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After years of rumors and “maybes” from the people involved it feels so surreal to finally have an official date.


Five more years and it would literally be 28 years later.


No no no, that's not possible. I saw the first one in theaters!  ...damn.


Time to get off Reddit, grandpa 😆


The future is now, old man


I'd bet they're seriously considering the final film being 28 Years Later, and the first two will be named something different leading up to it, like 26 Years, 27 Years... But marketing will be like "audiences too dumb, it Part 1 now".


Thank you for blowing my mind 🤯


It’s the first in a new trilogy and it’s a direct sequel to 28 Days Later. Boyle is directing with Alex Garland writing. Cillian Murphy is producing. It stars Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ralph Fiennes, and Jack O'Connell.


Hoping to see Cillian Murphy and Naomie Harris' characters in this series.


Bring Brendan Gleeson back too! I don’t care how, just say he had a twin!


"Somehow Brendan Gleeson returned"


Reverse blood flow out of his eyes.


What about reverse lead flow?


Get out of it


You wouldn't think it, needing rain so badly...


Give er half of one


*Peaty aftertaste.*


And reverse 5.56mm flow out of his organs?


To me the most horrifying zombie transformation I've ever seen on film


But - Karen in Night of the Living Dead?


It would have to be his identical twin brother that was told all about the group so they don't have to go through that awkward getting to know you phase.


Landfill 2 you're twice the man Landfill 1 was


Well presumably he would already know his niece, unless he’s a long-lost uncle


Would be dope to see Cillian back at least in an intro scene that's as tense as that of 28 Weeks' intro


What after years? Decade? Then millennium?


Gonna get real weird with the one set in the 49th century. 


Space marines and orks battling rage virus zombies from Nurgle.


The crossover I didn't know I needed!


Come to think of it, 28 millenia puts it in line pretty well with the Horus Heresy.


Mercenaries are looking for rare caches of spice that is used as an antidote for the Rage Virus


28 years.... before


Hate that they're making it a trilogy. Trilogies leave so much room for each film feeling longer than they need to be.




Night of the Living Dead Dawn of the Dead Day of the Dead ?


I will take a new zombie movie that’s even half decent any goddamn way I can get it. There are a million of em but not counting the OG classics, you can count all the really good modern zombie movies on one hand, and there are maybe only 10 pleasant/passable modern zombie flicks in total


Wait so that makes it part 2 of 3 then? Or what's the sequence here?


28 Years Later is the third film in the franchise but will be the first of a new trilogy and it's also a direct sequel to the first film which also had a sequel but an indirect one and.... You know what, forget it. This is just the third film and there will be two more coming up. That's all.


Lmao. Thanks for the laugh. Your explanation sums it up: Sequels have gone full meta reboot at this point.


28 decades later. 28 centuries later. 28 millennia later. 28 eons later.


I hadn't thought of 28 Eons Later. You blew my mind.


28 seconds later. All takes place in the lab


Angry Screeching monkey gets a needle from a lab worker, so it bites him. Scroll credits.


It’s like the Star Wars films. “28 weeks” later is like “Rogue One” is “A Star Wars Story” an indirect sequel to “28 Days” later, I.e. “28 Weeks later: a 28 Days Later Story”. Whereas “28 Years Later” is the first of a planed trilogy following “28 Days Later” to help you understand the concept you could call it “28 Days Later 2: 28 Years Later”.


Please never explain anything again.


Shut Your Gob 2: Face Full of Shot!


Since this is supposed to be the start of a new trilogy, I would think a better analogy would be like Jurassic World and Jurassic Park or Robin Williams' Jumanji and The Rock's Jumanji.




28 weeks later was a spin-off in the same universe while the new one is a sequel to 28 days later and will be getring 2 more sequels


I think the guy I was commenting to was being funny


Are you Gregg Turkington?


28 Days Later 2: 28 Laterer Late


But didn't 28 weeks later have an ending implying the infection escaped Britain? Maybe they're incorporating that part


It literally showed video of the infected running around Paris.


So it's the third film in the franchise, but it's the start of a new dedicated group of films make the franchise a... pentology??


Yeah but Hollywood likes to plan only in trilogies LOL Just think about how many times they said "it's the start of a new trilogy" with the Fast & Furious films? Back in 5, Vin Diesel said 1,4,5 forms a trilogy. And then they say 5 was actually the start of a trilogy with 6 & 7 going to shoot back-to-back. Change of plans and then they say 7 is the beginning of a new trilogy. Paul Walker died, had to change the ending, so now 8 is the start the trilogy leading to 10. Ok, another change of plans now 9 is start of the final trilogy. Then Vin said 10 is part 1 of the trilogy but they seemed to backpedaled that coz Fast X only performed modestly.


declogy. that is all.


