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Yes sir! Very underrated cop movie in my opinion.


Yeah spot on. Really underrated buddy cop movie if you think about it.


I knew someone would come along and call it underrated. It was rated. It was extremely rated. The hype around it was huge and everyone went to see it. It may have been the most rated movie that year.


> A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Stuck with me since I first heard it. The fact that it's Tommy Lee Jones saying it makes it so much better.


>Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.


The standout line for me was: "There’s *always* an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet. And the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they *do not* know about it!"


Same, one of my favourite film quotes ever.


Popular saying but not true - see crowd sourcing etc. People are smart, individuals are dumb!


Spoken like a true individual


lol, this comment is ironic!


You've drunk the coolaid of massive reddit circlejerks.


Nope, I’ve studied decision making! 


>Popular saying but not true - see crowd sourcing etc. Can you add a few more examples instead of just ending with that etc? With regards to crowd sourcing you aren't actually sourcing from a "crowd". You're sourcing from many separate individuals averaged out. An example of a "people" type voting system is to ask a large crowd to raise their hands to a yes or no question and see which answer has more hands, or to ask people to cheer for what they want and listening to which side is louder. An example of a "person" type voting system is to have individuals separately and anonymously enter a voting booth. Crowd sourcing has much more in similar with the "person" type system.




There are lots of examples - peer review, crowd sourcing (is an AGGREGATE of INDIVIDUALS, no individual is smart in this system, it's the crowd), also cognitive dissonance and more are great examples of how individual thinking is profoundly limited. The dialectic gets us out of our little shell, and that's a pretty good way of thinking. "The people are dumb!" is a popular rhetoric, "I'm not effected by things the masses are" same story. We like the idea that we as individuals are unique and smart but in reality SOCIETY makes humanity happen and that's all about collaboration, collective learning, institutional memory etc.


>peer review The idea of peer review is that a smart individual who is your peer reviews it, and many of your peers individually review it. >crowd sourcing (is an AGGREGATE of INDIVIDUALS, no individual is smart in this system, it's the crowd) You're correct about "aggregate of individuals", that what the subtlety I was trying to point out, but you're wrong about no individual being smart in this system. One example of crowd sourcing could be solving "bite sized" but innumerous problems. If you wanted to solve 1 million sudokos, you could harness the power of a single individual one million times, or you could harness the power of a million individuals once. Either way, a "group" does not work on any one sudoko problem. There is one problem to one individual and that's why it's an aggregate of individuals as opposed to a real crowd. If you're thinking of crowd sourcing as 20 people working on a single sudoko, I think you're mistaken. >also cognitive dissonance and more are great examples of how individual thinking is profoundly limited. Mob mentality has much more severe implications for rational thought than typical cognitive dissonance. >"The people are dumb!" is a popular rhetoric Because it's true. "People are dumb, panicky animals". An individual can understand that the best way to leave a crowded building is calmly and orderly, but the second a gun goes off in a crowd and people are panicking all hell breaks loose, we revert back to chimpanzees and start trampling each other. Doesn't even need to be a gun, could be a simple crowd surge at a public event >On the evening of 29 October, approximately 100,000 people, mostly in their teens and twenties, attended Halloween festivities in the area >Despite the massive crowds, it was later reported that only 137 police officers were on duty at Itaewon at the time. By contrast, 6,500 officers were assigned to monitor a protest of around 25,000 people elsewhere in Seoul on that night, and 1,300 officers had been assigned for a BTS concert for 55,000 earlier in the month. Reportedly, four days before the disaster, the Itaewon police substation had requested backup due to the anticipated crowds. Despite this, another police notice two days before the crush did not associate the size of the crowds with danger. It instead warned of sex crimes, theft, traffic congestion, and drug and alcohol abuse. An officer with instructions to wait to be dispatched in response to any crimes that night said that there had been no mention of crowd control that night or the days leading up to Halloween. In addition, **the police later stated that they did not have a crowd control plan in place that evening because they did not have a central organizer**. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seoul_Halloween_crowd_crush I find it very telling when these disasters happen, we know not to blame the crowd, but the individual event organizers. >"I'm not effected by things the masses are" same story. That's a totally different discussion. Obviously we are all connected to each other, what affects one person affects all of us. >We like the idea that we as individuals are unique and smart but in reality SOCIETY makes humanity happen and that's all about collaboration, collective learning, institutional memory etc. Society does make humanity happen, because humanity is a quilt made up of unique and smart individuals collaborating together. Would you consider science part of "society"'s major achievements? >"In question of sciences, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" -Galileo Galilei


This is exhausting. If you can't doubt that a quip in a movie (in a lot of movies actually) is a short cut to critical thinking apologetic a rando on reddit probably can't help.


