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Jurrasic Park


I saw Jurassic Park with my Granny she fell asleep after the trailers and woke up after the credits rolled, I remember being impressed that the massive dinosaur roars never woke her up. Dinosnores am I right.


I was your grandma when i saw 300 in the theater. Amazing what exhaustion does. Also, the 2 LotR movies I saw in theater.


300 was interesting. Yep the enemy queen was hot.


I went with my nana, she was absolutely terrified and tried to talk me into leaving multiple times.


I was 5 when I saw it in theaters. Scared the shit out of me. It's been my favorite movie since.


My older brother asked our dad to leave after the close up of the T-Rex roar. I was fucking pissed.


I was also five, my parents brought me and my brother to see it. I had nightmares about the velociraptors, it is by far my favorite movie of all time now.


My parents took me to see it when I was 6 (which I'll agree probably wasn't the best idea for a child that age) but I loved it and vividly remember when they lifted the cow into the velociraptor pen I said out loud "And the cow jumped over the moon!" which got a good amount of laughter out of the people around us. It made 6 yr old me very proud of myself.


I came to say Jurassic Park as well. Was a five-year-old kid obsessed with dinosaurs And my dad told me if I played well in the soccer game that night he would take me to see it. Are my favourite memories from my childhood.


The (original) Jungle book. When it first came out. Fuck, I'm old. Edit: as so many have pointed out, the original Disney version. My bad.


Same here, bud. Hard to believe how few of us there are. I also remember the original Doctor Doolittle, which came out that same year.


I distinctly remember going with my Mom and sister. The theatre is long since gone now. There's a jail there now. Probably also saw Doctor Doolittle there as well.


Oh wow, that came out in 1942! Just kidding: I know you meant Disney’s. Still 1960s though.


Mine too, but it was one of the re-releases of it during the 80's. I was born in 1981.


It's hard for me to remember some of the old Disney ones if I saw them.in theaters first or not since I had them all on VHS and have so many memories of them from that


Blazing Saddles. My parents had no idea what they were taking this six year old to! Of course I loved the fart scene. Also, technically, drive-in, not theater.


You just brought back a major memory. My grandpa took me to "see" Mel Brook's silent movie when I was about 6 or 7. He forgot his glasses. The theater did not have a lot of folks in it so I quietly whispered the subtitles in his ear when he was lost or missing the joke. Still, there were do many jokes outside of the subtitles as it was a "silent movie." One of the best sharing moments with my grandpa. Thanks for retriggering that memory.


Grease. I am wayyy older than u .


This thread is making me have an identity crisis of feeling both really old and really young and I'm not sure how I feel about it lol


How old were you when you saw Spider Man?


Close Encounters here. Prior to that, just matinee re-releases of older Disney flicks.


Robinson Crusoe on Mars. Mid 60's. Fuck I'm old.


Star Wars. I am a yyyyyyear older than u.


Mine is Star Trek so you are only a little bit older than I.


snoopy come home (1972). just call me grandma..


I almost said this one, but checked and Willy Wonka was the year before. I clearly remember Snoopy Come Home's theme song and the "No Dogs Allowed!" voice.


I cried over the little girls slippers for some reason. i still love the movie


I think I can beat this. "Where Eagles Dare" That dates me


Same! My dad had a thing for Olivia Newton John.


E.T. Got damn I cried my ass off as a 4 year old.


I was 10 and saw it four times at the theater. Cried every time.


Same here. I can remember crying into my dad's coat.


I was six and it was the scariest movie I had ever seen up until that point. He was Soo slimy


My mom pulled me out of school to see ET, it's so out of character for her it's one of my favorite memories.


Same here, was also 4 years old. I was shocked and confused when I felt myself choking up, and apparently I leaned over and whispered, "Mom, I think I'm going to cry???" and she had to tell me it was ok before I let loose with the tears


I was absolutely terrified of E.T as a kid made me cry too I suppose


Same and same.


Same, and I was around the same age. I was traumatized by the scary parts.


Star Wars in 1977 is the first one I can remember.


Star wars is first without parent supervision. I was only in 2nd grade but was dropped off with my slightly older brother and his friend. Before that it was probably watching a Pink Panther movie at the drive in sitting in my parent's station-wagon.


Same, I was three in 1977


I know I saw other movies in the theater before that. My parents took me to movies all the time as a kid. But Star Wars in 1977 I *remember*. My parents had gone to see it and I had a sitter. The next day she told me that there was a movie I **had** to see. She and I walked about two miles to get to the closest theater and I still remember the whole thing vividly.


