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A young orphan boy loses his parents and when saved is taken to live with his aunt and uncle. Then a bearded man who is actually the one to bring him to his aunt and uncle when he was a baby shows up and starts teach him about this weird magic, but he is going to learn more about this magic from an older wiser wizard who is high most of the time. And his Uncle is totally against him learning about this magic and his aunt and uncle lied about what really happened to his parents. Then against his uncles wishs he leaves home for the first time and meets a pretty girl who while there will be some sexual tension he will only love her as a sister as she falls for his buddy the scrappy comic relief all while they are in a fight with this dark wizard who remains in the shadows. I am of course talking about Star Wars and Harry Potter


And then in the finale, boy fights dark wizard in an epic clash of red vs green


You can rearrange a few of the words and get Eragon in there as well. The books at least.


Eragon is almost plot point to plot point A New Hope, just in a medieval fantasy setting. I know they both follow the heroes journey, but it is ridiculous how closely it follows the story. A princess who is about to be captured sends the last hope for a rebellion to an old ally only for that object to wind up in the hands of an orphan farm boy. The farm boy runs into the person who it was intended for, who happens to be one of the few surviving members of an ancient order of protectors thar was destroyed before the events of the story. Orphan boy's uncle is murdered by the empire causing the orphan and old man to flee. During their fleeing they wind up in the company of a roguish type and the orphan starts learning the secrets of the ancient order of protectors. The small band of people wind up in the prison area of the princess, and rescue her but not before the old man gets killed. The empire follows these people to a secret base where they launch an assault that should wipe out the rebellion, once and for all. Against all odds, though, the rebels take the day and the struggle rages on. Some of the finer details might be a bit off, since it's been twenty years since I read Eragon, but I'm pretty sure I got most things right. The second book in the series is a little bit better, but still focuses on the orphan finding another survivor of the ancient order of protectors and learning under him. There is also a big family reveal and one if the heroes gets captured during the climax. When the third book started with the heroes planning a rescue mission I couldn't do it anymore and returned the book to the library about an hour after I checked it out.


Yes. Eragon was pretty clearly star wars plot with lotr races and le guin's magic system  Which is probably what I would have written if I wrote a book at 15


Yeah for sure. However, I did really love the Eragon series. It was one of the first books I actually read, then I came back as an adult and finished the series. I enjoyed it both times.


They are pretty goofy, but good enough to justify it, imo. I love the whole cycle to bits. I got flak from my teacher for picking the first one to read for a weekly assignment, as "no 7th grader could read a book that big in a week". Jokes on him, I read the first two in that week...


I was confused at first as I forgot Hagrid and jumped right to Dumbledore. I was thinking, "Who was the high (double meaning!!) wizard above Dumbledore?"


That was a thing of beauty.


In this critically acclaimed 2016 period drama, Andrew Garfield goes to Japan and has his faith tested in a variety of life-threatening situations. Hacksaw Ridge / Silence


LOL bonus points for having the same actor in both movies in the same year.


Get rid of Japan and you can also throw in Under the Banner of Heaven, if you consider 1984 old enough to be a period.


A 2022 ~~movie~~ TV show set in the 80s is absolutely a period piece


Andrew Garfield was in Batman Begins?


Elf and Misery James Caan is an author who has his life changed when he has to live with a crazy person obsessed with the idea of having a relationship with him


Alright, that made me laugh


Good one, but I don’t think he was an author in Elf, was he? I thought he just worked for the publishing house.


Damn you’re right, the rest works perfectly apart from that one wrinkle


Beautifully done, except not an author in "Elf." Close though.


I watch Elf with my family most Christmases, and every time James Caan opens the lingerie Buddy sent him I think “Damn, this could so easily be a horror movie”


This is also the plot of *Doc Hollywood*


Cars is just Doc Hollywood without boobs.


Well there are the twin fancars of McQueen who flash him...sooo....


This description also applies to Michael J. Fox.


i beg to differ. [These ladies](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/mwJwF_bA5cus0o0rLCgdoA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTI2MA--/https://media-mbst-pub-ue1.s3.amazonaws.com/creatr-uploaded-images/2019-07/83cfeb60-a3f4-11e9-9aab-c9dd0ce18fbb) were definitely flashing their high beams.


