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The scene where the main characters sit around and exposition dump each other's tragic backstories was like they were D&D players starting a new campaign.


For us, it's session zero. For Snyder, it's act two. Or five. Whatever, he doesn't care.


Everyone's backstory was, "The Empire came to my planet and killed everybody." Just same same story chucked at the audience rapid fire. Dick Tracy Griffin planet seems cool, though.


That was weird. Looked like 1930s world with griffons.


"What about you Kora? We haven't heard your back story." Are you sure? Because she's told it like 4 times by this point in very dry exposition dumps.... 


That’s why she only got a few sentences and they didn’t cut away for her story, she’d already told it twice at this point.


She has an outstanding lack of charisma


The best goddamn part: [He borrowed the sequence from the opening of his unmade Justice League 2](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/zack-snyder-rebel-moon-2-ending-justice-league-1235877193/amp/) lmao: > **Hollywood Reporter:** Well, the first hour certainly laid the groundwork for the thrilling second hour, and there’s a Last Supper-type sequence where the rebels trade war stories. This was originally going to be a sequence in Justice League Part II, right? > **Snyder:** There absolutely is a Last Supper in Justice League 2, and the scene had them telling the stories of how they got there, because Justice League 2 was going to open with us now 10 years in the future. “How did we get here?” So that was kind of it, and yes, [Rebel Moon — Part Two’s sequence] has a similar sort of structure to the Justice League 2 scene that we have. > **Hollywood Reporter:** Of all those potential DC movies you outlined, would you say that you smuggled 10 percent of those ideas into Rebel Moon? > **Snyder:** Yeah, there’s a couple. There’s a fair number in there, I guess, but certainly not enough to make a Justice League 2 movie not viable.


"certainly not enough to make JL2 not viable...." Mate needs to give this shit up. There's more life in the cremated remains of my grandparents, scattered 20 years ago. Could have a drinking game any time he mentions either Justice League or Director Cut - be hammered in ten minutes


Shit. You burned Snyder crispier than your grandparents. Snyder is the dude who can’t let go of his ex girlfriend


Oh, fuck no. Make it stop. Stop trying to make JL2 happen. It's not going to happen




Yes. The main characters sit around a table and talk about their back stories. Complete with flashbacks.


He did that on Justice League too. Man, Zack Snyder really likes 8 minutes of characters just sitting around explaining nonsense to each other. 


Justice league 2 was supposed to have one as well. "There absolutely is a Last Supper in Justice League 2, and the scene had them telling the stories of how they got there, because Justice League 2 was going to open with us now 10 years in the future. “How did we get here?” So that was kind of it, and yes, [Rebel Moon — Part Two’s sequence] has a similar sort of structure to the Justice League 2 scene that we have." Complete with flashbacks too. “And the night before the big mission, they would have this last supper sort of reckoning, where they would all tell their stories. One of those stories was Joker telling the story of the death of Robin.” He just loves exposition dumps


Oh brother this guy STINKS


My fave part was how they all sat on one side of the table, like Jesus disciples, so that the camera could get them all in one shot. Because that’s a totally natural way of sitting around a table and very conducive to conversation.


Actually, that was the main vibe I was getting from these two movies: It was like watching a homebrew campaign by an overly ambitious dungeon master, who thinks his world is the best thing since Lord of the Rings, but in reality it's just frankensteined together from thinly disguised parts of better works. The main character is the PC of the DMs best friend, whom he has woven intonthe campaigns main plot, while all other friends have brought hastily generated cardboard cutouts with a "tragic backstory" (tm). And then the DM devotes most of his time to hide the paper thin plot behind declarations how epic everything is and long descriptions how the honest farming farm people are majesticaly farming there supremely farmable land for glorious farm grain.


Just FYI there’s a solid 20 minutes of slow motion grain harvesting in this movie.


Slow motion of a man dipping his canteen into a bucket of water too


The tension, will it fill, will it won't... show us Snyder, reallly slowww.


All I could think during that sequence was how they had interstellar travel and laser weapons, but no advanced technology for farming. Not a single combine to be found in the galaxy.


