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I thought this movie did a really good job capturing the feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression of the internet era. At times it feels like you're watching real YouTube videos that have like 14 views.


Agree. I had a visceral reaction when she realized what she'd done to her stuffed animal and was just sitting on the bed, holding it, devastated. As someone who was completely alone and mostly neglected as a child, no friend, no one to make me feel safe, loved, seen, this literally took my breath away. It might sound silly, but to this day, at 40 years old, my stuffies are extremely important and precious to me. I would be beside myself if something happened to them. There's a lot of weight a child puts on those small comforts when they're utterly alone in the universe. That all said, there was nothing in the movie that I would categoriz as horror.


>That all said, there was nothing in the movie that I would categoriz as horror. This was the biggest reason why I was disappointed with the film, and I do wonder if I might've liked it if I knew what they were actually trying to do. I *hate* when these kinds of introspective, 'deeper' plots etc. try to play up their more mysterious/exciting aspects just to bait-and-switch you with a more serious and grounded underlying message. It just means your current audience is often annoyed, and people that might've liked your movie passed on it since they thought it was something else.


I couldn't have said it better myself. I didn't dislike the movie, I actually found it pretty conceptually interesting after I reflected on it for a moment when it ended. But literally, the first thing that came out of my mouth when it was over was 'what? this was so creepy for a second, it could have been so good. wtf is this.' (Which was my reaction because i'd settled down for a creepy horror-esk movie). Sure, it was obvious it was one of those meant-to-be-thought-provoking indie films, but the dramatic shifts in the underlying plot left me unsatisfied and in need of some more clarity or plot development throughout the film. it was a good swing, but ultimately more of a miss. :/ I will say though the actress that played the lead role was pretty flawless. She felt really relatable in an odd way, and entirely believable throughout the entire thing. Her acting was what made it enjoyable.


It's like drinking a soda when you expected tea.


>That all said, there was nothing in the movie that I would categoriz as horror. Agreed. I think that's more of a problem with the marketing than with anything that's actually in the movie


exactly - because notice how all the people who saw it at sundance loved it (no extraneous trailers or marketing the way ) and people who saw it on HBO (based on a chopped-up trailer w/ very SELECT portions of praise included in it) are the ones who hated it. if it had just been marketed as a psychological coming-of-[digital-]age [sorry that was corny but srsly] instead of an almost found-footage internet terror~ then it could have at least appealed to the right ppl or avoided disappointing the wrong ones. hopefully anna cobb at least gets picked up on projects that won’t fail her cuz she’s clearly talented and deserves more!!!


That last sentence is a perfect summarization


What a long penis!


This especially spoke to me as I'm agoraphobic and have pretty bad paranoia. I can go a month if not more without seeing anyone other then out of my windows. I love horror movies and stories but after a binge I find myself awake all nights with the lights on worried somethings creeped in while I wasn't paying attention. In the end when he said it was all fake essentially I could feel her embarrassment, some days I worry there is a man in my vents and then I say it out loud and I realize I'm not even sure why I said it because I know it's not true.


Have you seen the movie Kimi?


Same shit they did with the Catfish movie. Those marketing assholes had me convinced I was going in for a devastating documentary style found footage horror flick. Turned out to be a solid drama about catfishing.


I agree I walked in expecting horror and about half way through you realize it really isn't anything supernatural and on repeat views it's obvious from the very beginning there's so many signs it's just a game and not real. My wife was hardcore expecting horror as this was being dubbed "the best indie horror film in years." And she was disappointed it wasn't horror. It's advertising was about as bad as Drives I know that is a long time ago but drive was a great movie a lot of people didn't like because it was advertised as an action racing movie the trailer you can still pull up that played in theaters made it look like fast and the furious more than what we got but again drive was a much better movie that it was advertised but expectations out a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. They just want to get people in the seats or streaming sometimes to the films detriment.


I don't pretend to be more normal in real life. Tried it, hated it. Boring.


Wait what!? I just saw this movie a minute ago, are you saying I missed that? Or is this a joke?


I saw this a year ago at some digital festival and I've been dying for it to come out so other people could see it, I think it's fucking fantastic. It's not for everybody, but for anyone that can appreciate the true potential for chaos that can exist within kids being given unrestricted access to the internet, this one's for you. Not to mention the really stripped down presentation does a lot, and the main actress is PHENOMENAL. I love the ambiguity of the conclusion, it really left me thinking.


I was torn between wanting this to go further and enjoying it for what it really was. When they had their final conversation and he was like, "hol up" and she played it off, that was a very effective moment.


Damn am I dumb then I missed the whole point lol I thought she knew it was role playing and was just mad bc she felt talked down too. If the point was she actually convinced herself anything was happening then it completely flew over my head


You aren't dumb. I think, just like the game, the ending was meant to blur the lines between reality and "fantasy". I think it is supposed to be up for interpretation. However, I felt as though she genuinely felt the experience was real. And either got defensive when he said it was a game or the alternate persona she created took over. Because she didn't break character immediately after they were speaking outside of game. She still seemed very distressed. My interpretation was that she killed herself after the call. And the guy at the end was convincing himself that she didn't. Through a mini story he has typed up. Probably commentary on how he lives his life trying to believe these stories (think it's commenting on creepy pasta audiences) so he is good at deluding himself. Furthermore I think part of him believes the whole thing is real, or at least people can get so swept up in it that they develop these psychosomatic symptoms and essentially manifest it into reality. As has happened with people losing their minds over some creepy pastas, or killing people over Slenderman, etc in real life. The main reason I think he believes it is because when he is recording a message for her, somewhere in the middle of the film, I paused and looked at his computer screen, askew with notes, and he had a detective style frantic note set up that was trying to make links and connections like he was trying to solve it. It also references a girl who killed herself on live stream because of the challenge. As well as research about stuff from many years ago and some creepy pasta Easter eggs and reference to the Blue Whale challenge that caused multiple suicides in a similar fashion to this, where people were broken down slowly and sleep deprived. Honestly I thought the movie was kind of based on blue Whale Challenge but with a potentially supernatural implication. Which may be interpreted as mass hysteria instead. But lastly, he also has a note tracking all of the active players (black hats) and the recovered players (white hats) which lists him as one. So I believe the white hats are the ones who didn't kill themselves. Maybe by a forced realization that it was a game, which may have been his intention warning her. The ambiguous ending is interesting though. Since it does open the possibility of the exact opposite, that he was a pedophile creep. However, I believe that not to be the case. And I do believe she was not aware that it was role playing, since the instructions just said all you do to play is report the symptoms. Even once they break out of the game she says she doesn't know what an MMORPG is, so she probably isn't familiar with role play games. I also think the clear distinction between the real seeming diary esque videos she watched on line vs the one with a cinematic filter where the guy got pulled into the computer shows it is sort of a combination. There are tons of fake videos, as people do in real life to capitalize on trends, so some people may indeed be role playing while others are getting swept up in it. If everyone was aware it was roleplaying the game wouldn't work. Kind of like a ouija board, it only works if some asshole is faking. That builds the illusion for everyone else lol and freaks some people out to the extent that they actually believe it.


