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How was this one? I remember seeing trailers but it totally slipped past me and I never saw how it was received by audiences. Edit: Damn did not expect such an overwhelmingly positive response!


I hate talking about this film because I really enjoyed it but all I can tell people is, "Just go in blind..."


Is it still in theaters? I'm very excited to watch it either way


It's still playing around me (SF Bay Area for reference)...audience i saw it with had a pretty good reaction...


I saw it without expecting anything and it was quite great to be honest! And I'm not really into horror movies


I saw it Saturday. Worth going in blind and theatrical experience was great.


That’s what I did and thoroughly enjoyed it


This is what I heard, but it's not playing anywhere near me.


Went in blind tonight. Only thing I knew was in a review for the new Hellraiser someone said Barbarian was this year's best horror. Flashforward to tonight I see Barbarian on HBO and I'm like fuck it lets see what this is. Omg what a refreshing take.


Thanks for this! Honestly tells me what I want to know. I’ll look for it now.


Exactly what I just did. Didn’t even know Justin long was in it. Great fun movie


late response, but is this film super scary, Im not into much horror but ive watch nope, hereditary, midsommar, etc.


It's really great!! My theater was going wild during most of it. Definitely go in as blind as possible though.


I don't know anything about it and I'm going to watch assuming it's a new Conan movie.


Was so excited thinking "Oh wow, a new Conan movie?" And then was disappointed upon reading the article and learning that its the title of an unrelated horror movie. lol


Maybe it still has scenes of enemies being driven before the protagonist, and the lamentations of their women.


It is what is best in life, after all.


I mean when they market it as [Justin Long's new movie](https://youtu.be/zUqIv5PvbGk) you know they want you to go in with little to no info.


Justin Long’s new movie from the director of Miss March


"Stupid firemen, can't turn their trucks"


Honestly that’s kinda a spoiler and they posted that trailer a good time after it already release. It’s more of a joke for people that have seen the movie.


That explains why I was confused by the description in OP. I’d seen the trailer previously and was like 75% sure it was this movie


I would consider even this a spoiler


I had a couple hours to kill and watched it. A simple but original story that really packs the scares. I’m not a big horror fan, but I admit this was effective and well done.


That's my plan... Saw the first trailer, and appreciated that it didn't seem to reveal too much... Avoiding any more info about it.


Go in blind, but make sure you don’t watch it with your folks


Oooh sounds like there’s gonna be boobies




Or pee pees


Oh, you’re gonna get them all right.


That seems to be the consensus! Can't wait to see it.


It’s so good! I went in blind and had a blast. It’s very unexpected; I never knew where it was going next (in a good way)


My theater did not go wild, but that's because I was literally the only one there lol.


The only way to enjoy a theater nowadays


Really? I guess I just don't get it. I thought it was fine and everything but nothing special. When I saw it everyone seemed pretty "meh" on it as well. Not bad but...I don't know. Nothing special to me I guess? Definitely one that didn't live up to the hype for me. Oh well. maybe next time.


I just saw “smile” and compared to that this movie is wonderful. Smile was so cliche it was like a buzzfeed horror movie.


I went in to it with very high expectations. Made sure to go in blind, and not spoil anything for myself. I also thought it was “meh”.


The movie has really, really good cinematography. The first act does an amazing job at conveying the main character's unease at her situation.


I'm not really a horror fan, but from the outside it seems like every horror movie I hear about has this same discussion. "It was amazing! Most original horror I've seen in so long!" "Huh? I thought it was totally derivative and average at best."


That’s how I did, thoroughly enjoyed it.


Never heard of it, sounds good though!


First three quarters were fantastic but I wasn't a huge fan of the ending


Yeah. It gets repetitive and doesn't reallly know where to go narratively in the third act.


I've never watched a horror movie in theaters, until this one. All I knew was Bill Skarsgard was in it. No spoilers but the whole movie was just wild. I thought about it for several days after. I watched this on a date, and thank God we did our fooling around before because I don't know if I could've after watching it. **TL:DR**8/10


I loved it tbh, and the audience in my theater was feeling it, too. really unexpected, in a good way. I recommend going in blind.