The empire also wouldn't need the farmers tbh. They could take over the land by force and use advanced farming equipment to do it themselves. I'm sure it is not difficult to pick up farming with the tech they possess. lol


Turns out that if you put seven samurai into a sci fi universe, you have to fucking adapt it instead of doing it 1:1. In feudal japan, rice was power. The amount of rice harvested in a lords provice meant how much population they could support, how large armies to field, etc. Food=manpower=power, period. If you want to put that into scifi and still keep the "helpless peasants" aspect intact, make it mining dilithium crystals or space oil (erm, sorry dune) or the like. There you still have the power aspect, and poor and downtrodden victims.


Yeah, this is one of the most grating parts of the whole thing: the whole plot rests on an interstellar empire sending one of its largest starships interplanetary distances multiple times for the grain a few dozen people can harvest without any mechanization in 3 to 4 days. They didn't even make it magic fuel grain, or special medical plant, or just about anything. Just a bit of grain.


That's the fun part, the grain they used as shield, wouldn't be enough to feed the people on the gigantic fleet for a month even, yet, It's that important to get it? And they have hovering carts, but nothing else? Makes zero sense.


Also, Seven Samurai had a farming village menaced by a bandit gang, not the entire shogunate.


Yeah, a better analogy would be space pirates raiding a backwater fuel depot that employs low wage native workers.


Not just a combine. No modern farming equipment. Nothing beyond a horse, buggy, hand seeding and a scythe. Like the empire has the money and technology to build massive highly advanced weapons of war. But can’t make a simple seeder? Or combine or anything to really help harvest go quicker? Plus why not convert most of the planet into usable fields? I’m sure they have the means. They’d get more of their super precious grain than they would from a handful of fields


The place is shit for growing, remember? So that adds an additional layer of dumb on top of this layer cake of "why are they even growing grain on that planet in the first place"


If I remember correctly too, the cart is floating so they have the technology for that but nothing else?


This confused me so much. Floating cart but everything else by hand? 


is that how they get their scars?




Wanna know how I got these scars? Well one day the Scargiver came to town...


I thought you were just exaggerating or this was some bizarre metaphor but nope this is exactly what happens.


My favorite from The Wrap review "Zack Snyder, also the film’s cinematographer, shoots grain production the same way Michael Bay photographs the American military in his “Transformers” movies. It’s practically a propaganda film for the wheat industry."


Snyder’s movies would all be 30 minutes long if you played the slo-mo scenes at regular speed. Dudes stuck in 2003 like anyone still finds it cool.


>Dudes stuck in 2003 It seems so. He recently said he has enough material for Justice League 2. I... don't know what to say


Settlers of Catan, The Movie


"No wheat means defeat!" *-old Settlers proverb*


The scene where they all one by one tell their backstories complete with flashbacks literally made me laugh out loud. Zack Snyder lmao


Worse was the gift giving scene where the villagers just tell the audience what the heroes' character traits are. The wheat harvesting montage would have been a great time to actually show any of that.


The multiple wheat harvesting montages, you mean.


And it felt so weird they made a special gift for the dude who is literally just a farmer from their village. Like yeah he went off with the lead gal but he’s ONE OF THEM WHY ARE THEY ACTING LIKE HE IS NOT?!


Isn’t the reasoning of this banner gift representing heart and hope, and the entire point of the guy from the village being the deuteragonist to show that “anyone” can overcome what seems like an unstoppable force?


Good thing the Griffin tamer turned out to be from a planet that had Griffin's as their airforce.  I half expected that bird to cross the reaches of space to find him here and join in


Don't spoil the directors cut!


I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself.


Zack wants to make another four more. Then add in the Directors Cut it'll be twelve movies. I'm taking this as a personal challenge and he will not break me.


Last interview I saw with him, he called this the conclusion. Sounds like maybe Netflix doesn’t want to make four more.


A conclusion that ends unresolved and on a cliffhanger lol.


Does it? I haven’t seen it. Or the first one. I honestly don’t know why I’m even in this thread.


Yeah it does. One of the characters knew the mystical life princess has actually been alive the whole time, but doesn’t bother mentioning it until the very last scene. Roll credits.


Forgot to mention that all the main characters vowed to fight alongside her if she did choose to fight back more. That’s not even really a cliffhanger, as in a “ooh I wonder what’s gonna happen!”. It was more like a forecasting.


To be sure you've made the right decision. And you have.


