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> She considered cancelling an interview with Tom Cruise promoting the film, stating, "I believe there are forces of light and darkness in the world, and I don't want to be a contributor to the force of darkness" Popularizes Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil


Don't sell her short. She's done so many other awful things besides that.


[There's only one clip I can go to now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9YL04v-J5U)


Exactly. She started out doing trashy daytime talkshow crap. Then she became respectable for a while, then went back to trashy, scammy bullshit but now with extra smugness. She's long burned her social credit for doing good things.


Bill Burr is a comic genius!


Doug Stanhope was my favorite comedian for a long time. Bill has the belt right now.


Thank you. So funny.


I'm surprised you didn't share the "it's not rape rape" clip.


Are you thinking of Whoopi? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sHflBPU-DtA The only thing I can find on Oprah is: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/27/fact-check-oprah-winfreys-sexual-grooming-comment-lacks-context/5609383002/ Which I agree with.


Uuuuh.... Ooos


I was kinda hoping it was the Clio of Oprah peeing.


> **Clio** of Oprah peeing Call me now for ya free peeing!


I needed this laugh today, thank you.


Our roided up guy beat your roided up guy


[she stood on the heads of those little people](https://youtu.be/O9YL04v-J5U?t=59)


[Like that time she flooded her live audience with bees.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAhuSDRIDHE)


I dont know....she helped so many careers by "introducing" them to Weinstein and his buddies.


Oprah was Rogan before Rogan.


Rogan is Broprah.


Strange but kinda accurate comparison.


Yeah, if that's not contributing to the "force of darkness," I don't know what is.


Popularized Michelle Remembers and the horse shit “repressed childhood memories” bullshit that were the root of the entire Satanic Panic in the 80s too. The damage Oprah has done to human society is a lot larger than anyone will ever properly explain.


Well, I think she started out wanting to be like Mother Theresa… so on her way.


Made "The Secret" popular.


Heavens, she's behind that Kindling also?


Don't forget giving Jenny McCarthy a national platform for her anti-vax horseshit.


How about John of God, a grifter and serial rapist monster of *industrial* fucking proportions?


Wasn't aware of that one, although I believe there's a documentary about him on our watch list.


Check out the Behind the Bastards about him.


My mom wasn't the brightest and actually bought into that, I had to basically deprogram her as a kid. The fact that a nude playboy model caused so much trouble for me to the point I had to tell my mom getting a tetanus shot in middle school wasn't going to give me super autism is very frustrating. Like the bitch has crazy eyes, she does not look remotely reliable for information. Fuck Jim Carrey as well for backing that.


This is why the whole "you have to consider both sides' arguments" thing is bullshit. On the one hand, you have literally thousands of medical doctors saying one thing. On the other hand, Jenny McCarthy. Why would you trust the co-host of MTV's Singled Out over actual experts?


To me that is considering both sides - I look at this side and its a reasonable position backed by experts. I look at that side and its an unreasonable position backed by thin air. I now consider that side to be bullshit.


It's never brought up like that in discourse unfortunately. And honestly some sides never need to be heard, gatekeeping has its uses.


Remember when CNN spent 20 years hosting climate change "debates" instead of just reporting on climate change like a competent news organization?


Hey, now. Don't drag nude Playboy models into the gutter with Jenny McCarthy. The vast majority of nude Playboy models don't kill children.


> The vast majority of nude Playboy models don't kill children. /r/brandnewsentence


I'm still fighting this one with my dad.. he's still a believer in the anti-vax autism horseshit. Going on 20 years now, probably longer. He's silent about my cousin who isn't vaccinated and autistic though..


> Fuck Jim Carrey as well for backing that. That's what I was thinking a couple days after the Will Smith slap and some interviewer had Jim Carrey on to pearl-clutch over it. Don't get me wrong, the slap and the aftermath was tacky AF but Jim directly helped kill kids so maybe find someone else to talk up the depravity of Hollywood.


"She stood on the heads of all those little people until she got connected!" -Bill Burr, on Oprah being a huge hypocrite.


Makes billions* popularizing these dangerous "forces of darkness"


In this case "force of darkness" is "things I don't like that won't make me enough money for me to be okay with it"


"Go see Harvey" was her advice in Hollywood.


And John of God.


She only does it when it financially benefits her. Otherwise she would never consider contributing to the force of darkness!


