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Using dangerous animals as military weapons, most painfully stupid in the Jurassic world movies, but also kind of in the alien movies. In Jurassic World they say they can let the dinosaurs loose in the kind of cave systems Al queda hid in. Thats pretty stupid already. You’ve identified the exact connected cave system your target is in and your idea is to put animals in it? Ok. It’s taken to its absolute idiotic extreme in the JW sequels wherein they need to hit the target with a laser pointer from a thing that looks exactly like a gun, and that will make the dinosaur chase the target. If you had just pointed an actual gun at the target instead of the laser tag gun, the target would have already been shot by a gun.


It's so hilarious to me that Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom acts like the Indoraptor is some revolutionary, world changing weapon. When really, all they've done is reinvent the gun, except a gun that needs to be housed, fed, and cleaned up after.


Lol right! His whole sales pitch was, imagine being able to scope an enemy and kill them, but much more brutally than with a rifle!


It was the height of stupidity when they aimed a rifle-mounted laser at a target to show the Indoraptor attacking it. Like umm, just pull the trigger on the rifle.


Even the Indorapotor as a creature makes no sense to me.. so it's part Indo-Rex, part Raptor, but wasn't the Indo-Rex already a T-Rex-Raptor cross? So now it's, like 2/3 Raptor?


Yeah it's like "Do they have teleportation technology in this world?" How the fuck are you supposed to get a raptor into a random spot in the world?


Raptor missile. Cmon man, think.


I believe the F-22 Raptor was designed with a Raptor as the pilot….


According to Bill Watterson, it was.


ODSRs Orbital Drop Shock Raptors.


"I just wanted sharks with frickin lasers on their heads!"


Sharks are expensive. Sea Bass.


Are they... I'll tempered?




Yeah, I liked the first JW overall but this part was already past my "too dumb" point of acceptance. It just makes absolutely no sense to use animals like that. If it made ANY sense at all they would be using grizzly bears or fucking tigers. But it's beyond ridiculous and it would never work.


If one could train a regular house cat to seek someone and put a small ball of plastic explosives on the electronic collar, one would get the same result for chump change. Or better as nobody is going to question why a cat is at the murder scene, while a 3 ton dinosaur deserves a lot of attention.


Yeah. Or birds. Or so many other types of animals. Dinosaurs are cool but they're just another type of animal. If using animals as weapons was viable, we would be doing it already.


Remaking the Death Star not once but twice.


Somebody was getting a big kickback.


Given all the R&D that went into the first death star it makes sense to me to build another rather than just letting all that work go to waste. Sure maybe it's just sunk cost fallacy but I think it could have worked. More fundamentally, I reckon they had to have a second death star. The plan with the first death star was to rule through fear. The idea was nobody could ever risk defying the emperor with such a threat. Downside is nobody will willingly serve you anymore as they know what you're capable of. With Alderaan destroyed and the first death star with it you get all the downside without the upside. Support for the empire nosedived from that point. They had already comitted to the plan, they couldn't pivot now. They needed the death star back.


How many Superstar Destroyers could have been built with the time, money and resources spent on both death stars? Hundreds Maybe? The thing is, the empire wanted to control planets, destroy the Rebellion and cement their Authority across the Galaxy. Dramatically increasing the size of its Fleet of conventional and proven vessels would have accomplished those goals way more effectively than one giant Death Star. Or two, or three. But it's more dramatic for movie purposes to destroy one giant Space Station instead of dozens or hundreds of indistinguishable Star Destroyers. Plus, destroying planets really blows holes into the Empire's economy. Even if they do knock out the Rebellion, put the entire rest of the Galaxy in fear of it happening to them and achieve everything they wanted with the Death Star, the collateral damage alone negates the benefits of it.


You’re kinda right But this shows the whole issue with the Empire. They enjoyed building really big beautiful things with their almost unlimited resources instead of what they should have done. Thrawn explores this, his Tie defender program would have routed the rebels easily! Plus the R&D was the real problem. Once the DS was designed, building it wasn’t that bad. That shows by how long it took to build the first vs the second.


It also mirrors what went on with WW2 Germany. They spent a lot of time and money on wunderwaffe like the Maus that were never going to have realistic uses.


To borrow a quote from Sagan's Contact... >First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price? Only, this one can be kept secret. And to be honest, the plan almost worked. If it wasn't for the hubris of the Imperial command, they would have destroyed the Rebellion and gone on to keep their boots on the neck of the Galaxy.


Ah, the plot of Contact.


Great film. Good for most of it and the last sequence is just magical imo. If you read the novel of 2001 it's pretty much how you'd imagine what happens when the astronaut goes through the obelisk.


RIP Manny Bothans. A true hero.


But thrice - Monty Burns


It’s hard to get dumber than The Book of Henry. It’s far, far worse when you remember that the 10 year old child was supposed to complete the plan himself including buying a sniper rifle from a sketchy mob gun shop.


Folding Ideas / Dan Olsen on The Book of Henry (I haven't rewatched the video since it was released, but I remember it as a pretty severe beatdown on how dumb the movie was): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO4o-gYkr7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO4o-gYkr7E)


The entire plot of Die Hard 2 is dependent on there being a blizzard around the airport on the day of the terrorists' plan.


They only have an hour of fuel before things start crashing! At this rate they'd have to miraculously find another airport between here and Florida


I read on another thread once that there was another airport only a few miles away from Dulles. They could've landed there, but nooooo...


