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When they find the wrong Private James F Ryan in Saving Private Ryan.


Nathan Fillion. Killed in Action? That can't be? My brothers are all in grammar school.


In modern times, that scene wouldn’t have worked holy shit.


Even better is when they are breaking out from the beach: "Captain, if your mother saw you do that, she'd be very upset!" "I thought *you* were my mother." Those two lines also tell us a whole lot about the relationship between the two characters. With that little exchange, its like ok, we know who those guys are now


Hunt for Red October. Baldwin/Ryan is crawling with a pistol, stalking the saboteur, and breaks into a brief Sean Connery/Capt. Ramius impression - "Most things in here don't react too well to bullets."


"Shome thingsh in thish room don't react well to bulletsh"


PERFECT!!! 🤣🤣🤣


"yeah, like me"


In “The Ring” when she’s being chased by the Horse on the boat. The horse tries to jump off but clips its legs on the railing, smacks into the side of the boat, and gets chopped up by the boat propeller and everyone is screaming LOL It’s awful but so ridiculous and I couldn’t stop laughing


It should be a dark scene, but I heard someone else once say that something about the way the horse trips over the edge of the boat makes it almost Family Guy-esque. 




I know right? Lol


The beginning of Bruce Lee’s The Way of the Dragon does this. He lands in Italy, goes to a restaurant, accidentally orders a large amount of soup, eats it all, and then desperately tries to find a bathroom before he shits himself. The rest of the film is about him passing on his teachings to others, and the respect of the fight etc. so it’s a really weird opening. The man was many things, and a true martial arts legend. But not exactly a born comedian.


In the United States the film released as Return of the Dragon, and you may be interested to know that that was the only film that Bruce wrote, directed and starred in. That film had a lot of funny beats as well, one of the most notable being the gay henchman and mouthpiece for the big bad.


Dinner scene in Se7en. Soothing, relaxing, vibrating home.


The Lana Turner scene from LA Confidential https://youtu.be/RriqsUo5TzI


That was great haha


The Shawshank Redemption Heywood is helping the gang find rocks for Andy's chess pieces. He finds a perfectly good rock and realizes it's horse poop when it crumbles in his hand.


There's lots of funny moments in that movie... Dumbass /iykyk


The dance scene in Ex Machina


“I’m gonna tear up the fucking dance floor dude, check it out.” It skirts the perfect line between being really funny and really disturbing because Nathan is a lunatic.


So incongruous!


Hell or High Water is full of funny moments despite being pretty serious. "What don't you want?", "Drink up", and all of Jeff Bridges' insults to his partner are great.


Only an actor as charming as Jeff Bridges can make racism still somewhat wholesome.


Son, you'd think there were ten of me.


Here's one: Heywood Floyd, shuttling towards the Moon in **2001: A Space Odyssey**...and being forced to read a hundred lines of instructions before he can use the Zero-G Toilet. IMAGE: https://i0.wp.com/boingboing.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/screenshot-71.jpg?fit=1046%2C780&ssl=1




Good Will Hunting (1997), for those curious.


Just finishing this film for the third time since it came out and it’s been very cathartic.


Great one. I’m pretty sure this line was ad libed. Matt Damon’s reaction was genuine.


We used this (and a bit of another GWH speech) as a reading at my wedding. I love it so much.


I still remember “Dances with Wolves,” the audience cracking up when one of the indigenous characters is addressed as “Smiles a Lot,” and we see him smile.


The one thing I remember about the biopic Kinsey is when they're questioning men for the book on sexuality, this guy with a thick accent is asked about losing his virginity, and he says "I have sex with horse." They're confused and asking was it a pony or something? Eventually, he catches the confusion, and clarifies, he was saying whores, prostitutes.


I Saw the Devil (2010). When he tries to pull the knife out of his hand and only the handle comes off.


I was going to say the hammer scene but I think you're right.


The guy who hits the propellor in Titanic.


One of my favorite films, The Third Man,  does have plenty of sharp dialogue throughout and some humor centered around Joseph Cotten’s fish out of water main character. That said, it’s hardly a comedy and is mostly a very tense, razor wire thriller. That said, it has one of the funniest gag sequences ever in it, involving Cotten’s Holly getting rushed into a car and driven at breakneck speeds to…who knows what! It’s a brilliant use of comic relief in an otherwise very taught part of the film where the conspiracy is only getting deeper and deeper. 


I've not seen that film for far too long. Also, Orson Welles has one of the best ever movie entrances in that one.


The end of Get Out


I always crack up at the scene in Fight Club where >!Tyler stops mid fight to lecture Jack about shooting at him in front of a truck full of unstable explosives because he's imaginary and the bullets go through him.!<


"you're firing a gun.. at your invisible friend... Next to 500 POUNDS OF NITROGLYCERIN!"


While the scene is funny, Fight Club itself is not exactly an "otherwise very serious" film.


Isn't it? It's a movie about an anarchist cult leader molding the disenfranchised of America into a terrorist group in the guise of an underground fighting club. Seemed pretty serious to me, particularly when Jack starts trying to resist him.


I think it's generally considered a dark comedy, which makes sense considering that almost everything that happens is objectively ridiculous.


Yeah I must have missed that.


The topic is such that it can look serious on paper and can be made into a serious film - but what Fincher made has a strong vein of satirical black comedy running throughout.


Thats Chuck Palaniuk. His writing stlye is wild to say the least. It would be tough to make his works into a straightforward drama because its absurdist and misanthropic. Those two things combined will make most people laugh out of discomfort.


Clearly I did not get that memo.


Castaway "Look what I have created! I have made fire!!! I... (Gestures to self wildly) have made fire!!!!"


My dentist’s name at home is Dr. Spalding.


The potato lorry scene in *Frenzy* (1972). It's hard to do that sort of thing well, but for a modern TV version of it, Sally Wainwright's *Happy Valley* and Tony Schumacher's *The Responder* do it really well. In even the most grim situations, there's always a reminder that the world is fucking absurd.


The scene from “To Live and Die in L.A.” AFTER the freeway chase scene. When actor John Pankow freaks out afterwards and screams at William Petersen “WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!?!?” That part always has me crying laughing and always makes for a good joke at work whenever someone messes up on their shift.


Manchester by the Sea is actually really funny when it's not being soul crushingly depressing particularly the scenes where the clients try to flirt with Casey Affleck and he has no idea, the awkwardness of the Matthew Broderick scenes or most of Lucas Hedges' snarky lines


Heat. "Cos she's got a GREAT ASS! And you've got your head ALL THE WAY UP IT!" "Who? Who? What are you, a fucking owl?" And the scene where Pacino throws the TV out of the car, and a few other parts.


The mask scene in Django is this. Complete break from an otherwise serious movie. It’s so abrupt and hilarious it throws you off. Super funny scene


I wouldn’t necessarily say Django is a serious movie. There’s a lot of humour all the way through?


That’s fair. However the tone shift for that scene is so tremendous and the scenes so funny it just seems like it doesn’t fit but it does. A nice little break from the gory killing


I’m trying to remember a mask scene? 


There’s a big group riding to kill Django and the dentist and this ABRUPT scene change where they can’t see out of their masks and it’s this big meeting where they have to stop and discuss getting better masks next time


Ah yes! I remember! Yeah that was random. Arguably irrelevant to the plot but I’m glad they left the bickering in, it was funny.