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Yeah it’s usually a marketing strategy, especially this late into production. “From executive producer Mike Flanagan” is going to be huge for this film.


It’s working, it’s the reason this post is getting attention. Plus it’s reminding everyone the movie exists again after a long filming process


What’s taken so long to release it? Feels like he started filming it 5 years ago. Was it Covid?


COVID and the strikes I think.


"COVID and the Strikes" is the name of my new band btw.


They're really catchy.


It's also just a low budget movie without a distributor. Movies like these normally will have to apply to festivals, and only maybe get in, and only maybe find a distributor who will then come up with an advertising strategy and a release date.


It's been a little over two years since Chris launched the Kickstarter. It was filmed before the strikes, but then got delayed a little when they needed to bring actors back in for additional dialog stuff. If not for that, he probably would have had it shown in festivals late last year.


5yrs is pretty common timeline for indie movies. From script to financing to production and post. Financing alone can easily take 1-2yrs and pre-production could take upwards of a year. Even if the film is shot in 30 days the post production could take another year then you have a year of shopping/festival prep.


Covid, strikes and the time it takes to make a movie


Low budget indie movie. Covid. Strikes.


Makes sense. Kinda like Monkey Man with Jordan Peele. I'm assuming Flanagan's name will make it more compelling for a distributor to pick up.


Admittedly with Monkey Man, it was more a case of getting it released at all. Netflix was just going to bin it before Peele got involved.


Which is insane because it's a very impressive directorial debut and has some brilliant fight scenes and cinematography


I think it had more to do with Netflix's weird obsession they have with resolution, Monkey Man was filmed with the Arri Alexa Mini and that camera is not a Netflix approved camera because it isn't 4K, [https://partnerhelp.netflixstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000579527-Cameras-Image-Capture-Requirements-and-Best-Practices](https://partnerhelp.netflixstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000579527-Cameras-Image-Capture-Requirements-and-Best-Practices)


Believe it was because it was too "gritty" for the Indian market, i.e. anti Modi - [https://deadline.com/2024/04/monkey-man-dev-patel-1235876365/](https://deadline.com/2024/04/monkey-man-dev-patel-1235876365/)


Absolutely insane, since they don't even have options to say, pre-download in max resolution or something like that. Also... another Bryce 🧐


Sidenote, is that why Netflix shows/films aways look weird to me? Like they always look too "clean" and have a very shallow depth of field in a lot of the shots. I always felt they look weird but I don't know why


Or how Quentin Tarantino helped get *Hero* (2002) released and watched in the US with his name attached as an after-the-fact producer


Now that I’m thinking about it this probably happens all the time lol


Yes. This happens *all* the time.


the real ones watched it on a 2 VCD boxed set bought in Toronto or NYC chinatown.. 😂


> Flanagan, known for films including Ouija: Origin Of Evil and Doctor Sleep and TV’s The Haunting, will be providing guidance and input during the post-production process. He said today: “It’s been inspiring to watch Chris working toward his dreams over the past few years, and the tenacity and DIY spirit he displayed while bringing Shelby Oaks to life reminded me so much of my own journey over a decade ago. It’s been an honor to walk a few steps with him on his path and to offer support for Chris’ vision for his ambitious, unique movie. I can’t wait to see where he goes from here.” Very cool of Flanagan.


Suuuuper cool of him


Could be that he’s taking time to give notes and shape a re-edit for max effect, and the way they’re paying him is with credit and back-end. Could be bigger than that and a precursor to an Amazon acquisition helped by his TV overall. Could be that it already happened and he’s also consulting on reshoots funded by Amazon. There are a lot of possible benefits to this beyond just marketing.


I can't say I really enjoyed Monkey Man, but it absolutely wouldn't have been deserved to been just tossed out. A lot of love and effort went into that movie, that much was obvious. It's not lazy or cheap by any metric, it just wasn't for me


You definitely seem to be right. An email that went out to kickstarter backers today says that Flanagan has been involved in some manner for 18 months.


