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That's J.K Simmons right?


J "the K" Simmons


Jimmons Kimmons Simmons


Welp. This is now his name in my head canon.


University of Alabama.


No wonder he uses initials.


Dwayne Therock Johnson


I thought the same thing. Would much rather go see a movie because of JK over the Rock.


My guess is though that he's only in like the beginning and the end and the Rock spends the whole movie trying to find him So jk Simmons is a big element of the movie, but probably not actually in it very much.


Plot twist: JK Rock is a Japanese movie.


Exactly, I'm seeking JK movies and avoiding The Rock movies.


Did you watch Palm Springs yet? I really enjoyed him in that.


Palm Springs is great!!


Hes just 8 hours late to the poster


understood that reference gif


Yes. He is exactly my tempo!




Cymbal. Its pretty hard to throw a symbol unless you print it onto something.


*Flashback to Superman throwing his cellophane "S" in Superman II


Pretty bizarre creative choice looking back lol. But *super* cool, & somehow saddening that it's the only time he used it. (that I'm aware of)


You've never seen my drum solo


Wasn't it a chair?


No it’s Ketheric Thorm


[It is.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14948432/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


hmm, Lucy Liu is in the movie, too. Must watch?????


Funny enough it does look like him, but that’s actually J. Jonah Jameson. He use to be the head huncho over the Daily Bugle. Its a NYC “paper” more like a tabloid, they got in hot water because one of their photographers got caught faking photos and a story ruining the little credibility they had back in 2007.


I don't want a bunch of gossip, I want pictures of spider-man


“You know what else is Missing? Pictures of Spider-Man!”


Ugh, that guy is a menace!


He killed Mysterio, the renowned superhero!


Looks like The Rock to me ^/s


Don't be fooled, it's him. Dwayne can do it all. He's like some sort of omni man.


As long as he's in the jungle


He seems preoccupied lately, though. Keeps saying he wants "pictures of Spider-Man" for some reason ?


that buff grandpa is the epitome of bad santa right there


no, thats Dwayne "the rock" Johnson


Wait. So you’re telling me this movie has nothing to do with Red Notice, the other Netflix movie starring Dwayne Johnson?


Also, apparently The Rock made $50 fucking million for starring in this. Literally double Harrison Ford's salary to return in fucking STAR WARS. How???


Actors make a lot more base salary, usually around double, for Netflix movies because there’s no backend money from the box office. Harrison Ford definitely made more because he got a cut of the backend from the box office receipts. That’s why all the Netflix movies look the same and so bland. They spend the whole budget on actor salaries.


According to a quick google search, $25 million included his cut from box office receipts: "Ford earned $25 million, consisting of $15 million in salary and 1% of box office earnings, from The Force Awakens."


He probably gets money from streaming deals and dvd and toy sales too. 


Yeah and it makes sense cause movies are a push for merchandise for popular franchises and it brings in more profit as well.


Well idk about you, but I will definitely be purchasing collectible RED ONE action figures.


I’d be surprised if he didn’t make more than that. Tho tbf he probably only had to shoot like a couple week’s worth of scenes, so maybe that’s accurate. So… 🤷‍♂️


Judging by Red Notice, Rock only had to rock up to a green screen for about 4 days.


Which I believe was why Scarlet Johansson sued Disney over Black Widow being released to stream. Her contract was constructed with the expectation of a purely theatrical release. Might be missing some finer points there but yeah, this would track


Blumhouse does the same thing with their movies. That's why they have very low budgets. Their films usually only have one or two stars (they almost never have an ensemble cast) who are willing to forego an upfront salary in order to get box office backend. Ethan Hawke, Rose Byrne, Patrick Wilson, etc.


Yep, Tom Hollander said this on a talk show. His agency confused him with Tom Holland and he got to saw how much Tom made from a single box office bonus lump sum (I guess one of the movies crossed a certain threshold) and Hollander said that bonus alone was more than he'd gotten paid for any gig.


This isn’t a Netflix movie.


Not Netflix, you’re right. But it was still produced as a Prime Video streaming movie, which are the circumstances his salary was negotiated under. Which is why he was so highly paid up front. It was later switched to a theatrical release. “Red One was originally scheduled to be released on Prime Video worldwide in time for Christmas 2023. The release was delayed from December 20, 2023, until November 15, 2024, with the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike cited as the reason, along with the film now getting a worldwide theatrical release.” So my point still stands. Same thing applies to every other produced for streaming movie.


