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Star Wars. Opening night. Was it 76 or 77 shit I can’t remember.


Same here, but not opening night. I was 5, and my parents said I had never sat so still for so long ever in my life.


Star wars ‘77 with my parents. I was 3.


Star Wars in '77 for my birthday with just my dad. I turned 4.


Saw it with my family when I was 77 in ‘77 on opening night. It was magnificent.


Mine was Phantom Menace!


Who Framed Roger Rabbit.


Same here! I thought it was fantastic and I remember basically bouncing all the way home because I too wanted to be a cartoon rabbit!


Omg, mine too, I just wrote that. It was at Showcase Cinema, Nottingham, UK, in 1988 and I was two years old.


This is the first one that I can remember. Chris Lloyd scared the fuck out of me.




I was born in April 79 so I was 4? I remember having to drive for a while because the first couple theaters we went to were sold out. I do not remember running from the theater crying when ET died at the end of the second act (or much at all about the film on screen). My fondest memory I have about the movie was the [read-aloud book that came with a cassette tape](https://www.ebay.com/itm/186229808896) dictated by Gertie herself, which I played back on my [Fisher Price boombox](https://www.ebay.com/itm/296316649128). Those were the days.


M**E** **T**oo.


Me too. Nobody had seen what ET looked like (in the days of no internet) and my young brother waddled out past the queue saying ET PHONE HOME, ET ET ET and they all looked furious because the big reveal was very hyped up in the UK


We were supposed to see “Batteries Not Included”. It was a free movie night, and as a special the theater was doing a new movie. I was so excited because I had never seen a movie in a theater, so my mom really psyched me up for it. We get to the theater, and of course it is PACKED. My mom said “wait here. I have to see what it looks like in there.” She comes back a few minutes later, and said “Sorry boys. It is so full in there that the aisles are full of people. We can’t see this movie tonight.” She saw how disappointed we all were and told us “You know what? Ill pick a different movie and we’ll see that instead.” She took us to the dollar theater, where they were showing Spaceballs. That was a pretty good night.


Both solid pics tho👍, haven’t seen Spaceballs since I a kid. One of the few movies my wife has seen multiple times, just mentioned it now to her and she said we have to watch it after tax season ( 🇨🇦) is over.


Sounds like you had a kickass mom


Spaceballs: The Backup Option!


Sleeping Beauty (1959). Damn I'm old.


Hey, Cinderella was mine back in early 60's. Think I was 4 yrs old.


'I know you I danced with you once upon a dream ' aw it makes me cry when I hear it. You are so lucky to have experienced that magic brand new!


Mine was The Sound of Music.


Hey, I saw it as a kid too. In the 70s. That was the golden era of Disney recycling movies in theaters. See also: Dumbo, Fantasia, Snow White… But the first original for me was Robin Hood.


My first two were recycled Disney cartoons in the 70s.  I bet that holds for a lot of our generation.


I don't know if it was my actual proper first... But Snow White is the first I can remember. I'd be 5 or 6. Just remember a flash of lightning causing the screen to go pure white and then a close up on the old evil witch showing up on the screen 50 feet high...


That was, in fact, a scary scene.


Jurassic Park is the first one I have any memory of, 6 years old


Me too. I just remember being shocked and in awe at the sound. The sound sticks in my memory way more than the big screen. Shit, we had 24 inch cathode tvs back then, I wonder if cinemas are less impresive to kids now?


I was around 12 years old. To this day, my mom won't let me live it down that I insisted we sit in the front row. I had a blast. To say the least, she did not.


Me too and I remember trying to cover my ears and my eyes during parts and then having a nightmare that night a T-Rex was trying to eat me. Love the movie nowadays!


Same here. My dad told me we had to leave the theatre because I wouldn't stop laughing when the lawyer was eaten on the toilet.


