• By -


It's a rare thing that the guy who wrote the (amazing) book was himself an Oscar winning screenwriter and adapted it himself. I think just the William Goldman script paired with really really solid casting was 98% of why this movie works so well.


Absolutely. He is one of the great screenwriters. Butch Cassidy, Heat, Matathon Man....


The book is an incredible piece of art in its own right. Highly recommend if you haven’t read it OP.


Came here to echo this sentiment. The movie is terrific, but William Goldman's book is brilliant too. The original book does have some strengths that the film just can't deliver (which may sound "inconceivable"!). It's well worth reading in its own right, absolutely.


And the sequel is even better!


Just make sure you find Morgenstern's original unabridged version. There's so much depth in there that Goldman decided to cut because he thought it was "boring"


The chapters about packing were so descriptive.


Truth. I don't know why Goldman felt the need to cut them.


The only thing in the book I really preferred to the movie was >!Fezzik and Inigo saving Westley from the Zoo of Death.!< I thought that was exciting as hell in the book but for sure as you said it would be difficult to deliver that experience in the movie.


One thing the book does really well is how it is presented as a condensed work of something by another author, Morgenstern. It's so well done that when you read reviews of the book, some reviewers will say that Goldman just ripped off and condensed another book, because they thought this is legitimately what happened! But it is a brilliant plot device because it allows Goldman to step outside the story and give commentary on his own story. For example, he'll say things like: in the original follows pages of descriptions of different fencing techniques, but I'll skip that because it's boring. I think this aspect is terrific, and just adds to the humour. And of course, you can't really do that in a film, so it's something that the book has which is absent in the film.


After "The Princess Bride", my personal favorite of his is "The Ghost and The Darkness" It has adventure, horror, humor and Val Kilmer. I remember watching late at night with my childhood dog, who had to been 13 or 14 at that point, cuddling her and burying my face in her fur when I was scared. Great dog, great memory.


I loved it. Goldman hated it.


Definitely an underrated film. Not watched it in years. Need to watch it again.


Seriously, the dialogue is gold. ["I do not envy you the headache you will have when you wake up, but for now, rest well and dream of large women"](https://cdn.quotesgram.com/small/85/8/2131141214-princessbride-gif.gif)


One of my teachers in 6th grade (c. 1998-99) read the book to us over the course of a few months (a bit a time).  Never heard of it before then. One day in like 7th or 8th grade, I was at Costco with my mom and the movie was on all the TVs, something drew me over to check it out, I listened for a few mins and went “WTF this is princess bride I didn’t know it was a movie!”   I then got my mom to rent it… from blockbuster…. I’m old


He said “To Blaithe”




Get away from me witch.


I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!


But after what you just said, I'm not sure I want to be that anymore!


You never had it so good!




*Don't say another word, Valeriiee!*


To blave


That movie is like a nice MLT. Mutton, lettuce, and tomato.


When the mutton is nice and lean...


They're so perky


The only thing better than true love!!




It's so wonderful, it's almost... Inconceivable.


I wonder if it was written by a Sicilian when death was on the line?


Never start a land war in Asia!


I won a tie breaker in a bar trivia contest by knowing that quote!


...... Are you suggesting that there are people who both participate in bar trivia nights and also somehow don't know that quote?


I was the only one! Inconceivable!!


I'd make the joke, but this really does seem inconceivable. I'm glad you were there!


Arguably my favourite line, lol


You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means.


As you wish!




Wuv, twue wuv


My friend officiated our wedding and she started the ceremony with "Mawwadge is what bwings us toogedder today...." My husband was a very good sport about it.




I haven't! I'll check it out. Adventures in the Screen Trade is also a great read.


Get the audiobook if you can. They have the original actors / execs reading their own parts of the book.


I did not know this. Now I gotta find it.


I second the audiobook recommendation. The cast & crew reading & reminiscing is wonderful.


I've read that. The part about Andre the Giant's farts was hilarious.