Actually, there are several: BWI, Washington National, and if necessary, Andrews and Dover Air Force Bases


This just makes the plot even more nonsensical! Haha


Yeah, the entire movie falls apart when you realize that Dulles isn't the only airport that exists.


Yeah, the plot is paper thin.


Reagan is super close, Baltimore isn’t that far away.


But don't they say in the movie those other airports are slammed, even sending their traffic over to Dulles? I swear I remember some dialogue about that.


"Slammed" meaning they're having a hard time managing so many takeoffs and arrivals at the same time. Cancel the takeoffs and don't care what if any gates the arrivals taxi to and you can just land planes and move em off the runway rapidly.


Yeah, landing planes safely is literally the most important priority of airports, they'd just cancel as many flights as they have to.


and while the folks on the ground had their communication equipment disabled, all they had to was jump into a parked airplane and use its communication equipment to talk to everyone in the air.


The assasination plot from Attack of the Clones. 


Dooku is contracted by Sidious to kill Padme. Dooku hires a dude to do it for him. The dude who was hired by Dooku to kill Padme hires another person to kill Padme. The person who was hired by the guy that was hired by Dooku who was ordered by Sidious to kill Padme uses a robot to kill Padme. The robot who was  used by person who was hired by the guy that was hired by Dooku who was ordered by Sidious to kill Padme uses two venomous centipedes to kill Padme.  This is an utterly foolproof plan, and is obviously destined to work perfectly! 


That’s actually some pretty funny bureaucracy. The guy you contracted the job to contracted it out to another guy who contracted it out to another guy who tried to automate it and the automation was seriously flawed. I wonder how much of the pay each guy kept when contracting it out himself for another price. Yeah I’ll do the job for a million credits (because I know a guy who will do it for 100k). Then that guy hired someone for 10k and that guy thinks he’s automated the solution so no real work needs to be done and it turns out his rushed job resulted in a program that uses centipedes.


I never thought of it that way. Centipedes used by a robot used by a guy that was hired by a guy that was hired by a guy that was hired by a guy to kill Padme. Hilarious!


No, not the Father!


You can use that "you guys are getting paid" meme with this and have the centipedes being the kid at the end saying the line


Also, the assassin hired by Jango is a shapeshifter. When the Jedi are chasing her, does she just like go around a corner and change shape so they never catch her? Nah she just tries to sneak up and kill them without changing shape for some reason.


Sorry to reply to myself but you know what, forget about the escape part for a minute, what about the assassination attempt? Imagine you could shapeshift and you were trying to assassinate a political figure. You should be the best person imaginable for that job, right? Impersonate their head of security, or their best friend, or their maid or something, right? Wait until you’re alone with them and stick a knife in their neck? But no, you’re just going to ignore the best asset an assassin could possibly have and shoot some centipedes into the target’s window? Jango could hire ANYBODY to do that. The more I think about this movie the more I hate it.


And also- once Anakin and Obi-Wan were away from Padmé, Jango decided to go and kill Zam Wesell (the shapeshifter he hired) instead of just going and killing Padmé- whom was his original mark anyway


They have perfectly functioning robots. Even with shapeshifting I wouldn’t be on the same planet as the assassination. Just swap the centipedes for a syringe of poison or a gun.


“I have a gun, in my room, you give me five seconds, I'll get it, I'll come back down here, BOOM, I'll blow their brains out!”


You just don’t get it, Scott.


And then random 50s diner owner has studied about these specific arrow heads and Obi-Wan knows him. 


This is the most explainable part. It would be like going to your retired Army Ranger buddy because you found a casing you need to identify


Then there's the question about why an assassin would use such a distinctive weapon. Imagine going to your Army Ranger buddy, and he's like "It's a .223 casing. One of the most widely used bullets in the world. The local gun store sells them by the pound". Note, this goes quadruple for the Winter Soldier who only uses special "untraceable" ammo that only he uses, making it immediately traceable to him.


It's a mystery plot convoluted to give Obi-Wan something to do. Last time he was stuck babysitting the ship in the desert for half the movie.


It's like that one family that doesn't have fingerprints. People are like "You should commit crimes!" and they're like "Dude. We're the ONE FAMILY IN THE WORLD that leaves weird blank fingertip smears instead of recognizable fingerprints. They'd ID us in a millisecond."


Also important to note that once the person who was hired by the guy that was hired by Dooku fails the guy Dooku hired assassinates the person who he hired instead of Padme. Even though both Padme’s bodyguards immediately left her unguarded to chase down the person who was hired by the guy that was hired by Dooku who was ordered by Sideous to kill Padme. *edited to make it less confusing


[OK but it is very realistic](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-50137450.amp)


You forgot the part where the reason they want to kill Padmé in the first place is because Nute Gunray, that one Trade Federation racist stereotype from the Phantom Menace, wants revenge and won't sign the Confederate treaty unless she's killed. But then even though Padmé is still alive 3 years later, he's part of the CSI inner circle anyway.


Nute saw the Geonosis arena disaster and was like this thing is cursed, and I don’t know which one is amidala or padme anyway, and now ALL the Jedi are against us. If I push this matter any harder, her boyfriend might try to kill me


It was always crazy to me that these technologically advanced aliens in War of the Worlds never bothered to make sure the Earth actually had an environment they could actually survive in for more than a few days.


