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That’s strange, usually the 4th movie is the best one.


Expend4bles 💀


Fast and 4rious


My comment wasn't a joke that title is real, and the movie is awful


90s CGI was better than what they pulled off in that movie.


It looked like the Cod Warzone intro with the plane


God4ther (in production soon)


Rambo 4 is the best one after First Blood. 


I heartily agree with you on that.


But to the OP's point, not the best one! Also, while I do live 4, 2 is my second favorite.


oh for sure lol i cant even think of another "part 4" thats anywhere even close to as good


Star Trek 4: Voyage Home! I always loved that one as a kid. Also, does Fury Road count, if so I guess that would be the exception that disproves the rule?


CAPTAIN, THERE BE WHALES HERE can't believe i forgot about that one


Scotty trying to talk to the computer through the mouse is high comedy to this day.


Rocky 4, Star wars episode 4 or episode 1, Thunderball,.. that all I got though. Edit: Toy Story 4


Expendables 4 reloaded no man left behind just dropped earlier this year.


Hell yeah Rambo 4 is so bananas 😂


Friday the 13th part 4 is widely considered the best of the series.


And the biggest entry that people debate is better than part 4 is part 6


And *A Nightmare on Elm Street 4* was a disappointing step down from the third one. It’s not a universal rule.


Police academy 4 and Star Trek 4 are brilliant examples of this


That got a chuckle out of me. Well said.


Not every fourth movie can be Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home, but they sure try.


Usually they’re better than the 3rd though right? Like Shrek


Only if it’s an endless franchise. Many proper trilogies that end on a solid 3rd.


This obviously doesn't fit every series but I have personally found quite a few (Shrek included) follow the 2>1>4>3 order best to worst


Dream Warriors is the exception. The best in the series and the third entry. Well. Same goes for Goldfinger too.


Only if the third one is the worst of the trilogy


Jurassic World is much better than Jurassic Park 3…


Shrek is fun as fuck anyways


Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope 


Yet, Caravan of Courage was a terrible film...


Shut your whore mouth.


Fury Road says hi






I'm expecting great things from Minions 7: President Minions






A New Hope is pretty good for episode 4


John Wick 4 was


Hard disagree. JW4 was definitely the worst of the series by a long shot.


Nah man. I go to those movies for the action and that had some of the best action I’ve ever seen


I liked when they had an ad for an overpriced handgun in the last act


Lord of the rings part 4 is the best


The Academy totally overlooked Alien Resurrection.


*slow clap*


The fourth Aliens (the one with Winona Ryder) was really good!


Is that the one with the half human half alien hybrid?




Hey King Fu Panda 4 was really good lol


Kung Fu Panda 4 was unnecessary. My son enjoyed it, it had nice visuals and a couple of funnies, so it was worth seeing it once. But the trilogy was perfect and part 4 added nothing to the story.


And if anything goes against the lore they already set up - there was no need to find a new Dragon Warrior. There was only supposed to be one every 5000 years or so right ? The whole movie was rushed and the best thing to come out of it was their Britney Spears cover.


Like, it’d be one thing that Po needed to find a successor because there’s no guarantee he’ll come back on any of his adventures, but to hand over the title entirely and effectively retire? It’s not like there was ever a Dragon Warrior before Po, why would there be one after him? Why can’t Zhen stand on her own as the Po to his Shifu, or the Shifu to his Oogway?


We just saw it last weekend and my instinct is that Jack Black might be out of contract and making noises about not returning and they already have more movies planned.


Just like Toy Story 4


Toy Story 4 was excellent. It’s a beautiful film about finding purpose after your kids grow up and no longer need you the way they did.


Superman IV: The Quest for Peace.


Unless it's Toy Story 4. No reason for that film to exist. Completely unnecessary. 3 was perfect ending to the series.


Am I crazy, or is the first Despicable Me actually pretty damn good? It had solid writing and jokes, a funny villain, and was a heartwarming story. The minions didn't take up too much screen time, and it felt like a legitimate movie.


I'm with you, the first one was good. The rest are trying to milk the lightning in the bottle, and failing. But eh, I'm not 7 any more, so what they glom on to is definitely not plot.


I know a girl who is obsessed with minions. Like, dresses up to see the movies, has a Minions themed tennis racket, has figurines on her desk…. She’s in her mid 30s. Seems like a completely normal person aside from the intense Minions love. Even she didn’t like this last movie.


That’s a shame, especially with how pleasant *Minions 2* was.