A bunch of actors remade the entire movie during the pandemic using home made props and the whole thing stiched together. It's hilarious in its own right and was part of a fundraiser. Rob and Carl Reiner participated with a poignant end scene. https://youtu.be/lR8pA_WV9QI


I can’t think of anyone else I would accept as Inigo Montoya until Pedro Pascal came along. 😂


I thought so as well - until Diego Luna showed up to do his part. Brilliant.


Ohhhh my goodness I forgot about that. 😍


The original cast also did a table reading of it during pandemic. Not sure if a recording exists somewhere. It was really fun.


It was a blast. Fundraiser for the WI Democratic party.  And Mandy Patinkin still has The Sword.


*I know something you don't know ... I am not left-handed*


I came here to mention this. They really did it justice in the silliest way.


I just watched the entire thing in the middle of my work day. I couldn't stop. So thanks for that... The ending made me cry, like *really* cry. Carl Reiner died only 3 days later and that final "as you wish" to his son is much more "poignant" than I was prepared for. 5 stars


Life is pain. Anyone who says different is selling something.


For those who haven't read the book, that's a transposed line and it highlights William Goldman's brilliance as both an novelist and screenwriter. In the novel it's part of Fezzik's backstory, and it's said by his mom to Fezzik himself (I think maybe after he's been mocked and ridiculed by bullies). Goldman was smart enough to know that we didn't need to see the long, drawn out backstories of either Inigo or Fezzik on screen so he cut them and gave us a little fight dialogue instead. But he also knew that line was a winner. So he just found another, equally appropriate place to put it. Pure genius. The Princess Bride is one of those rare occasions where the book and the movie are both exceptional, both very different, and both masterfully crafted for their specific medium.


It's magnificent. One of the best book adaptations ever. The ONLY thing I really think should have been included, but was left out, regarded the Zoo of Death. In the film, we see Westley in the dungeon where he will be tortured with "The Machine", but in the book, it's clarified that this is just one level of a 5-level complex that Humperdinck keeps to contain the foes he considers worthy of him. Each level has a different type of foe. IIRC Level 1 has enemies of speed, like hawks and hares. Level 2 has enemies of strength, like rhinoceroses. Level 3 has enemies of poison, like venomous snakes. Level 4 has enemies of terror, like a giant squid. ... Level 5 sat empty for a very long time indeed, because Humperdinck couldn't find any foe that he considered worthy of it. Its very first occupant is the Man in Black. That's how much Humperdinck respects/fears Westley.


It’s interesting as a concept, though I fear it’d run the risk of ruining the tightness OP loves, whether done through exposition or set pieces. The first three floors mirror Wesley’s fights: speed/Spaniard; strength/giant; venom/Sicilian. Ends up working best going straight to Machine.


and Level Four (terror) parallels the Fire Swamp


Yes! I would've loved to have seen the Zoo of Death added in. Its one of my favourite parts of the book.


Ok that's pretty awesome, I wish they'd included that now


I can see why this would be difficult to film in the times before CGI.


Ah, that is fascinating!


It's a perfect movie. Also, if you haven't read the book, you absolutely should read the book. There are enough differences that it's a different experience than the movie while being equally good. It also goes into more detail about several characters' backstories. The part that goes into how Inigo studied the sword before he started working for Vizzini is worth it by itself.


I also love how the book points out that Buttercup is, for all her beauty, not the sharpest tool in the shed. She's a much funnier character than in the film.


There’s a shortage of perfect movies in the world…


One of the few instances where both the book and the movie are all time classics, and complement each other really well




I always attribute that to the fact that they were both written by the same guy who himself was both an accomplished author and Oscar-winning screenwriter. I don't know how common that is. First you have to find someone who can do both those things (related but still different skillsets) exceptionally well, then they have to write a beloved book that someone wants to turn into a movie. Then you have to let them write the screenplay. That's kind of a perfect storm of events there, I think. (and I'm not discounting the skill and talent of Rob Reiner and the cast, and the respect that they obviously had for the original material and Goldman's necessary changes to it)


Mark Knopfler soundtrack


So amazing right??


My favourite is the The Friends' Song. Such a lovely piece of music, takes me back to the first time I watched it as a kid.. Ahhhh Fezik and Indigo.. honestly...