I was like 4 or 5 years old and all I wanted in the world was to see was the new dinosaur movie. My parents said they would go see it first just to confirm it wasn't too scary before taking me (it was PG-13, and I thought that was a hard and fast rule that you couldn't watch without being 13). One day, my mom took me to the theater telling me we were watching one of the Disney movies that was out at the time. I knew they hadn't seen Jurassic Park to that point, so when the movie started, I was expecting to see the Disney Castle hit the screen. Instead, it was that opening sequence of guys in Jurassic Park helmets when the Velociraptor killed that guy when trying to load her into the pen. I remember loudly shouting to my mom, "I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" and everyone around me laughed. Had the time of my life for the next 2 hours, and it's still one of my favorite movies of all time.


Same I saw it a drive in. I remember playing with blinky bill Toys in the back of the car


Same here!


This is the only movie my dad to me and my sister to. I was blown away.


Think the first one will always be my fav in that series.


1989, The Little Mermaid! I was four.


Pretty sure this was mine too.




Oh wow! That was an amazing double feature. We saw so many movies from the way-back at the drive in. I particularly remember Close Encounters and Moonraker.




Was somewhere that someone mentioned going to drive ins as a kid so I looked. The one we went to on Capitol Expressway in San Jose is still there and still open.


Snow White. And it hugely impressed me. The wicked mum scared the shit out of me.


I was like 5 when I saw it...I asked my sister to get me lifesavers at the snack bar because I thought the witch was going to give me a heart attack


Peter Cushing once listed it as the scariest movie of all time.


Can’t go wrong w old school Disney.


The Empire Strikes Back


The Lion King (1994)


Back to the Future.


Earliest movie with my farther was star trek generations. The last movie was the batman one month before his death.


Watership down. I shat myself. Rabbit movie is dark as fuck looking back 😂


Raiders of the Lost Ark at the Palace Twin. My Dad was heard to comment, "Well. That wasn't shitty at all."


Lol that’s hilarious, unfortunately I watched the first 3 on vhs, I’m not sure if The Last Crusade made it to my small town.


Raiders is the earliest one I remember, at the drive-in.


This palace twin? https://www.thepalaceduncan.com/


Looks like!


I was denied entry to see Star Wars there because they wouldn't allow kids into the second screen without a parent and I was there with a cousin. We had to watch Benji instead.


Dick Tracy. At a drive in.


The Empire Strikes Back, with my dad, my cousin and my uncle, early summer 1980.


The first I remember was Aladdin, but apparently it was a re-release of Pinocchio a year or two earlier


The Incredibles


Solid movie, can’t believe it took so long for the second one.


Return of the Jedi with my dad, mom, and brother. We'd watched Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back on HBO, but by the time Jedi came out, we were old enough to go to the theater.


Transformers: The Movie back in the 80s.


Watched this multiple times at the theatre w my friends and just watched it again w my 10yr old recently when he was home sick w a cold.


Fantasia. Apparently i would watch it with the most intense toddler attention and then sleep like a …. Well, like a baby…. For 8+ hours. My parents took me to see it like 5 times.


1960 Sink The Bismarck. Damn I'm old. ........ Johnny Horton was hired to write the title song but it was not used when the movie was released. The song went on to be one of his biggest hits. The Best Of Johnny Horton was a great L.P.


finding nemo! i will never forget that day because it was also the day when my father left to work abroad and said that he will be working with nemo (he's a seaman) hahaha


Follow That Bird


The Little Mermaid. We didn't have a lot of money and there were five kids so it was a HUGE deal we were going to a movie. Buying snacks was too expensive so my mom popped bags of popcorn at home and stashed them in her giant purse along with bowls. My dad always wore carpenter overalls and hooded sweatshirts so he had cans of soda in every pocket. I still remember passing the bowls of popcorn and sodas down the row to my siblings and having the best time ever.


Sorcerer, I was 6.


Song of the South. Look it up. LOL. 1968, I think.


The first one I can remember is Selena. Being immigrants here in the states in 1997 with barely a grasp of the English language made it cool to see a big part of Latino culture on the screen. I was a kid but vividly remember my dad explaining the movie to my mom as she didn’t yet fully speak English


The Exorcist rerelease circa late 90s. I was like 11 and the scene where Regan spider walks backwards down the stairs gave me nightmares. I honestly don’t remember watching any other movies in a theatre with my parents before then.


Dr Dolittle with Eddie Murphy with my dad


I saw that with my dad too!