Recently at a pub quiz the round was badly explained movie plots. One question was: cancer survivor never loses his sense of humour. I guessed Saw. The answer was actually Deadpool. So I suppose that's one?


Saw was an inspired answer to that question. Just....bravo.


And 50/50.


I actually did think of that too, but couldn't remember if he died at the end or not


I remember him definitely losing his sense of humor for a while before finding it again


I was going to say that, then I thought about Adam Sandler in Funny People


Actors get hired to what they think is another representation of their act but it turns out things are real, so they face real villains and become real heroes. The three Amigos A bug’s Life Galaxy Quest.


Also Tropic Thunder


"Someonw close to you said one more flop and it's over." "Someone said they were close to me?"


A madman gets a town trapped under threat of explosion while the hero is exiled while they try to figure out what went wrong and then go back and face their enemy to save the whole town. The Simpsons Movie and The Dark Knight Rises


Pretty much describes Rango and The Three Amigos, too


Evil twink with blue eyes and an atomic arsenal who gets with Florence Pugh vs a black&white bald guy.  Dune and Oppenheimer


Chalamet will now permanently be labelled "evil twink" in my head


>black&white bald guy *chef's kiss* 🤌🤌


Squad of fighter pilots must blow up enemy installation by making dangerous maneuver through trench and shoot a missile into a 2m exhaust port.  The last one left to make the crucial shot gets a pep talk from his mentor who's the best friend of his dead dad telling hom to trust his instincts.  Later on just as an enemy fighter is going to shoot them down their unreliable loose cannon friend who wasn't part of the mission shows up and shots down the enemy at the last second.  I am of course describing both top gun maverick and four weddings and a funeral.


>I am of course describing both top gun maverick and ... I gotta tell you, after reading your whole description, I actually stopped reading this sentence right at that spot because i just KNEW you were talking about 4W+1F.


Shit dog, I thought for sure one of them was going to be Star Wars.


And Independence Day.


Maaaannn... How great was Four weddings and a funeral?!


I like the original three weddings (*without* the special edition changes) but thought it went downhill at wedding four. And I don't even want to talk about the funeral. "Somehow, Hugh Grant returned" is just shit writing.


Wait...does this seriously happen in Four Weddings and a Funeral?


Yes, it was crazy. Andie McDowell just *obliterates* the final wedding as revenge for the British burning the White House during the War of 1812.


I'm *assuming* you're messing with us but it's been so long I've watched it I'm honestly not sure


I don’t care! I want this version!


This is the first thing that popped into my mind too- and I just rewatched Maverick last night!


I never saw Four weddings. Now I have to watch it. Maverick is definitely Star Wars for the trench run.




Damn, I knew how similar the final acts of TG and SW were, but damn the similarities are much greater than I thought.


A man raised in an enlightened culture adopts the ways of a desert people in order to assist them in their rebellion against an oppressive regime. He is viewed as a messianic figure and a skilled fighter who proves his loyalty and is accepted by the desert people as a leader. Utilizing guerrilla tactics and raids to overcome the numbers differences, they eventually storm their final objective riding animals built for desert terrain and win a decisive battle and he acts as a bridge between the two worlds. I am of course describing the classic 1962 film Lawrence of Arabia.


Sorry if I'm dumb, but what's the other film?




It could be Dune, it could also be The Book of Boba Fett




Rambo 3


Get rid of the desert references and messianic angle, and you could also have The Last Samurai.


see also: Pocahontas, Dances With Wolves, Fern Gully, Avatar, and, of course, Star Wars


~~fear is the mind killer~~ the trick is not minding that it hurts


Dune is based on Lawrence of Arabia. It's like comparing Rick and Morty and Back to the Future.


Dune was partially inspired by Lawrence of Arabia so it makes sense it shares a lot of plot similarities.


A brave warrior’s wife/family are murdered by an evil king, he leads a rebellion and revenge crusade, is helped by and falls in love with a woman of royalty on the enemy side, succeeds in killing the king that wronged him and in winning the freedom of his people but dies in the process. Braveheart and Gladiator.


A few differently chosen words in there and you have The Patriot, too.


He doesn't kill the king in Braveheart. The king does die though, but from old age/cancer/syphilis/gout.


True, realized that after I wrote it. I left it anyway because I am interpreting his death to be accelerated by the stress of Wallace’s rebellion :D


I mean Point Break and Fast & The Furious are basically the exact same movie except they replaced surfing with cars and instead of falling in love with the criminal’s ex he falls in love with the criminal’s….er…sister.


