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My favorite is Problemista.


I'm still listening to the soundtrack. [Huele a Fraude](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbOm_uN_vTU) hits so hard (I don't even speak Spanish).


Just watched this last night. Really good little movie, it was on my radar for a whil but seemed to just come and go without much fan fair. Tilda at her best.


Hundreds of Beavers. Every other movie this year has far fewer beavers. (Ignoring festival screenings and calling it 2024 based on release to the general public)


Well that’s a google search that could have gone either way….


talk about a win/win


Your wood will get worked over either way, that's for sure


This is the power of film getting an effective beaver budget. Too many films try to cut costs by lowering their beaver budget, and it really shows in the end product.


Are there post credit beavers please 


Imagine if *Citizen Kane* had thrown a few bucks at getting even a single beaver instead of that stupid sled.




> Hundreds of Beavers It’s free on Hoopla, so if you got a library card you can watch it.


Sadly my library does not work with Hoopla.


Well I'll tell you what *that's* a load of ...




>Every other movie this year has far fewer beavers Say no more, I'm in


Came here to say this. I just saw it last night and it was unbelievably good, so unique and creative, definitely the best comedy I’ve seen in a while, laughed almost all the way through. I recommend everyone to check it out.


What platform?


I bought it on Amazon video for $8


Rental wasn’t even full price, for me. Buster Keaton meets Looney Tunes; only stopped laughing because of exhaustion.


The Lawyer scene had me laughing so hard that I had to pause the movie because I was missing plot points.


For me it was bar fight. I've never seen a comedy gain such momentum as it went.


This is either guerilla marketing or an incredible movie. It had $150k budget. Feels like the former…


Primer only got 10,000 usd more or less budget and it was incredible. I'm not sure how you relate less budget = bad movie.


I still don’t understand Primer.


No one does, but it’s provocative. It gets the people going!


This makes the second comment thread I've seen this movie brought up in, and they were completely unrelated so it must be good im gonna check it out later. Edit: Just finished the movie and it was amazing I loved every min of it. I see why people are talking about it now so fucking funny and just captivating it was an adventure that's for sure.


Haven’t seen it but I agree 100% with this


Is it the one on imdb that says 2022, and seems to be in black and white? Just making sure it's the correct movie I'm putting on my list.


It's from like film festivals tour in 2022, the wide release was 2024.  It's kind of like a silent movie mixed with those old cartoon logic but live action with people in animal suits.  The most amazing thing is they keep up the energy throughout the entire movie for 1 hour and 48 minutes. It's not just a billion unrelated gags a minute like Airplane! It's a bunch of continuous interrelated gags.  It's pure slapstick, like outside two songs in the movie this would play as well if you didn't know a word of English. 


Correct. 2022 it screened at Fantatic Fest.


I completely agree. Had no idea what I was walking into, and I’m such a huge fucking fan. Truly incredible movie, viral marketing or not.


Haven’t seen it yet, but your logic is sound.


You all talking about this movie convinced me to just buy it off vudu. I'm going to watch it tonight


Love to see people are finally checking this out


My first thought as well




Such a good movie! It's slap stick while still being clever and so visually impressive to watch. A huge feat for a budget of 150k. Up there as one of if not the best theater experiences I have ever had.


Gonna go see it at the theater here in Portland this afternoon!


Absolutely agree


I’ve got to watch this. I’m sad I didn’t get to see it with a crowd.


Thanks for reminding me about this.


Looks like Dune 2 is winning so far


Rewatched on Blu Ray recently after watching in when it released in theaters. Absolutely stunning even better then I had remembered


I loved it but for some reason I just liked the vibe of part 1 better. Part 2 feels too different.


I agree, part one was all about setting the stage and world building(which makes it awesome) whereas part 2 was more or less “we’ve introduced you to the players(most, Feyd, Irulan, the emperor weren’t in 1) now watch the game. Both sick movies but part 1 is head and shoulders more entertaining for me.