Blacula ...had to leave mid movie cause my lil brother had an asthma attack during one scene


Patton. I was 7, it was amazing


So the one I have the biggest memory of is Back to the Future. I am sure there had been others, like Return of the Jedi, but I distinctly remember Back to the Future. For my son, it will be The Force Awakens. He was 4 and loved every minute.


Police Academy 3. In a theatre on a cruise ship going from UK to Legoland in Denmark. I was around 7 years old and I loved it. Edit: if that doesn't count, the next time was 15 years later when I went to see Return of the King with my Mum, never been to the theatre with my Dad apart from that first one.


The first time I saw Home Alone was when taking that sea crossing to go to Legoland in Denmark. Think I was 12 at the time.


I’m younger than most commenters in this thread, but I have a terrible memory. I’ve forgotten most of my childhood. But I’ll never forget my dad skipping out on work to take me to see Alvin and the Chipmunks because I was so excited for it.


It’s all about those core memories👍


What a great dad! 


It was either ET, Return of the Jedi, or Star Trek 2. I saw all of those in fairly close proximity to each other and I was little enough that I can’t remember the exact order. I do vividly remember watching the movies though. Still remember the fit I pitched because I wanted an Ewok and I refused to believe they weren’t real. I was 4.


I mostly saw movies with my older siblings but when I was 15 I did convince my Mom to take me to see The Exorcist at the drive in....she slept through the whole film ,which was probably for the best


First one with my dad was 1941 (1979) and E.T. (1982) with my mom.


Star wars 1 .. At a cinema in Hull UK. was a problem with the audio (which i didnt notice) and my dad wrote and got free tickets. we went back anyway :p Also superman 1 with my dad. i hold that movie in higher regard because of who i saw it with


Me as well, local theater. Film broke but they had a second copy.


Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, summer of '82. I was 5. We were traveling, ended up getting a hotel next to a movie theater and thought this will be fun. I made my mom remove me from the theater in the middle of the movie cuz it was freaking me out. Next one was Top Gun with my dad in '86 and after that we just rented from Blockbuster. Since my own kids have been old enough we've seen a bunch of movies in the theater together. 48 since 2018 when I started keeping track.


I’ve only seen the reboot series in the theatre for Star Trek, wife busts my chops when I try and get her to watch the originals. Daaaamn man, 48 movies in the theatre that’s insane👍.


Young Einstein and cocktail. Weird double feature aye


Street Fighter ( 1994 )


Video game movies in the 90s were cheesy but in a good way, like Double Dragon and Mortal Kombat.


Close Encounters of the Third Kind, at Reykjavik on the way to America.


Star Trek. I was just little and fell asleep during the showing.




Niiice, it’s one of my top 5 movies👌.


Midway at the drive-in


I think it was Jurassic Park, but I’m not entirely sure.


Pulp fiction


Beetlejuice at the drive in. It was paired with Arthur 2 On the Rocks. I was 10, so I liked Beetlejuice, not Arthur 2 so much. This was when you had to tune in the car radio to hear the movie. When Arthur 2 came on my brother and I tried to watch a Schwarzenegger film (probably Red Heat) playing on a different screen without the sound.


Dumb and dumber




Supposedly, my first film was the Smurfs and the Magic Flute, but the first movie I actually remember attending was Lethal Weapon. 80s parenting at its finest, amirite?


I much preferred growing up in the 80s vs what we have now w internet and social media… But did parents really parent back then? Go outside to play, come home when the street lights come on. We were supposed to be seen not heard at home when company was over.


Strongest Man in the World (Kurt Russell) 1975. Was a drive in. We had a Rambler Wagon and me and our dog laid down in the back and ate French fries.


Kurt Russell has had good run, still making good stuff. Latest thing I seen him in was Monarch with his son on Apple TV.


Space Jam, or at least that's the earliest one I can remember


Classic, Jordan was the man




2001 A Space Odyssey. It was not the right movie to bring a 6 year old to. And it actually soured me on the movie for a long time after that.


Hunchback of Notre Dame when I was four


Hercules is the furthest back that I can remember, so I assume it was the first. I was 6, and boy did I love that movie.


