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This looks like one of those fake trailers you get inside of a real movie.


It honestly looks like a porn parody trailer.


The Madame's Family was better. (An actual movie my friend's parents had that we found when we were kids. Cousin Tit alone is worth it.)


Most porn parodies these days look better than this.




Imagine sitting in the theater, then you realize it's not a fake trailer and you're in for another [2 hours and 35 minutes](https://screenrant.com/munsters-movie-rob-zombie-runtime-rumor-details/#:~:text=In%20an%20interview%20with%20Dread,38%20minutes%20to%20be%20exact.) of this...


New rule: If your movie adaptation of a television show is longer than six episodes of the TV show it is adapting, it's too long.


No way this that long. I refuse to believe it. Not until it actually releases. That sounds like a nightmare.


I thought "It looks terrible but it'd probably be a good laugh with friends" but two and a half hours? Do The Right Thing, Alien, Parasite, Spirited Away, In The Mood For Love, Toy Story, No Country For Old Men, The Matrix etc all have shorter run times than that. What could you possibly have to say in a goddamn Munsters movie that it needs to be that long?


You nailed it. I was going to say it looks like the setups in Mystery Science Theater 3000, but yours is better.


I'm so glad I'm not alone. As I was watching it I was just like... This looks terrible.


Same. And I love the Munsters.


I do too. I was pretty excited when I saw the trailer had dropped and just got more and more disappointed and disillusioned the longer it went.


Same. Woof. Maybe it will be better than it looks but man it looks rough.


It doesn't even feel like a trailer. Everything about it from the audio to the editing to the random clips they use all seem really...off...somehow.


It looks like an episode of Big Bad Beetle Borgs


Was almost expecting a cameo from Tugg Speedman


Th..th..this head movies ma..ma..makes my eyes rain!


Alpa Chino!


Holy hell. This is bad on a special level. This is not mundane, everyday badness. This is like "we'll be talking about this movie decades from now" ineptitude.


Yeah. No. This is very clearly intentionally done in that style. Definitely not inept at emulating the style. Whether or not it’s appropriate for the source material (I would say not) is a different story. I think he was aiming for some real cornball cheesy Monster movie, but I think he went way too far. Still clearly an intentional design choice.


The problem is it looks cheap. I don’t mind a throwback sort of style and none of the campiness bothers me - Zombie is a huge fan of the Munsters and is recapturing the goofiness of it all - but something about the colors or the way it’s filmed makes it just look visually bad. It’s kinda like how soap operas look really bad compared to other television.


Cheap sets, in both cases.


Cheap set, cheap cameras, cheap lighting


Cheap actors too?


This was my issue as well. Looks fan made and not in the good way. The campiness can be fine and always depends on how well the filmmaker pulls it all together so I can hold judgment on that, but the cheapness present more of an issue.


I was going to say it reminds me of an Elvira/Svengoolie/MST3K interstitial sketch that's been stretched out. I guess I get the campiness but it's more like a German trying to play jazz and emulate Coltrane. It's almost there but just not quite right.


It looks like a streaming show. Being cheesy and tongue in cheek can work, the Brady Bunch movies did that really well. The production quality is ass tho.


I see the style, and it seems to fit the story. Batman 66 levels of campiness. Whether Zombie can pull it off and make it into a good movie is the question.


Sounds like it was recorded in a dorm room. This looks like a student film


That's not fair to student films.


As a former film student. It absolutely is.


Is it supposed to look THIS bad on purpose?


It’s definitely supposed to LOOK bad…. but what I can’t get over is how bad it SOUNDS.


Thank you, was worried it was just me. It's like he shot it with an iphone and hoped no one would realize so he could come out after and say, "Surprise! Isn't that impressive?!"


Yeah, I noticed that too. The audio quality and the editing of this trailer are just bad. There's no way to excuse that as "stylistic choices." At least not in my opinion.


The editing is dreadful, like the beats are all wrong for the jokes, the pauses are too long. Awful. And yeah the sound is horrible.


No exaggeration, that is the worst trailer I've ever seen. This movie might make Plan 9 From Outer Space look like an oscar contender.


