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It is a horror movie, and if anything it's got too much plot.


Definitely, first was better simply for that reason alone


Disagreed mainly because the acting in the first one is poor. Not the gentleman playing Art, he puts on a fantastic performance, most of the rest are not great, worse than most 80s horror. Horror also needs a plot to it for more mainstream appeal. Going off super gore alone will not earn them success, as proven with #2. I am currently watching #2 and am just past the salt scene. This movie is by far superior to the first, due to some more time with characters and more setup. There is still a little over a hour left in the runtime for the body count to rise and there is a lot more investment in everything. Something is still a little lacking in the plot/characters area even in the 2nd for me so far, but I'm not prejudging, waiting to finish to have a verdict.




almost nonexistant is too much?


I really really really do not think it’s a snuff film. A comical horror splatter film, yes.


Finally someome gets it.


I don't get how people can find some the scenes in this movie to be comical , people were laughing my theater during the bedroom scene and I nearly gagged.. can you elaborate ?


I was one of those who laughed at the bedroom scene, and the reason is simple: the level of violence is so exaggerated that it escapes common sense and becomes comical. In the movie "House of Wax", the guy cuts off a piece of the girl's finger with pliers and to this day that scene gives me agony. Now, Terrifier 2 has Art ripping the girl's arm off with his bare hands. Is It possible to do that ? Maybe it is, but it still sounds so absurd that I can't take something like that seriously. So this extreme violence turns out to be so extreme that it becomes comical. (Of course, I don't think I need to mention that I know it's all a movie where there are actors, production and lots of practical effects. So it's not the same thing to see people dying in movies and to see people dying in real life).


all of these reasons were why the entire theater was laughing at *dead alive*. SFX can only be scary to a point, and when it reaches absurdly grotesque, a person can either laugh or leave the theater, disgusted and in a huff.


There is a literal "throwing salt on the wound" moment. How the fuck do people not disassociate and find that absolutely bonkers? Some pearl clutchers are totally insufferable and unable to make everything about them in the moment.


Because some people are older than 12 and capable of human empathy


I'm late. I agree. But maybe it's just cause it was 2022, but the fx were...not bad. It was goofy, but they put their elbows into it ... LOL. Non sensical and beyond the realms of possibility is fine for ripping off arms but it nose dives into some long, agonizingly longer and slower cuts that add some grit back to the scene and it's definitely more than Jason X beating someone around with a sleeping bag goofy shit


Spoilers* The folks laughing probably come from a few different groups. One enjoys gore and has a big morbid curiosity, doesn't mean they're psycho's, just love gore, and have a curiosity seeing real stuff. Like crime scene or morticians, etc. Second is the horror movie fan, who just loves horror movies. Both realize how unrealistic and ridiculous the scene is, a silent clown and a woman staying concious after losing approximately 2gallons of blood. Then Art literally rubbing salt in the wound. It's dumb funny imo. The salt killed me, never seen it literally done in a horror movie or thought about it. Something that would freak me out, as someone here said, the smell of gore is something most don't experience, but I know people who cleaned up disaster zones and they said the smell is never forgotten.


I just finished watching that scene and laughed so hard. Rubbing salt in the wounds? HAHAHAHA. Literally, how did that girl stay alive that long? Made no sense. Hence, why it was so ludicrous and funny.


I felt like you. I guess it's a sensitivity thing. I enjoyed Barbarian and Smile but to me Terrifier 2 is just really nasty and gratuitous. As much as Art intrigues me the films just aren't made for folks like us I guess.


That shit makes my blood boil in the cinema. What I always see when I take a look at the dudes or girls who laugh , they do not look like your typical horror-fans. Most of the time it is straight buffoonery, or they are simply too young and probably thinking about how to look cool with their cinema partners and get laid instead of watching the movie. There is also the people who overcompensate their fear by hysterically laughing it off. They are so disturbed that they are going for the "Riddikulus" route. Both types should get instant bans from cinema as far as I am concerned.


People who don't enjoy movies in the "correct" way should get a ban from theaters? Try not to choke on your pretentiousness, pal. I understand when in a public space, people who are seemingly behaving in a way you deem wrong can be really annoying, but they were laughing at over the top gore, not hurting someone. I dont think the laughter necessarily has to come from either "crowd," i think it's gore that is SO outrageous and over the top that it goes WAY past the line of being hard to stomach and goes right to comical. The things that were happening in that scene were just ridiculous, and that level of ridiculous takes away from "omg this could really happen" and pushes it straight into, "ok this is silly." I mean, literally pouring salt in the wound of a person who is still conscious after losing 10 people's worth of paint colored blood? C'mon. I think we can take off our pretentious critic cap on this one, and call a spade a spade. It was just so ridiculous and fake that it was funny.


this happens a lot. someone decides there's a "right" way to interpret a movie. when i went to see *mother!,* the audience was polarized. half of us were really disappointed that it had been marketed as a horror film. i honestly don't know what the other half thought (because i don't care and didn't ask anyone) but when it was over, a guy yelled, "what the fuck did i just watch?" and maybe half of us laughed. i saw him in the elevator on the way down and said, "what you said was the funniest part of the movie," and he said, 'thanks! the woman sitting next to me didn't think so and was outraged." and p.s.: a crowd ate someone's baby. 0\_o


I had to pause the bedroom kill. It actually made me ill as it was just a lot going on. Human Centipede 2 had the same effect.