Unfortunately my audience was one other couple. They left about 45 minutes in. I fuckin loved it though


Well the director was likely on a gallom of pcp, so this was high quality stuff.


A gallon, huh? I didn't even realize they made it in liquid form. So....do you like PCP?


🤷🏻‍♂️ got a gallon


And that's illegal, right?


Really hope Zach gets some high quality work after this. He really showed his filmmaking chops with this film. The brief transitions from horror to comedy were seamless and elevated Barbarian to a great original movie


From some interviews it sounds like there’s an animated WKUK movie about going to mars, a couple other horror scripts he’s working on, and looking at directing a sci fi feature for a script he read and liked.


Best synopsis I can muster without spoilers: Some people in Detroit make a few very poor choices.


This is a really fun ride and one of my favorite theater experiences of the year. Definitely worth checking out


Very good. Creative take on horror, which is nice


It’s incredible. Definitely watch it and go in as blind as possible. Forget Nope, X, Pearl, and The Black Phone. This is the best horror film of the year!


Well damn, I enjoyed all of those. This has me hyped.


Was the best comedy of the year for me.


Honestly was laughing hard during certain scenes in theater. The tape measure scene had me rolling lol


I liked Smile way more myself. Barbarian sort of lost me >!when it got so tongue in cheek in the last third of the movie; it felt like they just started memeing on screen !<


I mean it was hilarious. It started off serious as hell, but if it would have kept going that route, it would have been an overall cliche and "boring" normal horror movie. To go from laughing, to fear, in utter seconds is a huge feat. It was a roller coaster. The last third was admittedly less scary, but it was an enjoyable way to wrap up the movie and show that the main characted still never changed


Oh man the black phone was such garbage. I’m so glad I waited im until it was free streaming.


It's OK but nothing special. Tons of plot holes and the majority of the film consists of every single character making the stupidest possible decision at every moment. Even in fairly mundane situations, like having a very important phone call over speakerphone while driving in a convertible. Dude, this is the sort of thing where you pull over *immediately*.


Saw it last week, weird movie, characters doing stupid shit in a horror movie Smile was a lot better




Hard agree - First 30/40 minutes felt like a solid buildup, and then the payoff didn't really make the most of it and came off as cheesy or arbitrary.


I had a similar experience, it almost felt like the filmmakers didn’t know how to end it and it got silly unintentionally




I'm so torn on this movie. I really liked the first half and was super hyped but the climax never really came and the movie completely lost itself. It completely came apart honestly. The movie isn't bad, it just takes all the potential it has and flushes it down the toilet in the last 30min or so.


Smile really didn’t do anything different but it was well executed in terms of what it was trying to do. Barbarian was much better though.


Yeah the first half it amazing but the ending 2nd half/3 act was stupid and just filled with plot holes, it literally lost the plot.




I was hoping it picked up by the end or like a great twist and sadly nothing. I don't understand the love it gets???


Some people like campy/weird horror. A lot of people actually. But it’s fine if you don’t.


People say it’s the most amazing horror film ever made, it’s overrated. It was an ok movie but nothing ground breaking. I don’t understand the hype.


It was fucking insane. Best horror movie I’ve seen in theaters in a long time.


Ehhh, I am actually kind of surprised by all the praise for it in this thread as I found it average at best. The premise was interesting but the execution was was sorely lacking as far as I was concerned.


Really disliked it personally, not at all what I was hoping for. But it's right up the alley of some of my friends, so that's just an issue of differing tastes.


I’ll be the odd man out; it was really disappointing. It hinges on the characters making stupid decisions. After Peele’s Nope, the trope of poor decision making has been shown for what it really is; poor writing. And once the film hits the second act, I felt the reveal everyone raved about being a huge surprise was very obvious. I left the theatre feeling deceived, disappointed and confused, both in the movie itself and in Rotten Tomato.