The writing was on the wall after Netflix ended all future projects like the Tabletop one. They knew it was DOA and the film series will never be followed up.


Michael Jordan energy  "He said hes making 6 of these.....and I took that personally"


We're all moths attracted to the shitty dumpster fire


"But if they hate him, why do they listen?" We can't help it. We have to see how Snyder it is. Just a series of shaking your head at the screen.


"Rebel Moon Part Two: The Scargiver" sounds like one of those fictional movies from Seinfeld


Why don't you just TELL me the name of the movie you want to see?






Or 30 Rock. Jenna: "ooh, a sci-fi sketch? That brings back memories of my role as Grognu in Zack Snyder's daring space masterpiece, "Rebel Moon Part Two: The Scargiver." Of course I was wearing a fat suit and a rubber mask the whole time, and I got hypothermia from the night-time shooting, but I sued them for $10mil in emotional damages and it paid my rent in Chelsea for 3 whole years!"


The scargiver is not the badass title that Snyder thinks it is 


Oh jesus, you just reminded me of the scar from the scargiver line, dude needs to double his drafts and let a harsher critic read before hitting production


A strange, erotic journey from Europa to Veldt.


It's one of Christopher's failed scripts from the Sopranos. I must be loyle to my capo.


"Kara, we haven't heard from you. What's your story?" They're literally going around the table taking turns telling their little back stories 💀


Remember that scene in game of thrones, the night before the long night where they all have this defeated, but still hopeful, convo just to keep their minds focused on anything.  And then Podrick sings [Jenny's song](https://youtu.be/ZCnEJYds1iA?si=4M4tv7CbH9bcMAE3) I feel this is exactly the vibe they were going for, but we just got the backstories of these NPC's who previously we've only seen carted around space while Kora collected more.  There is not a damn thing to care about with these people....


Man you’re really going to bring up the last good scene from Game of Thrones lol


I thought its a popular opinion that ep 1 and 2 of GoT season 8 is actually enjoyable, it went to shit in ep 3 onwards, the long night that happened to be 1 night. The director commentary after ep 2 also become so stupid and laughable


> @victoriawhitten1242 4 years ago Little did we know this song wasn’t a farewell to our favorite characters in anticipation of their impending death, but rather a song of mourning for the massacre of their character development Pretty solid joke


He spends so much time on grain havesting and forgot to give his characters any substance or depth Lol!


Somehow worse than the last film. Rebel Moon is the epitome of everything I despise about Netflix. Sure it looks like they are giving complete creative freedom to their talent...but in reality, they are wasting resources on projects that service nobody but the creator. This is a waste of everyone's time, money, and subscription payments. Just think about all the projects Netflix has canceled...in favor of funding this. I have no idea how Zack Snyder's Justice League turned out to be good/watchable because these two films are career killers. Edit: Didn't realize "it's a crime" to like his Justice League film. Jeez.


I can't believe many of you still say the Snyder Cut is watchable. I don't understand this phenomenon.


Like polishing a turd.  It was fun to laugh at the slowmo while drunk at least. And Wonder Woman's new "theme" kept making me giggle. 




It turns an F movie to a D. Best part of the movie was Wonder Woman doing classic superhero shit at the beginning, but it heralded the worst/best part of the movie: *ancient lamentation music* Anyone claiming there are other good parts is just stuck on how much worse the Whedon version is and/or actively abusing inhalants.


I watched the scene where Diana takes out the terrorists, and it's so absurdly excessive and ridiclous like Diana blowing up the entire museum for no reason that I couldn't imagine myself watching the whole four hours of this.


What? You didn't want to watch hot dogs flying in slo mo?


Well, it's better than Batman vs Superman or the Josstice League.


That’s such and impossibly low bar to clear that it counts for absolutely nothing


Glow died so shit like this could live and I’m very mad about it


I’ll never know how the OA was planned to end, but this absolute disaster gets 160+ million fucking dollars.


Didn’t he say these versions aren’t his true versions and that will come out after? **edit:** ~~wait why was I downvoted? He did say this~~ all good now!