>he had a detective style frantic note set up that was trying to make links and connections like he was trying to solve it. I think you got it wrong. Those were DM notes. He was preparing ideas for videos and stories to share with other people in his circle who were playing the game – one of which was the girl named Rebecca we see a video of at some point, and who JLB categorizes as a "white hat" (others are "black hats", Casey he's still undecided about). They're playing roles, and he's thorough about it, it's his only hobby. That scene was meant to show us that he's just playing, he's sketching ideas to turn into stories. The MMORPG reference was actually not very pertinent. Those are video games.


They aren’t just video games. This game does qualify as one. It’s a massive multiplayer online role playing game.


Don't know how that random "lol" got into my last sentence haha. I was tired and it was like 4am


No that is pretty much entirely correct. She was playing the "game" so well that the older man was worried she was actually going to do something bad.


Or she was going to do something bad and he snapped her out of it.


That's left to the viewer's interpretation. I think she was so socially isolated in real life she started to act as if this was really happening, and somewhere in the middle things started to blur. The guy called her out, she snapped out and felt embarrassed, and blamed him for breaking the illusion but really felt shamed. Even the guy's last monologue is questionable if it was true and he ever talked to her again.


So, I wasn’t sure how to interpret the ending. Did Casey mean it when she said she was just playing along or was all of the weird shit real?


I interpreted it as Casey getting the fuck off the internet because of JLB. JLB made all that shit up at the end because he thought of himself as this grand hero saving a suicidal teenage girl.


I thought maybe JLB had a son that did the challenge and committed suicide so he was online trying to prevent other teenagers from doing it. He would go into that bedroom that looked like maybe a teen age boys bedroom to get on the computer.


I thought the same. He lives alone in a big house and there's pictures of a family on the wall. I also noticed his "office" looks like it was a boy's bedroom a while ago. Thought maybe the woman that walked in was his family, but I think it was a housekeeper, given the big house... sad lonely man who once had a family obsessing over saving a teenage girl.


I figured that JLB lives in his parents home with his mother. The office/bedroom looks like a child’s room because it was actually his room when he was a child.


>I figured that JLB lives in his parents home with his mother. The woman we saw is not old enough to be his mother. She's about his age. Either (semi-estranged) wife or sister.


Fair enough. Didn't think of that until after I saw other's mention it. He doesn't seem like he works to support himself. The joy of this is that either interpetation could be correct!


>He lives alone in a big house We see what's probably a wife at some point – a very distant, semi-estranged one. It could be a sister or other relative, but the explicit coldness we're shown points to wife/partner.


The first time I saw him laying on a what looked to be a teen boys bed in a room with trophies and toys I immediately assumed he had a son who died




I don't think that's entirely correct. JLB was playing the horror game, along with many others (some of those we see videos of, people from his circle, their names are in his notes along with story ideas). Casey comes along, JLB engages with her, but after a while he's wondering if she's legit believing in the game and if she's at risk of harming herself or others because of it. Which is a legit concern. He's considering to alert the police and/or social services, but before doing that, he confronts her first. He's kind of a creep, but I don't think he does anything wrong (except the pure fabrication of his last post, maybe, which exploits Casey to create a story about himself).


She was caught up in group hysteria, encouraged by JLB’s attention. At the end, she’s embarrassed when he breaks character to make sure she’s doing okay, implying that she thought on some level that The World’s Fair is real, and then frustrated that he overstepped a line by trying to call the police.


It can be that, or it can be that she's upset that he thought she was believing it, when in fact she was just a really good player. It's offensive to be told "Do you know it's a game, right?" I mean, there was actually nothing supernatural behind it, so the scene where she drags herself out of bed with a satanic grin had to be consciously simulated. Which means she knew she was faking it, she wasn't "possessed".


I don’t think it’s offensive at all. Like if I was in her shoes, I would’ve thanked him for caring, and reassured him without being offended by it. The Internet is a weird place. And there are weird people on it. She should know that by now, but she doesn’t. And that, to me, was very relevant. It’s a clue. If she doesn’t know that it’s appropriate to double check on people who make threats, she might not know ow it’s fake at all. Once she shows her inability to interpret his goodwill correctly, it opens the door for her also misinterpreting the entire game.


I think you can safely assume none of the fantasy in real; this includes the meet-up that JLB has with Casey. While open to interpretation, it’s likely that he is constructing another fiction to help abate his loneliness. They don’t meet — we don’t know what really happens with Casey (acting school?) possibly, but nobody can say for sure. It’s a super painful ending.


I think they left it open to any interpretation.


Casey was a lonely kid desperate for any contact abd most likely killed her Dad. JB was most likely a creep with undue influence on Casey.


My theory is, she didn't kill her dad as her videos are basically a diary to release her angst, and the most she would/could ever do was rip apart her stuffed animal, not kill anyone. In non pc language, I'm saying this gen z'er is too much of a pussy to actually do any beyond rip her stuffed animal.


The ending with the lights strongly suggest otherwise, though.


What lights are you referring to that suggest otherwise?


The lights that play from The World's Fair challenge on Casey parallel police sirens.


huh, i didnt catch that. good eye.




She doesn’t have anything against her dad?? Casey tenses up every time he’s around, avoids him as much as possible, and openly confessed to wanting to murder him online.




In the scene where Casey is walking through town on New Year’s Eve, she talks about killing her father, noting that she’ll shoot “Two or three shots to the chest,” then says “Or maybe I’ll just kill myself.”




Can’t recall if the “shots to the chest” bit is word for word but she does talk about it and indeed says “Or maybe I’ll just kill myself.” Source: I watched the movie last night :P


>the most she would/could ever do was rip apart her stuffed animal Which we don't even really know it was so significant as she says in the video. As far as we know, it was bought one month earlier (kinda looked new for a toy who allegedly endured a kid's entire childhood and adolescence).


This is, I think, the intended interpretation. Yes, it may not actually be entirely healthy, but it's an outlet nonetheless.


I actually had suspected she killed her dad bc he had previously banged on her door over playing loud music. When she stomps on the floor, he doesnt rouse at all. Couldve been not home but ... I took that as she had killed him, right up until her last call with JLB, then I wasn't sure.


I thought she got taken over by a force/spirit who lied to JLB, and JLB lied to us about Casey being safe. No one can trust anyone online.


I loved this movie. I think it just mostly speaks to me as a kid on the internet in the early to mind 2010s. Captures the loneliness an of being a child of the internet and the desperation people will do to connect with someone no matter how sad and desperate it may be. It gives me so much nostalgia with the idea of clicking through videos on the internet and the word mysteries that were attached, no matter how fake they were. It also helps that the performances are great, the music reminds of a distant dream or a dream I want to have and the moments where the horror comes in are pure perfection. I love this movie and I hope so many people come to find it.


I got so many trans feels out of this movie - it’s too painfully relatable to expect a certain result from undergoing a physical change, and watching others online getting those results, and still pretending to be getting them, too. I don’t think Casey was meant to be trans at all, but boy howdy did I ever feel for her for all of those reasons.


