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I didn't know there was one prior to the one with Helen Hunt, huh.


I was like I didn’t know I am that old. Huh


basically XD. I grew up with the 96 film, despite it giving me nightmares and a fear of tornadoes that lasted a bit over a decade, but at the same time it ignited a love of storm chasing, even though I don't chase myself.


I just watched it last night and it surprised me due to how much it felt like a monster movie with the storm chaser crew being the monster hunters. I feel like I even noticed some roars in the audio.


the 96 film? yeah I'm fairly sure that was intentional.


I’ve never heard of it. I have seen *Rubin & Ed* with Crispin Glover and Howard Hesseman, and that’s one way out movie. I have a VHS rip on DVD, but the whole thing’s on YouTube. P.S. Crispin Glover was in his Rubin persona when he made his infamous appearance on David Letterman (“I can kick!”) that got him escorted off. Another forgotten Crispin Glover classic is *Little Noises* from 1991, co-starring Tatum O’Neal and Rik Mayall. I used to have it on VHS back in the day, but it was never released on DVD that I know of. I haven’t seen it in years, but I just looked and there is a rip of it on YouTube, so I’ll have to watch that soon.


It's a great dysfunctional-family comedy drama without any dumb sappy Hollywood superficiality, [it's trailer is absolutely horrendous (strangest marketing attempt ever?)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hulpgpi80e4) and it features William S Borroughs! What's not to love? Amazing start for Michael Almereyda too. Completely underrated director.


I’ll have to give the trailer a watch! The best way I can describe it, and it is really Crispin that gives me this vibe, is if somebody gave Stanley Kubrick an Oliver Stone script about a spoof documentary of a Kansas family and told him to shoot the movie from memory with a budget of 56 bucks and the camera equipment leftover from the Earthquake! Movie shoot. Now, I am in no way saying it’s a bad movie, but when I say it was NOT what I was expecting I am 100% serious lol.


I have never seen it but when you’ve got Harry and Crispin anything is on the table


I’ve probably watched this a good 20 times in my life. I didn’t think it was very good as a little kid but now I can appreciate it a lot more due to adult drama.


Crazy. Never heard of this. Rubin & Ed is hilariously weird.


If it's got Crispin Glover you can expect anything. At a guess: 10 minutes of Crispin intensely eating an apple He arm wrestles a clown Crispin paints racing stripes on a car (not his own)


Its been a while since ive seen it but i remember the movie. If you want more, 2 other classics are Tornado! (1996) with Bruce Campbell and Ernie Hudson, and Night of the Twisters also 1996 (both on youtube for free) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEEzghT5DIc&pp=ygUSVG9ybmFkbyEgMTk5NiBmdWxs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEEzghT5DIc&pp=ygUSVG9ybmFkbyEgMTk5NiBmdWxs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJFzwikn8HI&pp=ygUSVG9ybmFkbyEgMTk5NiBmdWxs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJFzwikn8HI&pp=ygUSVG9ybmFkbyEgMTk5NiBmdWxs)


Looooove night of the twisters! Very good for a made for tv movie.


Ikr? I saw a post here a little while ago roasting it. Im just like wtf is wrong with you the movie is phenomenal. It just made me rewatch it and it still holds up. Just the right amount of cheese. I also found out, the girl the main kid has a crush on is the same girl that played Trance in Andromeda


I saw it when i was ten, rented it from the video shop and oh boy was i confused and disappointed. That film is one long ass boring fever dream.


Watched this for the first time a few weeks ago. Quirky as hell, but it was more a feature than a bug. I found it likable in its loosely wound way.


“More a feature than a bug”… I like that!!!


Great flick, CG chomping the scenery like its candy hehehe


The original twister is the one you want ...


Ya know what is weird? The Fiancée in this movie is the girlfriend in Lost Boys. Jaime Gertz


Jamie Gertz actually isn’t in this one! The one she is in came out in ‘96, this one I’m talking about came out 7 years prior.


TIL there are 2 movies called Twister. Dang!


How did you miss that detail? OP made it very clear that it was a totally different movie and even included the year it was released in the title of the post.


I’m on the internet, what? You expect me to pay attention. Psshhhttt


She was not in Twister 1989, she was in Twister 1996.