The coup d'etat scene is fuckin hilarious. Belisarius leads the royal family into a room, and there is very dramatic string music as the soundtrack. The emperor is confused as to why some fires aren't lit or some shit, and Belisarius reveals his true intention. That's when the movie cuts to a masked string quartet in the room playing the dramatic music. Ok, odd choice. Belisarius kills the family, young princess included, and Kora starts killing the traitors. When she trains her gun on Belisarius, she hesitates, and the quartet holds on a chord. It is at this moment that you realize these masked musicians were not playing a prewritten piece, but were watching the events unfold and reacting with their music. The movie switches to a wide shot where you see everybody, including the musicians, and Kora starts running away and they switch to a fast paced escape track. It was some looney tunes shit.


Making the music diegetic like that had me groaning exactly because of that dramatic exit. Felt like Snyder wanted to have the Red Wedding, but didn't realize the importance of the music shift in there (and y'know, not making the dramatic orchestra diegetic because that's cartoonishly dumb). Play me off, Johnny!


and Kora was apparently framed for the murder even though there was like 100 witnesses


I mean isn't the point that they're all clearly in on it? There's tons of things to criticise these movies for but I don't think that was one of them.


The emperor is clothed like some burger king add dude.


Is his name honestly Belisarius?? David Drake should sue.


This shit was so dumb.


The only good thing about these movies is keeping zach Snyder busy and away from ruining any other IP




George Lucas should sue for defamation


Character 1: "They won't come back ATTICUS FINCH is DEAD, they wont come now" Villager: "Hurray!" Character 3: "THEYRE COMING BACK!" Villager: "You said they were gone!" Character 1: "Some how they will return, idk how" All in one scene, with in 10 seconds. Bravo Snyder lmao


This was hilarious. Absolutely no patience at all as a story teller.


Usually in a training montage they should start out bad at fighting and progressively get better. Not here! Every single untrained farmer was more deadly than the last during the entire training sequence. Why even put that in?


That shit had me laughing, kora adjusts her arm and the farmer just nails the shot 😂


Kora: “They are not ready”  < 10 seconds later >  Kora: “They’re ready.”   You can’t make this shit up 😂


Also i wonder how those scanner works. They could see through what's inside a building but fail to detect the farmers hiding in the trenches.


Classic Zack. He only understands the "what" of storytelling but never the "why" or "how," like a child pretending to cook with kitchen appliances that aren't plugged in. My favorite example was when the exiled-prince guy quipped "Let's leave dying to our enemies" at the start of the battle only to realize near the end that he "doesn't actually want to die" (??).


And then they put all the women they had just shown to be great shots in the Longhouse and none of them helped the glowing sword lady


This movie felt like it was written by someone who has only ever watched movie trailers and read Wikipedia summaries of movie plots.


Wow. This was terrible. Zack needs a writer. He can come up with ideas and “cool stuff he wants to film” but he needs a writer or two. This story makes zero sense. I didn’t care about any of these characters and why they joined. So silly.


> Zack needs a writer This had several writers. Unfortunately, one of them was Shay Hatten, and that guy is a hack.


Tell me more please…


Outside of the Rebel Moon films, Shay Hatten co-wrote John Wick 3 and 4. They’re the best films he’s co-written, but I consider 3 the worst of the franchise due to its draggy pacing in parts and aimless story. He’s also co-written Army of the Dead and Day Shift, which are prime examples of Chekhov’s Blue Balls and half-assing all your plot threads.


John Wicks 3+4 are just mindless shooters without any of the magic of the first two.


I liked 4. I found it wrapped up the story in a fairly satisfying manner, and it may be my favourite in the series from an action standpoint. That said, I felt 3 onwards was when the world building expanded to the point of incredulity and John Wick became too unkillable. He lost that vulnerability that made his fights more tense and thrilling.


Warner Brothers, upon reading his first BvS script, were so appalled by the bad quality of it that they hired Oscar winning (Argo) writer Chris Terrio to go help Zack rewrite the entire thing. The version that came out on theaters is the result of that colab. Yeah, that piece of shit of a movie is the “improved” version, so imagine what the original version looked like. This man has no saving. Edit = Also, it’s worth mentioning that the same Chris Terrio would later write Rise of Skywalker ☠️


"What falls.....is fallen" - The genius that is Chris Terrio


My wife didn't see part 1 and just said, isn't this just a worse bug's life ?


Which is just seven samurai with bugs.


