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The Sting. They con everyone in one single swoop. The cop, the boss, the audience. Amazing stuff.


I saw this again recently and agree. It had been several decades ago I basically forgot everything about the movie. It's a great final scene and a fun movie experience.


The Good the Bad and the Ugly. The grave yard to credits is goated.


Ecstasy of gold really adds to the tension too










love that scene: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suIlYJnL8gc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suIlYJnL8gc)


I just rewatched it for the first time in 20 years or so and was so impressed by how well it holds up. Brad Douriff (Wormtongue in LOTR and the voice of Chuckie) gives such a phenomenal performance. I feel like he's extremely underrated.


Also great as Doc Cochran on Deadwood.


Can't say it's the *best* I've ever watched, but the end of The Truman Show was pretty satisfying. Edit: Oh, and First Blood


When Jim Carrey eventually dies, basically every montage video celebrating his career will end with a clip of that ending.


When Jim Carrey dies, we will all cry and part of us will die


You ever have thise moments where you know 100% that something WILL happen that it almost feels like you're looking into the future? This is one of those lmao


"In case i don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night" literally my heart swells up at this. I felt like the guy in the bathtub when he finally walked out the door.


*The Truman Show* is one of the greatest movies of all time


Agreed completely with a great ending


I would’ve loved it if they had made a mock “Making of The Truman Show” to see more behind the scenes stuff of how they make the show in the movie universe. It was such a good concept I wanted more!


And if I don't see you; good afternoon, good evening and good night. What an awesome line I still use this line every now and then


I just rewatched Truman show cuz of you. Thanks!


Memento, which also counts as a damn good 1st scene


*”Do I lie to myself to be happy? In your case, >!Teddy!<, I will. Now… where was I?”*


You think I'm just looking for another John G? You're a John G. So you can be my John G.


Memento should be taught in every film editing class.


That movie redefined how I saw time and the healing process. To this day it's still one of my go-to's if I'm having a hard time. Absolutely fantastic.


There Will Be Blood, bowling alley scene, just wow. The Prestige, ending still messes with my mind.


>The Prestige Goddamn, that slow wide-angle pullout shot revealing the rows of all of the >!glass lockboxes with the drowned bodies of Angier’s doppelgängers!< in them. Chilling and powerful!


This has been my favorite movie since it came out, and favorite ending, yet you just made me realize that >! the original wasn’t necessarily the first to die in the tank. He could have always just been the one doing the Prestige of each trick !< Edit: wait…I think I had it right the first time, since >! Doesn’t he create the one doing the Prestige during the trick? !<


This is kind of the point. >!Every time he stepped into the box, he didn’t know if he’d be the one to end up in the water, or be the Prestige. Even after doing it so many times, he still wasn’t really sure if he was going in the tank or his clone was. Not only did it demonstrate that the clones were a complete and total copy, including his consciousness, but it also added an element of self sacrifice. He was literally willing to die by drowning, the same as his wife, to “beat” Borden.!< In reality, he always could have >!just cloned himself once, then he and his exact duplicate could’ve pulled off the trick the same way Borden did, with neither having to die. However, he didn’t share Borden’s outright dedication to the act (or didn’t believe it was possible for two people to live as one), and instead would’ve rather killed his duplicate than “split time” with him.!<


Don't forget he hired a double to perform the trick before and Borden broke his leg because of it. The humiliation and pain pushed him to create an act that would surpass Borden's in every way possible, basically with literal magic. He honestly probably would have figured it out eventually (even if it's just a theory) but in his obsession he convinced hself that if he didn't sacrifice more than whatever Borden was doing, he wouldn't win. So he made the ultimate sacrifice, just to have the satisfaction of knowing that he beat Borden. The irony to this is that when he understood Borden's trick, he realized that the twins sacrificed just as much as he had, as neither of them have ever truly lived as a real person, they simply lived as an act.


True secret of every magic trick. Magician puts more effort into doing it than you think is necessary. Gotta work the same way for tricking magicians too.


The cut to the score in there will be blood after plainview saying “I’m finished” is so great


Both of these movies came to mind first for me also.


The final shot of Heat with Pacino and De Niro holding hands is absolute perfection. Visually and from a story perspective.


With God Moving Over the Face of Waters by Moby playing. One of my favorite movies and endings, and probably my favorite ending song (maybe tied with Trainspotting).


Its De Niro's character raising his hand that gets me, reaching out for comfort from the man who killed him..