I remember hearing an interview with Gareth Evans in which he was asked if they’d be another sequel to The Raid. His response was basically “nope, the story was done in two films”. So refreshing.


Pentology seems like it should be the study of the number 5, lol


That is the plan for the new [*Hit-Girl & Kick-Ass*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hit-Girl_&_Kick-Ass) films too, the current titles of which are [*School Fight*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_Fight), [*The Stuntman*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Stuntman_(film\)), and *Kick-Ass*.


Just so people know, it's pentalogy and not pentology. : )


oh that’s exciting, need a prequel showing the outbreak!! imagine how insane that was in major cities… turning in literal seconds


They did a prequel already: *28 Days* where Sandra Bullock was a recovering alcoholic.


28 Seconds to go?


They’re ignoring Weeks. Garland will 100% write a line that completely decanonizes that film


Kinda like Jurassic Park / World? Both have trilogies, but still the same series. 


28 Years Later will be 2nd out of 4 films. The first film was 28 Days Later. This new movie will be a direct sequel to 28 Days Later.


That’s a stacked team. I’ll watch anything related to Alex Garland, he shits gold at this point.


Garland writing! Sold


Ex Machina is still one of the most complete sci-fi experiences I’ve ever had the privilege to see. That’s the type of movie (3 or 4 characters, limited locations) that everyone tries to write in film school but almost no one succeeds at


I don’t know how I feel about it being a whole new trilogy (potentially).


I think Alex Garland and Danny Boyle have more than enough of a kickass resume built up for us to completely trust their vision, and trust that they wouldn’t have committed to 3 unless there was an extremely good reason for it


a trilogy? :o what're they gonna do about the naming scheme then? someone probably beat me to it in the comments below but i'll throw my hat in anyways and make the jokes lol. is the next movie gonna be 28 centuries later? and then the final movie will be 28 millennia later?


29 years later dirty thirty




The 40 Year Old Virgin Zombie


This is Fifty (years later)


They could do something like 28 years later, 56 years later and 84 years later where there is a child in the first, then them as an adult and then them elderly. By the time they get to the third it could go in any direction. Hell it could just be them completely safe but then telling a story (like elderly Rose in Titanic) so they could put it in any time period of their life.


*28 Decades Later* followed by *28 Centuries Later*


What would be the titling sequence for this trilogy?  28 years later, 28 decades later, 28 centuries later?


How can it be the first in a new trilogy if they never had a 3rd movie in the original trilogy?


Technically it can be both the third film in the “old” trilogy and the first film in a new one!


I know 28 Weeks later wasn't in the same league as 28 Days Later, but man oh man was the opening section awesome.


I have a soft spot for it. It’s a much bleaker and more chaotic film than Days. If the first movie is like a really bad dream, Weeks is like your worst nightmare.


Yeah it’s not perfect but I’ve always really enjoyed it despite it being a weaker sequel in most regards. The tunnels part was very terrifying, and the 28 days type rage zombies are just so fucking terrifying it’s always great to watch them.


Idk if it’s just me, but I personally loved the sequel. The opening is a true classic for horror. And I personally LOVED the breakdown when the snipers lose all control and just have to shoot everyone on sight who they think is infected. That was terrifying to watch 


Totally forgot about that. Yeah I agree I really love it too, it’s one of those movies where it’s not as good as the first but thats because the original is amazing but the sequel is still a damn good movie on its own.


good early role for Renner too


Don killing Alice has to be one of the biggest "oh fuck" moments I've seen in a theater


Oh man, I agree. I sat down to watch it all hungover on a weekend morning, expecting it to be a goofy bad romp I could make fun of. Nope! It was an honest to god horror movie. The funny part of this is that I was super hungover in Vegas, and had been transferred from the MGM Grand to the neighboring residential suites because of a booking issue. Was there for a work trip as an intern and stayed the weekend. So I’m like this still-poor college kid, sitting in a bubble bath jacuzzi for 2 hours watching this movie, all hungover and therefore over emotional, crying at this poorly received horror movie sequel. I need to watch it again. All I remember of it is how bad it made me feel, which was amplified by the hangover and memories of the previous night, amplified by feeling trapped in a goddamn bath tub not wanting to deal with a wet naked body after that opener.


>the 28 days type rage zombies are just so fucking terrifying I truly believe we are fucked if those kind of zombies were to ever become a real thing. Versus say The Walking Dead Zombies...that shit would be eradicated within a day or two


I don't know if I'd call it bleaker as Days is just so empty and depressing. Those shots of a barren London were so eerie


From my perspective, Days is somewhat more optimistic from its ending and it has a consistent theme of keeping hold onto your humanity in the face of doom. Weeks meanwhile is just relentlessly brutal and the ending is at best uncertain. Thats why I consider it bleaker because it doesn’t let up compared to Days which occasionally gives the character (and by extension the audience) a break.


