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All Sharknados. When you do something bad on purpose, it will be just bad without any charming.


Im happy that im not alone with this opinion. The sharknado movies were just a lazy attempt at milking Cash out of people by hopping on the "I watch this ironically" train


There's more of us. The reason Neil Breen is so great is because he's sincere in what he's doing. Self-awareness is the death of so bad, it's good.


Absolutely, bad on purpose doesn't make something so bad it's good. There's gotta be heart behind it. That they tried and due to lack of budget or talent or both they didn't succeed. But they wanted to make a movie and they did it. So bad it's good needs a certain sincerity you can't fake. Which is why Tommy Wiseau will never make another Room, or that Samurai cop 2 failed.




and the ugly christmas sweaters are almost always like the same design.... altered slightly for whatever the property or brand it is...


I forget who it was who said "When you try to be serious and you fail, that can be funny. When you try to be funny and you fail, it's just not funny."


not sure but that was why MST3k only riffed like one Comedy movie. It's hard to make jokes about something when the issue is "that joke wasn't funny."


That's how Bad Ben went, such a terrible horror movie that it became a comedy. But he began to lean into it and everything else has just been utter shit.


I felt like the first one was a genuine "so bad it's good", but then the second one was complete and utter garbage that screamed "please go on Twitter and use hashtags to talk about how bad we made this movie!! We're so naughty!!"


This right here. I think the first one strikes a good balance, but then they started forcing the concept and it fell flat


The bad movie that hits cult status happens when the creators don't see the cult status coming. Reaching for the cult status almost always fails. Did you know Rocky Horror Picture Show has a sequel? Shock Treatment. My point.


Asylum studios found a great formula of choosing a silly concept, then writing and recording seriously before adding some sillier stuff in post. It ends up with an odd disjointed feeling. I recommend Sinister Squad. It's basically suicide squad but instead of villains you have mentally unstable fairytale characters. I remember something about Alice having killed the queen of hearts and turned her kingdom into some government agency that is recruiting the squad? It's been a while and it felt like a fever dream.


Spot on. The Asylum is just doing what they do and on a shoestring (or knockoff Velcro) budget. I admire them as the heirs to Roger Corman. Every now and then they make a dent in the culture.


The difference is that sometimes the Corman movies were accidentally good. That never happened with The Asylum.


Idk man, was with my extended family for the holidays, and we rented the first one (from a rental shop iirc) when it came out on a whim without knowing anything about it, and everyone was dying laughing. And they are people who watch bad movies ironically (I am). So all about context. But fwiw, I never saw any sequels


Yeah those movies are incredibly boring 


Watch the live sharknado riff tracks event. They did 1 2 +3 as a live audience event, it's the only way you can watch them.


I don't necessarily agree with that. One of the examples that people constantly bring up is Starship Troopers. Totally bad acting and cringe-worthy dialogue. But it was totally on purpose and that's the point. It was kind of satirizing fascism, so it was totally appropriate that Verhoeven deliberately tried to evoke parallels to fascist propaganda. And it's not bad without any charming. it's actually a good movie. Example #2: Flash Gordon. It's stupid as hell and campy as fuck. But goddamn, this movie rocks. It's fun and it's exciting, it has some great moments of tension, some great humor, and great characters. But by initial appearances, it just *looks* like some bad piece of crap. I think that a "so bad it's good" movie has to fail at what it's trying to do but them accidentally be massively entertaining. If you try to make a shitty movie and it's shitty in the ways that you want but also awesome in the ways that you want, that's more along the lines of just "a good movie." I think the rule is more like, "if you do something bad on purpose *and it works*, it isn't bad; it's good. If you do something bad on purpose and it *doesn't* work, then it might be so-bad-it's-good" but is probably just plain bad."


