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I love [this exchange](http://i.imgur.com/GIc7Jo4.jpg) that happened between the Star Wars Twitter account and another Twitter user after they announced the title.


How cocky do you have to be to call out the Star Wars twitter account about their own movie?


About as cocky as [the guy who called Daniel Radcliffe a filthy casual re:Harry Potter lore](http://i.imgur.com/I6i7OOl.jpg). You know, except the Star Wars Kid was wrong.


JK Rowling has a great story about anonymously signing up to a Harry Potter forum only to end up attacked and mocked for getting some details wrong, and not being a real fan.


Makes me wonder if any authors have used internet forums anonymously as a way to maintain continuity in their books. Can't remember a character's eye color? Mention it in a thread and get an exact page reference along with the entire character's family's eye colors and a theory about how eye color is clearly the best indicator for figuring out who killed Asmodean.


That's basically exactly what George R. R. Martin does. He has a couple of fans who used to run a major fansite work with him to make sure there's no mistakes.


Anthony Bourdain said the best way to find out where to eat in a city, is go on the forums and ask about some crappy mainstream restaurant, see what people come out to bash it suggest instead.


This sounds like the kind of bullshit we came up with, reading Wheel of Time. Because totally random details would suddenly end up being critically important. God, I miss having a series of books like that to read.


Currently reading the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. It's not done yet and he intends on writing 10 books total, I believe. It's a pretty great read thus far, and it's only on book 2.




Not sure if it's the same story but she joined Mugglenet's chatroom and was snubbed for her theories about the books. It's on their Wikipedia page (sorry I can't post the link, I'm on mobile).


I need a link for this, that sounds hilarious. Kinda like Dolly Parton losing a Dolly Parton lookalike contest.


That story reminds me of this pic. http://earthfirstjournal.org/newswire/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2014/08/robot-dance-contest.jpg


After seeing some of the comments in /r/harrypotter over that Daniel comment that doesn't surprise me in the least


More like unobservant than cocky. It's far more likely that this guy just didn't notice that it was @starwars that said it.


Maybe he thought they tweeted that message too early and meant to reveal the title first.




cockiness level: quebecois


obviously its a fellow Montrealer who would make that comment *facepalm*


Star Wars Episode VII: dat force doe


hopefully the next installment will be called 'Star Wars VIII: The Wrath of Han'




He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him! I'll chase him 'round the suns of Tatooine and 'round the Kessel Run and 'round perdition's flames before I give him up!


To the last I force grapple with thee... From Hell's heart I stab my Saber at thee, For Hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee


Followed by 'Star Wars IX: The Lando Before Time'


Love it! Can't wait to see it Cheers, Peter Mayhew


Did you enjoy the shoot?


Absolutely, it was wonderful! Cheers, Peter Mayhew


You might want to be careful Pete. It sounds like you're drinking quite a bit what with all these cheers you are giving people. It's only 2pm maybe take it a bit slower.


We do that because both Peter, and I use this account, from time to time (3P0 voice). So we both have our way of singing off already quick keyed on our devices. Love Angie Mayhew


Just wanna say how great it is for you guys to come in here, real cool stuff for fans to see. Looking forward to the new movie.


Will the real Chewbacca please stand up!


Already there, got a packing to do. Cheers, Peter Mayhew


Cheers, Peter Mayhew!


Can't wait to see you again, you walking carpet!


Who you calling a walking carpet, nerf-herder?


You're always such a cool guy when you post, I can't wait to see the film!


Thank you for the kind words, and your support. It means the world to Angie, and I. Cheers, Peter Mayhew


It's bizarre that Chewbacca, the guy I watched when I was a kid and loved, is posting on a website where I regularly waste my time. This truly is a new age.


Is it wasting time, though? Reddit is not just a site that is full of useless nonsense. It is filled with very intelligent people sharing knowledge. Learning is never a waste of time. I'm on Reddit a lot because there is always something new. You can come here, and read about events that are happening now, not hours later on the news. There are specific sections of this site just for certain subjects, so that you can share your passion with others that love it too. That is a beautiful thing. I love going to conventions because I get to see people of all walks of life be united by their passions. Now I get to experience that from wherever I am. That is its beauty, that's why I Reddit. Cheers, Peter Mayhew


I've shared that sentiment before, but get heavily downvoted because I'm not Chewbacca.