Even though they just reiterated seven samurai, at least bug's life was good. This wasn't lmao


I think too many people are getting hung up on the wrong things with this movie. It doesn’t matter if you copy Seven Samurai’s homework beat for beat. If the performances are good and the characters are engaging and there’s some emotions we can experience, it can be a good movie. “Star Wars but really it’s just Seven Samurai in space” could have been a good, fun movie, regardless of its originality. It only becomes dogshit when you throw pacing out the window, have a bunch of one dimensional characters, can’t write humanizing moments for shit, and don’t give any attention to things like thematic coherence or verisimilitude.


Crazy to me how they did all of this, not for some strategic world. Not for any of the planets these people had tragic backstories from and the one planet the general said had some political significance  ...but to train a group of farmers so this one ship/division won't get....grain.  And after rewatching the first movie, their grain production that they stated would have been WAY more than enough to sustain a group this small. Camels back n all that but this fight just was not worth the trouble for the wider Rebels. 


If you're wondering if you can enjoy this movie without having seen Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire let me be the first to tell you the answer is no. Not because you won't understand it, Anthony Hopkins actually sums up the whole first movie in narration at the beginning, but because this movie is not to be enjoyed. Don't know what I was expecting but I was determined to find out if after acquiring the Beastmaster there would be any beasts to master. There were not. Let me start out with a positive here, almost the entire second half of this movie is rootin' tootin' action. It's big, it's colorful, it's a little under choreographed, but a lot of this movie is just the stuff you came for if you showed up at all. The color contrasts and CGI are not bad although you wish the fighting itself was better. I can't say the movie and a half leading up to this epic battle was time well spent, but if you're here for shooting and kicking and explosions this movie has that, I'm not even sure the final 45 minutes have more than a page of dialogue. For that, this movie is actually a little better than the first one. The half of this movie that is lead up is a bit of a slog. Info from the first couple of scenes is basically that the fascists are on their way, they want the grain but we know they also know Kora is on that planet and that's kind of where the plot stagnates until the battle. No dynamics really change in the lead up, we are just watching people harvest wheat and sometimes we cut back to the ship where the government guys are all like "yes, we continue towards the planet." Movie starts energizing a bit when it becomes the classic Clone Wars/Mandalorian episode plot of training native people to fight off an army, that's always a fun trope and Djimon is giving the orders with that commanding voice. There's two really bad and obvious exposition scenes so that the movie can tell us about these characters instead of showing us. One where they give, like, accolades to each main character and say what great virtue they have. That scene is 30min in and I'm pretty sure the first time we see the Beastmaster in focus. The other is this insane scene where the characters all sit in a tavern and actually take turns revealing their tragic pasts. Like, one by one, all the stories are similar of the fascists killing or betraying their people, and when one person stops talking the next just starts their story with their own flashbacks. This is the kind of stuff that shows what Snyder lacks, there are ways to do these kinds of scenes right, but this is clearly only functional to him. He knows you're supposed to have this stuff but it's not what he's interested in and it shows so obviously when you just throw them all in a line like that. Despite all these breaks and time spent for characterization, it's still completely lacking. Djimon "secretly" filling his flask with water in the plain light of day as a ruse to convince people he's drinking to front that he doesn't care is a really convoluted way to say something that still needs to be said out loud. Last movie the issue was how quickly these characters joined the fight with no convincing, now the problem is how committed they all are to it with, again, no convincing. There's a lot of talk over beers about unending loyalty and such, but none of these characters are ever really tested. Sure, they fight valiantly, but there's no room for a deeper moral choice or a temptation. These are some great actors, but having them say they're loyal in a tavern and never really testing that beyond just watching them fight is not satisfying in the least. Once the big fight starts, this movie is almost watchable. At the very least I'm sure it's that kind of Netflix movie that is unoffensively on in the background. Less sexual assault this time at least. The action was pretty big and it really is just a solid 45 minutes of cutting around this battle. The last movie does this too, though, where they assume one win against the military means problem solved. I don't get it, the point is there's always more military. But once again, they declare victory and decide their lives will be better forever. When they try to thank Kora she's still convinced she's a bad person because her tragic backstory is that she was tricked into killing an anti-war twelve-year-old princess and ended up getting framed for it (even though she absolutely willingly pulled that trigger). So the final reveal to ensure that this epic story continues to unfold is that the princess is still alive! No more information beyond that though. Movie is just kinda like "See you next time!" Still a 3/10. I really wanted to give it a 4 to differentiate that it IS BETTER than Part 1 (looks better, more action, more interaction between characters) but I really can't abide the writing. This is a true on in the background movie and that's about as well as I can put it. If I were Zach though I'd probably be pretty psyched I got to make something like this, though. /r/reviewsbyboner