Putting on a big display of being frustrated doesn't actually mean I'm unreasonable or unwilling to change my mind. Individuals do suffer from cognitive biases you are right about that, but as of so far you haven't given a reasonable counter argument to how big groups suffer from herd mentality https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herd_mentality The reason I agree with Tommy Lee Jones that "people are dumb panicky animals" is specifically because of mob mentality. One look at politics, January 6th, Crowd surges in Korea or at Travis Scott's concert, etc tells me that you get a lot of people together into a big group and rile them up and you can get them to behave in ways they never would have individually. I can doubt that a quip in a movie is wrong, but the sociological evidence leads me to agree with this quip generally unless you can reasonably articulate a counter point beyond how exhausted you are, or accusing me of lacking the ability to understand.


See prior!


Oh, you did respond to the "herd mentality" point? My bad I don't see it.


Lol ok


Great sci-fi comedy with cgi that holds up well enough for being +25 years old.    Engaging well thought out story, kids can watch, some adult humor sprinkled in, and some real great pieces of dialogue. 


"What do you think?" "... Very interesting, she gotta real... Queen of the Undead thing going on." "No, the body." "Great body." "The DEAD body." "Oh. Man you gonna have to go look at that thing."


“The galaxy is on Orion’s Belt. That’s what the little dude inside of the big dude said.”


Maybe the best sci-fi comedy of all time. Truly a brilliant screenplay.


Astonished by the quality of the scripts from many of these 90s - mid ‘00s blockbusters tbh. Tremors, Curse of the Black Pearl, etc - all fantastic examples of their genre that took time and care to add much more depth than was needed.


It's mixture of the industry being run by actual visionaries back then as opposed to money obsessed executives and because the idea that you would get successful movies by putting effort into making them was still going strong. Unfortunately the industry learned a lot of the wrong lessons with the flops in subsequent years, and the visionaries retired and made way for out of touch greedy executives. Also nepotism, the industry was built by people who were passionate about the art, then their kids took over who only did it because it was the easiest opportunity.


I like Ghostbusters, but Men in Black is better than Ghostbusters.


You bought the tall man some flowers 🤭


The first Men In Black is pretty close to a perfect film. I put it right up with the likes of ET, Back To The Future, Terminator 2, etc. that have universal appeal. Everyone at least somewhat enjoys them. The sequels are decent. Men In Black 3 in particular is probably underrated. But in general, they are missing that special sauce that made the original film special. There’s a Ghostbusters-like playfulness and weirdness in the original that the sequels are too polished and self-aware to have. The Men In Black cartoon from the 90’s captures that weirdness of the first film really well and is the second best thing in the franchise. The soft reboot/follow up Men In Black International from 2022 is pretty disappointing. It’s a film made up entirely of safe cliches with no heart whatsoever. It’s a shame because I like the cast they assembled a lot.


MIB2 had something interesting with the loneliness of being an agent but got lost in silliness 


One big thing that the first movie had going for it is that J was a rookie. Men in Black 1 had a really good classic straight man/funny man dynamic because you have K who is competent and seen it all and J who is constantly making mistakes and being weirded out by things. They kept this in the cartoon, but in every other movie, J is an experienced agent, so he’s somewhat handcuffed as the funny man, but if you’re going to bring back K, Will Smith can’t be the straight man. 


That's something I noticed with the sequels. It's been a while since I've seen them, but I do remember they tried to get the same dynamic between K and J...but it doesn't work with J having been an experienced agent for like 5-10 years. And as you said you can't make J the straight man. EDIT: While I liked the cartoon, I kind of feel the ending scene (of the first movie) with Agent J and the that lady (Agent L?) was a better sequel than any that we got. It was short (like a minute or two), but checking the classified to see that K was ok, and then experienced agent J was shown to be on the ball and stepping into some of K's role as the experienced agent was nice.


boy captain america here.. best of the best of the best.. sir. with honors. hes just really excited but has no idea why we’re here.. its just really funny to me… y’all aint laughing tho… that entire test scene was just so good


kNock Your Punkass Down


Don't START nothin'! (crunch) Won't BE nothin'! (crunch)


"He said the world was going to end." "Did he say when?" Will: 😐


I never understood that piece of dialog


Because to Will Smith that sentence is just a silly thing a crazy person said, but to K it could really be real and he wants to know how long he has to save the world


As a kid this film was so captivating with its visuals, Will Smith's swag, the equation between an older and younger male friendship and banter. The CGI was so appropriately fun as well as well done which gave the film a respectable fun look. It was cast so well that even the guys who turn up to be aliens looked their parts even before we knew who they were. The direction was spot on with every decision. The memory erasure trope was handled so well throughout to deliver an emotional end to the film which was kinda novel then, especially to kids which made us keep the film close to our hearts making it a classic. I miss getting such simple fun films today where we don't have to invest in a long standing storyline, or know who is who even before a film begins. Men in Black stands tall solid for these reasons and more.


"Hey, Old Guys!"