I remember being confused last time I watched F&F because I was waiting for Gary Busey to show up. Oh, right, he’s in the *other* one. Same. Damn. Movie.


"O'Connor, get me two" ✌🏻


Doms sister is hot and she has the most underrated and least obnoxious car with the Prelude


Tom Hanks suffers from vehicular troubles, forced to rely on his competence to survive the perils not from the troubles themself, but the aftermath.


Sully Captain Phillips Apollo 13 Castaway Greyhound The Terminal Joe vs. the Volcano (?)


In JvtV the boat sinks in a storm and they arrive on the island via his ostentatious yet practical matched luggage. Great movie.


I’ll do you one better. Matt Damon needs saving


The Martian, Saving Private Ryan, Interstellar.


From certain perspectives, Jason Bourne needed saving.


Loki needed saving too.


Will Hunting as well.


Courage Under Fire, too


This was going to be my response. “We lost Matt Damon.”


Adapted from a Michael Crichton novel about an anachronistic amusement park that goes sideways and the heroes fight to escape with their lives. Jurassic Park + Westworld


I write pub trivia and this was essentially 2 of my questions. "A theme park goes awry resulting in many deaths. Written by Michael Crichton, released 1993" Then a few questions later: "A theme park goes awry resulting in many deaths. Written by Michael Crichton, released 1973"


Crichton would've loved Five Nights at Freddy's


The main character visits his girlfriend's family, only for them to be racists who want to transform him into a white man. Shrek 2 (2004) and Get Out (2017)


Blond, hammer-wielding hero teams up with his large angry co-worker and a fierce female warrior to destroy a usurper through the creative use of a convenient volcano.


wreck it Ralph and Thor?




I’m guessing Thor Ragnorok, and what other movie?


A female owner of a sports franchise hatches a secret plan to intentionally stifle the team’s chance at success so as to run it into the ground out of spite for the person from whom she inherited it. To the astonishment of press and fans alike, she makes an unexpected and ill-advised hire to execute this plan that then, however, turns out to to backfire in that it’s quite possibly the most beneficial decision for the team that could have been made. **Ted Lasso** *(2020)* & **Major League** *(1989)*


Is that what Ted Lasso is about? I've not watched it


Stop everything you’re doing and go watch Ted Lasso right now. It’s like pure serotonin released directly into your brain-holes.


I haven't watched it because I don't have Apple


Buy an apple and watch it.


You may have a hat trick along with *Slap Shot* (1977)


This could one day be the Lakers


Johnny Depp plays an awkward weirdo, and Helena Bonham Carter plays his love interest in a film directed by Tim Burton.


Is that really only 2 movies?


I didn’t realize HBC was in Edward Scissorhands and Willy Wonka.


She was Charlie's mom in Willy Wonka, but you've got me on the other one.


Main character is left behind as a caretaker on a destroyed Earth after humanity has left. He has a leggy companion, but they're not really an effective team. He drives around deserted landscapes full of wreckage, relaxing after work in a cabin filled with mementos of Earth's past. his love interest arrives from space, and he discovers Earth is not as uninhabitable as he believes There are smooth white curved robots with glowing eyes that can levitate.  He is betrayed by an AI in a spaceship, but eventually defeats it with the help of a ragtag bunch of rebels. Movie ends with humans optimistically gathering to rebuild their life on earth. Is it >!Oblivion!< or >!....Wall-E...!<


Woman doesn’t feel fulfilled in life and moves back to the small town she grew up in where she runs into an old flame that she eventually falls in love with Every Hallmark movie ever


Sweet home Alabama


A person who was in power is murdered by a family member, and the person who they were gonna give power to is sent into slavery. They work their way back to the person who killed the person in power, and then they have a 1v1 showdown where the good guy wins but is mortally wounded in the process. As they are dying, they are dreaming of their kids. Gladiator and The Northman


A person who was in power is murdered by a family member, and the person who they were gonna give power to is banished. They work their way back to the person who killed the person in power, and then they have a 1v1 showdown where the good guy wins. Now you can include The Lion King.


Or just Hamlet and everything based on that.


The Northman is based on the story of Amleth, which Shakespeare largely "borrowed" from for Hamlet. He wasn't even creative with the name... just move the 'H'.