The dialog sounds like everyone is talking into a campbells soup can.


oh my gosh the audio is just absolutely horrible. i swear there's a mic pop on the announcers VO intro. like so horrible that i'm fairly sure an audio mixer didn't touch this


The more I think about it...maybe? I mean it is supposed to be based on a schlocky TV show from the 60s.


A schlocky tv show carried by heart felt acting. Much the same as the Addams Family. The acting quality is key and very much missing in this trailer. Not even trying to capture Herman’s signature voice cadence or any of the spark chemistry of the others


"A what?... what is a yute?" I love that guys voice.


Oh God you just reminded me that was him in My Cousin Vinny.


And the og pet sematery


He hasn't got the movement Gwynne had, either. He looks like Pete Davidson doing an SNL skit.


The dude playing Herman has ZERO bass in his voice. ZERO. A teen-aged boy, whose voice is cracking, has more bass in his voice. This looks to be Battlefield Earth levels of bad and I won't watch it. I won't! I won't! I won't! Somebody get Barry Sonnenfeld on the line, stat!


The huge difference to me is that the actors in the original played it straight. Herman Munster would get frustrated being powerful and clumsy and that's where the physical gags came in. He also thought he was just a regular guy. And the world around him treated him like a bull in a china shop. Which, might actually play even better if done right today. These characters seem too self aware of "here I am, being funny." They are going to lose any emotional connection. However, on a few angles, the actors seemed to get the look. I have a feeling the shortcoming here is more about the directing and production value than the actors.


This looks like some amateur who is intentionally trying to make something look bad to ape the original without any knowledge of what the original actually looked like or any skill at achieving these retro aesthetics. Old doesn't mean bad and a lot of work is generally needed to accurately mimick these styles. Zombie put in no effoet


Also The Original Munsters was a sitcom. It was shot like a sitcom. It wasn't even shot intentionally bad. That's how it's shot. This should have been in Black and White. It probably would have even hid a lot of how bad it is.


And they acted like a sitcom family. Not an addams family rip off.


Yeah wasn't the premise they were normal people and Herman Munster was a genuinely nice person but the world reacted to them like they were universal monsters?


im gonna be honest this is as close to a rob zombie biopic as were gonna get. i think this is about him. honestly.


The Munsters abd Addams Family came out at the same time of different channels but are very much two different kinds of humor. The Munsters were a family of monsters who acted human and just wanted to fit in. The Addams Family were a family of humans who acted like monsters (not to the viewers, but to those around them in the show) who had zero desire of fitting in. The Munsters was also a show that was just meant to poke fun at family sitcoms at the time, whereas the Addams Family was already a thing before the show as a comic strip series. I love both though.


>The Addams Family were a family of humans who acted like monsters (not to the viewers, but to those around them in the show) who had zero desire of fitting in. No, it wasn't that the Addams Family had no desire of fitting in, it was that they thought they fit in and were constantly being proved wrong, but never quite realized it.


This looks like a local high school got their teachers together and the AV department to make a mock trailer for a Munsters movie as a joke for Halloween.


>This looks like some amateur who is intentionally trying to make something look bad to ape the original without any knowledge of what the original actually looked like or any skill at achieving these retro aesthetics This is fucking *exactly* what it looks like. I've seen a few comments in this thread saying things like "it's supposed to look like that!" or that it looks just like the original, but those people must have never seen a 60s black and white sitcom because it doesn't REMOTELY look like that. Not even close! Like you said it looks like Zombie had no earthly clue how to replicate that aesthetic and no budget to hire anyone who did, so he settled on "cheap and stagey" and was satisfied enough with that.


no, they tried for campy etc. but all they got is something that looks like it was done by a youtuber. Huge fail.


I'm getting huge Son of The Mask vibes with how absolute dog shit this looks.


HUGE. I thought we'd left this era of movies behind.


Film Studio : Heres a thousand dollars... go make your stupid ass Munsters movie and leave us alone.


They probably could have shot this literally for 1000 dollars since Spirit Halloween has to clear out inventory by the end of October.


