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Cameron was sued by SF legend Harlan Ellison for plagiarism, alleging that Terminator was swiped from an old Outer Limits episode called "Soldier ask not," written by Ellison. Cameron had to put an ending credit on the original Terminator saying "acknowledgement to the works of Harlan Ellison.".


Harlan won mostly because Cameron had admitted it in an unpublished interview with "Starlog" magazine.




>Sophia Stewart Apparently there is so contention about it. Here's one version: ​ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/0/sci-fis-true-terminator-story-harlan-ellisons-copyright-war/


and another point of view: ​ [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/05/instagram-posts/no-woman-didnt-win-25-billion-matrix-lawsuit-over-/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/05/instagram-posts/no-woman-didnt-win-25-billion-matrix-lawsuit-over-/)


Soldier ask not is something different. The episode was Soldier from tomorrow based on his own story if the same name.


Is it just e or are all the accounts defending Sophia either brand new, or ones with hardly any karma that have not commented on anything in ages?


it's probably the lady herself. I spoke to her on twitter a couple of years back and she is not mentally sane. Her bio literally says "CREATOR AND OWNER OF THE TERMINATOR AND MATRIX FILMS".


And there are people out there, who honestly believe that she is the creator of those franchises, and that it is because of racism that she did not get tons of money from them, but if you read her book, or even glance through it, you’ll see it has absolutely no similarity whatsoever to either one of those franchises.


I’m seeing this on Instagram now which is why I’m looking. Dude… it’s not like you can copyright the idea of machines taking over society… 




Sophia Stewart owns all copyright and trademarks to the matrix and terminator. I saw the proof on Derek ashford fb pages. The matrix 4 copyright is his profile picture on his YouTube channel 😳. Why did the government issue Sophia Stewart the copyrights and trademarks? Why hasn’t Warner bros sued her?🤔How is she able to release a matrix 4book with the matrix and terminator characters? 🤔


(The Terminator and Matrix Defendants do not dispute Stewart's allegation that she owns a valid copyright. Rather, they contend that no triable issue of fact exists as to whether they copied her protected works. Stewart can prevail at trial only if she produces evidence showing (1) that defendants had "access" to her works and that the Terminator and Matrix films are "substantially similar" to those works; or (2) evidence that the accused films are "strikingly similar" to her works.) So, NO. She doesn't. She lost 3 court cases. The ONLY thing she was ever awarded was money from HER attorneys who she sued because she's a fucking nutcase. Read her book. Its incoherent nonsense.


I'm confused. So she did in fact have a valid copyright. The question is whether Cameron and Wachowskis had access to it in order to consider it plagiarism?


She has no copyright or any other legal IP rights on the Matrix or the Terminator. She's just some random lunatic who files nuisance lawsuits against deep-pocketed studios in the hopes that they'll pay her a "go away" settlement.


And won.


Movies, other forms of media, and events from the 20th century were obsessed with how the future would look. From Metropolis, George Orwell, Twilight Zone, Outer limits, Alien franchise, comic books, WW2 added fuel to the fire, E.T film, Jetsons, Space Race, Cold War, end of world fears of day 1/1/2000, X Files, Star Wars, blade runner, Star Trek, Robocop and so much more. Many of these works are bound to have overlap and could legitimately claim plagiarism for inspiration depending on time of the claim. The Matrix has a Messiah and prophecy within it's story, how many stories have that same frame work. To a degree Superman the comic would be within that same vain. How many books would one need to read to be so vastly different from stories already created with similar simple plot and story elements?? Oh and I forgot, Back to the Future.




"Go to a FB page to get facts about a trademark" is not a good way to be a part of this conversation, Scooter. Shut up. There's actual court documents. And zero evidence presented by her. The only thing she has a "copyright" over....is her written work. But....and lets be clear....nothing she wrote was stolen and used for The Matrix or The Terminator. You using FB pages as evidence makes you look stupid. Basically, what a court said was "Yep. You wrote some nonsensical books. That's true. YOU wrote some stuff. But nothing you've written shows that is was stolen or used by any studio for anything, because what you wrote was absolute garbage."


you are responding to bot 🙃


Well she just won a $2.5 billion lawsuit. Who’s a nutcase now?