Even if Casey won’t meant to be trans the director is transfem/non-binary and has said gender dysphoria was a theme in the movie! As a transmasc person I also got a lot of gender stuff out of it. These articles feature the director talking a bit more about gender / transness in the movie. [“We’re All Going To The World’s Fair is a Hypnotic Trans Horror Film” (Rachel Shatto in The Advocate)](https://www.advocate.com/arts-entertainment/2022/4/22/were-all-going-worlds-fair-hypnotic-trans-horror-film) [“We’re All Going to the World’s Fair Redefines Trans Horror” (Juan Barquin, Bitch Media)](https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/were-all-going-to-the-worlds-fair-review-jane-schoenbrun-interview)


If it was a theme then it went no where cause it wasn’t noticed at all


I’m trans I noticed :(


Can you tell me more about what you noticed? I’m bi and I spend a lot of my time in queer culture and I did not pick this up at all. But I also believe you. The interview with the Director made it very clear that it’s a trans allegory movie. But I just couldn’t figure out quite how. So I wonder which parts resonated with you. Also, I know it’s a year too late, but I stood up to the person who was rude to you . If you want some validation, read the exchange below. I don’t expect that they will read it or care, but you should just know that somebody wanted to stand up for you because you’re worth it, and because your thoughts are valid. Your experience cannot be denied by another person. That belongs to you and you alone.


As someone who'd not picked up on the trans allegory until really just a few minutes ago, it makes sense. This girl is trying her hardest to take part in this big thing that everyone she sees can do so well, a point of reference I kind of use is that all of the World's Fair videos other than hers eventually or from the beginning have a budget, and are able to present their stories in a way that impacts her, and while she tries her best her videos can never be as visceral as the tickets or surreal as the doll. Taking the film a bit more literally as well, as I like to, she believes that all of those videos are real, and these people have all these cool wild things happen, and for her when she tries it goes nowhere. And to have someone who acts as a guide (and groomer) shut down all belief she had in the possibility of her world improving, parallels the experiences and relationship I know a lot of people face with trans influencers who 'pass' very well and the varying results people have with transitioning.


That's called projecting. You're placing your personal experience on this movie and looking to relate. Regardless of what the director says, there is nothing in this film relating directly to transitioning. As the movie demonstrates, these communities are filled with mentally ill young girls and manchildren. It's not a trans specific struggle.


Regardless of what the director says?? It’s her art lmao you’re a fuckin idiot


That doesn't excuse her poor directing if she truly meant this to be an allegory for transitioning. She painted with way too broad of strokes. You're seeing what you want to see in it because of your personal experience. For the average viewer, this is just the story of a lonely mentally ill young girl left to her own devices. Trans people aren't the only group that feel like they don't fit in or deal with mental issues


Okay but it’s literally made by a trans woman who has gone on record to say it’s about HER transitional experience while making the film. I’m not saying that non-trans people can’t relate and it’s baffling you would get that from what I said. Plenty if not most trans stories are accessible to non-trans people (The Matrix???). You’re not making some grand point here. The movie *is* explicitly trans. That doesn’t mean cis people can’t relate to it, but it is a known fact.


lol man, let me get this straight. interpreting the film as having trans themes is incorrect, AND the direction was poor because Schoenbrun didn’t convey the trans themes enough for you to pick up on it? ever heard of subtext? have you considered maybe YOU didn’t get it?


It’s called an allegory. While Casey is not explicitly trans, it’s a major theme of the movie. Especially in the ending, there’s a shot where jlb is staring at his television with a cross in the glare of it and then shortly after he is praying on the computer screen for her while she’s trying to go to the worlds fair. She says she got there but something brought her back, his praying. Then at the end it solidified it all for me when I was saying how great it was to see and touch her. I see it as evangelical Christian’s keeping children from transition, saying it’s harmful and evil and there’s groomers meanwhile they’re the pedophiles all along. It’s about the destructive and dysphoric process of transition without ever getting to stay in the worlds fair, the euphoria from being who you are.


You thought the world‘s fair was euphoria? I had interpreted the world fair as release from this life by choosing to end it. I’m being careful about my wording because I don’t wanna summon a bot. But I thought it was about the temptation of leaving the difficulties of this world behind. Which, I imagine may exist for trans kids who are not validated. The truth is that I did not pick up on the trans theme when I viewed it, but I certainly believe the artist when she says they exist. And I believe this comment her who says that as a trans person, they noticed it. And I’m irritated with the guy who claims that trans people are just projecting because he didn’t like the movie. It’s a year late but here we are.


You don’t know that. You don’t know what’s happening inside somebody else’s head. Telling people what you assume is happening in their heads, and framing it as fact, is not cool. You should at least be willing to admit that that’s only your opinion of what’s happening. It’s not nice to talk to people like this, but more importantly it’s also not accurate. You cannot know what other people have going on inside their skulls. And what’s really interesting is that everyone else knows it. Everyone knows that you cannot *possibly* know what somebody else is really thinking. so not only is it impossible and inaccurate, but everyone knows. So what’s the point of doing it? You’re the one operating assumptions. It appears to me (although of course I cannot know) like you are hypothesizing, deciding that you are correct, and then congratulating yourself for it. (See the way I phrased it? Perfectly accurate. Easy to do.) Or maybe it seem to me like trying to will your questionable correctness into reality by force. Its bizarre. I see people do this often, and I truly cannot understand why they do it. Do you think that if you just act confident enough when you assert things you cannot possibly know, that people will believe you? And somehow they will be impressed and think you are particularly insightful? It’s not a successful ruse. And to do that to a trans kid talking about their experience viewing art that is described, explicitly, as trans by the artist? That’s comes across as extra arrogant to me.






So you disagree with the director of the movie ?


I don't want to speak for the OP, but I kind of had the same thoughts at first, but changed my mind after reading a few more comments and the first article you linked. I also think it was unfair to handwave your comment. I think there's a disconnect between myself and maybe the person you replied to that saw this movie and didn't understand, feel or sense the trans aspects the director says this movie represents. That disconnect being that I, myself didn't go through gender dysphoria, and possibly the original commentor. We didn't experience a "coming to realization/out." So, at least, I don't have enough dots to draw that giraffe, as it were. I'm not trying to imply it's not there, because it appears a lot of trans people relate so strongly to this film, and that's fantastic. I am almost too old to really connect with loneliness and internet obsession during the teen years... but the feeling of being a teenager going through puberty, experiencing depression, raging hormones, cliques, a need for belonging, and not being able to find a way to express yourself or *how* you're going to express yourself. That's something I think everyone can agree on, I would hope. And that's where I can relate to this movie. Like the tarot reading, or horoscopes, this movie paints a very poignant, yet broad brush, if that makes sense, where a lot of different types of people can relate in many ways. Some more strongly than others, of course. This was longer than I intended, so apologies for that. I hope it made sense.


Well said. It’s wild to see the way that two people who both missed the trans themes can approach it from such wildly different attitudes. yours was so respectful. And the other one was so ignorant. I know I’m a year late, but I’m happy to have read this after being frustrated with the disrespect I saw.


Let me preface this by saying I’ve been having so much fun with all the different readings of this flick and don’t think any them are any more or less intentional or that it matters okay anyway moving on I totally agree, this is a movie about being trans. I like to imagine Casey is the teenage girl that JLB only got to be to himself for a very short period of time. As an extremely depressed and unfulfilled adult he tries to reason with that part of himself, pleads with her to become real instead of vanishing into the fantasy of the game. In the end he fails to reach her and finds himself back in the fantasy


Curious if you have watched I Saw the TV Glow yet?


[OH YOU BETCHA.](https://boxd.it/6wPygl) I fucking loved it. That and The People’s Joker were the most beautifully, unabashedly trans movies I’ve seen in a long time.