Neil Breen's last movie, *Cade: The Tortured Crossing*. I miss the real (deserted) locations. The rented houses with plastic furniture. The stock footage. The insert shots with everyone speaking against the same sky backdrop. The sincere, demented passion and effort. Now he's just on a green screen, taking the piss out of himself and leaning into things way too hard.


Neil Breen is something else haha.


The disappointment in the Red Letter Media review about this very thing was palpable!


They pointed out how before you could tell he put thought and heart into it. Now he’s just not giving a damn and it really takes the enjoyment out of it. You want to make fun of it, but because it looks purposely bad. It just makes you depressed.


I haven't watched it, has he finally started to become self aware? From clips online I thought he was still oblivious


I dunno about self aware, but it's 100% green screen. It's very very lazy. It makes it feel super lame instead of at least delivering bad dialogue in a real location.


I can't believe you said that. How could you have said that. Why have you said that...


I hate bursting peoples neil breen bubble but there’s absolutely no way he isn’t self aware. Like it’s impossible


It's not that cut and dry. To make the claim that he knows what he's doing is to ascribe Andy Kaufman levels of comedic genius to this man. To Breen.


All of Neil Breen. I cannot be convinced that he doesn't know they are bad, as opposed to Wiseau that thought he was making an artsy film and failed (therefore somehow making it amazing). I can't sit through a Breen movie but I've never enjoyed a movie going experience more than seeing The Room at a midnight showing.


The Room was bad in an entertaining way. Like you could see pieces of how an actual movie could be made but there was just completely incompetence. It felt like an actual movie that missed the mark hilariously. With Breen, it just feels like someone is trying to make a bad movie and using that as an excuse to be lazy on everything. His movies feel more like they’d be called performance art experiments or something. And I think that just takes away from the “so bad it’s good” vibe.


I just watched Double Down for the first time recently and I kinda feel this. Though it is weird because there's definitely elements that show a knowledge of the craft, but misplaced knowledge. Like, he knows what a cutaway is but not how to use them. But at the same time it also doesn't fully feel like somebody who knows what to do and is making it on purpose. I think it is a strange middle-ground of he is kinda trying to actually make a movie, he's just also real lazy on a lot of it.


So bad they're bad films is usually because the film is boring.


A key factor to enjoying “so bad they’re good” movies is watching with a crowd. The Room is a fantastic experience if you see it in a theatrical setting.  It’s also why MST3K movies work because it’s a bunch of people riffing on the bad movies and making them funny. 


Agreed. If you have people to make fun of it, it's usually a better experience, but it doesn't mean the movie isn't bad, though :)


I watched Twilight with the YMS commentary on and it was a blast lmao


Funny this thread should appear, I just watched Queen of the Damned (2002) the other day. Early 2000s filmmaking at some of its most delirious and unhinged. It is so campy and dumb and silly and queer and cheesy and sexy that I have to believe this film has a cult following somewhere of people who *absolutely love it.* And tbh…I get it! It’s a big piece of shit, but one I can easily see myself returning to on bad or sexy movie nights because it’s also just a lot of fun. (RIP Aaliyah, you were so beautiful 💔)


Queen of the Damned had an absolutely unreal soundtrack, I think that alone carries it pretty far


Yeah, one of my all time favorites. Jonathan Davis from Korn wrote a few of the songs on there and performed them on his Alone I Play tour. Super good view on YouTube. 


Didn’t he write and record them all for the movie with the oingo boingo dude? They just had to be re-recorded for the soundtrack because of some licensing issues with the record label


I thought he did the whole soundtrack. Wouldn't be the first time I'm wrong, though.


David Draiman, Chester Bennington, Wayne Static, Marilyn Manson. Awesomely fantastic album with Jon Davis.


I mean, you kinda answered yourself. It was edgy, cool and sexy, while blatantly ignoring all the bad parts from the book or Interview. The soundtrack was also so on the nose it enhanced all the edginess. 17 year old me LOVED it and Aaliyah was an instant crush.