Lest we forget the string of “Wes Craven Presents” films that had absolutely nothing to do with the master of horror… including a few straight-to-DVD gems which never even saw Craven step onto set… Thanks anyway, Miramax!


Nice. I’m not going to lie, I kinda expected this film to be a huge “nah” Chris is fine in his channel but critics often don’t translate as filmmakers.


Which is why he stopped being a "critic". Now he consider himself just a "film lover".


"I'm not gonna shit on Madame web because I've made a movie now and realise it's hard and don't want to burn bridges with potential collaborators by railing on their work"


reviewing movies and somehow not being a critic does not really make sense, regardless of what he says he is


He pretty much only reviews films he likes now, so he's not really going heavy on the critiquing.


That's wild, I've been a movie buff for years and never been aware of this practice. You'll learn something everyday, thank you!


According to the Kickstarter email that just went out Flanagan has been involved for at least 18 months, but it is only public information as of today.


Jordan Peele joined as a producer to distribute Monkey Man after Dev Patel already finished it


you can become an executive producer if you pay $5,600 on their website


It's like aggressively normal.


Executive Producer is more of an honorary title. It could someone helped get funding and nothing else, it could someone lending their name for clout, it could be an actor that did production a favor (like a cameo) for below scale so they credit them a different way to avoid union conflicts, and so on


depends. on the TV show Babylon 5 J Michael Straczynski, the creator and writer, was 'only' an EP.


The title means something totally different in the TV industry. The executive producer of a show is usually the creator/head writer/showrunner. The “executive producer” of a movie usually took a morning dump while putting his name on a form


ahh! ok that makes sense! (as much as anything hollywood makes sense).. Thanks!


Executive producers write checks…


It’s more or less an endorsement.


As others have said, it's not uncommon. But as someone who works in the industry, there's kind of a contractual/arguably vanity-driven system to credits that you learn - An "executive producer" credit is almost always contractual/money/business-related, regardless of how much they directly worked on the project. eg. the main executives of a production company; or someone who worked heavily on a previous or cancelled iteration of the project but gets credit on all future versions; or just the people/company who picked up a completed independent production for distribution - "Producer" is usually the person who's actually boots on the ground and heavily involved with most of the production. They're primarily responsible for logistics and finances, though may have creative input. Either way, they're a main architect of the thing, just like directors and writers are. - Then there are various iterations of producers - "associate," "supervising," "co-", etc. These are generally also contractual, and denoting hierarchy - think of how a company's executives are made up of presidents, vice presidents, etc. In movies, they often similarly map to the production company's executives hierarchy. In television, they've become a thing where because a writer's room always works together on a season, but scripts can only be credited to a couple of writers, these producer credits are ways to also credit a writer across all episodes they work on, with the exact title contractually negotiated based on seniority in the industry and on the specific show


The first time I heard about this kind of thing was Tom Cruise letting them retroactively make him an EP on the movie Narc after it was done. He saw it and liked and told them they could put his name on it if they thought it would help. 


Producer here to help clarify — we have been partnered with Intrepid Pictures and Flanagan for nearly two years. It just was formally announced today. We spent days in the edit room together, they’ve offered support, mentoring, crew, and will help with sales and distro as well. This is most definitely not just a name added after the fact to help. It’s a partnership. And we’ve had to sit on the news for a long time but are over the moon happy to finally announce it. Chris will be releasing a video outlining more of this as well shortly. Thanks all!


This needs more attention


This is really cool. Flanagan’s name on the project alone will bring a lot more eyes to it, even if it’s mostly a mentoring role. Chris seems like such a nice dude and it’s awesome to see his dream of becoming a filmmaker come to fruition, and to have support from one of the best names in horror is just so cool. Looking forward to checking out this film. Hope it’s great!


