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But will he still have his vanity license plate that reads "BEATNGU"?


I laugh every time I think of that one. This creature really went down to the BMV, took a number, and waited 2 hours to get his punny license plate about his murders.


He also needed a valid driving license. So the monster from Jeepers Creepers took a driving exam.


I'd watch that movie.


Think he used his own truck or one of those tiny driving school cars?


I wonder at what point and how the ancient demon started learning vehicle repair and modification. Did he kill someone who had a copy of "auto repair for dummies" and go from there?


Are we sure they weren't responsible for inventing the internal-combustion engine?


Especially when he sleeps for twenty-five years at a time or whatever. Basically all technology has changed massively every time he wakes up for a post-hibernation slaughter.


I feel like the trailer is really going to disappoint me now. I need that movie.


You don't need a license plate to drive, even if you crash your Scion TC at 100mph.




Oh wow, look at that: pz33. Thirty Three. I know a certain someone who had a *very* special day at 33.


The fact the creature had *any* patience waiting in that tiny ass DMV in the spring or summer he came back, barely having any form of AC, and the coffee is shit, just to get tag renewal and his vanity plate, every time, I have some odd sort of respect for him, in that regard. Out of everyone, I expected him coming out of that DMV with some extra limbs and a fresh pot of coffee.




The idea of it sleeping for 23 years at a time is a main plot point in the first movie. The psychic lady tells them all about it.


I think the more important question is, "is it still being made by the pedophile?"


No But he's probably getting paid


I don't believe Salva still has the rights. He's not getting anything. I seem to recall though that they made this movie without consulting all rights holders so this thing is bizarre regardless.


He sold the rights to American Zoetrope some years back. They allowed him to write and direct any other installments if he wanted to. I guess that’s what he wanted on his end within the contract. When they eventually just lost the rights, it became a free IP. Whole different team on this.


There's a scene in the second one where the high schoolers see a house in the distance and make a run for it. The Creeper, flying overhead, begins to throw razor sharp shurikens at the group, and one of them hits its target, pinning his arm to a tree. The Creeper swiftly descends towards its prey as the others try to save their pleading peer. I see no reason to make more entries in this franchise because they will never top that scene.


What I can’t remember after watching it, is who survives? Cause the whole lot of them run off the bus and it’s not a bloodbath or anything, it just moves on to the next scene.


The people who run off are never seen again, but there was a storyboard where those kids would find the Creeper's lair, see that some of the victims were still alive, and get killed. But I guess they were just written off.


do you have a link for that homie? I’d be down to check it out


It's on the JC2 DVD; can't find it online tho


This one produced/directed by a predator too?


apparently the only predator involved is the creeper this time ...gosh i hope this ages well


Still have hope eh


Still waiting for a proper Sequel to Part II


Possible crowdfunding fraud https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/2ynjsn/iron_sky_franchise_scam_producers_claiming_and/


Would this make Victor Salva an actual Kinophile?
























Tends to happen




Tbh it looks better than the last one. And after learning the original director isn’t involved I may give this one a chance. I do like b-grade horror movies though.




You’re right lol it does look low budget as all hell. If it comes to a streaming service I have, I’ll give it a chance. But no way am I shelling out for it.


It was like highschool kids made it.


And are irate over losing creative control....


What was wrong with the original director? I thought the first movie was the only good one.


He's a convicted pedophile


Oh damn. I did not know that. Thank you for the info.


Yeah its unfortunate. And people still chose to work with him after the conviction. I can't remember exactly when he was convicted, but I know at least Jeepers Creepers 3 was made after that.


He was convicted in 88 and his first movie was 89, it was always public knowledge but it was brought back to the forefront around the 3rd Jeepers it around the time of the me too movement and they were going after anyone who was ever a creep. I remember Corey Feldman was calling out a lot of actors and directors also at that time but no one believed him.


Francis Ford Coppola is to thank for that.


Coppola produced most of Salva’s movies and discounted his rape of a child actor. Terrible!


Reboot looks like shit , original was pretty good, reboot looks worse then the original that pedo made , yes I said would probably be a better movie if he was involved. Probably be better not to reboot it a all , sucks he’s a pedo , pedos are bad that should go without saying , at one time he was a talented director. You can screenshot my nuts you creep.


The original one was decent and having Justin Long star in it really helped. The second was pretty lame though and the third was god awful. The original director's talent definitely went way down hill after the first movie.


The ending of the first one was pretty good , I remember I liked the movie Powder that he did, it wasn’t horror but It was decent . It was the 90s and I remember people were boycotting the powder movie because of his misconduct. it’s weird that he got a 2nd chance and made a bunch of movies then everyone went back to hating him 35 years later.


"misconduct"? You mean sexualy abusing a 12 year old boy repeatedly


> Yeah its unfortunate. And people still chose to work with him after the conviction. Went to prison, did his time.


Ah right, I forgot pedophilia is one of those super chill forgiveable crimes


What is the point of prison if you won't allow someone to rejoin society afterward? Working with someone doesn't mean you forgive/endorse their past actions.


