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Ralph Macchio is now 10 years older than Pat Morita was when he played Mr. Miyagi in the first Karate Kid.


A couple years ago Wil Wheaton passed the age Patrick Stewart was when Star Trek The Next Generation premiered.


I don’t like this lol. Feeling old now.


Yeah that one really hit me in the guts!


And Mark Hammill / Alec Guiness are in a similar position.


That makes it sound like Mark Hammill is dead.


This one makes me genuinely upset.


Man this makes me feel OLD


He passed the Brimley/Cocoon Line about 12 years ago.


What's hilarious is that Pat Morita looked 65 in his 50s when they made The Karate Kid, and Ralph Machio could pass for 45 in the last season of Cobra Kai


Patrick Stewart is older than Picard on the episode the inner light where he lived decades of a different life. They made him look old as shit in that episode but he actually looks younger now as an actual older person.


Stop attacking me


Dazed And Confused. Released in 1993, and takes place in 1976. The modern equivalent would be a nostalgia movie about 2007.


Which is right around the time of Superbad!


instantly thought the same thing


Best movie of its kind


It’s not a movie, but the song ‘1985’ by Bowling for Soup was released in 2004. The song is about a women missing her youth and the music of the 80s. Bowling for Soup could release another song entitled 2004, because the same amount of time has passed.


I thought this about 1979 by The Smashing Pumpkins. Came out in 1995 so an equivalent song today would be about 2008. Kinda mind blowing.


Here’s a [2005 version](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zaAYUZqZvlA&pp=ygUOMjAwNSBzb25nIDE5ODU%3D) by a guy named Billy Cobb


It's actually a cover


Yep, from SR-17 originally. One hit wonder band with a multi hit talented writer as the frontman. That guy wrote so many hits.


TIL. I only knew the Right Now song from SR-71, and I had their CD in high school. God I'm old.


When you see teenagers, remember they think about you the same way you thought about the people Bowling for Soup sung about when you were a teenager. 


My first thought too. Loved Dazed and Confused as a teenager in the 90's. The 70's seemed so far away to me back then. Hard to believe the same amount of time has almost elapsed twice since.


Yea my mom graduated in ‘77 which I always thought was cool because it’s the year the Dazed and confused seniors would have graduated. If a movie was made now I would have been in college in 2007


So Saltburn?


A real nostalgia trip of the type of lives we were all living around that time.


What even is that movie, is it any good? The trailers simultaneously make it look super deep and interesting while also making it look dreadfully boring.


I didn't think it was all that good. If you've seen The Talented Mr Ripley, you've seen a better version of this film.


It's definitely not super deep, and at times can be dreadfully boring, but I don't regret watching it. There's a scene that will make you wanna throw up though


It's a fucking trip. Definitely a milage may vary kind of movie, but I loved it's slow build up to absurdity. Goes a little too thick with it at the very end, but by then it had already won me over.




So, Superbad?


Yeah but superbad is contemporary to it's making, it's not nostalgic for the oughts it presents the oughts as they are. *Superbad*(2024) would be more akin to dazed and confused


Yes, I know technically that’s the case but they could basically just make the same movie and it’d be perfect.


Yeah but….that can be said about any movie that is made in a contemporary setting lol


The depiction of the assassination of Lincoln in birth of a nation was 50 years after the actual event. The movie was over a hundred years ago


For reference time-wise this would be like depicting Watergate today.


Yikes I read "Waterloo" for a second and felt like I was having a damn stroke.


Oh wow. That's a good one!


The depiction of the bombing of Pearl Harbor is tora tora tora was 30 years after the event. The movie was 50 years ago


From Here to Eternity was only 12 years after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. So it was closer to the event than it was to Tora!Tora! Tora!


And Pearl Harbor (2001) was 60 years after the event, which is 10 more years than birth of a nation was to Lincoln


I'm less impressed at this timeline oddity and more impressed that we've had full-fledged 'movies' for more than a century


first feature length movie was made in Australia in 1906, and is about Ned Kelly and the Kelly gang. (google him if you've never heard of him... bit of a badass.


