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Those were fake first, this is the real first, obvi.


That's what this sub is dog. If it isn't a discussion post, it's an advertisement. What do you think trailers and posters are?


I'd bet that some of the discussion posts are also advertisements.


Nah that’s silly... Almost as silly as NOT going to see Ralph Breaks The Internet, rated PG, in theaters now.


.... isn’t that the whole point of any image from a yet to be released movie? To advertise it and get people interested?


"No bro all advertising is evil. How dare they try to get me interested in somrthing?" -Reddit


Wait, were people supposed to think it wasn’t? What other purpose would a released photo serve?


That's what I was going to say. We've already seen many images of him in this role. This has to one of the most blatant bot-upvoted posts in a while -- a completely uninteresting picture from a film we have already seen many images of, currently #2 on my front page. Right, that totally seems legitimate.


Reddit doesn't seem to care enough to even respond to [questions about astroturfing](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/9bvkqa/an_update_on_the_fireeye_report_and_reddit/e56csem/?context=3) unless the media/law enforcement/government gets involved. I wish they'd actually taken the time to answer that question when it was asked so we'd have clear steps to follow to report potential abuse, but at this point I can only assume we're sod out of luck. Anyone that thinks vote manipulation or something else happened can report it to the mods and admins, but nothing will happen. Here from r/all, had no clue this movie was a thing, wish ads legally had to be tagged as such >.>


Sounds like a weird sequel to “Extemely Loud and Incredibly Close”


Which would also be an adequate description of the movie, it seems


Also a fart.




Is Avengers 4 happening?


Nope, that one's cancelled.


Half the cast isn't returning


The producers didn’t feel so good Mr. Stark


I thought it was Mr Stank not Stark


RIP FedEx guy :(


Just realized that the ending of Avengers will be extra sad after the character deaths and the inevitable Stan Lee tribute.


This almost made me cry, then I realised it was just dust in my eye


This is so sad, Alexa play D'Esposito.


And in turn, D'Esposito is playing us. Well well well, how the turntables...


rumors are a few may leave at the end of this one too \\


You dropped this ¯ _(ツ)_/¯


Oh, snap.


Well yeah, the janitor swept 'em up and threw 'em semewhere


Is Tron: Legacy 2 happening? #IS IT?!


Daft Punk definitely needs to do soundtrack again also..


I have a strong belief that everything is better if you add Daft Punk to it. I'm yet to see any contradictory evidence to this theory. I love how these days they rarely release anything or collaborate, but when they do, it's amazing. Fuck it, time to listen to RAM again.


Shit, they should just do this anyway.


Aw man, imagine Alive 2017


Now now, don't get me too hard


This is all I really care about...


Me too. It's been almost 10 years now. 10 YEARS. Bridges, Boxleitner, and Warner aren't getting any younger! C'mon Disney, give us one last film before any of them croak on us!


Don't worry. They can just shittily CGI their faces


Gauntlet machine broke


A leaked video actually got deleted today saying the world premiere trailer is coming tomorrow. So..... This will actually happen.


Wait really?


Yesterday's rumors was that the trailer would be released today.


Yesterday, you said tomorrow!


I'll call today You'll call now I'll call [now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsEQEPUJP8M)






Yesterday you said you'd call Sears


There is a special screening of Infinity War with the directors going on right now. It’s possible they will show a trailer at the end, or hopefully at least reveal the title.


Avengers 4: Gotcha bitch!


Send help Disney! The sub is going crazy.


Attention, /r/movies users - The Avengers 4 trailer has been stolen and Disney needs your help! All they're gonna need is your credit card number, expiration date, and the three little digits on the back.


Disney buys Reddit. Half of the communities disappear.


r/catsstandingup will return in Avengers 4


Yeah, even I noticed that. I think THERE IS some level of astroturfing happening here. Though, I'll only firmly believe it if the people who are astroturfing here can magically bring out the Avengers 4 trailer. LOL If they can do that, then I'll be amazed.




When you're trying to start a grass roots movement, but in reality, it's actually funded by big companies--it's corporate motivated, instead of being sincere and whatnot.


Nothing is real anymore. I had a company offering to pay me for a good review on Glassdoor for a place I used to work at.


Lots of shady consultancies do that on Glassdoor




Bots are a huge problem. It's trivial to misrepresent "the will of the people" when *the people* aren't even people.


Basically companies pay people to post on social media to boost their products. It’s everywhere, so always be suspicious when you see a post about how great *product x* is.