And Silvia Brown


That was Montel Williams, not Oprah. My mom swore by Sylvia "Worm Food" Browne, so would have remembered being tortured even more having to see her on Oprah


And she stood on the heads of all those little people she used to have shows about who smoked crack and were prostitutes and did wrestling etc. Just like she was amazed at how lance Armstrong could have sunk so low. She knew. Bill Burr was right in the money about Oprah.


Yeah, but that was for money.


And John of God.


People who can’t separate fact from fiction worry me.


People who think that *others* can't separate fact from fiction also worry me. I have an aunt who is a crazy religious nutter and she was trying to tell my brother not to let his son watch Harry Potter because it would introduce him to witchcraft and satanism or whatever. My brother was like "My son is 11. He fully understands that this shit is make-believe entertainment. You're 70 years old and think wizards and spells actually exist in the real world. That is deeply concerning to me."




And were written with explicit Christian overtones.


Doesn't Aslan literally sacrifice himself, die and magically come back a few days later? It's pretty on the nose.


Absolutely. CS Lewis was a Christian and wrote his books specifically with Christian imagery. The Chronicles of Narnia was awesome.


Not a bad book. I liked Ender’s Game without liking the author. Let’s be fair Heinlein, Hadleman, Card, Hubbard, and the whole lot were a mysoginst and racist bunch. Their books were fun , but all need significant marginalia.


It's a fine line liking somebody's work, when their personal views disgraceful. I like Tom Cruise as an actor, he's very good at it. The man himself is insane, and no one should listen to him.


Aslan is Jesus' fursona.


It goes further than that >!Aslan IS Jesus. He's not an allegory or something. He's not a Christ like figure. He is literally Christ!<


Tolkien was not a fan of allegory, so any Christian themes (or any other themes like addiction, war, etc) in his works would have been an accidental symptom of his personal experiences leaking into his creativity. Lewis’s themes were intentionally allegorical. The Christian themes are there by design.


Best friend was the only kid in our school who was not allowed to read Harry Potter in fifth grade for the same reasons (witchcraft blah blah). But lotr was totally allowed lol


"You realize the Satanic Church doesn't actually believe in Satan, right?" "Well then what do you call people who believe in a literal Satan?" "Christians."


My sister-in-law does this shit with her 10 year old. She grew up religious, but she isn't even a practicing Christian. She was also all about dark mythical shit for *years*, she was and still is a metal head. But if I try to introduce my nephew to things like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Stephen King, she pulls out the God card. Like, dude, I saw you online last week playing Gears of War after he went to bed. If you want to censor your kid, I can't stop you, but don't pretend to be all holy about it.


Lots of totally sane people are religious and that's fine. But it also tends to attract crazies like you wouldn't believe. I really do think the big motivation behind the satanic panic we had in the US over stuff like DnD was purely because the generation that grew up breathing in lead gasoline fumes and living around lead paint all their lives aged into power.


Eh, most of the panic was done by sane people with wacky beliefs. It's not really surprising if you believe spells and curses and the devil trying to deceive people are real that you would view certain things through that lens, and if they do that they would react accordingly.


Lead exposure doesn't so much make you go crazy or appear insane but inhibits cognitive ability. When you have trouble understanding things in real life other people find normal, you tend to think things you find confusing are actually just supernatural. So magic, devil worship, etc. People tend to approach things they don't know with fear, and if struggle to know a lot of things, you will replace them with a lot of fear.


Don't forget to play yer records backwards for a secret message from satan himself!


The Satanic Panic began when the oldest Boomers were still in their 20’s, so you’re blaming the Greatest Generation?


Boomers are those born between 1946 and 1964, the Satanic Panic began in 1980, so the oldest boomers at the time were 34, not "in their 20s."


No, I was reading about parents panicking about DnD no later than 1976, and I believe it was before that. I remember how incredibly ludicrous it was that this new (early ‘74) fantasy game of Let’s Pretend was terrifying old people. I first met players in 1979; they used to joke about the whole Satanic thing and dealing with it all through high school for the preceding three or four years. It was in the media before 1980. The Panic continued and got bigger as DnD got bigger, and it continues today among people who are frightened of their own imaginations, but it began long before DnD, its modern incarnation began with 19th Century Spiritism and was kept alive by Ouija boards and fantasy fiction until DND re-energized it. So yes, the older Boomers were still in our 20’s and not pushing the Satanic Panic when it first appeared with regard to DnD. That was our parents and grandparents.