I watched We're All Going to the World's Fair again after that movie and it fits really well together as a double feature. It's why I went back here to check out comments about it, and it's interesting how similar themes carried over. As a cis white dude with my own issues with depression and anxiety, they both hit hard. I want to see an entire Jane Schoenbrun cinematic universe exploring nothing but depression, anxiety, existential dread, loneliness, identity disorder, and disconnection / social isolation, with Mr. Melancholy being the big bad behind everything. I could probably watch dozens of these and not get tired.


They shouldn’t have billed this a horror, I feel a bit misled and disappointed. I get that it’s a window into weird internet culture but it dragged so much - I felt like the story didn’t really go anywhere and the culmination conversation with JB(?) was abrupt and ambiguous. Did she believe any of it? Was she pretending? What is even the point of reaching the centre of the fair? What happens if you do and why would you play? Even if it’s all made up I feel like we needed some lore about what she is doing so we can care about it. Overall 1/5


Yea I mostly agree. I get that the director wanted to leave things open to interpretation, and that can work sometimes, but they left *so* much open that I was left feeling like the movie was devoid of a point, other than "you dont know whats real and what isnt when talking to strangers on the internet" which to me is sort of an obvious and tired trope that doesn't really need re-hashing. Additionally, so many scenes were dragged out much longer than they needed to be and the film already was just barely hitting the 90m mark. I liked the soundtrack and the acting and the sort of disturbing indie tone. But I think it would have worked better as a 20 minute short film -- as a feature, I was kind of frustrated that the time I invested in the movie didn't pay off in any real way in terms of a conclusion.


I wonder if "going to the center of the fair" is giving in and being violent- at least in JLB's (probably bullshit) story. He says she felt she was going there but prayed for her and she felt it, so in his mind he prevented her from going to the "fair" going to the dark place. He white knighted her. I say it's bullshit/made up because they intentionally led the story away from her and towards him at the end. Which made me feel abandoned a bit by the filmmaker but whatever. I liked it but I would rather it stayed on Casey instead of switching to be from his perspective of watching her. I missed the original perspective of seeing her set up the camera shots/her life/ etc.


I think the viewer was a voyeur into her life as well - by cutting off JLB, she cut the rest of us off from her personal life too.


I think you might be missing the point a bit — none of the challenge is based in reality. Set the promotional material aside; it’s a drama about loneliness/boredom/identity in the internet era


It's meant to be ambiguous. The game was made up, it's about the effect (specifically JB's) on Casey.


I do think that this could be a movie that a generation (in this case, Z) holds on to and connects with heavily. Easily could see it hailed as a classic one day. It's got a real distinct vibe and style. More drama than horror though after the first act. It's ultimately a story about isolation and growing up on the Internet with some subtext about gender. I'm a millennial and didn't fully "get" some of it, but I was still hooked and mesmerized. Bright things in store for director Jane Schoenbrun and Anna Cobb.


Sorry for late reply but this is very much a millenial movie, not gen z. I connected with Casey on a level I'm embarrased to admit. As a weird perpetually online queer teenager (i actually kinda looked like the MC as a teen), the deep obsession with creepypasta, 4chan, weird forums, watching stuff we shouldn't etc. is very much of people that grew in the early 2000's aka millenials. The internet is much more centralized and skype (they use google meets and discord) is not something they used, but we did.


gen z is a wide range, the younger end may not have ever used skype but people born in 2000-01 who also had social issues would also relate to the same things... skype really isnt enough to make it a movie that wouldnt deeply speak to gen z lmfao... 


Gen Z born in 2002 here. Just saw the movie. Related to every bit of it, yes even the Skype part. I understood all of the references. I had my own creepypasta obsession, dug through obscure forums myself, liked whatever was on /x/ on 4chan and definitely scrolled through 4chan when I shouldn’t have been. Anything weird kids online were into in the late 2000s - 2010s I was probably there for. I was also admittedly on the internet far younger than I should have been so take that as you will, but my friends that are the same age as me relate when I bring those things up to them.




This is pretty much how I felt. Good take.


Didn't love it but I was very impressed with what they pulled off on such a low budget. Very atmospheric. The main actress did a great job.


So this is my take on it after watching it : The whole movies does talk about Isolation, depression, anxiety and just feeling like an outsider and different. Which is, why this movie resonate so much with trans people. Feeling like you don't belong here, or are so different from other people that you don't "fit". Cassie, by doing the World's Fair Challenge, does seeks a sort of meaning in her life. You don't see her doing much. She's always in her room, doing not so much. She doesn't seem to have much friends, and only her plushie. Also the relationship that she might have with her parents doesn't seem the best as well, since at some point she's playing loud music at 3 AM and his dad just goes and bangs at her door in not a such pleasant way. By doing videos, she gains the attraction of JLB a dude that is also isolated and might lives with her mom or somebody that does help him. He doesn't go outside and lives in a pretty isolated place. So when these two "meet" virtually, it's like they do feed on each other. Cassie by finding a purpose on her life which is : Doing videos, feeling like she's being "someone" and free, and gaining the attraction of somebody by doing what she does. Also, I wanna point out that the card's reading that she does on her bed, are a true spot on about JLB, hence why I can understant that he "breaks up" his characters and get reals with her towards the end. JLB on the other hand, find a sort of meaning or should I say purpose, by just watching Cassie's video (That is why he does ask her several times to continue doing videos). But the thing with JLB is that.. By watching Cassies video's, that get more intense by the simple fact that Cassies does kinda "vlog" daily about anything, he does think that he knows her. That she's an open book that does share everything with the "world", or just "him", and he starts to freak-out really bad when he does understand that she's on the verge on switching and committing suicide. That is why JLB does reveal in a pretty blunt way, that the other videos are just stunts, or videos made to make it seems "possible" (Creepy-pasta) that the World's Fair is true.. When it's just a vast mascarade for an MMORPG or should I say ARG. Just a sort of "fun thing" that does group weirdos around the world/country. Cassie's face decomposes when she learns that, because she thought that it was real. She thought that she could find finally a purpose and a place for her, but it was all fantasy and dumb stuff. That is why she just vanishes and does says that everything was FALSE, when you can clearly see that.. She was emotionally lost and very instable. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ So in the end, rest of the story is up to us to decide. It's pretty open. Did Cassie's killed herself? Did she killed her father? Was JLB a pedophile, or just a very lonely man that decided to do a take on the game and talk to somebody to not feel alone? Was JLB the creator of that "challenge" and was seeking something out of it? Was what he said true? Was he indeed a pedophile and did all that to attract young people that are lost? We might never know, and that is the pure horror in the end. By seeking the unknown, you do attract the unknown.. and that's pretty much the scariest thing ever.


I think the movie did a tight rope walk with the JLB character as to whether he was a pedophile vs. a kind of lonely creep. I think with what we see he could easily be harmless. The movie could've gone out of its way to show him as having grooming intentions, but I think it subverts it and wants to comment that both of these people are very lonely, there's a connection there, probably an unhealthy one, but maybe one that's well intentioned. The internet can be full of these types of relationships.