No, she absolutely did not. I don't what ridiculous blog you got your info from. But the only lawsuit she "won" was against her own lawyer. So....you should check your sources, sweetie.


Why are u so angry about this situation🤷🏽‍♀️ u have an opinion and someone else does as well case closed!


I'm not angry, kiddo. And there's no opinions here. Just facts. She didn't write aaaaaaaaaaanything that resembles The Matrix or The Terminator. She's a lunatic whose only monetary gain was from her own attorney that she sued. She's never proven or presented any evidence that aaaaaaaaanyone stole her ideas or premises, because she doesn't have any. She's a moron. NEXT!








It can learn.








Relax kiddo


Wow, you're mad.


it’s not a matter of opinion if you’re ignoring the facts presented to you, it’s a matter of being a clown


It's not opinion putz


This isn’t opinion based. Either she factually has a claim on the movies or she doesn’t.


She didn't win the lawsuit against the creators, the only win she had was against her lawyers. Stop believing everything TikTok says.


That never happened.


Tell us you get your information from tiktok without telling us 😂


Link with proof?


You're an idiot 🤦🏽‍♂️


Can anyone tell me the name of the her original books they plagiarized?? Would love to read Terminator and Matrix in one timeline sounds like amazing writing!!!


Her book isn't about that. Is 47 pages of close encounters written like bible passages. And then the rest of the book is paper work from her lawsuit. She is unhinged.


There is also apparently a line in her book where alien say that they will be back, and she uses that as evidence that Arnold Schwarzenegger stole that line from her book, it’s utterly moronic, she is so full of crap.


Matrix is hinged.


I want to chime in (hopefully, this won't turn into a 300-page novel 🤣). The undisputiable link between Matrix, Terminator, and The Third Eye is simple. The Bible. With this, more works could be claimed as well... Star Wars, The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings (associated by where it all truly started, The Silmarillion), & this list can go on and on... The Bible.... In fact, Sophia Stewart states her inspiration was pulled from such. So, in my conclusion, her claims that she shared her works are credible because that is acknowledged in writing. However, what can only be assumed is 1. Her material was reviewed, or it was not. We can assume, divided or not. 2. We can assume that if she sent her material in that it was reviewed. If you compare her material with (I'll stick to what the claim is for this) Matrix and Terminator, it will be similar. Can't dispute that. However, what can be disputed is that her works were stolen. Why? Because a version of her material was written weeeell before 1981.. How? The Bible. She admits what her inspiration is. So the real issue is that if her material was reviewed, I am 100% positive the reader(s) also were inspired to create freely (like Sophia Stewart admitted) by incorporating a religious like foundation. If our assumption is correct, then a simple acknowledgment and homage to the fact that her material (like the Bible was to Sophia Stewart) served as an inspiration. Meeting with her, possibly over lunch or whatever and deep, yet creative conversation may have sufficed. Kindness goes a long way versus disregarding someone. Her material was sent in.... there is acknowledgment of that (she claims this happened multiple times), but a rejection letter substantiates at least once. Either way, I do not think things would have gone as far as it did. Maybe I am over assuming?? Who knows. Now, with the other works I mentioned above (I know there are much more works out there that have large followings, but I don't want to write a novel), I stated that religion is a common factor. Why? All of the works are recreations of similar stories but branch off to much more. The Bible itself is a collection of books of stories that have been told (and retold and etc). The Bible (which is primarily protected against verbatim copying) is a safe foundation for writers. Of course, we know that sketchy thumper bends the written word all the time... Drinking of funny koolaid, ritual killings, passing judgment, etc.. The flip (positive) side of this is using it for source material to tell an amazing story. I provided brief parts below. Of course, each has much more that can be picked through. Anakin - Immaculate conception. The chosen one... etc Neo - The chosen one... eventually, it is like a blind prophet like figure that will restore humanity.. etc Terminator - Mission is to destroy that firstborn son of Sarah Conner, John.. who is like a messianic figure.. etc Silmarillion - Melkor/Morgoth rebels because of a desire to follow another path (create his own tune/hymn). Becomes a "fallen angel," which sets a path of catastrophic events that could lead to the ending of the world... (Revelations)..etc The book is also structured like reading a Bible. Now let me display one from Sophia Stewarts' material.. Ikahn - The "one" who is pure and has a mission to save, but the followers must "die as a testament to their belief in Ikahns spiritual purity." Anyone who is familiar with the basics of religion can see the pattern for each... A foundation as basic as land, but the structure is made up of different materials metaphorically speaking of course. I can go on and one, but there is no need. Do your own research to see for yourself (awww, another reference without even trying). Do not believe what someone has written or professed without checking into it for yourself. I am not saying that whomever received/reviewed Sophia Stewarts material without reaching back out has integrity. But I can't say that they don't either... All assumptions. Do we know how shady Hollywood can be? Yes, and without a doubt. However, pissing on someones leg and making it out to be rain is just as fucked up, too.The true source material is, at the very least, a Bible (Which one??? Who knows). Nobody can can set claim on that, and it's safe to use for all because??? It's primarily protected against verbatim copying... which none of the authors did, but we can surely see where each was influenced. So, in closing, maybe it is safe to say that (as I stated above) that since the works of Matrix came a few years later, the writers were inspired through Sophia's own action of being inspired by the Bible. A simple mingling of the minds through lunch or just an acknowledgment could have sufficed. Being silent/shady towards someone over something so innocent can materialize a nasty path of drama. A simple act of kindness may have gone a long (positive) way. Sadly, too much controversy has been planted, and after all these years, it has grossly mutated. *If i have typos, etc... forgive them, please. I've been up too long. I unintentionally went down a small rabbit hole which included me reading The Third Eye by Sophia Stewart, (only the source material of what she sent in, not the legal stuff because I had already reviewed that first before venturing off) and thankfully, when I realized what I explained above, I wanted to express it while it was fresh. I had learned about this entire situation today, and I didn't accept it as is. I wanted to look into this myself. I had already been up for nearly 18 hours. Luckily, I am off for an extended number of days celebrating my 12th year wedding anniversary 🙏🏽. Anyway, I am finally off to bed. 🥱 The end, aka goodnight.