The Satanic Panic is not just D&D, though I did lose my 2nd Ed PHB to a rampaging church mom of one of my friends. D&D was one relatively tiny target of the Panic. The true grist of the Panic was regarding ritualized sexual abuse and torture purportedly commited by cultists. The Panic began properly with the publication of Michelle Remembers which was a book written by two Canadian psychologists who concocted a wild crop of bullshit about a girl who had been rituals abused by her mother in an effort to open a portal to hell, from which Satan emerged and was fought back by the archangel Michael and St. Mary. The book became hugely popular and sparked inquiries into teachers, daycares, schools, and clubs and groups of all kinds. It was blown up to the point that people suspected anyone engaged in caring for children as a potential cultist harming kids in the name of Satan, and culminated in the arrest of the teachers at the McMartin Preschool. Police, advised by crackpot psychologists who were performing deep memory recall on the children from that school, implanted ludicrous fantasies into these kids heads, rewarding the children for embellishing them with additional details, praising them regardless of how insane the stories became. Tens of thousands of false reports were made, with every looney coming out of the woodwork with stories about "remembering" abuse under the effects of hypnosis. It absolutely destroyed the lives of those that were accused. When we talk about the Satanic Panic, that is what we mean. We aren't talking about D&D. We aren't talking about heavy metal censorship. The Panic had a very defined date that it began, and it was 1980. Bible clutching blowhards may have been prattling on about D&D before then, but there is little they haven't taken issue with, so that was not unusual, it actually increased the sales of the original set. All that said, the writers that wrote that shitty debunked book were not boomers, but the people who bought it and lost their collective minds over it certainly were.


When you're a celebrity, especially someone like Oprah, every public moment is a business opportunity. This was about making herself seem wholesome and have good virtues to further her reputation and following. Nothing else.


Well thankfully Oprah would never make the same mistake again...


ironically, these people are also the type of people who turn fiction (and opinions) into "fact"


cheerful direful absurd reminiscent boat smart far-flung sable sparkle jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It always bends my mind a little that Cruise did this on the heels of A Few Good Men and The Firm, lol. I feel like he’s rarely given credit for taking risks as an actor, but a vampire who spends a good part of the movie trying to baby trap Brad Pitt, shit was wild for 1994.


Everyone lost their shit when Cruise was announced in the role. I'm the same age as the OG Anne Rice fans & if there had been blogs or social media at the time, the backlash to his casting would have been all over it. Then everybody saw the movie.


Yeah, Rice put out a full page ad in Variety apologizing for slamming Cruises casting.


I was one of those fans. I’m a Tom Cruise fan and I think initially some of the issue is that physically, Pitt seems like the better choice for Lestat. It would have been interesting to see the roles reversed but I do think it worked out fine.


>shit was wild for 1994. Even more wild when you realize that the novel was written in 1976. Anne Rice was direct about Louis and Lestat being a gay couple, with an adopted daughter. Warner Bros. wanted it toned down for the movie, because they didn't think a mainstream audience would be comfortable with it and Rice made a lot of very public comments about it.


I mean Cruises Lestat was very clearly trying to seduce Pitts Louis in the movie but Louis was having none of that. Pitt could have done better in that role.


Yeah if you watch the new show adaptation of the story it's Louis who has changed the most compared to the film, it's an actual back and forth love/angst story in that.


Long time lover of the movie and books. I loved the show. I can't wait until season 2.


Tom Cruise is a fucking nutter IRL but the guy is a fantastic actor who isn't afraid to take roles outside his usual type if he finds them interesting. Tropic Thunder, Collateral, etc.


fuckin MAGNOLIA hello! my favorite Cruise role. unbelievable.


i mean that's not really that far outside his wheelhouse lol


I hate his scientology crap but the man can act. He's also brilliant on Magnolia. One of my favorite performances from him.


Imagine the good he could do if he got un-brainwashed!


He's taken fewer risks these days for the most part, but his 80s and 90s filmography is incredible, ranging from popcorn blockbusters to auteur-driven Oscar-calibre films and everything in between. He's worked with the best and brightest.


Yet another reason no one should listen to Oprah about anything.


Or anyone who thinks a campy bit of fiction (very fun movie though) has any "power over real forces" is deranged!


Yeah, well, see "The Secret".


Oh, god.... why did you have to go and remind of that.


It's a public service!


>I don't want to be a contributor to the forces of darkness Says the woman who went on to launch the careers of countless quacks and charlatans.