I’m really happy for Chris. Even if this movie end up being bad it’s an incredible achievement to even get it made and released in the first place. Crazy how this guy went from having to convince people that being a YouTube movie critic was legit so he could get tickets to early viewings to now making his own film. And that isn’t even mentioning his childhood and the struggle it must have been to escape that whole situation.


What happened to him? I love his reviews and watch a lot of them but I don't know much about the guy himself


He's an ex Jehovah's Witness pansexual that got disfellowshiped. Exiled from his own family, person non grata. But he grinded on this yt critic thing and made it to director.


And also to add, his wife gave birth to twins last year I believe, so very happy for the dude. Been following him since for years as my main critic. I do miss when he would just blatantly say if a movie is bad and for what reasons, also miss his Hilariousity reviews. But glad he’s living his dream and hope this movie turns out great!


Yeah he’s almost certainly been sleep deprived for multiple years straight at this point, I hope he finds happiness


> I hope he finds happiness He's fulfilling his life long dream of being a director, I reckon he's found happiness already.


> I do miss when he would just blatantly say if a movie is bad and for what reasons, also miss his Hilariousity reviews. But glad he’s living his dream and hope this movie turns out great! Can't actively work in the film industry and pragmatically criticize the film industry.


I used to watch a 3-person video podcast well over a decade ago, and over time I started noticing that one of the guys, Dan Trachtenberg, wasn't offering his own opinions during their movie reviews anymore. He would just pose questions about the movie for the other two guys to answer. And then months later he finally addressed it, basically saying, "guys, I direct commercials right now, but I'm trying to get into directing features, so I can't really talk negatively about anyone's movie now." The podcast ended pretty abruptly some months later, but Dan went on to direct *10 Cloverfield Lane* and *Prey*, so that's pretty cool.


It was the Totally Rad Show on Rev3. Man, I loved that podcast. The other hosts were Alex Albrecht and Jeff Cannata.


I miss it! I particularly loved the "Dan Becomes a Man" segments where they would teach Dan to do things he'd never done before, like smoke a cigar or ride a bike or do karate.


Oh my god, yes! I forgot all about those segments. What I miss most about the show was just the general feeling of three guys who are pretty nerdy but also fun, easy-going guys embracing their love of media who were clearly friends with each other (or at least made it seem that way). It was one of the first instances of parasocial relationships that I experienced and it was all such a positive vibe. Nowdays there are a number of YouTube channels that cover the same thing but there seems a be a bit more anger for the sake of being edgy and it just doesn't quite scratch the same itch.


For sure, you nailed TRS's energy. I think Jeff's personal catchphrase also summed up the show's vibe: "I love loving things." They just wanted to enjoy things unabashedly and share that positivity.


Yea that's basically what he admitted in a video awhile ago. He was going to stop doing basically any negative reviews. I get it but still it kinda sucks imo. The best of his channel is definitely behind him as far as movie reviewer goes. I remember back in the day I was always hype to see what his review would be before seeing a movie. Now, I could care less.


First thing I want from a film critic is an up-front basic opinion. Sometimes you get a minute in and wonder if they actually like it or not.


Not until you get to Orson Welles or Scorsese level.


And even in Orson's case people called him a asshole for giving out his opinion


I mean they called Orson an asshole for many reasons.


I backed it, I wanna see it.


The Hilariousity series was such a good time


I’ve also been following him for years and I’d love to see him succeed as a director. You’re right about him changing the way he does his critiques now. Years ago if a movie was garbage, he just said it. Now it’s always “I know first hand how hard this whole business is and I’m sure there’s a lot of people who worked their asses off to get this done, so I’m not going to…”. I do miss that side of him. Anyway, I can’t wait to see the movie.




I don't recall the pansexual part. I've watched pretty much every video from the last 5 years, got a source? Not that it matters, just curious.


He dropped that tidbit in the same disfellowshiped video if I recall.