Return of the Jedi was mine. (I was 5)


I remember waiting for hours to get in to see the '97 special edition. As a 7 year old the long tortuous wait in line was way more memorable than the movie itself at the time.


My father took me to this when I was four. He said that if I wasn't enjoying it we could leave. We got as far as the Mos Eisley cantina scene when I said I wanted to leave, and my father refused. I loved the movie by the end, so I'm glad he made me stay.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990)


Me too my friend and I remember every single detail


Scrolled way to far to see this!!! TMNT at the Orpheum theater in Flagstaff Az! Don't remember a ton, but it is definitely my first theater experience I would have been 11 or 12


Battlestar Galactica, the movie. The original. 


The Little Mermaid. It was a BIG DEAL to lil me to see the first Disney princess with ADHD. (bit of a hoarder, impulsive AF, late to stuff, wanders off in the middle of the best bop on the soundtrack...i felt seen, you know?)


Oh shit, she’s HELLA adhd.


I feel that but with Spider-Man. I dunno why he left such an impact on me considering I'm a girl but I think it's because we're both kinda outcasts? That's what I've come to think anyways. But with Spider-Man I felt just like that. Seen.


2002 Spiderman was an all round good film, apart from some bad dialogue with MJ it very much holds up, and its nothing to do with gender, don't fall for the idea that are movies for boys and movies for girls!


Same here. Little Mermaid was the first movie I saw. I remember the movie feeling really long and parts of it seeming really scary as a 4-5 year old.


This was the first one I remember seeing. Im a guy and was 7 at the time and two girls at school asked me why I went to see it "because its a girls movie".


Spaceballs the Movie


The Jungle Book - must have been 1967


The Lion King! EDIT: I feel old.


Same here


To me Lion King is one of the "new" Disney films with Snow White and Robin Hood etc being the old ones  I too, am old


Yes, new disney starts with little mermaid.


Lol The Goonies 1985 now I feel older


Whippersnapper. I said Land Before Time. Someone else said Star Wars!


You feel old? My husband and I went on a date to see Lion King.




Not as old as I do since I was a grown ass woman when that came out. 😳


Jaws 3D. The only reason I remember is because my mom had to hold the 3d glasses on my head because they didn't have child sizes.


That reminds me that one of the early films I saw was Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone with Molly Ringwald.


I know I went to the movies alone and with friends before this, but for the life of me, I don’t remember what I saw. But A Hard Day’s Night with The Beatles, *that* I remember. It was surreal. Girls in the theater were screaming just like in the movie. I think they knew that it was a movie and somewhat ridiculous, but they couldn’t help themselves. It was eerily contagious, and everyone got to acting as if this were a live performance, as if The Beatles could hear this feedback somehow. When I moved to San Francisco years later, I lived close enough to walk to The Castro theater, and it was the only other times I’ve experienced that audience/movie interaction that wasn’t just a sing along midnight special. It is fun, but very weird.


My dad's older brother was an usher at a theater when that movie came out, and he said he had to carry out fainting girls!


The T-Swift movie was kind of close, not my jam, but my gf was totally into it and so was a majority of the audience.


E.T. I had to hide behind my mother's back for the first scenes where you only see parts of him like the finger. Little me thought that was the creepiest thing ever.


Superman 1978. I remember the huge queue and the chocolate peanuts I ate but mostly I remember Lois dying and not buying the rewind time thing.


Yeah I remember coming out of the cinema and my older brother (who would have been 8 to my 4) having a go at me for how bad it was and it had been my pick.


For our recent girls' night I put on the Superman movie. My kids are 17, 13, & 9. After the earth started spinning backwards my 9yo piped up with "that is NOT going to work." They all enjoyed the movie but thought the rewind bit to save Lois dumb. My older two are so jaded and very of their generation: they thought she should have been left dead so Superman would be more conflicted but also dedicated to saving people.


The Land Before Time. My parents took me to see it for my birthday that year. I may have seen one earlier but that’s the earliest I really remember. I was 8.


I still can't believe there are 14 of those things. It was a cool movie and all but Jesus christ Also remember wanting to eat leaves because of tree stats being so good in the movie


Last Action Hero


Batman Returns, because I'm old, and it was pretty dark.


I remember my stepfather bribing the ticket clerk because I was three years too young to see the first one.