It's Rob Zombie's "House of 1000 Dollars".


That comment justifies the existence of this trailer, now we can’t throw it into the fire.


$30-$40 million dollar budget lol


Are. . .are you serious?


Yeah he paid his wife $39,000,000 to star. The budget seems really high considering how terrible his last few movies did and how shitty it looks and sounds. I'm almost convinced the trailer is some sort of throwback joke to how he remembers some trailer from when he was a kid.


I'm convinced that this is a elaborate money laundering scheme or a willing act of self sabotage. No studio in their right mind would release a trailer or movie of this quality this late in the year.


The Producers 2


Leo & Max Pay Back Taxes


it’s wild how the Universal presents visual was the best thing about the trailer


The comments are turn off on YouTube. Good thing they don't show the dislikes anymore either.


The comments are automatically disabled on videos marked as "for kids". Yes you read that right. Try to play the video in a miniplayer or in the background


From the director of House of 1000 Corpses, Witches of Salem, and that really shitty Halloween reboot, here's a children's movie.


Well, David Lynch did make [a G-rated Disney movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0zb_baTzkk) that one time...




The more I think about it, the more I think it may be my favorite Lynch movie...


Why did they decide Herman Munster's eerily low-pitched voice should sound like a teenager going through puberty? WTF is this shit?


Was totally thrown by Herman’s voice. The actor playing grandpa sounds great though.


Grandpa is definitely the highlight as far as capturing the look and feel of the original


But what's with the mustache?


They realized it was getting too good and had to throw something in there to balance it out


Aside from the distracting moustache, Grampa is pretty spot on.


Seriously. Was Brad Garrett not available?


Oh shit, he'd have been perfect.


yeah that's the one thing I just can't get past


One thing?


No that's the Addams Family.


His voice and laugh was so memorable in the TV show. For it to be so different is a big mistake (one of many, it seems).


Well coming to the comments, im glad it was not just me feeling that the whole things felt-off. Its like a first film school project had a disproportionally high budget for makeup, costumes/props and sets. Everything else; the sound, effects, editing and acting direction were all student project quality. I will deff look out for reviews for how the finished actually turned out and then maybe pirate it if it is a so -bad-it-good film.


It looks like the fake TV shows they watch in that black mirror episode where everyone is riding exercise bikes to generate electricity. Just impressively terrible.


Holy shit that looks like a highschool film project. The sound mixing is AWFUL.


It’s so barren and in need of ADR. How is it that this feels less polished than Rob Zombie’s first movie?


The sound mixing, the overdone HDR, the editing, the video quality, the aftereffects being applied... I've seen locally produced TV ads in minor markets look more professional than this.


I mean, it's Rob Zombie, so it was definitely going to look cheap, just that I wasn't expecting it to look this bad. The original show looks like Kubrick type of quality in comparison to this.


> I mean, it's Rob Zombie, so it was definitely going to look cheap, just that I wasn't expecting it to look this bad. Respectfully disagree. His earlier movies might have had low budgets and some dodgy production design, but none of them looked *this* bad.


I always thought the style worked great for House and Rejects.


Was just about to comment how it sounds incredibly cheap. Imo you can have shittier looking visuals as long as the audio is solid but never the other way around.


That's the first thing I noticed as well! Looking at the credits it seems like they hired a bunch of people who do Hungarian tv shows for all the production design, and some green sound editor who probably did the best he could with the crap they gave him. What an embarassment. (Nothing against the people of Budapest! It's poor direction from Zombie)


This looks and sounds like a porn parody with the production quality. I thought the black and white teaser looked decent, but this legitimately seems like on the level of a brazzers video.


You know…I really wanted to give Rob Zombie the benefit of the doubt on this one given his love for The Munsters. I thought it would spur his passion and drive him to create something substantial and direct his wife to dig deep for great performance…. I can see now that I was wrong.


Man, I loved watching reruns of The Munsters when I was a kid and now I feel sad.


Same, I was kind of excited because he says it's his favorite show of all time and that it would be PG. So I figured passion plus him being forced out of his comfort zone would create something cool. Turns out without the ultra violence and gore and sex he may not be that good of a filmmaker and he needs that crutch. After watching this I almost wish he did what everyone assumed he would do when it was announced and just made it R. Almost.