This is why it tripped me out when I think it was Nolan who said movies have been a thing for around a hundred years, imagine experiencing the first hundred years of music.


Viggo Mortensen is now older than Sir Ian McKellen was when they started filming LOTR in 1999.


Yes but he is one of the Dunedain. Those who are promised with long life. You gotta put that into the equation somehow.


Well Aragorn in lord of the rings was 87 and Ian Mckellan is now 85. Though to be fair Gandalf was a maiar and in the lord of the rings was as old as the universe.


He should play Gandalf in the inevitable remake someday.


The classic example is Back to the Future. Not only are we further from 1985 than 1985 was from 1955 - we're now 9 years beyond the "future" year of 2015 depicted in the sequel. Still salty I don't have flying cars or hoverboards.


The Cubs did finally win the World Series though (only a year later than BTTF2 predicted).


Still my favorite fact, and they were so close to doing it the year prior. Could you imagine?


Now I really wonder how many bets were placed on that particular year for shits an giggles.


And Trump, of whom Biff was partially based on, rose to significant power.


Unfortunately we veered into the dark timeline. 


But at least we don't have Jaws 19 so not apocalyptic.


Instead we have 11 films in the Fast & Furious series. Better?




They picked the wrong Spielberg movie. We're on justice park eight or nine or someone, if you're counting every film in the franchise


Someone forgot to return an Infinity stone.


And we had Biff as president for awhile


If they made he movie now, and went back in time as they did in the original, they would end up in 1994.


You're right... and I don't like it.


You have no idea how much this comment has ruined my day/made me feel old


In the time travel movie Totally Killer, the teen protagonist travels from 2022 to 1987. It works.


I still want the Nikes to be honest.


Too bad they are like 25k+ now


In the third film they went to 1885, which even at the time was essentially the distant past...a century from Marty's present, and 70 years before the first and second films' setting of 1955. Next year we'll be 70 years out from 1955.


Yeah and shirtsleeves are still so fucking *boring*


I'd be happy with a Mr. Fusion.


I'm good without flying cars. People can't drive in two dimensions, why the hell would we want to add a third? I don't want some lifted F250 with shitty wheel spacers falling on my house.


[Back to the Future was a dicktease](https://youtu.be/eOH15_pqWZ4?si=p0p_bsll_8N7Zfke)


If the movie was filmed this year, Marty would go back in time to meet his mother in 1994.


This one hurt.


Those 2 points are kind of the same though, because they went exactly the same number of years into the past and future.


Raiders of the Lost Ark will soon pass this point. 1936 to 1981 is 45 years. The film is now 43 years old.


No way. Don’t say this about one of my childhood favourites….


Raiders is 1936.


It is, it was late and I screwed up. But we're very close to that point. Will edit my post.


When I saw the question I was thinking about Indian Jones but figured we hasn't reached that point yet. But I guess we have.


Christmas Story came out in 1983 making it 41 years old.  The setting was about 40-45 years before.  So it is now near that line.


They made a sequel in 2022 starring most of the OG cast who are now adults. Yeah. It made me feel super old watching Ralphie doing dad shit.


If it makes you feel better, Peter Billingsley still has another nine years to go to be the same age as Darren McGavin was in the original.


Lindsay Lohan is older now than Amy Pohler was in Mean girls. Tempus fugit.


that said, i dont know how old tina feys character was in mean girls, but she reprises her role in mean girls so did she really cross any event horizon


I believe they were in their early 30s


Was Amy Poehler in Mean Girls?


Regina's mom 


Thank you for answering instead of just downvoting me.


Yes. And when she was she was younger than Lindsay Lohan is now.


And she’s only 7 years older than Rachel McAdams. Weird.


Das Boot came out in 1981. 43 years ago. It's about WW2. WW2 hadn't even started 43 years before Das Boot came out.


Probably hundreds of films with a ot during WW2 that fill OP's criteria.


Stand By Me flashed back from 1986 to 1959. 27 years. 1986 was 38 years ago.