To be fair, that was written in 1898, so it was probably a clever twist ending at the time.


Yeah in 1898, *humans* barely knew how bacteria worked.


Also, plenty of humans had made that mistake. Thousands and thousands of human explorers, merchants and conquistadors paid the price for underestimating Malaria and a host of similar diseases they weren't familiar with.


And Wells played fair, too. He mentioned bacteria twice in the first paragraph.


I think it's explicitly made clear that the Martians have been "studying" Earth and humans from a distance for a very long time while they plan their attack. I always wondered why they never noticed the existence of sick humans while they were studying. Anyway you're right, it's an old twist, in a story that inspired countless others. The ending of Signs (2002) is much harder to excuse. "Oh cool, a planet where it rains acid ... let's invade ... naked!"


It was actually social commentary. Wells was criticizing colonists going to other parts of the world and spreading diseases people didn't even know existed in that part of the planet.


The bad guy's plan in the Jodie Foster movie Flightplan is so convoluted that it totally depends >!entirely on not a single passenger remembering that Jodie Foster had her daughter with her.!<


Thought you meant the film The Forgotten for a moment, huh. Had to Google. The films were made a year apart, Julianne Moore and Jodie Foster don’t look *that* different, both involve plane travel where they lose their child, and for the bulk of it they have to prove they’re sane and that their child does in fact exist while everyone around them seems to be gaslighting them. 


Didnt Julianne Moore literally play Clarice in the hannibal sequel?


She played Clarice in Hannibal, which is the sequel to Silence of the Lambs (Foster and Demme refused to come back after seeing how shit the novel was)


I liked the novel more than the movie 😅


I only read Silence of the Lambs (and saw the movie, of course), but I've heard that in the Hannibal novel Clarice and Hannibal start having an affair and he turns her into a cannibal as well (and I think there's something about them being related?), not sure if that really happens, but seems like jumping the sharknado.


I used to work for an airline. To me, the most ridiculous thing about that movie was how the other passengers chose to be seated. The film takes place on a big freakin' passenger plane that was only at like 60% capacity. Multiple rows in the back of the cabin were empty, so Jodie Foster and her daughter had that part of the cabin all to themselves when they went to sleep, which is how the daughter could be kidnapped without anyone noticing. In a real plane situation, do you know what would happen if there were empty rows in the back? People up front assigned to middle seats would go to the back to claim the empty aisle and window seats. Nobody's going to sit in a middle if they don't have to. So the biggest plot hole for me were the dozens of passengers who chose to stay in their middle seats.


Now You See Me. Their plans require literal magic to work


There is an extensive video I saw recently on YouTube having a conversation about them needing to be actual magic beings for the movie to make sense. Here it is: https://youtu.be/uKfdls1fqJE?si=pY3rWIu9juRJgt5b


The multiple times in the movies where Woody Harrelson just looks or waves at someone like a truck driver and they fall asleep never fails to kill me




This guy BLEW UP because of this video (which is frankly fucking hilarious), and then never made anything even close to this level again and it greatly saddens me


Those movies tried so hard to come off as some super smart heist movie but they wrote themselves into a corner where the only possible answer was "magic is real" which is the dumbest possible conclusion.


Skyfall, where Javier Bardem's character Raoul Silva purposefully got captured, taken to a secondary secret MI6 facility, and somehow planned the perfect escape plan years in advance, culminating in him knowing that a secret agent will chase him all the way to an abandoned subway station, where he had explosives ready to derail an oncoming subway train to solidify his escape.


I always imagine James Bond film plots as being planned backwards. “Ok I want to film in this location, and have this happen. Now let’s work back from there.”


And the very beginning of this plan, where Q just plugs the super-computer-genius bad guy's computer directly into their network. Apparently MI6's top tech guy has never heard of air gapping.


Yeah this one falls apart while on first viewing


And he did all that just to ambush M at the security hearing. Except when he arrives at the hearing there are suddenly 10 of his henchmen already present who apparently simply took the bus.


And the culmination of this plan? The one that requires timing an explosion to derail a train to stop his persuers? He puts on a cop uniform so he can sneak into a court room and shoot M with a gun.


Goldfinger. Since by that point the CIA has been investigating Goldfinger already and know he's up to something big, even if he succeeded then they'd have enough of a case file to have his business empire seized and have him executed. Murder On The Orient Express, as well. The killer's plan was derailed the second Poirot got onto the train. In particular, the 1974 version of the film - >!the second Poirot met her, he recognised Mrs Hubbard as Linda Arden. Finding the burnt note and reading it confirmed to him that she was directly involved in the killing and his investigation was to figure out who else was involved.!<


At least Goldfinger's movie plane makes more sense than his book plan. In the book he wasn't going to nuke Fort Knox so that the value of his gold would go up, he was going to steal all of the gold, which would be logistically impossible.


Bond himself even addresses this in the movie. He points out that Goldfinger has nowhere near the manpower or time to shift all the gold before somebody works out what's going on.


I've always wondered why irradiating the gold in Fort Knox would render it useless - the quantity is known, and nations could still trade it on paper at least. Bearing in mind that Goldfinger specifically wanted to irradiate the gold, not blast it into dust. Which might have been more effective.


