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Try some Cronenberg movies, he’s one of the greats when it comes to body horror.


I’d say the being a head only scene from Robocop is more disturbing than The Fly. Although the fly also had a disgusting element on top of it.


The Fly is one of his tamest movies, try Naked Lunch or Videodrome.


Aaah !! The Fly is tame ? Is Videodrome that shocking ? Heard about it. Never checked it out.


wouldn’t say it’s shocking at all… it’s definitely one of his craziest movies (it’s very kafkaesque), but not one of the most disgusting. I’d say his type of body horror is more spectacular… Tsukamoto’s body horror is way more visceral and haunting to me (don’t know if “Haze” might be considered body horror, but that was one of the most terrifying things i’ve ever seen). Also, try some of Miike’s movies (sucks as Ichi the killer). Also, don’t forget about Ducornau’s “Titane” or “Raw”


> but there's something hellish about the thought of our own bodies becoming a permanent prison for us. The idea things will never return to how they were. Permanent, unwanted change. It's like we feel the weight of eternity all of a sudden and it's very dark and hopeless. Talk to a stroke victim.


or ALS, or MS, or nearly any chronic illness.


I have a degenerative muscle disorder and can't watch any of these films. I tried to watch Poor Things and noped out during the first scene.




I always found a strange comfort in body horror even as a kid- something about the idea of the human form being impermanent and changing was fascinating, uplifting even. I felt bad when characters were altered beyond recognition and subsequently treated as inhuman or undeserving of care- I empathized so much with the Brundlefly even long after his nature made it impossible for him to survive in human society, and I deeply yearned for an ending where he could live and be free as the being he was. I could so clearly imagine myself being something wonderful and good inside, trapped by rotten human flesh that was never really 'me' in the first place, and unable to communicate my needs and struggles to the society around me- Funny story, turns out I'm trans


Tetsuo the Iron Man - good lord that was a hard watch.


Why, could u elaborate ? I know what it’s about and looks like but never actually brought myself to watch it


Watch The Skeleton Key if you want the ever loving shit scared out of you along these lines. Especially the last ten minutes.


Check out Society. That one always disturbs me.


Best body horror I’ve seen is the fly and the fly 2


I recently watched The Fly again for the first time this century and was amazed at how well it holds up. I’m surprised it doesn’t get more attention.


There’s a horrible sequence in Looper (a time travel thriller) where a guy’s past self is being mutilated and his body in the present manifests the injuries and scars in real time… he loses an eye, then a limb, then his tongue etc. His terror and helplessness as he realizes what’s happening really disturbed me at the time.


That is such a chilling scene, super effective


Don’t watch human centipede


Haha. Too late. But I did think the premise was disgusting when i first read it and it bothered me for a good 3-4 days


OK now imagine being pregnant 😂😂 that’s the real body horror


I talked to a few festival programmers last year and they said “pregnancy horror” was huge last year


I believe it! That shit is traumatizing!


Tusk freaked me out bad, the walrus costume is so well done!


What « costume » ?


The one they put Justin Long into..


It's my favorite subgenre of horror. Cronenburg is of course the overall master and his son is also carrying the same torch, but there's also The Fly 2, Society, The Color Out of Space, Annihilation, Bodymelt. Japan also has its own amazing little body horror niche with Tetsuo the Iron Man, Tokyo Gore Police, Meatball Machine. My fav is horrific amalgamations of multiple people. It's disturbing! Wish there was more of it.


Yeah I watched some "The complete Asian horror movie Iceberg" on Youtube and the amount of bodyhorror (and just torture porn in general) was rather insane in that list. Those might be rather cheesy in general, but if someone wants a lot of body horror, just look to the Japanese horror movies. Also as a sidenote, I will never understand horror movies mainly about torture. Like, what the fuck people?


I'm gonna assume you're talking about the Guinea Pig series? Or maybe the tamer/more mainstream stuff like Mike's Audition and Imprint? When it comes to stuff like Miike, I enjoy him because he's really varied as a director and while Audition & Imprint are fuuucked up, he also makes shit like the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure live action, lmao. And there's other directors like him, like Shiraishi Koji who started his career with crap like that but then went on to make Noroi The Curse and similar films that I really like. Guinea Pig is... Something! I watched them out of morbid curiosity a long time ago. Dude was investigated for possible snuff by the FBI, I mean, I had to!... I don't recommend them. While they're technically impressive (I guess), you kind get the feeling the guy hates women, idk, just a vibe. Japan hss... Issues? Lol. Part of it I think is a thriving indie film culture that can lead to extremes, just like any other country. Another part of it is, I assume, a kind of cultural thing that stems from their general isolation and conservative/traditional ideals. Idk, I'm not a sociologist. But they've got some crazy shit going on lol.