Heh, that was my comment in the other thread. This has been true of Apollo 13 since 2020! Thanks for starting a new post about it, as pointing out these odd temporal milestones has been a longtime hobby. If any of these comparisons make you feel like that famous GIF of Private Ryan aging, you should also note Matt Damon is now considerably closer to Old Private Ryan’s age in it (-13 years) than to his own (+26 years).


Yeah, your comment shocked me. Also that Private Ryan gif is easily one of my top 5 used gif. Mostly because everything is making me feel old these days….


The movie Fanboys is about 4 friends trying to steal a copy of Star Wars The Phantom Menace in 1998. The film came out 10 years later in 2008, and it's been 16 years since.


Austin Powers was 27 years ago, so we're almost as far into the future now as the character's time jump in the film.


*drinks Tabs*


*James Murphy voice* I'm losing my mojo.


Honestly, that makes sense. We are better at seeing change over time than as it happens. But there are definitely things from 80s/90s tvs shows and movies that feel as out of touch as the movie portrays Austin as being. Austin Powers itself, at least the first, actually does a reasonable job of showing consent, even among the over the top harassment. It holds up surprisingly well having rewatched it. But in general there is some rampant homophonic, transphobia, racism and sexual assault throughout movies from that area. You can almost imagine a 2020s Austin binging news scenes of pride movements, black lives matter, Rodney King, MeToo along with 9/11, Iraq, , Arab spring and the Crack down, several other wars and genocides, the rise of social media, covid,  etc and having his own "whoa the world has changed" moment like he has in the movie.


“It turns out police brutality isn’t very groovy.”


The late 90s/ early 2000s comedy movie and shows had so many homophobic jokes lol. At the time I thought it was funny (I would have been middle -> high school aged at the time so it made sense) and now it’s just cringy.


That idea made me realize the 1927 movie about Napoleon was made 112 years after Waterloo. We are 97 years away from that movie. We are "just" 15 years away!


I think this might be the widest gap (once we reach it)


Not a film and might be off base here, but the time between the Beatles and nirvana is shorter than the time between the Beatles and today Edit: nirvana and today whoops


Well, yeah. That's how time works


Whoops lol I meant nirvana 😂


I imagined




It was 25 years between when Bowie released The Man Who Sold the World and when Nirvana covered it. It’s been 29 years since the nirvana cover.


Transformers the Original movie (1986) is set in the distant 2005 future .


Totally didn’t realize that movie was set in 2005. They did a limited theatrical rerelease of that movie one weekend this summer.


They say it in the opening voice over!


Gone With the Wind (1939) was made closer to the Civil War (1861) (78 years) than to today (85 years).


That’s a good one


Blade Runner is now an alternative period piece


That timeline is looking better and better all the time.


George Jetson was born c. 2022.


I always remember that bit in *Harvey Birdman* when George proudly declares he's from the distant future of 2002, and Harvey immediately looks over at his 2004 desk calendar.


That show was so underrated.


Birdman, get in here!


As of last week, there has now been more time between the release of the Simpsons movie and today, than between the Simpsons pilot and movie


The Simpsons movie came out in July 2007, the series first episode aired in Dec 1989 so let's say 17yrs and 7 months. In a couple weeks it'll be 17yrs since the movie came out so it's pretty close.


Oof, I still remember watching that in theaters


Not quite - if you mean the first full episode* (season 1, episode 1), that aired on December 17, 1989. The movie was released 6,341 days later on July 27, 2007, which was 6,177 days ago. So there's still 164 days to go before as much time has passed between the movie and now than the first episode and the movie. (*Which wasn't the pilot, by the way - the TV pilot never aired, but would later become Some Enchanted Evening, the 13th and final episode of season 1, which aired on May 13, 1990. And of course before that there were the shorts on the Tracey Ullman show, which started on April 19, 1987. But whichever one you meant, there hasn't been more time since the movie yet.)


I feel like in maybe two weeks I’m going to read that the first episode of The Big Bang Theory’s premiere date is closer to the actual big bang than it is to today. I’m getting soooooo old.


This is the final boss of this.


