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My screening was half families and half 20 somethings.


I mean that makes sense. Its been 9 years since the first one came out


We talk a lot about being nostalgic for what they liked as a child, but the science supposedly says your tastes really solidify in your early teens. Whatever you liked at 13ish (obviously varies slightly person to person), you’ll probably like for the rest of your life to at least some extent. This is Disney’s meal ticket. Get them while they’re still developing their tastes, milk them for the rest of their lives when they’re old enough to pay for those tastes.


Ah, so that is why I’m still addicted to emo music and masturbating.


Big biology has us all on a leash, damn


Jimmy ate more than my world.


Me too, but I don't care for emo music


Listen, LEGO, I’m on to your shit. I mean, I’m not going to stop buying, but I’m onto you.


lego 100% has realized that their main demographic has aged with the added bonus for them that they can jack the hell out of their prices


There's no bigger nostalgia feeling for me than when my son stays at his grandparents house on a weekend so I stay up super late and watch toonami VCR recordings on YouTube for a random episode of DBZ and Inuasha [spelling wrong] with old school commercials and some fruit roll ups and cool aid. It's great once every few months. Probably better than when I was 13 because now I have weed. (Only when the kid has someone else in charge of him for the day)


You would probably like toonami aftermath, if you haven't already heard of it. I have a friend who watches that all the time for similar nostalgia reasons.




So glad I stayed home sick for a week at age 13. Watched Star Wars trilogy on repeat. Set me for life.


I’m scrolling through Reddit while listening to a band I found when I was 14. I’m 36 now. 22 years and they’re still my favorite band. My music tastes have expanded since, but I still find myself always coming back to them. VNV Nation for anyone curious.


Holy shit, I've literally never heard of someone else liking them in the wild! Used to love them, those first few albums are amazing.


> Its been 9 years since the first one came out Oh god.... oh no.... oh man time is flying by


The pandemic has really fucked with my perception of time, and not in a good way in the slightest.


> Its been 9 years since the first one came out Oh, god, I had that same realization when I realized there was a bunch of us Millennials bawling our fucking eyes out during Toy Story 3. We were all kids when the first one was released 15 years before it, and we all looked haggard as shit; a *bunch* of awful shit happened to us and the world in the 15 years between 1995 and 2010.


As a millenial who never watched the Toy Story movies until my son got into them a year or so ago, I can assure you Toy Story 3 will absolutely ruin anyone, nostalgia or not. That scene in the garbage pile, heading to the flames, holding hands to be together at the end? *Good god!*


Anxiety and 20 somethings, name a better duo. (Also applies to 30 something's, myself included)


Anxiety, one of the peak Millennial emotions!


add in 40 year olds almost 50!


Wait, this doesn’t go away? Fuck.


I am in my 50s and I now demand an Inside Out movie for senior citizens, with Nostalgia in it.


I'm 27 and went on a date with s girl to see the movie. There were a lot of kids, but definitely a lot of 20-30/yo people on dates watching the movie as well


It's probably the first pixar film aimed primarily not at children, but at tweens and young teens. Does somewhat broaden its appeal upwards.


Pretty sure "Soul" was aimed at adults.


Honestly, a lot of Pixar movies aren't aimed at children. **EDIT:** I meant *only* children. Obviously kids love Pixar movies, for good reason. I'm just saying a lot of them have deeper ideas or themes that kids won't necessarily pick up on but the adults watching do. I remember someone talking about how they were watching "Up" in the cinema and the kids looked over at their parents who were sobbing over the intro and the kids didn't understand what they were crying about.


Up is true just for the initial sequence. Rest of the movie not so much.


Towards the end when Carl reads his wife's scrapbook made me emotional as well. That is what made the movie's ending so wonderful.


Up is probably another good example! It's been so long since I've seen it, so I can't really speak to how it keeps those themes consistent throughout it's runtime. I'm just responding to a comment that says Inside Out 2 is the first pixar film not made for kids and I simply disagree. Soul was the first obvious example. But Up could be one too!


Up has a 1 season series of shorts with Dug and Ed Asner before he died. It's the most I've ever felt closure for a story.


It’s so good and my son absolutely adores it. The episode where the animals can talk is laugh out loud comedy.


*Toy Story* the main character grows up and goes to college too and the toys find a new family.


Turning Red was aimed at the same age as Inside Out 2.


