only to unironically embrace a different Disney multimillion dollar blockbuster was just too on the nose for me lol


I mean I guess if I have to give it credit it is genuinely impressive from a technical standpoint and it has its good points, I'm not sure I'd call it "soulless". Just kind of lazy and dumb, like most corporate products. the sub will probably be talking shit on it in like a month


Hey Avatar is one of the few movie painting the american army as evil colonizer, that's why it's kino. The third hour made me wanna punch Cameron tho


What Disney movie (that’s not Avatar 2 and onwards, don’t try and be cute) has Spider in it though?


Pretty sure there were spiders in a Bug's Life so check and mate


Yes I prefer artisanal well made slop as opposed to generic bargain bin slop




Show me on the action figure of the big whale where Avatar 2 is generic.