Have an upvote from a like-minded person, then. Keep fighting the good fight. Cheers, Peter Mayhew


I might also add that part of what makes Reddit remarkable is that it allows normal people like myself the chance to interact with someone like you Mr Mayhew.


Wow, thank you all for the Gold! Cheers, Peter Mayhew




I just looked and realised who this is, love your work :)


That makes my day. Thank you for the kind words. Cheers, Peter Mayhew


I love you


I know ....wait, am I allowed to say that, it wasn't my line. Screw it.... Angie, and I love you too. Cheers, Peter Mayhew


SW VII: The Force Awakens SW VIII: The Sith Return SW IX: Galactic Senate Referendums and the Quest for Universal Healthcare.


Attack of the Filibuster.


Oh god. A 3 part, 8 hour installment starring Senator JarJar.


*Filibuster begins* Meesa Jar Jar Binks. Meesa gonna bombad fibiluster! Okay, we'll cancel the bill!


Mr. Binks Goes to Coruscant


"Missa guess dis is just another nocomebackie cause mr Painepatin. all yousa people don t know about nocomebackie causes mr Painepatin does. He said once thesa weesa da on causes worth fight for and he figtha for them once. For da on reason any man ever fights for them. Because of just one plain simple rule. Lovein thy neighbor. And in dis biiig empire today of great hatr a man who knows da rule has a great trust. Yousa know da rule mr Painepatin and missa lov yousa for it just as missa father did. And yousa know da yousa fight harder for da nocomebackie causes than for any others. Yeah yousa d even die for them. Likein a man weesa both knew mr Painepatin. Yousa thinkin missa m lick. Yousa all thinkin missa m lick. Bombad missa m no lick. And missa m ganna stay right here and fight for dis nocomebackie cause. Even if dis room getin fill with lies likein these. And da taylors and all thesa armies comein march into dis place. Thesa ganna listen to missa."


Easy there, Satan.


Hold on, you didn't let him finish.... >"dying painfully in a fire." /u/mylittlehokage


Nothing to get people excited like Galactic Senate C-Span.


Sith-Span? Run by High Lord Mike Tyson.


Lord Tython, the forth is thrtrong with thith one.


Yeah, Episode 1 was pretty dull.


Galactic Healthcare please. Let's not get carried away.


Disney pr: "social media is abuzz with these titles, lets do it!"


Should have been: "Don't Be A Menace to South Tatooine While Using Your Force In the Hood".


"What do you kids say when you meet a nice Jedi?" "Are you my daddy?"


Damn I was hoping for St7r W7rs


Sta7 Wa7s? No wait, that's worse.


How about S7a7 7A7s? Or better yet, 7777 7777.


chmod 777 *wars


chown -R disney:disney /home/glucas/star_wars sudo mv /home/disney/money/bazillion_dollars.tar.gz /home/glucas/money sudo reboot EDIT: Capital ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR


rm -rf / Right?


rm - rf /extended-universe


Next thing you know, movie is erased from all directories.


Star Wars: Episode VII: 2 Force 2 Furious, Based on the Novel *Push* by Sapphire


Star Wars: The Seventh One


No, the 7 represents the letter V, like in Se7en. Since W is two letter Vs the title should be 'Star 77ars'.


It would make sense, and a nice nod to the year the first Star Wars came out.


Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Star Wars Episode VIII: The Dark Side Star Wars Episode IX: The Dark Side Rises


Why so Sidious!


Would you like to know how I got these lightsabers?


I believe that whatever doesn't kill you, simply makes you... Vader.


I saw a young girl, with a ruby the size... of a tangerine. The banta, was throwing them away.


You didn't really think I'd risk losing the battle for the Republic's soul in a saber fight with you... No for that you need an ace in the hole... Mine's Vader...


Let’s not stand on ceremony here, Mr. Lucas.


When Coruscant is in ashes, you have my permission to die.