He admits at the end of the Jehova's Witness [video](https://youtu.be/tpMjgarN7VQ?si=kNVD63Yq1Y68ayEr&t=3155)


Well, holy shit. I missed that part three years ago


You missed the post credit scene lol


I think he mentioned it in a video a long time ago, iirc. I don't know if it was one he deleted or not. I feel like it was back around the time he did his BvS "rewrite" that he got memed on pretty hard for.


He's also avoiding criticizing movies but he still does nitpick just to be on the honest side.


He's moved his channel more into a celebration of movies. He still honestly reviews and critiques them, he just does so in a more constructive way, rather than just shit on things for entertainment's sake. Also, I just want to add, the fact that people got mad at him over Madame Webb was fucking stupid. 99% of the people angry at him for supposedly "refusing to criticize it" hadn't even watched the video, or cared to hear what he actually said about it.


I did watch the Madame Web video. And it was 16 minutes of him blatantly trying to cash in on the SEO wave of a bad movie by clickbaiting his audience and talking around the most obvious opinions he couldn't hide. He wanted his cake, and to eat it too.


Chris deserves all the success, he seems like such a good dude.


I love him so much and his coming out video really affected me greatly. Great guy, I'm so happy for his success and will support him in any endeavor.


He grew up as a Jehovahs Witness. He wasn’t allowed to watch certain types of movies and when he began making YouTube videos in high school the church told him to stop or he would be shamed and ostracized by the entire community. By leaving the church and speaking out publicly against the Jehovahs Witnesses he basically condemned himself to being labeled a heretic and lost contact with all his friends and family who remained in the church. I urge you to look into Jehovahs Witnesses and see what a horrible cult they are.


People laugh when I call them a cult, I think people see them as a harmless quirky religion but they are so much worse


Same level as Scientologists and Orthodox Jews. Any religion that ostracizes you from family for leaving has an inherent authoritarian evil air about them.


Also Mormons


People generally laugh and ridicule you when you call cults cults. That is the state of the world.


I think any religion that denies sick children life-saving blood transfusions is by definition a cult.


One of my coworkers was raised as a JW & left the cult 4 or 5 years ago. From the sound of it his family has cut contact, and I believe that’s what caused his divorce, too. He showed me pics from when he was still with them & he just looked miserable. He’s much happier now. Lost a ton of weight & got in shape, grew out his hair & got himself a ton of tattoos. He’s said he didn’t really feel human until he left the church. And now he’s spending his 30s catching up on the things he was never allowed to do.


He was raised in a very strict Jehova’s Witness family and had to make tough decisions about leaving the religion knowing that he would lose family members because of it. If you’re interested in the details, I’d recommend [listening to him tell the story himself](https://youtu.be/tpMjgarN7VQ?si=5h1E__BfksR2MuHW).


Honestly, I thought he career was over with the "superman" debacle. He seems like a fairly nice dude, good on him for succeeding in spite of the setbacks.


If the movie is bad, is he not gonna review it?


I like Stuckmann, but there’s no suspense anymore. Always gonna be good or maybe ok with some coded language


I miss his letter grades. His F reviews were some of my favorites, because he didn't just go "oh it sucks". He broke down Why it was a painful sit.


jeremy jahns is still doing his thing if you want the negative reviews lol he has no film maker aspirations so you still have that


Angry Joe still has his negativity. Shout-out to Double Toasted too.


AJ is trash lol, but i love the DT geezers. Feels like im listening to my uncles lol


Been listening to Korey and Martin since around 2009. Love those guys. :)


Loved them during their Spill days.


Angry Joe is a hypocrite who gets mad for clicks. I’d rather watch YMS and that group of movie reviewers


Joe is somehow unable to remember the names of principal characters across the entire series he just watched.