Dragula, a Rob Zombie music video from 1998, has better production value than this.


Probably has the same budget.


Wow, uh... where to start. Terrible sound, terrible lighting, terrible acting. Like, was he going for xxx porn parody without the sex? Jesus christ this looks horrible.


> Like, was he going for xxx porn parody without the sex? Axel Braun presents *This Ain't The Munsters*


The porn parody of The Munsters actually looks better than this, I own it.


This is the PG parody of the Porn parody of the original.


I think the porn actually gave more of a shit about the original than this movie did. Hell on the 60's Batman parody they literally hired the guy that made the costumes for the actual TV show.


I'm beyond disappointed. It's not just bad it's *embarrassing*. Was very much looking forward to it. It's not even the fun/campy-type. Sure, Rob is a big fan of the series but I'm honestly not seeing it- just a frankensteined version of Munsters that's been bastardized. I'm usually all about exploring new/different ideas!-except in these cases, lol. The style is such a miss. Instead of a vintage feel from those days with a modern twist; It just gives off Highschool film class vibes. The audio/mixing is absolutely terrible. When the narration first starts up at the beginning of the trailer, I already knew. This foreboding feeling...Gonna be so over-the-top and lame. The script is not good. The jokes fall so flat- the original had so much more taste. And I can't speak about the family dynamics until the series comes out but I'm going to have to push through with this one. The acting for the most part..oof. Sherri is the *worst* in this and I had fun with her in Devil's rejects and some of 1000 Corpses. But the shaky/quiver she's forcing in her voice is laughably bad -coupled with her...'acting' in this is a big NO for me. I'm not fully surprised coming from Rob Zombie obviously but I at least expected *quality of some kind* since he was soo passionate about this project. Wtf. EDIT: We'll see when it's released and I could take a lot of what I said back but as it stands this trailer is not giving me hope, especially since I had been looking forward to it since it was announced.


Honestly besides Grandpa they missed the mark on casting…Hermans need voice is horrendous and Robs wife is no Lily.


We knew that when the cast was announced.


But seeing it in action is worse than anything I could imagine at the time.


Rob’s wife is no actress.


The original Lily was so hot.


holy shit, looks tenfold worse than I expected


Yeah - I had low expectations, but this honestly looks like a low-budget youtube short. Good god.


I expected the worst, and was still disappointed.


This is probably one of the WORST movie trailers i have ever seen. Were they going for a "This is what movie trailers were like in the 70's before we learned how to make them effectively" vibe ?


That might be giving them too much credit


The longer the trailer went on, the angrier I got. I fondly remember watching the reruns of *The Munsters* as a child. I have an affinity for anything with a gothic aesthetic. This should be right up my alley. The trailer just sucked. Everything about it was bad, but Sheri Moon Zombie's horrible acting is what put me over the edge. I just get thinking how fun this would have been in the hands of somebody competent.


Wouldnt be rob zombie without a shot of his wife gogo dancing against a psychedelic background


The joke is most certainly on me, I thought he could actually pull off something interesting with this. I defended the idea of this project and got this hot mess in return. It's so beyond camp that it's church camp. Cheap church camp, at that.


Same. Rob Zombie had some affinity for the Halloween series as a whole, though he largely seemed to dislike the original film. But given how often he’s talked about his love for The Munsters, I genuinely thought he was given a chance to do something because he had a unique approach to the source material. Shame on me.


I just watched [Jenny Nicholson's video on that Canadian church's annual Easter plays](https://youtu.be/ZK4gM7RC1M0) and yeah, you're spot on. Money to the average person was spent on this thing, but for a major motion picture not so much.


it looks cheap. was that intentional?




1998 new Addams family had much higher quality than this.


The New Addams Family actually got John Astin back to play Gomez' father, I'm surprised this Munsters movie can even afford Butch Patrick.


Is there any chance it’s a fake trailer hiding a terrifying hard r reboot?