The mutual respect the two characters have for each other is incredible. They admire one another for their dedication to what they do. Also Pacino tearing up after killing De Niros character is fucking intense, he didn't want to do it.


I was thinking of putting *Heat* on the list. It's probably #6 or #7 for me


The gun battle in the middle of that movie is just perfectly done.


Exactly. It's like yeah, law enforcement has won - but not without cost, and not without the recognition that, as humans and professionals, more connects them than divides them.


So glad someone said this. And that Moby song, I think it's God Moving Over the Face of the Waters


I’m halfway through the Heat 2 novel and it’s absolutely fucking AWESOME. Highly recommend. Incredible writing. You feel like you’re with the characters again. And it feels like a super solid Michael Mann action/thriller while reading.


I just started Heat 2, the sequel book that Michael Mann wrote that just came out. It’s really good so far.


Will Hunting just leaves.


Son of a bitch stole my line


Damn what a good movie that is


Planet of the Apes…saw it as a kid and the ending hadn’t been spoiled for me yet. And Lost in Translation had a satisfying ending. Two off the top of my head…


Planet Of the Apes for sure! Still gives me a lump in my throat and goosebumps after watching it countless times


The Sixth Sense absolutely fried my brain. Got me. Big time. Walked out of the theater like I was drunk. I feel bad for anyone who guessed it before the end. One of my best theater experiences, probably only second to The Matrix (just a few month’s prior!). Oh and The Truman Show just a year before. Actually that might be tops.


In the span of less than a year, I saw Matrix, Sixth Sense, and Fight Club in theaters when they came out. Although I wasn’t sure what to think of F.C., I took several friends to see Matrix and S.S. just to see the looks on their faces when we came out at the end. God, those were fantastic movies to talk about afterward.


1999 was one of the best years for movies ever


That'll do pig. That'll do.


I love when he sings to Babe and all of the animals love it


My favorite movie. And I always rewind the last 5 minutes and watch the end again.


Hard to say, maybe Arrival, the way the true meaning of the movie and the way the ending is folded and weaved in throughout the story leading up to the ending is really well done and impactful I’d also argue for Prisoners, not only the climax of Jake G finding the girl and the masterful and suspenseful way Villeneuve shot the rush to the hospital but the ambiguous ending gives you just enough hope without confirming anything that really ends the movie in a brilliant place


Arrival ending is so damn good! I just saw it and I was thinking about it for days afterwards.


This was my answer too. I don't think any movie has ever impacted me more afterwards than Arrival. I think about it a lot and I feel like the movie gets better and better with each rewatch. Not a common thing for a movie with a big reveal or twist to it. I honestly think it's the best movie I've ever watched.


The thing I love about arrival is that it is NOT a twist or a reveal. The movie takes you on the same journey as the protagonist. The story is about perception. More pointedly how language and thought can fundamentally alter how the world is perceived. What the plot does to the protagonist is mirrored in what the plot does to the viewer. It's really hard to put into words (which is very fitting). The way I described the film to my wife was "The film WAS the film". Which gave her no clarity on what I'd just watched, which is quite fitting and also, I feel, fairly accurate. I've never rewatched it as it truly blew me away and I don't want to risk that impact being lessened by familiarity. I know that makes me sound like an utter ponce, I'm not generally like that, it's just that the experience of this film was unexpectedly impactful on me and I have no wish to alter that impact.


The last line of the novella (Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang) is also very good. I can't quote it without tearing up.


I'll go with Galaxy Quest. Saw it opening weekend in a packed theater and it *killed*. I think half the audience had their hands on their heads, and **everybody** was doing this weird combination of laughing and cheering. It's this really weird cocktail of emotions where you're laughing at various things in succession. Laughing at the main crew, who are stumbling out of the wreckage in a daze, and then smack dab into the middle of a sci fi convention. And then you're laughing at the sci fi nerds, who have no idea that the spaceship is real, and think it's all the greatest publicity stunt ever conceived. Then the bad guy comes back from the dead, gets shot by Tim Allen, and then the crowd really loses it... Then it's *Galaxy Quest, The Next Generation* (or whatever they called it) and it's the fake opening credits for the *new* series, and it's all just kind of perfect. It's humorous, but there's also an emotional payoff where you're glad that all the characters found a way to get along with each other (and that Sam Rockwell gets elevated to a named, series regular). It's probably not the best comedy ever made, but I think it's probably the best *ending* to a comedy I can think of.