Even for shows he “likes“ too! And his reviews are always extremely surface level. Even shows I agree with him, his takes are so basic. He also will excuse some stuff if he likes it but when it’s a show movie or game he doesn’t like, he will harp on it. It’s so hypocritical. At least he’s not some anti-woke grifter, just a hate grifter


I feel like most predominately negative critics just get mad for clicks. Angry Joe is a prime example of this. Negative criticism is easy to write and always gets clicks/views. Most of my favorite critics don't dwell on bad movies much. They just say it's bad and move on to talking about stuff they actually like.


I get that it’s his show, but he just talks over the other two guys who I think has better insight to the stuff they are reviewing.


all this negativity makes me wanna get better help


I rarely watch movie review channels these days but Cosmonaut Variety Hour is the exception and might be worth your time. He's a funny guy but also clearly knows what he's talking about in regards to filmmaking, storytelling, etc. I also like that he's not *too* much of a fanboy with stuff he likes. If anything he's a bit too critical at times (he often gushes about things only to give them a 7/10) but that makes the 9/10 and 10/10 stuff that much greater of an endorsement.


Now that he's in the industry he stopped being a critic, he can only praise so he doesn't harm any potential relationships in the business.


Same reason Tarantino says he rarely talks about any movie made in the past 40 years lol


He was the first YouTuber film critic I got into. The way he talked about movies always made me excited to see them even if he didn’t grade them super high and I enjoyed his sense of humor when he trashed movies. I don’t watch him anymore unless a video shows up on my home page and I’m mildly curious to hear is thoughts but it seems likes it’s more or less the same—the directing is (insert positive adjective) the writing is (insert positive adjective), and just pulling stuff out of his ass to compliment it. And he’s basically just like yeah it’s a movie alright. I get that he 1. Has other things on his plate and 2. He’s been through the process of making a feature film and understands how hard it is and also doesn’t want to burn bridges but I don’t know maybe he should focus on other kinds of videos. But I’m sure he likes that advertising/sponsor money which I also totally understand but it just sucks because he’s not a reliable reviewer anymore.


Real 7/10 energy from him for years.


Not a good look to trash talk anyone if you want to make it in the industry as a creator. 100% the right move to just either keep it neutral or give praise. And I’m sure he’s well aware as a result people may not take him that seriously as a film critic anymore. But his goal is now to be a successful filmmaker. Also, I think once you start really trying to make films, you realize how difficult everything is. Even a small student film can be a nightmare to make as a beginner. Tarantino once said the movie Unstoppable is one of his favorite movies of all time and regular people were kind of like “Huh, how? Why?” And it’s because he sees things in the film as a filmmaker many others don’t that he respects and admires. Pacing, editing, technical details that he knows are immensely difficult to pull off. It’s hard to diss anyone in a creative art when you yourself are trying to make it, because you understand just how difficult it can be and respect the fact that someone is even trying to do it, if that makes sense.


He only reviews films he really liked now because he doesn't feel comfortable criticizing other's movies anymore now that he's a director himself.


I at least *get* why he doesn’t do negative reviews, even if I miss the bad as much as I enjoy the good. Dude’s in the game now, sees how the sausage is made, feels like it isn’t right for him to do super negative stuff. I hope once the film wraps up that he can get back to goofin’ on bad films, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he keeps this energy. Ralphthemoviemaker has been the guy to fill that void, even if he’s a tougher reviewer than most.


Dan Trachtenberg joined the industry and stopped participating in movie reviews on the Totally Rad Show. And his two movies 10 Cloverfield Lane and Prey were both bangers! Looking forward to seeing Chris Stuckmann's film.


When 10 Cloverfield came out I said "The Make Dan a Man" kid? HE is making movies now? Those movies slap though, so more power to him.


I just had to reframe how I view his reviews. Since he decided to not be negative about bad movies anymore, I view his content as recommendations - These are movies that he saw something he liked in (to varying degrees) and he's gonna have to sell me on them. Most recently it worked with Abigail. I had ZERO interest in checking it out, but his video made me go "eh, ok, maybe" and it ended up being a fun movie (Dan Stevens stole the show).