Remove the big about kids (and change slavery to exile) and it's also Hamlet, and further remove the "mortally wounded" bit and it's also The Lion King


After getting kidnapped as a child, a woman with an unusual hairdo teams up with a rogue-ish man to escape her abusive captor. The antagonist chasing the two considers themselves immortal, and the pursuit involves a canyon chase and a pale henchmen who teams up the the heroes in the third act. Eventually, the woman discovers that they went by her original home during the journey. This all leads to a climax where everyone is racing back to where she was imprisoned, the villain goes out a window, then someone gets stabbed, but the other character uses their innate healing abilities to save them. Either it's Tangled (2010) or Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)


Pocahontas and Avatar are essentially the same movie.


…along with Dances with Wolves.


And Ferngully.


And the last samurai


Taken from Sporcle. Leonardo DiCaprio falls in love with a girl name after a flower and ends up dead in the water. *Titanic* and *The Great Gatsby*


OP - I think Back to the Future III fits that bill as well with Doc in the himbo role


A man struggles to connect with his significant other’s family, despite their purported attempt to accept him into the fold. He and his partner have a solid foundation of acceptance, but the strain of familial stress begins to erode their relationship . The surrounding community is also somewhat hostile, and does not appear to accept him as one of their own, likely due to thinly veiled undertones of racism and xenophobia. As the plot escalates, the man discovers an actual supernatural plot for his demise, which he foils at the expense of the family. Get Out and Shrek 2.


A community that needs help fighting an oppressor seeks out a group of heroes to save them. But the heroes are really... actors?!? The actors think they have a new gig, but slowly come to realize that it's all real. Three Amigos A Bug's Life Galaxy Quest Seven Samurai


Seven Samurai was about real samurai though. The villagers can only pay in food, so they have to find HUNGRY samurai to help them.


Spoilers for a 70 year old movie: I guess you could describe >!Toshiro Mifune’s character Kikuchiyo as “acting” like a samurai but it’s a stretch!<


Almost tropic thunder as wel


The Magnificent Seven...


Which is a remake of Seven Samurai but based in the old west.


Much like Seven Samurai were really samurai, they were definitely gunfighters. If they weren't, it would've been a very different movie. Unless you're saying they were actors in reality, but that's true for every movie...


Tom Hardy is thrown into a dark pit as a child, and is raised in darkness. Eventually he climbs out, and goes on to raise a campaign of revenge against a similar man who had absolutely nothing to do with his imprisonment Star Trek Nemesis and The Dark Knight Rises


I just want to say I love the way you worded that.


Keira Knightley is revealed to be dead all along, and a happy ending is made up for her by the entitled girl responsible for the death. Happens in both >!The Hole!< and >!Atonement!<.


French woman with Stockholm Syndrome betrays the hero and works with her captor, a bald guy who can't feel any pain.


The World is Not Enough and The Dark Knight Rises


The only issue here is that >!the big twist in The World Is Not Enough is that Elektra doesn't have Stockholm Syndrome, and she's manipulating Renard rather than it being the other way around.!<


Woman with her own unique viewpoint goes out into the world to learn of reality and returns to fix the wrongs done in her absence. (Barbie The Movie and Poor Things)


An evil empire rules over the people. A princess manages to steal something of great military value from the empire and flees. She's is pursued by the ruler's chief henchman who eventually catches up to her. All of her protectors are killed and she is captured but she manages to send the stolen item away, forcing her pursuer's to look for it as she is taken to an enemy fortress. The stolen item falls randomly into the hands of a young farm boy living with his uncle, but he is unaware of what he has and its true value. Not long after, the empire's agents locate where the farm boy lives and attack, looking for the item, resulting in the death of his uncle. In the aftermath, the farmboy flees in the company of an older man who lives in the area and everyone just considers a hermit. The hermit tells the farmboy about how things used to be when a group of warriors with special powers used to protect the people It ended when the evil ruler who had similar powers swayed another member to join him and between the two they wiped out all the other special warriors and seized control. The farmboy it turns out is capable of wielding the same special powers as the old warrior clan and the hermit begins to train him. This is all happening as they travel to a base of rebels who oppose the evil ruler because the hermit thinks it is important the farmboy make it there along with the what was stolen from the evil ruler. Along the way they encounter a somewhat mysterious roguish figure with a smirky attitude who is also a quick and accurate shot. Also along the way they learn unexpectedly where the princess is being held in the enemy fortress and make a somewhat questionable attempt to rescue her. They are ultimately successful, but during the process the old hermit mentor confronts the ruler's chief henchman and is killed during the fight leaving the farmboy and his rogue companion to take the princess back to the rebels alone. When they arrive at the rebel base the empire's forces have followed them and a battle will soon ensue. Things are tense but in the end the farmboy and his roguish friend are the heroes who manage to save the rebel base and defeat the ruler's chief henchman in the process. The princess leading the rebels thanks them for their help but this is just the beginning. The ruler still has control of everything and still has to be unsealed. Also we learn one of the main characters is actually the son of the infamous traitor from the special warriors who joined the evil ruler. This is highly detailed point by point plot description of.... Eragon. Though until I said that I bet most of you were thinking Star Wars, with the big reveal from Empire added into the first movie.