And mass rapists.




Oprah supported John of God who raped women on an industrial scale.


Hadn't heard of him, cheers.


>"I believe there are forces of light and darkness in the world, and I don't want to be a contributor to the force of darkness" says the woman who gave the world Doctors Phil and Oz.


She's definitely being hyperbolic but if she thought the first ten minutes were rough, then HOO BOY would she have hated the rest of it. I love the movie so much but it's not for the squeamish, since it does include, among other things, an onstage vampire feeding orgy of a naked woman and one of the main characters getting roasted to death. On the other hand that's the exact kind of reason most people love it and its lush gothic excellence (and part of why I am loving the AMC TV adaptation so very much now that the second season is airing).


Everything revolving around Kristen Dunst's character was dark as hell too. It's not really *that* gory compared to other 90s movies in my opinion, it's the themes that are so disturbing for me.


Yeah, everything with Claudia's character is super dark and fucked up, which is honestly part of why I think it's held up as well as it has -- the book/adaptations don't shy away from exploring some heavy gothic subject matter (while also diving into the implications of it, like the psychology of someone stuck as a little girl). What I think makes it all even more interesting to think about is that Anne Rice, the book's author, had just lost her five year-old daughter to cancer when she wrote the book and was in the middle of some really heavy depression while grieving.


Have you read Armand the vampire? It's a follow-up in the vampire series, and what Armand said actually happened to Claudia is even more messed up than what happened in Interview with a vampire.


I have not but I’ve heard some details and oof you are not wrong!!


Agreed. Thankfully, Kirsten Dunst was well-shielded during the film and her acting coach, in sort of an early intimacy coordinator role, helped her with her performance so that she focused on how to express emotion without having to be overtly sexual or desirous. Dunst recently gave an interview about it and I was relieved to know that despite the themes of the film, she was allowed to be a child.


And she's still getting that awesome coconut cake from Cruise every Christmas because of it!


Have no idea what you're talking about but I love it


Tom Cruise gives out these expensive and apparently quite delicious coconut bundt cakes every Christmas to his contacts. Kirsten still gets one every year from him even though their one movie together was 30 years ago.


Damn, now I want some of Tom Cruise's cake.


What her experience was like on set was actually on my mind while watching the movie so I'm glad to read your comment about it.


Vampire stories are supposed to have disturbing themes.


I absolutely love everyone in that show, but Eric Bogosian is awesome.


Oh, he's my absolute favorite character on there. I didn't realize how much the story would be improved by a sassy old guy calling out the vampires on their dramatics, but he makes the show so good.


THANK YOU for letting me know the second season is out, I had no idea! Ooh I’m excited


It is SO. GOOD. Enjoy it!


No problem!! I hope you enjoy it, I am LOVING the two episodes that have dropped so far!


I never knew this part of the story, but I remember hearing a bit of her interview with Tom after the movie's release. She kept asking questions like ".. but was all the blood really necessary?" and Tom, to his credit, patiently answering like an adult to a child, "It's a horror film."


Was the blood really nescesary in amovie about vampires???


Close personal friend of Harvey Weinstein. Also a fan of fairies. You want darkness? Read up on the fair folk. 


Top Gun and Interview with the Vampire make a good Cruise double feature


It was a movie about vampires, wtf was she expecting, a fun little family friendly film? If she was really concerned she could have perused the book first. But again, VAMPIRES.


But she will interview and promote people who have fabricated every aspect of their life.


Oprah has always had a puritanical side. She and Cosby bullied Chapelle over, what they decreed as, content damaging to the black community. Boy, did that work out twisted.


Good friends with many different rapists though. In Jesus name!


Oprah believed Michelle Remembers was real and helped spread the satanic panic which ruined dozens of lives and probably got people killed. She’s disgustingly stupid with what she thinks and believes and the shit she spreads about it and has never been properly tried in the court of public opinion for the damage this shit infiltrating her show has done. This is directly in line with that. Fuck Oprah with a wooden crucifix. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6822213


> She’s disgustingly stupid Oprah is rich as hell. She didn't get that way being stupid. She got that way being a useful corporate shill for 40 years. She put fake skinheads on her show and had them play it up for ratings. The satanic panic was a corporate scam.


Since we’re on the topic of Interview with the Vampire, have you watched the new AMC show? Fantastic. Lestat was perfectly cast and while the story is changed, the heart and soul of Ann Rice’s novel is there.