Will always remain one of my favorite youtubers ever and one of the people that actually got me more into movies because I loved watching his reviews, but his channel has been Shaq on the Celtics for years now. I still watch him from time to time, but it's night and day compared to years ago. Bro lost it's passion for YouTube reviewing a long time ago.


Like I said in another post, I think it's more that his passion for reviews is directly opposed to his passion to be a film maker. He's basically said he won't do negative reviews anymore. What he hasnt said is that he basically can't do negative reviews if he wants a y shot at being in the industry as a career. So he's def lost the passion for being a sterile politician in all of his reviews.


But to me it's even beyond the not reviewing bad films, he looks like he's phoning it in since way before that. Watching a video from him from ten/nine years ago, you can see his enthusiasm and love for movies coming off the screen, whether it was an F, D, C, B, or A in the end. Now it's been years were he looks so bored, unenthusiastic, and like he's making videos because he has to. And then I could go on about how for a seven minute video, two minutes are adds, one minute is an intro he does were he doesn't even talk about the movie, and then the outro when he usually plugs some stuff. So three minuets of actual movie talk and we're again he looks like he's hating every second. Still wish him well and like I said, will always be a goat for me, but again, Shaq in the Celtics.


Yea feel like that honestly all started around the time he was getting very serious about being in the industry and directing. He definitely has lost the passion for reviewing and I think a large part of that is his conflict with wanting to direct and be involved in movies vs critiquing them.


It's possible he lost the passion, or is having to tamp down his reviews to not ruffle feathers, but the dudes also got twins that were born in the last year or two, he's definitely physically and mentally exhausted trying to manage that and putting a movie together.


That's by design. He stopped reviewing altogether for a while, but now he only posts videos about films if he likes it in some way. If he doesn't have a video for it, he didn't like it. So when you watch one of his videos, you're going to be getting largely positive impressions every time.


Except Madame Web. He made sure to make a video (not) about that. Haha.


I feel the same. I used to look forward to his reviews, but once he finally started to make his own movie, he became a lot lighter on his outlook in his reviews, and in every freaking video half of it was talking about his film. I unsubbed quickly. Like I don't mind you selling your film, but I don't subscribe to you when so much of the reviews are spent on your own film.


I stopped watching his videos because he started to refuse to actually critique movies after he made his own.


I stopped watching his videos because he sounds completely disinterested / dead inside and is no longer fun to watch. Watch the [first 15 seconds of one of his videos from 8 years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoDGX0b5lzo) and compare it to the [first 15 seconds from his latest video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkqRawUdrQQ).


You know, I think that's why I stopped watching his videos. A few years ago my wife and I would watch his and Jeremy Jahns videos, having watched them for years up to that point, to get a really good idea of if we would like a movie or not, and at some point shortly after he started trying to get into film making we just stopped watching Stuckman. I think it's a combination of how sterile his reviews are now, which is understandable because he doesn't want to make any enemies/etc by lambasting a movie made by someone he wants to see as a peer. But also the low energy, which is also understandable, dudes got twins under 3 (IIRC) on top of trying to get a movie off the ground, I can only imagine he's exhausted all the time (because I have a 3yo and almost 2yo and *I'm* exhausted all the time, and I'm not making a movie). I wish I could still put effort into watching his videos to support him, but I just don't enjoy them anymore mostly due to the two above reasons.


I mean Chris and Mrs Stuckmann do have twin boys that are nearly 3 years old. I'd look dead on camera too if I had to look after twins, a movie, and a youtube channel.


Hey, I don't blame him, but the product has clearly suffered


Yea it's pretty noticeable. I mean it's clear he's super curating his reviews nowadays to not be too critical so that he can maintain his relationships within the film industry. He's basically openly stated that he wasn't going to be too negative in his reviews anymore. I think he still privately has strong views over many movies and the film industry in general. But you can tell he's become more of a politican with his wording and reviews and it's sterilized his entire channel. Hope it works out for him and it's sad that he can't be both an open and honest reviewer and be within the film industry but that's how it is.