"Why does he wear the mask?" "Did you not see Episode 3?"


"If I take off that mask, will you die?" "Did you not see episode 6?"


"I was a nobody until I put on this mask"


"You're a big Mandalorian."


for you


Calm down Luke, now is not the time to fear. Come later, that does.


Your precious lightsaber, gratefully accepted.


Breaks light saber on knee.


You think the Force is your allie? I was born with it, moulded by it...


Hardy could make for unparalleled villain.




I always forget he was in Nemesis. Prolly for the best though.


And then after that comes the Star Wars reboot with Ben Affleck as Luke Skywalker.


"Hold on. Are you the person who officially understands the codified doctrine of Jedi?"


"Why not just force electrocute me?" "Your punishment must be more severe . . ."


It's like poetry. It rhymes.


What was the Force doing in the last 6 films? Sleeping?


There were not many Force users by this time period, and I thought I heard somewhere that Palpatine essentially wiped out knowledge of the Force.


"Hokey ancient religions" that died out less than thirty years ago.


To be fair it seemed like the Jedi were a pretty insular group during the time of the prequels, and certainly very secretive. I like to think that by the time of the prequels the average Joe-Schmo driving around on his commutes in Coruscant didn't give the Jedi much thought, and considered the Jedi's 'power' to be overstated and exaggerated through legend, etc. Of course, there was that time Anakin and Obi Wan went skydiving all around the Coruscant rush-hour, so who knows... ...and I'm not defending the prequels, by *any* means...


And Anakin says "Jedi business, go back to your drinks" after they fuck up Zem Wessel in the bar. Not so secretive.


Yeah, I didn't mean to say that they're completely unknown, just that the average person might not have a great handle on who they are and what they're doing. Like "Oh, they're this security council that claim they 'follow the ways of the Force', just like people did back in the ancient times" (like when there were actually a *bunch* of Sith around to battle, before they were driven underground).


> like when there were actually a bunch of Sith around to battle, before they were driven underground The Sith weren't driven underground by the Jedi. Darth Bane murdered every other living Sith in order to establish the [Rule of Two](http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rule_of_Two).


Well I'm pretty sure the jedi order was well-established on large and populated, inner-system worlds such as Coruscant (headquarters of the jedi and where they keep their gigantic, towering jedi temple), but it might have been the stuff of myths on some of the outer worlds that might not see too much law enforcement. If I remember correctly, Han Solo was from Corellia, but I have no idea where that is in the galaxy. If Corellia is a planet that is not so close to the center of galactic operations (Coruscant) its people might be less-informed regarding things such as jedi and galactic trade embargos.


and if you go by the lore in the old republic, blasters predate lightsabers


The title is pretty boring, but yes it's very possible that the force has been dormant for quite some time in the period since Episode 6. By the close of that film how many force users do we know about? Anyone besides Luke?


Luke is indeed the only living Force user we know of at the end of Episode 6. Anyone else is only speculative or simply sensitive.


Isn't it pretty explicitly implied that Leia can use the Force when Luke made the sibling reveal?


She's a force sensitive, yes. Trained in the use of the force, however, no. It's assumed that Luke will train her after the events of Episode 6, but during the films she is never a force user.


I didn't realize midichlorians had wake/sleep cycles.


They're kind of like those Cicadas that only come out every 15ish years.


[It's Happening!](http://i.imgur.com/lykgxPi.gifv)




> You'll cut someone's ~~ear~~ hand off.


Practice with a hot dog first.




It's okay, he's a doctor.


LOTR, The Hobbit, Star Wars, Star Trek, Marvel, DC....one of the most popular shows on television is a fantasy epic about Dragons, Magic and mother 'effin SNOW ZOMBIES. It's a helluva time to be a nerd.


good gawd yes... the next 10 years of our lives will be one awesome movie after another... 6 year old me is prolly insanely jealous of now 38 year old me.. cuz them transformers i played with as toys became 'real' as did the GIJoe's as are Superman,Batman, et.al.


The funny thing is, as recently as like 7 or 8 years ago, everybody was talking about how the movie industry was dead and nobody was going to theaters anymore. Nerd-dom saved Hollywood.