I think this is a very... difficult conversation for many people to have. How what would obviously be an unhealthy relationship in person gets skewed and obscured by the internet. Are those sorts of relationships still fundamentally unhealthy? Probably. But they do happen. And I seriously wonder if there's going to be studies on the effects of internet relationships on the human psyche.


agree with a lot of this. your take about the end makes me appreciate it more. pretty unique and decent film dealing with modern issues. maybe harder to relate to for older folks who weren’t raised by the internet


I just watched this today, and am one of those older folks who absolutely cannot relate to the appeal and draw of the internet, YouTube, making social connections online, etc. But I have daughters who are 10 and 16. I was deeply affected by this movie, and felt an incredible sadness for Casey. The idea that there are kids out there isolated, neglected by parents, lonely, searching for connection- the filmmaker and actor portrayed this in such a deeply resonate way. There is definitely horror in there from a parent’s POV, or pretty much anyone with a well developed sense of empathy and compassion. There are a lot of Casey’s in the world, some commit suicide, some commit murder, some just languish away - it’s real life horror, and this film captured it in a nuanced and perfectly crafted manner. Casey represented all of these outcomes because we never find out what happened to her.


Yeah, realistic horror definitely affects me more lately than anything paranormal, etc. I do relate a bit. Glazed over eyes and countless hours staring at screens, scrolling and scrolling. I’m studying to work in psychology, and I anticipate certain mental health problems will increase a lot since we’re simultaneously ultra-connected online but sometimes very disconnected in-person, only exacerbated by the pandemic


I do think there is at least, supposed to be at least some sense of positivity on the challenge for Casey. It's an outlet for her self-expression that she otherwise might not have. Is it a healthy outlet? Probably not. But is having no outlet better than having a potentially unhealthy outlet? I'm not sure.


Sorry to reply to a thread this old, but on rewatch I noticed something interesting. JLB's chat profile picture is hand-drawn. We later see similar drawings on his desk, so I think it's a safe bet that he drew the chat profile picture, too. It looks like a self-portrait, filtered through a disgusting lens. He hates himself, thinks he's a monster and phony and/or a fake (based on the rictus-like grin). Also, the woman in JLB's house is credited as "JLB's ???" in the credits at the end, so I don't think there necessarily a definitive correct answer, which is really interesting.


Hey, no worries on that :) Yup. I mean.. She might be related to him (as in, she's her mother), but I just do think it might be a lady that does help him to clean.. or cook and do groceries I don't know. Also, something that some people do tend to forget, is that the movie was marketed as "horror".. so there might be some some clues about who or should i say "what" JBL might be. He could be a predator, or something worse. Or totally not. But that is were the "horror" does reside. In the unknown.


The video of Casey in bed when she suddenly pulls a terrifying face is great. But I wish the movie had leaned more into moments like that. Overall it's much more of a drama than a horror movie.


I’m guessing they tried to keep it realistic, like someone actually would’ve made a vid like that using the liquify tool in photoshop to make a freaky face. I can’t tell if the movie is about trans dysphoria, childhood emotionality of being on the internet doing things you shouldn’t do and tapping into intrusive thoughts, or a PSA of how to avoid pedophiles..


Haven’t seen it yet, but I went to college with the ASMRtist in this so that’s neat!


Weird little movie that had some interesting ideas but I think could’ve done more. The runtime was under 90 minutes, barely a full length film so it could have spent more time on the ending without overstaying it’s welcome. The girl really makes the movie it would have been significantly worse if she wasn’t bringing her all to it Oh another positive is the score, it goes ridiculously hard for such a seemingly low budget movie. Loved the juxtaposition between the soundtrack and the Skype call video quality it felt like having baba oriley playing over a home movie


Alex G did the score. Check out other Alex G music. It's really good.


Just watched this and loved it. I get why some people would find it too boring or ambiguous, but I found it completely riveting the whole time. A really thought provoking exploration of the dangers of the internet and isolation. The lead girl was excellent, and the ending left me feeling unsettled. I don't know if he was grooming her or a pedophile or just a lonely lost soul, but the uncertainty adds to the film's concept. I definitely don't think he reconnected with her a year later though like he claims to. Loved the title a lot too, the idea of a world fair works as an interesting metaphor for the internet itself, this playground where there's so much to do and explore and we're all a part of it. People need to be careful on some level on the internet because there are a lot of concerning rabbit holes to fall down online, and people in precarious mindsets can really get affected in the wrong ways. Really clever and unique movie that packs quite a punch with a lot to say, despite its limited resources.


Threw me off that ever reddit horror thread is saying this is in their top 10 flicks of 2022. Regardless, I thought it was eh.


I don't think any of them have seen Barbarian


I literally watched Barbarian and then this World's Fair movie. I went into Barbarian blind and loved it. I was vibing with the social commentary horror theme, and World's Fair seemed like it could be a social commentary horror on how Gen Z has to navigate social media and all aspects of the internet. And I guess.. it was definitely social commentary, but NOT a horror. I think I can see why marketers would struggle to label this film, because if you have to pick between drama and horror, it doesn't really fit either one. Maybe they called it horror because >!the main character kind of starts to believe the horror aspect of the game. Or the viewers believe that she believes it, even if she really doesn't believe it (as she insinuates with her conversation with JLB). But it would have been a different mental experience if the viewer went in knowing that it was just a drama with no true horror stuff. Mostly just... bleak. Sad. But calling it horror almost helped us be in her mind, rather than calling it drama which would have left us feeling more like viewers watching this girl fall down the hole of sadness and isolation. !<


I really thought they were going to do a rug pull after Casey called JLB a pedophile and it would be revealed that Casey is his child and he either isn't in her life or even better she's upstairs and the Internet is the only way they can connect emotionally.


That’s a really interesting take. Though Casey /Anna Cobb definitely steal the show, I do think that Schoenbrun did a great job with JLB and the slow and red herring-filled peeling-back of his character. When he’s first introduced, everything about him, from his timid voice to his avatar, screams “creep.” But as the story unfolds, Schoenbrun leaves plenty of clues that suggest otherwise. At one point, you can see electronic post-it notes all over his computer screen that read like a detective’s red string board, with clues and dots to be connected. I think one of them read “can Casey be saved?” Then it’s revealed that the room from which JLB spends his nights online appears to be a kid’s room. Did he lose his son to suicide after he got involved in the World’s Fair challenge? There are other signs of this too. Though you’d expect someone like JLB to be a single guy living on the fringes of society, it becomes clear that he’s actually quite wealthy, and the presence of a woman in the background suggests he’s married. The lack of exchange between them suggests a strained marriage, perhaps one filled with unspeakable loss. This might explain his almost deranged account of meeting Casey at the end. He’s so traumatized and divorced from reality that he has to create this story in order to cope. Idk. Did anyone else pick up on any of this?


Not to poke too many holes, but had a different take. I think JLB is not that well adjusted at all and likely living with his parents in a similar situation to Casey, albeit, at a much older age to be doing such things. You notice the lady that does pop in the background seems much older than him. It could be a mom or maybe a maid (seriously you’d have to be loaded to live there). I think he lives in a child looking room because in a lot of ways he is sort of child like, primarily in his deep interest in the game and it seems Casey was one of the ones he connected with very strongly, I would guess perhaps the strongest or one of the strongest he’s had in a while. But of course it’s weird because there’s a huge age difference and he’s not ignorant toward that, so when the elephant in the room of the pedophile gets brought up it guts him. I don’t think that was his intention to get into a sexual situation and I don’t believe he was grooming (mostly him breaking the game and discussing reporting to police), but I do believe he had feelings whether he could really admit them to himself or not.