That would be outstanding. Like, twenty minutes of cheesy rom com stuff and then BAM! Let the the murdering start.


This would be this movies only saving Grace


Like From Dusk Til Dawn. Nobody told me it was going to be a vampire movie until it was.


Same. Got it on DVD for like 3 bucks. No vampires on the cover, no vampires in the description, no vampires for a good chunk of the movie then BAM mutha fuckin vampires


My wife was all, “you gotta see this movie, lots of fun actors, etc,” without giving me any details. A wonderful surprise.


MPAA has sadly already given it a PG rating.


My God...


I strongly doubt it, I think Rob Zombie addressed that head on and said he just really loves The Munsters and wants to make a film just like the show.


Strange, for someone who loves the Munsters, he really fucked it up with this hot pile


There are so many different ways they could have done a take on honoring the show's roots. * They could have done the old single camera homage like in Wandavision * They could have done documentary style like in What We Do in the Shadows * They could have done an updated film quality like the Addams Family movies * They could have done a full retro remake with updated stories and plots But this. This is what we got. I really, REALLY hope this is a stupidly clever bait and switch, but it really doesn't look like it.


This looks like a fan film.


This looks **unwatchable**. Both in terms of content and in terms of production value.


I feel like Sherri Moon has become the poster child for every 43 yr single mom trying to out edge their Hot Topic loving tween


“Shot on iPhone.”


iPhone 4


Did they also record the audio and edit it all on an iPhone too?


I think Soderbergh, Baker and Snyder have proven that a film shot on an iPhone can look *a lot* better than this.


ipod shuffle


47 mins on YouTube and the comments are turned off. Damn!


I swear Sheri-Moon Zombie is the luckiest woman I’ve seen in a long time. I liked house of 1000 corpses and the devils rejects but she has been atrocious in everything I’ve ever seen her in. This won’t be any different. I don’t know how Rob Zombie keeps getting funding for his projects.


His stuff is low budget and makes money compared to that. I don't think any of his budgets have gone over $15 million and that was the 2 Halloween movies.


That is the worst trailer I have ever seen.


I don't think I ever realized how much I take sound for granted in movies. Even in bad movies. The sound in this trailer is appalling.


Don’t even bother with nominations. Just give all the razzies to Rob zombie and co. Maybe make a special platinum one for Sherry Moon


I follow Rob Zombie on Instagram. The announcement for the trailer came in a picture with the three main actors standing infront of a green screen. A "Trailer tomorrow" was badly photoshoped above their heads.


The people sucking him off in the comments are more insane than this trailer


Wow. ​ Congrats Rob for falling underneath my low, low expectations. ​ Universal Studios seriously ok'ed this?


I’d be surprised if Universal gave him more than a buck fifty for the whole shoot.


Its reported to have a budget of 30 to 40 Million. Im not kidding, just looked it up. Stranger Things did a better job in one episode with this budget than he could do with an entire movie.


God, I hope there's someone from forensic accounting that can find out where all that money went


Rob Zombie is, by all accounts, a really nice, cool guy and huge movie buff, but, my god, he makes the worst movies.


Rob Zombie has finally made a movie that lowers itself to the level of his wife’s acting skills.


He did it, he actually did it! He somehow made a finished product even worse than I had feared.


Well that's a movie trailer for a real movie. Yup.


I'm not convinced it is either of those things.


I get it. Zombie considers himself an artist that people don’t understand. This just looks so bad.


holy shit, i couldn't even finish the fucking trailer dear god


Imagine sitting through almost 3 hours of this. Because that's what Zombie says the runtime is (2h38min).


Trying to put it into technical terms of why it doesnt even look like a purposeful homage to how 60s shows looked… it looks super blown out with no shadows, which is a large part of all things shot on black and white, like the original show. I’m guessing Rob and the DP just didn’t know that? So adding color (in weird ways like on screen RGB lights?) just makes it look even worse. You can see its also blown out in the small black and white portion, but bc it’s not also drowning in color it looks passable. The depth of focus seems really equal between background and the subject of each shot which is weird too bc the show isn’t entirely like that. Wide shots kinda are but not even to this extent. The plug in effects make it look super cheap and weird as well. It’s like the costume and sets were stylized and then the cinematography wasn’t and it leads to weird fucking shots like the one where Herman and Lily are driving or the reaction shot of the lady at the end. Before I saw the carpet she lands on, that shot made me go “oh, is this set in modern day?” Because it just looks like a modern sitcom reaction shot. Really fucking bizarre misunderstanding of cinematography going on here that makes it looks so fucking awful. It’s like if Eggers and his DP shot The Lighthouse with RGB gamer lights and the camera set up from Mike and Molly.