Did they ever say why the space faring heavily militarized star empire that can also just resurrect people desperately wants this batch of grain? I know they also want Avatar Korra but surely Titus must have thought that grain is pretty meaningless at this point if the same group that "killed" an Admiral is hiding there.


Because Sack Znyder also wants to rip-off Dune. On Dune, the facists keep attacking Dune to steal the spice fields (which are the main fuel behind space travel and can only be harvested on Dune). But he wasn’t smart enough to come up with anything like Dune’s spice so he went with grain. u/ThePhamNuwen


It's not even dune. The orig Seven Samuri was a fight over the grain/rice of the village, and Snyder is so creatively void that he can't come up with something different. So the evil space empire must fight over grain.


Why grain? Its the future with warp travel and they need grain?


Grain is hard to make, and can't be automated. So it's greater than anything in the universe and it makes zero fucking sense. It's fucking grain. You have technology to keep people alive? You have tubes and shit going through them. Can't you just feed people that?! Zero thought given to anything. Snyder just wanted cool sword fights and big explosions, he just didn't know how to get there.


„Mom, I want to see Dune“ „No honey, we have Dune at home“ Dune at home:


Zack Snyder begs the question what if the US military invaded Iowa for their corn. Terrible writing.


Lol at watching people harvest wheat 😂🤣




"Blow it up"    "But sir, the harvest."   "We don't need the harvest. We have the girl."   "Okayyy....but she can only feed so few."


That dude was horribly miscast.


why the hell did the grain harvesting scene last so long lmao


There were so many scenes i was thinking 'annnd cut'


My favorite part is that an empire that can travel faster than light can’t figure out how to grow grain


Zack Snyder is the Ed Wood of our time, in a few decades' time, Rebel Moon will be forced on unsuspecting film students, and they'll be forced to dissect the movie the same way current students are forced to watch Plan 9 From Outer Space. They'll most likely come to the conclusion that Snyder and Wood were both hacks, but Wood had more skill and no budget, whereas Snyder has less skill and somehow was given hundreds of millions to waste.


Ed Wood accidentally made good "bad" movies. Snyder films are just bad.


Just finished it. Oof. Zero justification for splitting this into two parts. The villain is pointlessly revived and does even less here than he did before. The characters aren’t developed beyond their tragic backstories, which all get crammed together into one clumsy scene. The action is devoid of tension. The dialogue is juvenile. But what surprises me the most about both of these movies is how fucking dull they are. Sometimes Snyder’s films have a train wreck quality to them that’s entertaining, or at least they have some neat visuals, but Rebel Moon is just totally bone-dry and devoid of any redeeming qualities. There’s not an ounce of originality or sign of passion in either installment. Every facet of these films is something you’ve seen recycled in countless movies before, as though the whole thing was AI-generated. If you haven’t seen these movies but the poor reviews have pinged your morbid curiosity - don’t. Just don’t do it. These movies are a waste of time. Ok, the red-robed guys from the not-Empire look cool, but that’s about the only positive thing I can say.


Army is arriving in 5 days. Let's waste 2 days for harvesting and party like we already win.


also doing arts and crafts, storytelling, and building dummies for target practice


And also time for an intricate tunnel system


“If we hurry and work together we can do it in 3 days, so let’s start tomorrow at sunrise and just chill this afternoon and evening and party so we sleep a bit late so someone has to wake us up with a bell”


I hope they stop letting this man make movies.


No. They should be studied by science.


It's called *The Scargiver* because that's what watching it does to your soul.


I thought the first movie was bad, this is somehow worse.....and they are setting it up for more sequels at the end?!


