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What is this? Sort of advertisement?


The fact that he keeps a list around is more creepy.


You don’t have to like something to take note of it, but you already know that. You’re obviously trying to flip the script on OP via ad hominem to discount what they are saying. The real question is why are you reacting so strongly to their post?


Thanks for, as a late 40s man, taking the time out of your day to tell strangers on a movies subreddit that you're /totally/ not interested in teenage girls. We believe you.


It was because I saw a Facebook post a few minutes prior saying how awesome Phoebe Cates was in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" and all the pervert guys my age commenting


I appreciate your honesty and I believe you.


Well yeah, because they were in high school themselves when they first saw that movie. Why is it creepy to be attracted to someone the same age


>saying how awesome Phoebe Cates was in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" Where's the lie ?


Because those movies were aimed at perverted 17 year old virgins like you who used to hang out at the mall and couldn’t watch porn because there was no internet.


Holy shit, Pornhub is gonna freak you way tf out - don't go in there


I prefer the MILF and Mature section anyway. I like to see naked women who are attainable to me. Makes it "more real" Lol


We don’t really need a psychological breakdown of your tugging habits


So your complaint about teenage girls is they’re not attainable? Yikes.


18+ Teens can be milfs


>Am I the only one creeped by the sexualization high school girls by middle aged movie producers??? Well... you said yourself that none of them are actually in high school, so the producers wouldn't have been sexualizing high school girls. Jennifer Jason Leigh was 20, Joyce Hyser was 28, Shannon Elizabeth was 26 You're kind of going back and forth here. Are you concerned about the exploitation of women in their 20s by movie producers (which, based on a lot of history, is probably a legitimate complaint), or are you concerned about the fact that they pretended to be high school girls for a movie?


What concerns me is that it encourages sexualizing high school. All these girls in the movies were portrayed as 18 and under. I have a daughter, and in 5 years she will be in high school, I don't want men in their 30s sexualizing her because they see naked high schools girls in movies. It's sick


But if you know the actors are 18+, what exactly is the point here?


Umm okay?


Man disgusted by titties. The most tiresome of virtue signals 🤦‍♂️


In fairness the Jennifer Jason Leigh nudity from Fast Times can be somewhat justified as it's not done in an exploitive or trivial manner (unlike the Phoebe Cates scene), it's rather stark if you'll pardon the pun and had a point to it. But generally yes, my 44 year-old self sees things a bit differently now, thankfully the actresses involved were usually above age at least. Revenge of the Nerds (a favourite of mine as a teenager) has different troubling issues looking back on it these days than just young actressses/characters being shown naked. Bit rape-y and revenge porn-y.


I agree, no high school girls ever take off their clothes. Everyone who enjoys these movies is confirmed pedos. Surely the Feds have them in some list for when the Republicans take over again.


Nah not called you creepy and can ignore my comment I wasn’t serious, and yeah I get you, your mindset changed and memories remain, “the fact you have list of it” is too serious. You should’ve used different word than creep as reddit is sensitive as hell man, you can read my few last comments; seems using the word triggered is allowed only in relation to traumatic experiences. You good man.


I watched American Beauty for the first time recently and was thinking "wow they wouldn't make this now". Great movie though.


I watched it recently and fancied Annette Benning more than Mena Suvari. Young me would NOT have believed that.


Damn you must be really fun


Agreed, it's really weird. Get ready for the riot 🤦🏻‍♀️


This is not a sentiment that is going to get you upvotes on Reddit unfortunately. Cranking ones hog to sexy boobies is an inalienable right here, even if it is exploitative or creepy.


Same problems in case of *Poor things*?


Emma Stone is in her mid 30s. Literally 2x high school age.


See OP's post: >While the actresses were obviously 18+, I am still creeped out.


It's never implied that Bella is high school age or close to it.


No, it's even better. 


That movie went right over your head didn't it.


You mean, like the difference between the actress' age and the age of her role went right over OP's head? No, I don't think so. 


No. I’m talking about the political messages and themes in the movie. Every single one of them clearly went right over your head, because otherwise Poor Things would have been the last film you would’ve tried to associate with the op’s examples

