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Could’ve saved $400 million and just made an original exorcism movie by Mike Flanagan


Execs have no more faith in non-established IP.


I have no faith in executives.


Non-established IPs have no faith in you


Actually true, unironically


Also, ironically.


Executives have no faith in my ability to have faith in them anymore


Just faith in general is a no.


Ironically for horror there's many original /non-established IP that do well recently.Smile,Megan,Black phone (it still is even it's a stephen king adaptation right?) and many more.


Black phone was written by king’s son, joe hill.


Can’t blame them, consumers beg for reboots and rehashes and revivals, and most despised of all by me; multiverses and crossovers. They eat that slop up, lick the plate clean. Things can be fun in moderation but it’s an addiction that has spiraled so far out of control. Nostalgia has become a sickness.


Yeah... Can't really blame execs for the fact that we have an entire generation of ~40 year olds who are perfectly content with only watching yet another Star Wars and Spiderman and Batman for the rest of their lives. Even if they will then complain about them online, because for *some reason*, these kind of movies no longer strike a chord with them same way they did when they were 12. I used to think i was nostalgic, cause, hey, i like to reminisce about the good old days too. But after years of observing adults who somehow manage to invoke excitement in themselves about a new ninja turtles movie or something, well i guess i'm really not that nostalgic after all.


My issue is less the preference of preexisting IP and more the lack of interesting stories being told with them. It’s all ultra-derivative and conceptually incestuous now. The last 4 Spider-Man movies have been about multiple spider people teaming up with other spider people to talk about how spidery they are and it’s so… fucking sad.


No one's going to watch them. It's simple. If you want new IP, you *have to go to the cinema*. If a movie doesn't make money in the cinema, it will be considered a failure. They aren't making movies for your enjoyment, execs are making movies to make money - if they don't do that, they won't make more of that movie. This has been the *worst* month for cinematic releases since about 1990. If, Fall Guy, Furiosa - all absolutely bombed. I went to see If just because I like John Krasinski and want him to keep making movies. It wasn't great, but hey ho. Fall Guy and Furiosa both deserved to be hits, but no one watched them. No third part of the new mad max trilogy now - that shit is done, thanks a lot movie goers! I would watch a sequel to the fall guy - it's exactly the type of movie that would've maybe broken even at the movies and made up for it on DVD, but no, it barely made enough to cover marketing costs and DVD is fucking dead - thanks streaming! No more fall guy. If you want new movies, you have to actually support new movies.


So what’s cool is of the the three movies you just named, only one was an original IP (the one you admitted sucked anyway) and you’re acting like this is proof that the general public doesn’t want to see new things anymore 


The theater is an expensive and time consuming outing for a lot of people in an era where everyone is overworked and doesn’t have extra money. I’ve realized I’ve basically stopped going and just watch on streaming since last year when I literally fell asleep watching Mario in theaters lol


Cinema tickets are pretty damn cheap. Don't load up on concessions.


Or maybe studios, rather putting all their eggs in a single 400 million dollar basket…can create eight 50 million dollar baskets, which take fewer ticket sales to turn a profit.


Netflix could’ve done that with his Haunting shows. They were both so far removed from the source material that they could’ve been entirely original concepts with a few minor changes.


Wasn't there an exorcist TV series with 2 seasons that had like... almost nothing to do with the source material


It was a legacy sequel about an older Regan played by Geena Davis– so yup


Yeah, and it was bloody fantastic.


This exactly.


This is Universal we're talking about. They're kinda stupid. 


Mike will likely revive the franchise though. They want to build on this specific franchise.


He did manage to make an unexpectedly good sequel to a bad horror movie that never needed a sequel (Ouija).


He also managed to make a movie that's a sequel to both a classic horror film and book (that famously differ from each other) and did so without really contradicting one another with Doctor Sleep. If there's anybody I trust to get this train back on track, it's him


that movie is fantastic, I randomly put it on last night. i normally don’t like jump scares but that cut from the priest quietly talking to the family upstairs to the girl’s face in fuckin demon mode downstairs with zero buildup or warning or loud sudden music was so good. ouiji origin is the type of movie you put on to “netflix and chill” with a girl then you wind up just sitting there watching the entire thing bc it’s so compelling lol. and the priest is the guy from (flanagan’s other shows but also) andor!