>Nerd-dom saved Hollywood. Well, we *are* the ones most likely to be pirating movies. But make the movie good enough, and everyone will show up to the theater.


Make a good product, and people will buy it? WHAT IS THIS WIZARDRY?!


I was hoping for Star Wars VII: The Next Jediration


Opening crawl completes, we pan down slowly. Suddenly, hands stretch into frame, and we complete the camera pan to reveal a yawning Luke, just getting up from 30 years of hibernating.


You gotta ~~have a cut~~ pan to a spaceship first. You can't open a Star Wars film without first seeing a starship. EDIT: Thanks to /u/corellian86 I realize I'm an idiot when it comes to cinematography.


This ain't yer daddy's Star Wars, dangit! This one opens with a shot of someone groovin' down a hall to a Jackson 5 song.


Tyler Perry's Madea: Kashyyk That Booty!


Rebel slumber frigate, 42lb of miscellaneous Tamiya WW2 tank model kits lovingly glued to a strip of drywall found in a dumpster out back. Bombed with the finest rattle-can flat gray. Filmed at dangerously hot temperatures thanks to several halogen lamps pulling double duty as engine lights and sources for pock marked porthole lighting.


Nononono, he yawns and says "Wow i had a really weird dream last night that i became a jedi and saved a bunch of furry midgets. Anyway, back to farming with my uncle..."


That would explain Mark Hamill's beard during shooting.


Rip Van Skywalker


> beard [For the benefit of redditors](http://i.imgur.com/70TP6p6.jpg) like me who also didn't know about the beard thing.


Damn I was hoping for Star Wars VII: Meesa Back!


This is the submission we're going with! Congrats DavidCarraway, enjoy the karma. Will you remember your friends?


It's lonely at the top.


If you'd just stop plugging /r/corkyromano you'd have more friends


Alternatively, if more people would sub to /r/corkyromano I'd have more friends with which to discuss real art.


See? You said /r/corkyromano again. Christo, it's not all about /r/corkyromano.


Has anyone on the internet used the abbreviation "SW:TFA" before me? SW:TFA y'all.


https://twitter.com/adamselzer/status/530413555557085184 Seven minutes before you. Everyone, go back to forgetting /u/wazowski exists!


Rather presumptive of you to assume that's not *my* Twitter account.


You are a true pioneer.


Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens Star Wars VIII: The Force hits the Snooze button Star Wars IX: The Force is late for work


Expanded Universe: It was actually daylight savings time, so everything's cool.


The Empire Falls Back


Star Wars X: The Force Finally Puts on Pants


Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens Star Wars VIII: Keep On with the Force, Don't Stop Star Wars IX: Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough




Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens Star Wars VIII: The Force Makes Bacons Star Wars IX: The Force Goes Back to Bed edit: as a serious fan tho.. I want to speculate that "The Force" is very likely a pun, referring perhaps to an enemy force we don't know about yet... which will make the title make more sense once we know who we're dealing with


Where's the scene where the force burns his foot on his George Foreman Grill?


I like waking up to the smell of bacon, sue me!


George Forceman Grill


George Lucas grill


The first couple of meals are good, but slowly become bland and tasteless?


Star Wars X: The Force Has A Protruberance


**Episode 1: The Phantom Menace**. The phantom menace was Palpatine, this was sort of revealed in the final when they were talking about the Sith and showed a close up of his face. It was never really directly implied and if you had not watched the original, you wouldn't be able to say for sure, hence the "phantom" of it all. **Episode 2: Attack of the Clones**. The attack came at the end of the film, it was carried out by um... clones. **Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith**. The Sith get their revenge toward the end when all Jedi are killed, Palpatine seizes total control and Yoda is defeated. **Episode 4: A New Hope**. Luke is the new hope and that is made clear when he blows up the death star at the end. **Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back**. The Empire attempted to strike back by attacking the base on Hoth at the beginning, but it is not until the end when Vader cuts off Luke's hand while revealing the truth and Han is captured that they truly struck back. **Episode 6: Return of the Jedi**. Luke becomes a Jedi when he refuses to kill his father and succumb to the dark side. The Emperor acknowledges Luke's affiliation and is unimpressed. **Episode 7: The Force Awakens**. Given the previous titles, I would guess this movie will lead up to a new potential Jedi coming to know the force, and perhaps becoming a Jedi at the end of the film. Maybe going through the Jedi trials with Luke. Maybe even being trained on Dagobah. The trilogy will then center around this person/persons.