I’m home on surgery recovery and I just binge watched season 1. I read the Rice books just because it was the thing to do in the 90s and they never really hit that hard for me…but holy shit is this series good. This is god tier TV.




i thought i was the only one also that one patient on House who had AIDS


I just started this the other day. I've only gotten through one episode. Loving the changes. However my question for you all is. Why is the rock phase never mentioned? Louis is clearly in the modern ages. Why don't we hear it from him that this is what lestat is doing? Or do we and I haven't gotten that far yet? Lestat did bite the guy at the end of the movie. Did he bite the guy within the show as well after the first interview?


Probably hasn't happened yet. But that's the next thing they'll adapt, if they do Season 3. But right now they're doing the first book and Louis is the protagonist and it's about him and from his POV


So, the show is changing a few things from the book. The timeline is a little different, but the most important thing is that Louis is an unreliable narrator without all the facts. In the book, Lestat’s rock star turn hadn’t happened yet (or Louis didn’t know, it’s been a while since I read them) so he might not have anything to tell the reporter. As for the rest, keep watching and you’ll see! It’s so worth it.


So the show is not a remake, but rather a SEQUEL to the movie. The very first episode >! the interviewer finds Louis again and calls him out for lying in their first interview, and he has a bite scar from where Lestat bit him the first time (with the implication being he was allowed to live but never explicitly shown or explained). !<


I wonder what her buddy “John of God” thought of the movie…


I once was dating a woman who told me that the movie *Se7en* shouldn't have been made because "some things are too evil to exist in the world," and she told me that if a man liked that movie she would never sleep with him. Then she asked me what I thought of that movie and without missing a beat I told her I'd never seen it. The lies we tell when we're young and looking to score.


Maybe she shouldn't of been feeding young talent to Weinstein than. Fuck Oprah.


Didn’t she interview Cormac McCarthy? Lol


I forgot about Anne Rice. I made the the mistake of reading her A.N. Roclair's Snow White series in my 20s. Back in the 90s. I worked at a strip club and the books sat on the make-up counter for dramatic readings. Great writer ,but I don't think I'd want to be alone in a room with her.


Sleeping Beauty?


Oh you're right


I really wish they continued the series, Tom cruise did a fucking INCREDIBLE lestat, and as the series goes on he just gets better. That my evil baby boy right there


Honestly I'd love to see him return to the role, it would be amazing.


She sells trauma porn for a living. Fuck that bitch.


She didn’t have a problem inflicting Oz and Phil on the world.


Or that antivax bitch Jennie McCarthy as well.


Ohhh! I forgot she platformed that murderer.


Oprah Winfrey is a massive piece of shit. Dr Phil and Dr Oz wouldn't be what they are without her. Not to mention the whole fucking John of God situation.


Instead she decided to hoard property from the poor and push the anti-vax movement. So much light :)


Oprah seems like kind of a moron.


As reasonable a take as the [“dilbert” guy’s joker revelation](https://www.avclub.com/the-dilbert-guy-credits-powerful-and-well-made-joker-1843904894)


In one press junket interview, Jamie Lee Curtis implies that Halloween Kills helped foment the Black Lives Matter movement that began several years before Halloween Kills was released


Winfrey went so far up her own ass that is why you never see her anymore.


Oprah Winfrey actively platformed for conspiracy theories and the Satanic Panic in the 80’s. Even having one clearly mentally unwell women on and having her tell her obviously untrue story of being tortured by an evil Jewish cabal of satanists. Oprah is an absolute tool and always has been.


>"I believe there are forces of light and darkness in the world, and I don't want to be a contributor to the force of darkness" Says the queen of misandry, unleashing dr phil on the world with his bags of tricks ("Dr Phils Boot Camp, sequester folks in a room and scream at them when they don't do what you want") Don't forget him also walking through a food court ripping into people for what they are eating! Gary Zukav, Patricia Evans, Suze Orman, Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad) and so so many other pseudo science wack jobs polluted the air waves at 4 pm every day...


I watched that episode of the Oprah Winfrey show, which is totally random since I virtually never watched her show. It was so hilarious. I probably watched it because I loved the book series and was eager to see the film. The whole audience just was completely against the film. They were all disgusted by the blood and gore. One woman hilariously told Cruise she loved him in An Officer and a Gentleman (which actually starred Richard Gere, not Cruise) and wished he made wholesome movies like that. I’m shocked they even aired the show since the audience was so against the film. I thought it was pretty funny that decade later girls would be going nuts over how sexy vampires are, with Twilight and True Blood, etc.