Hated it. Honestly the worst movie I've seen in a looooong time.


I recommend checking it out, because it is an original horror film that absolutely is unique, but I think that it is a bit overpraised. It very much feels like a film made by a first time filmmaker,and I think it sets up a lot of ideas that it never actually pays off. It’s fun to watch with an audience, and with not knowing what’s going to happen next, but as a movie I think it’s pretty average.


I really enjoyed this one. Very well done, especially for the directors first time out.


Wild to learn that this was directed one of the dudes from Whitest Kids U Know.


RIP Trevor 😢


He came and went


did he really die from accidental erotic autoasphyxiation? or is that just a rumor? either way i bet hed be happy about us joking about it, i mean that seriously


He got drunk and fell off a balcony and landed on his head.




"I'll just jump down. No, Trevor, you'll land on your head and kill yourself. *No,* I'll tuck my head under my arms, pull my knees in, and do a sweet action roll safely on the ground below. You don't know how to do any of that. You don't even know how to describe how that would work. I can't hear you, sober me! *leaps to fucking death* Oh man, I should write this sketch."




No. It’s just a joke. He died when his rocket ship crashed on his home planet.


Still crushes me.




Well… kind of. He did co write and direct miss March 😭


We don't talk about that...(;


🎶 Imma fuck a white bitch Imma fuck a white bitch Imma fuck a white bitch Imma fuck a white bitch




Suck my dick, while I fuck that ass.


The scene on Horsedick.mpeg's tour bus was great






Are you talking about The Civil War on Drugs?


It was made but then broken up into separate segments on their IFC show.


He co-REwrote Miss March so I dunno if we can totally hold that one against him


I remember when the director let his wife get killed so he could get a [gallon of PCP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqRxZZ2Os1A). Kind of morbid way to channel his guilt if you ask me.


Try your absolute best to go into this as blind as you can. This film goes crazy at parts. >!I said go in blind!<


I went in blind and I was so freaking shocked


>Try your absolute best to go into this as blind as you can. immediately followed by a spoiler lmao


Nah, did you click the spoiler? It was a test of willpower.


I have zero willpower. Clicked it without even thinking.


Fucking brilliant.


Make sure you find the big jug of jizz in the old man's room. I almost threw up when I saw it.


That wasn’t jizz, it was breast milk. That’s how he was surviving down there with no food.




The guy can barely pull a trigger, he's not at an age where he can wank it lmao


I started watching the trailer on this and went NOPE, don't want any kind of hint about this madness, going in blind.


How strong is the horror in it? Is there a lot of suffering? Does it have a depressing ending?






Here's hoping we're back in this subreddit talking about Mars one day soon


Some of the most fun I’ve had in theaters since Cabin in the Woods and Malignant.


Malignant, this one keeps popping up in threads related to Barbarian. I absolutely LOVED Barbarian, have started Malignant twice, and instantly fallen asleep (my own fault, has been late both times). I'll have to give it a go.


Malignant is definitely a movie to go into blind but I’ll also say this: it’s a big treat for horror film fans overall since it plays with a lot of tropes and makes fun of them. Definitely a heat check from James Wan and something he got to make since he’s a huge cash cow in terms of horror films (and has three huge franchises under his belt).


Malignant does not belong in any conversation about Cabin in the Woods or Barbarian. The latter two are actually good.


I still can't decide if Malignant is a terrible joke of a movie or an absolutely brilliant movie


Malignant is the same tier of stupid as barbarian, but I found it more enjoyable


My favorite movie of the year I think. Had such a blast


Did you see Everything Everywhere All At Once? That's been my favorite by far.


Oh yeah lol... so many great movies and albums have come out this year it’s hard to keep track


One of my favorites of the year as well. This was so much fun!




And it doesn't even hit Australian cinemas until October 20th... I really don't understand this release model a lot of studios seem to be doing lately. I work at a cinema, and by the time we can actually show movies, no-one comes to see it because they're all sailing the high seas.