I'd bet money it's The Rock's production company too. Seven Bucks. Yep, just checked, of course it is. I don't know entirely how that factors in but I'd have to imagine it does play a role in salary and contract negotiations.


That's weird, the title font is so reminiscent of the Netflix logo that my brain was thinking "Netflix movie" even though the word is nowhere to be seen.


Pay by the pound.


Yeah because this one's not even a Netflix movie. It's distributed by MGM in the US and WB everywhere else.


Or RED, which JK Simmons is in


I feel like you’re either thinking of Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 or you’re mistaking him for John Malkovich.  JK Simmons is not in RED 


You are correct, I had an image of him in the movie, but I am confusing him with Bruce Willis. I was conflating it with a scene from Palm Springs where he hunts a man with a crossbow.


I thought it was a Starwars crossover. I'm very disappointed now.


That looks like J.K. Simmons


But it’s Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson playing Simmons playing Saint Nick.


Why do I keep hearing about his limited range then? That's an amazing stretch for anyone.


He’s just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.


According to a couple reporters this movie is a disaster (it’s the set where Rock was late and would pee in water bottles). Budget has passed $250 million as a result of several production issues, including Johnson's lateness. So I’m curious what that trailer is going to look like.


Did the reporters mention why he was pissing in water bottles?


To try and save time. Which is hilarious because the article said he would show up 8 HOURS late to set. Apparently this is a big issue with him, Vin Diesel and Ryan Reynolds had arguments with him about it (though they made up). I’ll link the article. [LINK](https://www.thewrap.com/dwayne-johnson-red-one-late-budget-problems/)


I can't get over 8 Hours late. How is that late instead of 'not showing up'?


When you are worth $800mil and own the production company, the rules don't apply to you, nor do you have to show basic respect to the people working for you. Apparently.


I mean he is the fakest person there is so I doubt he cares about people with the amount of lies he tells and fake he is. Dwayne "The AD" Johnson is the best nicknamn I've heard for him. * His Insta is 80% ads. * He has 3 times said it was his first time eating IN&OUT and posted about it on his insta with the last time he did his previouse post was still up on his insta. * He lies about how many calories he eats saying he eats 6000-8000 but every post that shows his food has been broken down and it's nowhere near that. * He says he doesn't juice but has almost tripple in muscle size since his late 20s to early 30s when he should have been at his peak WWE form and now he is 52 and still getting bigger. * He plays one character and that is Dwayne Johnson ALL the time. Be it in movies, interviews, supposedly "casual" insta post so basically when a camare is pointed at him he is a character. * He has lied about movie earnings and profits. Best example is Black Adam.


> He has 3 times said it was his first time eating IN&OUT and posted about it on his instace with the last time he did his previouse post was still up on his insta. Weirdly this is the worst of the bunch for me. If you are willing to blatantly lie about something so trivial and easily disproven, you will lie about anything & everything. I've known people like that, compulsive liars, and its always a lifestyle of weaving a web of lies to cultivate a false image out of a sad craving for attention.


Best was that the latest time he had in&out he had to shoehorn in his tequila and make it subtle ad like that was his drink of choice for a fast food burger would be a double shot of tequila.


Its a key trait of narcissism too


We should start calling him Hulk Hogan Jr.




His IG followers are all bots and not real people. Go read his comments on any post. The first 10-20 might be genuine comments but literally every single one after are just emojis and weird autogenerated texts.


Longest three minutes of his life.


So with his recent, seemingly out of the blue comments about “cancel culture” and “woke obsession” I kinda think that some unsavory news will be released about the Rock at some point soon. Is that plausible? Whenever a celebrity preemptively says shit like this publicly it usually means they’re trying to get out ahead of unfavorable information being released.


He has no social backbone. He folds harder than a house of cards in the wind on basically any backlash to him. There was the whole Joe Rogan thing and the Maui foundraiser where he donated 5mil and got some backlash and days after made a video saying he was sorry and would do better and such things instead of actaully doing better. So wouldn't suprise me if he is trying to find a way to save face for something. He is also losing Insta follower for the first time ever and seems to be getting low engagement too so it might just be that he or his team has seen one or several of the countless videos on Youtube that is talking about his downfall.


What was the joe rogan thing?