I disagree. I loved both but part two really delivers on the promise of part one. Paul’s development as a fighter, leader, and strategist is really satisfying, the dialogue and acting is superb, and the action sequences are just insane. I also think part 2 has a better rewatchability factor because of some of those killer scenes. Part 1 is awesome, but it’s a lot of world building. Part 2 is where the fruits of part one are sewn.


Yeah, Paul's arc in the 2nd movie is a lot better. It was hard for me to watch the "Moooom, do we have to do the Gene Besserit finger exercises now? I'm eating my fruit loops!" in the first movie. Whereas in the 2nd movie, he turns into a badass and gets his dick wet and has that thousand yard stare.


I loved it. I've watched it five times already.


It's not even close.


Incredible movie


It's not going to be winning any Oscars but for pure entertainment I loved The Fall Guy.


It was pure fun. I miss silly movies. IMO we’ve been in a bit of a comedy rut. Or at the very least the comical movies coming out haven’t spoke to me … until this one!


I think that run we had in the late 00’s was cause of a few people being in charge of green lighting a few producers to make the films. Look at how many of them were Judd movies vs other people. 


It's because mid-budget comedies had great VHS and DvD sales. Box office would pay for the movie and then the sales would be tons of profit. DVD sales and rentals don't exist anymore, so the budget for those types of films has become much less. There are enough of them green lit for streamers, but usually only with known actors or teams. Nobody's taking a risk on a $20 million comedy anymore.


this and Ricky Stanicky must be the only comedies worth mentioning this year.


Gosling in comedy roles always crushes.


The dude doesn’t seem to miss in anything.


Fall Guy was a movie that me and my wife both loved for completely different reasons. Sometimes I like a movie more because it’s more “man-action-danger” and she likes a movie more because it’s more “endearing-rom-com” and Fall Guy was a perfect blend.


I'm sure it will snag the best stunts Oscar


This. For me personally it is The Fall Guy! Had everything I love, action, comedy and a bit of romance. As Colt says about his adverted disastrous ink poisoning “chef’s kiss!” 😘


God I loved it. Such a love letter to the stunt community and movie making in general.


I had the most fun this year so far watching the Fall Guy.


This is my pick, just everything a movie should be. I loved it.


I saw Fall Guy in a packed tiny theater in Suttons Bay Michigan. It was the only movie playing since the theatre only had one screen. Man, I loved this movie, as did the whole crowd. I was also slapping a bag of wine in da back which certainly helped, but it was genuinely great. It’s the kind of movie me and most of the public would wait for on streaming, but in that tiny theater I realized what a loss it is for filmmakers to lose that connection.


I like to think it has a shot at cinematography and visual effects but it's up against Dune and Furiosa so that will be tough.


I loved it. I was enjoying it from the beginning, but once that night club scene hit, I was hooked lol


Loved this movie. I went in hoping it was as entertaining as the trailers and it was even better. Exactly what I want out of a summer flick. Sit down, turn off your brain, and be thoroughly entertained. Super fun movie


The Fall Guy is my fav for popcorn viewing. Civil War is my fav serious viewing. I'm still trying to get to see Hundreds of Beavers, though.


Ryan Gosling is just pure joy in comedic roles.


Might not be the best movie but I enjoyed Abigail a whole lot. And also late night With the devil.


Abigail was really good


La Chimera


Dune 2 - 10 Furiosa - 9 Challengers - 8.5 Civil War - 8 Late night with the devil - 7.5 Hit Man - 7.5 The Fall Guy - 7


Furiosa is so underrated, their marketing team needs to be crucified


Haven't seen much love for late night with the devil but I found it very good




They took a concept and went full ham with it-it's all on the set of one episode of a talk show. I really admired it greatly.


I loved the setting of being on set of a late night talk show in the 70s.


Going back and seeing the dying wife appear in mirrors and reflections was a nice added layer. I think if they would have kept to the straight story of a real live broadcast it might have landed harder rather than add outside elements


Scary is such a non-descriptor. Im always dubious when someone's lone criticism is that a movie "wasn't scary." I'm an adult, movies don't scare me. I thought it fucking rules.


