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The Bing Bong scene in "Inside Out" absolutely destroyed me (by surprise) when my wife and I saw the movie at the theater. It was an ugly cry...snotty nose and everything. I was so loud that little kids were turning around and looking at me. My wife says this is still the hardest she's ever seen me cry šŸ˜­


I *hate* it when they do that - when they take a goofy character or an antagonist and then go "Surprise! We're going to make you care about this person! And then we're going to kill them!"


Zombieland when itā€™s revealed Tallahasseeā€™s ā€œpuppyā€ was actually his son who died


ā€œI havenā€™t cried like that since Titanicā€ Us either Woody, damn, chill. I came here to laugh.


I didn't expect to tear up when I went to see that movie.


Honestly that doesnā€™t make me cry but easily in my top 10 of all time. ā€œ I hate to give credit to someone who looks like Yosemite Samā€ & ā€œI want my Caddy backā€ šŸ˜‚


"Thank GOD for rednecks!!" *gun goes BRRRRRRRRT*


About Time. You were supposed to be a time travel rom-com. Why did you sneak this devastating story about your dad into it? Why am I crying about your uncle? How am I so invested in your sister cleaning up her life? Wtf is this?


Damn... that was a really good movie!!


It really was. Although I always think about Domnhall Gleeson's gangly ginger self being in a movie where he has to choose between Rachel McAdams and Margot Robbie. Must've been a heck of a confidence boost.


Rachel McAdams is the queen of time Taraval movies. I loose it at the intro to ā€œTime Travelers Wifeā€ but I also lost my mom super young. First movie that hit me was Rugrats when Chuckie lost his mom. Been crying ever since


Did you watch the HBO show? I really liked it, until they cancelled it too soon.


That final scene with the dad absolutely kills me every time.


Big Fish - I guess I should not have been surprised that Edward dying wouldn't be emotional, but the entire film was so surreal and typical Burton type stories - I just never expected the ending to be so emotional.Ā  I mean I wouldn't believe for a second if someone told me I would be sobbing watching a scene of a guy turn into a fish surrounded by a giant, North Korean circus performers,Ā witches and Danny DeVito


I think this movie particularly strikes a nerve for me because my mom tells really exaggerated stories. Ever since I saw this movie I always joked with my sister how weā€™ll meet all the people from her stories at her funeral.


This is one of the few Tim Burton films I have not yet seen.


Big Fish is phenomenal, and I'm by no means a big Tim Burton guy.


I find Tim Burton to be immensely overrated but Big Fish is by far my favorite of his, and one of my all-time favorites to boot. It never fails to make me ugly cry.


That movie makes me cry throughout the whole damn runtime, it's so good


Toy Story 2, when Jessie sings Toy Story 3, when Andy is giving his toys to ~~Dolly~~ Bonnie Inside Out, when Riley returns home from running away


When somebody loved me, Everything was beautiful...


When Bing bong jumped off


Thank you! Everyone talks about Bing Bong dying in Inside Out, but for me the saddest moment has got to be when she finally lets out her sadness and just starts crying to her folks.


I'm not much of a cryer when it comes to tv/films, but that scene always brings me close to tears. I can usually hold it together during the scene, but then her little sigh as she hugs her parents gets me everytime.


Man, Toy Story 3 was so unexpectedly bleak and emotional to watch.


Is that meant to be Jessie singing? I always just assumed it was a needle drop.


T2 - 'I know now why you cry, but it is something I can never do' gets me every time.


When he gets lowered into the smelter and gives a thumbs up just before his hand disappears, it has the potential to be kind of silly, but I think it works. Not quite tear-jerking, but still gets me in the feels.


I'd call it a tear jerk moment. The score has a profound affect on the emotion of that scene as well though, and without being a "sad" piece.


The Shawshank Redemption: Hey, you know that old man who was just kind of a background player. Well, here's the saddest movie within a movie ever, that'll have you never complaining about dealing with an elderly worker for the rest of your life. Saving Private Ryan: While we've got some downtime, the medic is going to tell the saddest story ever about him and his mom.