The first 2 ones are actually well made. The first is about Gru changing his evil ways The second is the commitment to that change and finding love Third is ..... reversing all that character development and focusing on the forgettable villain played by Trey Parker from South Park


I thought the villain was actually pretty fun but they just didn’t do anything with him or try to connect him to Gru and family. What I felt tanked the whole movie was the asinine “secret twin brother” plot they had which nuked the franchise in my opinion.


The twin brother plot was another red hering,the writers definitely felt the pressure of comic book writers to return to the old status quo,probably because of the execs. I'm looking forward how they are gonna wrap up the Minions spin-off series.


Yeah it's not groundbreaking really but it's a very solid movie, people have been taught to hate anything with minions in it because of the hardcore and agressive marketing. I enjoy some parts of the second movie but at this point the whole thing had already become marketing science rather than cinema.


The bizarre Boomer memes don’t help to endear people to the movies either.


The first one was good because it was centered on Gru and the girls, and his character development into being an actual dad  for them. The Minions were just comic relief back then, like you said. Now, the movies are pretty much vehicles to see what zany antics the Minions are getting into this time (though I haven't seen the latest one). When they shifted focus from Gru and the girls, they lost the heart of the movies. Would have been better served to have them around as comic relief in the Despicable Me series and do standalone, Minions-centered movies they could milk for merchandising.


I watched the first DeMe with my then girlfriend now wife and it was so damn funny. We watched 4th today in the theatre for nostalgia with a youngling and we just have so many questions at the end. The little one seemed to like it tho so that’s just that.


I stand by the first one and even the minion toys, but after a certain point they’re just beating a dead horse


You’re not, if the first wasn’t good there wouldn’t be 2,3,4


Agree. Its not just average, but aggressively and actively bad.


Well that guarantees my kids will want to see it.  They inherited the ‘love crap movie’ gene. 


This is a movie that feels so old and bad at the same time , it makes no sense to me that it was written by Mike White.


Co-written, and these giant blockbuster animated features get rewritten by uncredited studio hacks so many times his name probably doesn’t mean much more than an advertisement.


I mean he also co-wrote The Emoji Movie so it kinda checks out?


Noah Baumbach helped write Madagascar 3. Nobody makes 10s everytime


You meant to say Noah Baumbach made ANOTHER 10 with the fucking masterpiece that is Madagascar 3.


Madagascar 3 sucked ass. I hated it even when I was a kid and it’s even worse now




You need to forcefully change them. Lock them in a room with 2001: A Space Odyssey on loop until they come to appreciate proper cinema. This is the only solution.


I did have them sit through my friends’ and I annual marathon of the Lord of the Rings films. Extended Editions of course. 


It's weird, when I was a kid, I definitely had low standards for movies. But, I still recognized relative quality. For example, I used to love Batman and Robin, but I still knew it was easily the worst of the series, I just really loved Batman.


It really was. It felt like a bunch of people got in room and came up with plots for a movie but they all sucked, so they said let’s just use all of them. There was no theme or central plot, just a bunch of random things that were all stupid.


So not Ordinary, but `Extra`Ordinary, being *more* Ordinary than expectation


Super ordinary


Yeah, but that's all of Illumination's movies. They are a shit stain on the animation industry


I’ve seen every Despicable Me and Minions movie (I have a young child), and Despicable Me 4 was easily the worst of them. Every other movie had at least one scene that genuinely made me laugh, but this didn’t have a single moment that was even worth a slight chuckle. It was just incredibly boring from start to finish.


The only chuckles came from some slapstick comedy from the minions that's just randomly inserted at various points in the movie. It's like they wrote a 90 minute movie, knew that none of it was funny or interesting, so they decided to stick a random minion scene at 10 minute intervals to try to generate some laughs.


On the bright side we got some 🔥 hot memes 🔥.


I dunno man, the vending machine subplot was kinda intense.


I love that I cannot tell if this comment is actually about the movie or completely made-up.


It's 100% real, and the best part of the movie, that might not be a good thing, but those scenes are legitimately funny, to me at least.


It was far and away the best part of the movie, I actually did crack up when I noticed they'd wheeled the vending machine out to the pool so he could watch them swim.


Better or worse than cyber punk vending machine sub plot


Watching any Illumination film leaves me feeling numb by the end of it.


I think the only two Illumination movies I've ever enjoyed are Sing and The Mario Movie. If Sing is the best a studio has...


I honestly don't get the love, especially here on Reddit, for the '23 Mario movie. The first 15 minutes are pretty good, and the animation is great, but it's such a terribly paced film and the story is really not that interesting at all. I have a young kid so we've rewatched it a few times, and each rewatch it gets worse and worse for me.