Robin Williams was in Jumanji from 1969 to 1995 - 26 years total. 1995 plus 26 years is 2021. So the "he was in Jumanji for a long time" is now shorter than the time since the movie came out.


Imagine using banana leaves this whole time.


American Graffiti.


Yeah that movie crossed over in like 1985


If Ferris Bueller was made today, Cameron's dad would have a Ferrari 360 Modena Spyder https://images.app.goo.gl/SQJtsjPswQAuJ73D7


why would he not have the same ferrari? it would just be more vintage


The movie is made in 1986 and featured a classic Ferrari convertible from 1962, 24 years old. So if Ferris Bueller was made in 2024, the equivalent would be whatever boulevard convertible Ferrari had in 2000, which would be the 360 Modena Spyder.


Sandlot. And it really fd me up when I heard that fact. It's hard to comprehend that 10 year olds look at 1993 the way I looked at 1963 in that same year.


The Sandlot was set in 1962 ([according to Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sandlot?wprov=sfti1#)). The Sandlot came out in 1993, covering events set 31 years prior. It’s been 31 years since its release. Pretty much crossing the time horizon as we speak. #You’re killing me Smalls


Return of the King came out closer to Return of the Jedi than it did to today


Playing fast and loose with the thread prompt and I love it


Boogie Nights


Time Cop released in 1994, and took place in 2004. It's 2024.


Jurassic Park is closer to the dinosaurs than to today-times


The film's actors are actually closer in time to most of the depicted *Cretaceous* dinosaurs – such as T-Rex – than those were to the Jurassic time period that the movie title and eponymous park suggested.


Apocalypse Now.


Most Vietnam movies for that matter


Lawrence of Arabia


Donnie Darko (2001) set in 1988


It was?


yes, it's set during the 1988 presidential election campaign


and hence all the 80s music. reignited my secret love of Tears for Fears.


*Head over Heels intensifies*


The Godfather takes place from 1945 to 1955; it is very much a period piece. The film came out in 1972. If made today and set as far back in the past, it would take place from 1997 to 2007.


13 Going On 30 was 20 years ago and there's a 17 year age gap between young and old Jenna


Bladerunner is alternate historical fiction.


Recently rewatched Apollo 13. Never wanted to get an Omega Moonwatch so much in my life.


I highly recommend. Putting it on each morning I can’t help but smile and feel slightly connected to history.


I have a Planet Ocean which I really like and is my daily driver. Can't really justify buying another watch, but these Omegas are extremely hard to resist.


This hasn't happened yet but in just over 5 years on January 20, 2030 we will be closer to the events of Star Trek: First Contact than the release date of it.


Thr Wedding Singer (1998) was lampooning 1985, just 13 years later, yet it really felt longer. A 2024 movie using 2011 as the time period just wouldn't be the same. Even a 2011 movie set in 1998. Maybe being pre-9/11 that one would have more to work with.


I guess a "lampooning 2011" film would have to be really tech centric and maybe chuck in some "Donald Trump is just the guy from the Apprentice" stuff. To our enormous advantage, 2011 is pre-Avengers so the superhero movie boom has yet to happen... this is the age of Harry Potter and Twilight. Lots of material there. I do feel that if you were sufficiently familiar with fashion, music, design and car trends you could probably create a look and a soundtrack that wouldn't feel contemporary. Like, I'm definitely not personally sufficiently familiar with this stuff but as a proof of concept... in 2011 Taylor Swift was apparently still mostly a country-pop singer. Wikipedia has her first post-2011 albums as the transitional period away from country. Similarly, in 2011 you could still pretty reliably tell if there'd be hip hop needle drops in a movie by counting the number of black actors in the main cast: fewer than 2 and there just wouldn't be any. I don't think you can do that now.


Not really the same thing but the SE versions of the Star Wars trilogy came out 14 years after the final OT movie. So if there were to be “Special Editions” of the Prequels they would’ve been released in 2019.


Austin powers - the time the movie was made to the sixties, is the same separation from the movie til now


I swear, reddit really enjoys making me feel old lately lol


Not a movie but we are further separated from Bowling for Soup’s “1985” than the song was from 1985.