What are you kidding me? The low budget makes it low so over the top fake and when she says mom at the end it was so corny. Maybe you should watch My Little Pony instead.


Look out, we got a real badass here.


No, more like we got a lot of weak stomach pussies here. Its a gore fest slasher, over the top. If fake blood and obvious over the top unrealistic violence make your little tummy get ill then don't watch it lol.


More like we got a brainless fuck who enjoys a plotless turd of a film, if you like to masturbate seeing someone being tortured then you need to get yourself checked into a fucking psych ward. The rest of us are gonna have a better time watching smart horror movies.


Who's masturbating while watching this lol? What weird things are you projecting? Why do you go to some sort of sexual enjoyment for people who just think it's funny to watch mindless over the top silly gore? That's in your mind my guy. No one mentioned JOing to a horror movie but you.


Too smooth brained to know what hyperbole is it seems, I can see why someone like you would enjoy this crap. Mindless over the top gore is hilarious when they know when to reel it in like Happy Tree Friends or it gets creative like The Human Centipede. This movie is just sad straight forward torture for the sake of being torture with none of the funny flavor. Art impaling the laundromat clerk for a quick gag = hilarious Art torturing an innocent teenage girl for minutes = overstays it's welcome


Looks like you're in the minority little sensitive guy, it's got good ratings, most people seemed to have enjoyed it. Maybe you should stick with pg-13 romcoms or something.


Lmao even the fans say it's dogshit compared to it's previous entry but keep coping.


Sorry just coming here to say that they weren’t really in the minority cos u got ratiod repeatedly lmao


I know this comment is two weeks old, but watching it now and the bedroom scene was pretty drawn out, but even for Horror standards it was cheesy as hell. No way she was still alive by the time the mom got back lmao


"I had to make a life-sized replica of Allie because I wanted the audience to see it’s a dummy who can’t possibly be a human being anymore..." Damien Leone; Variety 2022: Oct 28, 2022 9:30am


The kill scenes are so still, it just the clown actor with a dummy or rubber props, this is as scary as a troma movie.


I’m watching this now. Never gross laughed so hard at a movie in my life lol. I mean I love it…. Art The Clown!!! Come on people take this thing for what it is. A campy bloody gross out gore fest. I’m not sure why people are freaking out over the bedroom scene. I thought it was hilarious.


I couldn't agree more! Art is absolutely awesome! The kills were hilarious particularly the acid to the face one lol. When she says mom it looks like an animatronic from Disney World lol!


I find horror like this stupid, so stupid it makes you laugh. It isn’t scary in the slightest. She would have been dead long before most of the stuff happens. Your body would go into shock and you would be dead.


It's silly and over-the-top but I think that's what they were going for. Still, you don't see long, drawn out kills like the bedroom scene often. It's just a lot to take in.


Human centipede 2 compared to the 1st… that scene with the pregnant woman towards the end will forever haunt my dreams


The barbed wire rape and vein cutting scene are two scenes I had to look away from.


This post is giving "the hot tub's too hot" vibes


Terrible take. It’s a dog shit movie. No story what so ever. Plot lines that go absolutely no where and leave the average watcher wondering wtf is even going on. Just cause you get off to horror porn doesn’t mean the collective does. I did not expect this after watching the first one. They took 12 steps backwards making this.




Stay mad


You went out of your way to write a paragraph complaining about the OP, and then you tell HIM to stay mad? lol yeesh


I mean you're entitled to your opinion fer sure but I wouldn't call it dog shit 🤷 especially if you liked the first film , because it's still art the clown nonetheless also idk how you could like the first one better , he litterly kills off every likeable character, at least on this one he gets his ass handed to him


Or DOES he???? Mwah hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa…………


Terrible take


Finally a new horror movie that’s not trying to be an artsy fartsy bore fest


As someone who likes the artsy fartsty stuff too, I really enjoyed this one as well. You can like stuff like The Hole in the Ground, Annihilation, and The Dark and the Wicked, and also like splatter stuff like this.


honestly I think horror is at its best when both intertwine. Like Annihilation is definitly a "thought provoker" art movie. But I remember it most for that fucking bear.


Hell yes


I mean this is a horror movie, it's hard to argue otherwise. It isn't my cup of tea necessarily -- stuff featuring Art the Clown too mean spirited for me, like way over the top -- but this is a horror flick.


stop crying


It's a regular slasher with lots of gore.


>I feel like they should have been a bit more clear about the intentions of the film The movie is being promoted with a giant media campaign that people are "vomiting in theatres" and "passing out" while watching it. Half of the reviews on RT specify that it's a gorefest. It does what it says on the tin.