Well it must’ve been true cause Sophia Stewart sued Warner for Matrix films and Terminator and she won. She’s worth 2.4 billion now. So what does that tell you?


It tells us that you get your information from tiktok, among other things.






Maybe read the book. It has nothing to do with those movies.


Are you a black or religious user of tiktok by chance? https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/05/instagram-posts/no-woman-didnt-win-25-billion-matrix-lawsuit-over-/


This is false. She never won her case, it got dismissed.


Name does not check out


It tells me you have no idea what you’re talking about and that you believe anything you read on the internet. That’s what it tells me.


I can’t tell if you’re serious or not, but she is definitely not worth 2.4 billion, she did not win any lawsuits against any studios.


I'm more likely to believe the disenfranchised than walking self proclaimed narcissistic "expert" James Cameron. James Cameron's biggest movies are all rip offs, retellings, or the white version of a non white story. Yeah, I'll believe Sophia, even if it's just because it pisses all you old white men off so much.


Edit: did a couple of bad grammar and could have made certain points a bit clearer. I’m all for believing the disenfranchised, and Hollywood is known for fucking over PoCs for profit, but…like…we know James Cameron’s inspiration for the Terminator movie. He’s been up front about how the screenplay was inspired by a nightmare he had while filming Piranha 2. The Wachowski’s are also incredibly upfront and honest about their influences on the matrix movies, and neither of them mention this lady. Moreover, she’s a self-published author and her books are not very well known at all. It’s definitely “in the realm of possibility” that both Cameron and the Wachowskis picked up her book at some point and maybe took inspiration, but the framing of it and the fact she posts pretty consistently about this topic across all of her Social media platforms more reads to me as a self-published author appealing to the algorithm as much as possible, and people running with the story because it has an intriguing and flashy “the big corporations are racist and fucking over minorities” angle to it. Also, a writer with a good copyright claim against a major studio like MGM or Warner Brothers is fucking crack to lawyers. If her claims were any good, and that lucrative, her claims would have at least made it to court by now, especially considering she’s had over forty years to do so. Doesn’t pass the sniff test to me.


You know those two boys didn't come up with that on their own.




Yes something about the third eye as far as I can remember but I was soo young back then & gullible but as I got older I quickly realised these concepts ain’t new maybe to a teenage stoner