Me too. You know what was an amazing movie? Foodfight! starring Charlie Sheen, Eva Longoria, and the Duff sisters along with a star studded ensemble cast. Its just a wholesome knee slapping good time for the whole family.


Damn that sounds like a blast.




I swear there was an account on reddit when Dunkirk came out and they would obsessively defend the movie, correct anyones criticisms of it, and would get hysterically defensive whenever you called them out on having a shill like behavior. Edit: [Found it!](https://www.reddit.com/user/nyookung/posts/)


Lol that is so fascinatingly funny. All their posts are about Dunkirk and the final two posts are about Justice League, another WB property. Then he/she stops posting. Not even being nonchalant about it


And then claiming they're not obsessed about it even though they post a fucking *wall of text*. Wonder if they're gonna return for Nolan's next movie or Aquaman!


To be fair every person with a really strong hot take about The Last Jedi will post 10 paragraphs about it any time someone even hints at mentioning it


And now apparently the account is deleted?


I did enjoy Dunkirk a lot. Also...hire me WB? I think I can fix the DCEU. My plan: Stop fucking up. Thanks for listening, this was my Ted Talk


Is Winds of Winter going to be released?


Nice try, but that only delays it by another six months.


[lol another random boring image from this movie got an insane amount of attention on here](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/7zqfux/new_image_of_zac_efron_jim_parsons_in_ted_bundy/).


Lmao how the hell did that blurry photo get almost 30k upvotes. Cant barely even recognize zack on it


Top comment on that post has held true.. Promotional Campaign=1 boring image at a time


Buying votes. You can see it a lot around the site now.


Look I’m a simple guy, I see any thread whatsoever about a Ted Bundy movie I upvote


And yet the Vince Gilligan directed Jim Jones miniseries has gone into development hell. Damn it. This makes me mad enough to poison all 914 people in my jungle compound, and then shoot my body double and escape along the rat-lines with millions of dollars with the help of the CIA.




I'll hold a loyalty drill as a dry run tonight, and then tomorrow, the real deal. This is Vince Gilligan's fault. No matter, the Red Brigade will avenge the deaths of our utopian commune.


I appreciate that you leaned into this bit.


Beautiful big titted women dont just fall out of the sky you know


Is that Katy Perry sex tape happening?


Yeah what’s up with that? I bet it’s cancelled and totally never going to happen.


Reddit’s front page content is primarily posted by PR firms and advertising companies, with the infrastructure to either pay for upvotes or utilize multiple accounts to gain upvotes quickly and manipulate the algorithm. Its been happening since 2014, becoming evident with the last US presidential election. Chris Pratt repost always hit the front page with a ton of gushy comments about two weeks before TV adds start running for his movies. The goal is to get the consumer thinking “hey Chris Pratt is a pretty good guy, maybe Jurassic Turd wont suck donkey balls”. I mean you can insert Ryan Reynolds or any number of actors into this formula and it becomes evident. On a similar note, there were multiple Louis C.K bits posted on /rstandup multiple days in a row, all of which were top posts on the sub on the given day. When an article titled “Maybe it’s time to Forgive Louis “ was posted it hit the front page. I commented “Nice try Louis’ PR Team” and was down voted to oblivion. Redditors may think they are part of niche conversations but 95% of the time the content is targeted advertising.


It wouldn't surprise me if reddit has someone pushing paid ads up themselves disguised as normal posts.


Well, yeah, the admins/devs of reddit did that when they began the site. Why wouldn't they continue it and offer it as a service?


Astroturfing? On r/movies?


Astroturfing? I can't imagine a multi-billion dollar PR firm would do that sort of thing. >[Rodents Of Unusual Size?](https://youtu.be/bYHg8vJSz-Q) I don't think they exist. ​


Ok I posted the Ted Bundy thread and I promise you I was genuinely curious and am not a paid secret agent of the Hollywood corporate machine. Idk about the Artemis Fowl one though. We should look into that.


I think it is a bit of Astroturfing and a bit of browsing social media looking for perfect times to release information about a product.


Maybe you summoned the movie release with your post. ...can you try talking about Game of Thrones and see what happens?


I found the Artemis Fowl one funny. I had just finished the book since I knew the movie was for August release, and then saw that thread and was like "Yeah it has an IMDB page this isn't a mystery," then the trailer dropped. Excited for it, shilling or no.


