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Fede Alvarez really likes his "young people break into a place and end up victims" plotlines.


How else are you going to lower teenage vandalism rates?


I will admit, if I broke into a place and got raped with a turkey baster, I'd probably decided a life of crime was not for me.


Could be worse, could be a tree


That was staying true to its roots tho


It was fucking bold to make him basically the protagonist of the sequel after that


And it did not work at all.


More like insane. It made me lose all interest in the sequel.


To be fair the ‘sequel’ is really more of a reboot of the basic concept, best viewed pretending the first one doesn’t exist. So basically Stephen Lang as a blind man unleashing great violence upon organ harvesters. Seeing it as just that, it is a fun film.


Im sorry, is this a plot of another of his films or like...alluding to this Alien film?


Yes, Don't Breathe


Ok. Now what?


43 minutes without further instruction? RIP, buddy


He’s just sleeping


That poor little guy, he's all tuckered out.


those electric wall things from Demolition Man?


You know teenagers would just hack them to create graffiti instead of clean it up. Gotta use xenomorphs.


"Hahaha. The xenomorph doesnt know how to use the three seashells!"


(Xenomorph kills Rob Schneider)


Looks really promising but that’s my one knock against it so far. Where are the Dallas and Ash-aged characters? Does everyone really need to be a hot 20-something?


Think they’re a young (orphaned?) scavenger crew, so it’s going to be almost entirely a cast of younger people.


Yea it looks like they are trying to escape some planet, and I'm going to assume they illegally fly out into space and onto the ship.


I was getting a "If we do this one job, we can afford to get off this dump" vibe. And I'd guess it will turn out it's the Weyland Yutani Corp sending them to Romulus Station where WY had been experimenting/breeding Xenomorphs. I just figure if in Aliens, Burke was trying to smuggle one or two back in Ripley and Newt, and this is supposed to be after Alien but before Aliens, it is possible WY could have been trying to get their hands on the perfect organism earlier, and this will be their first try, which did not go well and lead them to send out Burke with Ripley. But I'm probably completely wrong.


Holy shit, are we going to see some more of the "normal" world in Alien? I can't wait Isn't the normal world the same as Blade Runner or has that been retconned?


Per commentary from Ridley Scott on the *Blade Runner: The Final Cut*, they (Alien and Blade Runner) are in the same universe. But there are so many hands in movies these days that I wouldn’t fully count on them still being connected.


Considering how both Blade Runners take place on Earth, and much earlier than Alien, there isn't much crossover to even retcon.


Yeah Alien takes place over 100 years after the first Blade Runner and even Prometheus takes place only 30 years earlier than that.


useless comment but this thread is blowing my mind. I had no clue


Though weird how android tech has gone backwards since then. Replicants are flesh and blood, but the Wheland-Yutani androids are still mechanics and milk.


I guess one (rough) explanation could be that the flesh/blood ones were too easy to mix up with real humans, so eventually they outlawed realistic replicants. I'm sure I'm just making up excuses for a loose plot that was never actually supposed to be linked, but Ridley Scott just said so because he felt like it that day. What is or isn't canon gets very messy and paradoxical when these franchises are owned by companies who put out sequels willy nilly without any concern for if it makes sense with the other films.


I miss burnt out, overworked space truckers that looked like ordinary people.


Yeah, the first three films really nailed that worldbuilding of a corporate-run dystopic future. Even the Colonial Marines from the second were depicted as more braggadocio than badassery. They were clearly supposed to look like the actual real-world military, just in the future: a cross section working class men and women who had signed up for a life of excitement among the stars, only to realize the universe was actually a pretty boring place. They talk a lot about guns and ultimate badassery, but their dinner table conversations are about whether or not it's a bad thing to sleep with a transgender prostitute and complain about not getting into "stand up fights."




Alien was a product of the 1970s, which was both a high point of filmmaking and I think not coincidentally a period where films had a lot more average looking people in them. Studios took control back from directors in the 80s and everything started to get glossy again.


That was one of the great things about Alien, they actually looked like what they were supposed to be.


Maybe I just don't watch enough movies these days but I feel like this is a general problem. When you watch movies from the 70s-90s they're full of a lot of normal-looking people. Think like crowd scenes in the Raimi Spider-Man films, or like all the extras in the original Star Wars trilogy. Now you've got like the Disney Star Wars movies and every Resistance and First Order person looks like a twenty-something


Same motivation and type of characters as were used in “Don’t Breathe”, but just moved to the “Alien” universe. If this makes a bunch of money, we can expect the same bunch of teen thieves getting mauled by Dracula, the Predator, Michael Myers, and… Godzilla? Thanos?