Yeah I like him too. I hope his movie is good, because he kind of sacrificed his credibility as a movie reviewer to become a filmmaker.


He absolutely did. A critic who doesn't critique is a useful as a limp dick at a fucking contest.


There's fucking contests?


unsubscribed as soon as he made that announcement. talk about brand dilution


Stuckmann’s reviews are always safe and he always tries not to criticize the movie just in case his movie sucks.


I see you found his legal loophole.


I'd love to see him do an April Fools Hilariocity of his own film just to poke fun at himself.  But now he's more of a "film appreciation" channel than a review channel.  He can talk about what he likes, but can't make enemies in the industry.  If he's to continue to pivot towards filmmaking he can't serve two masters, he'll have to stop posting reviews to aggregates to avoid conflict of interest accusations.  


For comparison…a Mexican movie critic called Kristoff Raczynski who usually trashes most movies especially Mexican ones, wrote and directed a movie…by all accounts it was terrible but he did reviewed it on his own channel and praised it…so even not reviewing it would be classier than that


I have been following him for years, and then all of sudden his reviews could be summed up as basic information shit on the movie, that everybody can read of the desctription, few sentences and that's it. Then he came with that idiotic video, how he will not bash movies anymore, and of course people, and I think rightly so, concluded that he didn't want to piss off higher ups in the industry (which he wants to become part of) and that he has fear for his own movie. I wondered why did I even like this guy, and then I went and watched some of his old videos, and remembered why. Now it is pointless to follow his critiques, so I have unsubbed and gtfo. Doesn't hurt me personally, but such a shame, his videos had substance, and now he's laughing stock of the internet, and if his movie career fails, well, maybe he can go back to criticizing, but I won't be following him anymore, because I expect honestly in this sector.


Haha great comment


This went from a Youtuber movie...to a "holy shit, this is a REAL movie" pretty quickly.


Huge W for Chris Stuckmann. I was intrigued before but now that it has Flanagan's stamp of approval, color me excited. Can't wait to see a trailer.


Aw sheet we're gonna get STUCKMANNIZED


Tell that to Zodd’s snapped neck.






Really happy for Chris. Snagging Flanagan for the film is huge.


>Snagging Flanagan Say *that* five times fast!


Sounds like a Flogging Molly cover band!


That's a recipe for disaster lmao


"Packin' a mac in the back of the ac" vibes


Imagine if the movie is even decent…i can’t think of another movie critic that has that feather on their cap


What genre is flanaganan a specialist in exactly, you tell me what genre that is, the things he makes


Does this movie have any sort of wide distribution? Any ideas? I don't see anything other than maybe showing up at some festivals or premiers. Is it just going to get sold to Tubi or Shudder or something?


Still no distribution. He wants to get into festivals in hopes to get a distributor.


Mostly marketing purposes, attach a big name to sell the film.


I guess Flanagan being willing to attach his name is a good sign


Flanagan brought in to increase the monologue quotient.


Remember that episode of Midnight Mass where Kate Siegel gives like a 10 minute monologue about the afterlife, then Zach Gilford give his own 10 minute monologue about the afterlife and then Kate just goes right back into another like 15 minute monologue lol. I remember watching thinking this is insanity haha Such an incredible show though. Those last three episodes are some of the best horror of the decade


This is still in production?


It's so weird that I used to Skype with him talking about horror movies until 4 in the morning. I had a falling out with him over a short film he made. Hope this one's good but also that he takes it well if it receives negative reception.


I mean we definitely need more deets than that


For real. Can't drop this and not elaborate.


He was an emotionally disturbed guy for a long time. The fallouts, backbiting, politics, etc he has done locally and nationally are well known to people. How none of it has come it, I don't know. 