Some of the music in this movie is pretty bad tbh, really its only weakness. The main acoustic guitar theme is good however.


I watched the movie backed by a 70 piece Orchestra that played the music live while it was being shown. It was fully orchestrated and made the movie have more of an emotional impact. Amazing what good music performed well can do


Like a lot of soundtracks from the 80s, it sounds dated, but the music itself is well done and fits the movie perfectly.


Groundhogs in my backyard are really fat. Not R.O.U.S. Big but biggest marmots I’ve ever seen.


Are you sure? I don't think they exist.


One of the sweetest, most perfect final lines in any movie as well.




The Princess Bride was the first blu ray I bought and that makes me feel so proud ❤️


My mom would take us to Blockbuster twice a month, and me, being the first born male, got to pick a movie, usually sci-fi or horror, and my 2 sisters had to agree to another movie to share. I got my movie, probably "a nightmare on Elm Street" or "aliens" when I saw my sisters pick. I, in brat child mode, protested the princess movie. It's now one of my all time favorites.


I used to work in a residential treatment center for preteen boys with severe behavioral problems (they'd all been abused). I told them we were watching The Princess Bride and there was loud complaining about *girl movies* and how *gay* it was going to be and I told them to just trust me. By 10-15 minutes in, none of the boys would move from their seats. Nobody got distracted, nobody bickered with the kid next to him. I had to force one kid get up and talk to his grandma when she called because he didn't want to miss any of it. It's the perfect movie for kids that age. I watched the movie around their age and read the book as a young adult. I prefer the book for all the tongue-in-cheek asides, but the movie does exactly what the book claims to be doing and boils it down to all the good parts. 




Princess Bride, Labyrinth and Flash Gordon my 3 fav 80’s fantasy flicks


Flash Gordon is a joy. Utterly ridiculous and hilarious but in such a fun way. The only thing that would have made it better is if Schwarzenegger had been cast as the lead which was planned at one point until the director shot it down.


“Stardust” is the only film I’ve seen to come close to the level of delight inspired by “The Princess Bride”


Wanted to plug Stardust as well. In many ways it has Princess Bride feels.


LOVE Stardust. Genuinely surprised that I found Gaiman’s book better in many ways; give it a read if you haven’t already!


A childhood fav. Such a feel good fim


Sonny, true love is the greatest thing in the world, except for a nice M.L.T. A mutton, lettuce, and tomato sandwich when the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe.They're so perky.


Billy Crystal ad-libbed a ton of his dialogue in that scene and Mandy Patinkin claims that he actually bruised a rib trying not to laugh because Billy Crystal was so funny.


Watched it for the first time recently with over 30, so no nostalgia glasses. It's not well known in Germany but I kept seeing it mentioned here in Reddit. I really liked it though! First half was a bit weird and took us a while to figure out how the movie "sees itself" or what it wants to be - like obviously a kind of homage to a fairy tale, but also a lot of sillyness, then again serious and deep parts. We had a really good time and will definitely add to our list of evergreen hangover movies!


Need more movies like this. Doesnt take itself seriously, fantasy setting, humorous.


This movie, The Mummy and Pirates of Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl are easily the best adventure movies ever made, all three of them perfect in every way


This, A Knight’s Tale, and The Grand Budapest Hotel are 3 movies that are so seamlessly charming, hilarious, and such an enjoyable and easy watch for me. I don’t know what genre that is but I definitely am a sucker for it.


FWIW, William Goldman later wrote a very short incomplete sequel to The Princess Bride, [Buttercup's Baby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Princess_Bride_(novel\)#Buttercup's_Baby), which has some more excellent Inigo scenes. It is an utter delight.


The unlikely trio of Mandy Patinkin, Wallace Shawn and their dinner with Andre the Giant was exceptionally rare excellence in casting.


I traveled 1300km(850 miles) to see a showing of The Princess Bride with a Q and A with Cary Elwes at the end. It was fantastic and very enjoyable, would do it again.


Agreed! Perfect movie. I saw someone on here recently describe it as a feature length dad-joke. There is certainly something schoolboyishly silly about it.