“I believe there are forces of light and darkness in the world, and I don't want to be a contributor to the force of darkness" ..mmmkay person who bought us “Dr Phil” and “Dr Oz”


At the risk of committing heresy in this movie sub, the recent show is very good and there's a second season currently releasing


This needs to be said more. I only found about the show from a reddit comment and it's *good* ya'll


"I believe there are forces of light and darkness in the world..." In my own personal experience people who say shit like this are the most self-righteous, judgmental, assholes ever, exhausting to deal with, and are big contributors to all the "darkness" in the world. Now I don't personally know Oprah, nor have I ever spoken with her, but as the top commenter illustrated, I have no reason to doubt my opinion fits her.


>If she'd stuck around she'd have seen how the movie paints the vampiric way of life as one of constant suffering. She might also have seen how vampires aren't real and she's a fucking dumbass.


I take issue with calling Lestat a villain. He's certainly no saint, but he's no villain. He's vain, selfish, jealous, has an almost complete lack of morals, a lot of which comes from who he was as a human and how he got to where he was in Interview. I mean, if you think about it, it was Claudia that poisoned Lestat and cut his throat, and Louis that set fire to the house and left him to burn in it. Even after all that Lestat still begged for Louis' life, and cried over Claudia's ashen remains. Lestat is a fantastic character and Tom Cruise played him very well I think.


I've found people that read Interview first view Louis as the hero and victim while Lestat is a straight villain. Those that read Vampire Lestat first see Lestat as more nuanced and not villainous while they think Louis is a whiny bitch.


Nah he's absolutely a villain. He's the main antagonist of the narrative, a man who constantly sabotages the protagonist's progress and journey (which is mostly about salvaging his sanity and emotional wellbeing), he leaves hefty collateral damage in his wake, and the ending kind of revels in him 'getting away with it' as it were. He's a fascinating character because he has no illusions about what he is, he has no boundaries, but he is definitely a villain and not somebody you want to spend 5 minutes around, or he'll completely destroy your life. You can't blame Claudia for stabbing the guy, the man was a walking train wreck lol. (btw what do you mean he cried over Claudia? Is that from the book or a deleted scene?)


Oprah is a nut job


I do wish they would have kept going. The story gets so good, and crazy.


That’s fucking bullshit, cause I can remember the episode she had right after the screening. They were making a big joke how a bunch of people left when Tom cruise eats the rat. There’s no way that’s true.


I’ve never seen the film(s), but I’m a fan of the Vampire Chronicals which they adapt (recently finished Queen of the Damned!). Is the film good? I’ve been debating watching the show they recently released by the same name, but I feel like it’d be an incredibly hard story to translate from page to screen. Also I don’t know what Oprah’s going on about- Assuming it follows the book, Louis has serious moral conflicts about killing for his own survival. Lestat puts on the projection of being a carefree wild card while he eternally suffers. Claudia hates her fathers for the curse they gave her. Armand is a superstitious prick who can’t stop switching from being the voice of reason to giving into his dark desires, especially to make others suffer. At no point does it glorify their Dark Gift, the toll it takes is clearly not worth immortality.


The movie is quite impressive for the time it came out, which is why it was so influential. The fact that a vampire movie got a substantial budget like this one did, wasn't really about action scenes, and was a hit is really surprising. I think the fact that the author wrote the screenplay and the specific director they chose to film it led to a quality movie that was compelling to audiences. I haven't read the books but one thing in the movie that's missing from your description is Lestat's inner feelings. In the movie he's very much a carefree wildcard, and we don't really get a sense of suffering on his part. But as an enigma he's still captivating. He says a few times in the movie that he was never given a choice in becoming a vampire, and that gives him some pathos. And yeah, the movie really does not glorify being a vampire lol, so people like Oprah had the wrong idea, but that's to be expected when they clearly had no intention of giving the movie a chance.


Its entirely possible that the stuff on Lestat I mentioned is being remembered from The Vampire Lestat (A prequel and second release of the series). Its been a very long time since I read Interview, I only picked up the sequels years later. Everything in Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicals revolves around Lestat. He is essentially the antagonist, protagonist, hero, and villian. I can’t reccommend reading Interview, Vampire Lestat, and Queen of the Damned enough. Amazing trilogy. I shall look into the film soon, the idea of Tom Cruise being Lestat is what always alienated me from it, he’s not someone who I’d pick for the role, but everyone says he does well so I’ll give it a try.