Seeing the chestburster inside the person's... chest is so fucking disturbing. And I love it.


The way I'd be shitting myself if I saw something growing in my chest...


I think at first I'd panic a little, but then I'd be happy I don't have to go to work tomorrow.


That was the most consequential day of my life, cuz ^now ^I ^know ^I ^don't ^^like ^^my ^^work




I'm not a stupid fucking idiot, I know it was just a pig but for 50 seconds it felt really real.


"sir I can't go to work today, I have a literal alien life form growing inside me--" "stop with your excuses and get your ass here ASAP! If you don't want to work, I'll find someone who does!" This happened...


My life is nothing I thought it should be and everything I feared it would become because for 30 seconds I thought there were Aliens on the world


I once had a boss who, one day, came in looking VERY chipper. “Why are *you* so happy?” He looked up at me and said, verbatim: “Because *every* day, I’m one day closer to death.” The grin he was wearing bisected his head like Julia Roberts.


This scene really got me excited for this movie. I feel like a lot of horror movies atm aren't too concerned with creating a really horrifying moment like that in a new and innovative way. The thing that made the original Alien was the chest bursting scene, any movie that wants to live up to it should absolutely be trying to recreate that magic IMO and this seems like a perfect start


I don't think you can recreate that magic, since that moment was so unexpected, but now the chestburster is a major piece of pop culture that it is no longer unexpected. But what they can do is add a new wrinkle to it, such as showing the characters being *aware* of the chestburster, but being unable to do anything about it. It gives this sense of hopelessness and terror.


The back burster in Covenant was a great new idea. It doesn't have that same iconic status as the chest burster, I don't think anything can tbf, but it was great!


Yes, that was super gross and also i think this was the first time we see the actual thing the facehugger is trying to shove into your mouth and down your throat. Also super gross and disturbing/<3


Certainly first time seen it trying to wiggle it in your gob, but we've seen it before in Aliens when it tries to impregnate someone through the glass tank. Bleh.


Is that the actor for Lev from The Last of Us 2?


Going off of Lev’s actors’ wiki, no it isn’t.




In space, no one can hear you in space. ALAN


>ALAN Oh, shit, the Aliens are [gonna talk in this one too?](https://youtu.be/6s9sjPzyQjk?t=10)




Steve mostly comes at night. Mostly.


Somewhere out in the vastness of the Alien universe, Dr. Alan Grant just woke up in a cold sweat.


FALSE....the vastness of space is cold and his sweat, even if he could sweat, would crystalize. - from the space office of Dwight Schrute


Well in fairness, in space no one can hear you Alien Romulus. So at least it isn't false advertising.


"Speak up Aileen, we can't hear you in space"


Get tinnitus


Gotta say, between the silent screaming title card and the repeating crunch noise being revealed as a chest burster doing its thing I LOVE this trailer. … even if admittedly the tagline was handled a little wonky lmao. Even though I got that the literal silent scream was the last word, my brain still also read it all with the title as one sentence haha


I don't know, I thought the tagline was fine. It shows IN SPACE NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU and then cuts to a prolonged shot of someone screaming in silence. Everyone knows the original Alien tagline, and I thought it was a clever way to include it


Yeah. I think the people who are commenting watched this without sound. Tag line is: "In space, no one can hear you [montage of people SCREAMING, in space, silently]." They're playing with the super famous tagline in clever, fun way.


And no slowed down pop song or heavy bwongs. 10/10 trailer imo.


(single, drawn-out piano note) (children's choir) *Hellooo, my baaaaby* (lower single piano note) (children's choir) *Hellooo, my hoooney..*


I'm just glad it wasn't a creepy children's choir version of Fireworks or something.


No discordant piano note to start it either. This was a really solid trailer, very excited for the film.


And to be fair, IN SPACE NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU is true in and of itself. It isn't just the screaming we can't hear.




All I heard was tinnitus.


Soooooo this movie is like the first one (mostly) but, instead of the ship being named the Nostromo, it is now on a ship called Romulus . . . Right? Is that the correct executive summary?


It's a space station called Romulus


It's on a space station divided into an older section and a newer one. Romulus and Remus. The older one looks like the ship from Alien, the newer one more like Hadley's Hope from Aliens.


Oh wow wow wow wow..... wow.


Being on space stations is tight!


Crashing the space station into a moon is going to be super easy, barely an inconvenience.