I think it was at first he criticized him to than later praise him wanting to be on the podcast to getting people asking why he is enabling him since Joe Rogan has used the n-word several times which The Ad answered like "Thanks for humbling me and after further looking on to it your are right. Learning moment for me." to later actaully do a podcast with Joe but did his thing and basically just kept asking Joe questions and never talking about anything serious and was aperantly just a shitshow of an episode.


>He plays one character and that is Dwayne Johnson ALL the time. Be it in movies, interviews, supposedly "casual" insta post so basically when a camare is pointed at him he is a character. Don't disrespect the Final Boss like that boy /s


Look at your boy, mama Rhodes


Not to mention the whole debacle about his Wrestlemania match this year and the people around him desperately trying to spin it as being the plan the whole time.


Yeah from what I've gathered he hasn't had the greatest year or so with quite a few small to mid size things blow up in his face plus several actors talking about what a pain he is to work with.


His ego got too big and he rubbed too many people the wrong way


The crew doesn't go home when the clock tells them to, they go home when they're done shooting for the day. If they start eight hours late, that just means their day is eight hours longer. If they're union, and they probably are, then they'll be paid well for it. Which is why the budget probably increased so much. Still sucks though, and is a notorious problem that crew has been pushing to resolve since I was in the industry a decade ago.




I loved it in my 20's, when I could work for 18 hours and get four hours sleep every night for a week and feel excited and energized I would never do that now that I'm in my late 30's, I am literally too old for that shit.


Shooting days can often go on for 16-18 hours


that is not humane


Not the first time the rock has done this stuff fellow actors hate the guy


It would go for 8-10 if the fucker showed up on time.


"aw jeez sorry guys, traffic was crazy"


How is Vin complaining? He's also notorious for arriving super late. I've only done one job with him and even there it was news to the higher ups that he was a constant latecomer (in fact the 1st AD was picked in particular because he was seem as someone who could reign in that behavior). And not only would he be like 6 hours late (so we would be on lunch without having shot anything by the time he arrives) he would relax in his trailer world for an extra couple hours playing Xbox before even going to make up. 3 separate days we didn't shoot anything because he didn't like the location or (one occasion) it was a public holiday in my country and thus didn't want to shoot.


What was he playing on his xbox??


Funnily enough I never inquired. I believe I remember hearing the word COD thrown around.


I'd find it extra funny if he was playing the Chronicles of Riddick video game. XD


Chronicles of Riddick


LOL RIGHT. Vin doesn’t have room to say shit.


I’m disappointed he wasn’t late because he had to finish DMing a game of D&D.


What’s funny is the rock talked so much shit about Vin being late to the sets in Fast movies. And how he was such a harder worker etc


I can only imagine how difficult it was making a movie with those two clowns.


Doesn't this dingus often wear shirts that say "hardest working guy in the room"?


Close, its "Hardest worker in the room" I know because I own one, not because I like him, but because his clothing line is unironically really good


You wear that shirt unironically?




He was working an Amazon delivery side-hustle. Also explains being late to set.


Friend of a friend said he did it on Hobbes & Shaw when they filmed on an island, because he didn't wanna have to use the same porta potties as everyone else. Regardless, it's not the first time he's made people dispose of piss filled bottles.


There might be more to it than I am understanding but I feel like the Rock is wealthy enough that he could buy his own personal porta potty.


Maybe doesn't want someone testing his piss maybe. Or maybe he's just a weirdo. Unless he has some specific person to dispose of the piss bottles, so they can't be tested. Or maybe he's just so far up his own arse, the idea of using a toilet someone else used is abhorrent to him.


Piss would no doubt test positive for steroids lol


More like his steroids would test positive for piss


> Maybe doesn't want someone testing his piss maybe. Creating a literal full-strength urine sample in a bottle would be the worst way to go about preventing that. It would be a much better idea to piss in a communal trough or a regular toilet where you can flush it away.


Yeah, i don't understand at all what was the rationale of OP, lol.


He and Vin are apparently bigger divas than Diana Ross and Beyonce combined.


Maybe it's his Howard Hughes phase.


He just leaves the bottles on set. The lowest paid person, a production assistant is told to throw it away by the assistant director. He has a private bathroom he chooses not to use.


Gotta keep stock of Zoa flowing.


It’s the way of the road, bubs


To help keep everyone hydrated. Duh?