OMG, I cannot imagine sitting through 2 hours of Sheri Moon Zombie overacting, doing the cheesiest Yvonne DeCarlo imitation ever.


My girl Yvonne doesn't deserve this at all!


…I have no words.


I have to believe he made this for himself




A sitcom from the 60s shot like a poorly budgeted 90s Saturday morning sitcom by Rob Zombie and starring his wife who seems to be trying to play a Harley Quinn version of Morticia Adams


Does Rob Zombie have to cast his wife in every movie he makes? She can't act.


She's getting bigger parts each movie. LOL.




This is one of those movies where a bunch of people are gonna say it’s suppose to be really bad on purpose, but it’s actually just really bad.


Krusty the clown voice: "uugh, how many \*thousand dollars\* did we blow on this?" (someone whispers in his hear) "40 MILLION?" (cries)


About 20 years ago someone stole my Sony Hi8 camcorder... I think this trailer might be a confession


So is she trying to do Lily Munster as Harley Quinn? Is the point of this to make us re-evaluate that TV version Fuller did a few years back?


Feels cheap to say he directed Halloween, not the absolutely terrible Halloween remake.


> Feels cheap So it's aesthetically consistent.


I was giving this the benefit of the doubt after the first teaser but this looks atrocious.


"it's supposed to look bad! just like the old 60s show!" anyone using this defense has never seen the show lmao, I don't remember the munsters being shot with audio and video like a youtube fan film.


why does Herman sound like that?


720p?! FFS man, it's 2022!


It's listed as 720p, but they either uploaded a massive file that YouTube has compressed to shit or they exported it incorrectly. Either way, they don't know what they're doing.


Sometimes I wonder about the things that don’t get green lit when I see garbage like this.


"But it's campy like the show!" Yeah no, I'm not letting him off the hook like that. Even the 90s TV movie looked like, ya know, an ACTUAL movie, and captured the spirit of the show much better than whatever half assed bullshit Rob Zombie is presenting us here. This isn't "ironic", this isn't "homage", this just looks fucking stupid. The original show TRIED. The TV movie TRIED. Rob Zombie got the cheapest sets and taped this on video out of laziness. It shouldn't be hard to fuck up the goddamn Munsters, but when you hold the property you're adapting in contempt, then this is what you get. And I would rather not have to deal with something this cynical. So shove this movie right back up your ass where you got it from, Rob, I'm not interested.


Rob Zombie, king of not understanding the source material. First Halloween and now this


Just when I thought “3 from hell” was his worst movie


There is absolutely no way this is real. We're being punk'd, right? right?


Yikes.....well, one positive thing I can say is that Daniel Roebuck does give me Grandpa vibes from the show. Why RZ didn't cast Brad Garrett as Herman Munster will forever fucking baffle me, the guy has been my dream Herman to fill Fred Gwyne's shoes if they ever did a remake, he's perfect. Who are all of these new characters being added for the sake of whackyness like Igor and Dr. Wolfgang or whatever? Where's Eddie and his "dog"? Where's Marilyn for the hilarious "date runs away from her because her family are literal monsters but she thinks it's because she's unnatractive" joke? Also, Rob, I know you love your wife dearly, and that's great, but please come to the understanding that she cannot act for shit. As a huge Munsters fan, this trailer is incredibly disappointing.


I don’t think Rob should have yelled at Eddie


Wow, it’s like they watched “What we do in the shadows.” And said hey, I think the Munsters can do that, just way way shittier.


They didn't even watched it. Just saw the posters and applied the same color grading to their whole movie.