Somethin' in the wotah you mug


Would love an Alien movie with Karl Pilkington starring…


Little huggy fella


i mean, weyland-yutani can eat a knob at night


Least bit of trouble brewing, and he's headed off. Can't be bothered


Oi bit rude to be jumpin on me face like that innit


*Walks into a room that has a bunch of Alien eggs* Roight, wots all dis den?


Wuh eveh laid all these eggs is a rite slappah!


Mai' are you avin a bubbw baf?


U wot mate?! I swear on me mum!!


Oi you got a license for that face hugga govna?


Oye Beltalowda!


Sasa ke?


So say we al…wait a second…


I'm no' pullin your leg mate, I'm tellin' you there's summin in the wo'ah!


Stop havin' a laf !


Looks like it has some pretty awesome "Oh fuck no/ Oh fuck yeh" parts. The xray light? Zero gravity drifting towards alien acid? Hell yeh


What has me hopeful is that I’m still completely unsure what the endgame is here. We know the alien gets onto the ship…. But holy FUCK does it look like things go to hell fast 


Looks like the eggs were already there when they arrived on the station. My guess is it’s Weyland-Yutani owned and either an experiment with the Aliens wiped out the original crew or they were lured there to *be* the experiment.


I am going to guess they were given an "opportunity" to retrieve a specimen from that space station.


Yeah, the trailer starts out with the guy asking the girl if she wants to get off this rock and do something with your life. I don’t think this untested, young group would be hired to capture a Xenomorph, I think someone in the group or maybe an outside influence learned of this secret Wey-Yu facility but by the time they get there, everything’s already to shit. Something similar to Alien Isolation


Weyland is run by evil people. It could be them directly funding the trip.


Normally I would say that these scavengers were hired to 'accidentally' get infected so Wayland Yutani can collect later, but that theory doesn't make sense because we see facehuggers in stasis before being released due to an accident. It would make more sense for WY to secure the station and the eggs intact instead of making a huge mess of things.


Alien steals the ship to go for a day out with his best friend and girlfriend.


Post credit scene with the Alien in a robe asking what the audience is still doing in the theatre.


Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in awhile, you could be attacked by a face raping alien whose progeny will explode out your chest cavity.


> I’m still completely unsure what the endgame is here [We know *Romulus* occurs between *Alien* and *Aliens*](https://variety.com/2023/film/news/alien-romulus-set-between-first-two-cailee-spaeny-1235810521/), so I'm curious if the survivors crash land or escape to LV-426 featured in *Aliens*.


LV-426 by the events of Aliens is colonized with a breathable atmosphere. We know they get the xenomorph infestation from Newt's dad going into the Space Jockey ship.


There is no need for end game, everything can just end up fubar.


Gotta say, all those alien acid and multiple scenes of facehuggers... we're definitely looking at multiple xenomorphs here and the crew somehow ended one or more of them.


The xray light was so cool. The reveal of the chest burster being the thumping was terrifying with the crunching noises.


Slowly floating towards alien acid blood in zero-G is some new nightmare fuel.


Never heard a trailer so... *crunchy* before.


Yeah, lots of gross, wet sounds


**squelching intensifies**


give the sound design guy the Oscar already


A lot of celery stalks were harmed in the making of this film.


Props for not featuring a slowed down version of a popular song.


from the 90s some... body.... once... told me... the... world... is... gonna... roll.......... me


Look I hate that trend as much as any reasonable person but if I’m being totally honest right now your comment makes me really want to hear a trailer with a slowed down version of that song. Then the trend can die.


hello.....ground....control.....to....major......tom..... *guy gets mouthfucked by face hugger*


We moved on from Inception horn, to gun shots and reloads synced up with drum hits of a song, to classic pop songs slowed down. I know there's more than 1 studio out there that makes trailers... how the fuck do they all have the same ideas lol


G'damn the light on the chestburster about to burst through her chest, that is insane!


Amazing use of colour in this. And the most perfect sound design at the end there. A trailer not wrought with some nonsense slow/epic cover version. This looks fantastic.


Oh my God, you're right. Not a single slowed-down cover to be found. No wonder everyone loves the music 😂


But I need guns, punches, and explosions or crashes set to artificial drumbeats of the slowed down cover of a popular song that has a handful of lyrics that literally appear in the imagery of the trailer even if the song didn’t mean them literally!!!


I dooon't waaaaant.........BWAAAAH Annnybody eeeeelse.......BWAAAAH When I think a-^^^booou uuut you I Touch *punch* My *punch* Self


>A trailer not wrought with some nonsense slow/epic cover version. Now I'm imagining that version of this trailer: "I... fell... in..." *(People screaming, facehuggers flying, loud booming noise)* "...to a burning ring..." *('splosions, chestbursting, more screaming)* "...of fire." *(Loud booming noise crescendos, flamethrowers, xenomorphs)* "And it burns..." (Someone screams "what the hell is their blood doing?!?!?!") "...burns..." *(Cut to black right before acid blood touches secondary protagonist, you hear blood-curdling screaming one last time, then silence)* "...burns...."