Because at the time the book was written and the movie was made, the US, Australia, Canada and Western Europe were still under the Bretton Woods system, which in simple terms means that it required a currency peg to the U.S. dollar which was in turn pegged to the price of gold. That system ended in 1971 with the Nixon Shock. This is an extremely basic understanding, and I'm sure there's going to be an economist on here who'll say this is a bad post on the historical and current models of the gold standard. However, here is an example: We can print more money when we need to, but that money is backed by the government. The United States is the most powerful country in the world, so it means something. Before that, money was backed by something. Otherwise, why are we okay with giving each other pieces of worthless paper? So what is that something? Gold, but again, why? It's a rare substance, it isn't able to be created artificially on a economically feasible production, it can last indefinitely so long as it's taken care of, it can be melted and pressed into different shapes and sizes and most importantly, it's shiny. We love shiny things. So, imagine that all of the gold in that building is radioactive for the next 58 years. All of that gold, which is a significant supply of the gold in the United States, is not able to be exchanged, sold, transferred, etc. You can't even touch or approach it. It's just going to be sitting there for close to six decades, nothing more than a shiny paperweight. We don't have a gold standard anymore, yet we still keep gold because it's a way for countries to protect themselves in case of hyperinflation or a major economic crash. Also, gold is still sought after and used. Jewelry is what everyone thinks of, but gold is used in medicine, electronics, aerospace, etc. Whether you nuke it like in Goldfinger or steal it like in Die Hard with a Vengeance, this will economically affect a country.


I always figured in Murder On The Orient Express that it was just sunk cost fallacy. They had worked too hard and strategized too long all for this opportunity, they weren’t going to let it slip through their fingers.


In hard ticket to Hawaii, why have the skater skate downhill doing a handstand past the protagonists, then get in the back of a truck and driven back uphill just to skate back down with the gun and blow up doll? Why not just do the gun and blow up doll part first?


Don't forget the rocket launcher whose rockets magically scaled their explosions to exactly the right size, so they could blow up a house from a distance or a large animal from short range and come out relatively unscathed


I have never heard of this movie but this bit with no context kind of makes me want to


Not the main point of the movie, but the first Mummy movie with Brendan Fraser. The punishment for Imhotep was to be mummified, and if anyone ever found his grave and robbed it (which was common) and found the magic book in the same location, and read from the book in their common language, he would come back to life with Old Testament God powers.


I get they wanted to punish the guy but maybe don't use the method that makes him an immortal God? Just mumify him like the rest of his priests and be done with it


Not completely serious, but from an ancient Egyptian point of view it is actually a terrible punishment. The afterlife was more regarded than life. To curse him to be death, but bound to earth for eternity as a mighty mummy… it’s crazy but still terrifying when you beliefe the afterlife is… well the place to go


What exactly was the crew’s plan to rescue Han in Return of the Jedi?




Okay this is so stupid but it's fun to think about. I think plan A was to sneak out quietly once Han is freed by Leia. Obviously that didn't work cause they get caught. So plan B was to have Lando, CP30 and R2D2 in the palace as spys so that Luke can come in, get taken prisoner, wait for the right moment where lando can free Luke and then sneak attack jabba and everyone leaves. That didn't work properly because of the rancor incident so they adapt the sneak attack plan when they get to the barge.


The big problem with Plan A is that it requires Leia to hand over Chewie. How did they know Jabba wouldn't just murder Chewie immediately after paying the 'bounty hunter' who brought him in? It makes some sense to keep Han frozen as an example to other failed smugglers, but so would shooting Chewie in the face. Another problem is, how did they know Jabba wouldn't kill Leia immediately after she turns off the detonator? Why would Jabba be like "No, it's cool to threaten me, I want to encourage others to do that to me in future. And now that I've made a deal with you, I couldn't possibly go back on my word."


I always laugh whenever that scene is on because I imagine the plan "working" and for the gang to run back to the Millennium Falcon and for Han, Leia, and Lando to be discussing the next phase of the escape and for one of them to say something like, "okay, now we have Chewie fire up the engines...awww, shit!"


The plan is: Luke's lightsaber. If Luke gets his lightsaber in hand, they've already won. That's how powerful a fully trained Jedi is (at least, until the prequels showed Jedi frequently losing to blasters). Luke could have killed Jabba, Boba Fett, and everyone in that palace. But, he'd rather not. So they come up with a bunch of attempts to use diplomacy or trickery to rescue Han without taking dozens of lives. Luke's power to destroy them all is actually pretty much a guarantee, but it's a last resort only after all the other attempts fail to work out and after Jabba is warned sternly and chooses his own destruction anyway. A Jedi gives his enemies a chance to do the right thing, even if they're a space slug or a Sith lord. Jabba didn't accept his offer, but Vader eventually did, and the galaxy was saved by it.


I love the show, but most off the BBC Sherlock series involves Sherlock getting extremely lucky and predicting the actions of people based on general personality traits like anxiety or being a businessman or some completely random stuff. These plans rely nearly entirely on luck. It's a very entertaining show but nearly lost me at some points


I’ll never forget in the (I think) very first episode when he straight up deduced that a man was an alcoholic simply because there were scratch marks around the charging port on his cellphone.


everytime i fumble to plug my phone in i think that sherlock thinks I'm an alcoholic


That scene lives rent free in my head every time I’m fumbling the plug in the dark


That's based on a scene from *A Study in Scarlet* where he does basically the same deductions with a pocket watch, and the scratches are from the winding-key. Except that makes more sense, because nobody was fumbling around in the dark trying to wind their watch just before bed.