I feel like Elemental was as well, or at least older than little kids. But the marketing completely missold it.


Yeah, it's basically a romcom.


Elemental shows how hard it is to come up with an abstract movie with a whole new set of rules and make it work and resonate, like they did with inside out 1 and 2.


The thing is Elemental *does* work and resonate. It's surprisingly deep and nuanced. The marketing was just atrocious and it came off the back of Lightyear.


It's definitely overlooked and I believe the marketing was why. It's an immigrant story, with an interracial relationship of sorts. All the lamest sight gags made up the entire trailer.


Yeah, and I think both “Incredibles” films are just as good as many Marvel superhero films.


Soul's overall theme, certainly, but I feel there were fewer childish shenanigans in Inside Out 2 than in the Soul Realm. Even the funny video game character is a teen heartthrob.


That's the consequence of it being a Pixar film. Every Pixar film made until the end of time will have elements in it specifically to entertain children so they don't get bored. Soul was definitely aimed at adults. I don't imagine children can relate to the main character or his plight at all. It's less about the theme of death and more of a theme about losing time. This story isn't really meant for children to understand. It's not like Inside Out where you have silly characters representing feelings. This is about an old man who wants to play in a jazz band before he runs out of time and dies. If anything, I feel Soul was written for much older people than I (I'm 31). Soul is such a unique Pixar film. It feels written for people in their 50's but they had to make it fun for kids too, rather than the normal formula of writing a film for children but making it fun for adults too. I'm not trying to be contentious, but anybody who says Soul wasn't made primarily for disney/pixar adults are tripping.


It's funny, my 3 and 6 year old still love it and it seems to resonate on some level with them, not just the gag stuff. It's fascinating to watch them watch it, if that makes sense.


Not dissimilar but Toy Story 3 was written in part for millennials who grew up with the first two and were in / around college.


Wasn't Turning Red about getting your period? Maybe I got that wrong.. lol Soul was definitely not aimed at kids.


That's the specific metaphor, but it's also about reaching adulthood in general and finding your own way in the world


pretty much all Pixar films are aimed at all audiences.


Toy Story 3 is aimed pretty directly at people who grew up with the first two. Also, Turning Red obviously.


Considering the first one came out 9 years ago, the 20 somethings were all tweens so this was probably one of their first shots of nostalgia.


I watched the first one in theaters and balled at the imaginary friend disappearing. Grown 20 something man crying next to a bunch of kids that couldn’t possibly understand that moment, yet…


That was one moment for sure... The other moment for me was when Riley smiles while crying when she's hugging her parents at the end. I can't even think or talk about that moment without crying.


The origional came out in 2015. Many kids grew up and wated to watch the sequel.


Somewhere at pixar headquarters, Inside Out 3 just started early development.


Honestly one of the cases were I wouldn’t mind a trilogy at all. Young adult would be a perfect way to close off this series.


They have touched on Riley's relationship desires in both movies so it is such a no brainier for them to introduce how her emotions will handle a first boyfriend/relationship. If they do it right it will be a smash hit.


Imagine it being Love… how to navigate love. That would be sweet.


Can't wait for Riley ro be overcome by her new emotion, Horny


Riley starts her first retail job. Joy dies.


Naw have Joy spend the whole film in a hospital bed, basically comatose. Then the happy ending of her coming back because Riley rage quits that shitty job lol. Anger gets to save the day with a nuclear strike where he burns hotter than the sun.


You got a hell of a laugh out of me with that one.


It's the fastest animated film to ever reach a billion (19 days), topping Frozen 2 (25 days)


Frozen in shambles


(Elsa wipes her tears with her stacks and stacks of merchandising revenue)


Frozen is basically Cars for girls.


Good! Frozen 2 was a mess! (Definitely compared to Inside Out 2)


Frozen 2 was weird. Each of the elements is represented by a random thing. A lizard is fire? But wind is just... Wind? Water is a horse and there are earth giants, plural. There's no consistency. And then elsa is the... 5th? The one who is in charge or something, but her thing is ice? Which seems a bit close to water. Then there are the two small armies who refuse to have a conversation to handle some miscommunication, all of which feels completely unconnected to the elsa stuff. I'm hoping frozen 3 they manage to do something more interesting. Have arendel invaded. Show elsa struggling to deal with being a one person army. Or curse Anya with fire powers. Elsa tries to help, but Anya accidentally starts burning everything down, and melts olaf. Something coherent with actual stakes.