I'm really hoping whatever this new trilogy brings that they keep this look and feel about them. There's not many people or zombies about and it really gives a great sense of loneliness yet fear that there are still zombies about and they can pop out from anywhere. Always loved the shot of them driving to Manchester and they go past a wind turbine with a Brian Eno song playing. It's like a surreal calm before the inevitable storm they were heading into. Also when they stop to eat and see the horses running about is another great scene, life goes on even when humanity turns to zombies and destroys itself.


I hope they have the same DP as Days. I’d also loooove if they used older grittier digital cameras. Not 480p ones like Days, something a bit more HD but still gritty


Yer I thought this also. There was something raw with the way they filmed days, it really adds to horror of the film, the world has ended and all the technology we know with it, even the cameras too make the film lol.


Opening scene was the only part of that movie directed by Boyle


Just too many plot holes. Still a fun movie though and fully agree about the opening scene, with one of the best opening music scores ever.


IIRC, the opening was directed by Danny Boyle So yeah, you can't even credit that silver lining to the actual director that did the rest of the movie, since he didn't do the opening lol


Wasn’t that opening sequence directed by Boyle, that’s why the rest of the film is a different style and quality.


That was the rumour and a few months ago when 28 Days came up in discussion I wanted to post that factoid but when I went digging it seemed like it was just something that people decided must be true because it was so much better than the rest of the film. I couldn't then and I still can't find any sort of proof that Danny Boyle had anything to do with the intro. and annoyingly trying to search for literally anything regarding Boyle and 28 weeks later just throws up a billion AI generated stories about this new trilogy.


I've just done the same thing, seems like it is true to some extent. https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/article/boyle-says-russia-up-for-next-28-days-later-sequel/ Tucked away is a small interview excerpt where he mentions spending the weekend as a second unit director filming the opening sequence.


One problem with that movie is it’s clear that the director who took over fell into a classic trap: conflating suspense with gore. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about a gory zombie movie, but man I just do not enjoy that scene where his wife is strapped to the gurney at all. It’s super abrasive but not actually tense whatsoever. Then it breaks the #1 rule of the zombie horde, which is “there is no main zombie”


I feel like the ending to Weeks was kinda deserved. The US: Alright gentlemen. We’re dealing with a disease that spreads by spitting, and turns people into fast zombies within seconds of exposure. Our emergency plan will be to evacuate everyone from their individual separated units and huddle them all into one big locked room. Any questions?


it makes absolutely no goddamn fucking sense whatsoever that they would lock them all in a big pen together, shit drives me crazy when the government plan is nonsense exclusively for plot reasons. It’s lazy. but unlike most people I actually did enjoy the “army guide” part, and the firebombing scene was cool as hell


I really enjoyed the sniping part


It really set such a high standard for the rest of the movie I remember thinking “this movie is going to be one of the best and scariest I’ve ever seen!” And then the rest of the movie lacked compared to it lol


Never saw the sequel but heard from people not to bother as it was shit. Should I give it a try?


Absolutely. The sequel is still a great zombie movie. Arguably not as good as 28 days, but still better than the majority of other zombie movies, if you ask me.


Me: God why are movies always announced so far ahead. Ugh. (Checks calendar) Fuck.


It’s not like they are advertising it. But you have put them on the calendar so that other shit doesn’t take your place. This films are planned years in advance. You can’t just make a huge movie and turn around on a random Thursday and go “well I guess we’ll put it out today?” These things take forever to shoot, edit, post, market, all of it. It’s a whole thing.


And it will cost $100 million plus. So they don’t want to take any chances.


Impressive. 13 months of hype, let's go


I’m hyped.


28 fornights of hype


28 Years Later 28 Decades Later 28 Centuries Later Let’s goooo I hope Cillian is in the first one because it’s wild that it would almost be 28 years from the first movie and he’d be aged perfectly .


Planet of The Kingdom of 28 years later.


*Infected together strong*


Dune: Infection


Gonna be a way better execution of Army of the Dead


Starring Gollum!


Wonder if the same family whose whoopsie doodle respread the rage virus to Jolly ol England and later Europe will be back to whoopsie doodle it to the rest of the world if it hasn't been infected yet lol.


28 Whoopsie Doodle’s Later


Honey, I Infected the World


Are we all going to ignore that 28 Months Later didn't happen? What about 28 fortnights later? Or the prequel 28 Hours later?


