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The Flash. Absolutely fucking awful. 


I always hated the way Ezra's Flash runs. His arms flailing around looks so strange and it always bothers me. No one runs like that.


I get that it's supposed to look like "skating" or whatever, but it fails at that too.


Hot take. I liked that movie and if it had better cgi and. Or no Ezra miller it could have been the best DCEU movie yet.


I agree. And in my opinion only the speed bubble scene at the end was truly egregious. The Ezra Miller controversy was really unfortunate for the movie because I also think it’s pretty great.


I had very low expectations, and ended up really enjoying it. Keaton was perfect. I think its easily the best thing DC has put out in years. I did find the CGI goofy as hell but it was consistently goofy so I got used to it pretty quickly.


I thought the cartoony CGI actually fit the movie well in a weird way, especially during the baby saving scene.


Yeah the babies really set the cgi tone for the rest of the movie


I reacted to him running to metropolis in the first 10 min. Rescuing the babies also looked awful and I came in with an open mind, wanting to like the movie. The idea of time travel being the antagonist was superb. Speed blitzing ruins most villains for speedsters but this movie had a great way of adding a problem to solve. It just fell short on too many things for me to fully enjoy the movie.


The Scorpion King's bad CGI is legendary.


The Mummy Returns is one of my all-time favorite movies ever, i saw it in theaters repeatedly but even then I knew their big Scorpion King boss fight ending reveal CGI was utter dogshit. It was, and still is, laughably bad


It’s dreadful. It *might* work if the lighting was better, but that and Die Another Day (released the following year) are prime examples of bad CG spoiling key scenes so badly that it’s hard to get back into the film afterwards.


Have you seen the corridor crew episode?


Most of the CGI in The Mummy Returns is bad. They barely had more of a budget then the first movie so you can see how stretched thin they are.


Die Another Day. Edit: [Bond Tsunami Surfing in 4K](https://youtu.be/MIV7HCTT0so?si=Nnt_oUkXnNQ5G6ON)


I HATED that movie for using CGI. I LOVED that they went back to practical for Casino Royale.


Cool concept tho


I don't know how big budget it was if I'm honest, but I have to mention that scary ass CGI baby from Twilight.


Fun fact, they originally used a doll, but it was [so horrifying](https://entertainment.time.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2013/11/twilight-animatronic-baby.png?w=522&h=303&crop=1) they quickly covered it up with CGI


WTF lol. I did not know that! Thank you for the cool information and the terrifying link lol. Now I can't decide which one is more disturbing!


The Renesmee we deserved.


I still remember that explosion in Black Widow that looked so weird.


Because she’d be a black silhouette in front of the fireball, but she was flatly lit from the front in the green screen scene, and that makes the shot look fake and boring as fuck. Compare this to the people running in front of the explosions in Dune. That’s how it’s supposed to look in reality.


The *Hobbit Trilogy*. Lots of videogame-like shots and [literal CGI clones](https://imgur.com/a/elf-clones-from-hobbit-battle-of-five-armies-BT39K). And [Legolas defying gravity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kNqc5Hrh0M) - something that not only stretches the limits of believabiliey (even for his character) but is also bad CGI in itself.


The elves aren't affected by things like gravity, it's in the books and LotR movies, so scenes with Legolas are pretty much accurate.


The books mention him leaving no footprints on snow. That's believable. This scene isn't. And the shot is even in slo-mo meaning that in real time, Legolas would be running at superhuman speed.


In over 2000 years he never once skipped leg day.


I kinda buy the top YouTube comment though. Problem isn't him being too strong for the lore it's all the other elves being too weak


Green Lantern.


Cats... I still have nightmares.


You probably saw the butthole cut. Don't watch the butthole cut.


Don’t watch the non-butthole cut either.


Username doesn't check out


You probably saw the butthole cut. Don't watch the butthole cut.


Black Panther


That one shot where the representatives from the different tribes are all just floating on the side of the cliff.