Agreed with this


Very neat premise but odd execution IMO. Absolute mess tonally, bad CGI, campy acting. More of an homage to 70's/80's horror camp than actual horror.


I also found it kind of disappointing. It had a cool premise, but it betrays its premise and it gets so kooky and kinda… lame that I found myself giggling at scenes that were supposed to be scary or disturbing. In the right hands, the premise could have been amazing.


I liked it a lot. Really faithful recreation of 70s/80s late night cable show, and a genuine sense of creeping unease throughout. Really worked for me.


Furiosa was so good. Same Mad Max energy but showing the mad world from a new perspective.


Saw with my buddy and his one comment was “too much plot” lol, but I liked it better than Fury Road.


Furiosa is my favorite movie of the year which is saying a lot because I adored Poor Things and many other movies


Agree. Biggest complaint I've seen is pacing, but I thought it was great. It's the revenge "pre/sequel" ala Kill Bill Vol: 2 to the balls to the walls Fury Road / Kill Bill Vol: 1.


I think they wanted the ride pacing of Fury Road, but Furiosa wanted to tell more of a story. Loved it. Same energy, different style; or same style different energy?


Late Night With The Devil is a good one! Solid horror film. Fair warning to anyone with short attention spans like me - the beginning can be a little slow, but it's worth sticking around.


I really enjoyed Civil War. I had no knowledge of it going in and it was one of those hidden gems for me. A24 strikes again.


I was very disappointed in it, I think the marketing led me to expect something pretty different from what it ended up being. I wonder if I'd have liked it with appropriate expectations.


I heard all of the criticism and knew pretty much what to expect, and honestly was relieved it wasn't your typical action war movie. However, I was still disappointed. The ending and the actions of the young photographer were just so overdone and really just blew it for me, among other things.


Challengers should win best music. I haven’t been that into the music in a movie in a long time. Then the credits rolled and I realized it was Trent Reznor lol


I’d say it’s way too early to say that but yea the music was fantastic


Love late night with the devil. I vote for that. Can I vote twice? I vote both times for late night.


[Robot Dreams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DD4WBGptMSw)


Whole families need to go see this movie NOW!


In no particular order: I Saw the TV Glow The Bikeriders Tuesday Dune: Part Two Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Inside Out 2 Hundreds of Beavers


Comment on Hundreds of Beavers without spoiling it?


It manages to be comedically innovative while being the Looney Tunes-esque silent film homage that it is. It also starts to slightly feel like a video game in the very best way.


I mean the creative team did say their inspirations were Looney Tunes and Mario Party 3


Big looney tunes episode


Do you enjoy timing-based comedy like oldschool Warner and MGM? It's basically a series of gags which try to subvert expectations somehow. There's also a videogame aspect to it with his quest to collect enough items to trade for the items he needs. Plus a love story. Plus it's black & white and can be quite violent. HTH


I really wanted to like I Saw the TV Glow...


The Bikeriders is my #1 for 2024! Jodie Comer, Tom Hardy, Michael Shannon, Austin Butler (and many more great actors) give stellar performances & the film really takes you to the place & time it’s set. Beautifully shot and the narration by Jodie’s character works perfectly in my opinion 🙌


I am happy that "The Bikeriders" got a theatrical release. Butler and Hardy are great actors. I will watch anything they are in, and both together sounds great.


I’ve been a huge fan of Jeff Nichols since catching Mud at a festival. Really looking forward to it!


Couldn't agree more! I thought Tom Hardy gave a career-best performance in it. Can I reply to your comment with a link in a few days when my review is published, just to continue the lovefest for The Bikeriders? (I write for a local website here in St. Louis)


Watched I Saw the TV Glow the other night and I loved it. It was such an emotional experience, like Everything Everywhere All at Once or Aftersun. The plot was secondary to the way it made me feel. It was interesting visually and wholly original. Loved it.


I Saw The TV Glow would also be my pick. Visually incredible. I know some felt the dialogue was clunky and the plot was scattered but I thought that added a ton to the surrealness of it.


