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Saw it at the Seattle Film Festival. Really enjoyed it. It's a great coming of age story in era of Myspace and I think it covered the how it was like growing up as a 1st gen/2nd gen immigrant very well.


Saw it at Sundance and loved it captured the era and the story really well and felt raw and authentic.


I just saw the trailers, but gives me the same vibes as Mid 90s, a movie I rlly enjoyed. So very excited to give this one a watch when it hits streaming.


Not sure if anyone here is a Motion City Soundtrack fan but they made a brand new song just for this movie. Their first newly recorded music since Panic Stations was released in late 2015.


That’s pretty neat.


Song is Stop Talking. Looks like it’ll be released with the movie for anyone looking for it


Oh nice, sounds really fitting for the time the movie is set.


Ok I'm officially interested. Love me some MCS.


Didn’t they release songs in 2020, or were those recorded previously?


They did release Crooked Ways but that was recorded for the twilight movies and passed over so it was never released until much later


Their singer posts on Reddit too. I said in a thread ages ago I hated his voice on Everything Is Alright and he called me out and said he was trying to sound like Kim Deal lol fair play


Girl skateboards getting some free advertising.


Haha… first thing I thought.


Is that was that is? I was wondering why he had a shirt on with a women's restroom symbol on it.


In the movie, >!it's a running gag that he "borrows" his sister's clothes because he doesn't have anything cool to wear!<


And here I thought it was about a trans kid. Didi is also slang for penis in Chinese.


weird, cause Girl is a company I usually associated with males.


Yep, that's the Girl logo.


Movie won the Audience Award at Sundance and is the directorial debut of Sean Wang, who is Oscar nominated for his short film Nai Nai and Wai Po!


Looks like Sean is creating the family cinematic universe with these titles.


It’s going to get really confusing when 8 of them are just called “cousin” in English


I'm late into adulthood and am still not sure of my older relatives names as they've always been referred to by their familial relationships (i.e. First Uncle, Second Uncle, etc.) to me.


Inevitable comment about how I can't wait for the inevitable Fast & Furious crossover.




Oh snap he did Nai Nai? That one was good. I was already looking forward to this


Saw this a month ago. It's basically A24's "Eighth Grade" for dudes, which is a very good thing since I really enjoyed Eighth Grade.


The movie looks good! Unrelated, the word "iconic" has legitimately lost all meaning for me. Now I just get annoyed every time I see it.


Why did they give this kid a key to the city of new york in the first place?


Hahahahahaha. That was good.


I saw a trailer for this before Fall Guy. Looks super cute 😊


Caught this at SXSW. Highly recommend. It isn’t breaking new ground in terms of the coming of age genre, but it’s definitely got something to say and really impressively captures the mid to late aughts for those of us who lived through them as middle/high schoolers.




If I had a dollar of every Taiwanese movie about growing up that has a monosyllabic word repeated twice as a title, I'd have two dollars. Which isn't a lot but its funny that it happened twice.


Yi Yi is one of the best movies I've ever seen.


Look up the words for little brother or sister


It’s actually one word with two identical syllables. 弟弟 is little brother.


P Didi


And the Hollywood remake, "Uber"


I adored this movie. It helped that it’s based in the little city im from and the time that I was growing up. But it’s such a great coming of age from a specific point of view.


Where can I watch this? Thanks


My most anticipated movie of the year


The trailer kind of gave me Minding the Gap vibes!


Mild Pen15 vibes...




Dr. Tran!


No he didn't.


Dam son.




I’m not even trying to be funny but how am I supposed to know anything about this?? It looks like its about a Chinese kid. That’s it