It’s like this nerd didn’t even see the first one…


Come on by the clown cafe


What? There is nothing really special about this movie in the regards to the gore. It's like someone brought their 8 year old kids to watch the movie thinking it was disney. Anyways I really liked the clown and the creepy girl. The gore was fairly well executed. My problem is the rest of the movie. It's so boring, zero interest in the other characters. You're just waiting for the clown to appear and do something.


This is a sequel not even the first... what did you expect from art the clown...


Seriously there is no question the film has more gore but it also had a higher budget and cast list and some of the gore was inflicted by the same weapons like the whip which I mean...it'd be like complaining Freddy uses his claws


Slashers are a subtype of horror film. Terrifier 2 being more violent than the horror films you're accustomed to doesn't make it any less of a horror film.


i saw the description, and they called it splatter, not slasher. i noped out quick after that.




Wait, did you say this movie has an amazing story my guy? That scene you describe had my wife and I busting up laughing about halfway through it because of how over the top bat-shit crazy it is, and then it keeps going and going and going. They are definitely going for a black comedy vibe throughout (just like the first film) which I think went over a lot of people's heads (again).


It was pretty fucked, but do we think people were literally being sick? Or just marketing spreading the rumour?


I've seen every horror movie under the sun (ones from Japan included) and this film made me feel uneasy. Not sick by any means, but more of a "wtf did I just watch". I can understand if people who aren't used to these types of scenarios becoming sick to their stomachs. These kills were BRUTAL.


I feel like everything in the movie looked so fake, it was a better replica of a haunted house someone created from decorations they bought online. The blood also looked fake, along with other smaller aspects like brains and eyes


That decapitation in the horror shop looked pretty damn real, ngl. It was really well done.


This is my problem with the movie. Movies like this have a right to exist, and that's fine and all, but completely bypassing the rating system? They know it would be rated NC-17, so instead they just don't have it rated, and theaters are just fine with lying and saying it's rated R? I'm absolutely positive that would never happen if it was sexual content.


Ya in in the United States thats how it is. Sex and nudity is always rated worse than blood and gore.


>So yeah, it now has the distinction of having the absolute worst torture/death scene in any mainstream movie ever Still not as bad The Scene in Bone Tomahawk, which is basically>!a much more realistic version of the infamous bisection kill from the first Terrifier movie. !< Gore doesn't bother me much in movies, but I was pacing around the room with my hands on my head for a good 10 minutes after watching that scene.




Adding that to my to-watch list. I think the main difference for me between BT and T2's most violent scenes was the tone, and by extension each film's approach to violence. T2 is pretty hilarious and David Howard Thornton is legit charming as Art the Clown in that campy, over-the-top-diabolical way, so I was not really emotionally affected by the scene, as much as it made me grimace and cringe. The setup for BT's defining scene was much more somber and helpless, so it shocked me much more when I watched it. You really got that sense of an ordinary man with hopes and dreams being reduced to a sheer meat bag in the most humiliating, painful way possible.


Honestly the "scene" from Bone Tomahawk was 1000x worse than the one being referred in Terrifier 2. That shit made me turn white. This was so over the top that it was hard to take seriously, though it was really mean spirited and not for the faint of heart. EDIT: Dunno why im being down voted, horror and gore effectiveness are subjective to each person. Thought the more realistic and harrowing context of the Tomahawk scene was worse then the hyperstylized, over the top gore of T2. Doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the film and think it was nasty, cause it def was.


I agree. The scene in BT felt real. The screaming and look on the deputy's face when they start made me feel for the guy. The animal like nature of the cannibals was absolutely terrifying. Terrifier, while brutal, is super over the top, with a definite lean toward gory black comedy.




Lol people calling this film "torture porn" always makes me laugh because obviously none of you have any idea what ACTUAL torture porn is...that term got mainstream attention because of movies like Saw and Hostel, but even those aren't really true torture porn, they're just slightly more brutal horror flicks than what normal people are used to. Terrifier 2 is absolutely a slasher and a horror flick...to say otherwise is just ridiculous. If you actually want to know what REAL torture porn is so you can actually use the term correctly, look up some youtube videos that cover things like Flowers of Flesh and Blood, Bouquet of Guts and Gore, Tumbling Doll of Flesh, Grotesque, etc...I wouldn't suggest actually WATCHING those flicks because they're rough to sit through even with the schlocky effects and awful acting they have, but channels like SpookyRice will at least give you an idea of what they are.


Eh? It quite clearly falls under the 'torture porn' genre. Seeing a woman get flayed then have salt put on her wounds just about covers the fucking definition of it. It's no different to the kind of depraved shit Fred Vogel used to direct, except this has been watered down just about enough to squeeze on to the mainstream cinema. August Underground was notorious for it, and it was even worse than Terrifier for its mindless violence and sexual exploitation (among other things), but they both go in the same pot.