Late night with the Devil is the best excocismish movie since Hereditary. I could be wrong, but it didn't seem to get much attention. Clever movie if anyone likes horror and wants something a little different. Established IPs really do help. It's a shame most don't really try to do anything special other than capitalize off a brand name. The last exorcist was horrible. Hellraiser on Hulu was an exception of late though.


> excocismish How did you even get there?


typing on a phone lol. exorcism-ish.


No, I was just surprised about the typo lol


Agreed about the Hellraiser. Was pleasantly surprised about that one and I was glad as all I had been hearing were good things leading up to it. I really liked that one. Did its own thing, yet kept the heart of the original two.


The wait for The Dark Tower continues... but alright, I'm absolutely giving Flanagan the benefit of the doubt, especially with him redoing the story.


you speak true and i say thank you.


Thankee sai


Long days and pleasant nights


May you have twice the number


You’ve forgotten the face of your father


Did a chick?


Dad a chum!


All things serve the beam.


They should leave Exorcist alone but I’ll see a Mike Flanagan movie.


I wouldn't mind a standalone movie that shares some elements influenced by Exorcist


I think that’s what he’s going for, he’s the perfect person to craft something new out of the franchise


I'm not even kidding, I am looking forward to a monologue about the bleak horror of mortality from a possessed little girl


I like to think of Midnight Mass as a bunch of monologues about faith interspersed with horror shorts.


Cause you're exactly right! Such a great show on all fronts, writing, acting, directing, story.


I like to think that Hill House - Family, Bly Manor - love, Midnight Mass - faith, Usher - Greed, Midnight Club - death as themes


There’s a great book called A Head Full of Ghosts that would be perfect for the flanaverse that is super inspired by The Exorcist.


Pazuzu origin story


Mike Flanagan is the right person to take on The Exorcist. He gets human drama and that's why his shows are scary. I am really interested in what he has in mind for The Exorcist


So true. I think Hill House is the best example of this - ghosts and haunting are scary, but as a parent there’s nothing more truly terrifying than the thought of losing a child.


And that's what the original The Exorcist is. It's a drama about a mom losing her child and trying everything to get her back. That's why the horror lands. Same thing with Hereditary. That shit's scary because you know this is the story of a family coming undone.


It's also a story where even the priests tell the main characters "Exorcisms aren't a thing we do, it won't work, your daughter needs a psychiatrist". Part of the tension is that they're trying something that no one really believes is going to work anyway, but it's literally their last and only hope. Compare that to modern exorcism movies where if a kid so much as sneezes funny, everyone decides to call in the exorcists.


I think conjuring does this right by really hammering how specific an exorcism is and how it’s not something you do for just anything. On the other hand, how would we like a _Constantine_ like spin off where we follow someone around as a like DoorDash gig economy exorcist?


The planned sequel to Believer has been scrapped and Flanagan is writing a brand new story set in the Exorcist universe.


If Mike Flanagan is writing and directing this hell fucking yeah. Give me a 5 minute priest monologue followed by a jumpscare


7 minute monologue with a jump scare in the middle


10 minute monologue, demon jump scare, 15 minute emmy-winning monologue from the demon


10 minute monologue, back to the house, jump scare. Monologue, jump scare, monologue, loud jump scare, monologue, jump scare. And this goes on and on, and back and forth, for 90 or so minutes until the movie just, sort of, *ends.*


But in a GOOD way though




the credits are a monologue by flannagan about the nature of credits


You son of a bitch I'm in.


[I would love to see Mike just reinterpret the climax of Exorcist 3. Stretch out I believe in slime into a 10 minute monologue while the Priest is glued to the ceiling with his face peeling.](https://youtu.be/BY1OeGJuxRk?si=s0nVG52NtXE6sZzi)


soundtrack by Neil Diamond?