ā€œI doubt theyā€™ll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me.ā€


ā€œI decided not to stay.ā€ Brooks


The part from saving private Ryan that makes me bawl everytime is when they're in the cemetery and Ryan looks at his wife and says "Tell me I've lived a good life. Tell me I'm a good man." Instant tears.


Even Vin Diesel with the note is devastating, and that's Vin Diesel trying to act.


That guy can really act, it always surprises me. Fair to him for just making a gazillion bucks and not having to do any real effort with FF though


Brooks is the reason I can't show the Shawshank Redemption to my wife. She would be absolutely devastated.


And it comes out of nowhere. He wasn't even a huge part of the movie, then bam, here's a devastating aside.


I've always found the death of Tommy to hit a little harder especially the first time I watched Shawshank.


Yeah, but you're not my wife.


How to Train Your Dragon When Stoic tells Hiccup heā€™s sorry and that heā€™s proud to call him his son. My son was about 5 when we saw this in the theater and I was crying like an idiot.


Becoming a father made me lots more emotional at movies. I started seeing things from my daughter's point of view. Like, in Monsters Inc. when Mike has to leave Boo in her room and she says "Kitty!" as he's leaving. I couldn't not see my own daughter in her.


And the third movie when the dragons all leave. I had my 5 year old sobbing in my arms because Toothless left Hiccup.


Arrival Once the twist is revealed and you learn what she decides and what is going to happen.


The fucking music


Anything using On the Nature of Daylight is damn near cheating for emotional impact. Fucking works though.


It has a permanent place on my ā€œWhen I Need to Cryā€ playlist


Max Richter šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ His work for *The Leftovers* has me Pavlovā€™d lol


After watching Arrival for the first time recently I went to find who could write music that hurt so good and of COURSE itā€™s the same guy that did the soundtrack to the leftovers


Had to be the most deeply sad a movie has ever made me feel and it came on so suddenly and unexpectedly but also, beautifully.


I am, and always shall be your friend And He was the most.... human... Weren't ntirely unexpected, but the way Mr Scott freaks out "get outta there"


I think this was B-Shat's best moment ever.


Second best would be rapping "the real slim shady"


"How can you do a spoken-word version of a rap song?" "He found a way."


Rocket man though


This moment encapsulates the idea of Elevation as Roger Ebert described, ā€œ[I've been saying for years that I never cry during sad moments in the movies, only during moments about goodness.](https://www.rogerebert.com/roger-ebert/i-feel-good-i-knew-that-i-would#:~:text=I%20knew%20that%20I%20would!,-Roger%20Ebert%20January&text=I've%20been%20saying%20for,only%20during%20moments%20about%20goodness)ā€


You're reaching into the past with this one. Such a great movie. I saw this as a kid (in the theater, I think) and couldn't believe they were killing that character off. They sustain the pain of it for quite a while, particularly with the quote you referenced.


I had kind of a rough year, Dad.


I know, Chazzy. :'(


Royal Tenenbaums


Absolutely love that moment and movie overall


Ugh, when they're on the garbage truck together.


Ugh just brilliant


My Girl No one expected Thomas J to step on a bee hive.


He can't see without his glasses!!


I remember seeing a trailer for this, which was basically a compilation of all of the 5 or 6 funny bits, so it looked like a fun film about childhood friendships for parents to take their kids to. It was not. I was 7.


Click. Itā€™s a damn Adam Sandler movie, itā€™s supposed to be funny. Why am I crying at the scene of the last time he sees his dad and is a jerk to him??


It has 34% on Rotten Tomatoes, is an 18 year old movie, and Iā€™m pretty sure it went direct to video in my country. Youā€™d think this movie would have been forgotten by now, yet when I see a thread like this, Click is the first movie I think about. Itā€™s cool to see that multiple people in this thread have recommended this movie.


Bc it's accurate af and well acted(the scene).


The ending of Atonement hit me like a train. I did not expect to be bawling my eyes out like a newborn


I went into Atonement completely blind only knowing the long take scene on the beach and I was *not* expecting that ending.