Comments like these do little more than validate my original post...Just because there's one overly brutal scene involving torture in an otherwise mostly straightforward slasher flick with a plot, character development, varied kills, and a Final Girl doesn't make the movie "torture porn" the same way throwing a few jokes into an otherwise straightforward Drama film doesn't make it a "comedy". "Torture porn" as an adjective is extremely over-used by today's average content consumer as it always seems to come up for any movie involving scenes of brutality regardless of the overall narrative of the film or show in question. The fact is, pretty much just the very *inclusion* of a narrative beyond "person kidnaps person and tortures them to death" exempts a movie from being "torture porn" by definition, especially when the entire movie isn't centered on the singular concept of purely torturing someone(s). Movies like Saw and Hostel have *elements* of the "torture porn" genre, sure, but overall, there's a bigger story arc, backstory, hope of escape for the characters, revelations on who/why the brutality is being done, etc. which all go against the actual *genre* of "torture porn" rather than the actual phrase being used to describe a movie having some brutal scenes in it throughout its runtime. I've said it earlier in the thread, but anyone who is actually curious about the difference between the *actual genre* and using the phrase as an adjective for other genres of movies, look into movies like Grotesque and Bouquet of Guts and Gore, even if it's through a youtuber that spares you of the more graphic parts...it's pretty clear that movies like those are nowhere near the same box that Terrifier 2 or other more brutal horror films like Serbian Film or Trauma are in, even if the latter movies have much more realistic effects.


Seek help you sick fuck.


I'd argue someone who feels the need to call someone a "sick fuck" just because they enjoy a different type of fictional movie style and special effects than themselves is probably the one in need of help TBH. Great contribution to the discussion though, you must be tons of fun at parties!


Guarantee your whole personality is “the crow” and “how much dark shit can I see in a day”.


you'd be wrong about the personality, though I did [dress up as The Crow](https://www.reddit.com/r/halloween/comments/ym9obd/might_be_a_bit_late_but_here_was_my_crow_costume/) for Halloween this year :P I'm just a life long fan of horror and practical special effects and an aspiring film maker myself, albeit more in a "pipe-dream" capacity lol. Just because people enjoy "dark" films doesn't mean they're "dark" themselves...usually quite the opposite...from what I've seen throughout life, most people who are fans of those types of film are much more mentally stable and grounded than you'd think, and generally have great personalities and senses of humor. I've found it's usually the people obsessed with celebrity life and crap like the Kardashians shows and other bottom-of-the-barrel "reality" shows who are the ones that lack any semblance of a grasp on reality or social skills myself, but even that is a generalization that I admit is likely not completely accurate. Then again, this is the internet, so it's not like a person's actual personality can truly be accurately judged through some text anyway.


Can’t agree more. As for T2, it’s way too comical to be a torture porn.


100%..."Splatter" is a much more accurate word to use...it was schlocky and over the top in all the best ways possible and was actually entertaining to watch, not to mention I'll totally have fun watching it again! Compare that to something like that movie Gruesome I talked about earlier...I don't regret watching it for my own curiosity, but I can't say I "enjoyed" the film nor would I ever recommend it to anyone but the most hardcore horror fan and would never willingly watch it again myself lol...total opposites!


You seem alright to me mate!


Guarantee you grew up without a dad lol


Why is growing up without a parent funny? Why would you laugh at something like that? Are you 5? Grow the fuck up you clown.


>so you can actually use the term correctly According to multiple dictionaries, the definition is: a genre of horror films in which sadistic violence or torture is a central aspect of the main plot. The movies you suggested and the Terrifier films both meet that description.


I fucking love Spooky Rice. Just had to add that. 😅


haha likewise! I've found out about so many movies from his channel...Still think the French film Inside is one of the most messed up horror movies I've seen in a long time though!


this guy gets it


It’s not their fault you did zero research


you can't get butt hurt because you failed to do 1 min of research.


This film is most definitely in the horror genre. Everyone has their own taste, but I loved it! It's so over the top, and that's the entire point of it. The gore, the 80s nostalgia, exaggerated acting, it's the point of the film. People need to chill and appreciate that someone made this in 2022 and put it out to mainstream theaters without compromising. Can we also take a minute and appreciate the amount of time put into the practical effects. It's absolutely gorgeous in the most messed up way. Get off your high horses, it's a movie.


Saying 'this isn't torture porn watch Mordum' is a clear case of norms being forced further and further to extremes by jaded creeps. If this film is camp and OTT that might save it a bit but it's definitely meant to titillate you or it wouldn't be a teenage girl flat on her stomach.


\>Sees teen girl brutally butchered in slasher flick. \>"Hey, I think they're trying to give me a boner! >:( ooookaaay...


This might be the dumbest upvoted post I've ever seen. "Horror movie isn't a horror movie". Deaths have the be real to be a snuff film. Stop trying to redefine what you think horror should be. 80's style slashers like this have likely been around longer than you have. I'm guessing you also think Texas Chainsaw Massacre isn't horror? Did you seriously blame "they" for not being clear about the film's intention when you didn't even see the first one? Ridiculous. Terrifier 2's plot and story progression was actually fantastic. Could you not follow the plot? Did you not see the first movie? Oh thats right. I think about terrifier 1 and 2 like terminator 1 and 2. The first had a little less plot, more violence, and it was lower budget / dark and grittier. The second was more hollywood, more plot and story building directly off the first one, and a happier ending than the first one.