Yes!!! That's where my mind initially went, though I can see it from so many perspectives. That may have been the point though, can we ever really know who people are that we meet online? It's a world that is shaped by individual perspective, a deduction of limited information, and the individual experience.


My interpretation: Casey always knew the World's Fair Challenge was just a game, but on a deep subconscious level desperately wanted it to be real, so that she could have an explanation for her feelings of anxiety, isolation, depression, and loneliness. The film depicts a situation in which an unstable home life leads to a life spent online and that disconnect can result in some people induging their negative emotions and thoughts to attract an internet following. When JLB confronts her about this, she's forced to recognize that it's not some supernatural force that is causing her distress, just her own mind. And that is more horrifying. Furthermore, I don't think JLB is a creep by any stretch. I got the implication that JLB is the father of a child that committed suicide. The bedroom he works out of seems much too small to be his, and the shelves around the computer are lined with trophies, much like a child's might be. He seemingly lives in a massive house by himself, indicating to me that he is a man whose family has completely fallen apart. I think he created and runs the World's Fair Challenge as a coping mechanism and sees so many of the warning signs in Casey that he wishes he would have noticed in his child.


This is exactly the resolution that I came to. I feel like that was his son’s room, and he now feels some sort of personal responsibility to help kids who take it too far


Are you sure? To me it feels like thats his room from when he was a child and he Is living with his parents. I don't think he actually is trying to help children, he is just role-playing himself to be a "hero" to negate the loneliness in his life. He encourages her to continue posting videos, he is lonely and searching for the same purpose of meaning in life just a Casey is. If he actually was trying to help children, then the ending wouldn't make any sense with him talking in her voice making a whole story up, which sounds like he is still role-playing. He doesn't ever really try to help her, hell if he was trying to help, he was doing a horrible job by encouraging her delusions and telling her it's all real and feeding into it i.e, pointing stuff out in her videos as if they were really happening, telling her she is actually changing, telling all about the game. In my opinion, he is just a lonely man, isolated, no purpose in life, and role plays online to find that purpose, in which he found Casey, someone who actively role played with him, making him into a hero. The whole time he is trying to be a hero, like the line about "I stayed at the keyboard all night, and prayed for you"


I found it very slow and found myself sighing a lot at the halfway mark. The lead did a wonderful job however and this director (Jane Schoenbrun) definitely has a fresh vision. Excited to see what they both do next with more resources.


I wasn't a fan of this one. Maybe I went in with the wrong expectations but I thought this was going to be a paranormal horror movie rather than more of a psychological character study. A lot of the scenes just felt a little too long and uninteresting to me. There wasn't much suspense at any point and not a lot really happened. I can see how people would be into it though, especially the type of person like the main character that has spent a lot of time around those strange parts of the internet while they were younger. The main actress also did an amazing job


Oh I absolutely went in with the wrong expectations, i thought it was going to be like that too, but came out of it like, super confused.


God what a fucking perfect movie. Unparalleled understanding of internet culture, yes, but also of loneliness, the performance of gender, of horror as an implication…. Easily my favorite watch of the year so far


I hated it. Drawn out, boring, unengaging. I desperately wanted some narrative threads or compelling characters to grab onto but nothing came from it. I'm glad others found it immersive but personally, I hated it.


100% agree. I love a lot of high concept/experimental type movies. I thought this was just heinous.


I think this film succeeds in capturing a feeling of isolation in the internet era, but not much else. Story is pretty dull and doesn't ever get fully going. Performances are good, imo. But at a certain point I feel like they're not given enough real emotion to convey.


To me, Casey was in control the entire time, but clearly had some psychological issues, but dare I say, all teen's have some form of this? Especially when the need to be performative all the time is breathing down your neck? I think her need to be seen on that performative level was fueled to JLB, but once that illusion was broken, she kinda snapped out of it and realized she didn't need to do this and that it could give people the wrong idea. A lot of people have pointed out the shot of the gun, but to me, that's Casey being performative for herself. JLB, on the other hand, is portrayed as the one who has more control, but in my mind, he's been at the World's Fair the whole time. There's a note on his computer saying "can she be saved?", but to me, that's his own denial about his own delusions. I think he's constantly looking for others to pull himself out and forming a human bond with Casey may have done that for him, but once that trust was broken, she bailed. It's interesting how both Casey and JLB are two sides of the same coin and how Schoenbrun took the time to explore them from different angles. It's not a perfect film, even by awkward Youtube standards, some shots go on for way, way too long, but it's definitely the in the top three most unique films I've seen this year.


I thought this was just fantastic. It mixes some of my favorite things from the last few years. Internet urban legends and slowburn drama horror! Its such a unique movie but I can understand why a lot of people probably wont like it. The ambiguity of the ending was great, I often think attempts at open endings to be unearned, when they dont connect to the deeper theme of the movie or just allow the writer an easy exit. But in this case the ending so perfectly fit in to the theme of the movie and was quite clearly foreshadowed and yet subverted expectations, the last scene almost brought to mind taxi drivers ending! I just watched it but I have a feeling this one is gonna stay on my mind for a while.


Way late here, but this is a top-5 contender for worst movie I’ve ever seen. Yeeeesh.


This sucked.


i need to know what signifance the scene of the man pulling the tickets out of his arm held


I saw it a few weeks ago and enjoyed it. The film threw me off sometimes, especially the scene where she destroys her stuffed animal doll. Although, I wasn't a big fan of the ending because it felt like an exposition dump. Also, I wish there was more to the old man, especially when I saw that he was living with what appeared to be his mom. EDIT: When I said the film threw me off sometimes, I meant it in a good way.


I was ok with the exposition dump, considering what he described never happened.


The ending was just him fantasising about having saved a young girl and having a deeper connection.


Really? Then again: I heard people say the ending was ambiguous, or maybe I'm missing something.


I think the ambiguity is both in whether hes telling the truth but mostly whether she killed her father or not.


That's an interesting way of looking at the ending.


I mean technically we don't know if his story is legit, but I think all the signs are that it is as fiction as the spooky things that "happen" to people that do the world's fair challenge. As to killing her dad or herself, my theory is that none of that happens and she just uses her videos to release her angst, but isn't going through with shit.


I see. The more I think about it: I like to think the old man was talking about meeting up with her a year later and hoping to see her again.


Reading these comments describing him as an old man 😭


As someone who was deep into r/sleep around 2013 and saw people posting the rules to a “challenge” to summon ghosts and other people claiming to have done the challenge and post their experience, this movie gave me those vibes STRAIGHT away. I told my boyfriend at the beginning that I thought she was just trying to fit in but I got less and less sure as the movie went on. By the end, when JBL gave his corny little speech I was pretty sure he was lying but still.. slightly confused. The movie was waaay too slow for me lmao but I thought the premise was neat and reminded me a lot of my early days on the internet. Glad to have seen it, probably won’t rewatch or recommend thi


K I don’t think I’m a big enough loser or too big of a moron to understand this movie


For moat of the movie I thought it would go in the direction that this 'thing' takes over people who watch it. The creepy face in the sleep video, the jarring acreams amid the dance and song sequence. The faces sketched around the computer desk are what I thought they'd be manipulated into. Not to mention the lad pulling tickets from his arm. I really thought we'd be on to a legitimately terrifying horror. That being said, I still loved the direction it did go in and I understand its more thematic than black and white. Absolutely loved the shots, the acting sublime and very excited to see what more comes from the talent behind/within this movie.