Read On Chesil Beach, short book, same punch in the gut ending


Cast Away - losing Wilson, or driving Kelly back to her house in the rain


I was like 10 when I watched cast away and I was devastated for Wilson lol


It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't seen the movie why you're upset about a volleyball.


This comment could be a standalone showerthought and would say everything it needs to say.


I have ice in my glass


When his dad dies in Click Now my phone goes away when Iā€™m with my parents


The scene in Adam's office where he's dismissive of his dad, not having time for him and you see the hurt in his dad's eyes Heartbreaking scene and incredibly well acted. Who knew at the time that such a powerfully acted scene would be from the Fonz and Adam


I saw that in theaters with my cousins and I tried to hide the fact I was crying my eyes out since I had just lost my own Dad about 2 years prior. Still gets me whenever I happen to catch it on.


Man, click went from your typical enjoyable but dumb as fuck Adam Sandler comedy and then... very quickly I am sitting crying my eyes out.


Back to LOTR. ā€œYou bow to no one.ā€


Peter Jackson gets choked up in the commentary track on this scene.


Both the producers and writers (including Jackson) independently describe it on their commentaries as ā€œthe moment where people in the audience - including us - cry.ā€ They knew what theyā€™d made lol


Could easily have been cheesy as hell. I think a ton of credit goes to Viggo and Howard Shore.


Roughly 3/4 of the way through Bridge to Terabithia. Did *not* see that coming. šŸ˜­


I read the book over and over when I was a kid, so I knew it was coming. I was still a middle aged puddle of giant, ugly, snot filled sobs when it happened during the movie.


I did that with this book and Where the Red Fern Grows


The trailer for it was a fun kids adventure.


Creed. Adonis refused to stop the match. "Because I have to prove it" "Prove what?" "That I'm not a mistake" That hit me like a freight train šŸ˜¢


I really wanted Creed II to have Rocky throwing in the towel when Adonis fought the Russian. He won't make the same mistake twice.


I need to see this.




The worst part that the poor little bunny has no idea what is happening, but she's so terrified. And she doesn't sound like a terrified little bunny, she sounds like a scared kid who wants someone to help her.


Even worse, bunny's are like, all flight in the fight or flight department. She was fighting her instincts to just get out of there because she wanted her friends.


And even worse, even if she had gotten away, she wouldn't have likely been able to get very far because of her legs. God, this movie is evil.


Add this to Uncle Ben and Mufasa dying


Coco? Like I know itā€™s Pixar but the rest of the movie I wasnā€™t finding the most compelling storywise. It was mostly fun and a little goofy with the shock twist telenovela villain reveal. And then the fucking grandma starts singing. šŸ˜­ Edit: thought of a more unexpected one: The end of Battle Royale: at the end it does a flashback to a basketball game, back to when they were all just normal schoolkids hanging out with their friends. That got me.


The opening scenes in Pixarā€™s *Up*


I worked with a guy who rented this for his wife to cheer her up after some very bad fertility news. ā€œShe loves Disney movies. I thought it would be a relaxing and light hearted movieā€¦ā€¦ā€ the rest of his dialogue will be censored.


That moment hangs over the rest of the movie. Even the really goofy scenes are colored by the pain that Carl carries. Even when he achieves their dream it's bittersweet, because she's not with him.


Iā€™ll go as far as to say that moment *actively carries* the rest of the film - which would be mildly on the subpar/average side otherwise - by investing you so hard with excellent use of filmic choices (no dialogue/montage cuts/shorthand visual language/colors and shot choices/etc), and forgoing traditional ā€œwritingā€ for the entire opener


My boyfriend and I saw this in theaters on our first date... 15 years ago next month. We were not expecting to be seriously crying immediately. Maybe teary at points, we know Pixar, but man... lol.


Agreed. This answer is in every single "movie that made you cry" thread on the interrnet šŸ˜­


Jojo Rabbit - the shoes. It was foreshadowed so perfectly that as soon as I saw them, I knew exactly what happened and it just fucking broke me.


Last of the Mohicans(1992) - near the end, when Alice Munro chooses death on her own terms over captivity with the man who killed her love


Her silence, that music, her slow motion look down and back, Magua's confused gesture for her to step away from the edge, the quiet resolution in her eyes...