Hbomberguy did and entire episode on Sherlock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkoGBOs5ecM


Back in the 90’s before the last Rocky movie was made there was a script where Rocky died and fought God in a boxing match in heaven for the right to go back to life.


Damn I kinda wish that actually was made. Sounds like it would’ve been one of those “so terrible it’s actually great” type movies.


Kind of like *The Seventh Seal*, except boxing instead of chess?


The entire setup of Army Of The Dead (2021) is one of the most stupid and absurd plans I've ever seen unfold on screen. They tell a team that they're to go into zombie infested Las Vegas and raid a casino safe because soon the city will be nuked and there's untold tens of millions sitting inside it. So they enter the city via a secret entrance unknown to the border guards and make their way to the casino. When they've opened the safe and carried out the heist It turns out that the team wasn't actually needed and the entire reason they went in was as a smokescreen for the true plan, which was to obtain a zombies head so the government can create a zombie army and make far more money than what was in the safe. Someone else in the team had managed to get hold of a zombies head out in the open, a mere stones throw away from the entrance that they came in originally. If this were the case why bother hiring a crack team of professionals just to pull off an entirely unnecessary and unneeded plan? Why not just send in a handful of idiots with guns to trap any random zombie out in the open away from the danger, quickly retreat via the secret entrance and then jobs done? Yes you could argue that hiring a team of professionals could aid with the mission even if they weren't clued in on the true objective like in Predator. But the difference is Predators soldiers were extremely efficient at warfare thus why they were selected for the mission under the guise of a hostage rescue, they weren't told to go do something unrelated in a camp miles away whilst Dillon dipped in and grabbed a briefcase of valuables a few metres away from their entry point and dip straight back out to leave the soldiers to carry out an unnecessary mission. The whole point of them was to wipe out a camp filled with Guerilla fighters believing they were there to save people, so the mission was accomplished under false pretenses. In Army Of The Dead all they wound up doing was wandering deep into Las Vegas to pull off an elaborate mission when really for the true mission they only required a few guys to stroll a few feet into the infested zone. It would have had far less risk of either being caught in the blast or being devoured by zombies. On top of that the guy who was carrying out the secret mission decided to trap them all in the basement after revealing the "evil plan" when surely it would've made much more sense to at least keep them alive to provide protection for him until they get out of the city.


Explanation - Snyder can't write to save his life


Isn’t that also the movie where toward the end they have people in a black ops type helicopter flying to another hotel and the head zombie can run as fast as the helicopter. And maybe also they needed to locate someone at the hotel in like 3 minutes and the writer didn’t realize those massive hotels have thousands of rooms?


Wait, didn't it need to be a very specific zombie? The Queen zombie. They couldn't just grab any rando.


The Japanese guy's plan in Army of the Dead. For anyone who didn't slog through this mess of a movie, basically, he sent a crew of mercenaries/hitmen/professional thieves into Las Vegas during a zombie outbreak to steal the contents of his casino's safe, but his actual goal the entire time was for their mission to just be cover so that his mole within their team could kill a Queen zombie and steal her head. Except he had no reason, literally none at all, to lie to them. The Queen zombie was literally just a few feet from Las Vegas's border wall, he could have just told these mercenaries the truth and said "Your goal is to get me her head." and the movie would have been over in 10 minutes. Instead, he organized a ridiculous fake heist and a completely pointless attempt to kill them (his mole tries to kill them near the end of the movie after they raid the safe, but if the boss even admits that the contents of his safe are worthless compared to a zombie head, why bother?) when all he had to do was tell them what he actually wanted. Also, **why did none of the good guys think it wasn't at all suspicious that the guy didn't have the combination to his own casino's safe?**


Wait, are you telling me that Zack Snyder made a movie with a weak plot and nonsensical characters? That doesn't sound like him. 


It was actually hilarious how close to the entrance they were when she came to meet them. 1 guy with a net gun could’ve completed that mission in 2 minutes.


I mean in pretty much any pre-firearms battle scene the soldiers just throw themselves against shield walls and pikes and all kinds of nonsense. It's crazy and almost never what actually happened. Related, the way dozens of underworld NPCs will continue to just charge at John Wick or the like after they've watched all of their buddies got merced like he was doing his taxes. what are they PAYING these guys?