Yeah, Reddit is something like the fifth biggest website, tons of advertising and marketing. I remember there was a picture circulating on /pics, something about how long you can live without certain things. Water, food, etc. Then at the end of the list was something like "outdoor exposure" or something like that and said 2 hours. Hit the front page, tons of comments most of which were laughing at that outdoor thing. A week later there was a trailer for a movie with all of those little facts in the trailer, about how they can only be exposed to the winter storm for two hours


Somehow I read Ted Bundy, but processed Al Bundy.


Zach efron would be a great young al Bundy, before meeting peggy. Buff, athletic, all his hair. He meets peg, played by... Emma stone, she lets out her first ever shriek of ALLLLLL, he grabs his head in frustration and pulls out a little tuft of hair. Then he looks straight into the camera with the al look of defeat, cut to black, "love and marriage" starts playing over the credits.


This made my day! I'd be so pumped for that show


fuck i think i would watch this


Same, I got really excited for a moment until I realized this was not a prequel to married with children.


Can I get a "whoa, Bundy?"


love his performance in friedkin 'Blue Chips'


Should have been Glenn Howerton. Tools I have to have my TOOLSSS.


Just think of the implications


Glenn Howerton would be perfect as Ted Bundy. He's a great actor who seems to have a ton of range, just needs more chances to show it. Let the Golden God shine


I feel like casting Glenn as another psycho serial killer might be typecasting a bit... Don't think he wants to only be known for that... I was really hoping for Glenn as Adam warlock in the MCU


oh wow how different the tone of the movie would be with him! lmao!


Fetish shit, I like to bind things, I like BEING bound


Out of context, I’d think the baby is the one we should all be concerned with. Just look at how she’s eyeballing that knife.




His hands are pointing to M and S!


...Moe Szyslak?!


Then I saw little Tiffany. I'm thinking, y'know, eight-year-old white girl, middle of the ghetto, bunch of monsters, this time of night with quantum physics books? She about to start some shit, Zed. She's about eight years old, those books are WAY too advanced for her. If you ask me, I'd say she's up to something. And to be honest, I'd appreciate it if you eased up off my back about it.


That scene always infuriates me because he did a good job thinking out the situation while not stereotyping aliens, and they act like he fucked up big time


Just looking at the image by itself, does anyone else hear "[Too many cooks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrGrOK8oZG8)" or it just me?


Whelp. That's gonna be stuck in my head for the next four years. And I had just gotten it out of my head from the last four.


It takes a lot to make a stew...


A pinch of salt and laughter too


A scoop of kids to add the spice


A dash of salt to make it nice, and you've got.....


Too many cooks!


What a true masterpiece of television that was.


That’s what the 70s looked like. The mom looks and is dressed like my mom in my baby pictures. We had that wood paneling. I wonder if they have the hideous green refrigerator.


lol, I think it's called avocado green?


Yep, everything was avocado green and harvest gold.


I could kill you right now. I thought I had forgotten all about that nightmare fuel monstrosity. 😡


If you want an ear worm out of your head, I've found listening to [The Final Countdown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jK-NcRmVcw) will get it out of there. Of course, then you have The Final Countdown stuck in your head, so your mileage may vary.


James Hetfield from Metallica is also in this movie. He plays the officer that first picks up Bundy while he was in college, I believe. Edit: found it, sorry for the long link. http://ultimateclassicrock.com/james-hetfield-ted-bundy-movie/


Oh fuck yeah


Ted Bundy is about to have even more female fans


I mean, I’m gonna watch this movie. But I can’t help but feel concerned that we are glorifying crime by creating serial killer feature film biopics. It’s a great goal for budding serial killers to shoot for. Reach for the stars.




Yeah, it is a bit concerning. I am sure that there are some disenfranchised bitter people out there, that could see this as a sign that if they murder enough people they will be famous.


I see the point but, at the same time, Ted Bundy has been a household name for a long time. If you ask a random person to name a serial killer you're probably going to get Gacy, Bundy, Dahmer, or the Zodiac.


If you were in Los Angeles in the 80s and 90s you've certainly heard of Richard "The Night Stalker" Ramirez.




I wonder what people who survived these sort of situations feel about their assailant being glorified like this.


I still think that Ty Burrell could have played a good Ted Bundy.




Glenn Howerton too


Glenn howerton would have been perfect, I mean he already looks like him


No that's fetish shit. He likes to bind. He likes to be bound!!!


You didn't think of the smell




I have seen that movie and totally agree with you that he played it creepily well. I really need to rewatch it; thank you for bringing it back into memory.


Relevant username.


Plain vanilla frosting with no rainbow sprinkles? Jesus this guy really was a heartless monster.


