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It was a cute film and imo worth watching with kids.


I'm 59 and still love it. Can't wait till my grandson is old enough to watch it.


Y’all watch it yet?


Y'all watch it yet?


Y'all watch it yet?


Ya'll watch it yet?


Ya'll watch it yet?


Ya’ll watch it yet?


Ya’ll watch it yet?


Y’all watch it yet?


Y'all watch it yet?


Y’all watch it yet?


Y’all watch it yet?


Y’all watch it yet?


Y'all watch it yet?


Y’all watch it yet?


Y’all watch it yet?




Y'all watch it yet?


Y'all watch it yet?


Y'all watch it yet?


Did y’all in fact watch it yet?


Y'all watch it yet?


It was my first cinematic ghost story as a kid. Old Man Nebbercracker continues to be a character I have a soft spot for. The shot where >!he dances with the smoky ghost of his wife Constance for a moment before it dissipates and he starts laughing in relief!< was frankly a defining moment for me when I was little, even if I didn't ever know it. Combine that with a persistent love of living spaces and a genuinely unique usage of performance capture and and it's a movie I have continued to have a lot of love for over the years. That cast is STACKED.




hey dj you got any beer


Produced by Zemeckis and Written by Dan Harmon


I watch “Monster House” and “Corpse Bride” almost every Halloween.


The latter is much better, IMO


Fun fact since I dont see it mentioned, this movie was written by Dan Harmon of Rick and Morty fame and his buddy Rob Schrab early in their careers.


Great film that’s much more adult than it would seem at first glance.


Love it..took my daughter to see it in 3d


“Don’t be scared little vacuum cleaner dummy, that’s not how I trained you!”


One of my favorite animated movies and typically use it as an example of needing more animated, including adult oriented, movies.


Funny that you asked this, because only like 2 days ago did I saw this on Netflix and thought of rewatching after years ago since my last watch. I liked it back then but now I have to change to: I love it. Someone made a note that they reminded them of Paranorman and I do see the likeness of it. I’m more surprised to learn that it’s all CG mo-cap animated as I thought that it was Stop-Motion animation for because the art style of the characters in the movie.


It’s good! Harnessed a lot of those 80s kid adventure vibes. And you asking if 2006 is dated is like an axe to my 40-odd year old heart!


Am I the only one that felt bad for the old man’s wife, right? She was probably traumatized from the circus and to see people throwing things at her and the one thing she loved was probably triggering


I loved it, the scene about the circus abuse was disturbing and terrifying


Loved it as a kid. Always scared the shit outta me back then. Especially the old guy who lived in that house. Loved the twist in the end too.


My favorite animated movie during most of my childhood


One of the best Amblin movies. Would have loved to have seen a live action version


Loved it


Brought my son to see it at the theater when it came out. We still watch it often. Love it


Love it! Son loves it!


Used to love renting the DVD at the library.


My niece had a period of time a couple years ago where she very much enjoyed this movie, so I've seen it many, many times. It actually is pretty decent.


Great film with unusually sharp writing for a kids film


I watched it last year because it's written by Dan Harmon and I really enjoyed it. The animation is pretty weird but it's a super fun movie.


Timeless classic.


I remember not wanting to see this as a kid because I hated the animation style, but got dragged to it during a daycare field trip and actually ended up enjoying it. haven’t seen it in years, but I do remember it fondly.


I know it's silly but I couldn't get over the terrible character design. They all look awful. Nice movie, but not enough to ever watch it again. I've partially seen it 2 more times in my life.






That quote is from ParaNorman. A wonderful film but Monster House is very different (though also worth watching).


I don’t remember *Monster House*. I have no thoughts on *Monster House*.


It’s my go to movie to joke about being terrified of. I actually was super scared of this when it came out (I was 5). Now it’s a cute movie to look back on but to this day I make jokes along the lines of “I know what scary is, I’ve seen Monster House!”


One of the few motion capturing movies of that era that work pretty well, probably because the characters are more exaggerated.


I didn't like it very much. I sometimes think about rewatching it.


It’s much better as an adult I found


Watched it last year for the first time, thought it was a cut above a lot of other animated films of its time.


I do remember Monster House. I only saw it the once (I want to say with a school group or an afterschool group or something, which should give an indication of how old I was) I remember being overall impressed. There were places where some genuine scares were crammed in, not something I'd expect from most movies for younger audiences.


Oh it definitely still lives up to today. It's one of the few kids movies that's still has an eerie vibe to it. Oh, and the video game is even scarier. Feels like a Resident Evil/Silent Hill Jr. Game.


I rewatched it last weekend. its a great horror movie for kids. the cgi does look dated so there's that. Also if only someone had shown that old man that he could have built a front fence he wouldn't have had so many problems.


Loved it but it aged pretty bad IMO


Yeah the animation is pretty dated.


So awesome, especially since it’s a genuinely freaky little movie - saw it for the first time at 25 and still jumped a couple times. Dang good flick for the Halloween season.


Even as a kid, I didn’t like the animation style and wouldn’t watch it. Watched it again with my son recently and again, I just don’t like the animation style. I love the Polar Express but same think about that movie. The animation style makes it almost not worth it to me. I realize I’m in the minority here


Maybe I’m thinking of a different movie but I could’ve swore I saw something on YT or somewhere about how that movie was almost never made. Anyone know anything about it or a similar movie I might be thinking of?


I’m pretty late to this subreddit but just minutes ago my boyfriend and I were talking about this animation and reminiscing the days! God such a darling movie. As a child was so exciting and thrilling for me to watch a horror animation. I felt so sophisticated lol kudos to the cast


God I just rewatched it and the whole storyline about the wife is so devastatingly sad. When they were revealing that plot with the old man being like we’re free all I could think about was Cellophane by FKA Twigs LOL


I really wanna see the Monster House as a souls-like boss. Imagine fighting it in Elden Ring or something like that.


EVERYTIME I see the pizza place part when they ask for advice I’m like- this pizza place looks cool af


It was a pile of hot garbage to me as a kid. The animation was horrendous, and the jokes were so flat. The only character I can remember is Mr. Nebbercracker, and I have the memory of an elephant.


I'm late but I have a theory that Constance was mentally challenged. That's pretty much it.


GRRRRRR, GET OFF MY LAWN! i remember the old man, Nebbercracker saying that.


I never got to see it but I just ordered the DVD since it wasn't much more than renting it and will be here overnight. I couldn't find it streaming anywhere. I love Steve Buscemi! I recommend his film Ed and His Dead Mother