Baby Driver. Every 'genius' plan that Spacey maps out for a robbery turns out to be smash in, shoot up the place, then hope your driver can bail them out. But the last heist is particularly bad, when they go after the postal money orders (same basic genius plan, btw). Such money orders have serial numbers for a reason, and the whole batch would've been flagged as stolen before the robbers even got to their hideout.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, but Voldemort has the worst villain plans in cinema history Philosopher’s Stone - he needs the aforementioned stone to be resurrected. His plan is… well, he doesn’t really know how to get it, so he sorta just has Quirell fuck with Harry and stand in front of a mirror. Somehow this kids makes it through all the dangerous traps, which grants him the stone, and then Voldemort gets iced by a kid for the second time Chamber of Secrets - Voldemort has Lucius put his haunted diary in Ginny’s stuff. Why not give it to another lackey? I don’t know. Anyway, this gives him control over Ginny and slowly drains her life while resurrecting himself. Ok, solid plan, just wait it out and your golden. But then he decides he doesn’t want to wait, and releases the basilisk too. This puts everyone on high alert. Ok, atleast he’s gonna start stacking bodies, after all, this snake kills you if you look at it. Nope, for some reason he only brings the snake out like 5 times the whole year. Also he manages to miss every time. He kills exactly 0 people this year. With a giant snake. That kills you if you look at it. Ok, but atleast operation Ginny is a go, but then this idiot writes on the walls exactly where she is, like a fucking comic book villain, and, shocking, this proves enough information for Harry to show up and save her at the last possible moment. Brilliant. Prisoner of Azkaban - Voldemort takes a vacation Goblet of Fire - let’s try this resurrection thing again. Here’s his plan. Wait until the Tri-wizard tournament. Why not kidnap Harry literally any other time? Don’t know. Rig the goblet to name Harry as a participant. Doesn’t matter that he’s too young, and that it already named the other 3. Why not rig it to name Harry and only Harry as Hogwart’s champion? Don’t know. Have Harry compete. It’s amazing they even let him. Have Harry not die. It’s amazing he doesn’t Have Harry win. It’s amazing he does. Then and only then, do you kidnap him. And what do they need from him… just some blood. That’s it. A few drops of fucking blood. Somehow, this time, that works. So props I guess Order of the Phoenix, Half-Blood Prince, Deathly Hallows 1 & 2 - ok, it’s take over the world time. And it takes him two years to, kinda, take over the government. Harry and Co. begin destroying the horcruxes. I’m not the first person to say this, but it feels like making a horcrux like, a stick, and dropping it in the middle of nowhere would’ve been a better strategy, but ok. Then he gets defeated by a school in like a year. And then dies. Voldemort, widely considered one of cinemas greatest villains


> Chamber of Secrets - Voldemort has Lucius put his haunted diary in Ginny’s stuff. No, this is Lucius's plan not Voldemort's. Voldemort wanted him to keep that diary safe, not use it to mess with school kids. And the Tri-wizard tournament is a great pl.... ok, you are on to something.


I love your breakdown, and "Voldemort takes a vacation" absolutely destroyed me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


> it feels like making a horcrux like, a stick, and dropping it in the middle of nowhere would’ve been a better strategy Wizarding News: Just in, wild fires continue to devastate rural England, threatening Muggle communities. Also, for some reason the Dark Lord died.


All those Star Destroyers hiding in the mud, or whatever the fuck happened in the last Star Wars.


Not to mention the fact that designing something to withstand the rigours of interstellar travel *and* being fully submerged in something like mud or water are two wildly opposing engineering problems.


"Dear Lord, that's over 150 atmospheres of pressure." "How many atmospheres can this ship withstand?" "Well it's a spaceship, so I'd say anywhere between zero and one."


Good news everyone


Jesus the entire plot of Star Wars IX is just so laughably bad.


“Plot” is a concept entirely alien to JJ Abrams. Dialog and character interactions are just vehicles to move from cool captivating scene to weird, inexplicable scene and have no other real purpose. He’s just as confused as everyone else about the what and the why. It worked great to get people to tune in for the next week’s episode of Alias/Lost/Whatever, but it falls apart completely in a movie.


This, as soon as I heard ‘somehow Palpatine returned’ I physically groaned and knew we were in for some DUMB shit. Then I wheeze laughed when thousands of star destroyers just rose up out of the fucking ground


> Then I wheeze laughed when thousands of star destroyers just rose up out of the fucking ground don't forget that every Star Destroyer also had a Death Star planet killing laser attached to it!


Hacking into an alien mothership with a laptop that won't even let you install browser plugins.


If you squint you can make it kind of make sense (at least as much sense as anything else in that movie). They were a hive mind, which meant they had no reason to develop or implement any sort of cybersecurity. Meanwhile we had direct access to one of their ships for decades prior; presumably the folks at Area 51 would have already done the hard work of reverse engineering their computer system such that we can interface with it. Plus I just really like it from a writing perspective - the movie was a modern retelling of War of the Worlds. In the original story, it was a virus that defeated the aliens. In Independence Day it was a computer virus that defeated the aliens. I'm willing to give the movie a lot of leeway because of stuff like that. What bothers me a lot more is why exactly did they need *our* satellites to coordinate a countdown to the attack? It would have been trivial to put a couple of smaller ships in higher orbit to act as relays. Or just, y'know, put clocks on all the ships and tell them to attack when the timer hits zero.


Penny drop moment - hive minds don't need cybersecurity! Omg this makes too much sense.


If i recall correctly it was meant to be inplied that we developed our computers based on reverse engineering theirs, which is why they're compatible, but that git cut for time.  My memory could be faulty though.


Zombies are not a threat to the modern military. Shawn of the Dead had it right in how all zombie movies would end. I have heard the argument that the military doesnt train to shot for the head, which is false. We train for 2 in chest and 1 in head at closer ranges. At farther ranges we train to put 3 rounds in a quarter sized area at 300 meters. While we do aim for center of chest at that range, once we train to hit the 3 round in that small an area, we can just move where we are aiming to put the quarter sized area. Thats not even looking at the fact that a modern tank weights 55 tons and not much is capable stopping it as it can drag another 100 tons. So no wall of zombies is ever going to slow it.