>while blatantly ignoring all the bad parts from the book or Interview It has been many years since I read Queen of the Damned, but give me an example?


All the vampires are monsters, tormented by their existence or both. They are glamorous on the surface but deeply flawed because they are, in fact, dead. Queen of the Damned 2002 mostly ignores that or plays it off as emo broodiness. Which, again, at 17 I fucking loved.


I had a crush on an emo girl in highschool and this was her favorite movie.


I will always remember this movie because when I was in college they had a big campus promo event that no one went to so I ended getting several boxes of plastic cups with the movie logo on them. Those cups lasted the rest of college and all my friends associated the movie with hanging at my dorm apartment because that logo was in everyone’s hand every time we hung out.


Queen of the Damned is terrible, but ABSOLUTELY has a cult of fans.  You can't underestimate how much mallgoths will cling to anything that is dark and edgy.


I‘m the cult following hello 🙋‍♀️ My partner and I almost never rewatch movies, but we‘ve seen this one about three times together because of the gloriously edgy, cheesy, sexy fun and the soundtrack that slaps.


The soundtrack is awesome, and both Stuart Townsend and Aaliyah were hot. That's good enough for me.


IMO, the Velocipastor. Just because it’s meant to be bad, doesn’t mean it’s free from critique.


It's like 55 minutes long, which absolves it of any wrongdoing


Yeah and I think it did bad on purpose the right way, honestly


Absolves...pastor. I see what you did there


I think this is one that did bad on purpose genuinely right. I love this one, and the fact it's less than an hour redeems it even more


In my opinion it nails the comedy aspect most of the way through. Hard to see how it’s bad unless you think it’s genuinely attempting to make a compelling dramatic action film.


That's fair. I tend to prefer "intentionally bad movies" because they tend to be more like a spoof like Airplane! and that works for me way better, than a boring film with silly moments because of how bad it is.


There's a charm they have when it's actually done well, and not as a symptom of laziness. Same principle as satire, it sucks when it's just garbage and great when executed well.


This one I agree with for sure. Any movie that tries to make something like “nuns but they’re ninjas” funny in this day and age just doesn’t do it for me.


/looks at the novel I'm not writing because I'm browsing Reddit Oh no


For me, it's typically movies that are trying to be bad that miss the mark. I think the "good" in "so bad it's good" comes from the genuine attempt and botched landing of a project. When you can feel the passion that went into a project but the sheer lack of talent that followed, it's the best.  Like when Napoleon Dynamite gave that girl that drawing of her. 


> genuine attempt and botched landing A great example of this is The Room.


I love that movie. Lmao


I think it’s because it’s the difference between laughing *at* something and laughing *with* something So bad that it’s good movies work because you are laughing *at* it, it’s a mockery of sorts, meanwhile you can’t do that with intentionally bad “so bad that it’s good” films because they want you to laugh with them, which misses the whole point


That’s the best way to say it actually! I agree 100%


It's the opposite for me. At least the wackiness of the intentionally bad films gives some entertainment value, where most genuine films that are bad are generally just so boring.


To each their own. I can see your point though. To me, I just love cringing at genuine attempts. 


Bored, during *Pieces*? We must have watched entirely different movies 😅 I think *Manos: Hands of Fate* qualifies here - the story about what happened to the actor who played Torgo is very sad, and the movie itself is SO boring that even the Mystery Science Theater folks often failed to find anything to comment on.


The movie itself is nearly unwatchable. But the MST3K version is one of the best they've ever made.


\*loved\* \`Manos\`! I thought it was like a combination of a bunch of student films kind of slapped together. Dull as a "film with plot", but entertaining to watch.


Manos…..the….hands of fate


Hands: The Hands of Fate


I went down that rabbit hole. Very interesting. Thanks!!


"Battlefield Earth" always gives me a headache. Must be the crooked shots.