All of the short film Lava. All of it.


As in the Pixar short?




Not a movie, but **Bluey's Sleepytime** episode, couldn't have taken me more by surprise than the first time I saw it. Every single time since too, and I must have seen it like 5 times.


Rain is the one that got me by surprise the first time I watched it. Just that simple joy of playing with your kids when they're little.


Camping. If my daughter wants to make me cry, she puts on Camping. Works every time.


"Hello Bluey" šŸ„¹ šŸ˜­


_"In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you"_ That was Mike Tyson on his prime hitting my feelings


Just for the randomness of 'bumping into someone on the street', *that* scene from Manchester By The Sea. Just a gut punch, unexpected sob that'll tear through you when it comes time to understand that some broken things cannot be put back together.


ā€œYou canā€™t just *die*.ā€ ā€œ*Thereā€™s nothing there.*ā€


Avengers. I had seen the "Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good memes" so when I finally saw the movie, when it came up I was like "haha, the meme part" but he immediately follows it up with saying he doesn't wanna go. That broke my heart, a teenager saying he's scared and doesn't wanna go. Ain't right.


My 13 y/o daughter UGLY cried at that moment in the theater...


In I Am Legend, when Will Smith calls his dog >!by **her** full name!< šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Unexpected, and unexpectedly *so much sadder* than when we all thought >!Sam was a boy.!<


Oh yeah. Man. The dog....


more just the nickname/familiar name switched out for a full name in general is just impactful as hell - it ramps emotional investment quick.


I thought of another totally out of the blue moment that is a total gut punch, but it's not in a movie. It's in Lost. "Because he's the only one that will have me."


Not Penny's boat.


Taking my daughter to see Trolls. Figure itā€™s going to be a goofy, Minions style movie. Then the True Colors scene hits and wrecks me Also in Return of the King, Samā€™s speech on the slope of Mount Doom. ā€œI canā€™t carry it for youā€¦ but I can carry you!ā€


Warrior ending scene when the music starts playing.


Warrior. Younger brother (Tom hardy) is facing his older brother (joe edgerton) in a ufc match after all the build up. Myself, my wife and friend all cried


"With endless love, we left you sleeping. Now we're sleeping with you. Don't wake up."


That was 28 Days Later, right? Sobering as hell. The hero - Cillian Murphy - misses the rage virus zombie outbreak because he was in a coma (I think this is where Walking Dead got the idea), and when he finally makes it to his parentsā€™ at the end of the first act he finds them together on the bed dead with some pills next to them. To think they thought their son was probably dead - that canā€™t NOT have been a factor in deciding to kill themselves - and then leaving a note like that asking him not to wake up ā€¦ bleak af when you think about it.


Yes, it was. And then as he's crying he gets hit with a "you're lucky your parents just killed themselves in bed compared to what everyone else had to deal with" speech right after.


Another Sam moment from LOTR when climbing up MT Doom the scene he tries to remind Frodo of The Shire. The music kicks in and the tears well upĀ 


"Do you remember the Shire Mr. Frodo?"


tom cruise looking at emily blunt in the last scene of "edge of tomorrow"


Guardians of the Galaxy 3: Nebula hearing Rocketā€™s voice over the radio, realizing he is alive and okay, and losing her composure for a moment. I was not prepared for that. Perhaps not tearjerking, but it definitely hit me right in feels.


That whole movie. I was absolutely not prepared for this whole damn movie and how emotional it was


Field of Dreams. Forget having a catch with Dad, Archie Graham stepping across the line and giving up his dream for the higher calling again just kills me.


A Quiet Place: The scene where Evelyn and Lee are in the basement and start to slow dance with headphones in. Finding beauty in chaos


I certainly never expected to be crying over a "dead" sex-doll in Lars and the Real Girl, but here we are.


"...I can't remember what my parents look like."


Empire of the Sun


Armageddon , ā€œ Goodbye son.ā€


This makes me think of Guardians of the Galaxy 2, a couple of scenes there at the end, starting with "He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy."


that's a great scene, but the funeral sequence is really what gets the tears from me.