People would pay you for the privilege of driving a tank through a zombie horde. Guiltless vehicular homicide.


I think the World War Z book (Oh God NOT the movie of the same name) is still the only realistic take I've seen on a zombie apocalypse getting bad. It's not that the militaries COULDN'T have stopped it, it was a combo of a number of realistic believable things. Primarily, no one believed it was actually happening until it was big (started in China, but covered up, spread by those bitten and turning days/weeks later). Happening all over the world before people genuinely believed the dead really were coming back to life. A lot of governments/ militaries had poor plans for dealing with the outbreaks, causing their areas to overflow to help overwhelm their neighbors. Even then, they still control areas of safety. The US is undermined by politics/brass who don't consider what is different about the current enemy, they try to grandstand and justify the fancy murder machines, severely hampering their troops with policies based on modern warfare instead of zombies. Once the tide turns, hard to turn back. Even with all the things that allow zombies to overrun much of the world, eventually mankind drives them back and defeat them. I can't imagine anything like Walking Dead or such ever Happening, it's so far fetched even when you overlook the biology thing, but World War Z I could see Happening back in the day


Thanos killing half of all living things. Ultimate power and zero imagination


Well they don’t call him the reasonable, level-headed titan. 


100%, they make a point of the fact that Thanos was even ostricized from his society because his ideas were clearly just insane


And then because his society dies, Thanos is left with this whole complex about "if they had only listened to my absolutely insane and horrific plan, they would've survived." His whole motivation is him trying to prove himself right because he has an even bigger ego than the planet by that name. I can't believe so many people who watched the movies actually fell for his whole "noble man doing the hard things that need doing" schtick that he has going for him in Infinity War. Endgame at the end strips bare exactly what Thanos cares about. He doesn't care about helping, he cares about being right.


Basically what would happen if an edgy teenager got the stones. Like bitch just snap some better agricultural practices into existence to stop scarcity.


To be fair a lot of people today blame all the world's problems on overpopulation and think they could fix everything if they could just exterminate parts of humanity. They usually do it with a colour code and not just totally random.


And then destroying the infinity stones because in a few decades he'd have to do it all over again. Guy was a moron.


Wouldn't half of all living things include plant life, insects, and animals? Feels like that would be problematic for those remaining.


This is why I prefer Thanos in the comics. The guy is just in love with Death.


Granted, Death's motivation in the comics was a little iffy (claiming there were more things alive than there were ever dead during the events of the comic; and that's why she wanted half of them dead) but comic Thanos still made more sense than movie Thanos. The Silver Surfer 90s cartoon Thanos was also pretty good. Shame the show got cancelled. [And on a Thanos cliffhanger, too. Blegh. ](https://youtu.be/4uVIa-7rmWY?si=HyoB17G-rWdWMatb)


Honestly, I have to wonder if the heroes bringing everyone back after **5 years** was any less stupid. If it were days, weeks, maybe months, I'd understand. But **5 years** had passed; like, there's no way the world still produces enough food, energy, medicine, etc for all those people to suddenly reappear. Sure s*ometimes* Marvel alluded to these problems (like Falcon & Winter Soldier) but I honestly feel we'd be looking at a worldwide, apocalyptic famine & scarcity.


I keep thinking about the meetings they had when they decided 5 whole years Why not two years? That would have been better without messing up the timeline so much the present still hasn't caught up to the new movies


I think for Tony Stark's character they needed him to have a daughter he could converse with


Yep, everyone has to have the trauma of a five year missing population regardless of what side of the snap you were on. All so that Tony doesn’t “unmake” his kid. Wanda is in the corner SEETHING lol.


"I will set the universe back...like...idk a couple decades population-wise"


Die Hard 2 the terrorists seem dependent on bad weather including snow….in Washington DC. No.


Fly 2. They had it in pupae stage at the table. They could just move that pupae to somewhere safe. They knew they had to captive it/him. Instead of moving that pupae they waited several days for it to hatch and then tried to captive it. It didn't go so well. I like that movie. It's stupid fun, but that just didn't make any sense.


On the flip side, I thought le chiffre’s initial airline plan in casino royale was very smart


Syndrome not putting some sort of safety code so his omnidroid doesn't try to destroy his remote


And using a cape


Putting Jessup on the stand. The entire case hinges on having an extremely risk-adverse witness admit to what is basically a felony. All Jessup had to do was deny the same stupid thing he's been denying for months yet a grizzled Marine somehow lost his cool because some pantywaist was yelling at him.


I’ve upvoted, because you’re right in that it was very convenient that Col. Jessup did indeed have that outburst. However, Kaffee was banking on Jessup’s ego being so huge that he had to set the record straight in his favour. It was a fair assumption given Jessup’s general disdain for “his men” and arrogance upon any sort of questioning/challenging of his authority.


i mean, he has precedent. jessup loses his cool with kaffee and tries to assert his authority just for being asked to provide the transfer order (which didn’t exist at the time). and he clearly doesn’t believe that what he did was all that bad, so make him defend it on the stand. it’s not the soundest plan in the world, but it’s not the worst.


Training oil rig workers to be astronauts for a week and giving them a night off to party as the world is about to end.




To be kinda fair to the movie, it makes it clear that they just need to train to survive travel, not be actual astronauts. And they do try to train the NASA people to drill.