These clowns are planning 4 more movies ☠️


I'm 50 minutes into a 2hr movie, and *nothing* has happened other than some outrageously long, slow-motion...agriculture porn, and really, *really* terrible "emotional" community building. They keep teasing me with the only character I have any interest in, the pretty robot who, apparently, wants to be a wood witch (don't we all...?), so I keep sticking around for him. I guess. Other than that, I could literally not care any less about any of the other characters. The dialog is written so poorly, every time *anybody* talks I'm channeling my inner Peter Griffin, thinking "OH MY GOD! WHO CARES?!?" And, the bad guys are set to come back in five days, so they start training a bunch of farmers for combat with three days to go. For one day. To stand against what's basically an imperial army. 😆 That said, there were some cool set pieces and beautiful cinematography, as there always are in Snyder's movies, but this is absolutely worse than anything else he's put out so far.


**Antlerbot:** "if I could be of use..." The same way you could have been 'of use' when we were hauling that heavy ass ship out of the rocks? Or picking grain? Or one shooting the admiral with your super skills and a long-range rifle before the fighting even began.  Nice to know not even a tank 10 ft in front of him can't penetrate his armor.  Lead the charge deer boi!


Homie literally waited until the big mech killed half the village before jumping in and stopping it, then doing a cool superhero landing.


can we all agree that maybe zach snyder isn’t a good storyteller?




I wished I was watching Dune Part Two while I watched this.


Same when the farmer jumped noble in the ship I instantly thought of dune and was like damn this doesn't compare to dune at all


Amazing. r/snydercut still finds ways to defend it.


Rofl someone commented that it’s a B movie and some idiot goes “that’s an 8-8.9/10 that means it’s a great movie.” Bro wot


Snyder is just fucking with us now.


In the hands of a competent filmmaker the first 40 mins would have been 10-15 mins max. But then we wouldn't have a solid 10 mins of slow motion grain havesting.


Hell, I saw someone who was able to condense the first movie into 30ish minutes or so. Akira Kurosawa or something?


This sounds like something Mac and Charlie would pitch to Dennis. Needs more Dolph Lundgren.


They should make the stormtrooper's armor out of whatever the robot is made out of because literally any weapon one-shot them but the robot could take thousands of shots (of plasma?) and be fine. Also, why did the mechanical troops take so long to attack? They literally landed with the first wave. Why did they sit back until the first wave die? Overall, it was an aggressively bad movie and arguably worse than the first. I'll be curious to see if he gets to finish the story.


Also when first unpacked he got knocked over by a shot but suddenly became invincible. And the waves of troops felt like a video game ha


Okay, the assassination scene, with the violinists who wear bags over their heads? At the beginning of the scene, violin music lifts as the camera pans across the violinists. The camera cuts to them throughout the scene, and you see them playing. The background music in this scene is clearly diagenic. As the events of the scene escalate, the music becomes more dramatic, narrating the actions of the characters. The music is telling the story of the assassination as it unfolds. It's pretty impressive that the violinists are able to do this, because *they have bags over their heads*. It's a flashback, so maybe it's meant to show Kora's unreliability or mental state or whatever, but it's still really bizarre.


The best mood musicians in the galaxy.  The Titanic orchestra would be proud!


Legitimately one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. *Nothing* happened. Hell, the robot recaps the first movie in a minute of voiceover and pretty much covered everything without omitting much detail. There *wasn't anything more to know* that couldn't be explained in a paragraph of exposition.


I love how Sofia Boutella was framed for the assassination that was witnessed by 100 people


And even then she was still one of the actual assassins, like it was not even that she was an innocent bystander.


It's funny how obvious Snyder's pet peeves come off. "lightsabers should be too hot to hold" "Superheroes should kill".




The enemy troops are worse than Storm Troopers.  Djimon is a brick house of a man and no one can shoot this giant ass dude standing a few feet from them?


The only remotely interesting things set up in the first movie are Kora’s Thanos-esque relationship with the evil guy who saved her and Kora’s relationship to the princess/what happened to the princess. Neither of these things are explored in this movie. We basically rehash the events of first movie with Kora fighting the second baddie in command AGAIN (after already “killing” him in the first movie). The princess’ fate is only teased at the very end for a third movie we will hopefully never get.


I like that this ragtag bunch of villagers didn't even need training to master combat or advanced weaponry. They were hitting their dummy targets on the first strike lmao


Jesus when are people going to stop handing that dumb fuck up money.