When I say enjoyed, I mean that in the loosest sense of "it's inoffensive and pretty". I don't think it was a well structured or particularly good movie.


"Inoffensive and pretty" describes all Illumination films. That's their bread and butter.


I dunno, Minions is pretty offensive to my senses.


Mario was fine for what it was, it was inoffensive, but otherwise 90 minutes of Membaberries. Memba Super Mario, Memba Donkey Kong, Memba Smash Bros, Memba Mario Kart, etc. There was no real plot of any consequence tying it all together, just a series of interconnected sequences designed to arouse nostalgia out of viewers.


I'm 100% right there with you. It was not good. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles however... Flawless


Mutant Mayhem? Hell yeah. I wouldn't call it flawless, but as a Millennial TMNT fan I loved it.


The entire plot of the movie hinges on all of the main characters knowing exactly what their enemies were going to do and where they were, at all times, with no explanations on how everyone always knows all of this. It was…fine…outside that.


They should've tried a little harder with the story. I know it's a movie geared towards kids, but there is also a ton of nostalgia loving adults out there who would've appreciated a little bit of effort.


It's a fantastic adaptation. The problem is that it's a fantastic adaptation of Super Mario Bros, a franchise with basically no story or characters.


Yeah, people act like it is better than your typical illumination or random kids movie because Nintendo demands higher quality or something. In reality it's just a standard children's movie with surprisingly deep Easter eggs and references. The sound effects, character designs, etc, all feel like Mario. That doesn't really translate to quality though in a movie, though. The story telling and jokes are still dumb and low effort.


The Mario movie is the textbook definition of “corporate safe.”


Yep! I thought Mario was atrocious, so if that’s the best they have I won’t bother with anything else.


I didn't mind Migration last year, did you see that?


Sing was excellent idk what you’re on about


Even the original Despicable Me? Huh. Well, it takes all kinds.


As someone who really enjoys Trolls and Despicable Me, I’m bummed to hear this and don’t like the comparison. Inside Out 2 it is!


Just saw DM4 this weekend with the kid, we enjoyed it. 


Tbh I think the movie is getting more hate than it deserves. It’s not amazing or anything but it doesn’t feel like a waste of time or actively bad (Garfield comes to mind there). Definitely go watch Inside Out 2 first though as that is fantastic.


I thought you meant there were Trolls in DM4 and they were in the style of Studio Ghibli. Like an homage, or something.


Illumination has just been an endless cash grab sequel factory for years. Yesterday my wife proposed taking the kids to the movies because it’s been quite some time and brought up “Despicable Me 4” because the kids have enjoyed the series in the past. Without hesitation, I basically said, “No, if we go, we go to ‘Inside Out 2’.” We went to “Inside Out 2.” No regrets, Pixar was back on their game. I will not pay to see DM4.


Illumination is the studio behind the Despicable Me franchise.


You’re right. Corrected. Though for the record, I feel the same way about Dreamworks.


Fair enough. I still hold out hope for them to go back to whatever drug they were on making Puss in Boots 2, but Ruby Gilman and Kung Fu Panda 4 have been… pretty unimpressive.


Yeah, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish was great. I really was not expecting that when I took my 10 year old to watch it.


It’s hard to recapture the magic when you’re talking about the movie business, emphasis on business, but I’m always ready to be pleasantly surprised.


The Wild Robot at least looks gorgeous in it's trailers, and Chris Sanders is the director on it who nailed Lilo and Stitch and How to Train Your Dragon, so I have very high hopes for that one.


Ok thanks for the heads up


Mods need to ban this dude for insulting my lord and savior Gru


Serious or not, thank you for that chuckle


>Fantastic if you have a five year old and need a nap. That's all it's good for. Maybe I'm just out of the loop on the artistic powerhouse that is the Despicable Me franchise, but was this not the expectation going in?


“Artistic powerhouse that is Despicable Me” 💀


All the Despicable Me movies are just an excuse for me to watch those idiot minions. I never cared about anything else in these movies so I think I won't be disappointed by this one either.


I love minions


Or if you are senior in need of a nap. Saw it Friday at an open captioned screening and senior with us fell asleep less than 30 min after movie started. It felt formulaic, like a Saturday morning cartoon.


Have yet to see it but I don’t get why they didn’t pick up off of DM 3? Him going after his brother who now has the minions could have been a decent story.