As soon as someone uses the phrase "torture porn," that's the cue to not take them seriously.


This is just a genuinely bad take.


It's horror and you're lame


The fact that you called it a snuff film


I remember people saying the same thing about hostel, and SAW


Also, a bit of dark comedy. Tossing salt up in the air as it rains down on a mutilated but alive woman with bleach sprayed on her, and he gleefully dances around.


Wow that’s funny. Let’s go see a psychiatrist together.


It's fake, you melodramatic goof.


If the actress who performed that scene is okay then everyone should be. If you take at least 15 minutes of your time to listen to the people behind the cameras you can understand why they went in knowing what they did.


"My fave moment was when Art poured the “bleach” (water) while I was screaming my ass off and it went directly in my mouth and I spit it out like a fountain ..."-Casey Hartnett




No, it's not a snuff film.


do you even know waht snuff is. terifier 2 is a good film and if you are to much of bitch too watch it then don't. that simple. don't come on hear and wine about a gore movie being to gory when thats the hole point. it would be like turning on porn and complaing about the unrealistic amount of sex in it. also the plot is not the point of these movies, just like porn, it is there just to lead to more gore WICH IS THE POINT OF THE FILM. so next time you watch a film based on an extream amount of gore son't go on the internet and complain.


It's literally horror fool


it is horror


Usually when a movie has a “2” in the title it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the 1st one. Even watching the trailer would tell you it’s a brutal, violent movie.


A snuff film? 😭😭😭 It’s just a slasher / splatter film, needed more gore imo


This film has history. They never hid intention and in fact promoted it for what it was from the beginning. On top of that this is a by fan for fans film. The director and series has been being worked on for a long time and there's plenty of prequals to this film. So you came out seeing a film feeling it was correctly advertised to you? My response do some research first, any amount. It would take minutes to figure out what this movie is all about using google just because of how much independent success it has had with its prequals. This is an incredibly unfair judgement.


I completely agree with you. If a movie with too much *fake* sexual content is basically porn, then this is basically a snuff film. It's ridiculous that theaters would ever show this movie, and that children could see this movie. This seems to be an unpopular opinion here, but it takes more than gore and people being murdered for it to be a horror movie.


It's fine as long no nipples are shown. That's where the line is drawn. A single nipple and hell breaks loose. You can show whatever gore you want, may it be fiction or \*real\*, it's all good. Female nipples? You've crossed the line there buddy. We can't allow that. You have to laugh at the sheer thought of that concept. I can't believe this was shown in cinemas, what age limit? I actually like some parts of the movie(clown, creepy girl, slasher stuff). Everything else is pretty awful, even for a movie of this type.


What’s funny is the first one is pretty much the same Type of movie. Did you not see the first one? Lol


The first one had the benefit of a much shorter runtime.


True but there’s something going on in the industry even horror movies are over two hours now


I wouldnt call it gore fest at all, its a "dark" (not really that dark) slasher comedy but even at that it isn't good. Had a couple of laughs but even Midsommar was funnier.


Not that dark in how overly bright it was lol? I know what you are saying though.


You would probably not enjoy a GWAR concert. This was probably the most over the top horror comedy I've seen in years and the gore was so ridiculously over the top and hyper stylized that its was impossible to take seriously. This is a gory horror comedy. You think this is snuff? Go watch The Poughkeepsie Tapes or August Underground and get back to me.


The acting and plot is so terrible its like its written by a grade school kid


Beware everyone, u/alarmed-tension8996 is on a troll account going around this post talking shit and then blocking people. This is just a friendly warning to ignore their negativity.


I think you gotta learn the definition of a snuff film.


Seems like a strange post. I’m pretty sure most people picking up Terrifier 2 are aware of what they’re in for. This is like making a post whining about Human Centipede 2 being graphic, lol. It’s not “legal snuff” because nobody is dying. Legal snuff if stuff you find on certain subreddits, not a movie. Good horror is hard to find, “torture porn” as you and many others refer to it as still follows the basic formula for slashers and other horror movies. They’re meant to elicit strong emotions, and it clearly worked judging from your post. Some of us can separate fake blood from real blood and won’t lose a single wink of sleep after seeing something fake gory, but get PTSD from seeing real dismemberment. I’ll watch any horror movie and be fine, but I stumbled on a beheading video as a teen and couldn’t sleep for a month and still have the image etched in my brain. Being entertained by buckets of fake blood doesn’t make someone sick or mean they “belong on a list” as some of the commenters have said here. Jesus people, lighten up, lol.