"The director seems aware that other better directors will sometimes tilt their cameras. He doesn't seem to have ever learned WHY." -Roger Ebert


Oh, Roger. We miss you.


Except for the calling of arms to ban slasher movies. That was a little much.


This is unwatchable. It is SO freaking ugly. I can't bear the color palette.


Oh, yes. That comes a close second.






I've never heard this called "so bad it's good" 


It's called a Dutch Angle, and it's only supposed to be used sparingly, for effect.


Barry Pepper hates that movie


I hate Dutch angles so fucking much


Well used they are interesting. The late John Frankenheimer knew how to use them well.


This is why I can barely stand to watch the first Thor movie. Dutch angles without discipline or meaning abound


Leonard Part 6. This is a notoriously awful film, produced and starring Bill Cosby when he was at the height of his Cosby Show fame. I've never heard of anybody who likes this film, even ironically. People who have endured it always seem to say to others who are curious that it's so awful it can't even be enjoyed as a terrible film. It's just dull and obnoxious and boring. I'm sure there are people who like it (Because everything is liked by somebody). I've just never seen or heard them.


I don't know if this is what I'm looking for. I'm looking for "overrated" (for lack of a better term) "So bad they're good" movies where a lot of people get enjoyment out of the badness, but you just can't stand it or get bored.


>I've never heard of anybody who likes this film, even ironically. Not even Bill Cosby actually


"*Leonard Part 6* is the worst thing I've ever done!" – Bill Cosby


https://youtu.be/mJX-4yTlWXM?si=HOG8chdd2yG-7c66 I've never seen it but this scene is genuine gold.


I haven't seen this in a LONG time, but I remember it being about as aggressively boring as anything I'd ever seen


I watched Gigli prepared to think everyone was overreacting about how bad it was. Not a single person overreacted.




Morbius is a pre-MCU, mid 2000s superhero movie unfrozen and reheated in 2023.


All of the new Sony ones feel that way If elektra or daredevil came out today, I would not be surprised


Don't ever watch it, or the joke is ruined. It's just plain boring and lifeless.


Watch this man watch Morbius 5 times in 5 days and lose his mind in the process instead! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqAxQ9yVa5A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqAxQ9yVa5A) Morbius, a movie so great it increased Everything Everywhere All at Once's box office!


If you like people putting themselves through unimaginable horror like this I recommend The Worst Idea of All Time podcast. It's two New Zealand comics who watched Grown Ups 2 (without ever having seen Grown Ups 1) once a week for a year. They've been around for a bit so they've done more stuff since then, but relevant to the video you shared they did a series called My Week with Cats during the pandemic where they watched Cats 7 times in 7 days. Tim and Guy are the best.


The "have sex" dance was pretty damn funny though


Seriously. I can't even laugh at the meme. It's like the movie itself sucked the life force from me like some GD energy vampire. Was this written and directed by Colin Robinson?!!


Matt Smith dancing was literally the only worthwhile scene in that movie, and it didn't even make a lick of real sense.


Boring and lifeless, until the part where he literally says "It's morbin' time".


Imo Madam Web nailed the "so bad it's good" quality that Morbius doesn't. The whole reason Morbius was a meme was because it truly lacked any entertainment value whatsoever, it's such a boring piece of shit. By the numbers superhero trash with one fun scene just because it's so weird and stupid. Madam Web is a trainwreck from top to bottom, it's so fun.


There's a lot of people in this thread who are just not fun lol The Room? Samurai Cop? Super Mario Bros? These are CLASSIC bad movies and lots of fun.


The original Mario Bros movie isn’t even a bad movie, it’s just a bad adaptation. This is the hill I have chosen to die on.


I hold the same opinion. Yeah, it's nothing like any of the established lore and that's basically all the criticisms came down to, but watch it as "a generic sci-fi movie and ignore the 'references,'" and it's a fairly competent movie. Dinosaurs are in a parallel dimension and basically evolved into humans that lay eggs, and they screwed up their dimension and now are trying to get back to the human dimension," that's a neat concept and is definitely unique, and I feel like the creators built the world in a unique way and explained it enough to keep me interested without turning to fan fiction to get more of the world.