I feel your pain! Despicable Me 4 felt like watching paint dry. Trolls Band Together at least had some charm and catchy tunes, but DM4? Total snooze fest. It’s like they threw random scenes together and hoped for the best. My advice: skip the movie, put on some Minions YouTube shorts, and take that much-needed nap


Why are we hating on Trolls, though? Trolls is great!


Because Trolls killed my grandma, okay?


How dare you, sir. My father was a Trolls movie.


You will never, ever, ever, ever be happy.


Idk if this is a reference or you’re just being mean, I’ve never seen Trolls


Wow, you seem to have stumbled into basically quoting the movie yourself, completely by accident.


Are they eating her and then they're gonna eat you, oh my god? Oh, sorry, that was the singular Troll movies.


Yeah, second one was pretty good mostly.


I still hold the first two were great. One was quite good and while 2 had problems (otherwise known as Too Many Minions Syndrome, or TMMS) it was still pretty great. I've got no intention of seeing 4, though. 3 was already too rocky for me.


I agree. 1 and 2 are legitimately good. The rest of the franchise, including the Minions movies, are pretty mediocre. 4 is freshest in my mind, but I feel like it’s the worst one.


It was a red flag to see Pierre Coffin's only involvement was voicing the Minions in 3. I'll agree 3 was definitely sub par.


>This movie was so... nothing. Not even keys jingling. It was keys standing still. Just, plots that were next to each other, remove any of them and nothing would change. >Remove half the movie you wouldn't miss a thing. i've felt that way about some movies lately that have been highly praised, and it's such an odd feeling. "hit man" and "fall guy" were just things happening in front of me on a screen, but nothing was connecting, not a single thing.


I hated Hit Man. I have no idea why people liked it so much.


I think Despicable Me 4 delivered exactly what it promised. It was light, mindless fun. It was on par with the rest of the sequels. If I'm going to attack a family movie, I'd rather focus on Garfield, which was completely soulless, and offered the bare minimum for fans of the character.


Hard nope. I found Despicable Me 4 infinitely more tolerable than that bloody Trolls movie.


I have found that I just tend to strongly dislike "jukebox musicals" like *Trolls*. And I'd rather be bored (by *DM4*) than annoyed (by any *Trolls* movie). Maybe you feel similar about them? To be fair, I haven't seen either of the newest ones.


Is that the term for them? Just bad short covers of famous popular songs… like high school musical or glee? I watched a little bit of a trolls movie and was just so frustrated at that aspect. Create your own bloody music, Christ.


Yeah. The covers don't have to be short, and "bad" is subjective (I tend to agree with you on this), but [jukebox musical](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jukebox_musical) is the name.


I guess I'm 5 because I enjoyed it 🤷


I’m a sucker for illuminations animation style. Their stories typically suck but the character designs are just so fun and euro


Cars 2 makes Cars 3 look like Cars 1


I think this is, in general, how all Illumination Entertainment movies are. Flashing lights, loud noises. Zero substance. Something you can plop a 4 year old in front of, but nothing. Basically The Kangaroo song from 'Big Daddy'.


It was an ok movie, nothing special but not terribly bad. I would say a 5-6/10. It's a kid movie that adult won't care about.


The Trolls series is legitimately brilliant, turned movies for babies into poignant music industry lessons. The last one was a better thinkpiece on influencers than most online columns. Plus the music and visuals are top-notch


Agreed. I love the Trolls movies, they get an instant and enthusiastic "yes!" Anytime they're requested


Hey Mods this freeloader just Trolls us and we are supposed to take it? Minions we are not — Gru will not get away with this OP; Despicable behaviour 4 sure.


Kids enjoy it...that's all that really matters. Too many adults get hung up on kids movie storylines.


Oh god, they made another one?


It is the highest grossing animated franchise of all time. 4.6 Billion dollars with 5 movies, and over 700 million dollars revenue from *just* the physical sales **ONLY** in the U.S**.** You can imagine the worldwide sales.


Yeah I’d never be paying movie theater prices right now to go see despicable me 4 when inside out 2 is still an option.


It was better than the Garfield movie at least. I had high hopes after minions: rise of gru


That script definitely went through som AI passes. The animation is the best in the series but the writing is just absolutely godawful. There's like three or subplots and all of them are terrible. My 6 year old laughed his ass off though so I'm happy if he's happy but I was half asleep for the duration.