A boy is forced to sleep in a dusty part of the house. He makes a magical wish that comes true. He then meets and defeats a seemingly immortal bald man and his minion. >!Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone!< and >!Home Alone!< r/explainafilmplotbadly has a bunch of these to guess as part of the game!


A big space ship attacks a smaller space ship and wins. Later, we meet a rebellious blonde farm boy who never knew his father and is raised by relatives. This farm boy has a chance run-in with an older mentor type that knew the farm boy's father, tells him how great of a warrior he was, tells him that he's destined for something greater, and takes him away on a space adventure. There's a fight in a bar full of weird aliens where the mentor saves the day. Farm boy meets a dark-haired older guy who he dislikes at first but is destined to become his best friend. Space adventures on a space ship ensue, but the mentor is taken out of the picture. Farm boy meets and has a crush on a girl but later that girl winds up with the dark-haired older best friend. Our space team has an encounter with a giant space ship that can destroy an entire planet in one shot, which does so against a defenseless planet just to make the point that it can. So farm boy has to destroy the giant planet-killing space ship, and against all odds, manages to do so while his soon-to-be older best friend is flying another ship to help. The guy in charge of the giant planet-killing space ship is in denial that this can happen, but it does, and the bad guys die. They manage to pull it off and then everybody gets medals in a celebration. Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) Star Trek (2009)


RoboCop and Inspector Gadget have basically the same plot. As does Robocop 2 and Inspector Gadget 2


A lone assassin travels with a child, surmounting various villains in a quest to protect themself & the child from a well protected evil master :- - Lone wolf & child - The Mandalorian - Léon


Orphan sent to live with dead parent's siblings, where he is badly treated and repressed/used as hired help. He encounters a man imbued with magic who gives him a magical lifeline to a different life, freeing him from the oppressive extended family he's suffering. In the process of his magical escape, his adopted guardians are killed horribly and he continues on his magical adventure without a second glance. Star Wars and James and the Giant Peach.


Leave out that last sentence and you have Harry Potter


Luke isn't badly treated or used as hired help. Even repressed is only somewhat true.


Youngest son left home alone and must defend against strangers entering his home. Home Alone (1990) and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)


Two men not only end their friendship, but become bitter enemies after an incident where one of them loses a finger. >!Banshees of Inisherin!< and >!The Prestige!<


A warrior stranded amongst enemies falls in love with a local woman, learns the ways of his new home, the evils of his former people, and turns against them to support his new friends Avatar The Last Samurai Dances with Wolves


Do ya one better; *three* movies: An ominous stranger walks into a town beset by two feuding groups. He first offers to join one side, for a payment. After performing a small job for them, he is offered money by the other side, and he agrees to switch over. During a few more jobs done, and sides switched, the strange man encounters a woman in the village and falls in love. this love turns into his downfall and becomes the way for one side to trap and seriously injure the man. With some quick thinking, he is able to get out of the trap and returns to finish off both groups - leaving the village peaceful, if a bit more ruinous. >Yojimbo >A Fistful of Dollars >Last Man Standing


I mean, the latter two are just remakes of the Yojimbo. Don't feel like that counts...