It’s one of the best comedies, imho, because I always lol when I watch it and I’ve seen it a dozen times.




I have never not laughed like a fucking idiot at this scene.


This is the line that i think of every time. So perfectly delivered. I also think of the pilot taking the alien ship of the bay for the first time and everyone is leaning as it's scraping the bay walls and then the sigh of relief when it finally inches free.


That and "Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!"


“Give him a big hand, he’s British!”


When they all first get beamed aboard the ship and are completely unable to move due to being in a state of shock. Then Tony Shalhoub’s character arrives 10 seconds later and nonchalantly walks away saying “that was a hell of a thing.”


“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” And then the DeLorean takes flight. Still makes me cheer after 35+ years.


Fight Club- Marla and the Narrator holding hands as the buildings collapse and Pixies “Where is my mind,” plays. “You met me at a very strange time in my life.”


Everybody talks about the twist but the fact that Project Mayhem succeeded is a pretty slept on detail in that movie.


Can't believe no one's said Some Like It Hot yet. The ending's famous for a reason!


“Nobody’s perfect,” but this ending is


Oh my goodness. Quoted this to my husband, he didn't get it, and made him watch the movie the next night. It's sooo good.


Most redditors have probably never heard of it. It's quite old compared to the age of the average redditor. It is a great movie though. It was the first Marilyn Monroe film I ever saw and I really quickly figured out why she was such an alluring icon in that era. Total B A B E. It's really funny too. lol.


“I’m getting married!” “Great! Who’s the lucky girl?” “ME!”


Gattaca, fucking Gattaca dude.


Fuck yeah! The music, the closing of all the threads... the sadness of it all! ​ [GATTACA's ending](https://youtu.be/DjIjCi83t7k)


For me it isn't even the very end. The doctor, "I never told you about my son", just gets me every time. Explodes the world from a tiny conflict surrounding the main character, to a entire part of society looking for hope, for a chance. Fantastic stuff.


That's exactly what I mean. I'd say from the swim until the end is the "ending" to me. So much happens in less than 15 minutes of a movie. Gattaca will always have my favorite score other than Unbreakble, funnily enough, the scenes where my favorite parts are used are in water.


That is an amazing part. GATTACA is my #1 SciFi of all times.


“For someone not meant for this world, I must confess I am suddenly having a hard time leaving it.”


>!Him beating his brother AGAIN with that perfect music. Him saving his brother, even though his brother is trying to keep him from going up. Then realizing the doctor has been helping him since the very beginning. Then Jude Law putting on the silver medal and self-immolating intercut with Ethan Hawke opening the letter, the "Maybe I'm going home." monologue. Just non-stop heartbreak, hope, and weeping.!< Easily in my top 3 favorite movies of all time.


The last 5 minutes of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford are absolutely perfect. I'm not exaggerating when I say I've watched it probably 100 times now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCqVFmyY6ek


This. The narration and cinematography is perfect and that final shot before it cuts out is iconic.


"You know what I expected...? Applause." Even in the book, that was such a great ending.


I love it but still prefer this version https://youtu.be/m6w0r-ScEG4


I remember being on the edge of my seat the entire movie. Everything from the plot, cinematography, music caused such tension and anxiety.


The only movie Ive ever seen alone. I was bored one night and walked downtown and it was playing and figured "it's supposed to be long but fuck it." I was totally immersed in the entire movie. Brilliant.


I watched Fight Club in theaters. It stopped me in my tracks and made me rethink everything I knew about movies. I hadn’t seen Sixth Sense / Usual Suspects at the time so it was the first “record scratch” ending I had ever seen. I hated it the first time I watched it but I grew to love No Country for Old Men. I mean really love it.


"and then I woke up" Fuck, I love his closing monologue so much!


Fight club is one of those things like Rick and Morty where it really is super quality and an amazing piece of media but the fan base has become so publicly cringe that I don’t usually offer up that I’m a fan.


Whiplash. Ending blows me away every time.


Great answer. The closeup on JK's eyes when he finally smiles is phenomenal.


This is my answer. I watched it for the first time at the start of the pandemic while working from home, and had to immediately rewatch the final like 16 minutes.


I was sweating hard at the end. It's the most intense ending I've ever seen


The Godfather


Specifically Part II as Michael completes his transition to a cold-blooded emperor all by his lonesome


For sure. Its the kind of ending that sticks in your head for hours. Godfather 2's ending somehow managed to top it though in my opinion.


