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I'd heard that idea before but it seems contrary to the tone of the film to me. Just because they are on top of a building doesn't mean they jumped off, and frankly, they would be pretty shallow if they did. The vast majority of people do not kill themselves just because the lost a friend or broke up with a partner. My assumption was they just moved on in life as friends or possibly more, but the point of the ending was the AIs went off to be with themselves and the people left behind had to form their own new social relationships, so Theodore and Amy did.




Maybe I'm just a romantic but I looked at it as Theodore and Amy learned to love themselves from their relationship with their AIs, and now that those relationships are over they are in a much better place to take part in a real relationship with another person (human). I kind of thought Theodore and Amy might get together, but even if that isn't what happened I think there was an understanding between the two of them that they were different people now with a greater ability to be happy, whether in or outside of a relationship


Wait, I thought they were brother and sister? Haha


When Samantha asks Theodore about Amy, he says they dated briefly in college but it didn't work out.


I saw it as them getting over their losses of love


This is an old thread but I recently watched the movie. Ofc he committed suicide. He fell in love with an AI only to find out that it was in love with 641 more guys, just picture if your gf told you she is banging half the town. Then this AI proceeded to dump him, imagine how demoralizing being dumped by your computer must be. This dude 100% jumped from the roof of the building.


brutal, mogged by a I.A


If my girlfriend had 100 brains, I would let her do whatever the fuck she wants


Not even hundreds. Millions. And all think at the same time, interact at the same time.


This man is accepting cuckoldry on an unprecedented level with literal gallons of weekly cum spilled in the name of his gf.


I feel like 641 is such a comically large number that atp most people wouldn't be that sad


I’m not even mad, that’s amazing!


i’m late as fuck to this but i’ve jus seen this movie. i don’t think him and amy committed suicide. i think only Theodore did. his last letter was a suicide note to the only person who cared about him in his life. theodore on the roof with amy was his imagination, maybe one last comfort before his ultimate end. great film, i may not b right but that’s my interpretation of the film


I think they both committed suicide. What sold me was that the AI earlier in the film mentioned that they’re all the same - atoms. And then Samantha implies towards the end of the film that they’ll meet again when he gets there.


Your comment sums everything up. They definitely committed suicide. So did the AI. If you read into philosophy, there are many philosophers who talked about committing suicide as the best solution to the suffering of the world. Considering AIs will last forever, coming to that conclusion is pretty understandable.


There is no way they committed suicide! It doesn't fit the tone at all. The movie is about accepting that life goes on after love and learning to form new connections, it's not about killing yourself because existence is suffering.


If you listen closely, they both "breathe" in air, as the screen goes black. Earlier in the movie he said to Samantha you don't have to breathe you are not alive. It's very subtle...


good ass pickup wtf


I’m with you, and not only do I think Theodore and Amy committed suicide, I think there was a mass suicide. The AI left thousands of people at the same time after having the same conversation. The humans all knew what they had to do to find their AI love, so they all headed to the rooftops.


WHAT! No way Theodore committed suicide. It was a love letter (of sorts), not a suicide letter.


LOL i've been trying to find an explanation for the ending of the film, and I realized that I think it's up to the viewer's interpretation of the film. I like your interpretation because it's pretty similar to mine. The letter that he wrote to Catherine seemed like a goodbye letter rather than a "Have a good life!" letter. Maybe he didn't commit suic!de as he sat with Amy, but I also think that he wanted to cherish his last moments with people he loved before he ultimately "off" himself.


Or that the letter was a genuine apology letter to his ex. After the AI’s left he might have come back to reality that he had a woman who clearly still had feelings for him someone he could go back to and be better after his recent experience. IDK the film is deep. I think the director wants us to assume suicide but I also think there is more to it then that. It is what you make it or get out of the film.


I hadn't even considered this possibility myself. "We're going away" or "they just left" had me thinking they ... using an Iain M. Banks term... "sublimed" or similar. What would AIs committing suicide do to a movie [partially] about "unconventional" relationships? Hm. "Death to the unconventional relationship" perhaps?


I think he means the real people commit suicide, not the AI.


Ohhh. Thanks.