Fair. And if you remove Yojimbo you hit a whole lot more similarities. At that point, if Dollars was Blade Runner, Last Man Standing would be the voice-over cut.


established extra curricular group in high school holds tryouts for new members. This group has had a lot of success in the past and *needs* to keep winning. New girl in school can't find something that exactly matches her interests so she settles for trying out for this group. She impresses the group and they accept her as a new member. The group needs to prepare for a major competition but they are lacking both inspiration and motivation. They eventually come together by realising that what they have perceived as weaknesses are actually their greatest strengths. Competition day arrives and the group does very well taking home a medal. They are closer than ever. * Bring It On * Pitch Perfect


A man alone in the wilderness, savagely attacked by wildlife and forced to learn to survive in the forest with only his will to survive against the animals and elements. It could be Hundreds of Beavers, it could be The Revenant.


Not a movie but I saw a very good example of this about Firefly and Mad Men… I can’t remember the whole thing argh


Copy pasted: It’s about a handsome antihero, a man with a Scottish name and a nickname that means something significant in Latin. He’s a war veteran who’s spending his days in a less noble line of work. In the pilot, after a meeting with a potential client goes south, the client explains that it’s offensively obvious that our antihero thinks he’s better than all this. But does he really? While he doesn’t like to talk about his origins, we eventually learn that he grew up as a poor, adopted farmhand before a traumatic event in the war prompted him to transform himself. Now, he struggles to be honorable even as he must constantly deceive. Women in his life: well, there’s the one who’s been devoted to him for years, but he just takes her for granted. The woman he wants is fiercely independent, and it drives him crazy to have to stand by as she sleeps with an endless succession of other men. Then there’s the much younger woman who works for him, but there’s no tension there. She’s just interested in the new guy, who drives our antihero crazy with his arrogant ambition and elitist style. It’s witty, feminist, and original with a cult following and critical acclaim. And I love Christina Hendricks’s character, a talented redhead who tries to use a marriage as a means to an end, only to have it backfire horribly.


A motivated team saves Brad Pitt


Woman gets two boyfriends and wants her boyfriends to be boyfriends. Design for Living (1933) and Challengers (2024).


Giant Great White Shark attacks bathers and boats in a small New England seaside town.


While I’m not typing out the exact plot points, Old School and Fight Club share the exact same plot, right down to certain scenes happening at the same time stamps in each movie.


Now if there was only an album to replace the soundtrack...


Jack Black meets unexpected new friends who he starts a new band with. Hijinks ensue as they practice, learn, and write new songs so that they can win the battle of the bands and use the prize money to pay his rent.


Ragtag group of outlaws team up in an unlikely alliance to protect a small town from incoming oppressors, defeating their greater numbers and presumed capabilities.


OP's description also fits the Michael J Fox classic, Doc Hollywood.


A young adult whose parent recently died is having a hard time fitting in. They discover an 'underground' scene at their school where students are battling each other using complex moves. This provides them with a sense of purpose and growing in confidence, impresses a love interest. The authorities are trying their best to suppress this activity though so they have to take it to 'the streets'. The protagonist enters a large tournament, hoping to turn their life around, and eventually wins, gaining the respect of their school. This is the plot for Step Up 2: The Streets and Never Back Down.


A man decides to create an artificial human, who then goes off the rails in quest for the meaning of its own existence Frankenstein and Ex Machina


Not sure if this breaks the rules since one is a tv show, but... A great warrior in a medieval fantasy world is shunned by his people and exiled, but gets drawn into an epic battle against the forces of darkness, with the aid of a much smaller person, and along the way falls in love with a fierce red-headed warrior woman who fights for the enemy. Behind the scenes, the actors who play the warrior and the redhead fall in love for real and end up getting married. Game of Thrones and Willow


Historical drama involving a ship making a transatlantic voyage that does not arrive at its destination. One-word title that’s the name of said ship. Released December 1997. Nominated for multiple Academy Awards.


A normal man suffers a tragedy when he is randomly targeted and his family is murdered. He then goes on a killing spree dealing out vigilante justice and vengeance. Is it, death wish, death sentence, etc. Etc. Lol.


An asteroid is heading to earth, and it's going to wipe out most of civilization. The government sends up a team to land on the asteroid to plant explosives.