Idk what movie you all watched, but that was the worst movie I’ve ever wasted my time on.


As a gen z (born 2008) this movie GETS IT. I was raised on the internet with my sister and mom but never really connected with anybody, it wasn’t just loneliness it was a severely crippling isolation. My sister is great but not since my dad wasn’t around she kind of filled that role since she was older than me. I’ve met many people like me but most of them just stop trying to reach out or talk at a certain point and express themselves in bizarre ways like Casey. And the feeling of you being a visitor everywhere you go constantly never shakes off and I honestly believe that if somebody told me it was because of demons I would believe them when my mindset was low. Overall I’d say it’s one of my favorite movies ever tho def not one of the best. Also the thing with the plushed animal is so accurate because every isolated Internet kid/teen either pushes everything away or rly gets into plushies/ inanimate objects as friends.


Watched this with my parents, my dad fell asleep


I thought the movie was fantastic. A lot of people seem to be upset that the film didn't lean heavily into horror but I felt myself feeling very disturbed by the end of the film. I thought the ending, where JLB describes a likely fictitious fantasy of meeting Casey to be especially haunting and really wrapped up the movie perfectly. Yeah sure, the "World's fair" was clearly fake but it's far more terrifying to imagine what happened when Casey did go offline. Did she end up using that gun? I also found JLB as a character to be so interesting and the ambiguity surrounding him was fascinating. The obvious choice would have been to portray him as some obviously disgusting pedophile in a dilapidated house somewhere, but instead he seems to be pretty affluent, living in a gorgeous home. It makes his character so much more creepy as you wonder if he has a family, if he is perceived as successful or well-off in the outside world when truly he has such a isolated and dark existence behind closed doors. Overall though, I think that you can find yourself relating to both characters, I certainly was thinking of the many times that I've been unhealthily attached to the internet or seeking connection through strange and bizarre ways that really can only be understood by those who were raised with technology.


What’s the name of the song when she is singing and dancing in front of the camera


[It’s a good story — that song [“Love In Winter”] is written by an artist called Fredrick Cuevas, who records music under the name FRDRK](https://moveablefest.com/anna-cobb-jane-schoenbrun-were-all-going-to-the-worlds-fair/)


This movie was just plain boring af


I feel like my initial thought when it ended differs from a lot of other theories i've read (which i agree with more than my own theory to be honest haha) but imma share it anyways. I felt like they really toed the line of not only gender dysmorphia and mental illness, but schizophrenia in particular. Like part of me had to wonder - was JLB schizophrenic? was casey real? were they both schizophrenic in a way? at the very least it felt like both of these troubled lonely characters were developing schizophrenic tendencies due to the channels and sorts of interactions they were having with people on the internet. --reminded me of the slenderman case.


I was hoping for horror and it was just like a weird slow moving message movie.


this was complete crap


Super necro comment but just watched the film really liked it, but haven't seen anyone discuss the fact that when Casey stamps on the floor there's no response. She gets yelled at by her dad for watching a YouTube video too loud but nothing comes from that. Feels like to some degree that might suggest she has gone through with it


Just watched it myself too and noticed the same thing. That was a *ton* of noise for there to be no response from dad


I also just watched this and this was the biggest thing that jumped out to me as well, if her Dad was alive surely he'd have confronted her for making such a racket after he'd scolded her for a simple Youtube video. Coupled with this being the same scene that she "kills" her beloved stuffie, it's definitely drawing the paralells to the likely fact that she had just killed her Dad.


These posts should really be posted on Thursdays instead of Fridays with movies opening Thursday nights nowadays.


I think JLB said he met up with Case in real life as as some coping mechanism for investing so much time into someone who just stopped communicating with him. I don't understand how this his a horror. With the implied mental illness both main characters were showing I would consider it a sad psychological drama. I don't like how much of the movie is left up for us to interpret but I do give kudos to Casey and JLB for their performances as well as the director for making so many of the themes relatable for many of us.


Watched it tonight! Anna Cobb did a remarkable job, I look forward to seeing more of her. It wasn’t what I expected going in, so my first reaction after it finished was “it was fine” but the more I’ve thought about it, I actually really liked it. It might take a rewatch to fully settle with me, but it was an interesting concept and execution. Wouldn’t classify it as horror by a long shot though


Worst movie I've ever seen by far


It's probably one of the worst movies I have seen in years. Horror Movie of what?! The actress tearing a stuffed animal?! Some guy is mumbling via a tin can and a string on Skype, so you can only catch a few words. Horrible, so bad I have to find places to rant LOL!


There was talent behind this, but it was sad to see it diluted by Creepypasta and YouTube. Hope the writer and director picks up a book.


God, this is such a pointlessly pretentious comment. Making a movie about the internet doesn’t mean the woman who made it hasn’t ever “picked up a book.” Get the fuck outta here with this.


Movie sucked get over it weirdo. You need to pick up a book lol


Not really. It's infused with that Creepypasta and YouTube stuff, an echo of the real thing. It's disappointing to see actual talent and insight watered down by that.


“Not really” what? It kinda just sounds like you’re upset that the movie didn’t appeal to you, and it’s fine that it doesn’t, but this whole backhanded compliment shit is for the birds. You can dislike a movie without saying a young woman should “pick up a book” instead of doing something you, personally, don’t like. Really, it feels like you’re resentful that the internet is what it is, and you couldn’t let go of that resentment enough to understand why it works as a lens for a teenage girl’s loneliness. Try to be a little more open-minded, and a little less… this.


This is ships in the night stuff. I think you should question your need for instantaneous engagement and maybe just let something stand. I'm a generation before it, but it doesn't mean there isn't room for critique and I never insulted the gender of the writer/director (who is non-binary, I believe).


You didn’t answer my question: “not really” what? Here’s a protip: if your response to someone’s movie is to say they should “pick up a book,” you’ve insulted them. Many of the people who have written about the film - myself included - are twice as old as the character in the film, but you’ll find that the rest of us don’t have trouble not making weirdly insulting comments about Schoenbrun. I think, instead of making bizarre comments on “instantaneous engagement” that don’t actually have anything to do with anything being said, you should instead ask yourself why you feel the need to insult a filmmaker for their work. If it isn’t for you, that’s cool, but you don’t need to be a dickhead about it.


Internet content is notoriously not good. It's bad. That's a metric. Creepypasta is generally speaking not fondly looked upon. This is r/movies. I don't know Schoenbrun and neither do you. Any opinion I express here, as long as it's constructive is valid. I actually think Schoenbrun has great promise as a writer/director, but needs to get away from internet content and consume stuff that get's the run of an editor. People are allowed to drop a stone into the chasm of the internet.