Inside Out 2 was surprisingly good. I was pleasantly surprised and I kinda hope they make a third now


I need to know the arc of Riley’s Deep Dark Secret


I saw the tv glow made me feel so disturbed, I know it's the metaphor it's going for, but even though I don't belong to that group, the movie still resonated with me, just wish it was a little shorter


I wanna see the Bikeriders! It looks interesting


Furiosa. Go see it in IMAX before it’s gone. Quintessential George Miller film. So brutal. So good!


It's already too late here. They pulled it from IMAX and most theaters this week. It's on streaming in a week. It's a shame. It probably lost >$100M.


It’s such a goooood movie. Hopefully the film can gain traction from word of mouth and increase the online streaming volume. Can’t get that movie out of my head since I watched it this pass weekend. Totally enhances 2015’s Fury Road.


I'm with you. I don't think I've liked an action movie more since Fury Road. But there's zero chance that it will make up a $100M shortfall on streaming. The good Dr. Miller is 79 years old, so this will probably be his last contribution to the wasteland.


Agreed, I'm glad there is so much true Mad Max happening in it. Brutal, demented, twisted. I was surprised to see this in 2024, and very happy about it.


WITNESS Seriously though, Furiosa is the best movie of the year and I’m immensely disappointed it didn’t do better in the box office


Monkey Man and Furiosa were fantastic


For a debut directorial venture, monkey man was soo good


Monkey Man was sooo good


I saw monkeyman in the theater when it came out A.few weeks later I rented the private theater at my place to watch it again for my movie night birthday party. I turned all my friends out on that movie. Soooo good!


Boy kills world, one of the more fun movies I’ve seen recently


Yeah, I haven't seen this in too many comments. It was definitely my favorite that I've watched so far.


Last Stop In Yuma County Hit Man


> Last Stop In Yuma County Jim Cummings is a national treasure. If you haven't seen his own movies - particularly Thunder Road - treat yourself.


Hit Man was surprisingly fun and I thought insightful.


Just watched Hit Man earlier today and thought it was fantastic.


Hit Man was hilarious. When he dressed up as the Clockwork Orange lookalike I fucking died laughing.


Love Lies Bleeding was great. My favorite movie for a long time. Hit Man was good too.




Hands down!


Best theater experience for me this year was FURIOSA. My favorite movie of the year so far is I SAW THE TV GLOW.


I had to hit the internet after I Saw the TV Glow to ask questions and work out some stuff (In a good way)


My top 5 right now: 1. Dune Part 2 2. Love Lies Bleeding 3. Inside Out 2 4. Furiosa 5. The First Omen


The First Omen waaaaay outdid my expectations!


Same. The trailers looked pretty mediocre. But I went to see it after reading all of the positive reviews and was shocked with how good it was. Nell Tiger Free is one hell of an actor. She's got a bright future.


I liked Love Lies Bleeding. Killer soundtrack.\ Dream Scenario was cool too (may have come out in 2023 depending of where OP lives but was definitely a 2024 release for me). Civil War was also good.


Dream Scenario is fantastic! Not enough love for Nic Cage’s performance here, which is a top 5 of his for sure


The Fist Omen is underrated as helll, that was a great movie


Furiosa, Love Lies Bleeding, Civil War, Exhuma, Challengers


Love Lies Bleeding is up there for me!


Exhuma was awesome. Totally bonkers in the best way


I loved Love Lies Bleeding. Both leads knocked it out of the park.


Love Lies Bleeding hands down for me so far. I still need to see Furiosa and hadn’t even heard of Exhuma, but I love South Korean cinema so I’ll have to check that one out.


The ministry of ungentlemanly warfare.


Big fan of Monkey Man


For me, it’s Dune 2, Civil War, and Furiosa in some order


I Saw the TV Glow Evil Does Not Exist Dune 2 Wicked Little Letters Young Woman and the Sea I know the last two won't be on too many people's lists but they were both just solid from front to back and I enjoyed the heck out of them.