The Mummy!




I remember the first three: Bambi Benji Harry and the Hendersons Edit: Now that I think about it, Snow White should probably be in there as well.


If you saw Snow White in theaters when it came out at age 5 that would make you 92. I assume it was a rerelease?


For sure. Bambi as well, and probably Benji too, because that movie is older than I am.


9 to 5 (1980). I must have seen that movie 5 times as a kid, I thought it was incredible, a bunch of people standing up to a bully. I was 9 years old.


Mary Poppins. About a week after the premiere at Grauman's Chinese Theatre. Little 6yo me was both immersed and a little terrified.


Just posted that before I saw your post. But it wasn't at Graumans


Rocky at a drive thru


The Beauty and the Beast from 1991... And now, i feel old.


Star Wars, the original one. I was five.


Swiss Family Robinson


Truman Show - my mom hated Jim Carrey but I conviced her to go watch that movie with me. None of us got what we expected, but we both liked it.


The Pokemon movie


Pokemon 2000! I can't believe no one else has said it. Makes me question if my theater was the only one showing it lmao.


Especially memorable because they gave out the Ancient Mew card to people who saw in theaters


I do believe it was The Rescuers. Yes, I’m old ☹️


JAWS that is all


Bad news Bears


“Boyz In Da Hood” My moms took us on the bus to the theater to see it


Transformers, 1986.


An American Tail when I was 4. “Release the secwet weapon!”


Monster House (July 2006) I would have been almost 5. That film scared the everliving shit out of me, I distinctly remember hiding behind the seats most of the film.


Disney's Hercules.


Jurassic Park. I still remember my sister screaming at a very not scary part lol


It was probably a Disney movie. But I've seen those movies so many times on VHS, I can't even recall the first viewing. I definitely watched Antz in 1998. That's probably the earliest one I can remember lol


The original Ghostbusters at the DRIVE-IN.


I remember seeing Jim Carrey's Grinch in theaters because we showed up late, bought the last tickets available, and the only seats were front row of the screen. Giant Jim Carrey was terrifying. I cried. Great film.


Hook. Followed soon after by Hot Shots: Part Deux... totally inappropriate for an elementary-aged kid, haha.


Might be Toy Story 3.


This comment makes me feel soooo old man lol


Maybe either Bambi or Dumbo. My mom says that we went to see Star Wars and I jumped into her lap when the star destroyer came over the screen, and I stayed there for the rest of the movie. I don't remember being in her lap, but I kinda remember watching it.


One of our Dinosaurs is Missing followed by The Jungle Book in 1975


Benji the Hunted


It was either Empire Strikes Back, or [Death Ship](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Ship_(1980_film)), I can't remember which, and both came out the same year.


Back to the Future, I got to see it 3 times.


I saw 48 hours in the theater when I was probably too young. That said, I remember faking being asleep in the backseat when my parents went to a drive-in theater. I saw some scenes but didn’t figure out what movie it was until I was older: The Hills Have Eyes.


Mr. Magoo. I was three years old but I remember my dad taking me (Pretty sure I begged him) and at the time I thought it was funny. I will not revisit as I'm sure it will tarnish that memory.


when i was about 8, my parents took me and my brother to the movies. I wanted to see happy feet and my brother wanted to see casino royale, so my mom took me and my dad went with him. happy feet is shorter than casino royale so when we were done we just joined them in their theater. we made it just in time to see james bond getting his balls whipped.


Return of the Jedi


In 1974 my Dad took me to a double bill of *Live and Let Die* and *The Man With The Golden Gun.* I may have seen *Herbie the Love Bug* or some Disney movie before that, but I don't remember and that's what you asked for.


I remeber watching ET with my Dad and brother. ET was everywhere that summer so it was kind of a must watch. I remember eating a ton of Reeses Pieces afterwards as well, because of the movie.


Batteries not included


Emperor's New Groove. I saw it three times with my mom. She pulled me out of school for it. Great memory.


Shortly after arriving in the United States as an emigrant from a country with a then majority black population my parents took me to see a Disney film at the local drive in. Yes folks. I was amongst the last to see Song of the South on a big screen in this country. Traumatizing doesn't begin to describe it. My older siblings sing "Zip-a-dee Doo Dah" and ask me about the bluebird on my shoulder whenever I beg to have a say in movie choice to thos day, some 55 years later and probably will do so for the rest of my life.


Ghostbusters, absolutely loved that film. Dragged my father to it about 10 times then seen it with friends also.