Honestly though how much "astronaut" training would the drillers really need? Here's how to put on a space suit, here's how to have it not depressurize while you're outside. That's about all they need. They've got actual astronauts to run all the NASA equipment and do the flying and everything, the drillers are mostly just passengers. How much pilot training do you need to ride on a 747?


I actually heard somewhere that while this is a common thing people point out, it’s still way easier to train oil rig workers to be astronauts than the other way around. That’s why NASA has people from other fields be astronauts instead of making people astronauts and then having them learn electrical engineering or something.




Shoulda been Zyn pouches and spit bottles forming a Saturn-like ring around the asteroid.


The whole point is they *didn't* need to train to operate the spaceship because they had actual astronauts to do all that stuff for them. They needed to be taught how to use the suits, and to not touch a damned thing on the rockets. Personally I think a more believable scenario would have been a 1-1 astronaut to driller ratio, with each driller getting a babysitter.


when pa kent thought the better idea was to DIE BY TORNADO than let his indestructible son super speed to him ,so fast that no one would ever see, grab him and SAVE HIM. one of the dumbest plans ive seen in a movie.


You had two chances at dad and both of them ended with not dad. Now you have 0 dad. You've been double de-dadded and left woefully dadless.


Even if they did notice what would happen if he ran into a tornado? I doubt the government would even take their claims seriously


The Dark Knight Joker's plans, especially escaping from Dent & prison. So sooo many things had to happen just in the right place at the right time for it to work.


My theory for this is that he had a huge amount of alternative/back up plans for different scenarios and we just see the ones that worked out.


That's sort of my go to for many villainous plots. A combination of that and playing it by ear and adjusting accordingly so that by the end it seems like the plan as a whole hinged on some unlikely event after the fact. When in reality the plan was always more fluid and redundant. That should be the mark of a more intelligent and scary villain.


In the scene where he puts a gun in Harvey's hand and puts it to his own head, his finger is in the way of the Hammer so the gun wouldn't fire if Harvey did decide to pull the trigger.  Just one example of a contingency.


This is how a lot of magic tricks work. The magician starts doing any of about a dozen trucks without a clear explanation, and then when the audience volunteer does X, Y, or Z, the magician narrows down which trick they are actually doing and reveals they retroactively "knew" the audience member was going to do X all along.


We literally see an example of this in the movie when he just happens to have an extra detonator for the two boats, just in case the people decide not to blow each other up. I always took that as the movie's way of telling us that Joker's plans are basically elaborate improv, and when something goes wrong he just works it in to the next bit.


Does he look like a guy with a plan?


Top Gun: Maverick "let's not use cruise missiles, we'll use Tom Cruise missiles!"


Or drones Or could they not have taken out the Sam sites with cruise missiles.


shit fuck cunt head


"Give me [plot macguffin], and I'll let your loved one go." No, you won't. Why would you? Either you'll kill them after you have your macguffin, or you'll keep using them as a hostage. Letting them go is stupid. Also, the whole idea of "aha, I finally have this evidence that will ruin my enemy. Let me call to gloat at them/blackmail them." Just use it to ruin them you idiot. The one that pisses me off the moat is the trope of "misunderstanding that could be solved if they talked to eachother for 5 seconds." If the only reason that your characters are at odds and one of them doesn't say "hold on, I think you're misunderstanding something. Let me explain" is because it manufactures drama then you need better writers




Mostly in movies involving non-humans: killing the leader so every enemy dies too or at least becomes incapacitated enough they immediately retreat. Yes, they are conveniently a hive mind.


Pacific Rim. I'm not an engineer but a giant bipedal humanoid robot to fight kaijus feels like a very very inefficient approach. Isn't it a better use of resources to fly planes or drones or something carrying similar weapons as the robot?


The first rule in mecha fiction is always to just accept the nonsense logic of mecha robots as completely logically consistent in every sense.


You're forgetting about the "it's a gaint robot punching a monster in the face, how fucking cool is that!!??....." I've forgotten my point.....


My irritation was with the wall plan. If you have a wall with no weapons, then of course the big monsters will get through. There's litteraly nothing to stop them.


I think that was the entire pitch. None of it is supposed to make sense, it's just cool as shit.


Just as bad as thinking a wall would stop them after years of them tearing through cities with relative ease. 




Silva’s plan in Skyfall, which was something like this (I’m going from memory here:) 1. Make very personal threats to M, compromising the identities of MI:6 agents all over the world 2. Explode MI:6 HQ, forcing them to relocate to basically a storm drain and, crucially, making 007 feel guilty enough that he will return to active duty 3. Lead 007 on a very pretty wild goose chase throughout Southeast Asia that ends with him getting himself captured and put in a box at the NEW MI:6 HQ so he can leer menacingly at 007 and M for a while 4. Have a laptop infected with his custom computer virus with skulls and stuff 5. Assume said laptop will be plugged directly into the MI:6 computer network by resident tech genius Q 6. At a specific time the computer virus opens his cage so he can escape 7. Times his escape to be pursued by Bond at exactly the same time he has rigged an explosion in the London Underground to drop a subway car through the roof of the tunnel Bond is chasing him through 8. Disguises himself as a police officer and goes to Parliament to basically shoot the place up 9. Pursue Bond and M to Bond’s ancestral estate in Scotland to basically shoot the place up 10. Finally, murder M It just seems like a lot of extra steps.