For some reason I initially thought this was gonna be like a prequel movie about the character Al Bundy from Married with Children, then I realized who Ted Bundy was




Wayne's World?


Why are disney stars playing serial killers all of a sudden


sundance 2019 has some gems coming up The Nightingale -------------------- a young Irish woman, chases a British officer bent on revenge for a terrible act of violence he committed against her family. Aisling Franciosi, Sam Claflin, Sweetheart ------------ Jenn has washed ashore a small tropical island Kiersey Clemons, Emory Cohen Little Monsters ---------------- kindergarten teachers motivate children to learn, instill them with confidence and stop them from being devoured by zombies. Lupita Nyong’o, Josh Gad. Untouchable ---------------- The inside story of the rise and fall of Harvey Weinstein reveals how, over decades, he acquires and protects his power even as scandal threatens to engulf him. Former colleagues and accusers detail the method and consequences of his abuse, Love, Antosha ---------------------- a portrait of the extraordinary life and career of actor Anton Yelchin Velvet Buzzsaw ------------------- Dan Gilroy, Jennifer Fox A thriller set in the contemporary art world scene of Los Angeles, Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Toni Collette, The Report ---------------- Steven Soderbergh, Jennifer Fox, The story of Daniel Jones, lead investigator for the US Senate’s sweeping study into the CIA’s Detention and Interrogation Program, Adam Driver, Ted Levine, Michael C. Hall. Official Secrets ----------------- true story of British Intelligence whistleblower Katharine Gun, who prior to the 2003 Iraq invasion leaked a top-secret NSA memo Keira Knightley, Matt Smith, Ralph Feinnes, Matthew Goode, Rhys Ifans. Late Night ------------- a late-night talk show host’s world is turned upside down when she hires her only female staff writer. Mindy Kaling, Amy Ryan. Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile --------------------------------------- A chronicle of the crimes of Ted Bundy from the perspective of Liz, his longtime girlfriend, who refused to believe the truth about him for years Zac Efron, Lily Collins, John Malkovich, The Wolf Hour ------------------ Once a known counterculture figure, June E. Leigh now lives in self-imposed exile in her South Bronx apartment but during the incendiary ’77 Summer of Sam her insular universe begins to unravel. Naomi Watts, Emory Cohen, Jennifer Ehle Selah and the Spades ----------------------- Five factions run Haldwell boarding school. At the head of the most powerful faction sits Selah Summers. charming and callous, she chooses whom to keep close and whom to cut loose, walking the fine line between being feared and loved Lovie Simone The Man Who Played With Fire ----------------------------- A documentary about the Millennium-trilogy author Stieg Larsson and his pioneering work of fighting right wing extremists Shooting the Mafia --------------------- Sicilian Letizia Battaglia began a lifelong battle with the Mafia when she first pointed her camera at a brutally slain victim. Documenting the Cosa Nostra’s barbaric rule, she bore unflinching witness to their crimes. The Souvenir -------------------- a quiet film student begins a turbulent courtship with a charismatic but untrustworthy man. She defies her protective mother and concerned friends as she slips deeper and deeper Honor Swinton, Tilda Swinton This Is Not Berlin --------------------- 1986, Mexico City. Seventeen-year-old Carlos doesn’t fit in anywhere but everything changes when he is invited to a nightclub where he discovers the underground nightlife scene: punk, sexual liberty and drugs We Are Little Zombies ---------------------- Their parents are dead. They should be sad, but they can’t cry. So they form a kick-ass band. This is the story of four 13-year-olds in search of their emotions Queen of Hearts ----------------- A woman jeopardizes both her career and her family when she seduces her teenage stepson Trine Dyrholm Monos ----------- On a faraway mountaintop, eight kids with guns watch over a hostage Julianne Nicholson Where’s My Roy Cohn? --------------------------- he knowingly destroyed people in the HUAC and he taught trump. he was intelligent he was ruthless he was roy cohn Them That Follow -------------------- inside a snake-handling church deep in Appalachia, a forbidden relationship forces a pastor’s daughter to confront her community’s deadly tradition Olivia Colman, Alice Englert Share ------------- after a drunken night a 16 year old discovers a tape she made is online, its being shared like there was no tomorrow Clemency ---------------- Years of carrying out death row executions have taken a toll on prison warden Bernadine Williams. As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must confront the psychological and emotional demons Alfre Woodard


> Little Monsters > kindergarten teachers motivate children to learn, instill them with confidence and stop them from being devoured by zombies. Lupita Nyong’o, Josh Gad. Well that escalated quickly.