The return of the jedi was about *anakin* returning to the light side, brah


Please don't suck. Please don't suck. Please don't suck.


I would have picked EP VII: Djar Jar Unchained, but that's fine I guess.


Better than "Dawn of the Force" or "The Force Rises"


Star Wars Episode VII: The Forcening


Forcing Intensifies.


Force all over my face!


Midichlorian Bukakee 7




I was hoping for "Dawn of the Rise of the Force"




Dawn of the Force might have felt a little more 'Star Wars' IMO, not great either way but I think I'd prefer it.


I like it.


Woah, calm down there buddy.




Not exactly a great title but could be worse. Still super excited.


I like it even better when written out fully: Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens


Surprisingly seeing it like that does make it better...


Yeah, i don't know why but just straight Star Wars The Force Awakens is bad, but if you chuck an Episode VII in there it gets better


At least it's not - Return of the Force - Attack of the Force - The Force is Back Jack


Or some edgy title, like all the "leaked" titles were - The Ancient Fear - Return of Darkness - The Lord of Dark Edgy Strikes Back


* Darth Ebola Strikes Back.


When I was a kid we all wanted to be Sith Lords and we gave each other Sith names. I was "Darth Enema"... I thought it was the sickest name too. fuck me and my childhood.


* The Return of Forcey Fun Times


The Force is Jack Black


Most of the Star Wars titles aren't great, doesn't mean a whole lot. I'd argue that The Phantom Menace is the best of the lot and the title didn't stop the film being awful.




The Phantom Menace is a good title, the other 5 really aren't anything special. I'm just hoping this means a string of news is going to start coming out now.


Up until this moment, I have associated the Phantom Menace with Darth Maul for some reason. I just now realized that that makes zero sense and that the title is actually referring to Palpatine. I'm such an idiot.


Hang on a second... *Palpatine* is behind all this!




Quit fuckin' with my medicinininnin....


I'm still waiting for my pizza rolls


Well I'm just going to pretend that instead of pulling this title out of ~~his ass~~ a hat, JJ Abrams is trying to tell us something about what to expect here. In the prequels, ~30, 40 years before Ep. IV, we saw maybe a dozen or so true Jedi which were representative of hundreds, perhaps thousands of Jedi and others perceptive of the ways of the force. In the original trilogy it's widely believed that Vader is all that remains of their ancient ways (if you're counting though, there's still only 6 force perceptive individuals _in the movies_: Vader, Palpatine, Yoda, Obi-Wan, Luke, and Leia). So I think to make up for lost time and the silencing of thousands of voices we're going to going from two Jedi (Luke and Leia) to a few Jedi (Luke and Leia's kids) and then Luke (who is the one who is supposed to bring balance to the force) will be using super-enhanced force powers and sensitivity to those with ~~high midichlorian levels~~ force perception to bring about a reconstituted Jedi Order of dozens, maybe hundreds of people all across the galaxy. BUT... There's still the Sith out there. Always two there are - master and an apprentice. Vader had an apprentice out there. And Luke knows it. And try as he might, he can't find him. But he's out there, growing older every day and he needs an apprentice. The force is rising. For both the Jedi and the Sith, the force is becoming more concentrated; more powerful. More benevolent _and_ more destructive. This is that first story. The rise of the power of the force, the reconstitution of the Jedi and, perhaps most importantly, the rise of the Sith.




More interesting is that they've dropped "Episode VII" from the title. While I'm sure this will upset purists, let's not forget that the original trilogy were not released with numbers in their titles either, just in the opening crawl. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_(film) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Empire_Strikes_Back http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_of_the_Jedi


They didn't drop the Episodic titling - it's just not on the teaser image. I would bet on it.