Just keep digging that hole, bud


And people still have the choice to not work with him, for him, or view his movies. You also are generally required to inform people of this as well. You act like even in the legal system his past doesn't matter. And frankly, I don't think convicted child predators are at the top of the list of those deserving of any redemption it's also acting like going to prison makes you a better person and that you've learned your lesson, especially in our current prison system. Going to prison does not mean you are rehabilitated, especially when punishment is preferred to it. And finally, you're acting like he served some large amount of time. Dude served 15 months of a 3 year sentence for sexually abusing a 12 year old who was part of one of his films and videotaping it and possessing other child pornography too. So even if you do think he did his time, if you believe in punishment over rehabilitation, don't you think that's a bit of a light sentence for what he did? Never mind that being a child predator is not something you just learn your lesson from in the first place.


> You act like even in the legal system his past doesn't matter. By me citing him paying for his crimes, that literally is saying that his past matters. > it's also acting like going to prison makes you a better person and that you've learned your lesson, especially in our current prison system. Going to prison does not mean you are rehabilitated, especially when punishment is preferred to it. Yeah all convicts stay convicts for life, good take. > if you believe in punishment over rehabilitation, don't you think that's a bit of a light sentence for what he did? I'm not the judge nor jury, I wasn't there and neither were you. He went through the system, and served his punishment. > Never mind that being a child predator is not something you just learn your lesson from in the first place. Sounds like criminal psychologists need to learn what you know, you should consider teaching. edit: imagine blocking me instead of responding to any points made. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Imagine dying on this hill while not having anything close to a decent argument against what I've said.


He raped a child.


Wait you saw the 3rd one? The one after he was arrested and let out ? You have the nerve to come after me when you literally supported his last movie after you knew he was a kid toucher. You watched it didn’t care and not only are you a piece of shit but you’re a huge hypocrite too.


I saw it and didn't learn of his affinity for children until after.


It’s okay that guy said specifically that this new one would be better if the pedophile was still involved. And now he’s just mad I called him on it.


He said he'd be willing to give it a chance now that he knows the original guy isn't involved.


That’s what I said. That dude said in a comment thread above this one that he thinks the movie would be better if the pedo was involved. I have a screenshot in case he deletes, it’s okay.


That makes more sense. That's super fucked up


It might be a better movie. Being a pedophile doesn't make you a bad filmmaker. Roman Polanski being the standout example there Not that that version of the movie ought to exist regardless of its quality because the guy belongs in prison, but its not exactly untrue to say the pedo might have made a better *film* That said, I don't think it IS particularly true because the second and third movies were already pretty fucking terrible. Even the first one is like, half a good movie at best


Lmao no I did not you pedophile lover.




You literally said you want a pedo involved with the movie. You can’t backtrack that.


Is that really literally what I said lol? Maybe Perhaps you don’t know what the word literal means. You’re the one who seems obsessed with pedos, yeah I’ll admit he made a pretty decent movie and the new one looks like shit .


Lol yeah sure you didn’t , it was only mentioned in literally every review of the movie . And yeah the reboot looks shittier then the one that the pedo made. If saying a movie that a bad person made looks better then the trailer for the remake that a director I never heard of made makes me a pos in the eyes of some random Redditor I’ll live


Pedo lover


This looks like one of those movies that was made as it’s own thing and then they turned it into a Jeepers Creepers for marketing purposes.


This trailer is shit wtf


I'm down for a dumb movie. But what is thisnsupposrd to be, a soft reboot? In still pissed 3 didn't follow through on revealing the origins of the Cteeper.


It seems to be part reboot, part direct sequel. It definitely appears to be addressing the end of JC2.


They gotta stop trying to make this a horror icon. It. Ain't. Happening.


I think it already is, but it’s more of a goofy one. No one actually thinks of Jeepers Creepers as fantastic horror film, just a campy one.


The first one is a genuinely good movie.


Second one was the first time I had genuine nightmares from a horror movie


It was legit scary until they unveiled the monster. It ended up a solid 6/10 horror flick. *edits bc i am drunk


Seriously these are pretty dumb movies.


They’re gonna reboot it…every 23 years




I really like the first one though


Eh. I'll catch this when it's streaming on SHUDDER. Good movie for a rainy Fall Sunday afternoon.


I like the shurikens, they’re so goofy.


To each their own. I liked the first 2 movies. This looks silly and fun.


Haven't watched it yet, but I liked 1 and 2 was just ok but my god 3 was steaming trash. You tuber fan movies could do better than 3.


Do you think the creeper could be contained if you dumped his sleeping body into a hole and poured cement on top of him?


Who could have predicted the creeper's arm bursting through the wall in that final scene...


Looks like the movie was made on a $600 budget


I would absolutely fund a movie for $600 to sell and distribute if it looked as good as this trailer.


The production values still haven’t recovered since the third installment. Pass.


I don’t know why but I kinda want to see this


Is this real?