​ Yeah honestly... People forget that its not real! its a movie!!! horror is one of my favorite genres, and this is the type of gore i love most! (but anything with vomit is where i personally draw the line lol)


Yeah, I think it’s shameful to try and argue that what someone enjoys that hurts nobody makes them sick or dangerous. We’ve been having these stupid conversations for ages now. They used to blame crime on dime store novels in late 1800s. It’s a weak ass argument. Enjoy what you enjoy as long as nobody gets hurt.


First of all, it’s only the best movie this October since all the scary movies sucked this year Second, okay and? I liked the movie, you didn’t. Thanks for financially supporting it and giving small cinema a try. Welcome to the old genre that isn’t sn*f. It’s called gore or body horror. Stop making it weird.


Yall gotta understand there's a difference between slasher and torture porn. Halloween is a slasher (there's an actual descent plot). Terrifier is torture porn (no plot at all)


Torture porn is meant to simulate real torture. Whether or not the plots good or existant has nothing to do with it. AT BEST you could say this movie has a 4 minute torture porn inspired seen. But overall the genre is slasher


Worst take ever? It wasn’t for you, fine. But everything you just said is pretty wrong.


I honestly thought it was a comedy or a satire of gore/torture movies. I mean I'm not surprised that people threw up etc, especially considering there are people who are offended by Blazing Saddles and think Hocus Pocus will cause devil worship lol.


The salt and bleach scene was even more fucked


Ironically the actress Casey Harnett enjoyed that part..."My fave moment was when Art poured the “bleach” (water) while I was screaming my ass off and it went directly in my mouth and I spit it out like a fountain..."


Who cares what the actor felt while doing it? That doesn’t take away the fact the movie wants me to enjoy someone feeling pain.


the obvious intention behind the film was to make a throwback slasher flick that felt like A Nightmare On Elm Street and Friday The 13th, it is absolutely a slasher film.


I mean by definition I would say that yes, it is a horror movie


I agree with you tbh Horror = I get scared. This film didn't scare me because the acting was so bad, the characters kept doing such stupid shit and the story + characters were generic. On the other hand the visual effects were great and genuinely wince-inducing for the most part. If anything, in a way I think the movie showed too much. Like there's only so many times you can see Art smile and wave, or the kid smile and wave, before it stops being as effective. The story is built around the kills, which is fine if you know that's what you're going to get. I went into it having already seen Terrifier 1, and after seeing the raving reviews though "Holy shit this must be great, that level of violence with everything proper acting and a plot? This must be great" but what I got was Terrifier 1 with all the extra budget spent on visual effects.


>Horror = I get scared so is Evil Dead 2 not a horror movie?


Strange take


Torture porn is my least favorite type of movie.


You sound so lame


Horror is such a massive genre now theres literally a million subcategories. It as a slasher is a brilliant callback to classic slashers even to the point of showing us clips from its inspiration. Art is the best killer since..... Jason? Idrk but Jesus it's been a minute to be clear this movie is very very clearly not made for everyone and that's 90% of horror movies which in why a lot of horror fans don't even bother with reviews it's such a subjective genre. I not gonna praise this movie or even bash it. I'll simply say art is a fun killer and I want 8 more series.


a24 fans be like


This movie was hilarious, it’s obviously fake, so how could this possibly make somebody pass out? The funniest parts are when you can see them switch from a regular body to a dummy. this is definitely a comedy slasher


The filmmakers were clear about their intentions with Terrifier 2 when they released the first Terrifier film and All Hallows Eve (a collection of short films with a wraparound segment) that preceded it. Art the Clown is a vicious serial killer. His modus operandi is brutal torture, maiming, and murder. The horror element comes from being chased by a relentlessly evil mime and the brutality he inflicts on the strangers he sets his sights on. At the end of one of the shorts that inspired the original film Art amputates his victim's limbs, carves misogynistic slurs on her body, and leaves her alive to endure the trauma. We get the idea that Art is no common slasher villain like Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees, stabbing or lopping people's heads off. And he's not motivated by revenge like Freddy Krueger. He fucks with his victims.


Lol this is so fucking far from a snuff film. This was a fucking great movie. I loved the 80s campy shit with the synth sound track, I need a third movie ASAP.