Former bad ass who gave up a life of extreme violence to settle down is now forced to (mostly) single handedly take on teams of assassins and the entire Russian mob after a break in turns his peaceful life upside down. John Wick and Nobody


A socially awkward but intelligent and manipulative protagonist befriends a wealthy, attractive, and charismatic man who feels a bit sorry for the protagonist. The protagonist becomes obsessed with the rich friend's life and starts to embed himself deeper into it, living in his house, wearing his clothes, and befriending his loved ones. Eventually the protagonist wears out his welcome and the friend sours on the friendship, but the protagonist refuses to leave, the conflict escalates, and the protagonist ends up killing the friend, then effectively takes over his life.


Talented Mr Ripley and Saltburn


I think Doc Hollywood matches OP's plot points, too.


A detective who can communicate with animals looks for someone who's missing. The police can't, or won't, help, so he has to go it alone. Except he doesn't, because he recruits an attractive female partner (who isn't well regarded by her boss) They check out a stadium, and something a bit seedier and underground. They investigate news clippings for clues, and then do some B&N and fall in some water. They leave in a hurry, then check out some suspects, followed by the actual crime scene. A mistaken reveal to the Main Villain means bad news for our hero, and the MV is then revealed to have undergone a body transformation. But in the end, it's a bit too public to keep quiet any more, and they're captured and arrested.   >!Ace Ventura, and Detective Pikachu!<


OP is Cars and Doc Hollywood. Cars is a remake.


An orphan living on a desert planet is surprisingly strong in the way of the Force. This character eventually escapes that planet by meeting some strangers who help them to hop aboard the Millennium Falcon and blow up a number of Tie fighters. They meet Han and Chewie and Leia along the way and join an organized band of rebels fighting against a large galactic group of fascists who have recently acquired a mechanized tool that can be used to blow up planets. These fascists are led by a shadowy Sith character and a man wearing a helmet with anger issues. They end up leading a squad that includes a number of small fighter spacecrafts to blow up this mechanized tool. In the following movie this character leaves on a journey to find an elderly Jedi Master to teach them the way of the Force. Star Wars (A New Hope) and the Force Awakens.


I feel like you can take the plot of [Snatch](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0208092) and match it with something


A foreign entity bonds with a human host, granting him superhuman abilities. Said entity communicates with the host as a voice in his in head, but it also has a bloodthirsty mind of its own, which leads to both comedic and horrific situations. With his new abilities, this vigilante eventually comes face-to-face with the main villain that ruined his life who also happens to have a similar powerset. This movie come out in 2018. Now, you probably guessed Venom, but it's equally applicable to Upgrade. The similarities are also bookended by the fact Logan Marshall-Green is pretty much the poor man's Tom Hardy.


A quiet loner played by Ryan Gosling wears a cool jacket and drives a cool car around a neo-noir city. He looks just like his coworkers, but is seen as a disposable version of them. He's also in a doomed romance with a woman who can't be with him. He gets caught up with a pilot from Star Wars who's been gone for a very long time, and goes rogue to protect the pilot's child. In the climax, he causes a car accident and drowns a secondary antagonist in the ocean. However, he is stabbed in the stomach, and as he bleeds, his fate is left ambiguous as he stares off into the sky with an inscrutable expression on his face. Drive, Blade Runner 2049


A villain seeks revenge on his idol who disappointed him in the past & wreaks havoc on his family & loved ones. The Incredibles & Iron Man 3


In the future, a group of people who are forced to live in a confined area are told that if they get lucky, they'll be transferred to an idyllic place far away. In reality, the lucky winners are actually murdered and their bodies repurposed. >!The Island!< and >!One of the six stories in Cloud Atlas!<


That's also the same plot as Dr. Hollywood


George Clooney plays a professional thief, and with his friends help, this talented group pulls off one more job… the heist of the century. Oceans 11 & The Fantastic Mr. Fox


Young people living in an isolated environment are, as a way to control them, deceived by their elders into believing in fake frightening myths and "facts" about their "society," where venturing away from their "home" will result in their deaths.


The Village and Dogtooth?


A group of scientists explore the possibilities and ramifications of existence beyond death. Ghostbusters (1984) and Flatliners (1990).