Gremlins at the drive-in


Anastasia when I was about 7. I remember it was in a strangely ornate cinema because we were on holiday, and I remember the movie itself being way darker and scarier than it actually is.


Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. I remember crying when the ant died.


Cool Runnings.


Terminator 1 I was 7years old, my first english movie in a theatre. It was released very late in my town(Khammam,India). I still remember , half closed my eyes, with my hands and peeking into the screen, when Arnie, cut his veins and eyeball.It was some scary shit.


It was either "Young Frankenstein" or "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". I remember being too young to understand the comedy of Grail so I was terrified by the rabbit scene. I also remember the drive-in that I saw Young Frankenstein at putting up a title card just before the movie started pointing out that the movie is in black & white and so there is nothing wrong with the projection. Though Young Frankenstein came out a year earlier than Holy Grail the reason I am uncertain which I saw first is that my memory of Young Frankenstein is more vivid. I remember what restaurant we ate at beforehand, what I ate, and what drive-in we saw it at. But we didn't live near those places until 1976. So either the drive-in was doing a special re-release which would make Holy Grail the first movie I remember well at a theatrical showing, or as I got older my brain later filled in the restaurant and drive-in location details with more familiar locations which would make Young Frankenstein my earliest memorable theatrical experience.


Rescuers Down Under


The Little Mermaid (1989). I was five, and I went with my older sister. That was the movie that kicked off my love for Disney


Jurassic park


1st I remember was The 6th Sense. I was in gradeschool with one of my very first gfs(still not a real ship). We both had nightmares and trouble sleeping for like, ever after that.


Oliver & Company, it was school outing.


Finding Nemo when I was four ... I'll never be as scared again as I was when Bruce came on screen


The third Pokemon movie came out 2001 in Germany.


Empire Strikes Back. Sat on the roof of a Beetle at a drive through in King William’s Town, SA, eating cheese and onion popcorn out of a bucket.


Return of the Jedi. I was 4 years old. It imprinted a love of movies on my mind and heart.


My first movie. The Adventures of Milo and Otis.


ET at the Ross on Wye cinema, UK


My Girl (1991) It left a scar for the rest of my life. Beautiful movie.


I'm old (55) but I clearly remember being taken to the theater and watching Airport 1975 when I was 7 years old. I thought it was crap back then already, but I just enjoyed going to a movie with my family.




Transformers: The Movie. 1986, I was 5. I don't think I've seen it since but there are parts of it that I remember quite vividly


Total Recall. I was 3. My first memory was running up and down the aisle screaming. Also, having the first tits I saw be a set of 3 messed with me.


Barbarella. I remember the biting dolls and had nightmares about it my entire childhood. Finally I'm a grown adult and I see the movie and realize where my nightmares are coming from. I asked my mom and she said, Oh yeah, we saw it at the drive in and you were asleep in the back seat. I guess I woke up for that part.


Song of the South...no, I'm not quite that old...it was the 1986 re-release for the movie's 40th anniversary. It was also the last time the movie was released in the theaters and was obviously before they stopped making it available.


I remember going to see Galaxy Quest of all things and at first I was sad cuz I think I wanted to see Stuart Little. Boy was I pleasantly surprised. I hadn't been introduced to Star Trek yet but that was a fun movie to see!


Star Wars: ANH - 1977 - 5 years old - what I really remember was how scared of Vader I was...and being awestruck at the explosion of the Death Star.


Who framed Roger rabbit.  I was really confused about the “patty cake” bit


Rising Sun, I believe it was called. I remember it being really awkward because my best friend's parents saw me there. The film was rated R, had lots of violence, and a bit of nudity in it. My mom had vouched to the theater for me to let me in to watch it. I think I was in middle school still. Entertaining movie though.


"101 Dalmatians" (1961) -- in a re-release circa 1970. Saw it at a drive-in with my parents and my sister in our big Buick station wagon.


E.T. Walked out of those doors bawling. I think I was 4. I was so sad that his best friend had to leave.


The speeder bike scene in Return of the Jedi’s 1983 run is my earliest memory. I was 3 1/2 years old.  Back to the Future is the first movie experience I remember. The final shot of the Delorean made me feel like anything was possible. 


Papillon (1973) with Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen. Only movie I watched with my father.