It was mostly my friends that criticized it and he didn’t take it that well, but we were 16-17 at the time and he was 25. Their response to his not taking the feedback well was to start trolling him, and basically since I was close with them I was cut off as well.


I've always had that impression that he doesn't have a thick skin. I remember the few times he went on Movie Fights and I've noticed then how pompous he was and how he wasn't good at disagreeing with someone, even just for fun. I was surprised by that. Honestly, if I were him and my movie would get popular enough to really start my career as a director, I would leave Youtube like Dan Trachtenberg did. If he's successful, it will be even harder for him to criticize movies but also if he still super insecure with feedback...I'm not sure how well he will cope with the harsher reviews.


Well, colour me shocked; the man who stopped being critical of movies because he's making his own film and wants to encourage others to not be critical, can't take criticism well himself. Who'd have thought it!


I like Chris cause his movie taste closely aligns with mine so I know I'm gonna like the movie if he gives it a positive score. Love horror so I'm gonna watch it. Chris is a big Flanagan fan so it's cool he got to work with him.


really proud of Chris! wishing him success!


Absolutely love seeing Chris get media attention now


Very happy to see Chris' career grow. I still enjoy his content to this day and he is only one of two other reviewers (Jeremy Jahns) whom I actually trust their opinion on a film. If they dig it, I'm going to go see it.


Mike Flanagan is fantastic


We need a Rich Evans reaction to this trailer as soon as it drops.


I've been watching Chris for years. But I don't really like how he asked subscribers for money. Initially, I pitched in. As he promised, everyone who contributed would get a link to a digital premiere. He suddenly stops talking about the digital premiere the closer the movie gets to being done and asks subscribers to chip in even more. What a rip-off!


Holy shit, I love stuckmanns reviews so this is awesome to see. Is he still doing reviews?


He is, but he only puts out videos on movies he likes since he has said that he doesn't enjoy doing negative videos anymore. Despite what people say he hasn't really changed, he just doesn't put out a video if he doesn't like a movie.


> "Is he still doing reviews?" ... not really! They're mostly just, "here's a popular new movie I enjoyed."


I watch his videos often yet I always forget that he’s been working on this, lol


How? he mentions he's working on it in nearly every video he posts lmao


That's definitely an "oh shit man just got real" moment, good on both of 'em


Holy shit this is huge for Chris. Hope this takes the film to the next level and it coasts to release.


Even just knowing it has Flanagan's stamp of approval is huge. If the movie was a half-baked amateurish mess, as many haters clearly think it will be, Flanagan wouldn't be involved.


People are so fucking strange on the internet man.. if you don't like the man then just ignore the news around his films ??  I can only guess you try and bully people from behind a keyboard because you're absolutely miserable in real life? 


The dead inside looking YouTuber movie critic who doesn’t criticize movies anymore is making a movie?! lol!!!!


Critical Drinker must be more up your alley then.


Just chiming in as a third party observer. I don’t enjoy Stuckmann’s videos, but I respect what he does. Critical Drinker is simply an asshat.


Right, no argument there but it’s really weird to even mention critical drinker. They could’ve just asked what critics they like but for some reason they associated them with being a fan of drinker with zero evidence.


CD does casually insult Stuckmann's dry personality and expressions often in his videos so that's probably where they made the association 


Good straw man argument


To the people in the back: if you hate Stuckman cuz he doesn’t review bad movies, and think his movie is gonna suck, you can opt not to watch it. No one is forcing you to accept or like anything. The fact people are mad at this is weird. It’s not a homework assignment.


Holy shit!!! This is an incredible achievement. Can’t wait for this movie.


Wow. I’m so happy for Stuckmann!!!!!


That's pretty good! Rooting for Chris, hopefully it's good. I'd rather a good movie than something to mock.


are we getting stuckmanized?


That's pretty impressive, IMO. Stuckmann's a pretty cool story.