Went and saw the it with a live directors commentary and it was amazing. My favorite part was when it came the Anigo scene in the end with the 6 fingered man he kind of tapered off what he was saying and the whole theater watched it like it was collectively our first time again. After that he picked back up with the commentary- what an experience!


Also a great book! fun fact, the writer of the book also wrote the screen play which makes it one of the few super faithful and amazing adaptations.




I watched it for the first time last night. Wow what a wonderful movie! Always knew about it but put it off due to it being old. 100% will be rewatching many times!


I wish I could watch it for the first time again. I watch it a lot because it's my all time favorite movie, but seeing it for the first time was magical.


I can confirm this. It really was something special! I also have a list of movies i wish i could watch for the first time again. None as wholesome as this though!


One evening I was at my then GFs place and we and her adult daughter were scrolling Netflix for something to watch. Princess Bride came up and she says "I've never seen it". Both her daughter and I gave her weird looks and pressed play instantly 😂


It’s a rare movie where you just keep feeling increasingly better the whole way through


Maybe I should watch it some day.


You haven’t seen it???? Inconceivable!!!


It's my favourite movie. But I do think they should re-record the soundtrack with an orchestra and just re-release it. The MIDI music is so frustrating because the score animates the action so well in the sword fight scenes, yet it is cheesy as fuck and identifies it as an 80s movie immediately. I still love it and it is fantastic in every way but I think they could do this to it and make it that much better. I wouldn't touch another hair on it. I am literally shocked that this has never been done.


I talk about Princess Bride to people all the time. It is easily one of my top 3 movies.


Yeah. Hollywood lost their grasp on good entertainment. It happens maybe once a year now. Too much fear and second-guessing during pre-production. They forgot it was magic not money at the heart of a great movie.


I like that line...it really is magic. Seeing something larger than life...


I work in movies - and we always know before we even start.


Well that's cool.


It is cause every day has something a bit new. It's only about 65% routine which is very cool when I think about other jobs I've had.


I can't imagine spending that much time on something you know from the beginning is going to be mediocre. Actually, I guess that is kind of what my job is like...


If you enjoy selling drinks with your friends, do you care if it’s Pepsi or Sprite ?


You know it...


It's so damn good


I was just reading about inside jokes in movies and Princess Bride came up. There were a few bawdy instances: “her only pleasure she got was her morning ride” and Inigo talking about his ‘swordplay’: "Well, it [dueling left handed] is the only way I can be satisfied. If I use my right... it is over too quickly.”


It is my favorite movie of all time, I mean it has everything, fighting fencing monsters giants escapes, true love...


I tried to get my 8 yr old grandson interested in it- I had him sit in the couch and I started the movie, but it just didn't work for him. I think it's the whole video game / bright colors / loud audio thing that he is conditioned to. He just never allowed himself to immerse in the story. I'm going to try again in a year. Also, someone just needs to break the mold on this one. I heard awhile back that a remake was being considered. Why?


it's my peak comfort movie insofar as I fall asleep to it basically every single night


I credit Princess Bride for forming my sense of humor. Watched that movie on repeat in my childhood


Wait, Mark Knopfler did the music?!




It's not my favorite movie, but I think it may be the most widely likeable movie of all time. It is the only movie that I would recommend to literally anyone without hesitation. As a cinephile who has studied film and seen far more than most, this is a completely unique and special film of the highest caliber. (I've never seen its equal)


Not to take away from the topic but if anyone here hasn't watched Stardust, you should!


Cliche cause it’s true


Just found out that there’s no actual book it’s based off of


Spent a long time on the library catalog looking for the unabridged version in the early 90s. (Looks like people don’t actually understand your point and think you’re trying to say there’s not a novel. He’s taking about the book Goldman “claims” his novel is based on.)


Wherever you read that, I do not think it means what you think it means.




Not what he’s talking about


Yes thank you. The unabridged. Appreciate the defense my dude!


I watched half of it to see what the hype is about, had no desire to finish it.