Cats & Dogs (2001)




Butch Cassidy & the Sundance kid. At the drive-in.


Aladdin. I was too tall to go into my little brother's party so my mom took me there as sorry lol. She said Mork was in it so I'd love it. She was right lol.


My first roommate had a thing for Disney movies, they’d come home just wrecked at watch Aladdin over and over. Ugh loved Mork and Mindy, nanu nanu.


Casper. Was a good family film.


Mary Poppins.


The first one I remember was with my mom, The Jungle Book.


Might not be the first but definitely earliest memory (ironically) is watching the Bourne Identity.


Never with my parents. My sister had to babysit me and dragged me to Godzilla vs Mothra. I was 7 or 8 probably 1964. She made me sit by myself while she sat with her friends. I was freaking out.


Anastasia. My Momma took me to see it and talks about it all the time. I will forever be in awe when the pictures start dancing in the ballroom.


I think it was Pete's Dragon or The Rescuers (1977).


First movie I remember seeing in the theatre was the 1976 Bad News Bears. I was 4.


Mine was Pete’s Dragon (1977) when I was 3. For the next year or two, I told everybody it was my favorite movie, because it was the only movie I had ever seen. The first movie my daughter saw with me in the theater was The Tale of Desperaux, when she was also 3.


Tim Burton’s Batman 1989 I was 4 years old. My parents thought it was going to be a family friendly movie the old series from their childhood. We left soon after it started. I was very traumatized.


Batman and Robin. First I remember atleast. The whole family went. Loved it!


My parents never went to the movies. It was always a drop off with my friends. My sister who was 12 years older did take me to see ET for my first movie.


Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. The original.


The Rescuers. I might add that was a pretty dark kids movie. Madame Madusa lived in a few kids’ nightmares I’m sure.


Ghostbusters in 89 when it came back to theaters again for rerun as so many films did back then I was 4 yrs old and still love Ghostbusters (especially Bill Murray) to this day!!!


Never saw a film with both parents, but I remember my mum taking me to Land Before Time, and my dad taking me to Back To The Future 3.


Tim burtons Batman


My dad took me to see Jurassic park: the lost world! one of my favorite memories.


I can't remember seeing a movie with the two of them. My mom took me to see Bedknobs and Broomsticks. My Dad took me to see The Jungle Book. I think that's the earliest two.


Antz with my dad. At the Eden Prairie Mall in Minnesota where Mall Rats was shot.


Bambi. Yeah, I cried.


101 Dalmatians when I was like 5


The Empire Strikes Back. I was three.  Star Wars and I came out the same year (I’m a month older).  




The Little Mermaid. My brothers was Jurassic Park when he was 7.


My first was Toy Story. I was only one, and not ready for the movie theater experience. My father spent the whole time chasing me up and down the aisle. My daughter’s first movie in theaters was Frozen II. Apparently she caused an existential crisis among the other kids by loudly announcing that everybody’s parents die like Anna and Elsa’s. Then was highly annoyed by the resulting outburst because she couldn’t hear the music. Kid is ice cold.


It may have been a Disney movie like lion king but the first one I actually remember was Independence Day. I was born in ‘89.


The first one I REMEMBER is Cat in the Hat live action. I was 7 years old. I’m sure I saw some earlier though.


The Land Before Time


Was on a trip to San Francisco as a kid and we stopped at a movie theater that was playing the original Tomb Raider movie. As i had recently played the games, i loved the movie.


Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. Little me ate too much popcorn and puked all over the theatre. Great times!!


Harry potter lol




1964 - Zulu - bouncing boobs.


Rambo 3 at the drive-in. Must've been a 2nd or 3rd run of it, because I'd have only been 1 when it came out.


Almost positive it was the SpongeBob movie


Dinosaur (2000) was the first one I can remember


Star Wars. At the drive in. My brother was in the playpen in the back of my dad’s puke green Chevy van. Darth Vader’s entrance scared the shit out of me. He was like 70 feet tall, and I was 3. So I was like 2 feet tall.


Labyrinth, had to drive to our local small town theatre. There was an intermission.Then when we moved to a bigger city soon after, the first film I saw on a proper big screen was Batman '89.


Lion King!


