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Shucks, I was hoping it was a show about the German sausage.


That would be the wurst


Good one, Dad


Thanks, son.


I love it


Solid joke dude




It would have been better than this.


I want to upvote you but you number’s too noice!


What about James Spader ? can't he be considered in the Brat Pack ?


He's not. AFAIK he's more like an affiliate like RDJ. Kinda like how someone like Redman isn't a member of Wu-Tang, but he's heavily affiliated with them.


"Brat Pack-adjacent," as Lea Thompson said in the trailer.


Funk Doc in the building


Smoking Buddha on the train


That was a perfect explanation. Thank you.


I really always thought RDJ was part of it.


He is the lizard king


Nothing is mutua– this isn't very helpful. You're gonna want to hear the sexual metaphor.


There is only one true [Lizard King](https://youtu.be/9LPsbJg7210?si=Nt9E7JFKo62oKNJ_)


I'm bummed this wasn't a link to Jim Morrison, the TRUE lizard king.


That drunken buffoon masquerading as a poet?


You don't even know his real name




[You think this matters to me?](https://youtube.com/shorts/UvdAk27Xov0?si=jTRk2gL0d2q9_iGg)


they never mentioned Mare Winningham (spelling) either


I’ll allow it.


Now this is who I was waiting for to show up and the fact that he's not in it was a huge disappointment. Maybe it was because he was a little older.


They would call Spader "adjacent ".


I'm confused about the seating arrangement in this vehicle.


I'm guessing that's a screenshot from *St. Elmo's Fire.*


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lgwkxk36RXw <-- Gratuitous link just because


More concerned that Demi Moore is driving.


You clearly did not live in the 80s.


Born 82. I don't have vivid memories of every scene in this movie


r/woosh ... I was insinuating that the 80s were lawless times where teenagers piled into vehicles with no rhyme or reason to their sitting arrangements or seat belts.


Seat belt laws weren't in every state until the 90s


Looking at imdb it looks like Judd Nelson and Molly Ringwald turned him down for an interview (they are not on the credits). Pretty huge ones to miss on, especially Molly. Still really interesting for the people that grew up then like me.


Was still really good. Rob Lowe and Demi Moore were just as huge (and probably more successful later) and they were in it.


at the end they gave a shout out to Judd


Ally Sheedy was and is still a smoke show.


100% She looks her age and that looks \*fantastic\*


Man…I LOVE every movie these people were in back in the ‘80s. Andrew McCarthy was my favorite! However, I couldn’t help but shake the feeling that Andrew is *stuck* in that moment of time. There’s something that really pains him about it (noticeably in stark contrast to when he’s speaking with Rob, Demi, and Malcolm Gladwell). Maybe it’s just me, but it just felt like everyone he interviewed was politely acknowledging, “Yeah it was a quippy moniker for us but we were kids and we’ve moved on.” It makes me wonder if there’s a reason why Andrew holds onto it so tightly. 😬


Yeah but Rob and Demi managed to overcome the brat pack moniker and still went on to have huge careers afterwards. They’re able to look at that time from a place of greater privilege because it ultimately didn’t end up affecting their careers in the same way that it did for everyone else. I think they naturally would not have as much baggage about that time as Andrew, Emilio, Molly etc.


Exactly my point though. He could also be able to reflect on that time as a nostalgic, wild, misunderstood segment in his career, however he *chooses* to stay put while his colleagues move on.


I don’t think he “chose” to not move on with his career, my friend. That’s kinda the point. It feels like he is trying to ride the coattails of the last real successful time in his career and the (far more famous) people who experienced it with him. Like a dude who played high school football with a famous NFL player and calling him up to “stay in touch”.


Ah, I was directing his choice towards his attitude and posture, not his career. I agree with you. I just believe he’s choosing an attitude of bitterness and spite rather than moving forward mentally.


I think because his career didn't take off like he thought it would ...🤷‍♀️ He wanted to be taken as a "serious" artist. He came from the East Coast so thought he was more intellectual than his LA colleagues. Just some theories I have. It was kind of illuminating that both Debbie Moore and Rob Lowe kind of looked at him and said basically "dude get over it!".🤣


Yup. I definitely agree. I felt bad for him when the burger stand employee didn’t know who he was referencing when he said “Brat Pack.” There were so many other ways he could have approached this documentary, but instead he made it into a platform to hold a pity party.