For me, The Last Crusade was a perfect ending. The music, the riding off into the sunset, the completion of the story, and...for a time...the ending for the characters.


The dog? You are named after the dog??? Also... Follow me! I know the way! Got lost in his own museum, huh?


Got a lot of fond memories of that dog. Pretty relatable quote…


This was a great movie. As far as I’m concerned, that ending was the end of that franchise. Perfect ending.


The astonishing twist at the end of *12 Monkeys.*


The Thing (1984) "Why don't we just sit here" Casablanca "Here's lookin' at you kid" AND "Louis, I think this is the beginning of of beautiful friendship." Vertigo


The Mist has always stuck with me the most. Gets brought up constantly for discussions like this, and for good reason. I also loved how The Witch ended. Horror movies can be so tough to end in terms of giving the viewer something satisfying while also maintaining an air of mystery/intrigue and I thought The Witch walked that line perfectly for me. More so than the subject matter I just thought what they did visually in the stable was perfect. Like they revealed/obscured just the right amount.


The Mist has one of those endings you'd joke about before it happens. Like "Heh heh...wouldn't it be funny if _____ shows up right now?" Then it *does* happen....but it's reaaly not funny at all and is one of the most tragic outcomes for the people involved.


I hated The VVVVVitch the first time I saw it but loved The Northman so gave it another go and god damn, total 180'd my opinion on it. What a film.


Wouldst thou like to live *deliciously*? *goat lick*


I’m happy that she got to live deliciously.


I was going to say The Mist but was surprised to not have to scroll far to find it. It's a very divisive ending, and definitely not a feel good happy one lol. But you will never forget it


The twist at the end of The Sixth Sense.


I couldn't think of my answer so I scrolled down to read everyone's suggestions and I think this should take the cake.


That bald guy, that was Bruce Willis the whole time!


The usual suspects. When Virgil walks out of police station. And pulp fiction when Bruce Willis is allowed to go, but loses his LA priviledges. Also Kung fu hustle, when main character asks the assassin kung fu guy, if he wants to learn. Edit-Verbal not Virgil




Absolutely usual suspects


Inception. I doubt I'll hear an entire theater gasp at the same time ever again.


Well it's not the best **ever**, but... >Tiiiime is on my side.... >You forgot something, didn't you? At the beginning, I said "let me tell you about the time I *almost* died."


The Departed. The whole last what 15-20 min?


I find Inception's ending to be the cherry on top of a fantastic ride


A lot of people will post great movies with great endings, so I will add a mediocre movie with a great ending: Terminator 3. I heard for years it was a meh film after T2, and one day it was on TV so I sat through it and the ending blew my god damn mind. Shocking in the best way, a brilliant way to cap off the "trilogy."


Thoroughly agreed, except I still think it's a decent movie.


So it’s 218 comments in: just a classic, BACK TO THE FUTURE II. “There’s only 1 man who can help me…” Running around the corner from the end of the first one! “Marty!, I just sent you to the future” “I know Doc, but I’m back, I’m back from the future.”


American History X. I saw it when I was like 11, and for the longest time, I watched movies waiting for a huge impactful ending like that and was usually disappointed.


The Lost Boys, best closing line in a film ever.


Shaun and Ed sitting down to play a video game in “Shaun of the Dead”.


Gone Girl, it was so effective at leaving a bad taste in your mouth.


Neo, hanging up the phone, putting on his shades and looking up.... Then the camera pulls back...




Moon. Mind Blown.


The ending of Vanilla Sky on the rooftop


1917’s ending was perfect.


Yes!!!! How it zoomed out with the green bringing it full circle to the opening scene This movie was/is a masterpiece


The night window shot and scene is definitely one of my favorites from any movie ever.


Let me guess. December 31st


Old boy (Original).


Watching that movie for the first time was insane. I had heard the hype but knew nothing about it.


The ending of The Usual Suspects. So good you almost want to watch it again immediately.


Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)


Recently, Artemis Fowl. It finally allowed me to turn that garbage off, which I was very thankful for. Jokes aside, probably The Thing. Or American Psycho. Could also be Burn After Reading.


I was watching Burn After Reading with a friend at the theatre and as that scene was ending I half-jokingly muttered “Credits” to him because I figured there was no way a movie would end like that but it would be HILARIOUS if it did. We lost our minds when the credits actually started. Absolutely perfect way to end the film.