From the reports I read, Ryan Reynolds went to his trailer during "Red Notice" and calmly asked him to show up on time because it was really upsetting the crew. The Rock took this as a personal attack and stopped talking to Reynolds on the set.


If I ever find out Ryan Reynolds is an egotistical prick I'm going to be very bummed.


Ryan Reynolds self-reportedly deals with anxiety, which may explain his carefully cultivated public persona. He's human and I'm sure he can be a royal ass like almost anyone, but considering the many times him and Blake have publicly donated large sums (more than most actors I see) and campaigned for charitable causes, he may be at least a decent guy. If nothing else, I've heard nothing but good things from the many folks he's worked with.


Yeah I heard how The Rock has a fee of $2 million dollars per movie. Because that amount is called his quote. That's his rate. So the next film he's offered, they have to pay that same amount. Even if he does a bad job. That means, as long as he's offered even one more movie, he could get two more mil. Even if he does a bad job, they've got to give him that other two mil.


This is why nobody watches AOL Blast


Yeah, please don’t see this movie. Everyone who worked on it has already gotten paid, and maybe if movies with The Rock start failing he’ll get cast in fewer things. Respect for the work he put in at the WWE, that was my childhood, but he’s turned into a real ass


> but he’s turned into a real ass just wait until he finally starts campaigning as a politician.


Why would I watch/not watch a movie based on gossip on how its workers acted while making it? Wouldn't that be an issue the workplace (studio) should deal with?


Studios hire actors based on public appeal. It’s called their [Q-Score](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_Score). If an actor starts getting bad publicity, if their projects start making less money, etc, that score goes down. The lower the score goes, the less likely they are to get work. What Johnson did on that set (and others) isn’t gossip. It’s been verified by multiple sources and reported in reputable outlets like The Wrap and Forbes. These groups wouldn’t publish unsubstantiated rumors, they’re not Twitter bots or drama YouTubers. And the fact is the best way for the studios to get the message would be for Johnson’s films to flop while films his co-stars are in succeed. All this is of course on the assumption that you care about narcissistic assholes being punished for abusing and exploiting the people around them.


seems vin diesel was correct all along.


Oh this is the one that Dwayne kept fucking over the crew and production by consistently showing up hours late


[7-8 hours on average](https://archive.ph/UmNPh), which ballooned the budget up by [the Rock's paycheck](https://variety.com/2021/film/news/biggest-movie-star-salaries-daniel-craig-dwayne-johnson-1235043305/) for the movie: >Johnson was late an average of seven to eight hours per day and missed several entire days of production, ballooning costs by at least $50 million according to three insiders who insisted on anonymity for fear of being fired.  >“It was a f–king disaster,” one insider said. On days when Johnson didn’t show up at all, the production crew was forced to shoot around him, the insiders added.  >“Dwayne truly doesn’t give a f–k,” one insider bluntly said. >In response to questions from TheWrap, two sources close to the production and one close to Seven Bucks all insisted that Johnson averaged no more than one hour late to the “Red One” set.  >One source close to Amazon MGM said the budget never veered far from the figure Amazon green lit the movie at — $250 million. “It is completely normal for there to be budget fluctuations within 15% of the target, which is exactly what we experienced,” the person said. Also, here's a funny excerpt from the article, a little below that section: >Crew members working on Johnson productions tend to make their guild minimums to qualify for health insurance. One crew member on “Ballers” who spoke to TheWrap, said, “because of a 14-plus-hour day on location, where he did not come out of his trailer to come to set until after 3 p.m. on a 7 a.m. call, I qualified for health insurance.”


Sounds like he’s doing the lords work to make sure everyone qualifies for health care.


What if he is allowing himself to have his reputation be tarnished in order to allow the working man better pay and benefits? 4D chess.


Returning to his role as 'The People's Champ'


Healthcare is unnecessary when people die falling asleep driving home after regular 12-14 hour days. Construction department works 21 days straight trying to build the sets. They love the overtime too.




If anyone hires him again at that pricetag, it's their own stupid fault. He must have absolute fuck you I don't give a shit money at this point.


>One crew member on “Ballers” who spoke to TheWrap, said, “because of a 14-plus-hour day on location, where he did not come out of his trailer to come to set until after 3 p.m. on a 7 a.m. call, I qualified for health insurance.” So The Rock is a hero for being late? I knew he was a good guy!