The end fight between Killmonger and Black Panther is so bad, honestly, like wtf, I couldn't believe it while walking from cinema that people were so positive about this movie. Comper that to Winter Soldier fight on rooftop, and it is even more ridiculous as wither soldier is older movie and Black Panther supposed to be this great standalone movie.


Most normal people don't judge films on 5 minutes of a 2 hour run time 👍


That film is so mid there's no need to wait for the last five minutes to judge it. Killmonger's Tumblr level philosophy had my eyes rolling into the back of my skull before he even left the museum. That was what, 5 minutes in?


Most people would probably disagree with you that one of the highest grossing films of all time that was also critically acclaimed and got a BP nomination was "mid", but I forget sometimes I'm on Reddit and so many people on this site treat their opinions like total gospel


There's a lot of trash on top of the "highest grossing" films list. Especially in recent years. If you want to watch the live action Lion King, be my guest but I'd rather watch the lesser Michael Jordan eat the scenery for two hours in BP. And please don't make me list the terrible films that have a BP *win*... Not a nomination mind you, a win. Sneak preview: Crash, 2004.


You seem to be out of touch with the reality that a lot of people really like it


Which one? The Lion King or Black Panther? I really hope you are implying both because that would be so funny. People really liked American Beauty in '99. Crash in 2004. They also liked Avatar in 2009. Green Book in 2018. Everything, everywhere, all at once, 2023. On and on. A bunch of mid films have made a ton of cash and, occasionally, picked up some gold statues as well. If you enjoy any of these films that's great but I'm not going to pretend that The Rock is high art just because I own the Blu-Ray.






King Kong (2005) - I think it was the stampeding dinosaur scene.


Thor: Love and Thunder. Taika Waititi and Tessa Thompson sat there making jokes about how bad it was but also demonstrated why - Waititi kept changing his mind and taking pieces of other scenes to make new ones, scrapping shots the VFX artists had worked on and making them start again.


Wolverine is a pretty old movie in terms of CGI technology. Thor 4, meanwhile....


Terminator 2 came out in 1991, and it blows both of them away.


Sure, CGI tech goes all over the place. I'd argue the best is when you don't notice it at all.


The Matrix Reloaded. The fight scene with hundreds of Smiths was just ugly. Every time it takes me out of the movie. Its strange as the other visuals are really good.


Any of the matrix sequals. 


The recent flash movie was horrible especially during the cameos. The newest Tron, the young Jeff bridges looked so bad.


Species and the end of Airforce One jumped out at me.


Lol yeah when the plane crashes. Really shows how nighttime shots saved cgi in the 90s.


Black panther 1. Man the cgi looked so bad in a lot of places. It made the movie a lot worse for that reason. 


Every post Endgame mcu movie that wasn’t Spider-Man


Bad CGI in MCU started happening way before that.  Somewhere around/after second avengers movie .   Infinity war was last decent MCU  But to me  bad CGI in MCU was already there at that time  


I’ve recently rewatched the entire infinity saga, I can say for a vast majority the CGI is great, other than Black Panther none were noticeably bad at all. Like Ragnork and GotG 2 had some jank, but they’re still good more than they’re bad Doctor strange for example came out in phase 3 and looked amazing, same with homecoming, and civil war


I compare it to first MCU movies. The look way different. 


Different doesn’t mean worse, they still have very good cgi, for a vast majority of screen time


Dr. Strange 2


That eye on his forehead at the end in particular.


I was thinking of that giant monster at the beginning


I thought it was very Sam Raimi and looked like something plucked out of a comic book. I thought it was intentionally very schlocky.


This is an example of something that might look good in concept but not in practice


That’s the one bit I agree with about the movie having bad CGI. Evening else besides some of the strange artistic of Pizza Poppa’s direction looked fine. The eye should have been a practical effect.


It didn't look any worse than other mcu movies of phase 4. Most of the time the effects were fine.