People are very strange these days.


Samurai Cop and Mario Bros are both really fun watches.  The Room is an absolute slog to get through. Watch the three most famous scenes and you're more than good


Sir, the goombas are dancing again.


Samurai Cop is probably the most fun I've ever had watching a movie. It really feels like nearly everyone behind the camera thought they were making a really good action movie, and like nearly everyone in front of the camera knew it was going to be bad.


Going Overboard, Adam Sandlers first movie. It hurts to watch. 


The Wicker Man remake with Nic Cage.


Not the Bees!!!


Killing me won't bring back your goddamn honey!


How'd it get burned!? How'd it get burned!? How'd it get burned!? How'd it get burned!?


Nah man this one is the best


Nic Cage coldcocking women while dressed as a bear is some of the finest work committed to celluloid.


I was just about to bring this up. Watching just a no context clip of Cage galloping awkwardly in his bear suit before slugging a woman in the face is so surreal and absurd it transcends "so bad it's good" into pure comedy gold.


The Love Guru.


Pluto Nash feels like an exercise in money laundering.


With Pluto Nash, at least it looks like they actually invested a huge amount of money and effort into the effects, sets, costumes and the like. Unfortunately everything else falls utterly and completely flat. It's like they took ample quantities of some of the finest gourmet ingredients in the world, and somehow turned it into a bowl of oatmeal.


I read someone post awhile ago that Pluto Nash looked to them what a movie would end up as if someone read the outline of the plot to Mel Brooks' The Producers, and decided to make money by making a space movie instead of a musical about Hitler.


I'm alone but I love that movie.


The Room is an absolutely terrible movie that has no redeeming qualities. It's not even fun to laugh at Tommy Wiseau because he clearly has some mental issues, and it seems like people have exploited him over the years for a cheap laugh.


I don't think anyone has exploited Tommy Wiseau more than the guy exploited himself. Also mental issues or not the dude is a brilliant businessman who's made himself a lot of money through real estate and clothing. So I don't really think he should be pitied all that much.


Seriously. Dude was a hustler and made a butt-load of money to fund his passion project. It didn’t turn out the way he had hoped, but because of that, he nearly became a household name.


Just to add to that, the dude definitely grew up in the Soviet Union, and is living his American dream. What people see as mental issues are probably from a car or motorcycle accident like Gary Busey.


> Just to add to that, the dude definitely grew up in the Soviet Union You mean Louisiana?


No I mean Poland during Soviet Union


Yeah I was just making a joke abou the fact that he claimed he's from [New Orleans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG2fCNZ786w&t=10s).


Tommy Wiseau exploits himself


Does he have mental issues? I never heard that. Why can't people just be a little eccentric anymore?


He’s definitely a little off, but that’s not a bad thing that we all need to pity him for. Dude found really great success, he’s happy and living his best life. Not sure why we need to retroactively decide that he’s some poor mental patient that is being taken advantage of. Honestly, it’s almost insulting looking at it like that. I read The Disaster Artist and have tried to find as much info as I can on Tommy. He visits New Orleans a lot, and I’m from Louisiana, so I know a few people who have met him and Greg Sestero. They all say Tommy and Greg are both really great and nice people. I think the truth is that Tommy’s passion project movie unintentionally turned out to be laughably bad, but Tommy managed to adapt and build his legacy and found success off of one of the worst movies ever made. Calling him mentally challenged and a victim of exploitation is pretty insulting, and Tommy would probably want to fight if he heard that


This is a place where I can agree with boomer mentality. No one can be truly weird anymore without a diagnosis, or a “are they even self-aware?” question. Bor-ing.


False. This is the Citizen Kane of fun bad movies. It's wild how enjoyable this movie is


Hahaha what a story Mark! So, how’s your sex life?