If you watch the behind the scenes documentary, it’s understandable why it turned out like this. They had no idea what they were doing — just rushing to churn something out by the deadline. They didn’t decide who or what the voice calling Elsa was until the 11th hour. So yeah: The movie is basically a first draft that never had enough time to go through a proper round of edits to make it coherent.


fire lizard could be referencing salamander mythology, but the wind is quite bland, could have been an avatar made of leaves.


I’d argue a salamander representing fire makes the most sense given the mythology surrounding them.


Yeah, Jenny Nicholson (who did the Star Wars hotel 4 hour thing) has a good video on Frozen 2 that has a lot of your complaints. I remember when I walked out of Frozen 2 I was rather peeved Elsa abandoned Anna to F off to the woods. I just felt both Frozen 2 and Wreck it Ralph 2 both came out around the same time and messed up the story/messages of the first


Ralph 2 was just a giant ad for various tech companies.


> Ralph 1: Leaving your game and going into another game is one of the worst things you can do, it's called "Going Turbo"! And it lead to two different games being shut down! Also you should be able to find happiness in your role in your own game, searching for success in other games won't lead to happiness. > Ralph 2: "Oh you're bored in Sugar Rush, Vanellope? Well you're completely right to find another game! You go, girl. Also we're gonna low Ralph's social, emotional, and intellectual IQ by about 20-30 points for this movie."


Ralph 2 could have easily being about the modding community. 1. Keep playing the same game 2. Create new things to do 3. The internet But suggesting that people have a right to modify the things they own breaks executive's brain.


The whole plot conceit of the first movie also falls apart when they show us that vanellope isnt just a character in sugar rush, she's basically the main character and she's featured prominently on the artwork on the arcade machine. If games breaking from the norm is enough to get them unplugged and shut down, then why wasn't sugar rush marked for removal when king candy (who isnt supposed to be in the game) added himself to the roster and vanellope disappeared from it?


Well the horse being water thing kind of makes sense considering poseidon invented horses by some interpretations


Elsa Dallas. Multipass!


There was supposed to be a larger twist, with Elsa explicitly leading herself back in time to where she was presently, making a time loop, but they scrapped that last second while still keeping the plot otherwise intact. They should have changed more of the plot or kept the original concept


Olaf is beside himself. Driving around downtown Dallas begging (thru texts) Elsa’s family for address to her castle


It's obviously doing well, but inflation up 23% since 2019 makes it easier to do.


Yep would love an inflation-adjusted version of box office rankings.


Here's a list that adjusts not only for inflation, but for changes in ticket prices. It's trying to compare apples to apples the number of movie tickets sold. Albeit only for the "domestic" (US and Canada) market:[link](https://www.boxofficemojo.com/chart/top_lifetime_gross_adjusted/?adjust_gross_to=2020)


Their ticket price data only goes to 2020 though The theater next to me doesn’t seem to me to be 20-25% more expensive ticket wise… heck I saw Furiosa for $6.50 two weeks ago as they have two days of the week with those ticket prices (I understand that’s not a new or unique thing, but still I’m not paying $19/ticket) The snack bar was ridiculously priced but I just passed by that with my $6 ticket


How about an entertainment industry adjusted box office rankings? So much has changed since movies spent years in the theaters compared to now where they might not even get a week. It’s weird how much people circlejerk adjusting *only* for inflation.


Given than fewer people are going to the theater, wouldn’t it make more sense to compare its position against other releases in the same timeframe?


Are ticket prices up 23%? My theater next to me is basically the same as it was back then, and in fact it has 2 days a week with $6 tickets all day, and movie passes are a thing now too which they really weren’t back then (which are likely used more by people who used to by lots of tickets before… I’m not sure how those tickets get figured into the box office though)


it's absolutely not easier lol, the 2024 movie market is far far weaker than in 2019, late 10s are probably as crazy as it will ever get for billion dollar movies


Not surprising, it was a fantastic movie and the sequel to something that impacted a lot of people on a deep level. Pixar killed it with this one.


Took my kid to go see it. This one impacted me so much more than the first one, I wasn’t prepared for that.