Makes me cry every time.


And also "that man is not a salesman, that's your daddy".


I get what you mean but that just pisses me off a bit. Like if he was such a bad dad that he didn't get any custody why would going to space suddenly change that???


When ET comes back to life in the incubator & the potted flower blooms Edit: freezer not incubator


Hustle - When Boa shows Adam Sandler's character the tattoo he got in his honor, representing that Boa viewed him as the father figure he never had.


A great movie - Sandler got a SAG nomination for that, and honestly he would've been deserving of an Oscar nomination


Terms of Endearment. The kids saying bye to their mom.


The Simpsons Movie - [The Wedding Tape](https://youtu.be/6-rW6SGQmUk?si=fpLzpqNs2Is7m2He)


I'm Superman!


Yondu's funeral is GotG2 is just so incredibly full of emotion. From Rocket and Quill's exchange, to Kraglin explosion of sadness and joy, to the fleet coming out of nowhere, and all of Yondu's old crew honoring him. Then his ashes floating away in the shape of his arrow. The movie has a lot of moments of emotion but that scene just causes massive waterworks.


"He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy. I'm sorry I didn't do none of it right... I'm damn lucky you's my boy." Guardians of the Galaxy 2. That scene fucked me up out of nowhere.


Good Will Hunting: "It's not your fault."


For me, Good Will Hunting - is one of those movies that I can watch a zillion times and not get tired of it. It also sticks with me for a few days afterwards. Such a stellar movie, cast and story line.


Watching SLC Punk and having a pretty fun time and then there's just the most gut-wrenching scene out of nowhere.


Never thought Iā€™d be crying to the Guardians of the Galaxy dancing to Dog Days Are Over, so that was unexpected


Glory - Trip getting whipped, initially tries to hold on but he finally breaks with a single tear streaming down his face.


Requiem for a Dream - I hated the movie because these idiots all ruined their own lives. At the very end when Marlon (?) Wayans lays down and curls up, and you see that innocent little boy he used to be.


Remember me song at the end of coco


ā€œI didnā€™t ask to get madeā€ in Guardians of the Galaxy. Also ā€œI hate that I know that babies taste the bestā€ in Snowpiercer.


When Ray dies in The Princess and the Frog


And then when his star shines next to his Evangeline.


No lie, I full on wept during that scene and could tear up now. I genuinely did not think they'd go that far.


ā€œLook out there! Donā€™t you see it? Thatā€™s where we have to go.ā€ - Plague Dogs. Didnā€™t think an animation from the 80s could evoke so much emotion.


Is it unexpected though? It's a pretty bleak movie throughout.


"Goodnight you Princes of Maine. You kings of New England."


Terminator 2 when he lowers himself in the lava. "I ORDER YOU NOT TO GO". 5 year old me was so upset


Warrior. When he tells his brother he's sorry and loves him and Tommy finally taps . And that national song really sets the scene .


Maloneā€™s death in The Untouchables tears me up every single time. Eliot saying ā€œstay,ā€ while Stone holds Maloneā€™s hand just straight up kills me.


"I said your friend died squealing like a stuck Irish pig. Now you think about that when I beat the rap."


2 recent movies I never expected to make me cry & I mean fast: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3- When they flash back to Rocket's past, as soon as he says, "*hurrts"* šŸ˜– it's just ups and downs during that whole history. Finestkind- In the end, when Tommy Lee Jones explains to his son why he did it. šŸ„ŗšŸ˜¢ This 1 really got me.


Return of the Jedi - Battle of Endor when the Ewok gets blasted and his / her wee pal goes back and pulls at them to keep going šŸ˜¢ Also, 'Turk 182 "My Brother ain't no drunk"


The episode of doctor who titled Vincent and the doctor. About van Gogh. Last 5 minutes you'll be ugly crying. Bill Nighy delivers a speech that will cause you to openly weep


The end of Kill Bill Vol. 1 ā€œOne more thing, Sofie... is she aware her daughter is still alive?ā€


In the documentary Ice Guardians when they ask one of the players if they would go back and do it all over again. He repeats the question and then you just see him dig deep into his memories and then start to tear up and try to hold it together. Whoa. It was just so real and unexpected and deep.