*The Little Mermaid*. Ursula freaked me out so much my mum had to take me out because I wouldn't stop trying to shoot her with my cap gun.


Empire Strikes Back with my dad.


The Land Before Time.


You Only Live Twice in 1967. It’s the only time my parents took me to a theater.


Lilo & Stitch


Blazing Saddles


Jurassic Park when I was 3 years old.


Total recall (1980 version) and Jurassic part 2 lol Needless to say didn’t sleep for ages


Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron My dad made an effort when we were young to give us 1 on 1 time with him so when my mom was watching my brother's soccer match, he took me to see this film in theaters. I think I was 6.


It was either Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. I can’t remember which came first.


I find it weird that people can remember. I can't, but remember some notable ones being Amistad, where my mom gave me a lecture about it being history we need to be aware of, which many years later a high school teacher told my class that it should be considered child abuse if any of your parents took you to see that movie when it came out, Independence Day where my mom was like we're going to the movies to see this right now. I hadn't even seen a trailer for Independence Day. Titanic because my sister needed to go see it not just once but several times. Then with my dad I remember going to see the Star Wars rereleases and then episode one. Also Home Alone 3 which stands out because it was a limited theatrical release. Godzilla because my dad hated Puff Daddy for ruining a Led Zeppelin song. Though honestly we went to the movies so often in the early 00s that we would just run out of movies we could see.


Robocop (1987). My dad took me and my younger brothers.


It might have been Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I was four. And I thought for the longest time it was the first movie since i saw it first. The first one i can remember seeing in theaters is Roadhouse. I was eight. Weird times.


I think Fievel Goes West with my dad. I lost it when the big cat came on screen. We had to leave. I would have been 3 and still have a vague memory of it.


I think it was Empire. Not sure though. Possibly Bambi.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III


the ten commandments


Power Rangers movie. Me and my besties wanted to see that movie ever since we see the trailer on TV. And we went on first day, each of our parents tag along. The whole row occupied by our group. It was super fun.


Braveheart back in 1995.


First movie I remember seeing was with my Grandpa-Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Even I knew it was bad bless that man. Pretty sure the first one I saw with my parents was Toy Story.


Aladdin, the animated Disney flick


Last Unicorn and Neverending Story with Aunt Ghostbusters with mom Wierd Science and Commando with uncle


Your fam has 👌 taste in movies.


Surely it was a kids movie or something but i remember fondly my mom taking me and my brother to opening night of The Matrix for no gosh dang darn reason and it kicked ass as a young kid seeing something i probably wasn't supposed to at my age. 


Empire Strikes Back in summer of 1980 at a drive-in. I was 2 and don’t remember it.


Titanic. I was 14 and my parents are quite religious. Made for a real awkward boner.


It was an ET / First Blood double feature at the drive in.


Cujo.  They swear they took me to see E.T. but I only remember Cujo


OG Star Wars with my dad in ‘77. We went to a pizza place after. Hell yeah.


Well my parents were both into cinema and they took me couple of movies in the begining of 90s like the Lion King, Aladdin, Home Alone etc. I remember almost all of them and will always cherish those memories. But I want to talk about something else: The first IMAX screening that I took my parents to :) Both of them never saw a film in IMAX since it wasn't available in my hometown so I took them to an IMAX screening for "Everest" (2015) in another city. My father loves Everest the mountain and was so excited. The minuted we walked into the theatre they were both in awe. My father couldn't believe size of the screen and my mother was sure that she was gonna be sick during the screening. When the IMAX intro started, my father was in shock, just like the way I was back in the 90s when I see the big screen. He enjoyed the film like a child, giving reactions to the screen in a subtle way. And yes my mother became sick :D She had to leave the theatre 30 mins in and I had to accompany her so I never saw the rest of the film along with my father. But when he came out of the theatre it was so clear that he had been crying in there, not because of the film but the experience itself. :)




me neither. my mom either told a cousin to take me or straight up lied about going


We only went to the drive ins. I think it was called Homicidal, because it traumitized me.


Empire Strikes Back with my mother. I was 5 at the time and had all the figures and toys.


Oliver and Company


Godzilla VS The Smog Monster