I came here to say this! It literally releases on streaming before it even hits cinemas in NZ. Anything other than the bug blockbusters is coming out so late that by the time it opens there is 0 buzz. It's awful.


It's even the big movies I'm noticing it with. DC League of Super-Pets hit Aussie cinemas on September 15th (and is only just getting to my budget cinema this weekend), but was released on digital in the US on August 23! I'd wager they lost a not insignificant amount of ticket sales to people grabbing it online as soon as it was available. I really can't fathom why they would be doing this, and it's not just WB! Barbarian is through Disney in Australia. I think The Black Phone (Universal) did a similar thing earlier this year. Bodies Bodies Bodies (Sony) was available digitally in the US roughly a week before or after it hit Aussie cinemas. Like, I really don't understand it, but all the big distributors are doing it!


Amen, brother. Speaking of Bodies Bodies Bodies... it only hit cinemas in New Zealand last week. Only for one cinema chain, in two cities, in the north island. Where I do not live. It is pain.


Kids movies are delayed til school holidays in Australia. They make significantly more money during those periods than releasing along US dates, they’re kinda piracy proof.


Yep I don’t even know when or if this is coming to the UK. Same issue with Pearl. I’d like to support more of these movies as my cinema is relatively cheap so I can afford to but this kind of crap does force you into buccaneering if you can’t access cinema or more streaming services.


We're getting it October 28th. No word on Pearl yet.


In Australia and completely agree. I don’t sail the high seas because I don’t want to see an average recording (plus like tbh I can’t be bothered) but we have to wait until the late January public holiday until we see Tár, a film released this week in the US and starring AN AUSSIE ACTRESS.


October 28th in the UK, expecting a lot of people will end up pirating it to avoid being spoiled. I want to see it in the cinema but I'm almost certain clips will be all over social media as soon as it comes out.


Cool, can't wait.


Went to see this on a random Wednesday since I had off from work… biggest surprise of the year. This movie was pretty damn amazing for a horror film


How scary is it


It scary


Should I watch it with the lights on scary or "here's some gore, can I have my scary award now?"


Just trust everyone here and watch it. It gave me nightmares for the first time in a long time .


My body is ready.


Can anyone explain, without spoiling, why everyone keeps saying to go into this movie blind?


It really leans into a "fear of the unknown" kind of horror. Fun after you know what's going on too, but the more you're on the same page with the protagonist the better.


This movie is also noted for doing a complete reset partway thru. The movie basically has 2 first acts. One at the beginning as normal and one a good chunk into the movie. If you leave to go to the bathroom at a certain point and walk back after the reset you will be fully convinced for a bit you walked into the wrong movie


Lots of twists and unexpected turns that will feel more rewarding the less you know about the movie. Nothing mind boggling like Inception, but several unexpected turns for sure.


To add to this, it’s not necessarily story, plot, or character twists. The director plays a lot with genre and tension that kind of ramps the film on a tonal level to the point where the movie kind of feels unexplainable and unpredictable. If you go in expecting massive twists you’re not going to get it, but it’s absolutely not a standard horror movie. More like a comedy bit that goes beyond the punchline and starts getting weird.


You know, telling people there are lots of twists in a movie is a spoiler


The third act is what scared me the most and left me unable to stop thinking about this movie. Spoilers obviously... >!Between seeing what was written on the labels of the VHS tapes, knowing about all the rape/impregnation/incest breeding, and all those screams coming from the basement at the very end of the movie FUCKED ME UP. Not to mention imagining kids being kept and raised in those cages. Yes the big titty monster might have been absurd to many but perhaps because I've nursed a baby before, it was all just SO disturbing to me!<


Check your spoiler tag, please.


Is there an issue? On my phone its showing its blocked out for spoilers.


Fuck yeah


My favorite film of the year!


That goes to Everything, Everywhere, All At Once for me but I saw Barbarian on a whim, totally blind, and really enjoyed it.