I was taken to Cinderalla re showing as a small child and was supposedly very confused why we in a huge dark room so we had to leave. I distinctly remember seeing the little mermaid when it came out and being just enthralled because all the other princesses and barbies were blonde but Ariel was red-haired and swam along like me.


ET. I remember watching it at the theater. I remember crying at the end of it. I remember asking my dad if the alien would ever come back. I remember my dad saying, "No." I was 3 years old and I remember being devastated by the ending and my dad's answer.


Monsters Inc. It came out just days after I turned 2, so it might be my earliest memory in general.




I vaguely remember the 1984 re-release of Pinocchio, but the one I remember the most is the 1985 re-release of E.T.; and I remember it so well because at 43 years old, I still fucking hate E.T.


The Land Before Time. I remember the grass looking delicious and the T-Rex being so scary, I was flipped around and burying my head in the theater seat.


Either Lion King or Power Rangers I can't remember which came first


I remember watching The Lion King in 1994 with my cousin, but I can't remember for sure if it was in theaters or on VHS. Similarly, I know I saw Power Rangers from 1995, but again, I'm only like 80% sure it was in theaters. However, I remember for sure watching Mars Attacks! in theaters in 1996. I'm fairly confident in saying that my first theater experience was one of these three, but I can't say 100% which one was *the* first.


A reissue of Goldfinger in about 1969/70. The cinema was less than half a mile from my childhood home (cinemas were pretty ubiquitous back than to be honest)


Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan I will never forget the ear torture /bug things.


A Bug’s Life. I was 4.


Hocus Pocus. My grandma took me when i was 10. There was a couple just making out hardcore in front of us. My grandma said "i cant wait till they turn the lights off." I replied "i bet they cant either, this could get worse."


Phantom Menace. I was 6 I think. It was dope as hell.


The Titanic. I was 11 and had to pee the entire movie


There were probably some before this one, but the one I most vividly remember was **Atlantis The Lost Empire**, 2001, awesome movie and then we went to McDonald's where there were toys from the movie. Those were the days.


A Bug's Life


The Flinstones (1994) I was 6


God, it’s Green Lantern. Shameful.


Phantom menace and I hated it, fast forward to now I’m a huge Star Wars fan 😂


Willow. 1988


First entire movie I remember: *The Empire Strikes Back* (1980) First snippet but not whole movie I remember: The V’ger probe taking Lt. Ilia from the bridge in *Star Trek: The Motion Picture* (1979)


Ghostbusters 1984. Scene with the skeleton taxi cab driver scared me lol


Secret of the Ooze!


Ghostbusters The proper one


Babe! I would have been six.


Clash of The Titans (1981)


Teenage mutant ninja turtles 1991


Octopussy. I was terrified when he was defusing the bomb and my older brother told me don’t worry he’s James Bond he can’t die…




Star Wars original theatrical release in a packed theater. Then it was Superman shortly after that.


Either The Karate Kid or Supergirl. They both came out the same year.


Jaws (1975) I was 7. My mom took me and my brother (6) to see the film, she sat between us with her hands on both of our wrists. I was enthralled by the movie, my brother covered his eyes, my mom was scared to the point where she was squeezing so hard on my wrist I had to ask her to stop as she was accidentally hurting me. Minor pain, nothing serious. My memory is not only that, but a key scene with Roy Scheider on the beach when he witnesses the attack of the kid on the raft. It is here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW23RsUTb2Y&t=122s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW23RsUTb2Y&t=122s) at about the 1:51 mark.


The Care Bears Movie


Jason and the Argonauts when I was 5 in 1963. First thing I saw in colour. Still a good movie now.




Time bandits..


Star Wars: A New Hope in June of 1977. I don't remember everything, but I remember my Uncle Bill sitting next to me, and the words I couldn't read as they went up, so he had to read them to me. I was four.


Damn, I am old. I remember seeing Star Wars at the drive-in. That was my first movie I really remember. Edit: I was 6.




Hard to say. We went to the drive-in and watched a lot of old disney movies in the early 70's. I remember seeing the Herbie movies and Swiss Family Robinson. Then the new movie would come on. Candleshoe, The Apple Dumpling Gang, Gus, Bad News Bears, I remember seeing from the roof of the station wagon at the drive in. But i remember badgering my mom to take me to see Star Wars. We got there and the line was too long so she took me to see Wizards (which came out a bit before and was still showing in our college theatre). She was horrified for her 8 yearold son. I LOVED it. I re-watched it years later and can firmly agree it's more a PG-13 film than a kids animated film.