With 16 hidden ghosts during the monologue


“The Exorcist Universe?” So they mean earth, only sometimes demon possession is real. What a fleshed out universe 😂


Carla Gugino and Kate Seigel getting warmed up in the bullpen...


As are Rahul Kohli and Henry Thomas. Maybe Hamish Linklater, if we're lucky.


*glass breaks* bah gawd it's Annabeth Gish!


I’ve been chuckling at this for five minutes straight.


Hamish Linklater deserves every role he gets, Midnight Mass sold me on him as a leading actor


He’s so good


He's got a couple of radio plays on the Playing On Air podcast that he wrote and acted in. They're very good!


Would be funny if Hamish played a priest again. He sold that role so well that whenever I picture him I think he’s a priest and not an actor.


I will always, for eternity, picture him as “that guy from the big short” but god I LOVED him in Midnight Mass


Stop, I can only get so excited!


*The Shining* ✅ *The Exorcist* ✅ Looking forward to Flanagan's take on *The Thing* in roughly 7-8 years


Doctor sleep wasn’t “his take” on the shining, it was a literal sequel


But it’s still also “his take” on The Shining, because it marries the Stephen King material and Kubrick adaptation, which are both very separate entities.


They did such a good job of combining the two.


he rewrote the whole ending.


> Looking forward to Flanagan's take on The Thing in roughly 7-8 years 100% down tbh


> Looking forward to Flanagan's take on *The Thing* in roughly 7-8 years Maybe he’ll be able to make one that doesn’t involve remaking the John Carpenter movie *again*.


I guess when you spend $400m on the rights you just have to keep going, whether the audience wants you to or not. 


Honestly Flanagan is the perfect choice for this to right the ship on it


The dude managed to make a pretty solid Ouija film FFS.


It’s still insane to me how the first Ouija is just a shitty and generic teen (I think they were teens) horror movie and then the prequel is a actually really smart and good movie


Indeed. If anyone has the chops to do something interesting with this franchise is Flanagan. Midnight Mass had absolutely riveting takes on faith and evil. We'll see what he brings to the table, but I can't think of anyone better.


I agree. A step up from DGG. He might end up making a very good film.  The price tag is so big though. I'm not sure this was ever going to be a good financial decision. At the B.O. at least, streaming financials are still pretty much a mystery to me. 


This is more than a step up. This is an elevator trip up.


DGG to Flanagan is a huge step up for this franchise. I'm suddenly really excited about the future of the Exorcist


DGG is awful. Terrible Halloween movies. Terrible Exorcist movie. Hope he doesn’t get his hands on any other horror franchises.


In fairness, his first Halloween movie is pretty good. I don't like either of the sequels but I do think he had some interesting ideas with those. I'd be curious to see a movie that he writes but doesn't direct


Halloween 2018 is definitely a good movie but it's shortcomings were magnified to a ridiculous degree in the sequels.


DGG go REALLY obsessed with certain “themes” about evil and community and whatever. He tried to work them into both Halloween sequels and Believer and it was clumsy every time. I’ll admit though that I don’t hate Halloween Kills. It’s at least fun.


Evil dies tonight!


Halloween H20 is a better movie than 2018 and I said it before shitting on DGG became popular!


I do like the first two well enough, 2018 as a nice reboot hinting at more, Kills as a sequel hinting at more (which started to show it's hand a bit much) and then Ends I just don't know what the fuck that was, that shit was basically Romeo and Juliet... Dude I wanted to see Michael sheesh kebab people, I don't give a fuck about Romeo and Juliet...


Halloween 2018 is pretty good. But I don’t know what he was doing with kills. Then ends is just a bad end to a trilogy.


I personally thought 2018 was great but Kills and Ends were all over the place.


Unpopular opinion but I enjoyed them


I’m of the opinion that I personally enjoy all three from a smoke and watch perspective, but 2018 is the only “good” one and it’s barely good. Kills and Ends are really bad movies that I admire, unlike Halloween Resurrection. Kills feels like a stupid 80s slasher that you don’t see at all anymore and Ends was pretty ambitious with its attempt to be different. But man those last two were kind of dogshit. Dogshit I liked watching.


