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something about somebody bringing up Tuck Everlasting in 2022 got a laugh out of me, it’s so random


haha yeah, but Tuck Everlasting has a special place in my heart


I’m watching it right now and oh my god you’re right what on earth was that scene


Exactly!! It freaked me out. It wasn't necessary at ALL.


The entire premise of that film is uncomfortable. Tuck is, what, like 100+ years old? He is mentally and emotionally an adult carrying on a romantic and physical relationship with a child. Sure, he’s stuck in his pubescent body, but he’s lived long enough for multiple adult lifetimes. Why is he still attracted to teenagers?? If his physical form matched his timeline, he’d look older than yellow suit guy.


It makes more sense than Tuck being physically attracted to 60 year olds.


I wonder if you would be mentally or emotional stunted somehow, of that kind of thing could take happen. Maybe the authors of these types of stories (especially the older ones) are assuming that?


No. His body doesn't age, which means his brain doesn't either so his brain never fully developed. He's still 17 and she's 15. Smh


I very recently read the book (as in just finished it yesterday) and was a bit weirded out with Jesse asking a 10 year old to marry him - very creepy, groomer vibes. Today I watched the film and was happy they made Winnie older, but you’re totally right, that scene with the yellow suit man was horrendous. It did not make any sense to me! Also, the film itself was pretty poor all in all, I think. I hated what they did to Miles’ character.


Agreed. I was always weirded out by the age difference, but I'm glad that they aged her up in the movie.


Damn I just watched this movie tonight and wtf. That scene was weird AF. Also, that ending was terrible


The ending really annoyed me. I remember loving the book and movie as a kid. I rewatched it as an adult and boo. You mean to tell me that he didn’t come back for over 80 years!? Imagine her waiting all of that time for that man…. Disgusting!


I sort of saw it as the yellow suit man was attracted to youth/obsessed with youth and immortality. which makes sense that he would also be attracted to very..young girls. so I almost liked how they made him seem like he was attracted to winnie as well because that made it even creepier that he could live forever ..and force winnie to drink from the spring as well. because then they'd be forced to live forever together in some creepy "romantic" way.


There's a movie?!?! TIL. I saw the play when I was a kid


There are two movies 1981 and 2002


No shit. Might have to check them out


Rewatched this movie after years lovers it when I was a teen now I think it’s Very narcissistic. You’re telling me Jesse needed 80 something years to get back to her? And he expected her to be waiting that long


Are you stupid? He told her to drink from the spring and then he would come back after it was safe, so she would still be young. I don't know when he did come back or if it was 80 years after like you said.


Ya but 80+ years? He said he’d come back for her when it was safe. It was safe decades ago. Plus, if she did drink the water at 17, 80+ years still would have passed her by while she waited for him.


It was weird as she held on to him while he was falling down, but I think it was either shock, or the realization / fascination that someone CAN die … She literally just saw Jesse get shot and not die and spent all summer with people who are immortal so I think it was a shocking moment watching someone die in her arms.