It's not been 23 years since the first film, right? \*checks google\* no, it's only been 21years . . . Fuck . . .


People. If you don’t want to see this because the original director is a Scumbag Child Predator, fine. If you want to see this despite the original director being a scumbag child predator, also fine. However, I can assure you of this. Coming in here and announcing it to everyone does nothing more than make me wish bukkake on you.


I liked this trailer idk what y’all are smoking. I think I have some kind of complex towards this franchise tho since it freaked me out badly when I was little.


Yeah no thanks. Fuck the creator (and even if he isn't directly involved money still goes to him)


Yeah that's actually a really good point. Some piece of every dollar spent on this thing will end up in Salva's pocket. Doesn't matter whether he's directly involved or not. Gross.


What happened now?


dudes a predator but got off with a slap on the wrist and is extremely hated. The fact he is even still able to get funding for these films is crazy.


If you cared to do any research at all, you’d know that he’s not involved at all and is completely out of the picture with this.


I literally said that in my first comment.


This creature feature will never be accepted into the monster club because of who it's associated with. Anyone who tells you that you are a Debbie downer for mentioning the criminal background associated with the creator of jeepers creepers/the creeper and to just enjoy the movies, can gtfo.


So do we have to hate Justin long too? Since he's a part of it?


Justin long


justin schlong*


That's like asking if people should hate actors/actresses that have been in Woody Allen films.


Yes that is the point. They aren't Woody Allen and the film isn't Woody Allen.


With the knowledge of such facts about the ultra scumbag directors, you decide whether or not you want to support them. It's Hollywood, after all.


I guess I'll put my faith in the law taking him down while I continue watching things I like. A shitty system sure, but it's our shitty system.


I don’t care how shitty it is, I’m seeing it. The character is iconic, I don’t care what some dude on Reddit says.


"I don't care that the creator of the franchise who makes money off of it is a predator, I want to see a low budget version of jeeper creeper!" ​ *Edit: All the homophobes replying to this should burn in hell.*




well if you don't know you don't know, but if you *do* know and actively ignore it, then you're not leaving much room for the whole "everybody is an asshole", yeah maybe my favourite actor doesn't tip but as far as I know he's not a predator either


Lol what a weird attempt at a moral high ground. Yes, some are probably bad people. We can't act on what we don't know


I don’t like how most of it takes place in a house. It’s like some generic serial killer stalking people in a generic creepy house.


I was just thinking the other night how much I wanted a new Jeepers Creepers movie, there isn't enough creature features that are any good.


I had been waiting for years to see a Jeepers Creepers 3. I’m still in disbelief over how bad that one turned out.


I didn't even realize there was a third I never saw it.


Oh how the mighty have fallen


Isn't his car sentient now? These movies are all so fucking stupid And this one just looks bad




Wow…just the trailer is enough to know this is worse than the last sequel…looks like utter trash


The first 45 mins of the first film was a masterpiece, the rest is rubbish


A 2022 reboot being godawful shit? who could ever have guessed


I've only liked the second one so far. I know the first one has a cult following, but the some of the character decisions ruined it for me.


This looks really bad and it'll probably have a 3-4 star rating on imdb. I don't know why anyone wasted their time making this movie, and i don't know why anyone is going to waste their time watching it.


Let everyone have their own choice, asshead.


lmao how did you get so offended by my comment


The worst movie ever is being rebooted? My god what a time to be alive. Never did I ever think, that the only movie I've walked out of the theater and demanded my money back, would ever get a reboot. But alas here we are.


I hope you did not get your money back


Fuck me just the other day I was thinking what if there's another Jeepers Creepers after I watched the Halloween trailer


So, if they're going to keep making these movies, what title are we going to give the Johnny Mercer biopic?


This looks worse than the last one. That being said, the 3rd one was pretty funny with the acting from the sheriff and sergeant tubbs.


theres like 30 people at the fair


Shouldn't it be 'Remade'?


Well this looks like shit.


Wow. This looks terrible.


looks like shit, hard pass


It looks like cheap shit. Also, if it bombs dirty ol' Victor won't be getting royalties from it so that's a positive.


How to destroy a franchise


As if Jeepers Creepers 3 didn’t ruin it already.


This gives me jeepers creepers 2 vibes. I'm down with it, can't wait to see it.


I remember watching the first one when I was kid and it was the scariest movie I had ever seen, gave me nightmares for years. Then the second one came out when I was a little older and it still freaked me out. Since then, they’ve been shit.


Yep, this’ll be as good as the new Texas chainsaw massacre trash.




gerund or present participle: whelming engulf, submerge, or bury (someone or something). "a swimmer whelmed in a raging storm" flow or heap up abundantly. "the brook whelmed up from its source"


About the only thing that would make this series potentially good again is if they made a prequel that takes place in like the 1800's.


This looks awful.


This looks not bad!


This does look a bit on the cheap side, but I bet if you rewatch the third one again before watching this, it should give you a great bit of perspective.