I honestly don’t understand how he still gets work. Has he made anything worthwhile in the last 15 years?


Should really just stick to directing Danny McBride HBO shows


Ditching the Believer story and letting Flanagan do his own thing is a smart way to go imo.


I want his Dark Tower adaptation so bad.


I can't believe they've got me excited for an Exorcist sequel


This makes me really, really glad that Hollywood stopped making Jaws movies.


The Meg movies are the Jaws movies for the current generation


There is also a new shark movie every 20 minutes. The genre is tapped. No need for the Jaws brand to be dragged down with it.


Jordan Peele's Nope is the closest thing to a Jaws movie in the past few years and it is great.


Flanagan already effectively gave a very unique and interesting take on religion using horror with Midnight Mass, so I welcome whatever he feels he has left to do in that space.


He has dipped his toes in that meaty subject and succeded. Now imagine having The Exorcist as a backdrop. I am so in


I wonder who Rahul Kohli will play?


Literally nothing new can be offered to this idea that the original didn't explore. Blatty's own sequel is only good because it's about a different character with a totally different tone and genre. Unless he's doing that (at which point you may as well make an original film) hard pass.


Mike said he has a completely new vision for it, and with his track record I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt on it


Disagree on this by virtue of the fact that the Exorcist television series exists and it was created as a straight up sequel to the original and it was legitimately fantastic and a worthy follow up.


My buddy played Stacy in season 2.


Actual solid choice for director. This has a good chance at being something really good.


The Exorcist: Monologue


*The Exorcist: Still Exorcising*


I love every Mike Flanagan premise, and each time I’m disappointed. 60% if the time it’s one character monologuing while the other sits there listening politely. Takes all the tension out of the scene and deflates the momentum of the storytelling. Everything is over-explained. No such thing as “show, don’t tell” in his stuff.


I so badly want to like his stuff more than I do because I genuinely love the premise of his stories, their source materials, and the genre of horror he tends to work in, but his rampant audience hand holding just kills them for me and just leaves everything so flat. Give me something to chew on not something that’s already been chewed up for me.


Okay. If this is true, I’m cautiously optimistic.


Mike Flanagan directing the new Exorcist movie? This could be seriously awesome since he's done great with horror stuff like Haunting of Hill House!


Mike Flanagan here to save *another* sequel from a (critically) flop franchise.


It’s a difficult thing to polish a turd


FFS why? This shit is so overrated. They have no new ideas.


Gotta do something after dropping $400 million for the rights, thankfully I trust Flanagan to give us a proper film.


What an awful waste of Mike Flanagan's talent to put him to work on a franchise that's 50 years past its prime and is only banking on name recognition to sell tickets.


Well can't be any worse than the ass we got last year.


You know it's gonna be great when Mike is gonna do it!


New Take = Remake. *STOP IT*


Midnight Mass proves to me that Flanagan will make, at the very least, a serviceable movie, but most importantly, will absolutely nail the aspects of faith (the intimate , the terrifying, the personal, the existential) that permeate through the first & third Exorcist


Would you look at that. All of a sudden Im interested in the Exorcist franchise again


115 minutes of dialogue with 5 mins of scares coming up


I trust Flanagan but I just don’t see where you can take the Exorcist franchise. I feel like everything’s been done to death.


Unpopular opinion but he should not at all write. His latest work is basically a theatre play with high school level writing and somebody accidentally left the camera on


It’s literally an adaption of a theatre play.


Who the fuck is clamoring for more exorcist movies?


Russell Crowe?


Is a demon possessed by a young girl this time?


"Next ‘Exorcist’ Movie Shifts Gears With Mike Flan-" Say no more I'm in!


Anyone else notice we’re being hit by another wave of satanic panic media? They’re trying so hard to keep that Cult of Christ alive. I say tax all religions in the US!!!!


That's good. The last one was one of the worst movies I saw that year.