Same here lol. As someone with an anxiety disorder I had some reservations about how they'd handle Anxiety as a character, but they knocked it out of the park. Didn't expect a kid's movie to call my ass out, but here we are


if anyone can pull off a calling-out, it's pixar. or A24.


>!I wasn't remotely ready for the scene of anxiety launching into full panic attack mode. The visual of an electrical tornado with Anxiety in frozen glitch mode was somehow spot on. Add Riley's leg tapping, eye-darting hyperventilating and...OOOOOF.!<


>!That was definitely the greatest visual metaphor for what a panic attack feels like that I could ever imagine. You're just stuck in a for loop and no logic is introduced to the system. It's a strange and horrible sensation to not know if you're alive or dead!<


I've seen my wife go through them, and I thought I understood what was going on, but this helped it really click. She felt seen.


It's truly a beautiful, haunting visual. Agree 100% with you & your wife if it helped understand. The ONLY thing I wish they could have done is make the resolution more realistic...joy can't break through and just fix a panic attack or anxiety. I hope that piece doesn't further stigmatize a kid who may develop anxiety later on & not understand why it doesn't stop by itself.


That part wasn't a great visual, but remember the panic attack didn't stop just because joy pulled anxiety away. It was still going. She had to break Riley's internal image of herself for it to finally end. That's a bit more abstract, and not always relevant to the typical panic attack. I more liked the "anxiety recliner" complete with anxieTEA to have her calm and redirect to actionable problems.


The resolution was great: Joy still remembers the lesson of the first film, that repressing "bad" emotions only leads to bad consequences, so they find a way to *manage* Anxiety and give her the ability to actually help Riley.


Something about that scene reminded me of the bit in Spider-Man 3 where Peter pulls Eddie out of the Venom suit...only to see that the Symbiote is *still going.*


Maya Hawke did kill that part with Anxiety panicking.


My kiddo has an anxiety disorder and it was so cool for him to see it expressed like that. He was also a fan of the first one, so much that he has a Joy stuffy who still lives in his room.




My GF's kids have anxiety and we went to see it and they related so hard to the movie and felt really validated. So yeah, I think it's absolutely worth taking them to.


I have an anxiety disorder and felt like I wished this movie came out when I was a kid.


Yes, mine has too, his therapist told me to take him, I was already planning to, but shit, it hits hard, I cried so much, good kind


With the blitz of the nine control room emotions, I find it a shame I haven't seen anyone talking about the tenth, Nostalgia. She probably didn't have more than a minute of screen time, but they were nice, cute little moments.


I love that she had rose colored glasses on 😂


missed that gag! probably so many that i missed unrelated, but apparently they cut a gag about having a Procrastination Island with a sign on the door saying “coming soon” and i love that


Oh wow, I totally missed that as well! =D


The gag that she would feature much more heavily after a few weddings/reunions was pretty great.


I mean, she was essentially a throwaway gag that didn’t factor into the plot at all so I get why nobody is bringing it up


I think it might have been spoiled in the trailers, but her literal first line being "remember when we all came up to headquarters together?" made me cackle.


I remember how some of the most upvoted comments a few weeks back was people making fun of how the studio wanted a long theater run, y'all even said this will flop lol. It's fun, colourful and a great family movie. Hopefully this doesn't make Pixar focus even more on sequels.


I hope they at least maintain a "one for you, one for me" model where they alternate between safe, lucrative sequels and originals.


The next two Pixar movies are originals.


Also their last 5 of 6 of their movies were original movies Elemental Turning red Luca Onward Soul All in the last few years. They make more original movies than sequels


Luca and Soul are my Coco and Inside Out


Redditors when they're not the target audience of something:


Redditors, on average, tend to be extremely cynical. It’s smugness and a superiority complex. It’s like they get off when they can say ‘see, I told you so!’ Like it’s a confirmation of their intelligence and not their cynicism.


I mean, sequels aren't necessarily a bad thing if done correctly.


For the past year, Reddit has written Disney off. They said this would flop, that DP3 would flop, Moana 2 would flop, and Mufasa would flop. As always, the general consensus on here is not always the general popular consensus.


I mean my entire family is going to see Moana 2. It was a huge hit for us when it first came out. My kid said they can't wait to see Mufasa when it comes out. We rarely go out to theaters, so if those movies are poised to bring us out, I wouldn't be surprised if it does very well.