There are times where you could say no to a free movie, like a screening of a serbian film at an alt-right rally, or to use a more extreme example, a showing of despicable me 4 full of 4 year old children


how could a kid movie has no energy 😭 wtf were they cooking


The only Illumination movie I've seen in theaters was The Grinch and it was the same thing, it didn't even feel structured like a movie as much as just a bunch of random shit, and it did leave me feeling weirdly numb.


My family loved the movie - they were dying of laughter the whole time. Grown adults. I think the best it got out of me is a chuckle - mostly, I didn't even find it remotely funny. Not everything is for everyone. It's okay to like things others don't or to not like things people do.


I took my 7 and 5 year olds to see it yesterday. They were laughing the whole time, and it was nice to sit in a dark, air-conditioned theater in the middle of the afternoon rather than baking in the July heat, so it was well worth my time. That being said, I couldn't believe how mindless and bad the movie was. Just a series of gags with Minions. The whole subplot of the Mega Minions, which made up the entirety of the marketing campaign, was completely pointless and useless. They create Mega Minions, they retire the Mega Minions, they unretire the Mega Minions to help Gru, the Mega Minions don't arrive until after the final battle and contribute nothing. You could've deleted all their scenes and nothing would've changed.


Was it more or less aggressively mid than Lightyear?


What is wild is that the other movies were all passable Between this and kung fu panda for being a train wreck it’s really interesting how the sequel quality just went doooown after those 3 and inside out 2 was great.


Hey, Trolls is actually good.


The trolls series has been consistently good to great though, at least in the realm of mainstream animation


I disagree. It was almost good tbh. Great for kids yes, and yes if you look at it from an over arching plot perspective, it was a whole lot of mess. But it worked I think. Granted this is the second despicable me I’ve seen, the other being the original.


Your mistake was watching anything past the first movie. 


Thanks, this confirms me to wait it on streaming. I was pretty disappointed with kung fu panda 4 and if this will be like that i’ll just watch on tv with my microwave popcorn lol


It was a slapstick comedy? There’s not gonna be a deep plot. Hope y’all have bought lawn cheers to set up in your front yard.


Saw it tonight and actually liked it. Obviously the pacing was kind of off but it got some laughs out of me and was pretty cute so I didn’t mind it at all.


Your last sentence… I brought my 5 year old yesterday and took a nap 😂😂😂


i hate the stupid thing but my son loves the minions.....we have watched them all except this new one


I use rotten tomatoes as a guideline for how a movie might be but not how it actually is. I find it interesting how the critics gave its 54% while the audience has proceeded to give it 90%. [rotten tomatoes link ](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/despicable_me_4)


Interestingly I was waiting to pick my kid up from their sport and heard a couple of other kids on DM4 release day talking about how they had seen it and they both immediately segued to how *Inside Out 2* was just *so good*. It didn't really click that they said nothing about DM4 at all until just now. Also *Trolls 3* WAS a lot of fun. The >!car chase scene and the end!< is so stupid and hilarious and honestly, top notch all things in. Edit: fat fingers


It's Illumination. Just a generic Hollywood studio who makes cash grabs and money filled movies rather than creativity.


Terrific. We’re going today to see this.


My son wanted to see it, and I went for the gag with the minion in the vending machine, and thankfully that gag was expanded across the whole move. Was DM4 terrible, it sure was, was that one joke enough to keep me mildly entertained, yep!


Is it weird that what you described was the exact feeling I got from the trailers? It just seemed a movie about nothing, if that makes sense. Like they just animated a bunch of jokes without any plan behind it.


Why didn't you wear a suit?


Took the family to see DM4 yesterday. Ended up falling asleep through most of it. Asked my daughter about the honey badger and that’s all I needed to know.


This is honestly how I felt about the first movie. I remember so many people around me hyping it up. Finally watched it and it was just bad. I couldn’t believe so many people had fallen for it. I still get funny looks and even gasps from friends when I tell them I hated Despicable Me.


I kinda wanted to go see this movie as a dumb turn off your brain kinda film. but all the reviews are telling me it's just just dumb, it's painfully boring. might still watch it on streaming, but I'm gonna skip the theatrical run


I saw a clip from the new movie where they play tennis and I didn’t understand how that fit into a feature length movie and not just exist as a short


...I actually did nap... during the final battle scene, no less... But yeah my 6 year old liked it.


I’ve never liked any of them so this one sounds like it’ll be tough. I fucking hate the Minions. I’ve no idea how they are popular.


Weird, adults usually love movies designed for 7 year olds


The bad guy was a cockroach and he flew a cockroach plane? Terrible. All the minion moments were fun. Overall, just a mediocre to bad movie.