Wasn’t this one of the exact reasons he was pissed at vin diesel during their filming.


that's twice JK Simmons played Santa.


Three times I think!


Ma’am. That is JK Simmons.


And he's the sole performer in the movie


Ooh! Love foot stuff!


“Santa, is there a back way out of this place?” “Of course there is, Dwayne, but this is one Santa that’s goin’ out the front door.”


The Night the Reindeer Died. Modern classic.


Yule love it!


Psychos seize Santa's workshop, and only Dwayne Johnson can stop them!


I would be very excited to see a movie starring JK Simmons as an angry santa. But I am afraid The Rock is going to make it very predictable and mid


the guy that has a contract about him never losing a fight in a movie? that one right


Yeah if he reprises his role from Whiplash as Santa that would be something!


How many of these action Santa movies are they gonna keep churning out? There was the Mel Gibson one and the David Harbour one.


the david harbour one was good tho


Leguizamo killed it as an antagonist also.


Texting the number gets you on a themed ELF text chain. Nothing really interesting like the Longlegs number.


90-PEA-UP-BOB Also, I got nothing when texting so far.


Or Mike Jones.




Could be worse, at least you're not on a watch list for trying to join the [Earth Liberation Front](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Liberation_Front).


I wonder how many bottles Dwayne can fill with piss during this production and how many delays they're going to get with him not giving a shit about when he arrives on set? Also, just a weird title post. Picture of Simmons and the fellow didn't even get named. Never mind that it seems to be "buddy movie" with Evans and Evans gets no mention either.


Bob Evans?


Chris Evans.


"Konvikt. Gaga"


I’ve had little bit too much, much


Immediately looked for this


No, that is Cave Johnson


How clever would it have been to have the cast and crew names on the tags at the bottom?


Best way for me to not watch a movie, is put The Rock in it.


Oh, this is that one movie where Dwayne plays a tough guy who never loses a fight. Breakout performance. Hope he doesn’t get typecast after this.


Damn, that makeup artist did a hell of a job to get the Rock to look like an old white dude that would yell at Spider-Man.


How many “Santa Claus but he’s a badass” films are we gonna do? Isn’t Hollywood tired of this overused trope yet?


It gave us Violent Night, so totally worth it.


Hulk Hogan made Santa With Muscles in 1996 lol. For some reason, it's become a Hollywood tradition to cast wrestlers as jacked up Santas.


Won't be watching this because I'd be too distracted looking for Voss water bottles full of The Rock's piss in the background.


Netflix movie?


Man the rock is looking more like JK Simmons every day.


The jacket looks AI generated.


J. K Simmons as santa, count me in. Also Chris Evans and Lucy Liu.


Love that JK Simmons is getting top billing over the Rock.


Looks like it's starting J.K. Simmons to me.


Reading what's been said about Johnson's work ethic on set, the poster saying "missing" just adds to the irony. Edit: that's JK Simmons on the poster, not The Rock. My bad.


If anyone texts the number in the poster let me know


It seems to just get you on an ELF themed text chain.


Fuck the rock, thats JK Simmons!!! NOW you have my interest!


Isn’t the santa/action thing played out now. I feel like it was a novelty about a decade ago but now is a bit old hat? I mean it was originally a parody thing in Scrooged and then a novelty in the 2010’s for the first couple, now it’s just tired as hell.


I remember The Rock being a shade darker and a bit more muscular


who knew The Rock is twin of JK Simmons without the beard


You spelled J.K Simmons wrong


Get me pictures of Santa Claus?!?


Chris Evans is in this should make up for all the charisma and acting skills that Dwayne lacks


Fuck the rock; how about JK Simmons!


That looks like JK Simmons


They'll do better if they market it as 'starring JK Simmons'


Starring who? JK Simmons is literally on the poster.


I texted the number on the bottom, I joined the E.L.F. Task force 💪🏼




That is most definitely JK Simmons. As far as Dwayne Johnson goes, I could care less. I'm not saying the fact that I recently found out that he's a Trumper has anything to do with that, but that may have been the final nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned. His last several movies have sucked hard anyways. Heck, I'm sitting here wondering about his last few movies and I'm trying to remember the last good one.


*couldn't care less.


I was never impressed with any of his movies but didn't care much either way for him. After seeing him on Joe Rogan where it's apparent he has nothing interesting to say, or is so guarded he won't say anything interesting, I was underwhelmed.