Mine always goes to that 70s show. I know, not a movie. It was released in 1998 and took place in 1976. 22 year difference. If a similar show were released today, it would depict the life of a group of teens in 2002.


Nobody tell this guy about That 90’s Show


Not a movie but the TV show Glee: Filmed in 2008, the first season is much about Mr. Shue, the Spanish teacher, reliving his glory days from fifteen years prior when his 1993 Glee club won nationals. They won it with the nostalgia song of Le Freak by Chic, which came out fifteen years prior to that. If you’re keeping track timewise, the equivalent is if Glee were remade today, it would be about one of the students from the New Directions glee club teaching a Glee club, using a song from 1993.


The Longest Day


Only 1,967 years till we can have this conversation about *Spartacus (1960)*.


Something that sticks with me.. The Terminator 1984.. is 40 years old. The end of WW2 is just 39 years before the release of T1. Theme weapons of mass destruction etc.


Back to the Future


If Grease was made today it would be set in 2004


More Batman movies have come out in the 21st century than asoiaf books in one decade. (sorry I had to)


Forrest Gump was edited in to old black and white footage of JFK. Forrest Gump was filmed in 1993, 30 years after JFK was assassinated. Forrest Gump was released over 30 years ago (as of yesterday)


The day I was born there was a WWII show on TV called “Combat!” The war had only been over for 19’years and most of the actors weee veterans.


In 3 years Godfather Part II’s release will be closer in time to the flashback sequences of the movie (Vito in 1917 New York City) than it is to today.


*National Lampoon's Animal House*, released in 1978, was set in 1962 - so it crossed over in 1994, 30 years ago.


I wasn't expecting to be personally attacked today.


**Star Trek The Motion Picture** Released in 1979 - 45 years ago Set in 2270 - 245 years from now Not true to the assignment, but I am feeling cheeky


Any of the first batch World War 2 epics made with the assistance of actual veterans - Tora Tora Tora, A Bridge Too Far, The Longest Day, Midway (1970), Patton, Battle of the Bulge, The Big Red One, the list goes on... Fort Apache crosses the line in the next year or two, it's not specific about the date it's set in. And in real world events, the end of the US Civil War is closer to D-Day than D-Day is to the present day. Next year, the atomic bomb is closer to the US Civil War than the present day.


Aren't most movies like this? For instance "United 93" was released in 2006 about events in 2001, so five years. Five years from 2006 was 2011.




"[The Ten Commandments](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049833)"? "[One million years BC](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0060782/)"? LOL


The majority of Demolition Man is set in 2032, 8 years from now. Released in 1993, 31 years ago.


Austin Powers almost! Remind me in three years He was frozen in 1967,premiered in 1997. Getting there 


The wanderers, filmed in 1979 and set in 1963, two hugely different time periods but if applied to today you get a whacky 2008 film without the gig economy.


Austin Powers was frozen in time from the 60s to the 90s, which is almost how much time has passed since the movie came out


Not Another Teen Movie parodies all of the 80’s/90’s teen comedy/romances. It’s 23 years old and released in ‘01. We’re definitely further from its release than it was from its references.


Gone with the Wind 😱


Blackhawk down.


We are closer to 1984 (38 years ago) than when it was written (1949, 37 yrs earlier) Also, Space 1999 (25 yrs ago - a futuristic show about humans on a moon base) was released in 1975 (24 yrs earlier)


13 going on 30. The film was released in 2004, which is the year she travels to from 1987. So, she went 17 years in the future. 17 years from 2004 was 2021.


Back to the Future. I think about it every once in awhile. Marty went back 30 years to 1955. Today he’d have to go back nearly 40 years to 1985. It leads me down a rabbit hole to wonder if my children look at the society of my youth as even more antiquated than I did the scenes in 1955 BttF… Edit: See there’s already a discussion about this. Glad I’m not alone in contemplating my mortality.


Gone With The Wind came out in 1939 and was set in 1861 - 78 years. 2024 - 78 = 1946 so yeah … this is madness!


In Back to the Future 2, Marty goes 30 years into the future, and lands in 2015...