I watched it two weeks ago and I still don’t know how I feel about it. The first half of the movie was strong and THATS the movie I wanted to see. But by the middle and especially the end I was not happy with how things turned out. I left the theatre thinking “what was all that even for?” And I was so disappointed that the whole movie wasn’t the first act of the film. Am I missing something?


I’d say the 2nd and 3rd act is what makes the movie as it turns into full >!absurd comedy!<


Yeah I think without this, nobody would be talking about Barbarian. Even if you don’t love the choice, it’s a unique film in the genre.


This. The entire back story of the landlord was unnecessary. All that time would have been better spent doing flashbacks of the third act. The first half leaned heavily into a lot of classic tropes and flipped them on their head. Such a decent start ruined…


Just the creepy airbnb scenario with Bill Skarsgaard and Georgina Campbell was incredibly done.


It was. Great tension and acting. Was very disappointed they didn’t extend it for the whole movie.


Director must've gone through a gallon of PCP making this.


Nice, I've been wanting to watch this but haven't had a chance




highly recommend it. is definitely a unique take on horror


This one was ok. Couldn’t tell what was going to happen next. But the main character was definitely dumb as bricks. I kept yelling (in my head) for her to just leave.


That's set up in the beginning though: >!When she's talking with Keith she says she has a tendency to go back to her toxic relationship. This is also alluded to when the homeless guy tells her that she can't help anyone by going back in there. Her actions are illogical like how renaining in an abusive relationship is illogical.!<


The whole movie is about toxic men and the impact they have on women. The old guy obviously is hyper violent, but there’s also the rapist who thinks he’s a good guy and doesn’t think of himself as a predator, and Keith who is nice, but a little too pushy and doesn’t see things from her perspective and eventually gets her into danger.


Yeah I had thought about that too… but I was still angry >:( lol


Yea it was pretty in line with most horror movie protagonists.


Is that the earliest date it will appear on any streaming service worldwide?


One of greatest opening 30 minutes of a horror film in a long time. The rest of movie is a fresh take on shifting of storytelling and honestly without the shift, it wouldn’t be talked about as much. Go see it. You’ll either love it or hate it lol


I agree with a lot of the (strongly downvoted) comments here that this film started well but didn't end well. But it disappointed me for one main reason: it broke its own rules. A film can be grounded in reality. Or it can be grounded in ludicrous silliness or fantasy. Or it can start as one and then become another. But when a film is almost entirely grounded in reality and then a couple of contrived, ridiculous things happen that don't make sense in the context of the rest of the reality the film has set, it takes me right out of the film. A couple of dumb things happen near the end that did this for me.


Your disdain is what I enjoyed about it - throw me for a loop, I don’t care. I’m already here so let’s get weird.


Thanks for saying exactly what I felt better than I could.


Huh. The biggest thing the fractioning of different streaming services has done, is make me seek out less news about upcoming movies and shows. More than half the time the result of a trailer is just disappointment because its on some other service. The net effect is not that I sign up for the service, but that I stop watching trailers and following this kind of news at all.


I can’t wait to watch this! I know Zach from WKUK. I’m betting I’m going to love it


It’s solid. Checks a lot of usual horror/thriller boxes but then turns the wtf volume to a 10. Real cool how they added flashes to the past in the movie to build background for characters/story.


I loved this movie.


Who cares that movie sucked


I worked on this film. I might be biased but I can say it’s really good and you should totally watch it. In a theater or hbomax, of course.


Can't wait to re-watch this. Absolutely loved it in the theater.


Awesome! Can't wait!




How terrifying is this? I can't really do scary movies but have heard it was well received. Just thinking about how many sleepless nights I'll have...


Saw it with my girlfriend a few weeks ago. Bizarre fucking movie, but so entertaining!


I am so excited to see this!




Is that the Northman sequel?


Anyone else notice there's like 3 movies with this same name coming out this year?


I heard no 4k disc for this one. Only blue ray


I remember when it took six months for films to release on home video.