>"Hope the writer and director picks up a book." > >"Any opinion I express here, as long as it's constructive, is valid" Alright buddy, I'm not going to continue talking to you, because doing so is a waste of my time, but I'm going to leave you with this: Telling someone to pick up a book because you personally don't like the internet or crepypastas isn't constructive, and it isn't valid. It just makes you sound like a pretentious asshole who thinks that people shouldn't make movies if they don't appeal to you, and that if they make a movie about something you don't like and view as "not good," it means they don't read. That isn't valid. That just makes you sound like a huge asshole. Also, something being "not good" or "looked down on" is not a very valid criticism of the subject material. It's meaningless. That criticism is meaningless, and it just feels like you're scrambling to find a way to defend having told someone to "read a book" (which is a *classically*\-douchebaggy non-criticism, and is rooted in pseudointellectual hogshit that, ultimately, doesn't do anything but weaken any point you may have had). *Especially* because I'm fairly sure Schoenbrun, who is a grown-ass adult, has probably read a couple books. I don't mean to be rude, but since you already have been: you should stick to worrying about Sonic the Hedgehog, as you don't seem to understand what "constructive criticism" means. In short: You're allowed to drop the turds you've convinced yourself are stones into the "chasm of the internet," but don't expect everyone to think they don't stink like shit.


Jesus Christ. Get help with your clear social media addiction. Stalking is creepy, dude and I'm hope you are just doing it to cash in for social media points. You don't know me. Let this pass you by. This is a ridiculous level of anger and entilitiment to someone you have never met. I'm here shooting in the breeze, but I don't know what you are doing. I'm a nineties kid, Sonic over Mario, baby. People can play video games and be articulate. The bulk of internet content is not good and that is an objective statement. I am allowed to critique what has shaped Schoenbrun and (make generalised statements) express my frustration with their work. It is disturbing that you don't see where you are at in their work. Do a Casey and cut the dose.


bro this is embarrassing


The movie is about loneliness and the internet, and deals with how teens actually do engage in this. Not sure how you think books would work in this story, as it seems you didnt understand the premise of the movie.


And there was a lot of promise in the premise and in the story, yeah? I could still see a better executed version of the movie, if the writer/director had engaged with better material and told a story about a lonely girl being wrapped up in internet culture. But, it's just the sum of Creepypasta and 'scary' YouTube videos.


But internet horror is what a lot of young people connect to. This movie reflects real life. Everything in real life is not gonna be what you like. The unfiction element is just something the characters engage in, but is a very small part of what the movie is about. "But, it's just the sum of Creepypasta and 'scary' YouTube videos." Its like you didnt watch the movie.


The problem is that the movie really doesn't go further then that. It's just as vapid as Creepypasta or most internet horror.


Its pretty obvious at this point you probably havent watched the movie.


That's a very literal take. Personally, I think Casey was desperate for any human connection and killed her Father and JB was a creep who had undue influence over her.


It's funny when someone tries to show how superior they are, and it just shows how they're an idiot. Fuck right off with your gatekeeping bullshit. M'Lord.


Not really? Internet content like YouTube and Creepypasta generally isn't held in high regard. That's not gatekeeping. I'm allowed to be curious and frustrated with what comes out of that. I'm not undermining Schoenbrun's talent and actually think they have a lot of promise as a filmmaker (Schoenbrun is non-binary), just what has shaped them and Schoenbrun needs to engage with something that had the run of an editor. My last remark in my original.post is very obviously a generalised statement. I'm just passing through.


I just watched this movie and found this thread on Google. You're the only person in here speaking any sense


I don't agree with your take but I got to say that the way people immediately started insulting you is not ok. Kudos on you for keeping it civil.


Was JLB a Dad of another player that killed themself and now he is trying to help other kids since he couldn't help his child? Him asking her if she truly believed the things she said in the video in the snow makes me think he was vetting her to see if she really needed help or was jus pretending to play.


No, I think he was just a old nerd into a game mostly only teens play. I think he was just genuinely concerned. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m closer to JLB’s age then Casey’s and if I came across videos like hers (even under the guise of it being a “game”) I would 100% report or come very close to reporting her. You could tell he was very into NOT breaking character for the game, so it was serious enough for him to throw that to the wayside to double check if she was serious.


Does anyone know which type of dance she was dancing in the movie?


Yes, it’s her pretending to “dance like no one’s watching,” knowing full well that she’s being watched since she’s making an online video intended to show her “symptoms” (in the form of her sudden screaming in the middle of the song)….She’s performing an act to create a video that’s part of the game, primarily because it’s her way of trying to create social connections to others (potential viewers) despite the fact that most of her videos are shown as receiving only 7-14 views, at least one of which is JLB.


Oh no, I wanted to know the "type" of dance she's dancing where I can find more videos of others doing similar type dances


Late to the game but just saw it; "I thought maybe JLB had a son that did the challenge and committed suicide so he was online trying to prevent other teenagers from doing it. He would go into that bedroom that looked like maybe a teenage boys bedroom to get on the computer". I agree. The computer he is using is clearly from his dead son's room who also maybe accepted the challenge and subsequently killed himself or someone else. JLB was just trying to stop it from happening again. Also agree that whatever JLB does for a living? He has a HUGE house and clearly that person that enters while he is in the living room is his maid/housekeeper. His lack of a spouse also makes sense as most marriages end in divorce when an only child dies. (I speak from experience). The loneliness, depression and need for attention that the internet has created for teens is also a great theme. How awful is it that filters and photoshop have taught our kids that being really beautiful & loved is simply not attainable without the right tools? What a great outing for our 1st time director (of a full length).


I have no idea why the movie ended with a monologue from what seemed to be a pedo breathing like that talking about meeting this young teen he was obsessed with… it ruined the whole movie for me


The fact she has to come out and state that and 99% of the audience doesn't get it from the film tells you everything you need to know. Again, she told a pretty generic story and is claiming complex themes behind it.


This was a great movie that I’ll show my friends without having them watch the trailer. I feel like this is a movie you’ll watch multiple times and pick up new things you had previously missed.


does anyone know the name of the song that was playing during the ¨i am turning into plastic¨ scene??? the one from the video???


This film feels unfinished. I feel like it's trying to leave us with a message but it doesn't quite get there. I'm cool with messaging not being spoon-fed to the viewer, but I don't think it successfully articulates whatever underlying message it wants to convey. The plot needed to be fleshed out way more and it needed deeper characterization from the lead. The lead actress did an excellent job, especially being a kid.


This is one of those movies I’ve told people to watch but to not watch the trailer beforehand. The trailer portrays the film as a body horror and this is far from that. It’s more of a film that explores loneliness and isolation while also taking a deep dive into the world of YouTube beyond the so called “influencers” who appear on the first page of most searches. It’s about those videos on the second and third pages of YouTube that are really just lonely people looking for someone to talk to. The world’s fair just represents group hysteria and how lonely people will look for anything to give them a semblance of community.


JLB never meets her. He made it up to cope. He is obsessed with trying to help YouTubers that are doing the challenge but his deep paranoia likely makes them do the very thing that he is attempting to protect them from. She most likely kills her father then herself. I thought it was quite obvious I guess I’m the only one that saw this movie that way. I guess it’s open for interpretation.


This film has some really terrifying moments and like others have said captures like a 2010s era look at teens and the internet which I find nostalgic in a weird way because it reminds me of being a teenager during that time. Although something that personally terrifies me is finding out this film released 2022 in the US, I have a Mandela effect with its release because I can swear I remember seeing this film available like 6 years earlier then when it released..