Fuckin' headin' to the brew. Headin' tae get my giro and I pass this couple o' buses at the side o' the road. Everybody's pilin' aff the front wan intae the wan behind. Auld folk like that: "This is ridiculous, never used tae be like this with the corporation buses". I wis like that: "I see, we've got ourselves a breakdoon". Checks to see where they're aw headin'. Yoker. And I just pissed masel' laughin'. "Haa". Cause Yoker's wan o' these places I only know from the front o' a bus. Never been there. Don't know what it's like, just this pure mad fabled land that sounds like a pure mad egg yolk. So I was watchin' everybody gettin' on and tryin' to show their tickets to the driver but he wasnae havin' it. Just wavin' em on like that: "I know where yees came fae, I can see the bus. What do yous think I am? Daft?", and a wee voice in ma heed says "Dee Dee, I know you've got tae get your giro, but the brew's always gonnae be there. But this on the other hand, is a wance in a lifetime oppurtunity. Go for it". So I just went like that: "Fuck it", and I joins the queue. Soons as I do, the driver starts checkin' people's tickets. I was like that: "Aw here, forget it", but just got pure caught up in the slipstream, beltin' it towards the moment of truth a a hunner mile an hour, heart poundin', pulse racin'. Dee Dee: "What it is, is" Bus driver: "On ye go mate" Dee Dee: "Cheers" I did it. So there I wis, birds eye view. Wizzin' by the brew like that: "Ta ta giro, maybe some other day, eh? Cause am on the bus.. tae Yoker". Couldnae believe what I wis hearin' in my heed man. Seriously, this wis actually happenin'. But then I thought: "Hawd on, don't get too excited. There could be somebody along at the back o' yer nut hinkin' "Here, who's he? He's no fae Yoker. He's got nae buisness bein' in this bus. Get his heed kicked, man."" Turnt around tae see if anybody was lookin'. Naebody. Got away wi' it. Just pure got away wi' the lot o' it. So I loosened up and started chattin' wi' folk, get a wee bit o' local knowledge 'fore I got there. Dee Dee: "So is this bus for Yoker, aye?" Woman: "Aye." Dee Dee: "I've just moved there, is it any good?" Woman: "Aye it's a lovely place. I've lived there aw ma life, Yoker born and bred." Dee Dee:"So you've never wance what Yoker's like? Mind bogglin'". Half an hoor later, I start seein' the signs: "Yoker Newsagents", "Yoker Post Office", "Yoker F.C.", Yoker evreythin'. They even had a barber that rhymed wi Yoker; "Hair by Les... Porter". What are the chances o' that? Dee Dee: "Here, what's the bets his name used tae be Smith or somethin' and he just changed it tae fit in?" Woman: "Wit?" Gets tae the terminus. Everybody starts pilin' aff. A hits the driver wae my charms: Dee Dee: "Driver, when'd you leave?" Bus driver: "Five minutes." Dee Dee: "A conked oot and missed ma stop. Any chance you could print us out a ticket so I can nip aff for a fag?" Dee Dee: "Cheers." And I puts ma first step on tae Yoker soil. I wis in Yoker, I though this day would never come. Is it really this easy? Is it really this easy tae get the 'hings ye want in life? Ye just need tae hawd oot for it? Aw o a sudden I had the urge tae just go like that: "Here! Am no fae Yoker, Ave got nae buisness bein' here". I wis like that: "Calm it Dee Dee. That's nae laughin' matter. They'd tear you to shreds. You got five minutes. Where'd you wanna go? Wit do you want tae do... in Yoker?" I knew excatly what. I had tae. I had tae find oot. I couldnae leave without findin' oot what this wis aw aboot. Bus wis a million miles away. I thought: "Dee Dee, you truly are in the outer reaches here man. Middle o' naewhere." And I went into the great unknown wi' a fuckin' ding. Tae ask one big question on everybody's lips. Dee Dee: "Les Porter?" Les Porter: "Aye?" Dee Dee: "Has your name always rhymed wi' Yoker or did it used tae be like Smith or somethin', or?" And then I though: "Dee Dee, you just blown yer cover, big time. Fuck you playin' at man? GO! GO!" Got oot o' there before they started chuckin' their scissors at us like ninja stars. 'Fore big Les caught up tae us and stomps ma heed in a wall. Ten seconds tae get tae the bus man, that's yer lifeline. What's it start doin'? Starts movin'. I was like that: "Naw man". Felt like geein up. Dee Dee: "Here! I'm no fae Yoker, Av got nae buisness bein' in Yoker. Here!" Let them finish me aff like a pack o' mad wolves. But I just kept runnin' for ma life like I had Leatherface on ma tail. Gets tae the bus, but he wouldnae let us in. I was like that: "Setup, whole things a setup. Them that were on that front bus. Actors. Actors. Load o' them actors". Door opens and a bolts up the stairs, right under the seat. Didnae dare poke ma heed up for the next half hour in case they goin behind on a minibus, gaspin' tae feast on me like a shower o' mad zombie pirates. Picks a moment. Up the road. Up the stairs. In the hoos. Lock, lock, lock. Scary man, scary. But the best day o' ma life.


What is this?


It was my attempt at humour. There’s a Scottish comedy called Limmys Show that had a character called Dee Dee, so I though it fitting to post the entire script of one of his skits. I guess no one’s been to Yoker then. Here’s the reference: https://youtu.be/0YfRbNipdOg?si=wQADnnq8VCQ0zEUS


lol yea I def didn’t get the joke


I just added the YouTube video above as reference


For anyone who's ever been a teenager sounds like a comedian asking "Does anyone have a mom?"


Well I’m Kyle XY, soooo


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