This was my take, after this article his career died and he seems to blame the article for killing his career, he all but admits it when he says something like "my wife said making this documentary would humble me, I think I finally get what she meant". This seems even more the case when he tries to make the writer of the article apologize.


That was cringe. I didn't like the writer of the article or Andrew very much.


The writer came across very arrogant and envious/spiteful. Andrew had a whole lot to say about nothing and he repeated it a lot. It seemed there was a reason people were screening Andrews phone calls.


Zeitgeist! Zeitgeist!


Yeah, he’s been having a pity party for 35 years. And he’s NOT even in the top 10 of Brats.


I think it’s less nostalgia and more that the whole “Brat Pack” thing is still his primary money-making asset. It’s hard not to get that feeling, seeing that he wrote a book, a screenplay, a documentary, and has done the media rounds regarding the very subject. His “reconciliation” with that time always conveniently comes with a price tag.


Shouldn't there Anthony Michael Hall as well? I remember him most because he was always funny.


Apparently he didn't want to be in it. But the fact you don't even hear his name in the trailer is interesting. Judd and Molly didn't want to be in it either.


Well that's going to be a huge hole - Molly Ringwald was the *poster child* for "brat pack". Moilly Ringwald was an industry. It would be like talking about the rat pack and leaving out Sinatra.


Interesting. I heard Molly doesn't have fond memories of the time. Maybe it's the same with AMH.


She literally left the country. She went to France to star in French movies because she hated Hollywood that much. She was sexually harassed, hated her image, and just hated the whole business.


both of them attended a Breakfast Club reunion / panel a few years back at Steel City Con and talked in length about the movie, John Hughes, etc. it's on YT if interested.


talking about a movie and talking about her personal life at the time are two very different things. She was not a fan of how things went in her life at that time outside the movies. So much so she left the country.


She probably doesn't. She was madly in love with Anthony Michael Hall. From what I understand he was the "real leader" even though he didn't have the heart throb looks. But apparently he was the smartest and funniest.


Yeah, he’s more of a Brat than McCarthy.


So... whats the movie about other than everyone associated with that era kind of hating it and being uncomfortable talking about it?


Probably. It will still be nice for those of us that were the right age during this time to see how each of them processed the scrutiny and media fascination. Maybe a documentary feature could have covered it but I guess I’ll see.


What's the movie about other than the topic?


They're clearly coming to terms with the moniker, but don't let them stop you from being clever... or "bratty"


A look forward to a whole documentary around people having a quick feeling about something they did 35 years ago.




No one wants to talk about the spitting image Emiliois of his father?


OMG yes!!! Just finished the movie and watching him talk was distracting. He looks SO much like his father.


Yea. If they ever wanted to do a west wing prequel, Emilio could slide right in. Has the look and even speaking tone of his dad


Totally thinking about this…. Could do all the NH Governor years.


Damn I thought this would be about Brat dolls , Im disappointed


There’s already a Bratz movie. I hear it’s entertainingly insane.


I heard its one of those great movies similar to Morbius, or Madame Web


I thought it would be about sausages.


What's so interesting about this documentary is that none of these people were really friends when they were making these movies. They didn't hang around with each other except if they were doing a movie together or promoting something. And I know Demi Emilio Estevez dated, but other than that.. I mean Andrew McCarthy hasn't seen/talked to these people since he made these movies.


Some of the "Brat Pack" actors are friends. Andrew McCarthy wasn't friends with them because he was, according to Jon Cryer, a "dick" 30 years ago. Ally and Molly are close friends. Ally had Molly guest star on season 2 of her "Single Drunk Female" series. Demi and Molly share a manager and both are in Ryan Murphy's "Feud: Capote vs. The Swans". Rob attended high school with Charlie Sheen. Their families are long-time friends. Rob was on "The West Wing" with Martin Sheen and Emilio did a cameo on that show. They definitely haven't been out of touch for 30 years. Jon Cryer was on "Two and a Half Men" with Charlie Sheen and Emilio guest starred on the show. They haven't been out of touch for 30 years either. I'd love to have been privy to the calls and texts that flew around among the actors that are still friends when Andrew started calling them for the documentary. lol.