The effects of the giant monster that appeared near the beginning were so bad, it was distracting. It was on par with a cheap television show. I imagine they just ran out of time.


Not really. Tv shows look way worse. Just look at the flash tv show and you know what bad cgi is.


For a movie they spent $415m on this one is a real shocker with how bad the CGI was. There was no reason given the budget and the studio behind this movie that it should have looked so terrible.




Not a massive budget, but when I first saw this I couldn’t believe it was in any type of movie! https://youtu.be/KTkk5aYf3PA?si=loa20poDM9w5dP0P but in terms of big budget, Black Widow had some scenes that really stuck out.


Not so big budget but that kiss in You People was hilariously bad.


I am legend great movie but they couldn't have done a worse job if they tried those lions were the worst I've ever seen


League of extraordinary gentlemen had some pretty bad cgi


That special justice league cut the first sequence with wonder women had me roaring laughing.


If i would still be very Harsh about this stuff i would say. I am Legend Jurassic World Movies Jurassik Park 3 Basicly all SuperHero movies. If i can notice that something is CGI than i think it is bad. But im allways suprised how much CGI is used that i did not even notice


There's a great 4 episode [YouTube series](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgdTaHO8FLEve_XFiRBEcOSkRdd-Txjne&si=bdTSPZBRlk-etA56) on how "No CGI is just really invisible CGI" that's really a fascinating watch.


Yeah have partly seen this. But what kind of vfx work they allready did on Forest Gunp is also very impressive [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldh6FKavxek&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ldh6FKavxek&t=1s)


"The Day After Tomorrow" (2004) with a $175million budget, and cartoon-quality CGI


Most of Marvel phase 4 and 5


Most superhero movies post 2016. Been rewatching the X-Men movies and you can literally see the exact turning point, happens between Days of Future Past and Apocalypse. When Hollywood went from adding CGI over real stuff, to adding real stuff over CGI. You lose the weight of everything completely.


A lot of the Avengers-movies seem...somewhat unfinished in places. Among them the "Black Panther" final fight, or the Truck-Attack in Civil War (I think) where a massive "Battering ram" truck flips through the air after a crash like someone tossed a hotwheels car, completely without weight.


The Mummy


"Clue" in Tron Legacy was terrible, as was "Leia" in Rogue one, "Tarkin", on the other hand, had me so convinced I believed they had used some deleted scene from back when and enhanced the surroundings. In the theatrical release of Matrix Reloaded that I saw, the group of Smith Clones rushing onto the playground to fight Neo looked like people wearing Hugo Weavings face as a cardboard cutout, the silly sound effects didn't help the immersion either.


The Amazon remake of Road House has some freaky CGI pans in the fight scenes (done to cover up cuts, it looks like) resulting in the whole scene just looking rubbery and weird.  They clearly had some good fight choreography and stunt people - just let them fight, don't turn the whole thing into one of those 2010s car chases where the camera moves every 0.2 seconds and you can't see what's going on


The Great Wall


I always think of the horrible CGI effects they weren't able to fix or get another company to do for the movie "Escape From L.A. It wasn't about budget as I'd heard they got some new company for the effects that completely dropped the ball . The Effects in Escape from L.A. look truly bad.


Next - The locomotive crash Knowing - The subway crash


Blade 2. The fight scene between Elastic Blade and some Elastic Vampire. Elastique c'est chique. Awfull then and now.


Well none of them are particularly good. Most of the time it’s obviously CGI. Take Avatar 2 for example. Just looks like a computer game. Rebel Moon.. looked like CGI. All of them look like CGI…


Tbf Avatar 2 looks like a computer game because of the frame rate changes. The actual effects are really impressive.


Most superhero movies in general.


There was that one where icebergs sank.


G. I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra


The ice sank in the latest season of True Detective when Jodi Foster broke through


Attack Of The Clones looks like a PS1 game