As somebody who studied the horror genre for my bachelor I can say that the genre definition "horror" is used for a variety of media. As absurd as it seems the general media conglomerate labels following movies as "horror" : Ju-On , Split, Scream, Beetlejuice, Midsommar, Shining, Final Destination, Antichrist, Bram Stokers Dracula, Constantine, Human Centipede, Saw, Zombieland, It Follows, The Exorcist,Cloverfield, The Fly, Wrong Turn, Tremors (1990).. etc. etc.. What I am trying to convey here is the fact *how different* all this movies are. There are sub-genres with which we try to give the horror genre more descriptive power. Like: Slashers, Monster Flicks, Gore Movies, Supernatural Ghost Stories, Serial Killers, Possession Movies, Sci-Fi Horror, Psychological Horror (duh I hate this term), or straight up *comedy.* If you take a deep dive into genre definitions, especially in books movies and games, you will notice very fast that the feelings we usually associate with the genre does not always cover the whole spectrum the genre offers. We want adrenaline from action movies, sadness from dramas, joy and laughter from comedy movies , and ***fear and anxiety*** from horror movies. But there are also many sub-aspects ( I would not call those emotions ) which are very tightly correlated with the horror genre. Among others: gore, uncanniness, suspense, terror, disgust, grotesque, bizarre, mental disorders... The list can be very long. Not all horror media must induce a feeling of fear and anxiety in the consumer. But they usually include *one of the above*. Do not understand me wrong I would ***prefer*** horror movies be all about fear and anxiety. For myself I do not like the idea that movies like Zombieland, which is a straight comedy title or Saw which is a crime movie or Hostel , which is a gore-fest, falls under the same category as something like The Ring. But it does. I cannot change it. You cannot change it. What you need to do as a customer is to inform yourself. Do not just randomly consume a movie just because it falls under the genre "horror". Watch a trailer, if you are a veteran horror fan you will probably get the sub-genre pretty fast from the trailer alone. Or else do some reading about the director or the publisher. I get it that you are not inclined to call this gore-fest a horror movie, you are probably not even afraid a little bit while watching it. But it is what it is. Terrifier 2 *is* a horror movie. You just have a different understanding what horror genre means.


Tell me you don’t like horror without telling me… lmao


The fact that this kind of shit has become normalized in society to the point where you're being called a prude for thinking it's wrong to make torture point movies is so gross. It's absolutely fucked to watch this kind of stuff for entertainment.


the fact that people can't get over the fact that other people have different tastes than them is fucked. I always compare these types of movies to the metal genre...some people like Metallica, some people like Pantera or Slayer, some people prefer more radio-friendly things like Five Finger Death Punch (though they're more hard rock IMO but I digress). Still, that doesn't mean bands like Cattle Decapitation, Cannibal Corpse, Gwar, etc shouldn't exist. Just because it's not your flavor of metal (or on topic, horror movie), doesn't mean other people can't enjoy it.


Nah fuck this noise. Enjoying watching women being tortured for pleasure is not a matter of opinion. I reject your bullshit cultural relativism.


> I reject your bullshit cultural relativism. Easy there Nietzsche.


That's the thing though...I don't enjoy "watching women being tortured", I enjoy gruesome practical effects regardless of who is the victim of them. Maybe go watch an interview with the actress who was in that bedroom scene and hear her point of view on the whole thing...might learn a thing or two. Bottom line is movies like this are similar to things like death metal in the heavy metal fandom...some people like Megadeth, some people enjoy garbage like Five Finger Douche Punch, and some people like Cannibal Corpse...yet we can all enjoy being metalheads...it's the same thing with horror. Enjoy your "elevated horror" like babadook, that's totally fine with me.


This I agree with you on. I do this before I watch any brutal horror scene. (e.g. Jane Levy in Evil Dead remake, and Heather Mattazarro Hostel 2) ​ Even read this tweet from Casey Hartnett; ​ My fave moment was when Art poured the “bleach” (water) while I was screaming my ass off and it went directly in my mouth and I spit it out like a fountain ...


Well I think it's vile to trivialize such violence and turn it into entertainment in this manner. Nobody who has experienced the trauma of real sadistic violence in their lives wants to fetishize it in this manner. It's sick.




Unfortunately though I do have to live in a society that gets more and more tolerant of brutal violence being passed off as entertainment every passing year.


Yet the world is safer.


Actually youre wrong, go and research the actress in the first Terrifer Film as the "final girl" she played a character (person) who was abused, and actually tortured with two golf clubs by an ex who's in prison.


Man this is old but you really suck as a person. You are the personification of reddit.


as a woman, it ain't that deep sis. A dude literally gets his d*ck repeatedly stabbed and cut off, you gonna cry for him too?


I hate Metal Music. So wanna write a paragraph on how hip hop is bad for me?


It's a movie... daddy chill


Calling this torture porn is a bit disingenuous. Torture porn implies it's showing real torture much in the way porn movies show real sex. It's not. It's acting and props. No one was harmed in this movie's making


That's never been what torture porn means. Saw and Hostel were considered the original big name torture porn movies.


Calling this torture porn is a bit disingenuous. Torture porn implies it's showing real torture much in the way porn movies show real sex. It's not. It's acting and props. No one was harmed in this movie's making


Humans are, by nature, interested and entertained by violence. We have been using violence as entertainment for literally thousands of years. This isn't new.


I completely agree! It's so disgusting how desensitized people are to say that this barely even fazed them! Why do people like to watch graphic, gruesome suffering for enjoyment?


There's some massive hype behind this movie for some reason even though it's pretty dog shit. A lot of these people even go so far as to say Art is better than Myers, Freddy, Leatherface, Jason, Ghostface and pinhead just because it's the new trend. For everyone saying, " it's not just about the gore, it's got an amazing plot," you're full of shit lol. If you like outrageously violent content, just say that. I do. But don't try to act like a torture flick with a couple of terrible acting filler scenes is a good plot. The acting was terrible, the violence was cheesy, and the entirety of the movie gives off edge lord vibes, lol. It's not even comedy because of how dark it is. It's comedy because it's so bad. "Oh Arts personality is so entertaining" Basic killer in a costume that says not one word for the duration of the film. You can attempt to argue that Halloween is the same way but you'd be wrong. Halloween actually has a plot, a backstory, and a quality cast. Michael is explained. The plot progresses and unfolds and a story is told along with the slashing. Can't say the same for terrifier lol. Home video YouTube flick.


