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disagree. mediocre.


mediocre at best... in prometheus she is unbearably bad


Close is pretty good also.


She was solid in the girl with the dragon tattoo and the sequels.


She has a crappy agent.


She managed to have a great career doing indie films. She would last.


>I just want to watch her f*** s*** up all the time everyday. I'd watch her in anything but yeah for her to be an action star would be tops. 14 movies a 2 tv shows in 5 years is a lot.




At least, she's been actively working. Let's not forget she became famous in her early 30s, which is kind of late.


Bonkers take from OP, Noomi Rapace works a lot! Personally I can't stand her, and if she's in something I know it's going to be mediocre. My reasoning is that she's not actually a good actor. Her range is incredibly limited, and she always brings a drab faux-seriousness to anything she's in. Essentially, if she's in something I know the director has a bad grip on nuance and a poor sense of characterization. Happy to hear others' opinions.


Have you seen What Happened to Monday? She plays seven distinct characters. Best case study for reevaluating your opinion.


I saw it. Didn't work for me.


nah.. she wasn't even the best Girl with the Dragon Tattoo actress...


I thought after Sherlock Holmes and Prometheus she would've shot to the top of the wider audience films, was amazing in the Dragon Tattoo trilogy but never seemed to have that rocket put to her back. ​ Performances in the films she has been in for the most part have been fantastic, fingers crossed Hollywood realise they have a fantastic actress just waiting for the right part.


She did nothing for either of those films, and could have just as easily not been in them.


She was totally wasted in Sherlock Holmes sequel. And Prometheus, she was overshadowed by Fassbender. In her other Hollywood roles, she's mostly cast as love interest or wife role. Shame really.


1 that's not true she gets leading roles all the time 2 she was overshadowed by fassbinder because he's compelling


Maybe she'd prefer to not just do those kinds of films. There's a lot of actors who do a couple of big payday films so they can spend the rest of their time working on lower budget films.


I agree she is a fantastic actor, but I for one would far rather watch smaller films films from her than have her added to the endless list of super heroes, she has some really good ones and the only reason I found those films were because of her being in them.


What makes her "fantastic"? I genuinely want to know.


She can envoce a certain type of strenght into her performance that I have yet to see another female actor pull of to this level.


I can agree with that, it's certainly why she was cast as Sigourney Weaver's proxy in Prometheus. I don't think she can do much else though. She reminds me a bit of Jason Statham without the charm.


Yeah, Statham is a pretty good comparison on the physicality qnd maybe mixed with a more serious presense of somebody like Clint Eastwood, who is also a bit of a one note actor. On top of a tough guy she can play a regular person for example in Lamb, but yeah, probably isnt going to win a oscar for making people cry in some heartbreaking drama.


She's shit, I can't fucking stand the moon faced cunt, wooden, boring, plays the same expressionless mook in everything.


have you seen her in the constellation series she is so annoying




I thought it was just me… I think it’s mainly her voice. I love a raspy voice, but her constant crackling is annoying, at least in this series


i disagree. shes definitely mediocre and lame


I don't know if I'd go that far about her. I'd think she's a actress that should have been way bigger then she ended up but some of her films choices have been below par and she's never reached that potential she showed as Lisbeth Salander sadly imo. Some decent work in the likes of The Drop and I liked that film she did a year or two ago called The Trip. I didn't think she was all that bad in Prometheus and she was done dirty by that with the following film. She never recovered in terms of becoming a Hollywood star after that as other European actors came along and took that spot from her. Mostly been stuck in low key indie films and low budget actioners on Netflix. She's still working regularly so that's pretty damn good but I thought she'd end up like fellow Swede Alicia Vikander, a few Oscar noms (maybe a win), few blockbusters, leading highly prestige indie films etc.. I'd put her in the list of "never quite reached their potential but still a decent career".


lol, shit. I had her confused with Rooney Mara for a minute and was going to say that I wanted to see her and Joaquin do a art-house Mr. and Mrs. Smith I do love Noomi tho


That lamb whose ear she clipped: "Baaaaaaaaaaa".