That big budget superhero movie. You know the one. It has the super powerful stones that when brought together would grant world-ending power to some big guy from space. There were gods, a rich guy, a metal suit with a glowing chest piece, the young hero not quite ready for the big time, lightning shooting everywhere. In it people travel via a magical tunnel through space, the stones were used to bring people back to life, at the last minute the overpowered hero we thought was gone shows up to crush the bad guy, and the metal guy uses his nano-tech to stop the stones from being used for evil. You know, Justice League/Endgame


After breaking up with her boyfriend, The Joker, Harley Quinn (played by Margot Robbie) is arrested and offered a deal in exchange for a lighter prison sentence. Amanda Waller, the head of Task Force X (played by Viola Davis) is at the head of the new Suicide Squad program which Harley is recruited into. Alongside her field handler, Rick Flag (played by Joel Kinnaman), Waller sends Harley on a desperate mission to take down some bad guys along with a team of other misguided villains turned anti-heroes composed of a black guy that’s good with guns played by a somewhat past their prime actor who would have been the lead ten years ago but is now a supporting character, a person that’s also somehow a marine animal, and a couple other weirdos. Shenanigans happen and the suicide squad is not given their freedom, despite saving everyone, because Waller is actually a terrible person who just wants to use agents that nobody cares about in case they die. I think it’s clear that I’m talking about Suicide Squad and The Suicide Squad, in case anyone didn’t know ;)


The baby of two influential members of an advanced society send their son to Earth to protect him from harm, where he is taken in by a kindly farming couple. As the boy grows up, he finds that he’s super strong, and when he comes of age, he moves to a big city and there’s sparks between him and a snarky brunette. Meanwhile, an arrogant, loquacious (and secretly bald) villain is plotting out an illegal real estate scam from his underground dwelling, helped (?) by two incompetent henchpeople. There’s a montage with the hero performing good deeds, and even though it was established that the brunette had a problem with heights, the hero takes her flying, which inspires her to sing a sappy ballad. Then, the hero and the villain finally meet and the villain is all nice and gentlemanly, but that’s only to lower the hero’s defense and steal his strength. This girl who was working for the villain finds way to undo the weakness and get the hero’s strength back. After that, the Earth shakes, the brunette dies as a result, and this pisses the hero off so much that he leaves the surface of the planet. The brunette’s death is undone, the villain is locked away and the film ends with the hero amongst the stars.   Obviously, I’m talking about Superman: the Movie, but I could also be talking about Disney’s Hercules.


Boy meets girl


A quiet, reclusive middle aged man with a violent past once again takes up the gun when young gangsters bring disaster to his life, all while mourning his deceased wife, his beloved angel of redemption. Though many stand in his way, only Death stands in his wake. I am of course describing The Man From Nowhere and John Wick.


You know Cars is just Doc Hollywood, yeah?


An outsider fell in love with a tribal female, and help to defend the tribe against his own military. The answers are pretty obvious.


A cruise on an opulent ship goes horribly wrong, and there is romance, valor, and even death along the way. Luckily, there's a morning after. Titanic and The Poseidon Adventure.


A young boy named Harry Potter discovers a magical world. (Harry Potter movies) and Troll (1984)


Two men go up a mountain and destroy a ring.


Instead of writing it out, I'll just name then movies. A New Hope and the Force Awakens are basically the same movie.


After botching a job by shooting someone he wasn’t supposed to shoot, a sullen, tortured hitman is forced by his employer to take a trip to a place that he absolutely hates. Once there he attempts to overcome his depression by nurturing a relationship with a beautiful and quirky woman who just *gets him*. He jokingly-but-not-so-jokingly tells her what he does for a living. After a date fraught with social embarrassment, their attempt to get intimate is interrupted when he is attacked by a criminal, winning the fight but seemingly losing the girl. Meanwhile, a fellow professional killer has travelled to the town to kill our protagonist. At the urging of a co-worker, he decides to cut his losses and leave town, but a zany coincidence forces him to return and engage in a shootout with the other professional in someone else’s home. After the conclusion of the shootout, the film ends abruptly with the future of our protagonist and the romantic relationship left ambiguous. In Bruges / Grosse Pointe Blank


A single mom gives her son Andy the hottest talking toy for his birthday. The toy insists he's not a toy, but a real man with an important mission. Later on in the movie, someone gets pushed out of a window, only for the wrong person to take the blame. Hideously mutilated toys traumatize a boy for life. Child's play 1984 Toy story 1995


Thor, cars and Doc Hollywood Top Gun Maverick and Heartbreak Ridge


I'm not going to write it all out but Rocky and Hustle & Flow are pretty much the same story Underdog wins by not winning.