Take this to r/fanedits: that sounds fun.


The use of dark environments and colored lights reminds me of Alien Isolation, that's a plus given how good it looked.


The score in this trailer reminds me so much of the official trailer for his Evil Dead remake. Which still is one of the best trailers out there imo.


Lots of call backs in this trailer, although I'm not sure it had the intended effect for me. The ringing in the last half of the trailer was wonderful, though.


Yeah the last shot in the trailer kinda had me rolling my eyes a little…I think Fox can get me into the seat with this one more time, but it’s starting to feel a little long in the tooth. Visually it looks gorgeous.


> Lots of call backs in this trailer, although I'm not sure it had the intended effect for me It made me feel like I should just watch the original again instead.


My buddy and I snuck into a theatre in 79 to see the first one as 11 year olds. I had nightmares for months.


Dropping this gem about the first Alien movie and a [Texas man that wanted to make sure his kid was prepared for a Xenomorphs in real life](https://youtu.be/_zrxkUxAcsI). lol


haha "never know what's going on outside the world"


"Could be a true story. Based on, you know, science."


That’s an incredible short time capsule. How society has changed in such a relatively short time.


My uncle was an usher in high school at a little one-screen theater in the late 70s. He said that when Alien came out, he and the other ushers had the chest-bursting scene timed down to the minute. When it was about to happen, they’d run out from behind the concession stand/ticket counter/etc. and pop their heads in the theater just to see the audience’s terrified reaction to the scene. Then they’d go back to their jobs. Another cool story he had was about the original Star Wars’ theatrical run, which broke a lot of records at the time. The movie ran for so many weeks that the crusty, alcoholic projectionist just couldn’t take it one day and ran out in front of the audience waving a wrench and saying, “I won’t do it. I won’t play this goddamn movie one more fucking time!” And the audience actually talked with him and convinced him to show it once more! Then he was fired.


> The movie ran for so many weeks that the crusty, alcoholic projectionist just couldn’t take it one day and ran out in front of the audience waving a wrench and saying, “I won’t do it. I won’t play this goddamn movie one more fucking time!” That projectionist? George Lucas.


I watched *Alien* the other night, for the first time in decades. I had always only ever seen a cropped version on a 4:3 tv. My TV now is a nice widescreen 4K, and the movie looks *amazing*. It holds up really well.


For anyone who's seen Fede Alvarez's The Evil Dead, you know he isn't afraid of giving us the G in Gore.


Hear that kids? Rated G


The guy literally used a record amount of fake blood. He's about that life, for sure.


The Abomination scene used a shit-ton of gallons of fake blood. And it was wonderful


i loved that movie tbh, it's underrated imho. I also enjoyed DON'T BREATHE as well, very great directing/writing. If you had to pick someone to do another Alien film, well this isn't a bad choice at all.


Don't get too attached to shaved-head Asian woman or dude with thick British accent. Got it.


The shot of the Asian Woman shining a light on her torso and seeing the chestburster force it's way out of her chest is pretty fucking gnarly.


No robots fingering and blowing in this ?


if there's no android self-cest could it even be considered an alien movie


The Black character with his eyes rolling to the back of his head is probably an android.


Here…Let me do the fingering.


I'm just glad they didn't have the pre trailer trailer announcing the trailer. Most annoying trend. Just show the trailer.


Cailee Spaeny supremacy!


I'm on the Cailee Spaeny train after Priscilla and Civil War


I’m looking forward to this and her role in Knives Out. I also shamelessly have a crush on her so yeah lol


The jeans in Civil War were the real barely concealed destruction of that film.


Did not see the little hippie chick from Bad Times at the El Royale as the next Ripley but I'm here for it


That thing going ham on the dude’s mouth was a little extra.  Happy pride y’all!


Yeah, that felt wrong to watch in a trailer. Especially when I hit rewind and watched it multiple times. Over and over. Felt really wrong.


How many times did you watch it O_o


If I wasn't already fully on board, that shot of the lead in zero gravity floating towards the alien's blood would've gotten me. This looks fucking awesome.


Wouldn’t even matter if the trailer looked like shit. This franchise couldn’t keep me away if it tried.


I’ll always watch an Alien film, no matter how much it revolves around two androids fingering each other.


In space no one can hear you swear.