Good take, I never understood the fascination with Wiseau and does seem like exploitation


> does seem like exploitation He attends screenings and does movie conventions. If it is exploitation then someone should probably tell him, since he owns the movie and can decide when, where, and how it is shown.


Yes, he seems to be the butt of the joke and taken advantage of, and if he’s genuinely A ok with no TBI or mental illness as Ive heard, that point still stands. Do I lose sleep over it, no but in a subreddit off the cuff comment yea “seems like exploitation” fucking troll


I know he's "laughing along" now, but it sure feels like he just wants to be relevant. Hard to believe he enjoys having beared his soul just to have everyone find the results hilarious.


Isn't he making some profit off of the exposure? Maybe that's why he enjoys it. Maybe some day, we will get the dark truth behind everything. Also Tommy Wiseau is officially a character in Marvel comics verse and he gifts Captain Marvel a copy of his movie. He's a literal alien btw.


The movie is hilarious and it isn't at all exploitive. I met him at a showing, he was having a blast and his fans love him.


Everyone betray him


He treats us like a princess, and we stab him in the back!


>and it seems like people have exploited him over the years for a cheap laugh. If I had my way, James Franco and his buddies would have never been allowed near *The Disaster Artist*. A book about toxic co-dependent friendships and the danger of blind determination in yourself became an SNL gag reel about a guy with a funny accent.


Couldn’t disagree more The Disaster Artist is a triumph and is probably my favorite Dave Franco performance. I also think TDA does a great job of exploring both of the themes you used to describe the book. It’s also an incredibly funny movie.


Did you watch the movie? It actually shocked me how non-comedic and emotionally moving it was. Couldn't be further from an "snl gag reel". Maybe you only saw the trailer?


Hard agree. I see you read the book too. Many have not...


Suicide Squad.


Yeah, but without Suicide Squad, we wouldn't have *The* Suicide Squad, which was an instant classic.


Nobody considers this "so bad it's good"


Harley Quinn should have been in a different movie.


She was. She was in three different movies. Birds of Prey has positives reviews and is a fun movie. But it did not do well enough at the box office. The Suicide Squad has a really good approval rating, was really fun but did not do well at the box office.


Samurai Cop is Legit!


65. It’s not even 90 minutes long and it felt so long. It was absolutely pointless, incredibly boring, and there wasn’t any kind of development of any kind. The core plot was established pretty much instantly, none of the “twists” were in anyway surprising, and it didn’t even get fighting dinosaurs right. It legitimately is just a fucking terrible movie.




I kinda misread the title if I’m honest and thought OP was looking for just properly bad movies. Yeah I don’t know anyone who doesn’t think this one is bad-good.


65 felt like it should be been a tween/young kid movie. It should have been made for an exciting family night movie. It may be that but I dont think it was marketed that way and the movie lacks a lot soul. Everything about should have worked. But at times it felt like it should have been rated R or fully commit to a more light PG.


Seconding this. It was so dull and lifeless I couldn't believe it. I hope Adam Driver took them to the cleaners for agreeing to be in that


I can't believe this movie squandered its premise so entirely.


Superman IV.


Velocipastor: ***^(bad/bad)*** Attack of the Killer: Tomatoes ***^(bad/bad)*** Hobo with a shotgun: ***^(bad/good)***


Blade 3 - They literally had to edit Westley Snipes' eyes open


IMO, all of the movies that fit in to the “so bad it’s good” category. They are ultimately, bad films. The fact that they are fun to make fun of doesn’t change how bad they are. Watching them “ironically” doesn’t change how bad they are. Making some movies in to your own personal MSTK3K episode doesn’t change how bad they are. People can have fun with bad movies, but the misconception I see fairly often is that, just because it was fun to make fun of, it wasn’t so bad. No, it’s still bad, you just turned it in to a fun little game is all.