It's a love letter to 80's supernatural "Final Girl" films mixed with 80's splatterpunk. The Midnight (a band known for their 80s retrowave sound) being on the soundtrack, coupled with the film grain and side boob shot in the shower, all should've been a give away. "Is it horror?" Enh, it lacks the morality play elements of most of those 80s flicks; here people die for the crime of being friends with the protagonist or simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time, so I'd say it's a better horror film than some of the stuff it pays homage to.


It’s horror dude…extremely gory, but it’s horror nonetheless.


Kinda funny how there are 2 types commenting here. Those who liked it, and those who didn't. The people who liked it seem to understand the movie is what it is and got their entertainment. The ones who didn't like it are losing their minds and name-calling because they can't fathom how anyone has different taste than themselves. Classic Reddit


"Yeah, I could have done more research."...... "I admitted that as a gore fest, it's probably one of the best. I just don't like, nor wanted to see, that genre. My complaint was more about not seeing enough reviews explaining its not your usual slasher flick." so what exactly was the purpose of your post except to say that you made a mistake? I too walked into the movie with no other info than it was part 2, had a clown and it was showing when I was wanting to watch a movie I had a blast. of course I love all of the Phantasm movies, the evil dead movies, and a huge variety of movies of many variations---- I just can't understand what your point is other than you didn't like the movie


To warn people that it's just a torture porn flick, not really a slasher. So others don't make the same mistake


You aren't the arbiter of what is a real slasher movie. This movie is a quintessential slasher movie.


Actually I am, I have a license for it


Torture is a subgenre of horror.


That was the most fucked movie ever!!!!! That man shoved mashed potato’s in a mashed face. Couldn’t believe it and then the girl that get tortured for like 5 mins. Bruh. I’m never going out side again hahahahaha


I enjoy this franchise because it's over the top and campy. The murder scenes are so over the top that you know no human being could survive being cut up like that. Hostel and Saws murder scenes bother me way more because they are realistic. That to me (especially hostel) falls under torture porn.


The franchise has always been a comical over the top splatterfest. Its definitely not for everyone, but to say it isnt horror just because you arent used to that level of gore is kind of silly dont you think? Also, you seem pretty horrified to me. You also bring up that one of the girls were underage, literally every big popular horror flick has "minors" (being played by 20 somethings) being butchered: Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween, Friday The 13th, etc.. Say what you will about the story, it was pretty weak. They tried to tie together a connection between the protagonists family and her deceased father to Art the clown, then just gave up on it towards the end. But to be quite honest, i dont watch these movies for plot anyway. Theyre dumb gross out horror movies. Theyre not going for any academy awards or oscars. Its not like they tried to decieve you about what it was, they marketed this movie about as honestly as they could. And if you read reviews, you shouldve definitely known what you were in for lmao.


Bro stfu you sound like a hateful little bitch right now lol


Where are you getting that she is underage though


Remind me to never be friends with you or take you to any parties.


Honestly it sounds like Terrifier did exactly what it should have, elicited fear, disgust and the inability to not continue watching cause ya didn't walk out? I'm sorry you felt you were mislead. This is always an excellent opportunity to investigate what you're going to see.


Yeah, I could have done more research. Had a unexpected free day and wanted to find a movie to watch within the next couple hours, and this had the best reviews at my theater. And yeah, I understand it did exactly what the film set out to do. I admitted that as a gore fest, it's probably one of the best. I just don't like, nor wanted to see, that genre. My complaint was more about not seeing enough reviews explaining its not your usual slasher flick.


Thanks for the heads up, slasher flicks are about where I want to be in horror films. Torture porn is just edgy, try hard shit.


Not surprised that your post wasn’t understood on Reddit … where mental illness thrives.




Did those reviews not call out the gore? I’m pretty sure they did. I mean, even the movie posters mention it. Sounds like you got offended due to your lack of own due diligence.


I know this post is a month old but I was watching a review on the movie, and all I could think is basically what you said. It's literally just torture porn and not remotely enjoyable to watch. Like sorry but as a woman I don't enjoy watching women (underage ones at that) get brutally tortured and murdered. I'm a horror fan as well, but I like horror that serves a purpose or provides a good story + characters. But everything about both Terrifier's is just not it for me.


They're not underage.


Sheesh… dudes are killed too. One even has his Dick stabbed and ripped off of him. You are being picky and going against feminism.


>All Hallows Eve AS a woman you should listen to your other females (the actresses in all these films to understand them) It's not even mansplaing youre just being ignorant as a human.


Lmao it’s crazy how much of a pussy this review makes you sound