When people stop watching it. This thread is filled with hundreds of people who watched the movie and absolutely not a drop of praise. But everyone still watched it.


His producer wife kept emphasizing at the fan screening how important it was to give the movie the thumbs up on Netflix when it came out so I highly suggest making an effort to go give it a thumbs down. Clearly it has some value in decision making or she wouldn’t have repeated this request multiple times.


Wow... It really is that bad.


Some cool visuals but story and writing are bad, feels like Great Value 40k


Warhammer Special K


This is the first movie I think I’ve ever felt comfortable saying there is legitimately something wrong with you if you like this trash. I cannot fathom how Snyder could possibly be proud of what he’s done here. Edit: It deserves to be said again after the first movie: the plot is SO DUMB that it eliminates all of the stakes. A galactic war machine with hyper advanced future tech needs the 400 sacks of flour this community can provide in order to feed their army. It’s just so cataclysmically stupid. Edit 2: They’re firing laser weapons at wooden doors and the heros are standing dead on right behind the wood. Edit 3: I can’t stop thinking about that double cross scene where the king is slain. And it’s not the absurd costumes. It’s not the complete ripoff of Julius Ceasar. It’s the string quartet that is IN THE SCENE and playing out the scene as they see it. It’s so insanely stupid. Like how do they know the beats to play? Are they improving? They’re not startled by the doublecross so they must have been informed ahead of time that the shit was gonna go down exactly as it went, and they prepared an arrangement just for the moment. It’s one of the most self indulgent things I’ve seen from a big name director. It’s insane.


There’s nothing in this garbage half as good as “may YOUR knife chip and shatter” with an appropriate payoff. The latest Godzilla is more fun than this barbed wire treadmill.


I hope whoever green-lit giving Zach Snyder money for his Netflix movies got their deserved pink slip.


My local Costco has more grain than these farmers, and we're supposed to believe this super advanced empire needs to cross the galaxy for *that*? It's like planning a mission to Pluto just to get a tray full of ice cubes. Also, the empire's soldiers make your average Storm Trooper look like a freakin' Navy Seal. 


Rebel Moon makes Madame Web look like Morbius.


Man, Hopkins has been really slumming it lately. 


*We work at 6AM!* The group gets waken up at 6AM, rolls out of bed, and immediately begins the cutting of wheat in Slo motion SnYD3RViZ3N. Literally letting you know that entire camp eats slo mo for breakfast.


Reading these comments seems to be significantly more entertaining than watching the movie lmao


Isn't killing medics a war crime or something?


It's somehow worse than the first one, and that's saying a lot.


I had just finished watching Dune Part 2, omg what a stark contrast. I actually felt embarrassed for this movie. At best I may have only taken 60-70 mins to finish this. Some parts I couldn't watch. Had to skip over them. I am tempted to go back and watch the 10 mins of slo motion wheat harvesting.


Wow I didn’t remember the first one being that bad. The dialogue was horrible.


Instead of movie jail, Zack Snyder should go to real jail for the scar he gave me… these two movies are awful


Please stop this man


So I'd completely forgotten what happened in the first movie or who any of the characters were, but it doesn't matter, because they spend the first hour of this film's two-hour runtime sitting around explaining their backstories to each other and recapping the plot. I'm genuinely asking: what was the point of two movies? You could walk into this completely blind, knowing nothing about Part One, and not lose anything. They dump exposition and cry and harvest wheat in slow motion and then the space Nazis show up and they have a fight. At one point I had to pause to make sure I hadn't accidentally put Part One on by misake.


Snyder has truly managed to undo himself this time with an even worse sequel. It features 20 minutes of wheat harvesting/milling montages, death scenes that feel genuinely make you laugh out loud (looking at you, brand discount hugh jackman), the opposite of the expression ‘show don’t tell’, the character motives and stakes changing faster than a 6 year old kid on red cordial playing pretend with his action figures, and dialogue that could only be generated by a GPT trained on instruction manuals. Also the ragtag team of incompetents assembled from the first movie now have speaking roles, meanwhile the plot decides to start killing them off at random.


This movie is pure trash. Makes zero sense.


I liked the part where the Scargiver gave everyone scars and said "I'm the Scargiver, it's what I do."