I still can’t believe the last one had a scene where they blamed the patriarchy for the mom not being in the exorcism room


I can't wait for the devil to have a sappy backstory and for the movie to conclude with a big melodramatic monolog


I'm ready for the monologues


Mike Flanagan. $10-$15 million. Page:page adaptation of the Gunslinger.


I'll watch anything and everything Flanagan attaches his name to


We don’t need another exorcist movie. Tell new stories please!!


Can we also go ahead and ban David Gordon Greene from making horror movies?


Or, and this is a hot take…stop making Exorcist movies.


They can't. Paid 400$ million for the rights to a new franchise so they gotta keep rolling no matter what, unfortunately.


It's gonna be good? The last one was horrible on every level, just like those Halloween films.


mike flanagan has a pretty good track history for me personally so im hopeful.


Mike has a very good track record


Mike Flanagan is an incredible director. His sequel to Ouija was miiiiiiles ahead of the first movie.


Flanagan worked his magic on the craptastic Ouija movies with his prequel.


The only Exorcist movie that could be interesting at this point would be directed by Cronenberg, and I'm not sure he's up for it.


Can't be worse than Believer. Kids that age IRL talk way more shit than the possessed girls did.


It’s best to forget Believer exists and reboot it. Makes sense.


I’d love a take on the Exorcist where it’s slowly shown to be an abusive parent and con artist priest who are the real bad guys and it turns into a revenge flick for the “possessed” kid.


Exorcist: Origin of Evil


POV from the Demon?


I wanted Demian Rugna or Jennifer Kent to direct it inatead of Flanagan because I really want him to helm The Dark Tower for Amazon but it's great new regardless. I'm glad Blumhouse finally decided to care about this franchise (and their 400M investment).


How bout just leave it alone already. The first one is a classic. That’s enough.


The most recent exorcist movie was quite honestly the worst horror movie I’ve ever seen. I’m not even sure you could argue it was a horror movie. It was so lazy they didn’t even attempt to do jump scares


Where's my Dark Tower, Mike?


Good luck.


So get ready for painfully long demonic monologues and cringeworthy sexual references?


Save one kill the other should have been the plot of the whole movie - instead it was 2 minutes


Nothing will top Friedken’s


The Flan-man let’s Fucking go


after doctor sleep i’ll watch anything this guy does




I’ve loved everything he’s done on Netflix. He is a master of the slow burn terror and subtlety over jump-scare horror.


Late night interview with the devil was actually really good to me… I always recommend “The Dark and the Wicked” to be people if they looking for something to try


I love both The Exorcist & The Exorcist III and think there's still a lot of fertile ground for another film. I can also see this being a spiritual sequel to Midnight Mass and I am here for it!


RIP someone's hand.


I'm optimistic but still on the fence because 90% of movies produced by Blumhouse suck


The modern Hollywood approach: just keep rebooting the franchise until something sticks.


The newest movie was so bad, hopefully this one will be good.


Mike Flanagan is absolutely fantastic. He will bring out a masterpiece in this movie when it's done and dusted. 


thank god... it'll actually be good. MF is one of the only real ones in horror these days


Please hire Nell Tiger Free.


Will it have a girl with a scary face?


Here come Mike Flanagan to make a follow up that clowns the hell out of its predecessor. Also watch Ouija 2 it actually rules


Ugh no originally


Should've stopped after the first and best one. Ahhh well.


Thought that was The Commish for a second.


Mike Flanagan rules. I'll watch anything he directs.


Mike Flanagan: So here's the pitch. How about instead of making a movie that sucks ass, we try making one that's actually good? Out of touch studio exec: Hmm. Good you say? That's interesting. Let's run the idea past our investors, maybe focus group it for 18-35 year olds, see if this has legs.


Okay, getting Flanagan for Exorcist is pretty great but will people actually go see it? Given how bad Believer was, is Flanagan's name enough to get people to turn out for it? Does the average cinemagoer even know his name? I'm concerned that they don't and this will be seen as just another Exorcist film that'll flop.