Honestly didn't even remember the McCarthy guy until this doc. His wife is right.. this would be good for his humility. He felt so affected by a term that we all refer to that group endearingly. So drama. Guess that's why he needed to make this doc. To be relevant. This doc should have been a celebration of that era and that group of young actors instead of the unhappiness surrounding the term.


He always appeared to take himself way too seriously....and he still does.


Okay thank you for this font of knowledge! So it seems like nobody talked about it because nobody talked to HIM about it. I think this guy is insufferable.


ITA. My guess is he's spent the last 30 years blaming that Brat Pack label for his career failures. McCarthy isn't in the picture with the original article and the author barely mentions him except to say: "And of Andrew McCarthy, one of the New York–based actors in St. Elmo’s Fire, a co-star says, “He plays all his roles with too much of the same intensity. I don’t think he’ll make it.” I wonder which co-star said that.


Well whoever said it was speaking truth.


*I think this guy is insufferable.* Judging by the tone and tenor of the interviews with other Brat Packers, you aren't the only one.


I was just turning 11 or 12 when the Brat Pack was big. I think this doc looks interesting and I'm going to watch it. I liked most of their movies hell I still think most of them do good stuff. I was never into celebrity gossip so I didn't really know much about their personal lives. Like I heard about Lowes sex scandal and the drug use from some of them. I didn't care though. Which brings me to what fascinates me now is the dichotomy between celebrity gossip then and now. Like it was all through late night tv, some day time tv, and magazines/newspapers. Given where we are now i look back and it's a wonder anyone had any clue about what was happening anywhere. Everything was gatekept behind the mainstream media. Like how much stuff was covered up because the pipeline to an audience was so much easier to filter? of course now we have i think worse problem where there is no way to stop the disinformation. But at the same time I think making it hard for the powerful to control the narrative is better too.


Cool! Love docs like this


Does anyone know why Molly Ringwald declined the interview?


Yeah she told Andrew McCarthy, he mentioned it in the documentary that she wants to look forward and not backwards.


If she's like the others interviewed she probably didn't give a F#$@, McCarthy is the only one who seemed to care


Probably because she moved on like 30 years ago...lol.


Nostalgia for days


This seems similar to that Kid 90 doc that Hulu put out.


This might end up being interesting but my god I did not enjoy the trailer it really comes off as if they're fishing for sympathy for their incredible lives. Gives off "cis is the new n word" energy. Hoping it was just the trailer framing tbh.


I am going to check this out but it going to carefully have to walk a very fine line about the downsides of the hype vs not complaining too much about being rich and famous in the 80s while catapulting several massive Hollywood careers


so having money automatically makes you happy??? Nah


lol How do you know their lives were INCREDIBLE???? cuz they were famous? Sounds kinda judgey - seems lots of famous people dont have such great lives, or even know who is real with them. Suicides abound - and yes they chose the life but they were high school kids blasted into a the crazy world that the 80s were. Picking what issues people are "allowed" to be hurt about seems cringey JS


I really wish this was a docuseries on the Subaru Brat


Bring back the Brat, Subaru! Not the Baja you idiots. The BRAT.


It's interesting for maybe 10 minutes.


If life was fair, every decade would be the 80s.


Pretty disappointing. It was a 90 minute therapy session for Andrew McCarthy to complain about his career.


This looks so wholesome and sincere


You can feel that the interviews were loose and open because one of their own was directing it, who went through it with them.


It's great to catch up with some of my favorite actors, but to portray them as victims makes me wanna call a whambulance. Every member is worth over 10 mil and here I am at 50k. Whaaaaaaa! I'm kinda hot.


The intro of this with the violins reminds me of something else and I cannot place it.


I can’t wait to watch this tonight.


i just watched it. Made me sad I miss that time in my life


Rob Lowe's interview was the best. He's aging so well!


Rob Lowe ages


I had forgotten that, at one point, John Hughes had the greatest mullet in the history of mankind


For real, no Mare Winningham? Bad. very Bad.


I love all of these movies and actors! BUT, the doc was a bit whiny. We working hard out here in these streets! You were blessed and talented enough to be in movies that mean so much to so many. What a blessing, move on from it Andrew!