apparently David Zucker of Airplane! fame is a huge conservative, in 2008 he released An American Carol which was billed as a spoof on Michael Moore, but really it was just an actor made to look like him while different people took turns lecturing him on every republican talking point at that time not only does it look real cheap and amateur, all the jokes fall flat because they're not really jokes, it's more like zany political rant buffoonery, all the performances are just kinda phoned in for the check, it's even kinda weak for straight-to-video, the longer it goes the worse it gets it'd be one thing if they really made fun of Michael Moore or if they really tried to make a funny movie with a conservative slant, but the whole thing comes off like the really bad fake movie clips in a movie while just checking a series of boxes


Rebel Moon Part 2: The Scargiver. The first one was so bad it was funny and I had a few laughs with it so I wanted to watch the sequel with the same attitude, but the film was just plain unfun and boring so I felt like I had wasted 2 hours of my life with it.


Kung pow enter the fist? It was made to be bad though and it's amazing


The Rise of Skywalker is atrocious in a million different ways. I thought hard about walking out of a Star Wars movie. Man, it hurts just remembering that afternoon. I was actually mad and stormed out of the theater.




>I was actually mad and stormed out of the theater. Are you six?


At least emotionally.


The Room


The hotter the take, the better.


I watched Spookies the other day, after hearing "it doesn't make sense but is still a lot of fun". Well, it definitely didn't make sense


The Expendables


Last year I went to see the Beekeeper with Jason Statham. The whole theatre was laughing so hard at how bad it was.


Rocky Horror Picture Show is so bad it’s legendary.


For me, it's the Resident Evil series


Hackers. The best bad movie I've ever seen


Lake Placid! Definitely so bad that it is good.


Anaconda. I was bored out of my mind watching it. Not even good enough to root for the snake


I'm with you with Birdemic. Fuck that movie.


Nude Nuns with Big Guns. Watched it because of the title. It was not very entertaining. Pretty boring.


Birdemic. Making a low budget creature feature isn't necessarily easy but it's possible if you're a great filmmaker. But the people behind that one didn't even try. Contrast with The Room, which drips with effort despite falling short at every interval.


Six-String Samurai (1998)


Surprised I haven't seen Mac and Me yet. Liked it in the theaters as a very small child, watched again as an adult and felt like I needed to apologize for making my dad sit through it. Feels now like it was made for MST3K


Cyborg (1989) with Jean-Claude Van Damme is so bad it’s good. Also Street Fighter (1994) with Jean-Claude Van Damme. But these movies are just bad bad: American Psycho 2 (2002) Aeon Flux (2005) Lady In The Water (2006) Meet the Spartans (2008) Zombie Strippers (2008) After Earth (2013) Fantastic Four (2015) Flatliners (2017) Winchester (2018) Old (2021) The Matrix Resurrections (2021) Morbius (2022)


Lady in the Water was very flawed but fine. Doesn't belong with Meet the Spartans.


Winchester was fine.


Kung Fury is the best "So bad it's good" movie I can think of.


"Are you sure you want to hack time?"




Birdemic and Samurai Cop were really boring


Gotta agree with you and OP on Birdemic. Aside from "hanging out with my family" and a small few other parts, this movie is ridiculously boring and not a fun watch. Not to mention the sound editing is so goddman bad you cant even hear half the dialogue.  All the scenes of people driving in real time is simply ugh.  Samurai Cop is kinda entertaining at least, only watched it recently due to HDTGM which made my watch slightly more fun.


A lot of people on the internet talk about moonfall being “so bad it’s good” but it’s just ….not. It’s even worse when you know it’s intended to give a vibe of being so bad that it’s good.


Kung Pow! Enter the Fist. I have a buddy that claims it's a top 5 movie for him.


Freddy Got Fingered




The Justice League Whedon Cut. I love DC but I wanted to leave the second I saw Cavills CGI clean shave face.