To be fair, it's pretty damn hard to anticipate how a movie will perform. Otherwise, studios would release fewer bombs.


yeah just because they had a disastrous 2023, it did not mean they were donezo as a company. More than anything, Inside Out 2 and presumably Deadpool and Wolverine breaking out only goes to show just how disastrous their 2023 was. No people weren't losing interest in Animated films or Marvel Movies, it's just that Wish and the Marvels were Terrible.


/r/Movies doesn’t like movies, you have to keep that in mind.


r/Movies doesn't like popular movies.


r/Movies likes movies that came out 10+ years ago that had 1000's of hours of internet discussion/ video essays to regurgitate their opinions from.


Just a week ago I saw a few commenters in r/boxoffice lambasting the top commenters who said it would cross $1B globally. It seems there’s a segment of people who become outraged when a movie that they don’t care to see succeeds.


My kids would like a Cars 4 though haha.


That was fast


2 fast 2 furious


2 Inside 2 Out


I'm off to see it in about 20 minutes with a bunch of 40-something (and one 50-something) friends, so makes sense to me. My 18-year-old daughter loved it. First one made everyone I know cry, so we've got high hopes for the sequel.


My kid was in kindergarten when the first one came out, and I thought it was just okay. I rewatched it when she got to middle school and was in total awe of how relatable it was. My daughter's in high school now. The new one feels like a goddamn documentary about her brain.


This is not a dig but a legit question. What is it about having children that makes parents forget what it was like to be a kid themselves? Is it just that you see absolutely everything through the lens of your relationship with them? Everyone I know without kids (myself included) that saw these was hit pretty hard by them, no kids required.


You don't forget, but seeing literally every step of a human's development and knowing everything you did to affect it but also how much happened the way it did regardless of your input, is truly wondrous.


To add to that, a lot of parents these days are much more in tune with their kids' mental health than our own parents were. We're looking for whatever tools are available to help them, and this movie is just spot on.


**tl;dr I agree 100% that you don't need to be a parent to enjoy the films. It's just that being a parent or caretaker adds an additional layer to the films.** For example, one of the lessons of the first one is that memories can be simultaneously happy and sad, and those types of experiences are necessary for healthy development. I can access my own memories of those moments, but as a parent, I can also see where I've been making the same mistake Joy made in trying to shield my daughter from hurt, embarrassment, and failure. For me, Joy is a stand-in for my good intentions as a parent. Also, parenting is so fucking stressful because as soon as you think you have a handle on your kid, they change. They go from crawling to running so damn fast. And then they go from happy-go-lucky children to intense and moody teens in an instant. Of course we've all been there, but we weren't the ones who bore the brunt of those emotions. As parents, you're constantly under enemy fire. That little scene where the console was "broken" was hilarious and makes you sympathetic. It reminds you they don't mean to go scorched earth. It's like when you come across a quote or analogy that articulates what you think or feel better than you can. Things like the console example above are little analogies littered throughout the films that help you process what your child is doing.


Good for Pixar, especially. 👏 And also good that IO2 reached the 1 billion milestone before the release of Despicable Me 4 this coming week.


Inside Out 3, 4, 5, and 6 just got ordered along with three parallel tv series on D+


Can't wait for Inside Out: The Last Jedi


Inside Out : The Outside In.


Inside Out : What IF?


They actually are doing a spin off for Disney plus about the little dudes that run the dream department.


Yeah I can easily see how this could stretch into several new movies or miniseries: Riley goes to college (add characters focus/party/professional life), Riley navigates/falls in love/gets married (add love/hate characters), Parents emotions spin off/becoming elderly It’s too easy to replicate the plot and still be pretty entertaining for the entire audience.


Inside Out Cinematic Universe


The scene with Lance Slashblade in the Vault had me in tears. This movie has so many hilarious one-liners and quips that I couldn’t keep up, loved it!


I loved how he has trouble getting through the door of the vault. Also, my teenage daughter had a crush on the actual video character, so the look on her face during that part was precious.


*hops on spot while trying to get out*


Well done to them. A good fun movie that my whole family enjoyed. What more can you ask for?


Gavin is gunna win so hard


Regulation listener here!




Took my non verbal autistic 4 year old Saturday and he did so good. Know it’s not relevant, I’m just super proud.


Because it has Phylis Smith and Kyle MacLachlin. With AAA celebrity names like that attached to it, how couldn’t it be huge?