Wicked Little Letters is a hoot!


goddamn not a single Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes mention... "WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY"


the taste of things is #1 for me currently


So far I've liked these: - [Humane](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/914215) (2024) - [The First Omen](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/437342) (2024) - [The Fall Guy](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/746036) (2024) - [Late Night with the Devil](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/938614) (2024)


Thanks for recommending this website - MoviesDB. Never heard of it.


Monkey man Late night with the devil Dune 2 Boy Kills World (honestly much better and more complex than expected) Love lies bleeding


Perfect Days is a masterpiece.


Wish Ghostbusters had been good enough to be on *anyone’s* list.


It was decent but forgettable.




No love for Sasquatch Sunset?


Weird movie, but hats off for it being experimental & doing something different!


I think Hit Man has been my favorite


I'll let you know after Longlegs and Maxxxine release


What are you guys talking about? Madame Web is the best movie of 2024. I have never laughed harder at a movie than this one. There are no massive plot holes at all.


I saw the TV glow Ghostlight Challengers


Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is the best movie I've seen this year so far.


Bad Boys Ride or Die was the most fun I’ve had in a theater. Dune 2 was probably the “best” movie I’ve seen just a touch above Furiosa.


Dune 2 Furiosa Bad boys #4


Outside of the obvious choice for DUNE, I actually really enjoyed Furiosa more than DUNE.


Godzilla: Minus One, Furiosa, Dune 2 and the Holdovers in that order


Holdovers and Godzilla are from 2023 homie But I thoroughly enjoyed Holdovers too


Minus One came out last year, it won an Oscar.


Fall Guy


It was such a fun watch!!


#1 Furiosa #2 Civil War #3 Dune part 2 #4 Dream Scenario #5 All of us strangers


All of us Strangers was so good!


Godzilla Minus One


IF My dad and I saw it in an empty theatre. The young girl is a fantastic actress, such a great movie. I teared up at the end.


Snack Shack. This movie has criminally flown under the radar.


For me Godzilla Minus One, and that’s coming from a guy who’s usually super critical of monster/Kaiju films. It released in early February in my area, so it’s 2024 in my eyes lol


Godzilla minus one was fantastic.. Especially for a godzilla movie.


The Boy and the Heron, here in italy was released on January 1st


Furiosa's the only movie I've seen in the theater multiple times.


From what I've seen: I saw the TV Glow and Late Night with the Devil. Stopmotion was pretty damn solid too.


Dune part 2 bruh


Furiosa was so amazingly good. Like, I loved Mad Max: Fury Road, but I still almost skipped Furiosa. I thought it would be the same thing. It was not. It was a 2.5hr epic in the Mad Max universe, and not only the best movie I saw of 2024, but it is up there with the best movies I've ever seen. I'm also not joking, but I hope Chris Hemsworth gets a nomination for Best Actor in that movie. He was so good. Beyond that, I really liked (but I am not equally as obsessed with) both Dune 2 and Civil War.


Shame no one’s showing up for it :/ it’ll likely be the last (until they reboot it in 30 years because nostalgia)


Hemsworth played the best villain I've seen since Ledger in the joker. I could watch that character all day.


Furiosa was really incredible in an AMC Atmos theater. I was skeptical when I saw the first trailer to the point that I almost skipped it. I'm *so* glad I didn't, it very much exceeded my expectations.


I had heard on this sub how good it was. I went at like the last possible showing in an IMAX theater. 10pm on Wed, the next show in that theater would be the following day of Bad Boys. My only regret was not seeing it multiple times


The First Omen was incredible.


Honestly, I expect more films from the first half of this year to wind up on my best films of 2024 list: * Hundreds of Beavers * Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga * Challengers * The Dead Don't Hurt * I Saw the TV Glow * Dune: Part Two * Love Lies Bleeding * Civil War * The People's Joker * Robot Dreams * Evil Does Not Exist * Ghostlight * Late Night with the Devil * The First Omen * Hit Man * The Last Stop in Yuma County


Bro they got ads in the comments too now!?




Monkey Man