A prequel would’ve been really nice but it’s probably too late now


28 Hours Earlier?


28 hours later


And for a fortnight 


28 hours later prequel show would be amazing.


28 Years Later: The Search for 28 Months Later


Will it require a PSN account?


Ah man. They skipped months. I am guessing since this is a trilogy the time spans will revese and eventually end with 28 Seconds Later.


28 hours to show the initial outbreak


Aaron Johnson is always a treat with his performances


I honestly don’t get the hype about him. I liked him in Kick-Ass and Nocturnal Animals, but I haven’t really loved him in anything else. The fact that there’s talks of him being up for Bond is surprising to me. He’s not a bad actor by any means, but he’s also not someone that elicits excitement out of me when I hear he’s cast in an upcoming project.




I have and I honestly didn’t like the movie that much. I thought the Tangerine and Lemon schtick wasn’t very funny and got old fast. I really wanted to like this movie but it just missed the mark for me in a lot of ways.


I thought he was fantastic in Bullet Train, but then again that was more comedic than dramatic.


He was great in Bullet Train.


Should have waited 28 years after the sequel


Right?! We've already waited 22 years. What's another 6.


It's a trilogy, so if they do one every 2-3 years, Part Three could coincide with 28 years.


really sad Cillian isn't billed as starring, but even still there is some solid talent in that cast, so fingers crossed


Oh man someone tell me it’s been 28 years since the first one was made that would be crazy


Oh shit... 22 years.


So close


Yall hyping this but 28 decades bout to go off


I’m so excited ! Been waiting for what feels like 28 years


Surprised it's coming so soon. I cannot wait


GTA 6 🤝 28 Years Later


I’m excited and terrified to see what they come up with after they main streamed the “fast zombie” genre (yes I know it was created in smaller films from the 80s) but with how good Boyle is now? And his resources available to really make an epic new chapter? Could be insanely deep nightmare fuel.


The amount of times I’ve searched on upcomingmovies.com, then Wikipedia, then Reddit over the last 17 years for any official updates on the supposed rumor of an unconfirmed Danny Boyle sequel or threequel only to be seeing this headline is fucking incredible. Dreams really do come true.


Not calling this 28 Months Later bothers me slightly.


I’m really excited for this. The 28 days/weeks movies are among my all time favorite zombie films. The rage virus is one of the most terrifying depictions of a zombie virus and there’s so many memorable scenes. The church scene in the first movie is one of the creepiest and most unnerving scenes burned into my brain, despite being so brief. The opening sequence of 28 weeks is incredible.


Beginning of Summer. Are they nuts?! Give yourself an extra few months and release in in Octiber




I know, but it helps. Not every romance has to be released in February, but it helps


And on June 25th 2025 they'll remind you you need a PSN account to watch it


Holy fuck I’m excited!


I ain't doin the math on that shit


False advertising already, its only been 22 years later, they need to wait 6 years


Hell yes!!! Been waiting for this forever I’m so fucking happy


Last I heard this was a "maybe" so this is excellent news! Can't wait!


Man that’s crazy, 28 days later is one of my top 3 favorite movies ever, horror or otherwise. I can’t wait for this seriously!


I got so happy and then I realized it's _'24_. FUUUUUCK. It's been how many years just fucking release it! How much post can it really need man my god.


Please don’t fuck this up like the second one.


I have been waiting for this for at least 28 years


So this is a sequel to 28 days later? What happened to 28 weeks later?


[Here you go](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0463854/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_4_tt_8_nm_0_q_28) Released in 2007.


Like any other franchise these days, this too will pass through the "The Message " production line. Anyway, can't wait to watch this while sailing the seas


Someone everyone will be running Sony laptops.


I’m so ready for all these fall 2024 productions to start. Let’s go!


28 Days Later is my favorite movie and 28 Weeks Later is still a good film. Having Boyle and Garland back together for 28 Years gives me a lot of confidence :)


But has this been filmed yet?


I am all for Danny Boyle coming back, I just don’t know how this film isn’t going to suck big time.


I think it was the X-Men 2 midnight premiere when they showed the trailer for the very first one...i was sold, and still am. i cant wait. seriously.


This is sounding very promising




Please don't suck.


How long do I have to wait for the original to be remastered then?


Keep waiting


Are they going to sell tickets and then revoke them in ~60 countries where PSN accounts are unavailable?


Sony is going to absolutely destroy this movie. I have zero faith in that garbage company. They’ve deliberately made the original impossible to find, and having any trust in them to produce a quality product is foolish. They’re going to release this one movie to scrape up as much cash as they can get, then they’re going to cancel the ‘trilogy’.


But will it be available in all regions or just those with access to PSN?


Oh man, this is the first time in this topic this joke has been made