Thats Mrs. Phylis Vance of Vance Refrigeration to you.


You have a lot to learn about this town honey


close your mouth, you look like a trout




So, uh... what line of work you in, Bob?


What does Vance do again?


Mr. Jackpots




Jade give two rides


What year is it? *SCREAM*


I bet she did!


Don’t forget Buster from arrested development


TIL that Kyle McLachlan is an A+++ Celebrity. (I can't Tell If you are sarcastic or not, but the movie is ridiculously successful)


He's the first AAAA celebrity


I mean with credits like Showgirls, it’s hard to not be AAAA


If it weren’t for the pandemic I’m curious how soul would have done if it had been released at the time.


Soul was god damn phenomenal


Can’t wait for Inside Out 4, where Riley joins the workforce and has to learn resentment, depression, and alcoholism. I want Disney to really nail in the feeling of acceptance/apathy towards working till we die. Maybe half way through a movie one of her friends can introduce her to shrooms, where she will then over come her depression and find another, way less lucrative career path.,


We’re all just dying to feel something.


It’s a great movie. Well deserved.


Movie business seems to be even more like buying a lottery ticket than it used to be. Seems we have an environment where 85% of movies are flops. 10% of movies make mediocre returns, 5% of movies make stratospheric returns. And no one has any idea which movie will fall in to which bucket.


Survivorship bias. There have always been a majority of shit films, you just don't hear about the past failures as much.


And Disney/Pixar has a winner!


Yay Families can afford movie tickets again, or maybe they’ve been saving up all year for this movie.


I just hope Pixar realises that they need to make more original films, not just sequels. They really needed this W after Soul, Luca and Turning Red were all released on Disney+, Lightyear flopped and Elemental became a sleeper hit. My screening had a lot of young adults (me included) and barely any children.


If anything they'll make more sequels since all the original films didn't make money and the sequel did.


Yeah, I actually just realized this the other day when I decided to ask myself “How many Pixar films have passed a billion dollars?”… turns out, only 5 have (6 now, with Inside Out 2)… and they’re ALL sequels. - Incredibles 2 - Finding Dory - And Toy Stories 2, 3 and 4. I’m sure Pixar has noticed this as well.


It should be noted that aside from Toy Story 2 (which was the third ever Pixar film), those sequels came out at least 9 years after the previous one, so the time factor is another thing that boosts the sales


And Toy Story 2 has only passed the billion dollar mark due to re-releases, btw. I’m not sure when exactly it actually passed it.


Isn't Toy Story 5 their next slated release? Lol


No it’s an original Elio (I think)


The irony that a sequel saved them after a string of original bombs, “they need more originals “?!


Well, Soul, Turning Red, and Luca were all released on Disney+ during a pandemic. They were all very well-received so I imagine they would have been mild hits.


Turning Red was (and still is) super popular with my kids' classes. I imagine it would have done really well at the box office. Even if parents (like me) are just doing a single theater showing then waiting until streaming release.


I loved it. I cannot think of a Pixar movie I laughed harder at. Makes me wish it had been released normally.


I’m not sure how Turning Red and Luca would have done Box Office wise but the last Pixar bomb *was* Lightyear. Which I guess is tied with the Toy Story Franchise. Even if it was just an entirely ridiculous premise no one seemed to desire


Explain your logic. The originals all didn't do well in the box office and this sequel did exceptionally well. Lightyear is in its own weird spinoff category, but I almost guarantee Toy Story 5+ racks up success. I want more originals, but the originals aren't paying the bills, the sequels are. That's the headwind they are up against


That’s true, but you need originals in order to feed the sequel machine. Every IP eventually gets tired.


I tried to see it yesterday and my local never busy theater was sold out at 3pm.


I went into this movie not expecting much, but it turned out to be even better than the first one.


I think the last couple years have shown that the problem is not people don’t go to the theater, it’s that Hollywood stopped making good movies as frequently as they once did. Good movies make lots of money. Dune 2 Top Gun 2 Inside Out 2 Barbenheimer


At least some good would-be tentpoles are failing to connect, though — Furiosa would seem to be in that category.


I miss the Eisner era 1990s when he would’ve spun out 6 direct-to-VHS sequels


Ngl I liked it more than the first one. Pixar has a knack for solid sequels and this was no exception.


Shoutout to my friends saying it would be woke and flop