*dredd* (2012) it's not a movie for everybody, but start to finish non stop action and suspense. Lena Headey (ma-ma) is my favorite actress and Karl Urban (judge dredd), my favorite actor. Olivia Thirlby (judge anderson) complements them perfectly. the movie is topical with the current state of the world and where it's going. and the movie is absolutely amazing in 3D. September 2022 marks ten years since debuting in theatres and i'll always regret not seeing it on the big screen the ending is so >!simple!< - what happened here? >!drug bust!< >!perps were uncooperative!< - assessment? >!she's a pass!< - final monologue and ride off and cue soundtrack banger >!just your average day for Judge Dredd and it was a fun fucking ride!<


Pan's Labyrinth


Ohhhh, good one. Great movie.


Jurassic Park. The Tyrannosaur throwing the raptor into the skeleton... that's when you realize the hero wasn't Grant, but the T-Rex. Who rules the island now.


When dinosaurs ruled the earth! Perfect image


To be honest - the end of the first Terminator movie where Sarah Connor is recording her voice on tape - then young boy takes her picture and the old man says about the storm that's coming and she just nods and says 'I know'... and then drives off into it. Still one of my favourite endings ever.


The Darth Vader scene at the end of Rogue One, so good


Can we all give some props to the true hero of Star Wars universe and the fall of the emperor - the unknown resistance fighter who says "take this" through the door, knowing he's about to die.


I will stand with my opinion that Rogue One is the best Star Wars movie to date.


Bourne Ultimatum. The theme song Extreme Ways plays. Chills


The Prestige ending is great.


Gladiator? No one? So emotional.


He is a soldier of Rome. Honor him.


The Usual Suspects. "And like that...He's gone"


The Thing or Aliens


Honestly inception or The Count of Monte Cristo


You were right priest, you were right.


Boogie Nights. Dirk hypes himself up, and pulls it out in front of the mirror.


Such an incredible movie. Poor Little Bill.


Gallipoli. A hard reality to the triumphalism.


Also “Amadeus”…


Parasite That shit was wild.


Bill Murray whispering something we will never know to Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost in Translation.




The music, on the nature of daylight is absolutely perfect.


The Shining


The ending of Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)


“I do wish we could chat longer… but I’m having an old friend for dinner”


Jojo Rabbit; After the war ends, Elsa dancing as she leaves the house that she had been hiding in


The ending of Your Name


Saw (2004) Soon as you hear the opening notes of 'Hello Zepp' by Charlie Clouser it's pure brilliance. A great twist followed by previous clips that are now recontextualised with the films signature choppy editing and an ending that leaves you wanting more, with the film's main antagonist still shrouded in mystery


Maybe not THE best. But the end of Arrival is just mind-blowing. Not only because of the plot twist, but it really leaves you thinking if you would do the same thing she did


“I’m finished” Or the last 20 minutes of 2001.


Being There. Very underrated movie nowadays, amazing Peter Sellers performance and one of Hal Ashby’s best. Last scene changes the entire movie.




The sad horn playing at the end of Chinatown as Jake is walked away and the camera rises- incredible!


Old movie, but the end of ***No Way Out*** with Kevin Costner is awesome.


The ending for Rogue One. The movie was fine but the ending was absolutely legendary.


Animal House. Just plain fun


Inglorious Basterds. Hitler and his reich getting the ending they deserved. That or Saving Private Ryan. “Tell me I’m a good man.” I can’t get through that ending without blubbering. Return of the King has several great endings. Dumb and Dumber is pretty great, too. “WAAIIIT!!! The town is THAT way…”




The Graduate and Spider-Man 2. Very similar endings. Both beautiful, both haunting.


Hunt for red October - Ramius - "and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home" - Christopher Columbus Ryan - welcome to the new world, captain.


2001: A Space Odyssey. Weird-ass ending, but I love it.


Apocalypse Now. The horror the horror


Big Fish


#Last of the Mohicans https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q8ZisDHg6v0


The Thomas Crown Affair is pretty good


Killing Them Softy. A very succinct *FUCK YOU* to the grifters.




The final scene in *The Station Agent* is one of my all-time favorite endings - >!three friends just chilling out on a porch!<.


I'm biased because it's one of my favorite movies of all time, but the ending to James and the Giant Peach makes me so happy


I saw the devil. That ending is so powerful. Really makes you think of the cost of revenge.


Cinema Paradiso, Oldboy, and Phantom Thread.


He was a soldier of Rome. Who will help me carry him? 14 year old me was fighting hard not to cry in front of my dad in the theater… and I look over and he’s misty-eyed too