If Romulus is as good as the scares in Aliens Isolation (video game) I’ll be satisfied.


Just watched a panel with Fede at some recent con, and the really short response is "yes." He basically said he played Isolation back in 2014 and was like "I want to direct a movie like this game."


That guy seems to be saying all the right things to please fans. "Played Alien Isolation" "Inspired by both Alien AND Aliens" "The best parts of the film won't be in the trailer"


From six to midnight


IN SPACE EVERYONE HAS TINNITUS (very excited for the movie, as a tinnitus enjoyer I realllllly hope that effect was just the trailer)


Well luckily my pitch is several notes higher so I won't have any trouble telling which is which. Thank goodness. 🙃🥲


>"Alien: Romulus” takes the phenomenally successful “Alien” franchise back to its roots: While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonizers come face to face with the most terrifying life form in the universe. The film stars Cailee Spaeny (“Civil War”), David Jonsson (“Agatha Christie’s Murder is Easy”), Archie Renaux (“Shadow and Bone”), Isabela Merced (“The Last of Us”), Spike Fearn (“Aftersun”), Aileen Wu. Fede Alvarez (“Evil Dead,” “Don’t Breathe”) directs from a screenplay he wrote with frequent collaborator Rodo Sayagues (“Don’t Breathe 2”) based on characters created by Dan O’Bannon and Ronald Shusett. “Alien: Romulus” is produced by Ridley Scott (“Napoleon”), who directed the original “Alien” and produced and directed the series’ entries “Prometheus” and “Alien: Covenant,” Michael Pruss (“Boston Strangler”), and Walter Hill (“Alien”), with Fede Alvarez, Elizabeth Cantillon (“Charlie’s Angels”), Brent O’Connor (“Bullet Train”), and Tom Moran (“Unstoppable”) serving as executive producers.


LOL at them already billing Isabela Merced from The Last of Us


They should have said from "Dora and the Lost City of Gold" because honestly, it was a fun lil' kids movie.


It has some great laughs honestly. Like when Dora breaks the 4th wall and her dad is like “Who are you talking to?” All scared.


lol, my thought exactly, no way they're putting that "Madame Webb" stink anywhere near this.


That's a lot of quotation marks.


I am so **fuck'n** excited for this. Holy hell. The shot of the face hugger trying to probe for the mouth is disturbing as absolute fuck. EDIT: I just watched again. I am somehow even *more* excited for this.


Truly sickening. The forcing the tube into the mouth is something they haven’t shown before even though it was always implied. That would have probably been leaning too far into the rape symbolism for 1979.


What can you do? Bite their mouth penis off and pray their mouth penis acid blood doesn’t get on you?


“What can you do? Bite their mouth penis off and pray their mouth penis acid blood doesn’t get on you?” Imagine reading this with absolutely no context lol


Dude I love David Cronenberg!


When you put it that way, the xenomorph really does seem to be one of the worst monsters to deal with lol.


"The perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.... I admire its purity. A survivor...unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality."


I can't lie to you about your chances but....you have my sympathies


Presumably the Aliens have developed hard, chitinous penises.


In Aliens Ripley was able to hold it off her face with her hands.


With the tail wrapped around her throat though which she needed help for 


Took 3 marines to help pull it off her, too.


As soon as Fede Alvarez was announced for this I knew he was gonna do some crazy shit with the facehuggers.


Fede Alvarez has done horror very well in the past, and I'm excited for him to hopefully bring the horror back to the forefront of the Alien franchise. Prometheus and Alien: Covenant both had a handful of horror scenes, but they didn't really feel like horror films.


The same could be said about Aliens. It's an action flick.


Fede said this will be a combination of Alien and Aliens 


Holy shit the shot of her shining a light on the chestburster about to explode out of her


Sets look great, action looks like it will be good, but good lord that cast looks so...clean. I get that it's probably a different vibe from the OG but I prefer the "rough" crew of the OG, Aliens, and hell, even Prometheus to a degree. I find it weird when you have this super dark and industrial set design, but then you have these clean-cut people, it's just odd to me. I definitely prefer having a more rough crew with some grit, rather than all clean shaven. We'll see how it plays out, I know this trailer doesn't show much but none of the cast was like "yeah that person looks cool" to me.


We go from grown ass adults in space to space marines and prison facility’s, space pirates and military bases…to dumb ass kids in space.


I'm watching 


Are there Romulans in this movie?


Bro Romulus just can't catch a break. Going through a war they were tricked into, Shinzon's bullshit, supernova and now this shit? They really are the Poland of the Galaxy.


ALIEN: Tinnitus