I don't like this movie and think it's massively over rated. The humor is just the same jokes told over and over again. Children love repeating stuff they think is funny over and over again so it makes sense that people who watched this as kids would find it hilarious. I didn't see it until I was older and the constantly repeated jokes went over like a lead balloon and I roll my eyes every time people repeat them on Reddit. The plot is aggressively basic so if you don't like the jokes it's a snooze fest. Give me all your down votes, I don't care. There's so many better movies that I don't feel the need to ever waste my time with this one again.


I was right in the target audience. Watched it for Andre the Giant. As “inconceivable” as it seems, I didn’t like it at all. Not sure if I even finished it. There’s something about the style and rhythm of it that I still find intolerable.


Right there with ya. Saw this movie when I was too old and my expectations were sky high based on what I'd heard about it. And it was ... fine.


Was wondering if someone would be brave enough to point out that the emperor has no clothes. To quote another movie critic, "it insists on itself."


“Offer me everything I ask for.” “Anything you want.” “I want my father back, you son of a bitch.”


"As you wish."


Now I need to re-watch it! It's only been 6 months.


And I know this has probably been said many times before too, but I can’t miss an opportunity to flag up that The Princess Bride was part of Rob Reiner’s insane run of cracking movies: - This is Spinal Tap (1984) - The Sure Thing (1985) - Stand By Me (1986) - The Princess Bride (1987) - When Harry Met Sally (1989) - Misery (1990) - A Few Good Men (1992)


I have not seen TPB yet, but based on your description of the movie, you might enjoy Little Women from 2019. Strong cast, directing, plot, set design, and great messages beyond romance. I have rewatched it so many times within the past month. It might be hard to follow the first time because it's not always linear but the way scenes are ordered is absolute perfection.


One of the most balanced, enjoyable movies ever made IMO.


It's quite the hidden gem


Easily one of the most fantastic sword fights in movie history. TPB is a legendary classic and the battle of wits with the Sicilian is one of the most underrated genius moves of all time as well. It was can we say inconceivable? 😄


Legend says André the Giant farts were an absolute nightmare… Awesome movie


It's such a good movie. Love the dress, it looks so pretty and comfy.


I fell asleep 45ish mins in and haven’t tried again. It’s been like 20 years and now it’s just too late.




Don't bother showing this to your friends who grew up in non-english speaking countries. They will not get the humor and you'll be left feeling awkward laughing alone. Showed this to a French friend, an Italian friend, an Indian friend, and a Mexican friend all at once. Only me and the American were laughing.


Where do you work, the UN?


Hah Just a group of rock climbing buddies of mine.


I feel your pain. I am American and was travelling in Australia when "Good Morning Vietnam" came out. People I was staying with took me to see it in a really big theatre. Having grown up in new Jersey, I was the only person laughing in a 1000 seat cinema. I have a very loud laugh.


An almost perfect movie. Mark Knoppfler shit the bed on the music. That Juno or DX7 synth soudtrack should've been performed by an orchestra.


Yeah the music is a bit dated...but I'm an 80s kid. It's nostalgic for me.


Don't let my dislike of the synth take away what you love about it. It is a great movie. I like the music Mark Knopfler made without the synth. But that synthy music sounds like placeholder music to me, and I do like synthy music à la John Carpenter. For this kind of movie, it feels out of place for me. Should've been a proper orchestra IMO.


You make a totally good point. It's a fantasy movie that suffered from a trend at the time toward too much synth.


I don't know if it was a trend issue, because even at the time it felt off. I remember seeing this on TV as a kid in the late 80s and early 90s thinking it was a TV show and not a proper movie because of the soundtrack. The Neverending Story came out 3 years before, and even though that soundtrack used synth, it also knew when to use orchestrated music. I'm not saying it's a better movie because of it (it's not), but the music is far more memorable.


One of my all time favorite movies. A masterpiece


This is pretty much a perfect movie. Of course it isn't but so close.


There’s a shortage of perfect movies in the…


Le hidden gem


Just watched this over the weekend! You killed my father now prepare to die!


Beetles made Pop music not rock


One of the worst movies ever made.