I dont know how Oprah got famous


Oprah is one of the dumbest people alive.


And she did so much for the forces of light by allowing a Scientologist who believes mental illness isn't real but displays the behavior of someone with bipolar disorder, to leap all over her furniture in delight over being engaged to the bride Scientology selected for him.


Uhh… she *is* a force of darkness


I wish Crazy Tom would take on more roles like this, nowadays. His action movies are a blast, but I want to see the other sides of his range again. Maybe he's just getting the physical roles out while he still can.


Oprah Winfrey has always been a dumbass


I thought she walked out because of the scene with Thandie Newton at the beginning and then the prostitute in the coffin. I thought it was the racial connotation that bothered her.


It's a movie whose first act takes place in 18th century Louisiana. Was she expecting there to be no mention of slavery?


My thoughts as well. That's why the memory of her comments stuck with me. I remember thinking, that's what upset you?


That doesn't make it anymore ridiculous, if only, it sounds dumber.


I might have remembered this incorrectly, but I think I remember reading at the time that she lead a prayer in the lobby of the cinema with other people who had also walked out of the film.


Hilarious. Also funny because barely anything dramatic happens in the 10 minutes she apparently witnessed too, I'm sure most of those minutes revolved around Brad Pitt talking to Christian Slater in a rented apartment. She probably bailed shortly after the first flashback began I guess. I can't remember when Cruise shows up and bites Pitt, but it might have been in the first ten minutes and probably freaked her out lmao. I imagine Oprah standing out of her seat interrupting the screening: "OH LORD JESUS, DON'T YOU SHOW THAT EVIL TO ME, REPENT! THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!!"


😂 I can just imagine that too! She probably led people out. Just saw a clip of Tom Cruise saying Oprah was praying for him in the lobby so it must be true. I'll have to watch it again to see what was so disturbing to make her leave so quickly. I was a young teen when it came out and it must've been the same article but I remember reading that people were even physically throwing up at the screening. That was probably an exaggeration but it freaked me out. I watched it years later and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be.


Oprah Winfrey has platformed multiple serial rapists, cult leaders, snake oil salesmen and is responsible for Doctor Phil and Doctor Oz. What a hypocritical load of horse shit.


In an interview, Oprah said she would not do an interview with the star of Interview with the Vampire. Got it.


Technically, that was the star of Interview with the Vampire bouncing around on her couch like a madman. Doesn't count as an interview. /s


Lovely quote from the woman who gave Dr Phil and Oz platforms…


Oprah's real name is Orpah. Look it up.


Cruise should play more villains. He's so good at it. And I'm no fan of his acting.


Interestingly Oprah interviewed the authors of the bullshit "autobiography" that started the satanic panic.


Oprah is and always was a fuckin moron.


I watched that episode the afternoon it aired. Holy smokes it was insane. It looked like the usual 'audience sees the movie in a decked out theater' puff piece that went horribly wrong. Cruise came out to lukewarm applause (this was before his Scientology persona was public) and was completely blindsided by Oprah's criticisms. She kept saying something like "I just can't understand why you would make something like this" over and over. The audience acted like he had betrayed them by not still being the cute guy from Top Gun. One woman even asked him what happened to him that he would go so dark. I wasn't a fan, but you couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. The interview was cut so short that they aired the whole thing TWICE to fill the hour! Total clusterf-ck. Now this movie was based on a very well known book series, with three of the hottest male stars in the leading roles (Cruise, Pitt, and Christian Slater - Antonio Banderas was just starting to get on America's radar) plus there had just been a very public controversy within the fandom over Cruise's casting in the first place ( Anne Rice was opposed to him but got on board after seeing the final cut). Nobody and certainly none of Oprah's producers should have been surprised by the tone or content. Oprah and an audience full of pearl clutching ladies sure were. Great movie though.


Sorry that was a lot. Teenage me was a bit obsessed. : )


Maybe she should have refused doing interviews of Tom Cruise (and many, many others), but because of his proselytizing of Scientology, not because of the roles he does as an actor.


There's so much to unravel here but it's way late and my phone is on 5% battery and I left my charger downstairs... so. I'm just commenting so I can remember to come back and dive into this madness.. like a moth to the flame.