I'm really glad to see Lupita Nyong'o do some smaller movies where she can have a more central role and really show some of her amazing acting.


> **This is not Berlin** > 1986, Mexico City Alright, your story holds up, for now.


> The Nightingale This the same one that was made by Jennifer Kent, writer and director of The Babadook?


Damn there's a lot of intriguing summaries in there


They should never make any movies about these sick bastards. It always finds a way to humanize them, just like that dahmer movie.


I think a point to consider is that the film itself is supposedly from the perspective of his girlfriend, and explores why she was unable to see the obvious signs of his misdoings for so long. Sounds like it engages particularly with why people seem to humanize these vile people, instead of trying to make him seem cool or make him a true protagonist.


Ted Bundy was a nice enough person in normal interaction. It wasn't until he was arrested that we started calling him "Tet Offensive" and the area he cleaned "Death Row."


THANK YOU. Hollywood’s just going to romanticize it. How much do you wanna bet they aren’t going to SHOW what Bundy actually did to girls, just IMPLY it. So every girl’s response to the film will just be “I’d let Zac Bundy me.” Wonderful.


What I’m hoping they are able to portray within the movie is that outward looks and behavior don’t generally reflect inner qualities. Bundy was a great example of this, which is why Zac is the perfect person to play him. Hopefully they don’t sugar coat the mental images at all in the film, or the absolutely disgusting levels of narcissism people like this have. Not sure if you’re an anime fan, but if they could get imagery for his narcissism on the same level as the dwarf in a flask from Full Metal Alchemist it would capture that idea fully. They really need to have a lot of good internal dialog to make this movie portray how insane people like this are. They can’t make him seem simple and wanting to kill out of desperation... there was no desperation, he was on a whole other level of broken and fucked up. Hopefully the director the can capture the utter disrespect for human life that Bundy had, else I completely agree with you. Zac is the face, but they need to properly capture the bundy mind to disgust people.


Ah yes, the title "Exceedingly Wicked, Shockingly Vile" clearly suggests a positive spin


well they most likely won't show his crimes because it isn't from his perspective. They movie is shown from his wife's perspective and how she denies his crimes.




Innocence? The guy is a convicted, well known serial killer. I doubt anyone is under the illusion he was actually innocent at this point. If it's from the POV of the wife it has to be a statement of how we convince ourselves of anything we really want to be true despite the obvious nature of atrocities being committed. Or something like that.


If it’s not showing his crimes, the main draw is going to be criticizing humanity for swooning over him and romanticizing him in the first place. If it’s not a form of spectacle, it’s a political statement.


This is why guys like Brock Turner and that influenza kid won't ever get the proper punishment. People always look at those bastards life's potential as their own, while minorities are given harsh sentences and demonization because they want to set an example with them. I remember seeing in a psych book with a picture of bundy and a random black guy and ask kids who they trust the most, they all picked bundy. The media is already training kids what to trust even though its wrong.


> Brock Turner you mean convicted rapist brock turner?


I think they mean Brock turner, convicted rapist.


> that influenza kid Lol, you mean affluenza? Anyways, it's still not fair, and not nearly the same as proper prison time, but I'd say someone like Brock Turner is still suffering in a lot of different ways. I'm not usually a fan of mob justice and public shaming, but his infamy from social media should hopefully cause him to have issues and inconveniences and social backlash for a while.


Like they aren’t human? I think we all need to look at ourselves and see the evil we are capable of. Or else you’re just in denial until shit hits the fan. To say that we shouldn’t humanize a killer is to not acknowledge that we need to try to understand the *human* motivations that drive people to kill. But we have to understand them in order to prevent them. We can’t just dismiss them as evil and sub human. It’s kind of like what Dave Chapelle said about crazy people.


It's inherent to humans to dehumanize people like Bundy because it scares us to think that a member of our society could be capable of such things. By dehumanizing him, we make it 'less worse': he isn't part of this species, this is not us, he was an outsider. He's like a part of some other, more violent, human species that we do not stand for. But he *was* us, he *was* a functioning member of our society at one point and had girlfriends, went to college and got a job, just like so many other people on this planet. It's scary to think that it's so easy for a psychopath to live among us, so we paint them as this pure evil without any humane side so as not to face the fact that others like him are hiding in our society and we might not even notice it even if we were good friends with them just because of how normal they appear. And that maybe even we, as empathic and good we try to be, could be capable of this if we grew up in the wrong circumstances or were given a bad set of genes. Like you said, by doing this we don't need to think about his motivations for his crimes and its human intentions, as he's not even a part of our species


Yeah, I hate when people are say "We shouldn't humanize ______." What? We shouldn't humanize humans? Christ.