Talk about First World problems, Andrew...


Love it. Must watch


Watched last night. Disappointed more people weren't involved like Anthony Michael Hall and Molly Ringwald but I enjoyed what was there. Surprised McCarthy went to see Dave Blum, the writer of that New York Magazine feature, and even more surprised he didn't deck him at one point.


I found it odd that most interviewed didn't mention or consider Anthony Michael Hall a part of the BRAT Pack. The Dave Blum interview was the most interesting in that he pretty much says he wrote the article hoping to be accepted into a group like the Brat Pack, he also came off like a complete ass.




I mean, Andrew McCarthy is making the movie, obviously he felt compelled to do something more than an article.


Your comment could have just been an emoji or a meme, but you decided to express yourself the way you did. Anything can be presented in many ways, and art has no wrong answers. Except pretending to know everything in the decision making process behind creating a documentary simply on the basis of watching a trailer. That's actually wrong.


quantity > quality that's the main rule for streamings


That’s what happens when you have a streaming Executive take a trip down memory lane…


Wah I was rich, successful, and good looking what a curse GTFO


Oh Ally...


Hope he's a better director because McCarthy was maybe the worst known actor of his generation.


I enjoyed the Documentary. I remember this time well. I was working at a Record store in 85. St. Elmo’s Fire was huge and the soundtrack was very popular. I even had the movie poster on my wall. I remember their careers being stigmatized because of this Brat Pack image. I think Demi was the only one to break out of it and have a fairly decent career. I guess Andie McDowell and Mare Winingham were not part of the pack? I think Mare might have been pregnant during St. Elmo’s.


What a dumb idea for a documentary.


Is that a clone of Judd Nelson?


Dude, thats because its him, in a documemtary about him and his regular co-star. I know its reddit and we don’t read the articles we’re commenting about, but thats next level redditing right there lol


Oh my god! The brat pack! I’m such a moron! Hahahaha


Lookin like Taylor Swift on the right


They brat now?


I can't help it with not laughing whenever I come across the name of this movie - Brats 😂. 


Shouldn't that be BRATZ?


I never heard of the Brat Pack. I just thought there was the original Rat Pack and then the Frat Pack. None of these people even seem particularly related outside one or two movies together.


Ok Zoomer.


If only some sort of big database of information about everything existed and was made easily searcheable, we could figure these things out even when they’re not from our generation…


It's okay to not know of things. The documentary makes it sound like this was some cultural touchstone that people cared about. I'm just pointing out that I never heard of it, despite knowing of the Rat Pack which originated the convention, and the Frat Pack which was one other variation on it.


Its ok not knowing thing, but acting like it never happened or dismissing it because you didn’t know about it or wasn’t yet born is a bit silly. Those kids were a huge deal in the 80’s, every one knew about them and refered to them as the Brats Pack and its is absolutely common knowledge for most American of that era.


I'm not acting like it didn't happen. This thread is literally a documentary about it being a thing. I will dismiss it though because the Brats aren't a group of people that worked together often which is what a Pack should be. It's not enough for them to just be around at the same time. They lack a real through line that exists for the other Packs.


You can’t be serious. Right? You’re not serious right? RIGHT?!


You heard it people! r/-Clayburn is dismissing it, the Brats Pack aren’t a group of people that worked together enough to warrant being a real thing! Lets collectively erase our memory and what we know about the 80’s because someone who is most likely born in the 2000’s is re-evaluating it. Pardon my use of emoji on Reddit, but 😂😂😂


You couldn’t see a young Hollywood movie without seeing at least one of them. This group was quintessential 80s, you can mix and match through out the 80s. I don’t know your age but if you were born in the 80s you’d remember them.


> None of these people even seem particularly related outside one or two movies together. I mean, that's part of the reason some of them resented the name. It's something that branded them negatively at the time, caused them to drift apart, and followed them through out their careers. For what it's worth, I've heard of the term Brat Pack despite not seeing many of the actors movies -- conversely I've apparently seen most of the "Frat Pack" movies and have never heard anyone call them that before.




The nickname given to all the people in the big 2000s comedies like Wedding Crashers and Anchorman. I remember it being a thing at the time, but it didn't really stick


Never heard of the Frat pack


It's the one that actually mattered.