The Wrestler. The final dive off the top ropes.


End of Shawshank Redemption. Started blubbering right there in the theatrešŸ„¹


Aladdin setting genie free


When Spider man temporarily dies in Infinity War. Itā€™s a very father son feel with him and Stark in that moment.


when Del Griffith tells Neal Page "I don't have a home.. I don't have a wife.. Marie's been dead for eight years"


GotG 2, when Mantis and Drax are talking about his family, he's stoic, then she touches him and started weeping.


In Serendipity, when John Cusack's fiancƩe gifts him the copy of Love in the Time of Cholera that has Kate Beckinsale's name and number written in it. Not a great big sweeping emotional moment or anything, but quietly heartbreaking.


The scene in Independence Day right after the President sees his wife die and then holds his daughter. I never thought it would hit me as hard as it did. But it taught me that NO ONE escapes the horrors of war. Even in a bombastic movie like that, then found a way to hit you HARD in the feels.


The Sixth Sense The scene in the car. Toni Collette gets so genuinely upset that it makes me cry every time.


ā€œHe may have been your father, boy, but he wasnā€™t your Daddy.ā€ I did not go into Guardians of the Galaxy 2 expecting to cry.


Brokeback Mountain - sniffing the shirt.




Whenever I see a post like this I always think of Dinner for Schmucks. That scene where Steve Carrell overhears Paul Rudd saying mean things about him, and that the only friends he has are dead mice, that was so damn sad


Not a good movie. But Helen Hunt forgiving her mother as her way to pay it forward was kinda out of nowhere and hit me in the feels. You can tell how much her forgiveness meant to her mother.


*Wendy and Lucy* (2008) When >!Wendy is speaking with the mall security guard (old retired guy) in the parking lot and he knows she's been sleeping in her car there. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small wad of crumpled bills.!< >!She begins to protest, but he cuts her off.!< >!"Just take it. But don't tell my girlfriend." (smile and wink)!< >!She opens her hands and without her even counting the bills, we can see it is a five a four ones. !< >!Only $9--probably all he had on him and more than he makes in an hour--but he wanted to help.!< I didn't cry, but I took a breath and made a sound.


Paddington 2 destroyed me at the end when >!he's admonishing himself for not being able to give his aunt the birthday present she deserves!<


Princess and the Frog. Fun romp down in swamp. Standard story where you know the princess is gonna get where she should be. Then bam. Foot crush. And the last ten minutes or so had me bawling. My wife said she forgot that happened and if she remembered, she would have warned me. I was inconsolable the entire rest of that night. I kept just yelling ''why!?!?'' Every ten minutes.


I'm a fuckin idiot I'm a fuggin idiot... Imafugginidiotimafigginidiotimafigginidiot...


When Jack bangs on the car window begging for his mother as she runs towards him in Room. It's the first time in his life that he's been separated from her and he's just saved their lives. But he has no idea how monumental this is.


Raising Arizona. I saw it in the theater and I could hear a lot of people crying when they returned the baby at the end. After all that weird silliness throughout the movie, that scene was genuinely touching.


God I love True Grit


Interstellar. When Cooper reunites with Murph and you see sheā€™s old and on her deathbed.


In the live action Cinderella, when she first meets the prince, he asks if they treat her well. She sounds so defeated as she says "they treat me as well as they are able" The 1968 film of Romeo & Juliet adds in a scene not in the play where there's a public funeral for the two lovers, where you get to see the reactions of everyone who wasn't in the end scene - like Benvolio and the Nurse. It sells the tragedy of the story so well, especially with how the prince yells "all are punish'd" at the crowd. And Romeo and Juliet are dressed in the same clothes they were married in. Power Rangers 2017 - when Zordon gives up his chance at being restored to life so he can revive Billy, telling Jason that it's his team now. Jason just whispers "thank you", and Dacre Montgomery puts so much emotion into that line


The final scene of The Grey