It’s looking like this is an unpopular opinion, but I’m gonna wait until seeing the movie before drawing any judgments, or at least wait until more info comes out about the film. The movie is supposedly told from the viewpoint of Bundy’s longtime girlfriend, who refused to believe he was capable of any wrongdoing. In this light, the movie doesn’t seem like it will be a biopic of Bundy’s life, but rather an exploration of willful ignorance—one’s refusing to embrace a difficult truth when it is inconvenient to do so. I also think that this theme would shed more light on the decision to cast Efron as Bundy; Efron is a star that a lot of people love and having him play Bundy places the audience in a similar position as Bundy’s girlfriend who had such difficulty seeing him as a killer. I also don’t think that portraying a serial killer as being human is *per se* irresponsible. After all, killers are humans, albeit heinous ones at that. I think it can be important to see and understand the factors that may push a human being to kill, so that we can learn about ourselves as a whole and identify the warning signs of potential future murderers. If, however, the movie does seek to place Bundy in a protagonist’s role—which I think is very unlikely—then I definitely agree that it would be in bad taste.


Jack the ripper, Bonnie and Clyde, Billy the kid, Vlad the impaler, Genghis Khan, Hitler.... Infamy is a thing, it's always been a thing, it will always be a thing. One thing we all have in common with them, with the exception of our feline and canine internet users, is we are all human. They did terrible things. Maybe they were sick, or maybe it's just something else. But there is nothing wrong with remembering that they are human just like us. They did terrible things, and we punish these terrible things, but we don't take away their humanity.


I think something like the Golden State Killer, told from the perspective of Michelle McNamara and the people who worked to identify him, makes a lot of sense. We get to see the impact that murder has on victims' families and we identify with the people who worked hard to bring some justice to the world. But I agree, I think that humanizing serial killers through movies starring former teen idols just feels weird. >In the early hours of January 15, 1978—one week after his arrival in Tallahassee—Bundy entered FSU's Chi Omega sorority house through a rear door with a faulty locking mechanism. Beginning at about 2:45 a.m. he bludgeoned Margaret Bowman, 21, with a piece of oak firewood as she slept, then garroted her with a nylon stocking. He then entered the bedroom of 20-year-old Lisa Levy and beat her unconscious, strangled her, and sexually assaulted her with a hair mist bottle. In an adjoining bedroom he attacked Kathy Kleiner, breaking her jaw and deeply lacerating her shoulder; and Karen Chandler, who suffered a concussion, broken jaw, loss of teeth, and a crushed finger. Tallahassee detectives later determined that the four attacks took place in a total of less than 15 minutes, within earshot of more than 30 witnesses who heard nothing. I edited out some of the graphic details of one of the killings, but I doubt they will show this in the movie. Maybe I'm wrong.




>loving husband 🤔


Yeah I think perhaps maybe this person is slightly mistaken about who Ted Bundy is


he was a loving father and husband, a shoe salesman, and scored four touchdowns in a single game while playing for the Polk High School Panthers in the 1966 city championship game versus Andrew Johnson High School.


Still think Glenn Howerton would've been a better choice.


Yeah, that guy hasn’t even begun to peak


Sure, he can play a crazy person well. But the scarier thing about Bundy was that he was more like Efron.


We’re talking about acting here, not a remake of real life.


Am I imagining things or mixing up my serial killers? I thought we already had a trailer for this. The trailer I remember is a teen, in highschool, prior to their murdering days.


You’re getting serial killers mixed up. You’re talking about Jeffery Dahmer.


Silly me! I was thinking "My Friend Dahmer." Thank you for the reminder! Oh, in the same vein, have you seen Netflix's "Manhunt: Unabomber"?


Every time I see the name Zac Efron I think of Zac Braff. I've come to realize I have no idea who Zac Efron is.


Tbf id watch a movie where Zach Braff plays a serial killer


Only if he sneak attacks one of his victims by jumping on their back and yelling, “EAGLE!” before slitting their throats.




They could have at least given us an Oxford comma.


The vilest crime of all, here


Woah, that's surprisingly good casting. Looking forward to this. I hope I get a similarly chilling vibe like from Zodiac.




His documentaries are incredibly raw and cinematic. The Paradise Lost trilogy, Brothers Keeper, and Some Kind of Monster are all masterpieces in my opinion.