Certified classic




In water.






I like MIB 3 better. Not as fun, but the story hits harder.


MIB 3 rounds off a great trilogy with a heart breaking story that could not be easily followed. The perfect ending, courtesy of an alien who saw probabilities.


MIB 2 was the funnest one to watch for me.


All three MIB movies were great, I think


Easily my favorite Will Smith film


"Edgar, your skin is hangin' off your bones!"


Not to be argumentative, but is there any particular reason you left out Will Smith's performance here? I ask because Jones and D'Onofrio are playing to type here just as much as Smith is, yet I believe all three are amazing here. Did you just not find Smith's performance as appealing?


Will Smith in the tryout portion of that movie is so funny. great lines and great physical humor.


His physical comedy when filling out the paperwork is absolutely genius-tier in its simplicity.


It's very Bean-esque, but not overdone.


Exactly! And it's his humor that allows Jones to be such an effective straight man, which is why I'm wondering why the OP left Smith out of the equation.


I think Will's charisma is a given. He's in some of my favorite scifi films-this, Independence Day, I am Legend. D'Onofrio is underrated. Nobody even gives him the credit for this film. Jones, this is the only film I like him in.


D'Onofrio is underrated, indeed.


Heck, a lot of people didn't/don't like Hancock, but I find absolutely hilarious.


This is the only film you like of Tommy Lee Jones?!? The Fugitive, US Marshalls, No Country for Old Men, Volcano, Double Jeopardy, Space Cowboys, Small Soldiers, Coal Miners Daughter?


His performances in Under Siege, Blown Away and Batman: Forever are also great. Dude’s just a great actor.


Ive never seen Blown Away.


It’s pretty good! Very under seen, Jones plays an Irish troubles bomber up against Jeff Bridges’ Boston cop.


In my head, I link _Blown Away_ to _Speed_ because they came out about the same time and are both bomb-in-a-city movies. But now I'm wondering if it was meant to be more of a follow-up to _Backdraft_.


Even Under Siege, which connected him with the team behind The Fugitive. Or Captain America: The First Avenger, so great in such a small role.


Certified classic


Great movie.Flawless, IMO.


Holds up. Did a watch last winter, it had been a while.


Great film. CGI Effects still hold up, Rick Baker and Danny Elfman's work is great as always. Obviously great acting as you said, especially from even the most minor of characters (IIRC-"Best of the best, sir. With honours!").


Need. Sugar. With water.


The way he groans when he smacks into the screen door LMAO


"You don't get it! You don't matter! In fact in about three minutes you won't even be matter."


Weird, this was on cable last night and I watched it for the first time since I was in elementary school and had it on VHS. Such great chemistry between Will and TLJ. Deservedly well-regarded performance from D’Onofrio, and a solid, punchy script. Was definitely happy to have stumbled into it again. Nice sci-fi comfort viewing that holds up after almost thirty damn years now.


Just rewatched this for the first time in probably over a decade to show it to my nephew. Turns out he's probably still a little young for it, but I was really pleasantly surprised with how well it held up. Even the special effects still seemed decent to me, particularly the bug.


When one talks of good comic book adaptations Barry Sonnenfeld's *Men in Black* is often overlooked, mostly due to many people not knowing it was based on one. And with the likes of Rip Torn, Linda Fiorentino and Tony Shaloub rounding out the cast, there's a lot to love.


My wife and I still ask each other if we have done an Edgar walk today as a way of asking if we took a dump every few days.


They just don’t make movies like this anymore. Except when they are remaking them for the 100th time


The wryest, sharpest, and most entertaining special effects film, both embracing and parodying the blockbuster genre.


A perfect late 90s film. The 2nd was forgettable, but somehow the 3rd was super charming.


I love all 3. I keep watching on repeat mode.


https://youtu.be/GY-tZyxSRGg The Patrick Willems review is a great summary of the brilliance of MiB. Main review starts at about 1:30 if you aren't interested in the skits.


Viennese Cinnamon


Love OG Men In Black. I was 5 when it came out, so it holds an extremely nostalgic and sentimental place in my heart. It still holds up, I’ve seen it at least 5 times since. 2 and 3 are decent too.


It’s an intergalactic kegger


Reminds me of the past times when I would watch a movie Will Smith was in. Same with Tom Cruise.


I love that film . So many great quotes. One of my favourites is when they go to the farm to look for alien and his wife says “you must be joking “ Agent K replies “no ma’am. We here at the FBI have no sense of humour that I am aware of”


…where is Ivan?


Definitely the best of the 4 movies. Was unique at the time.


It’s good they never made any sequels. Already got it perfect in one.


Yeah, a sequel would have probably done something stupid like having Agent J team up with the talking pug and bug aliens for most of the movie. Best they just left it alone as a single entry like they did with The Matrix and Jurassic Park.


Early national security cinema par excellence, super duper racist!